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Conference cookie::mru

Title:MRU Internal Bug Reports
Created:Wed Sep 20 1995
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:346
Total number of notes:1175

328.0. "OP:MED TUR and Request Sense need examples." by NABSCO::MRU () Tue Apr 15 1997 00:39

    I have text for API documentatin for Test Unit Ready and Request
    Sense now.  Given the close relationship of the two it may be
    desirable to put them in a single manual page.  This would also
    me to get by with a single example that uses both.  Which, is
    the point of this note; that Test Unit Ready and Request Sense
    need examples.
328.1Test Unit Ready example.NABETH::alanDr. File System's Home for Wayward Inodes.Wed Apr 16 1997 20:20129
 *	This is an example of using mrd_test_unit_ready(3mrd)
 *	to see if a media changer will accept commands.   On
 *	Digital UNIX this particular example will always
 *	succeed whether the robot is ready or not.  See the
 *	Restrictions section of the manual page for more
 *	information.
 *	Usage:
 *		mrd_test_unit_ready robot [ more-robots... ]
#ifndef	lint
static	char	SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_test_unit_ready.c	1.1 (mrd-example) 4/16/97" ;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <mrd_common.h>
#include <mrd_message.h>

 *	Message string.
char *tur_failed_dev = "Test unit ready failed on %s: %s (%d,0x%x,0x%x).\n" ;
char *tur_failed_os  = "Test unit ready failed on %s: %s (%d).\n" ;
char *tur_failed     = "Test unit ready failed on %s: %s.\n" ;

 *	The MRD can report three types of errors:
 *	o  Device errors - When the "valid" field is set, at least one
 *	   of the key, asc and ascq field should have values set from
 *	   a SCSI Request Sense data or equivalent.
 *	o  Operating System errors - When the valid field is zero, but
 *	   the os_status field is set.  Where possible an MRD error
 *	   will be set if one corresponds to the error.  If not, the
 *	   MRD status will be MRD_STATUS_OS_ERROR.  The os_status
 *	   is the error specific to the operating system.  On Digital
 *	   UNIX it is an errno value.  On OpenVMS it is a system service
 *	   return value.
 *	o  MRD Errors - The MRD error code is set explicitly.
print_error(char *robot, int mrd_status, dev_status_t *dp)
	 *	Print the Key/ASC/ASCQ data for device errors.
	if( dp->valid )
		printf(tur_failed_dev, robot, mrd_strstatus(mrd_status),
			dp->key, dp->asc, dp->ascq) ;
	 *	Try to decode the os_status according to the operating
	 *	system type.
	else if( dp->os_status == MRD_STATUS_OS_ERROR )
		printf(tur_failed_os, robot, mrd_strstatus(mrd_status),
#ifdef	unix
			strerror(dp->os_status)) ;
#ifdef	vms
			strerror(EVMSERR, dp->os_status)) ;
	 *	Just print the message on others.
		printf(tur_failed, robot, mrd_strstatus(mrd_status)) ;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int		rc ;		/* counter */
	int		status ;	/* return status */
	char		*robot ;	/* Robot to open */
	robot_info_t	robot_info ;	/* Robot data */
	dev_status_t	dev_status ;	/* Device status */
	char		log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;

	 *	Check that there are enough arguments.
	if( argc < 2 ) {
		printf("usage: %s robot [ robot... ]\n", argv[0]) ;
		exit(1) ;

	 *	Initialize the channel field of the robot_info, so
	 *	mrd_startup(3mrd) will actually open the robot.
	robot_info.channel = BAD_CHANNEL ;

	for(rc = 1; rc < argc; rc++) {
		 *	The robot for this command.
		robot = argv[rc] ;

		status = mrd_startup(robot, &robot_info, log_info) ;

		if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
			printf("Startup failed on %s: %s.\n", robot,
				mrd_strstatus(status)) ;
			continue ;

		memset((void *)&dev_status, 0, sizeof(dev_status)) ;

		status = mrd_test_unit_ready(&robot_info, &dev_status) ;

		 *	Do some fancy error printing.
		if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS )
			print_error(robot, status, &dev_status) ;
			printf("%s is ready.\n", robot) ;

		(void)mrd_shutdown(&robot_info) ;

	return 0 ;
328.2Request Sense example.NABETH::alanDr. File System's Home for Wayward Inodes.Wed Apr 16 1997 20:2092
 *	This is an example of using mrd_request_sense(3mrd)
 *	to see what state a medium changer is in.  The MRD
 *	implementation of Request Sense only collects the
 *	Sense Key, Additional Sense Code and Additional Sense 
 *	Code Qualifier.
 *	Usage:
 *		mrd_request_sense robot [ more-robots... ]
#ifndef	lint
static	char	SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_request_sense.c	1.1 (mrd-example) 4/16/97" ;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <mrd_common.h>
#include <mrd_message.h>

char	*device_sense = "Sense data for %s: %s (%d,0x%x,0x%x).\n" ;
char	*sense_failed = "Request Sense failed on %s: %s.\n" ;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int		rc ;		/* counter */
	int		status ;	/* return status */
	char		*robot ;	/* Robot to open */
	robot_info_t	robot_info ;	/* Robot data */
	dev_status_t	dev_status ;	/* Device status */
	char		log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;

	 *	Check that there are enough arguments.
	if( argc < 2 ) {
		printf("usage: %s robot [ robot... ]\n", argv[0]) ;
		exit(1) ;

	 *	Initialize the channel field of the robot_info, so
	 *	mrd_startup(3mrd) will actually open the robot.
	robot_info.channel = BAD_CHANNEL ;

	for(rc = 1; rc < argc; rc++) {
		 *	The robot for this command.
		robot = argv[rc] ;

		status = mrd_startup(robot, &robot_info, log_info) ;

		if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
			printf("Startup failed on %s: %s.\n", robot,
				mrd_strstatus(status)) ;
			continue ;

		memset((void *)&dev_status, 0, sizeof(dev_status)) ;

		 *	mrd_request_sense(3mrd) will never return
		 *	MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS.  If no Request Sense data 
		 *	is available, it will return MRD_STATUS_NO_SENSE.
		status = mrd_request_sense(&robot_info, &dev_status,

		 *	Print the Key/ASC/ASCQ data for device errors.
		if( dev_status.valid )
			printf(device_sense, robot, mrd_strstatus(status),
				dev_status.key, dev_status.asc,
				dev_status.ascq) ;
		 *	Just print the MRD error.
			printf(sense_failed, robot, mrd_strstatus(status)) ;
		(void)mrd_shutdown(&robot_info) ;

	return 0 ;
328.3got 'em elsewise....COOKIE::MILLERSteve Miller--Storage Mgt. SoftwareWed May 21 1997 18:125

    I found the examples in ~mru/src/examples.
