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Conference hips::uk_audioo

Title:You get surface noise in real life too
Notice:Let's be conformist
Created:Thu Jul 28 1988
Last Modified:Mon Jun 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:550
Total number of notes:3847

318.0. "Linn Rekursiv" by SKIWI::EATON (Marketing - the rubber meets the sky) Wed Oct 30 1991 07:17

Well folks, leafing through a old issue of Byte (Nov 1988) and I find an article
singing the praises of a Object Orientated CPU called the Rekursiv put out by

They describe a VME board (called HADES !!). There are 3 main gate arrays; the
ALU (the Numerik !?!?), the stack/sequencer (the LogiK), and te Object memory 
manager (the Objekt). Any prizes for guessing the name of the clock ? Nope,
they spelled it Klok...

Linn were planningthis board as an accelerator for a VAXstation or workstation
from Sun or Apollo.

Interesting huh ? Anyone know what happened to this ?
318.1A boat I'd swap my 'briks for !CRATE::WATSONRik WatsonWed Oct 30 1991 10:3816
318.2CRATE::WATSONRik WatsonWed Oct 30 1991 10:392
    Could someone place change the name of this conference to LINN and
    modify the message accordingly I'm sick of being contraversial :-)
318.3:-)HLFS00::STEENWINKELFM2Wed Oct 30 1991 11:041
318.4TASTY::JEFFERYMy God, It's full of stars!Fri Nov 01 1991 11:137

I never see the announcement, coz I use windows notes.

For the record, the announcement is now "Lets get conformist"
