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Conference turris::womannotes-v2

Title:ARCHIVE-- Topics of Interest to Women, Volume 2 --ARCHIVE
Notice:V2 is closed. TURRIS::WOMANNOTES-V5 is open.
Created:Thu Jan 30 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 30 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1105
Total number of notes:36379

621.0. "Goodbye" by CURIE::ROCCO () Thu May 25 1989 18:59

Hello everyone,

Well it is getting close to the time for me to say goodbye for now (at least to
notes - hopefully not to wn parties and those of you I have met.)

I am taking a leave of absense from Digital starting on June 2nd. I am
taking the summer off (yeah - I can't wait), and then going back to school
full time in the fall to get my Master's in Social Work.

This is quite a career change for me - having been an engineer, technical
support person and marketeer in the computer industry. Not many other students
in social work will have thier undergraduate degree in computer science.

This step took a lot of soul searching, and a lot of value reevaluation. I
came to the conclusion in December that I wasn't happy doing what I was
doing and that it was more than this particular job. Somehow I felt that
my real interests in life weren't being met, and that I wanted to make
more of a contribution. I came to the conclusion that I am more interested
in people than computers - which led me to apply to schools in social work.
I was accepted at BU and hurrah I am actually going to do this.

Some of my other thoughts surrounded the down side of this move. I will be
financially dependent on my husband for the next two years. I have had a 
much harder time with this than he has. I had to go through a lot of "what
if's" and then come back to trusting him. I had planned to never be
financially dependent - and haven't been - and so this is going to be an
adjustment. Besides the fact that jointly we will have a lot less money
than we had with two high tech incomes.

I will also come out of school making a lot less money than I do now. I had
to do a lot of thinking about what I think success is - and I realized that
for me success does not = money. Until now I bought into what I consider a
corporate (I want to say male but that might not be it) value of success. I
have decided that success is a lot more than that and one other component
is contribution, and helping others. Along with this issue of success is
one of status. In soceity social workers have less "status" than business
type jobs. This seems to be true of most service oriented professions.

Given all of this I have decided to go back to some of my basic values and
interests - which mean people.

I am really excited about starting this new venture but I am going to miss you
all in wn. This file has been a great source of pleasure and has provided
me with some food for thought. I will try and keep in touch with some
wnoters so that I can still come to parties.

Thank you all,

621.1AQUA::WAGMANQQSVThu May 25 1989 22:386
Wow!  That must have been a tough decision to come to...  I, for one, will
miss reading your thoughts here.

Good luck with the change, and with school.  And do keep coming to the parties!

						--Q (Dick Wagman)
621.2Go Get 'Em!SLOVAX::HASLAMCreativity UnlimitedThu May 25 1989 22:395
    Thanks for sharing yourself with the community.  My best wishes
    go with you Muggsie!
    Lotsa Hugs and Good Thoughts,
621.3Good luck!2EASY::PIKETI'm NOT having fun yetFri May 26 1989 12:276
    Congratulations on your decision. It sure took some guts!
621.4RAVEN1::AAGESENintrospection unlimitedFri May 26 1989 12:549
     I wish you all the luck possible in your new career direction.
We sure can use more people with your ideals in the overworked social
service space.

 Take care,


621.5Good DecisionHYEND::SVAILLANTFri May 26 1989 13:064
    Good luck.  The world can use more like you.
621.6RAINBO::TARBETI'm the ERAFri May 26 1989 13:228
    and you bloody well *better* come to the parties & events!
    Best luck, Muggsie.  I hope your MSW will give you everything you're
    looking for in a career.  (But keep up your techie skills just in
    case...the number of successful MSWs who've later turned engineer feels
    to me like a hint about what you can expect)
621.8HAMSTR::IRLBACHERnot yesterday's woman, todayFri May 26 1989 15:3211
    Muggsie---you are leaving the world of make-believe for the real
    world, and you know that don't you?  And even if its rather scary, isn't
    it also exciting?    
    Only in the doing do we become what we want to be.  Only in not
    deferring the dream does it become a reality.
    All the luck in the world to you!  One of the nicest things about
    our trip to DC was getting to know you.  Never lose faith in yourself.
621.10Three Cheers for Muggsie!DATTA::SEAVEYFri May 26 1989 16:285
    A great decision, Muggsie!!   ....hope to see you in church again
    before the season ends!   ...didn't know you went to DC.  Great going!

621.12Will miss you..TOOK::SANKARArundhati SankarFri May 26 1989 17:039
    Good Luck. I admire your courage. I am waiting for the NOW tape.
    to organize a cookout for us all to meet again.   Will you be 
    around this summer? 
    Please keep in touch...
621.13Good Luck!GRANPA::TTAYLORFri May 26 1989 18:104
621.14Go for it!NEBVAX::VEILLEUXwhen the sky is perfect blueFri May 26 1989 19:526
    Sounds like a wonderful challenge -- all the best to you, Muggsie.
    I'll miss your insights here, though.  Hope to see you and Greg
    at the "DC Reunion"!
                             ...Lisa V...
621.15CADSE::GLIDEWELLWow! It's The Abyss!Sun May 28 1989 20:0527

Best of luck in your new adventure. I admire your decision
in twenty different ways.

Please come back to the parties.  If for
no other reason, than to let everyone 
know how things are going.  I suspect I'm not the only
one muttering "there but for <mumble>, go I."
  where <mumble> = some phobia, indecision, or inertia  :)

> .0
> financially dependent on my husband for the next two years. 

Ark! This would be a toughie on me. I'm funny about money.
Read an interesting book about 5 years ago ... A Boston sportwriter
(male) stayed home with the children for a year while his wife
cranked up her business. He became dependent on her financially.
His reactions to financial dependency were very interesting ...
and somehow easier to hear when coming from a male.  (Sorry,
I can't remember the book title or author, but a local librarian
or sports nut would probably know it.)

His big surprise: he started feeling guilty about spending 
money on himself for anything except necessities.  But it is worth
reading the book to see how slow he is to recognize this and how
thoroughly this reaction affects him.     Meigs
621.17Another D.C. NoterUSEM::DONOVANTue May 30 1989 15:248
    You will be missed!
    I understand your desire to get out there and make a difference.
    I wish it was me. Maybe in a few years I'll need a tutor!
621.18You're to be admiredAWARD1::HARMONTue May 30 1989 19:4711
    Good for you, Muggsie!!!  Especially for listening to yourself. 
    You are doing something I have "talked" about doing for a few years....but
    I've let the "what if"s get in the way of going back for my degree in
    Communication Disorders and becoming a certified interpreter of the
    deaf.  As others have said, we need more people such as yourself.
    Best wishes for a bright future. You will be missed as will your notes.