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Conference iosg::all-in-1_v30

Title:*OLD* ALL-IN-1 (tm) Support Conference
Notice:Closed - See Note 4331.l to move to IOSG::ALL-IN-1
Created:Thu Jan 30 1992
Last Modified:Tue Jan 23 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4343
Total number of notes:18308

4096.0. "Doubts about Archiving?" by HPOU06::TROTTI (VAX..more than just a vacuum cleaner) Wed Apr 20 1994 23:37

    I have a customer who wants to do some clean up with their ALL-IN-1 system.
    One of his options is to use the ALL-IN-1 Archiving feature to reduce
    the number of old files and messages on the system.  He is a little 
    leary about this because he has been led to believe that the Archiving
    Subsystem is not very robust --- Is this a valid concern?
    His second option is to do a backup of the system, delete messages and
    files older than a certain date, then Reorg/Repair the SDAF's and PDAF's.
    He feels that he can retrieve an old document (if necessary) by doing
    searchs on the XXXXXXXX.WPL's for a specific keyword.  (Pretty
    scary...but he is serious).
    His third option is to introduce TeamLinks and have the users UNSHARE 
    mail messages and place them on their local PC hard drives. (I like
    this because it sells Teamlinks Licences)
    To me, Option 1 seems to be the most straightforward, but not being an
    Archiving user, I don't know much about the concerns people have with 
    the subsystem.  Can anyone give me any ammunition to convince him that
    Archiving is the way to go.  I think his doubts about the Archiving
    Subsystem are based upon the original version. Has their been any 
    significant improvments since its inception.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Mike Trotti
4096.1OK, I'll (belatedly) biteIOSG::PYEGraham - ALL-IN-1 Sorcerer's ApprenticeFri May 06 1994 20:3111
    I think our position now is that Archiving is reasonably robust.
    However, it may not be as efficient as saving space as he wouldlike,
    since its design model is more as a security type of archiving rather
    than a space saving one.
    It would probably be better to get him to run something like the Mail
    Janitor ASSETT to delete old messages from ALL-IN-1. If he wants to
    simply delete them at DCL, then you *only* have to run FCVR