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Conference iosg::all-in-1_v30

Title:*OLD* ALL-IN-1 (tm) Support Conference
Notice:Closed - See Note 4331.l to move to IOSG::ALL-IN-1
Created:Thu Jan 30 1992
Last Modified:Tue Jan 23 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4343
Total number of notes:18308

2791.0. "Problems with arc$restore_doc" by AIMTEC::SIMPSON_L () Wed Jun 02 1993 20:04

    I have a customer who has a customized archive routine which
    he brought into V3.0 of ALL-IN-1 when he upgraded.  
    The routine does not work as it did under V2.4.  The problem appears
    to be due to a change in one of the
    archive functions, arc$restore_doc.
    I have placed the description of the problem which he sent us belos:
    Subj:   (PR1) ARCHIVE RESTORE PROBLEM IN 3.0                                    
I have a problem after an upgrade to ALL-IN-1 3.0 this weekend.  I'm working on 
a customized system with which I'm not all that familiar.  The problem is with  
a customized archiver routine.                                                  
This routine mails a message to the user with the document the user requested   
be restored from an IBM tape management system attached.  Before the message    
is sent from the MANAGER's account the following line is invoked:               
        GET #FUNCT = "MAIL FUNCTION" " '" "ARC$RESTORE_DOC -                    
                " '"' #ARCHIVE_DOCNUM '"' "'"                                   
When the user reads this message, the attached document is filed in his         
filecabinet in its original folder.  When the user attempts another Read new    
(RN) he sees the same message again (same docnum) but this time receives an     
error stating the document is not archived or some such.                        
In the documentation on the MAIL FUNCTION subfunction it says the function      
invoked should be defined in OAGBL.BLI.  The following line appears in          
I have no idea what or where OA$ARC_RESTORE_REMOTE_DOCUMENT is.  Can you offer  
any clues as to why this function is no longer working after the upgrade?       
I have disabled all archiving functions until this is resolved.  Since          
archiving is used here extensively the impact is significant.                   
Thanks for your help,                                                           
Joe Maddox                                                                      

    The difference from the oagbl.bli in V2.4 is that the extra , 0 is not
    in V2.4.  I anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks very much!
    Laurie Simpson
2791.1OAARCAIMTEC::WICKS_AJune 7-13 Real Football in the U.SWed Jun 02 1993 20:5011
    Archiving is in a module called OAARC.BLI, maybe you could ask the
    archive developer about it when he visits Atlanta (:==:)
    I assume that Joe is now on the "outside" and doesn't have access tothe
    sources as he did when he worked on EARS?
2791.2More information pleaseIOSG::MAURICENight rolls in, my dark companionWed Jun 02 1993 22:0639
    I think we need more information. First some background:
    1. Restoring documents in V3.0 no longer relies on the use of mail
       functions. When the System Management job to restore documents runs
       it replaces the document straight away, and the mail message that is
       sent is just a confirmatory message.
    2. Because to allow for the case where the user uses V3.0 to read a
       restore message created in V2.4, the mail function was left in the
       product - and tested! Therefore the customisation should, in
       principle, still work. Nevertheless it would improve the
       customisation to use the V3.0 method.
    3. The table defining mail functions in OAGBL was extended in V3.0 to
       allow for the case where a user is SMU'ed to another user and reads
       a mail message with attached mail functions. Some functions would
       not work if SMU'ed, and so they have an SMU flag of 0. This is the 0
    Now for why you are having a problem:
    1. Have you customised OAGBL?
    2. From your write-up you say reading the first message caused the
       restore to work correctly. The problem is reading the next message.
       What should the next unread message have been - another restore?
    3. Did the first restore report any errors? The symptoms suggest that
       it had failed. Was the mail message, with the attached document to
       be restored, still in the INBOX with a status of NOTED?
2791.3Great! Some questions to ask Joe.AIMTEC::SIMPSON_LThu Jun 03 1993 01:5318
    Re: .1-
    Thanks for the reply.  I think Joe wants an answer ASAP, judging by his
    comments at the end
    of the question. :-)
    Re: .2,
    Thanks very much Stuart!
    I'll send these questions to Joe and see what response comes back.
    Thanks very much to everyone for any help you can offer!
2791.4Here's the scoopDV780::BAILEYROICU812!Thu Jun 03 1993 02:4996

OAGBL has not been modified.

Joe has us using the new 3.0 archiver/restore, however this is to restore 
files stored in 2.x versions.

Here's what the customer is seeing:

                           Showing ALL-IN-1 message

Subject:             Your requested document has been restored
Title:               Your requested document has been restored
Sender:              MANAGER
Senders Full Name:   ALL-IN-1 MANAGER
Senders Tel No:

Current Drawer:      MAIN
Drawer Owner:        U091761
Current Folder:      INBOX                        Status:            UNREAD
Type of Document:    MAIL                         Document Number:   030752
Date Created:        31-May-1993 07:00pm          Modifiable:        N
Last Modified:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Deletable:         N
Date Sent:           31-May-1993 07:00pm          Forwardable:       YES
Date Received:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Read Receipt:      NO
Deferred Date:                                    Delivery Receipt:  NO
Priority:            FIRST_CLASS                  No of Attachments:  1
Handling:                                         Data Type:         
MR id:
VMS Filename:        OA$SHARA72:ZURZR62MW.WPL

(Read the msg and the archvied document was restored and filed in the
original folder - no problem - no errors)

(Then did another II and new mail count was off by 1 (lower)):
                           Showing ALL-IN-1 message

Subject:             Your requested document has been restored
Title:               Your requested document has been restored
Sender:              MANAGER
Senders Full Name:   ALL-IN-1 MANAGER
Senders Tel No:

Current Drawer:      MAIN
Drawer Owner:        U091761
Current Folder:      INBOX                        Status:            NOTED
Type of Document:    MAIL                         Document Number:   030752
Date Created:        31-May-1993 07:00pm          Modifiable:        N
Last Modified:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Deletable:         N
Date Sent:           31-May-1993 07:00pm          Forwardable:       YES
Date Received:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Read Receipt:      NO
Deferred Date:                                    Delivery Receipt:  NO
Priority:            FIRST_CLASS                  No of Attachments:  1
Handling:                                         Data Type:         
MR id:
VMS Filename:        OA$SHARA72:ZURZR62MW.WPL


                           Showing ALL-IN-1 message

Subject:             Your requested document has been restored
Title:               Your requested document has been restored
Sender:              MANAGER
Senders Full Name:   ALL-IN-1 MANAGER
Senders Tel No:

Current Drawer:      MAIN
Drawer Owner:        U091761
Current Folder:      READ                         Status:            READ
Type of Document:    MAIL                         Document Number:   030752
Date Created:        31-May-1993 07:00pm          Modifiable:        N
Last Modified:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Deletable:         Y
Date Sent:           31-May-1993 07:00pm          Forwardable:       YES
Date Received:       31-May-1993 07:00pm          Read Receipt:      NO
Deferred Date:                                    Delivery Receipt:  NO
Priority:            FIRST_CLASS                  No of Attachments:  1
Handling:                                         Data Type:         
MR id:
VMS Filename:        OA$SHARA72:ZURZR62MW.WPL

TO:  Randy Bailey                         ( BAILEY_RANDLE_L )

After reading the "second" notice is when we see the "Target document is 
not an Archived file" error.

Randy for Joe
2791.5Don't start dancing yet!DV780::MADDOXJDigital AlienThu Jun 03 1993 09:1328
    I'm still around and have access to the sources (I guess that means I
    still know some phone numbers).  I directed the original question to
    the CSC because I was hoping this was something which they had seen
    before and wouldn't require the twenty-questions routine.  That's not a
    dig at anyone, I just was hoping this wasn't an original problem.
    Randy (author of .-1) and I are both working on this problem.  He is
    actually at the customer site and has archived documents with which to
    play so he has actually seen the behavior first-hand.  What I know
    about the problem I've mostly learned from him.
    I suspect that there are not two messages involved.  From what little I
    know about how this works, it looks to me like when the message is read
    the first time its status is changed to "NOTED".  I don't really
    understand the part about the message counter's being off by one, but I
    suspect the counter has been decremented but the message is still in
    the Inbox.  The next RN displays the same message, but when the routine
    attempts to put the message in the file cabinet it discovers the
    message is no longer archived because it was restored with the first
    But then again, I may be way off.
    Still hanging in there,
2791.6The first RN is not workingIOSG::MAURICENight rolls in, my dark companionThu Jun 03 1993 13:3131
    Thanks for the extra information. This clearly shows that there is in
    fact one notice, not two. For in each case the filename is
    What seems to be happening is that the first RN "nearly" works. Your
    report says that the restore did in fact happen, but at the end the
    mail status is now NOTED rather than READ, and the message is still in
    the INBOX. This fools RN into thinking it's still an UNREAD message and
    so has another go at restoring it. This time the archiving code detects
    that the message has in fact already been restored, and so gives an
    error. The good news is that this time the RN now completes its job and
    gets the message from INBOX & NOTED to READ & READ. 
    At the end of the two RNs is the user's unread mail count correct?
    Seeing as it's the first RN that is really failing I recommend that you
    turn on all tracing round it, and turn it off straight after. My hope
    is that there will be an error shown in the trace that is not being
    displayed on the screen.
> Joe has us using the new 3.0 archiver/restore, however this is to restore 
> files stored in 2.x versions.
    Without knowing the application I would have thought that you could use
    the V3.0 method for the V2.x files, since that's what V3.0 does.
2791.7Pointer to RAD trace log...DV780::BAILEYROICU812!Thu Jun 03 1993 22:3411

You can find a RAD log with both RN's in:


Let me know if you can't access it.


Randy B.
2791.8IOSG::MAURICENight rolls in, my dark companionFri Jun 04 1993 13:0116
    I got the log file OK.
    The log file suggests that the restore code is having a problem
    deleting the reference in the ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS folder. In your
    example it should have removed document number 8542 in the ARCHIVED
    DOCUMENTS folder. Can you check whether that is still there. It seems
    to have successfully put the restored document in folder SAVE.
    Did you find out whether you can use the V3.0 restore technique for
    these documents. At the end of the day it may be your only chance.
2791.9Still in ARCHIVED DOCUMENTSDV780::BAILEYROICU812!Fri Jun 04 1993 21:3724

re: .8 

>    The log file suggests that the restore code is having a problem
>    deleting the reference in the ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS folder. In your
>    example it should have removed document number 8542 in the ARCHIVED
>    DOCUMENTS folder. Can you check whether that is still there. It seems
>    to have successfully put the restored document in folder SAVE.

Yes the document is still in the ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS folder and yes the 
restore to the SAVE folder worked.

>    Did you find out whether you can use the V3.0 restore technique for
>    these documents. At the end of the day it may be your only chance.

We're investigating this now.  Our site has heavily customized the 
"off-site" storage and if we can retrieve the off-site file to the original 
archive area we'll let the 3.0 code take over from there.  Worked like a 
champ manually.


Randy B.
2791.10Any more ideas?DV780::MADDOXJDigital AlienSat Jun 05 1993 05:4723
    Attempting to use the 3.0 style restore is proving to be quite
    difficult.  We are attempting to retain a customized command procedure
    for the express purpose of restoring documents which were archived
    before the upgrade to 3.0.  After the upgrade, documents will be stored
    in a fassion that is much more consistent with 3.0.
    In the 2.4 procedure, documents were copied to a file system to which
    the user does not have privilege.  When he restored a document with the
    RAD option, OA$SUBMIT is used to submit a privileged job which copies
    the file from the backup system and then mails it to the owner.
    Can you think of any reason for the MAIL FUNCTION to break and/or what
    we might do to attempt to isolate the problem?
    All help is appreciated.  The customer is getting quite anxious.  Users
    have not been able to restore documents for a week now, and as I said
    before, they use archived quite a bit.
2791.11IOSG::MAURICEMon Jun 07 1993 14:5442
    I've had another look at the log file and here are some more comments:
    1. The document in folder SAVE started life with a MAIL_STATUS of
       RAD_PENDING which I don't recall seeing before. Is this a
    2. As I mentioned before the basic problem is that the code is not
       managing to delete the entry in the ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS folder. I've
       looked at the cod in conjunction with the log. At the end of the
       mail function it makes the entry in ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS current, and
       then the mail code it returns to assumes this is the mail message,
       and consequently fails to complete the mail post-processing. Were
       the entry in the ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS folder to have been deleted then
       this would not have happened.
    3. It would be a worthwhile experiment to play with the crossfiles.
       Let's assume that you start with two crossfiled archived references
       in folders SAVE & ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS. Some possibilities to try are:
       a) Delete the entry in folder ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS before doing the
          RESTORE. (If the user can't delete it then this will be very 
       b) Delete the entry in folder SAVE before doing the RESTORE.
       c) Refile the entry in folder ARCHIVED DOCUMENTS to another folder 
          XXX before doing the RESTORE.
       d) Refile the entry in folder SAVE to another folder XXX before
          doing the RESTORE.
       (The last 2 will make the order in which the documents are found by 
        the DOCNUM key different.)
    4. Was the user in your test a privileged user? Does it matter if the 
       user is privileged?