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Conference kernel::csguk_systems

Notice:No restrictions on keyword creation
Created:Wed Mar 01 1989
Last Modified:Thu Nov 28 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:242
Total number of notes:1855

72.0. "Life after BOOT...." by KERNEL::SOWTON (Diagnosis does it down the phone..) Fri Sep 15 1989 12:57

Note 141.0            Boot Flow - Use Set width 132 to view           No replies
VOLKS::HARRIGAN                                     509 lines  14-SEP-1989 16:53

From:	TILTS::LIBERTINI    "JOE LIBERTINI, SWA SYSTEMS SUPPORT, 619-268-2727" 13-SEP-1989 19:23:49.57
Subj:	Updated VMB/SYSBOOT/INIT flow (132wide)

                    *      This is a FLOW of the        *
                    *   execution of VMB,SYSBOOT,INIT   * revised 12-sep-89
                    ************************************* jml
              NOTE: This paper was developed as an aid for troubleshooting
                    a failed BOOT process, not to teach the boot process.

     I. Turning on XDELTA for VMB, SYSBOOT and VMS initial BREAKPOINT.

        A. Set the following boot control flags in R5 of the boot file.

           1. Set bit 5 of R5 to "BREAK" in the primary just before testing
              memory and another "BREAK" in the secondary just before 
              locating SYS.EXE (VMB & SYSBOOT)     Use ;P to proceed. 

           2. Set bit 0 of R5 to stop at SYSBOOT > , use CONTINUE to proceed.

           3. Set bit 9 of R5 to HALT boot process before transferring
              control from VMB to SYSBOOT.  Use >>> CONTINUE to proceed.

           4. Set bit 2 and 1 of R5 to stop in VMS at 'initial' BREAKPOINT
              immediately after enabling mapping.  Use ;P to proceed.

              R5 = 00000227 (hex) plus the bits that were set already.

           5. Note: For systems with extremely large memorys, to speed up
                    the boot process, you may want to bypass any memory 
                    testing made by VMB.  To do this, set bit 7 in R5.
                    This will now make  R5 = 000002A7 (hex).
    II. Boottime error message forms.

           1.  %BOOT-xxxxx     - During the execution of VMB.
           2.  %SYSBOOT-xxxxx  - During SYSBOOT.
           3.  %EXECINIT-xxxx  - During INIT module of SYSBOOT.
           4.  %SYSINIT-xxxxx  - During SYSINIT process at S/W Priority level 2.
           5.  Numeric msg #   - After SYSINIT mounts the system disk and before
                                 the system message file is mapped and opened.
           6.  %DCL
               %INSTALL and
               ASCII messages  - This is when VMS is running. Now messages can
                                 be interpreted using the VMS SYSTEM MESSAGES
                                 and RECOVERY Manual.

   III. Flow of VMB from >>> B <cr>.

           1. The hardware or CONSOLE program sets up the next 3 registers
              after a system crash or power failure.

              R10  =  halt PC                                           (GPR A)
              R11  =  halt PSL                                          (GPR B)
              AP   =  halt code                                         (GPR C)
              SP   =  < base_address + ^X200 > of 64kb of good memory.  (GPR E)

           2. When VMB gains control from the boot file, the 1st good 64kb of
              physical memory looks like diagram below.
                     SP-^X200:  +----------------------------------+  
                                |   Restart Parameter Block (RPB)  |
                                |                                  |  
                           SP:  +----------------------------------+
                                | Primary bootstrap program (VMB)  |  
                                |                                  |

                             VV     VV  MM   MM  BBBBB
                              VV   VV   MMMMMMM  BB  BB
                               VV VV    MM M MM  BBBBB
                                VVV     MM   MM  BB  BB
                                 V      MM   MM  BBBBB

              o  Loaded by console
                  - into 2nd page of good memory
                  - arguments supplied in R0-R5 and SP
                  - stack is at bottom of RPB  ( 3 page boottime stack )

              o  Environment
                  - IPL 31
|                 - Boot Interrupt Stack (SP=RPB base plus 200 hex)   ( 3 pages deep )
                  - Memory Management disabled
                  - Kernel mode

              o   Error messages in the form:   %BOOT-xxxxx
              o   Build prototype SCB, located after VMB
              o   Determine CPU type using SID
                                                                                  %BOOT-F-Unknown processor  ***********************
           ==>*   BREAKPOINT if bit 5 of R5 is set  ( Use ;P to proceed )
              o   Fill in the RPB with bootstrap input regs, boot device CSR
                  (R1) and bus config reg (R2).
                                                                                  %BOOT-F-Unknown processor  ***********************
              o   Size and test main memory, builds PFN BITMAP  ( bypasses
                  memory testing if R5 bit 7 is set)
                                                                                 %BOOT-F-Failed to allocate PFN bitmap  ************
                                                                                 %BOOT-W-Ten percent or more of main memory is bad *
              o   Determine controller type at each NEXUS on 1178X and 11750
                  and fill in RPB$B_CONFIGREG  ( 4 LW's max, nexus map)  
              o   Checks for CI adapter and load CI uCode if found
                                                                                %BOOT-F-No such device  ****************************
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Insufficient memory for CI *****************
                  - for 1178X and 11750 test RPB$B_CONFIGREG for existence of CI
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Base CPU not at proper rev level for CI ****
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Unable to locate uCode file ****************
                  - if CPU is a 11750 load PCS first
                  - for 86XX's check each ABUS slot for an SBI, then check each SBI for a CI
                  - for 82/83XX check each BI nexus for a CI
                  - for 8NNN check each NBIA for NBIB's, then check each BI bus for the existence of a CI
                  - for 62XX check each I/O adapter channel for CI

              o   Determine bootstrap driver, relocate driver
              o   Initialize adapter containing bootstrap device
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Unibus memory does not start at 0 (86xx,8SS)
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Too much Unibus memory (750,730) ***********
                                                                                %BOOT-F-<all ADAPTER INITIALIZE errors happen here> 
                                                                                %BOOT-Failed to initialize device   ** Check boot 
                                                                                      file contents or boot device **
              o   Locate SYSBOOT.EXE
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Unknown processor  *************************
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Unable to read console volumn  *************
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Unable to locate BOOT file  ****************
                                                                                %BOOT-F-Bootfile not contiguous  *******************
              o   Move SCB and PFN BITMAP
              o   Load SYSBOOT using bootstrap driver over-laying much of VMB
           ==>*   HALT if bit 9 in R5 is set   ( >>> CONTINUE  to proceed )
                                                                               %BOOT-F-Unable to load boot file due to memory errors
                                                                               %BOOT-F-Nonexistent drive ***************************
                                                                               %BOOT-F-I/O error reading boot file  ****************
                                                                               %BOOT-F-NETFAIL Network boot failed  ****************
              o   Pass control to SYSBOOT with
                  - RPB set up
                  - PFN BITMAP built
                  - Argument list to SYSBOOT built

                         Physical Memory Layout after VMB
                     +------------------------------------+ :BASE
                     |    Restart Parameter Block  (RPB)  |
                     +------------------------------------+ :BASE +^X200
                     |    Primary Bootstrap Code   (VMB)  |
                     |  (up to the end of drivers only)   |
                     +------------------------------------+ :PR$_SCBB
                     |      System Control Block   (SCB)  |
                     |                                    |
                     +------------------------------------+ :PFNMAP
                     |          Small PFN Bitmap          |
                     |                                    |
                     +------------------------------------+ :PFNMAP+X
                     |          Bootstrap STACK           | X=^X200/400/600/800
                     |            ( 3 pages )             | as determined by VMB
                     |                                    |
                     +------------------------------------+ :(SP)
                     |        Secondary Boot Code         |
                     |           ( SYSBOOT )              |

               SSS    YY   YY    SSS   BBBBB     OO      OO    TTTTTT
             SS        YY YY   SS      BB  BB  OO  OO  OO  OO    TT
              SSSS      YYY     SSSS   BBBBB   OO  OO  OO  OO    TT
                 SS     YY         SS  BB  BB  OO  OO  OO  OO    TT
              SSSS      YY      SSSS   BBBBB     OO      OO      TT

              o   Secondary Bootstrap for VMS
              o   Primary function is to prepare virtual memory environment for VMS
              o   Loaded by VMB
                  - from the SYSTEM device  ( using the bootstrap driver )
                  - above VMB, prototype SCB, PFN BITMAP and the STACK

              o   Environment
|                 - Boot Interrupt Stack (SP = RPB base plus 200 hex) until INIT module turns on MMGT then
|                   switches to system-wide interrupt stack.
                  - IPL 31
                  - memory management is disabled
                  - KERNEL mode
                  - info from VMB is R10 (PC), R11 (PSL), SP, the RPB and VMB argument list
              o   Error messages in the form: %SYSBOOT-xxxxxx
              o   Reinitialize prototype SCB
              o   Check validity of CPU type, BUGCHECK if unknown processor
                  ( this is done by reading the SID with MFPR #PR$_SID,R0  )
                  V5.n SYSBOOT doesn't BUGCHECK, it outputs message
                                                                                 %SYSBOOT-F-Unknown Processor> then HALTS. *********
              o   If uVAX based system, check for special console (QVSS)
              o   If uVAX II, re-init boot device
           ==>*   BREAKPOINT if R5 bit 5 is set.  ( ;P to proceed )  
              o   Copy/process any arguments from VMB
              o   Check for minimum processor versions
                  - VAX 1178x  - FPLA, WCS and PCS uCode
                  - VAX 11750  - Hardware REV and uCode (from L0008-YA or PCS750
                  - VAX 11730  - Hardware REV and uCode
                  - VAX 8600   - uCode Version
                  - uVAX I     - uCode Version
                  - uVAX II    - Hardware REV
                                                                             %SYSBOOT-F-Invalid console ID then HALT  **************
                  - uVAX 34/3600
                                                                             %SYSBOOT-F-Microcode revision too low to boot  ********
                                                                             %SYSBOOT-W-System ROM Version less than min req for VMS
                  - QVSS
                                                                             %SYSBOOT-F-Unsupported Graphics Controller ************
                                                                      ==>    HALT!  Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.
                  - 8SS        - Hardware REV, uCode, uCode patch level
                  - 8NN        - Hardware REV, uCode, Console REV
                  - 8PS        - Hardware REV, uCode, Console REV
                  - 9CC        - Hardware REV, uCode, Console REV
              o   Locate SYS.EXE (exec), size WCB, place retrieval pointers in Boot Control Block
                                                                            %SYSBOOT-F-Unable to locate SYS.EXE  *******************
                                                                     ==>    HALT!  Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.
                                                                            %SYSBOOT-F-Unable to locate Storage BIT-MAP File *******
                                                                     ==>    HALT!  Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.        
              o   Read sysboot parameters from VAXVMSSYS.PAR
           ==>*   Enter conversational boot mode if R5 bit 0 is set. SYSBOOT >  
                  at SYSBOOT > prompt type CONTINUE, to proceed. 
              o   Open and map SYSDUMP.DMP, if no dump file, use PAGEFILE.SYS
                                                                            %SYSBOOT-W-DMPFRG SYSDUMP.DMP is too fragmented ********
              o   Calculate non-paged pool needed for the bootstrap system
                  driver, the Boot Control Block, any necessary uCode and
                  the FIL$OPENFILE cache
              o   Determine device type, driver name and size for the system disk
              o   Determine which loadable code needed and map the image files
                  - SYSLOAxxx.EXE
                  - PSUEDOLOA.EXE
                  - ERAPAT.EXE
                  - CHKPRT.EXE
                  - MTACCESS.EXE
                  - SCSLOA.EXE       if VAXcluster = 1
                  - CLUSTERLOA.EXE   if VAXcluster = 1

              o   Check for TBCHK register
              o   Check for instructions that need to be emulated in software
                  - uses OPCDEC location to test opcodes

              o   Modify PFN BITMAP to reflect PHYSICALPAGES sysboot parameter
                                                                      %SYSBOOT-F-PFN Bitmap conflict- Physical Pagecount set too low
                                                              ==>     HALT !  Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.     ********************
              o   Compute WSL size for SHELL from sysboot params, adj as needed
                                                                              %SYSBOOT-W-Maximum WS raised to PHD+MINWSCNT *********
                                                                              %SYSBOOT-W-WS default and quota raised to PHD+MINWSCNT
              o   Compute required SPT size for lookaside lists (SRP)
              o   Size the SCB
              o   Allocate and initialize the system header, the VMS SCB and SPT
                                                                                %SYSBOOT-F-Unable to Allocate SPT+PHD+SCB **********
                                                                        ==>     HALT !  Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.
                                                                                %SYSBOOT-F-PFN Allocation overwrites CI uCode ******
              o   Initialize the SPT entries for      ( SPTE's)
                  - SCB
                  - system header
                  - SPT
                  - global page table (GPT)
                                                                               %SYSBOOT-F-PAGEABLE System Space exceeds 512MB ******
                                                                     ==>       HALT !    Type >>> CONTINUE to proceed.     
                  - INTERRUPT STACK
                  - non-paged pool
                  - lookaside lists  (SRP's, IRP's and LRP's allocated )

              o   Reserve non-paged pool for
                  - bootstrap driver for system disk and associated uCode   
                                                                             %SYSBOOT-F-Unable to allocate PTE's for Boot Driver ***
                  - system disk driver
                  - port driver if required
                  - terminal driver (TTDRIVER.EXE)
                  - any other loadable code which is required
                  - check multi-processing mode, uniprocessing or SMP.
                  - FIL$OPENFILE cache

              o   Map resident EXEC, XDELTA, INIT and BUGCHECK code (now you can take a dump)
              o   Allocate and map PFN database
              o   Map the RPB  (now you can warm restart)
              o   Use bootstrap driver to load SYS.EXE and loadable code into non-paged pool
              o   Copy the boot control block, bootstrap driver, associated uCode and FIL$OPENFILE cache into non-paged pool
              o   Copy own copy of sysboot parameters into EXEC
              o   Set up memory management registers (P0BR,P0LR etc)
              o   JUMP to INIT module in the EXEC image

                    IIII     NNN   NN    IIII   TTTTTT
                     II      NN N  NN     II      TT
                     II      NN  N NN     II      TT
                     II      NN   NNN     II      TT
                    IIII     NN    NN    IIII     TT

              o   Loaded by SYSBOOT as part of SYS$SYSTEM:SYSEXE
              o   Initial Environment
|                 - on the INTERRUPT STACK (boottime stack) initially, then switches to real INTERRUPT STACK.
                  - IPL 31
|                 - Memory Management disabled initially,  gets turned on in this module.
                  - info from SYSBOOT and VMB in registers, the RPB and Boot Control block
                  - P0BR and P0LR get set up 
                  - SBR and SLR get set up

              o   Error messages in the form:  %EXECINIT-xxxxx
              o   Turn on Memory Management 
                  - SYS.EXE is linked based at ^x80000000  (S0 space)
                  - P0BR and P0LR have been set up so EXE$INIT is mapped with
                    the P0 virtual page number equal to the physical page number

                EXE$INIT::                          ; INIT START
                         MTPR    #1,S^#PR$_MAPEN    ; Enable mapping
                         JMP     @#10$              ; and set PC in SYSTEM SPACE
                10$:     MOVL    EXE$GL_INTSTK,SP   ; Set to use Interrupt Stack

|             o   Switch to the Interrupt Stack (the real SYSTEM-WIDE INTERRUPT STACK)
              o   Establish the VMS SCB
              o   If XDELTA is not to be kept, mark pages free
              o   Connect loadable SYSLOAxxx routines for Console I/O
         ====>*   ANNOUNCE VAX/VMS
              o   Initialize nonpaged pool listhead
           ==>*   BREAKPOINT if R5 bit 2 is set.  Use ;P to proceed.
              o   Initialize modified pagewriter parameters
              o   Build system header section table entry for pageable system image
              o   Fill in additional fields in RPB 
              o   Place all unused pages in PFN MAP on the FREE list
              o   Initialize SPT for paged pool
              o   Initialize IRP, SRP and LRP lookaside lists
              o   Build local system SYSTEM BLOCK
              o   Connect remainder of loadable code (SYSLOAxxx plus others)
              o   SYSLOAxxx contains CPU specific adapter initialization code
|             o   Call loaded routines to map I/O space and INITIALIZE ADAPTERS.         NOTE:    If an adapter is bad,
|                                                                                                 the boot process may HANG here.
|                                                                                                 If in a cluster, cluster behavior
|                                                                                                 may be affected.
              o   Start SCSLOA and CLUSTRLOA if loaded
              o   Initialize REAL TIME SPT's for connect to interrupt driver
              o   Initialize LOCK MANAGER data structures
              o   Initialize SCHEDULER and SWAPPER data structures
              o   Call SCH$CHSE to make SWAPPER and NULL computable
              o   Construct WCB for the system image
              o   Create logical names for SYS$DISK and SYS$SYSDEVICE
              o   Initialize TTDRIVER for OPA0:
              o   Establish data structures for the system disk (port/class) driver
              o   Initialize drivers linked into the system image and system device driver
                  - link driver prologue tables into IOC$GL_DPTLIST
                  - initialize data structures using PDTs
                  - call controller and unit Init routines

              o   Modify SPT to make system code readonly
              o   Initialize Processor registers
              o   Validate SYSTEM working set size, modify sysboot parameters if necessary
              o   Send message to the console to clear bootstrap/restart in progress flag
              o   Copy piece on INIT to nonpaged pool and transfer control to it
              o   Release pages occupied by INIT to the FREE page list
              o   Jump to SCH$SCHED in preparation to use once-only Swapper code

                  *                         *
                  *       EXE$SWAPINIT      *    ( in V5 = SWAPPER_INIT.LIS )
                  *                         *

              o   Once-only SWAPPER code  ( very first process to run PL=16)
              o   Initialize PAGED POOL listhead
              o   Allocate logical name hash table
              o   Create logical names table
                  - LNM$DIRECTORIES
                  - LNM$FILE_DEV
                  - LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX
                  - LNM$TEMPORARY_MAILBOX
                  - SYS$DISK
                  - SYS$SYSDEVICE
                  - TRNLOG$_GROUP_SYSTEM
                  - TRNLOG$_PROCESS_GROUP
                  - TRNLOG$_PROCESS_GROUP_SYSTEM
                  - LNM$GROUP
                  - LNM$JOB
                  - LNM$PROCESS
                  - LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY
                  - LNM$SYSTEM
                  - LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY
                  - LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE
                  - LOG$GROUP
                  - LOG$PROCESS
                  - LOG$SYSTEM

              o   Create process SYSINIT               
                  - image is SYSINIT.EXE
                  - UIC [10,40]
                  - SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, SYS$ERR assigned to OPA0:
                  - base priority of 2
                  - status flags set for resource wait and no accounting

              o   Constraints
                  - SYSINIT must be in SYS$SYSTEM:
                  - no I/O errors when activating the image

              o   Jumps to SWAPPER main loop and ends with a simulated $HIBER

               SSS    YY   YY    SSS     IIII     NNN   NN    IIII   TTTTTT
             SS        YY YY   SS         II      NN N  NN     II      TT
              SSSS      YYY     SSSS      II      NN  N NN     II      TT
                 SS     YY         SS     II      NN   NNN     II      TT
              SSSS      YY      SSSS     IIII     NN    NN    IIII     TT

              o   Environment
                  - process with all privileges
                  - user mode with kernel mode routines

              o   Error messages in the form:     %SYSINIT-xxxxxx
              o   Take out system lock on SYSTEM ID
              o   Call internal entry point in $SETTIME to set time without updating disk
              o   Check for VAXcluster participation
                  - if true 
                           - create a standalone configure process
                           - set flages to attempt to form or join cluster
                           - if there is a QUORUM DISK, attempt to open quorum.dat file
                           - if all OK, cluster transition will take place
                           - locking enabled during cluster transition
                           - take out a lock on the system disk name
                           - adjust system time to correspond to clusterwide time

                  - if not true, enable unrestricted locking and continue

              o   If system disk is to be shadow set member, create shadow set
              o   Create logical names SYS$COMMON, SYS$SYSROOT, SYS$MESSAGE, SYS$SHARE, SYS$SYSTEM;
                  retranslate SYS$SYSDEVICE; if necessary create logical name for SYSUAF equal to SYSUAFALT
              o   Open PAGEFILE.SYS (if not opened by SYSBOOT), SWAPFILE.SYS and RMS.EXE
              o   Perform various functions in KERNEL mode
                  - initialize the page and swap files
                  - create WCB for the page and swap files
                  - allocate pagefile bitmap and control block
                  - fill in relevant data structures
                  - map RMS.EXE into allocatable system address space @MMG$GL_RMSBASE
                  - recover unlogged error log entries from the dump file ( V4 vbns 2 & 3 || V5 upto 16              

              o   Merge XQP into SYSINIT process
              o   MOUNT the SYSTEM DISK         NOTE:  System messages now take a numeric form until SYSMSG.EXE runs
              o   Issue $SETTIME to store system time and SYSGEN parameters on disk
              o   Deallocate FIL$OPENFILE cache   
              o   Create logical name SYS$TOPSYS
              o   Create global section for the XQP
              o   Open and Map system message file SYS$MESSAGE:SYSMSG.EXE
              o   Create the STARTUP process    Note: messages in %DCL form
                  - image is LOGINOUT.EXE
                  - input is SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM by default, set up with SYSGEN

                  *                             *
                  *         STARTUP             *
                  *                             *
                  *         COMMAND             *
                  *                             *
                  *        PROCEDURE            *
                  *                             *

              o   Runs is process created by SYSINIT   
              o   FIRST process with full process context
              o   Creates system-wide logical names
                  - SYS$SPECIFIC
                  - SYS$SYSDISK
                  - SYS$ERRORLOG
                  - SYS$EXAMPLES
                  - SYS$HELP
                  - SYS$INSTRUCTION
                  - SYS$LIBRARY
                  - SYS$MAINTENANCE
                  - SYS$MANAGER
                  - SYS$UPDATE
                  - SYS$TEST

              o   INSTALLs images for sharing or requiring privileges using SYS$MANAGER:VMSIMAGES.COM & VMSIMAGES.DAT.
              o   Creates system processes from SYS$SYSTEM images
                            IMAGE NAME                     PROCESS NAME
                            ERRFMT.EXE                     ERRFMT  (error logger)
                            FILESERV.EXE                   CACHE_SERVER  (clusters only)
                            CSP.EXE                        CLUSTER_SERVER (clusters only)
                            OPCOM.EXE                      OPCOM  (operator communication)
                            JOBCTL.EXE                     JOB_CONTROL   (the job controller)

              o   AUTOCONFIGUREs the I/O Database
              o   Installs SYS$SYSTEM:SWAPFILE1.SYS if it exists
              o   Invokes the site-specific startup procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM in not minimum boot
              o   Enables interactive logins

              Can login to system now

              NOTE:  There is still one more BREAKPOINT waiting to be encountered.  Upon orderly system shutdown
                     there will be a BREAK just before the execution of OPCCRASH.EXE

Joe TILTS::Libertini
SWA Systems Support
San Diego, CA

72.1Here's how "The Other" Operating system does it.COMICS::TREVENNORA child of initMon Sep 18 1989 16:55327

                       Ultrix-32 bootstrap description.


     This article details the major steps which are taken to boot Ultrix-32
    on a system with local disks. This includes the initial load through to
    the point where control is transferred to the Ultrix-32 Kernel image
    which has been loaded. Systems which boot over a network use a sequence
    which differs from the one described here. 
    Ultrix-32 boot path software.
      Prior to V2.0 the boot path of Ultrix-32 was very complex consisting of
    many programs, with the exact path taken and the sequence of invocation
    being heavily hardware configuration dependent. In version 2 of
    Ultrix-32 the boot path was simplified and now consists of three major
    programs. These are: 
    1) /vmb.exe
    2) /vaxboot
    3) /ultrixboot
    Additionally, Logical Block Number (LBN) zero of all Ultrix-32 system 
    disks contains a small program which is used at boot time to load 
    /vaxboot from LBN's 1-15.
    Boot sequence.
     The first event in an Ultrix-32 bootstrap sequence is that the operator
    types a bootstrap command at the console. This command is dependent on
    the VAX type (see processor handbook for your particular type of
    machine). The default effect of all boot commands is to invoke the
    VMB.EXE program. On devices having a console storage device (eg RX01 -
    RL02 etc) the boot command will invoke a bootstrap command file. On
    some VAXes - principally the 11/750 and 82xx machines - the booting
    software is contained in ROM. On MicroVAX machines VMB.EXE is contained
    in the ROM - but is copied into memory for execution. 
     Whatever the method used - command file or ROM resident firmware - the
    first action in the bootstrap sequence is to load the vmb.exe program
    into memory and transfer control to it. VMB.EXE is the same program as
    that used by VMS. Full details of the functionality of VMB.EXE are to
    be found in the book "VMS Internals And Data Structures" By Kenah,
    Bate, and Goldenburg (Digital Press). The major functions performed by
    VMB.EXE are: 
    1) Size the memory - build a bitmap describing the memory.
    2) Perform tests to ensure that all memory found is functional.
    3) Build a Restart Parameter Block (RPB) in which are saved VMB's
       inputs as well as details of the boot device, and descriptors
       of the minimal bootstrap device driver which will be used. 
    4) Build an information list about the system. This list contains           
       information about the hardware environment is used later in 
       the boot sequence, as well as the version number of VMB. 
    5) Provide a minimal device driver for each supported boot device
       type (ie a "load a block" routine).
    The default behaviour of VMB is to assume that it is booting from a
    disk which contains an ODS2 file structure. Ultrix-32 disks do not have an
    ODS2 structure on them, but VMB also allows the user to load a specific
    LBN at boot time. If bit 3 of R5 is set (for example, by issuing a
    >>>B/8 command) then VMB will load the contents of an LBN whose number 
    is specified in R4. Thus, to boot Ultrix-32, R5 should always have bit
    3 set and R4 should always contain zero.
     Once VMB has run it loads the bootblock, and transfers control
    to it. 
         When performing a default boot on MicroVAX machines (ie R5=0) the
         ROM based VMB has some extra routines which decide whether the
         disk has a ODS2 file structure or not. If the disk is not ODS2
         structured then the bootstrap proceeds as though bit 3 in R5 had
         been set and R4 contains zero. Because of this feature a simple
         >>>B will boot Ultrix-32 on MicroVAX machines. 
    Bootblock code:
    In cases where the bootblock is loaded from disk by ROM (usually on a
    VAX 11/750 or a 8200 series machine) a flag is set to indicate that VMB
    has not yet run. We shall shortly see how this is used during the next
    stage of the boot sequence. The bootblock code simply loads LBN's
    1-15 of the disk which contain the vaxboot program into memory starting
    at address x10000 (ie 64K+1) 
       The vaxboot program can understand the file structure on an 
    Ultrix-32 disk, and can thus find and load any file from it.  The vaxboot
    program's first action is to see if VMB has run. If not then vaxboot
    loads /vmb.exe from the disk and transfers control to it. (VMB has to
    be run to size and test memory - as previously discussed). In all other
    cases vaxboot loads the /ultrixboot program into memory at address
    zero. Once it has been loaded, control passes to Ultrixboot. 
       If a problem occurs during the attempt to load Ultrixboot then the 
    boot process begins again. This will manifest itself as continuous
    disk activity, and on a microvax the message "Sys Restart" will be
    output repeatedly. If you halt the processor at this stage and examine 
    the Program Counter (PC) it will probably contain a value between zero 
    and x3000 - although this may vary in future releases of Ultrix-32. 
     The first thing that the Ultrixboot program does is print out its 
    version number, it then finds (in the information block which was 
    built by VMB) and prints out the version number of VMB:
    	      Ultrixboot  (using VMB version xx)
    Then, Ultrixboot checks the results left by VMB.EXE to see if any 
    pages of memory were found to be bad. If any were bad then the message, 
    "WARNING: A total of n bytes were found of which x are contiguous.
    Ultrix will only use the contiguous memory." is issued, but the boot 
    sequence continues. This meesage indicates a hole in memory was
    found by VMB. 
      Next, Ultrixboot checks to see if the boot-time contents of R5 (saved 
    in the VMB info block) had bit zero set. If not, then the default kernel 
    is booted. If bit zero in R5 was set, then Ultrixboot issues the
    Enter image name:
    and you should enter the full pathname of the kernel image you wish to 
    be booted.
      At this point the selected (or default) kernel image is only opened 
    - not yet loaded. 
    Next, Ultrixboot checks to see if the machine being booted is a VAX
    11/750. It is important that the PCS (Programmable Control Store) on
    VAX 11/750 machines is loaded at each boot with the latest revision of
    PCS microcode available. If the machine is not an 11/750, then the next step
    is skipped. 
      On a VAX 11/750 the current microcode revision level is checked and if 
    it is found to be less than rev (decimal) 96 then Ultrixboot issues
    the message "Updating 11/750 microcode..." and proceeds to have
    one try at loading the PCS microcode from the file:
    If loading the PCS file succeeds, then no message is issued. If it fails, 
    then a message, "Load pcs750 failed: Error reading (a)pcs750.bin" is
    output - but in either case the bootstrap continues.  
      Ultrixboot searches the disk to determine if the specified (or default)
    kernel image exists. If the image is not found then a message is output
    to say so. 
      If the image to be booted exists then Ultrixboot sets IPL 
    (Interrupt Priority Level) to 31, and builds a System Control Block for 
    the system. This provides dummy interrupt vectors, such that when IPL 
    is lowered later on any pending interrupts can be caught and trapped. 
      Ultrixboot now relocates itself to address %x1D0000, and then the 
    selected kernel file is loaded into memory at address zero. Notice that 
    this imposes a limit on the size limit on the kernel image of about 1.9 
    megabytes - not a problem at the moment when a typical kernel is 600 K 
      Finally Ultrixboot obtains (from the header of the loaded image) the 
    text, data and bss sizes and prints them out on the console device - 
    and then transfers control to the kernel image at the entry address 
    specified in the image header, and with IPL still set at 31. The kernel 
    now takes over and begins initialising its data structures and the 
    hardware. For an overview of the initialisation beyond this point 
    please refer to the system managers guides for Ultrix - and to the 
    Ultrix System Maintenance Advisory.  
        Alan Trevennor.
        UK CSC Ultrix support.
                     +| Start |+
       |  Using either a boot ROM or VMB.EXE |
       | loaded from console storage device, |
       | load and run the bootblock code from|
       | LBN 0 of system disk. (Set flag     |
       | ROM_BOOT if it was loaded from ROM).|
    |                     |
    |  +------------------+------------------+
    |  | Bootblock code loads LBN 1-15 which |
    |  | contain the 'vaxboot' program.      |
    |  +------------------+------------------+
    |                     |
    |  +------------------+------------------+
    |  |  Was the bootblock loaded by a ROM? |
    |  +---------+-------------------+-------+  
    |            | Yes               | No
    |  +---------+---------------+   |
    |  | VMB.EXE has not yet run.|   |
    |  | It MUST run to size and |   |
    |  | test the memory, and    |   |
    |  | build the VMB_info list.|   |
    |  | Load VMB from the root  |   |
    |  | area of the booted disk.|   |
    |  | VMB runs, and reloads   |   |
    |  | the bootblock, which    |   |
    |  | starts to run again.    |   |
    |  +---------+---------------+   |
    |            |                   |
    +------------+        +----------+
       | At the top of physical memory VMB   |
       | built an info list for use by the   |
       | rest of the boot modules and kernel |
       |  Vaxboot relocates itself to 10000  |
       | Load  /ultrixboot  into memory at   |
       | memory address zero. Ultrixboot runs|
       |  Print Ultrixboot and VMB versions  |


       +------------------+------------------+  No
       | Did the user set bit 0 of R5 in the +->----+
       | boot command?                       |      |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          | Yes                     |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
       |  Ask for name of image file to boot |      |
       +------------------+------------------+      v
                          |                         |
       +------------------+------------------+  No  |
       |  Does specified file exist on disk? +->----|---->------+
       +------------------+------------------+      |           |
                          | Yes                     |           |
                          +--------<----------------+           |
                          |                                     |
                          |                         +-----------+------------+
                          |                         |Say file does not exist.|
                          |                         | Halt.                  |
                          |                         +------------------------+
       | Set IPL-31. Build a System Control  |
       | Block (SCB). Check results of VMB's |
       | memory test.                        |
       +------------------+------------------+ No
       | Were any bad pages of memory found? +->----+ 
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          | Yes                     |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
       | Issue a  warning message on console |      |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          |                         |
       +------------------+------------------+ No
       |    Is this a VAX 11/750 machine?    +->----+
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          | Yes                     |         
       +------------------+------------------+ No   |
       |  Is the microcode rev level < 96?   +->----+
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          | Yes                     |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
       | Load contents of file /pcs750.bin   |      |
       | into the PCS memory                 |      |
       +------------------+------------------+      |
                          |                         |
       | Ultrixboot relocates to memory      |
       | address x1D0000. The kernel file    |
       | (Usually /vmunix) is loaded at      |
       | address zero.                       |
       | Obtain from imageheader of loaded   |
       | kernel file: Text, Data and bss     |
       | sizes and print them out at console.|
       | Transfer control to loaded kernel   |
       | at the address specified in header. |
       |  Proceed into kernel initialisation |
                      |  End  |

72.2Boot Chart/Force CrashesKERNEL::ODONNELLRMon Jan 07 1991 17:431192
    		<Set screen width 132>
    		New Boot chart/Force crashes
|                                                                              |
|                           B O O T  C H A R T  V 3.2                          |
|                                                                              |

|                                                                              |
|   M i c r o V a x                                                            |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|        MicroVAX 2000			TEAMMATE                               |
|                                                                              |
|        MicroVAX 3100/VAXstation 3100	TEAMMATE II                            |
|                                                                              |
|        VAXstation II/GPX		CAYLITH                                |
|                                                                              |
|        MicroVAX 3500/3600		MAYFAIR (I)                            |
|                                                                              |
|        VAXstation 3200/3500		MAYFAIR GPX                            |
|                                                                              |
|        MicroVAX 3300/3400		MAYFAIR II                             |
|                                                                              |
|        MicroVAX 3800/3900  		MAYPAIR III                            |
|                                                                              |
|        VAXstation 3100		PVAX                                   |
|                                                                              |
|        VAXstation 3520/3540		FIREFOX                                |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 4000    		        PELE                                   |
|                                                                              |
|        VAXft 3000-310     		CIRRUS                                 |
|                                                                              |


|        |    Boot System     |  Boot File Being  |    Conversational Boot    | Switch Console/VMS | CPU Modes | VMB.EXE Loaded  |
|        |                    |  Used             |                           |                    |           | From:           |
| UVAX-II|  >>>B     (Note CC)|                   |  >>>B/nxxxxxx1            |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |  >>>CONT           |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |     OR    |  PROM           |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>> B device      |                   |                           |                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 2000   |  >>>B     (Note Q) |                   |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |  >>>B device       |                   |                           |  >>>CONT           |           |  PROM           |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        |  >>>TEST 51        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |           (Note P) |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3200/  |  >>>B     (Note J) |                   |  >>>B/nxxxxxx1            |                    |  Console  |                 |
| 3500/  |  >>>B device       |                   |                           |  >>>CONT           |           |  PROM           |
| 3600   |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        |  >>>SET BOOT dev   |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |           (Note J) |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3100   |  >>>B     (Note R) |                   |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         | >>>CONT            |  Console  |  PROM           |
| (PVAX) |  >>>B device       |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        |  >>>SET BOOT dev   |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |           (Note R) |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3300/  | >>>B      (Note S) |                   |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         | >>>CONT            |  Console  |  PROM           |
| 3400   | >>>B device        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        | >>>SET BOOT dev    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |           (Note S) |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3520/  | CPUxx>>>B  (Note U)|                   | CPUxx>>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1     | CPUxx>>>CONT       |  Console  |  PROM           |
| 3540   | CPUxx>>>B device[:]|                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        |CPUxx>>>SET BOOT dev|                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |          (Note V)  |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3800   | >>>B     (Note W)  |                   |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         | >>>CONT            |  Console  |  PROM           |
|        | >>>B device        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        | >>>SET BOOT dev    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3900   | >>>B    (Note X)   |                   |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         | >>>CONT            |  Console  |  PROM           |
|        | >>>B device        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        | >>>SET BOOT dev    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 4000   | >>>B    (Note Y)   |                   | >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1          | >>>CONT            |  Console  |  PROM           |
|        | >>>B device        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |                           |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        | >>>SET BOOT dev    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |   VMS     |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 3000-  | >>>B              (Note AA)            | >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1          | >>>PIO             |  Console  |  PROM           |
|    310 | >>>B 'name'                            |                           |--------------------|           |                 |
| (VAXft)| >>>B ddcn, ddcn, ddcn, ddcn            |                           | >>>SET T P         |   AND     |It is a special  |
|        |        dd - Device type, MI, DI, EP    |                           |                    |           |VMB not found in |
|        |         c - Ctrl letter:  A, B, F or G |                           |                    |   VMS     |VMS sources.     |
|        |         n - Unit number                |                           |                    |           |                 |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2                   

MicroVAX                                                  BOOT S/A BACKUP
|        |      DISK              |               CONSOLE                                                                        |
|UVAX-II | >>>B/E0000000 (Note CC)| >>>B/20000 MUA0 (TK50)                                                                       |
|        |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | >>>B device            | >>>B MUA0 (starting V4.5) (Note B)                                                           |
|        |                        |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |                        | >>>B DUA1 (floppy)                                                                           |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|2000    | >>>B/R5:E0000000       | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
|        |                        |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |------------------------| >>>B DUA2 (floppy)                                                                           |
|        | >>>B device            |                                                                                              |
|        |               (Note Q) |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|3200/   | >>>B/E0000000          | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
|3500/   |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|3600    | >>>B device            |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3100   | >>>B device            | >>>B MKA500                                                                                  |
| (PVAX) |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        | >>>B/R5:E0000000 [dev] |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3300/  | >>>B device            | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
| 3400   |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        |>>>B/[R5:]E0000000 [dev]|                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3520/  | CPUxx>>>B device[:]    | CPUxx>>>B MUA0[:]                                                                            |
| 3540   |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        | CPUxx>>>B/R5:E0000000  |                                                                                              |
|        |                  [dev] |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3800   | >>>B device            | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        |>>>B/[R5:]E0000000 [dev]|                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3900   | >>>B device            | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        |>>>B/[R5:]E0000000 [dev]|                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 4000   | >>>B device            | >>>B MUA0                                                                                    |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        | >>>B/R5:E0000000 [dev] |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 3000-  | >>>B device   (Note AA)| >>>B MIcn                                                                                    |
|    310 |------------------------|           c - A, B, F or G                                                                   |
| (VAXft)| >>>B/R5:E0000000 [dev] |           n - Usually 5 or 7                                                                 |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |      |           |  Second      |            |  Second      |              | Second   |         |  Second   |         |
|        |      | Massbus   |  Massbus     |  RL01/2    |  RL01/2      |   RL06/7     | RK06/7   |   RA*   |  RA*      |   CI    |
| No console media or register settings for these processors.                                                                    |
| Any default settings to boot the CPU can be done at the console level.  On each processor there are comments on how to         |
| set these defaults.                                                                                                            |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        COMMENTS                                                                       |
|UVAX-II |  Note B:                                                                                                              |
|        |   According to Release Notes V4.5, SYSBOOT has changed, and it is no longer necessary to boot from TK50 with          |
|        |   >>>B/20000.                                                                                                         |
|        |  Note CC:                                                                                                             |
|        |   By default the cpu will do a 'sniffer' boot, i.e. it will try to boot from any bootable device in the following     |
|        |  order: DUA0,..., DUB0,...(removable then fixed diskS), MUA0 (TK50), MRV11 (special PROM board), XQA0 (DEQNA)         |
| 2000   | Note P:                                                                                                               |
|        |  We can force the 2000 to boot by default from any device using the >>>TEST 51 option at the console prompt. This     |
|        |  device will be used ONLY at power-up. With the >>>BOOT command it will do a 'sniffer' boot.                          |
|        | Note Q:                                                                                                               |
|        | Names of 'device' are: DUA2,DUA0,DUA1,MUA0,ESA0. This is also the order the 'sniffer' boot will look for a boot device|
|        | >>>TEST 52   will allow to set/change new default values for R5.                                                      |
| 3200/  | Note J:                                                                                                               |
| 3500/  |  By defualt the cpu will do a 'sniffer' boot, i.e. it will try to boot from any bootable device, for bootable disk    |
| 3600   |  numbers they have to be in the range 0 - 15.                                                                         |
|        |  We can force the cpu to boot directly from a device by typing >>>SET BOOT dev. 'dev' will be used ONLY at power-up,  |
|        |  >>>BOOT will still do a sniffer boot.  This is the behavior of VMB code used in V1.2 roms on the KA650 cpu module.   |
|        |  >>>SET BFLG hex#  will define the default value for R5.                                                              |
| 3100   | Note R:                                                                                                               |
| (PVAX) |  The default factory boot device is ESA0. SET BOOT command will define another boot device.  The 3100 doesn't use a   |
|        |  a 'sniffer' boot but uses the device defined with SET BOOT or the default; valid devices: DKAn00,DKBn00,ESA0,MKAn00, |
|        |  MKBn00.                                                                                                              |
|        |  >>>SET BFLG hex#, will define the default value for R5.                                                              |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 3300/  | Note S:                                                                                                               |
| 3400   |  The 3300/3400 will boot off: ESA0, Default Boot device defined by SET BOOT ,or Device specified on the BOOT command. |
|        |  It doesn't use a 'sniffer' boot. >>>SET BFLAG hex# will define the default value for R5.                             |
|        |  Valid devices: [node$]DIAn,DUcn,DLcn,[node$]MIAn,MUcn,ESA0,XQcn,PRA0                                                 |
|        | Change node name & alloclass: >>>SET HOST/DUP/DSSI n PARAMS, PARAMS>SET NODE name, PARAMS>SET ALLCLASS #, PARAMS>Write|
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 3520/  | Note U:                                                                                                               |
| 3540   |  Valid device names are: DKA000, DKA100 - 700, ESA0, MUA0.  Colon is optional.                                        |
|        | Note V:                                                                                                               |
|        |  If no boot device is seleced, either as a parameter to the BOOT command, or with SET BOOT, the boot will fail.       |
|        |  Use >>>SET BFLG hex# to change the default value for R5.                                                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 3800   | Note W:                                                                                                               |
|        |  In its basic configuration, the 3800 has KFQSA, which is an interface between QBUS and DSSI, using RF type disks.    |
|        |  Valid device names are: DUmn, MUmn, PRAn, XQAn.  If no boot device selected with SET BOOT or with the BOOT           |
|        |  command, it will display avaliable devices and wait for input.  If no input within 30 second, it will try XQAn.      |
|        |  Change node name & alloclass: >>>SET HOST/DUP/UQSSP/DISK n PARAMS, where  'n' is a disk # from >>>SHOW DEVICE.       |
|        |  Use >>>SET BFLAG hex# to change the default value for R5.                                                            |
| 3900   | Note X:                                                                                                               |
|        |  It its basic configuration, the 3900 has only QBUS, using RA type disks.                                             |
|        |  Valid device names are: DJmn, DUmn, MUmn, PRAn, XQAn.  If no boot device selected with SET BOOT or with the BOOT     |
|        |  command, it will display avaliable devices and wait for input.  If no input within 30 second, it will try XQAn.      |
|        |  Use >>>SET BFLAG hex# to change the default value for R5.                                                            | 
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 4000   | Note Y:                                                                                                               |
|        |  Valid boot devices: [node$]DImn, DUcn, Mucn, PRAn, EZA0, XQan.  RA disks on KDA50 and RF disks on KFQSA need to be   |
|        |  addressed as DUcn.  If no boot device selected with SET BOOT or with the BOOT command, it will display avaliable     |
|        |  devices and wait for input.  If no input within 30 second, it will try EZA0.  >>>SET BFLAG hex#, wil define the      |
|        |  default value for R5.  Do: >>>SET HOST/DUP/DSSI/BUS:n node# PARAMS Where bus# and node# are determined from          |
|        |  >>>SHOW DSSI  &  PARAMS>SET ALLOCLASS n  &  PARAMS>SET NODE name, to change alloclass & node name on dssi devices    |
| 3000-  | Note AA:                                                                                                              |
|    310 |  The VAXft can have up to four (4) boot path defined to increase the likehood of successful boot despite hardware     |
| (VAXft)|  faults.  The controller letter is defined base on the zone & slot # in backplane, e.g. i/o module in slot 2 in zone-A|  
|        | will have a controller letter of A, in zone-B it is F, See Owner's Manual.  To create a 'name' to boot using >>>B <CR>|
|        |  use: >>>SET[/P] BOOT DEFAULT/...  SET[/P] BOOT command can be used to define other 'names' for different boots e.g.  |
|        |  conversational boot, 'name' is up to 4 char, DEFAULT is a special case.
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        Forcing CRASH                                                                  |
|UVAX-II | With HALT switch in ENABLE postion, press HALT button twice or press the BREAK key.                                   |
|        | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         | Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few   |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |        PC samples.                                              |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 2000   | Press the HALT button located in the back on the cpu unit.                                                            |
|        | >>>E/G/N:F 0             |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |                          |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>D PSL 041F0000        |                          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>C                     |                          |                                                                 |
|        |                          |                          |                                                                 |
| 3200/  | With HALT switch in ENABLE postion, press HALT button twice or press the BREAK key.                                   |
| 3500/  | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
| 3600   | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 3100   | Press the HALT button in the back of the system     |                                                                 |
| (PVAX) | >>>E PSL                 |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I/N:4 0             |                          | Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few   |
|        | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |                          |        PC samples.                                              |
|        | >>>D PSL 041F0000        |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>C                     |                          |                                                                 |
| 3300/  | With HALT switch in ENABLE postion, press HALT button twice or press the BREAK key.                                   |
| 3400   | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 3520/  | Press the HALT button.                              |                                                                 |
| 3540   | >>>E PSL                 |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I/N:4 0             |                          |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |                          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>D PSL 41F0000         |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>C                     |                          |                                                                 |
| 3800   |With HALT switch in ENABLE postion, press HALT button twice or press the BREAK key.                                    |
|        | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 3900   | With HALT switch in ENABLE postion, press HALT button twice or press the BREAK key.                                   |
|        | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 4000   | Press BREAK key or ^P (if >>>SET CONTROLP 1).       |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E PSL                 | >>>E +                   |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E/I 0                 | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>D PSL 1F0000          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>E +                   | >>>C                     |                                                                 |
|        | >>>E +          ---->    |                          |                                                                 |
| 3000-  | Press the BREAK key.     |                          |                                                                 |
|    310 | >>>E PSL                 |                          |                                                                 |
| (VAXft)| >>>E/I/N:4 0             |                          |  Note:  Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few  |
|        | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF         |                          |         PC samples.                                             |
|        | >>>D PSL 41F0000         |                          |                                                                 |
|        | >>>C                     |                          |                                                                 |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2
|                                                                              |
|                           B O O T  C H A R T  V 3.2                          |
|                                                                              |

|                                                                              |
|   U N I B U S                                                                |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 11/730                      Nebula                                 |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 11/750                      Comet                                  |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 11/780                      Star                                   |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 11/785                      SuperStar                              |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 8600                        Venus                                  |
|                                                                              |
|       VAX 8650                        MorningStar                            |
|                                                                              |


|        |    Boot System     |  Boot File Being  |    Conversational Boot    | Switch Console/VMS | CPU Modes | VMB.EXE Loaded  |
|        |                    |  Used             |                           |                    |           | From:           |
|  730   |  >>>B              |  DEFBOO.CMD       |                           |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |           |    TU58         |
|        |  >>>B xyz          |  xyzBOO.CMD       |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |  >>> CONT          |    OR     |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>>@file          |  file             |  in BOOT file             |                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |                    |                   |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>@xyzGEN               |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|  750   |  >>>B              |       \  (Note E) |  >>>B/nxxxxxx1            |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |  Console  |     TU58        |
|        |  >>>B device       |(Note H) \         |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |  >>>CONT           |     OR    |      or         |
|        |  >>>B (TU58)       |  DEFBOO.CMD       |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |           |     DISK        |
|        |  >>>B/800 DDAO     |  FILE             |  IN BOOT FILE             |                    |     VMS   |                 |
|        |  BOOT58>@file      |                   |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>B/800 DDA0            |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  BOOT58>@xyzGEN           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|  780   |  >>>B              |  DEFBOO.CMD       |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |  >>>B xyz          |  xyzBOO.CMD       |                           |  >>>SET TERM PROG  |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|  R5=nxxxxxx1              |                    |    AND    |    RX01         |
|        |  >>>@file          |  file             |  in BOOT file             |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|                   |---------------------------|                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>@xyzGEN               |                    |           |                 |
|        |  See Note G        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|  785   |  >>>B              |  DEFBOO.CMD       |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |  >>>B xyz          |  xyzBOO.CMD       |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>>@file          |  file             |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |  >>>SET TERM PROG  |    AND    |     RX01        |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>> B CCm         |  CCBOO.CMD        |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  in BOOT file             |                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |  (m=0-7)           |  R3=m, R3 must be |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|  commented out    |  >>>@xyGEN                |                    |           |                 |
|        |  See Note G        |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|  8600/ |  >>> B  (Note F)   |  DEFBOO.COM       |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         |                    |           |                 |
|  8650  |--------------------|-------------------|  Assume R5 commented out  |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |                    |                   |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>> B xyz         |  xyzBOO.COM       |  >>>BOOT/NOSTART          |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>DEPOSIT R5 nxxxxxx1   |  >>>CONT           |    AND    |     RL02        |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>CONT                  |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |                    |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|  in BOOT file             |                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>>@file          |  file             |---------------------------|                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |                    |                   |  >>>@xyzGEN               |                    |           |                 |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2                   

UNIBUS                                                    BOOT S/A BACKUP
|        |      DISK              |               CONSOLE                                                                        |
|  730   | >>>B xyz               | >>>@CS1BOO.CMD  (Note D)                                                                     |
|        | R5=E0000000 in         | (It is a standard BOOT file on 730)                                                          |
|        | Boot file              | Will prompt you for the first S/A TU58                                                       |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|  750   | >>>B/E0000000          | >>>B/800 DDAO                                                                                |
|        |------------------------| Boot58>@CSABOO.CMD                                                                           |
|        | >>>B/E0000000 device   | (It is a standard Boot file on 750)                                                          |
|        |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | >>>B Device            | Put first TU58 and type >>>B DDAO, or, if the switch is set to TU58, type >>>B or press RESET|
|        |------------------------| Do not change TU58 on the first prompt--simply type 'yes'.                                   |
|        | >>>B/800 DDAO          |                                                                                              |
|        | Boot58>@file           |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|  780   | >>>B xyz               | >>>B CS1                                                                                     |
|        |------------------------| (It is a standard BOOT file on 780)                                                          |
|        | >>>@xyzBOO.CMD         | Will prompt you for the first S/A floppy                                                     |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|  785   | >>>B xyz               | >>>B CS1                                                                                     |
|        |------------------------| (will use CSBOO.CMD; it is a standard BOOT file on 785)                                      |
|        | >>>@xyzBOO.CMD         | will set R3=1 (Assume R3 commented out) and will prompt for the first S/A floppy             |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|  8600/ | >>>B/R5:E0000000       | >>>B CS1                                                                                     |
|  8650  | Assume R5 commented out| (It is stanard BOOT file on 86xx)                                                            |
|        |------------------------| Will prompt you to put the S/A RL02                                                          |
|        | >>>BOOT/NOSTART        |                                                                                              |
|        | >>>DEPOSIT R5 E0000000 |                                                                                              |
|        | >>>CONT                |                                                                                              |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        | >>>@file               |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |      |           |  Second      |            |  Second      |              | Second   |         |  Second   |         |
|        |      | Massbus   |  Massbus     |  RL01/2    |  RL01/2      |   RL06/7     | RK06/7   |   RA*   |  RA*      |   CI    |
| 730    | R0   | 00A80003  |              |  2         |              |              |          |  11     |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |  3        |              |  3         |              |              |          |   3     |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   | 3FB86     |              |  3F900     |              |              |          | 3F468   |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | DQ0BOO    |              | DL0BOO     |              |              |          | DU0BOO  |           |         |
|        |      |    :      |              |            |              |              |          |   3     |           |         |
|        |      |    3      |              |            |              |              |          |   A     |           |         |
| 750    | R0   |  0        |  0           |  2         |  2           |  1           |  1       |  11     |  11       |  20     |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   | F28000    | F2A000       | FFE000     | FBE000       | FFE000       | FBE000   | FFE000  | FBE000    | F3E000  |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  0        |  1           | 3F900      | 3F900        | 3FF20        | 3FF20    | 3F468   |0103F468 A |  (HSC)  |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |0203F468 B |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | DB0BOO    | DBBBOO       | DL0BOO     | DLBBOO       | DM0BOO       | DMBBOO   | DU0BOO  |           |         |
|        |      |   :       |              |   :        |              |   :          |          |   :     |           | CIBOO   |
|        |      |   7       |              |   3        |              |   3          |          |   3     |           |         |
|        |      |   A       |              |   A        |              |   A          |          |   A     |           |         |
| 780    | R0   |  0        |  0           |            |              |  1           |          |  11     |           |  20     |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |  8        |  9           |            |              |  3           |          |   3     |           |  E      |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  0        |  0           |            |              |  3FF20       |          | 3F468   |           | (HSC)   |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | DB0BOO    | DBBBOO       |            |              | DM0BOO       |          | DU0BOO  |           | CIBOO   |
|        |      |   :       |              |            |              |   :          |          |   :     |           |         |
|        |      |   7       |              |            |              |   3          |          |   3     |           |         |
|        |      |   A       |              |            |              |              |          |   A     |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  785   | R0   |  0        |  0           |            |              |  1           |          |  11     |           |  20     |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |  8        |  9           |            |              |  3           |          |   3     |           |  E      |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  0        |  0           |            |              | 3FF20        |          | 3F468   |           | (HSC)   |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      |DBABOO     : DBBBOO       |            |              | DMBOO        |          | DUBOO   |           | CIBOO   |
|        |      |need set R3|need set R3   |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  8600/ | R0   |  0        |              |            |              |  1           |          |  11     |           |  20     |
|  8650  |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |  8        |              |            |              |  4           |          |   5     |           |  E      |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  0        |              |            |              | 0103FF20     |          |0103F468 |           | (HSC)   |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | DB0BOO    |              |            |              | DM0BOO       |          | DU0BOO  |           | CIBOO   |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        COMMENTS                                                                       |
|  730   |  Note D:                                                                                                              |
|        |  According to the manual; BOOT58>@CSABOO.CMD, but CSABOO.CMD is not in the original CONSOLE TU58 and                  |
|        |  >>>B/800 is not a valid syntax on 730.                                                                               |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  750   |  Note E:                                                                                                              |
|        |  TU58 must be used when booting off an HSC disk; by default 750 cannot boot off an HSC device.  But to boot           |
|        |  from a local disk with CI hardware present in the system, leave the CONSOLE TU58 in the drive because VMB always     |  
|        |  looks for CI780.BIN in the drive.  If CI780.BIN is not there, the system will boot with warning and the user will not|
|        |  be able to access the HSC devices.                                                                                   |
|        |  'BOOT DEVICE' switch defines the default device which the console program will try to use in order to boot.          |
|        |  By default, position 'A' will point to the TU58 console and position 'D' points to a local disk;                     |
|        |  Position 'B' & 'C' are not used (by default).                                                                        |
|        |  Note H:                                                                                                              |
|        |  Device names have the form: DUcn, where c is a controller letter like DUA, DUB... and n is the unit # like DUA1.     |
|        |  To boot off an RA60 disk use, >>>B DUmn, even though when VMS comes up it will name it DJmn.                         |
|        |  When booting off a local disk, it must have a boot block on it pointing to VMB.EXE                                   |
|  780   |  Note G:                                                                                                              |
|        |  When typing console commands interactively, put the AUTO RESTART switch to OFF position.                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  785   |  Note G:                                                                                                              |
|        |  When typing console commands interactively, put the AUTO RESTART switch to OFF position.                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  8600/ |  Note F:                                                                                                              |
|  8650  |  BOOT/NOSTART will LOAD the boot file and will give you back the console prompt.  The user can then change            |
|        :  any register using the following commands:  >>>DEPOSIT Rn n and >>>CONT to continue booting with the changed         |
|        |  values.                                                                                                              |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        Forcing CRASH                                                                  |
|  730   | Press ^P              Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                        |
|        | >>>@CRASH                                                                                                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  750   | Press ^P              Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                        |
|        | >>>E/G F                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E P                                                                                                                |
|        | >>>E/I 0                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 1                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 2                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 3                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>D/G F FFFFFFFF                                                                                                     |
|        | >>>D P 1F0000                                                                                                         |
|        | >>>C                                                                                                                  |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  780   | Press ^P              Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                        |
|        | >>>HALT                                                                                                               |
|        | >>>@CRASH                                                                                                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  785   | Press ^P              Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                        |
|        | >>>HALT                                                                                                               |
|        | >>>@CRASH                                                                                                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  8600/ | Press ^P              Note: PC samples CAN NOT be taken for these processors.                                         |
|  8650  | >>>HALT                                                                                                               |
|        | >>>@CRASH                                                                                                             |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2
|                                                                              |
|                           B O O T  C H A R T  V 3.2                          |
|                                                                              |

|                                                                              |
|   B I                                                                        |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8200/8250/8300/8350                SCORPIO                        |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8250/8350                          SARGUS                         |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8500/8530/8550/8700/8800           NAUTILUS                       |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8500                               FLOUNDER                       |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8550                               SKIPJACK                       |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 6210/6220/6230/6240*               CALYPSO/CVAX                   |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 6310/6320/6330/6340/6350/6360*     CALYPSO/HYPERION               |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 6410/6420/6430/6440/6450/6460*     CALYPSO/RIGEL                  |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 6000-500                           CALYPSO/MARIAH                 |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 8810/8820/8830/8840                POLARSTAR                      |
|                                                                              |
|        VAX 9000                               AQUARIUS                       |
|                                                                              |
|*  The VAX 6000 Family CPU's are now known by Model type.  For example,       |
|   the VAX 6410 is now properly referred to as the VAX 6000 Model 410.        |
|   This applies to all CALYPSO (i.e. VAX 6XXX) series CPU's.                  |
|                                                                              |


|        |    Boot System     |  Boot File Being  |    Conversational Boot    | Switch Console/VMS | CPU Modes | VMB.EXE Loaded  |
|        |                    |  Used             |                           |                    |           | From:           |
|  8200/ |  >>>B              |       \           |  >>> B/R5:nxxxxxx1 CSA1   |                    |           |                 |
|  8300  |--------------------|-------------------|  Assume R5 commented out  |                    |  Console  |                 |
|        |  >>>B device       |(Note I) \         |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1 [dev]   |                    |           |    RX50         |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|Booting off a local disk   |                    |    OR     |                 |
|        |  >>>B (CSA1)       |  DEFBOO.CMD       |   (Note A)                |  >>>CONT           |           |      or         |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|---------------------------|                    |           |                 |
|        |  >>>B/R5:800 CSA1  |                   |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |                    |    VMS    |    DISK         |
|        |  BOOT58>@file      |  file             |  in Boot file             |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|  8500/ |  >>>B              |  DEFBOO.COM       |  >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1         |                    |           |                 |
|  8700/ |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |  Console  |                 |
|  8800  |                    |  BDABOO.COM       |  Assume R5 Commented out  |                    |           |                 |
|        |       :BDAn        |  UDABOO.COM       |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        | >>>B...UDAn        |  BCIBOO.COM       |---------------------------|  >>>SET TERM PROG  |    AND    |  PRO-380        |
|        |       :BCIn        |  R3=n, WHEN R3    |                           |                    |           | (FIXED          |
|        |                    |  Commented out    |  R5=nxxxxxx1              |                    |           |  DISK)          |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |                    |    VMS    |                 |
|        |  >>>@file          |  file             |  in BOOT file             |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
|        |                    |                   |                           |                    |           |                 |
| 62XX/  | >>>B               | DEFAULT command   | >>>B name                 |                    |           |  BOOT device    |
| 63XX/  |--------------------|-------------------| Assume 'name' was created |                    | Console   |(Pointed by      |
| 64xx/  | >>>B name          | Boot command set  | with R5=nxxxxxx1          |                    |           |     boot block) |
| 65xx/  |  (Note M)          | by SET BOOT name..|(or>>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1 [name])| >>>CONT            |           | when boot off   |
|6000-XXX|--------------------|-------------------|---------------------------|                    |    OR     | NON HSC disk or |
|        | >>>B/R3:u/R5:n/XMI:x/BI:y/NODE:m/FILENAME:i DDz (z HEX #)  (Note O)|                    |           | HSC disk with   |
|        | n - Value for R5                                                   |                    |           | CIBCA-B.        |
|        | x -  The XMI number of the adapter                                 |                    |   VMS     |-----------------|
|        | y - BI node #                                                      |                    |           | TK50 when boot  |
|        | m - Node # of the HSC                                              |                    |           | off an HSC disk |
|        | u - Value for R3 when system disk is shadowed (Phase I)            |                    |           | with CIBCA-A    |
|        | i - Usually ISL_LVAX    -----> See Note BB !                       |                    |           |                 |
|        | DDz - DUn, ET0, MU0, CSn                                           |                    |           |                 |
| 8820/  | PS-CIO-0>BOOT      | DEFBOO.CMD   | PS-CIO-0>@file            |                         |           |                 |
| 8830/  |--------------------|--------------| R5=nxxxxxx1 in 'file'     | PS-CIO-0>CONT           |  Console  |                 |
| 8840   | PS-CIO-0>B XYZn    | XYZBOO.CMD   |---------------------------|                         |           |On the UVAX-II   |
|        |                    |  n --> R3    | PS-CIO-0>@file ,,%Xm      |      OR                 |   AND     |                 | 
|        |                    |  (Note K)    |  m = nxxxxxx1             |                         |           |DUA0:[PSTAR.SYS] |
|        |                    |              |---------------------------|PS-CIO-0>SET TERM PROG   |   VMS     |                 |
|        |--------------------|--------------| PS-CIO-0>B xyz/R5=m       |-------------------------------------------------------|
|        | PS-CIO-0>@file     | file         | m is passed as P2 to      |From VMS to PSTAR user:                                |
|        |--------------------|--------------| xyzBOO.CMD.               | $ ^P                                                  |
|        | PS-CIO-0>@file n,m | file         |   (Note N)                | PS-OS-0>QUIT                                          |
|        |                    |  n --> P1    |                           | System Power is ON, are you sure?> Y(es)              |
|        |     (Note L)       |  m --> P2    |                           | >  (PSTAR prompt)                                     |
|        |--------------------|--------------|                           |-------------------------------------------------------|
|        | PS-CIO-0>@file ,,m | file         |                           |From PSTAR user to VMS:                                |
|        |     (Note L)       | m --> P2     |                           | >POLARIS                                              |
|        |                    |              |                           | PS-HW-0>RESYNC                                        |
|        |                    |              |                           | <Program I/O Mode>    (Back to VMS)                   |
| 9000   | >>>B     (Note Z)  | DEFBOO.CMD        | >>>B/R5:nxxxxxx1          | >>>CONT            |           |                 |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|                           |--------------------|  Console  | SPU (console)   | 
|        | >>>B XYZn          | XYZBOO.CMD        |                           | >>>SET TERM/PROG   |           | RD54 in         |
|        |                    |  n --> R3         |                           |                    |           | [USERFILES]     |
|        |--------------------|-------------------|---------------------------|                    |    AND    | VMB name is     |
|        | >>>B/R3=u/R5=n/XMI=xm/BI=b/NODE=h XYZm                             |                    |           | VMB9AQ.EXE      |
|        | u - Value for R3                                                   |                    |           |                 |
|        | n - Value for R5                                                   |                    |    VMS    |                 | 
|        | b - BI node #                                                      |                    |           |                 | 
|        | h - HSC node #                                                     |                    |           |                 |
|        | xm - XMI node #  and  XMI #                                        |                    |           |                 |
|        |          x -- {0,3} for XMI #                                      |                    |           |                 |
|        |          m -- {0,F} for XMI node #                                 |                    |           |                 |
|        | XYZm - XYZBOO.CMD,  m --> R3                                       |                    |           |                 |
|        |                                                                    |                    |           |                 |
|        |                                                                    |                    |           |                 |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2                   

BI                                                        BOOT S/A BACKUP
|        |      DISK              |               CONSOLE                                                                        |
|  8200/ | >>>B/R5:800 CSA1       | >>>B/R5:800 CSA1  (Note C)                                                                   |
|  8300  | BOOT58>@file           |BOOT58>@file                                                                                  |
|        |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | >>>B device            | Put first floppy and type >>>B CSA1                                                          |
|        |------------------------| Do Not switch floppies on the first prompt--simply type 'yes'.                               |
|        | >>>B/R5:E0000000 [dev] |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|  8500/ | >>>@file               | Put first floppy in CSA1 (!!!)                                                               |
|  8700/ |------------------------| >>>@CSBOO.COM                                                                                |
|  8800  | >>>B/R5:E0000000       | (It is a standard BOOT file in 8xxx)                                                         |
|        |          (Note T)      | It will start booting from CSA1 and will prompt you for the next floppy                      |
|        | Assume R5 commented    |                                                                                              |
|        | out in BOOT file       |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
| 62XX/  | >>>B name              | >>>B CSA1                                                                                    |
| 63XX/  |Assume 'name' is setting|        Note: CSA1 at the console level is the TK50 on the front panel.                       |
| 64xx/  |R5 to E0000000 or other |     If booting in an HSC environment and using CIBCA/A, place the CONSOLE TK50 in the drive, |
| 65xx/  |root of s/a backup      |     issue the above command and it will prompt to replace it with the S/A backup TK50.       |
|        | >>>B/R3:u/R5:n/XMI:x/BI:y/NODE:m/FILENAME:i  DDz  (z HEX #)  (Note O)                                                 |
|        | n - Value for R5 to point to the root of s/a backup                                                                   |
|        | x -  The XMI number of the adapter                                                                                    |
|        | y - BI node #                                                                                                         |
|        | m - Node # of the HSC                                                                                                 |
|        | u - Value for R3 when system disk is shadowed (Phase I)                                                               |
|        | i - Usually ISL_LVAX    -----> See Note BB !                                                                          |
|        | DDz - DUn, ET0, MU0, CSn                                                                                              |
| 8820/  |PS-CIO-0>B xyz          |  PS-CIO-0>@CSABOO                                                                            |
| 8830/  |Assume R5 is pointing to|                                                                                              |
| 8840   |root of s/a backup      |   NOTE: S/A BACKUP must be installed on the hard disk of the UVAX-II using the procedure     |
|        |------------------------|         from the 'VMS Installation and Operations: VAX 8820,8830,8840'; this is not the      |
|        |PS-CIO-0>B xyz/R5=m     |         standard STABACKIT.COM                                                               |
|        |  (Note N)              |         CSABOO.CMD assumes that S/A backup is in SYSD on DUA0 of the UVAX-II.                |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        |PS-CIO-0>@file ,,m      |                                                                                              |
|        | m --> P2               |                                                                                              |
|        | Assume 'm' is pointing |                                                                                              |
|        | to root of s/a backup  |                                                                                              |
| 9000   | >>>B name              | >>>B SABKUP                                                                                  |
|        |------------------------|                                                                                              |
|        | >>>B/R5=E0000000       |   Note: SABKUP.CMD is a standard boot file to boot s/a backup off the console media, RD54.   |
|        |------------------------|         STABACKIT.COM creates a file on the console media [USERFILES]SABKUP.IMA, this one    |
|        |                        |         image file contain all the images & drivers necessary to boot s/a backup.            |
|        |                        |         VMB9AQ will determine that this is a bootstrap of s/a backup off the hard disk       |
|        |                        |         SPU and will know to read-in all the images reside within SABKUP.IMA.                |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
|        |                        |                                                                                              |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |      |  BI Bus   |  CI          |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  8200/ | R0   |  21       |  20          |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  8300  |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |   4       |   5          |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  --       |  (HSC)       |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | KDBBOO    | CIBOO        |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  8500/ | R0   |  21       |  20          |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|  8700/ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|  8800  | R1   |See Note 1 |See Note 1    |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |  --       | (HSC)        |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | BDABOO    | BCIBOO       |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
|        |      |           |              |            |              |              |          |         |           |         |
| R1     | R1 = <3:0>: BI node #, <5:4> = BI #.                                       | Note 750:                                |
|Note 1  | F/S can tell the customer the values for R1.                               | 1. Will force CTRL letter to A, might be |
| 8500/  | BI node # will be zero if DWBUA (Unibus adapter) is not present            |    on first or second UNIBUS.            |
| 8700/  | if present BI node # = 4 (or other number set by F/S).                     | 2. Will force CTRL letter to B.          |
| 8800   | BI # will be zero on systems with 2 CPU.                                   |                                          |
|        | BI # will be 2 on systems with 1 CPU.                                      |                                          |
|How to  | HSC = node # - on the HSC console (or from VMS type: HSC50> SHOW SYSTEM, the right most two digits in SYSTEM ID is    |
|check   | the HSC node #.                                                                                                       |
|for R1  | For R1 that need TR # or NEXUS # we can use SYSGEN> SHOW/ADAPTER, in the display UB0 = UNIBUS, MB0=MASSBUS, CI0=CI,   |
|and/or  | the values are in decimal, so we have to convert to HEX.                                                              |
|R2      | SYSGEN>SHOW/CONFIG will give us the CSR, this value is in OCTAL, we have to convert to HEX.                           |
|values  |                                                                                                                       |
| 62XX/  | There isn't console media to save boot files, the boot commads being saved in EEPROM.                                 |
| 63XX/  |                                                                                                                       |
| 64xx/  |                                                                                                                       |
| 65xx/  |                                                                                                                       |
|6000-XXX|                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 8820/  | R0   |  21       |  20          |                                                                                     |
| 8830/  |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 8840   | R1   |See Note 2 | See Note 2   |                                                                                     |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |     /     |  (HSC)       |                                                                                     |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      |           |              | Note 2:                                                                             |
|        |      |           |              |        R1 = <3:0>: BI node #, <6:4> = BI #                                          |
|        |      |           |              |                                                                                     |
|        |      |           |              |                                                                                     |
|        |      |           |              |                                                                                     |
| 9000   | R0   |  21       |  20          |  2B          |  67          |                                                       |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R1   |See Note 3 | See Note 3   | See note 3   | See note 3   |                                                       |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        | R2   |     /     |  (HSC)       |      /       |      /       |                                                       |
|        |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      | KDBBOO.CMD| CIBOO.CMD    | KDMBOO.CMD   | NMABOO.CMD   |                                                       |
|        |      |           |              |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|        |      |           |              | Note 3:                                                                             |
|        |      |           |              |        R1 = <3:0>: BI node #, <7:4> = XMI node #, <8,9> = XMI #                     |
|        |      |           |              |                                                                                     |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        COMMENTS                                                                       |
|  8200/ |  Note A:                                                                                                              |
|  8300  |  >>>B/R5:n can be used to boot off a local system disk with a new value in R5 when using the default                  |
|        |  settings in EEPROM.  However, when using the console to boot the system, R5 must be commented-out in the boot file.  |
|        |  The console media floppy MUST be used when booting off an HSC disk.                                                  | 
|        |  Note C:                                                                                                              |
|        |  In the manual it says to use:  BOOT58>@CSABOO.CMD                                                                    |
|        |  BUT, this BOOT file is not in the original console floppy                                                            |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |  Note I:                                                                                                              |
|        |  Device types have the form DUbn, where b is BI node # and n is unit # ,i.e. DU41.                                    |
|        |  When booting off a local disk, it must have a boot block pointing to VMB.EXE                                         |
|  8500/ |  Note T:                                                                                                              |
|  8700/ |  The template DEFBOO.COM  executes another BOOT file (BDAn, UDAn or BCIn).                                            |
|  8800  |  This is indirect execution of a BOOT file.  Note that R5 from the original BOOT command will not propagate           |
|        |  to the indirect BOOT file, even though R5 might be commented out in this BOOT file.                                  |
|        |  Starting with V9.0 of the console, to switch back from PRO mode to CONSOLE mode use: $RUN CONSOLE.  Also with V9.0   |
|        |  there are no more cpu specific directories on the PRO; all the files reside in the [CONSOLE] directory.              |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 62XX/  |  Note M:                                                                                                              |
| 63XX/  |  'name' of a BOOT command can have maximum of 4 char except DEFA.                                                     |
| 64xx/  |   To create a BOOT 'name' we have to use >>>SET BOOT name/.... ; the keyswitch has to be in UPDATE position.          |
| 65xx/  |   To delete a BOOT 'name' type >>>SET BOOT name; the keyswitch has to be in the UPDATE position.                      |
|6000-XXX|   We can overide any qualifiers we set with >>>SET BOOT name/..., when booting, by >>>BOOT/... name.                  |
|        |  Note O:                                                                                                              |
|        |   The problem is that when we boot off an HSC disk and we need the ucode for the CI, CIBCA/B has the ucode in a ROM   |
|        |   on the adapter, therefore the hsc disk must have a boot block pointing to VMB.EXE.                                  |
|        |   For CIBCA/A we need to load the ucode from the TK50, so we must have CIBCA/A tape cartridge in the drive when       |
|        |   booting. The boot command still needs to point to the HSC disk; the console program will detect that it is CIBCA/A  |
|        |   and will try to load VMB.EXE from the TK50.  Also it will load the ucode (CIBCA.BIN) from the TK50.                 |
|        | Note BB:                                                                                                              |
|        |  The 6000-500, by default, doesn't come with a console load device such as TK50/70 as the other 6000s; INFOSERVER-100 |
|        |  serves this purpose.  In general, the INFOSERVER-100 provides "services" on the net; some of the services can provide|
|        |  a bootable VMS, s/a BACKUP and Diagnostic Supervisor.  The /FILENAME qualifier which was implemented on the          |
|        |  6000-500 will allow it to load an image ISL_LVAX.EXE across the net into its memory, and it provides a means of      |
|        |  "connecting" to one of the services offered by the INFOSERVER-100.  This "connection" is the actual act of booting.  |
|        |  e.g. >>>B/XMI:E/R5:E0000000/FILE:ISL_LVAX EX0, ISL_LVAX.EXE will provide a menu to select a "service".  When the     |
|        |  "service" is selected in this example, R5 will be used when trying to boot.  In this case, s/a BACKUP.               |
| 8820/  |  Note L:                                                                                                              |
| 8830/  |  'm' or 'n' are being used as decimal numbers.  If you want to use as hex number use e.g.                             |
| 8840   |       PS-CIO-0>@file %D100,%X81  or  PS-CIO-0>@file 100,%X81                                                          |
|        |   REMEMBER: 'm' & 'n' are being passed to boot 'file' as P1 & P2.                                                     |
|        |            In the standard boot files supplied with the console:  P1 replaces R3   &   P2 replaces R5.                |
|        |  Note K:                                                                                                              |
|        |  'n'  will OVERRIDE the deposit of R3 in the boot file.                                                               |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |  Note N:                                                                                                              |
|        |  'm' will OVERRIDE the deposit of R5 in the boot file.                                                                |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 9000   | Note Z:                                                                                                               |
|        |  There are four template files on the console:  CIBOO.CMD, KDMBOO.CMD, KDBBOO.CMD, SABKUP.CMD  .                      |
|        |  The 9000 console (SPU) is a UVAX-II chip set with 'private' BI bus, running ELN operationg system.  The console      |
|        |  program provides all the necessary commands to maintain the boot files, e.g. COPY, EDIT, so there is no need         |
|        |  to 'switch' to ELN.                                                                                                  |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2

|        |                                        Forcing CRASH                                                                  |
|  8200/ | Press ^P                  Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                    |
|  8300  | >>>E/I 0                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 1                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 2                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 3                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 4                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E P                                                                                                                |
|        | >>>D/G F FFFFFFFF                                                                                                     |
|        | >>>D P 041F0000                                                                                                       |
|        | >>>C                                                                                                                  |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|  8500/ | Press ^P                  Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                    |
|  8700/ | >>>@CRASH                                                                                                             |
|  8800  |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 62XX/  | Press ^P                  Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                    |
| 63XX/  | >>>E/I 0                                                                                                              |
| 64xx/  | >>>E/I 1                                                                                                              |
| 65xx/  | >>>E/I 2                                                                                                              |
|6000-XXX| >>>E/I 3                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E/I 4                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>E PSL                                                                                                              |
|        | >>>D PC FFFFFFFF                                                                                                      |
|        | >>>D PSL 041F0000                                                                                                     |
|        | >>>C                                                                                                                  |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 8820/  | Press ^P                  Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                    |
| 8830/  | PS-OS-0>HALT/CPU=ALL                                                                                                  |
| 8840   | PS-CIO-0>@CRASH                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
| 9000   | Press ^P                  Note: Before actually crashing the hang system collect a few PC samples.                    |
|        | CONSOLE>HALT                                                                                                          |
|        | CONSOLE>@CRASH                                                                                                        |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
|        |                                                                                                                       |
Prepared by:  Reuven Somberg CSC/CS CSC32::R_SOMBERG, V3.2