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Conference kernel::csguk_systems

Notice:No restrictions on keyword creation
Created:Wed Mar 01 1989
Last Modified:Thu Nov 28 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:242
Total number of notes:1855

183.0. "Graphs telling porkies" by KERNEL::WRIGHTON (I'll call you back later, alright !) Mon May 23 1994 12:04

    	With reference to note 181.0 (Group Stats), I had a sneak preview
    	of the graphs last week (late friday evening) before Claire put
    	them on the boards.
    	You may note that the live call handling figure in the stats is
    	63.9%, but on the graphs it is 52% ????? How come ?????
    	Well, here's how it's done..... 
    	Take the total number of calls		>>	1299
    	Remove the AES calls			>>	 470
    	Leaves total of possible live calls     >>       829
    	total live calls handled was		>>	 531
    	expressed as a %			>>	  64%
    	Straight forward yes ?? Now the fiddle factors
    	Take total number of calls		>>	1299
    	Calculate 64% of total			>>	 831 < remember this
    	Generate some new (false totals)		
    	Total live calls	(false)			 831
    	Live calls missed (829-531) (true)	   	 298
    	Total AES calls	   (true)			 470
    	False total					1599
    	Now calculate %'s for the graphs	
    		----	x  100	= 51.9 %   <<< figure on the graphs
    	So, we have lost 12% of the live calls.
    	Bearing this in mind.... this must mean that all the previous
    	months graphs are not representative of the actually call
    	handling as well. If the average amount of live calls "lost"
    	through this calculation is, say, 10% then in march we were 
    	already achieving between 38% and 40% live.
    	Also, which set of figures will used for JP&R purposes ??
	PS: I believe that it is impossible to present the data for 
    	    call handling on a single graph. Two graphs are required, 
    	    one to indicate the REAL live call handling and one with
    	    the following criteria
    	    a) "Calls < 1hr"
    	    b) "Calls between 1 & 3hrs"
    	    c) "Calls > 4hrs
    	    d) "Calls > 24 hrs
183.1Live(?) Call HandlingKERNEL::CLARKSTRUGGLING AGAINST GRAVITY...Tue Jul 19 1994 18:2519
    When is a live call not a "live call"?
    Only in the last few months has it become apparent that there are
    different perceptions of "live call handling".
    	To take a call live, and then shelve it for analysis at a later
    time should not be confused with the process of taking a live call,
    analysing on the fly, and then completing the call in an
    uninterrupted(*) flow.
    	For years, we have striven/strived/strove to achieve the latter
    with diminishing resources, only to discover that nobody was really
    sure what we were aiming at!
    	It would appear that "Live Call Handling" is a CSC goal. I think
    that given the scale of the misconceptions over the last few years,
    it's a good time to define some terms and to re-evaluate expectations.
    	(*)what does "un-interrupted" mean?