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Conference turris::womannotes-v3

Title:Topics of Interest to Women
Notice:V3 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1078
Total number of notes:52352

796.0. "SRO (Sensitive replies only) to 785" by CUPMK::SLOANE (Is communcation the key?) Thu May 02 1991 13:53

Re: 785 comments

Many people, men and women, sent me mail saying they were afraid to show me
support in 785. because they were afraid of being attacked.

This is a silent group whose opinions are as important as anybody's, but who
rarely get heard in this file. 

I have sent them mail asking them if they would express their opinions in an
SRO (sensitive replies only) note, and also write the mods with their concerns.
This is the place. They can also reply anonymously through a mod.

I also invite anybody else to write in this SRO note.

I hope some people will feel encouraged to reply (some of you already have),
but if you don't, believe me, I understand.

796.1ASDS::BARLOWi THINK i can, i THINK i can...Fri May 03 1991 14:1812
    wow!  I just for the first time read a few of the replies to your
    original note.  Perhaps those repliers know more about you than I
    do, but I don't see the big deal.  When I enter a note into a notes
    file to which it shouldn't belong, the mods usually send me mail and
    move it.  Actually, I don't think it belongs here, but I don't really
    care either.  I'm not offended if men want to voice their concerns
    in a mostly female forum.  I took your first line as a joke.  (I did
    however, find those descriptions nauseating, or maybe it was the
    sandwich I just ate.)
796.2encouraging words...BTOVT::THIGPEN_STrout Lillies in AbundanceFri May 03 1991 14:3514
point of info -- roughly how many such mail messages did you get? from different
people, I mean.  Just curious.

Folks, I wish you did feel comfortable to reply here, in this string at least.
You can help set the tone of this conference only if you write to it.

Just because some voices here seem to disagree strongly with your views, does
not automatically make your views wrong or devalue them.

fwiw, I am one who thinks 785 was not particularly appropriate to this 
conference, but feel no impulse to ask that it be deleted, nor to heap abuse on
any who may disagree (in either direction).

796.3About 10CUPMK::SLOANEIs communcation the key?Fri May 03 1991 14:456
How many replies? About 10.

About half of them agreed with you (i.e., the topic wasn't particularly 
relevant, but it wasn't inflammatory either.)

796.4..support..OSL09::PERSPer SpangebuTue May 07 1991 08:0523
    OK Bruce, I'll come out. I support you.
    Not neccecarly because I agree, but...
    You entered your note.
    Mods didn't remove it.
    My personal feeling wether it's appropriate or not is irrelevant.
    I do feel however (correct me if I'm wrong, you didn't write in
    Norwegian) that your base note (785.0) was written with a *big* smile
    on your face (although it's a lot of truth in it). 
    I saw it from the humorous side. Was that your intention?
    If it was (and even I, as a non-english speaking person, detected it),
    I'm astonished by the replies.
    Talk about some taking themselves seriously.
    You haven't asked for one, but if it was me, I'd sure need it, and even
    we don't know eachother, i'll do it (hope I don't offend you or anybody
    else).  see the *hug note*.
    I'm off to the flotation tank. Maybe I see you there.
796.5my .02MCIS2::HUSSIANBut my cats *ARE* my kids!!Tue May 07 1991 14:2724
    Well, I wasn't going to say anything either, but....
    First off, I didn't read ANY of the replies in .785, cuz it wasn't
    really of any interest to ME, but that doesn't mean other women 
    wouldn't be interested. I don't see why so many people are saying
    that it shouldn't be in the file because it's not of interest to
    women. It's OBVIOUSLY of interest, there are almost *200* replies
    in there.
    I don't feel that it's MY place to decide what other women would 
    be interested in reading. I'm not saying others DID, but if the 
    mods didn't remove it, & you're not interested, then just don't
    I can see where some people thought of the base note in 785 as an
    "us against them" type of thing, & I feel that the point needed to
    be made, that we DON'T think WE'RE the ONLY ones w/ indignities, which
    it was. It should have just been left at that. (IMO)
    I sure I hope I don't get flamed for this, I've never taken part in
    the controversial issues in this file for that reason! I don't think
    I've ever told anyone that either, so I *think* I feel better now!
796.6one of the tenIOSG::HUNTDthe champagne flightTue Jul 30 1991 19:566
    I finally got back to reading this file and I also wrote to Bruce
    supporting him against what I felt were unnecessarily critical notes.
    I think he quoted my words somewhere in that note.  I felt sad that
    woman had reacted that way.