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Conference yukon::christian_v7

Title:The CHRISTIAN Notesfile
Notice:Jesus reigns! - Intros: note 4; Praise: note 165
Created:Tue Feb 16 1993
Last Modified:Fri May 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:962
Total number of notes:42902

831.0. "How Can I know God?" by POWDML::FLANAGAN (let your light shine) Mon Dec 04 1995 13:26

Note 828.60                 Problem w/Pastors sermons                   60 of 65
CSLALL::HENDERSON "Friend, will you be ready?"       12 lines   1-DEC-1995 12:44
>    God is the higher authority.

     as revealed in the Bible, His Word.  Without that, we know, and can know,
     nothing about God.

831.2COVERT::COVERTJohn R. CovertMon Dec 04 1995 13:383

831.1millions of ways to know GodPOWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineMon Dec 04 1995 13:4430
    When I behold the joy of a new born babe, I know God is present!
    When I wake up on a beautiful spring morning and see the flowers
    blooming, I know God is present!
    When I wrestle with a difficult question and go to sleep praying for
    Wisdom and awake knowing how to proceed, God is present.
    When I behold the stars in the sky, the moon, the Sun, I know God is
    When I meet people,  committed to helping others and committed to make
    a better world, I know God is present.
    When I am fearful of pursuing a particular course and pray for courage,
    and the results are greater than I could have imagined, I know God is
    When I am dissappointed, or hurt, or angry and I go to sleep, knowing
    that God is with me, and I am comforted, I know God is present.
    When I find myself week after week at Andover Newton, and speculate
    that this is really weird, I know that God is present!.
    When I am loving and when I am loved, I know God is present.
    These are just a few of the millions of ways that we can know God!
831.3POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineMon Dec 04 1995 13:461
    Thank your John.
831.4CSLALL::HENDERSONFriend, will you be ready?Mon Dec 04 1995 13:475
>    Thank your John.

     I've taken mine for granted for so long!
831.5CSLALL::HENDERSONFriend, will you be ready?Mon Dec 04 1995 13:5917

 I've come to know God through the preaching of His Word, through prayer,
 through the fellowship of other Christians.

 One can see God's presence all around us..but we know nothing about His
 love nor His will for our lives, His expectations of us or His Judgement with-
 out the Bible..without it, there is no knowledge about God..all we can 
 do is guess.

831.6PAULKM::WEISSFor I am determined to know nothing, except...Mon Dec 04 1995 14:2339
In your reply .1, Patricia, I love the ways in which you are aware of God's
presence.  God is indeed present in every aspect of our lives, though we are
often not aware of His presence.  Growing deeper in awareness of God's
eternal presence is a glorious thing.

But .0 which you posted is about a very different question.  It is not about
where we see evidences of God, but about how we fit those evidences together
into a concept of who God is.

People throughout history, and throughout the world today, have come up with
myriads of different ideas of who God is, ranging from pagan worship of
nature, to hindusim, budhhism, and many others.  A group of people who
escaped from slavery in Egypt nearly 4000 years ago believed that God had
revealed Himself to them.  A man among them wrote down some material, which
those people believed was directly from this God who had rescued them, and
other people subsequently wrote down more revelations that the people
accepted as from God.  

Then a man lived in Palestine 2000 years ago proclaiming that He was God in
human flesh.  After his death and resurrection, a group of people continued
to proclaim that He was God, and they also wrote down what they knew, and
what they wrote was accepted as from God.

This conference is, by stated intent, a gathering of people who believe that
this God who revealed Himself to the Israelites and who incarnated Himself in
Jesus really is God, and that the words written by and about Him are true.
Therefore we, as a gathering of people, have agreed to organize the evidences
of God in the world around the foundation of these written words.

I know all this has been said before, but it bears repeating.  We are not
interested in discussing here any other methods of arranging the evidence of
God into a concept of God.  If you want to discuss concepts of God other than
those in accord with the God who revealed Himself in the Bible, then please
take that discussion elsewhere.

Notes which expound an anti-biblical concept of God may be deleted without
further notice.

Paul, whose moderator hat seems to be staying close at hand
831.7Many Ways God is Made Known to MeCPCOD::JOHNSONA rare blue and gold afternoonMon Dec 04 1995 14:2629
I have known God through His creation in some of the same ways Patricia stated,.
In fact, a couple of my favorite Psalms express this. Psalm 8 says "When I 
look up at your heavens, the work of your fingers, at the moon and the stars 
you have set in place...". Psalm 19 says "the heavens tell out the glory of 
God, heaven's vault makes known his handiwork ...".  I think these Psalms 
express the fact that the world's existence is evidence of the Designer who
created it all.

I have felt and known God's presence and His actions on my behalf in times 
of trouble. Again the Psalms describe this well. An example is Psalm 16,
"Keep me, God, for in you have I found refuge...I shall bless the Lord Lord 
who has given me counsel; in the night he imparts knowledge to my inmost 
being...".  God has sometimes answered my prayers directly, sometimes in-
directly, and other times have been even more of a struggle, but always He 
has given me strength, and increasing faith, and a way through the trouble
or the pain and grief.

The other way that I have known God though, is through the Bible. Without
the Bible there would be a great big lack of understanding and knowledge. I
am thankful we have these writings through which we can learn about Him and
about ourselves.  The Bible provides a concrete framework for the experiential.

Finally, I am sure that that I have been drawn to God by His action on my
spirit. The Ruach haKodesh, or Holy Spirt has opened up my understanding of
God, and made Him known to me.  But this is much less tangible, much more 
personal and subjective, and impossible to show to anyone as evidence of God 
in our current existence.

831.8HPCGRP::DIEWALDMon Dec 04 1995 14:5410
    Patricia -
    The question that came to my mind from all this perhaps is the 
    follow up question to "How do you know God".  
    How do you have a personal relationship with God?
831.9POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineMon Dec 04 1995 15:038
    We know God through scripture, through personal experience, through
    real life loving relationships with others, through prayer and
    Reading scripture with reason, through our own experience, and with the
    help of the Holy Spirit reveals the Nature of God to us.
831.10HPCGRP::DIEWALDMon Dec 04 1995 15:197
    I really like the way you said that.  It was just right.
    Heres another question.  How do you know Jesus?
831.11CSLALL::HENDERSONFriend, will you be ready?Mon Dec 04 1995 15:404

 What does "reading scripture with reason" mean?
831.12POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineMon Dec 04 1995 15:435
    We can know the Historic Jesus through a historic critical analysis of
    the Synoptic Gospels.  Mathew, Mark, and Luke.  We can know the impact
    of Jesus on the rise of early Christianity through the writings of Paul.
    If the Resurrected Christ is God, we can know the Resurrected Christ
    the same way we know God.
831.13POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineMon Dec 04 1995 15:497
    REading scripture with reason means learning as much as we can about
    the individual sources of scripture, learning as much as possible about
    the historic content and how it impacts the writing, it means
    understanding as much as possible the situation behind the individual
    writing and why it was written.  It means reading all versions of a
    story, and analyzing the similarities and differences.  It means
    comparing the scripture with other scripture and other literary pieces.
831.14Thanks PatriciaYIELD::BARBIERIMon Dec 04 1995 16:0018
      Hi Patricia,
        I just want to say that my heart has said "Amen" about most of what
        you have entered here.  I perceive you as being a highly intelli- 
        gent person with a thirst to know God!  There are times your inputs
        are a blessing to me!
        I do disagree with the idea of seeing God within human relationships
        where love is expressed only because eros love and often be confused
        for agape.
        I realize we have our differences, but I choose to perceive you as
        fully my equal with a capacity to allow God to bless me through 
831.15HPCGRP::DIEWALDMon Dec 04 1995 16:1124
    Re: 831.12 who is Jesus
    Hi Patricia 
    Of course we learn of Jesus through all those sources.  But I prefer
    learning of Jesus on a more personal basis.  He is my savior, my
    Lord, my Prince of peace.  The one who died for me on a cross, to 
    bring me salvation.  He promises me eternal life with Him.  This is
    a Lord worthy of praise and worship.  
    Keep your eyes on the goal!  
    (from 824.46)
        The WORD did not become a philosophy, a theory, or a concept to be
        discussed, debated, or pondered.  But the WORD became a person to
        be followed, enjoyed, and loved!
        "Unto you is born this day a Savior." (Luke 2:11)
    Its advent now...
831.16BIGQ::SILVAEAT, Pappa, EAT!Mon Dec 04 1995 16:2111

	Patricia, excellent notes. You definitely helped clear up a lot of
misconceptions. I think that even though Paul says people don't want to discuss
what you were saying, from the others in here it would appear that what you're
saying does have to do with the Bible. The Psalms that were listed show that.
I know you opened my eyes a bit too. Thanks!

831.17PAULKM::WEISSFor I am determined to know nothing, except...Mon Dec 04 1995 17:0536
>I think that even though Paul says people don't want to discuss
>what you were saying, from the others in here it would appear that what
>you're saying does have to do with the Bible. 

I very specifically did NOT say that, Glen.  I very much affirmed and affirm
again that it is a glorious thing to see how we can see God in the world and
in the people around us.  I totally affirmed all that Patricia said in .1.

I simply noted that .0 can be taken to point in a different direction, and
that we're not going to go in that direction.

Joining in with you, Patricia, in some ways that I saw God yesterday:

I obeyed the Lord on Saturday in something that I had been holding back on,
not wanting to do, and received a real sense of peace at being back in His

I met the Lord in my early morning Scripture reading and prayer.

I saw a woman in church really exuberantly praising the Lord and saw the Lord
in her praise.

I saw another woman in church get up during silent prayer and go to pray for
someone who had shared a pressing concern, showing the compassion of the Lord.

I saw three men depict the exuberant joy of the shepherds when they returned
to their fields, barely able to believe what they had seen and heard that
wondrous night.

I talked to a brother who was filled with joy over having been obedient - he
went to visit and pray with a sister in need when he did NOT know how he
would be received, and the sister had been greatly blessed by his coming.

The Lord met me personally in *power* during a time of prayer last night.

831.18HPCGRP::DIEWALDMon Dec 04 1995 17:1714
    Beautiful Patricia and Paul, let me join in.
    I saw the Lord sunday when His peace descended on the congregation.
    I saw the Lord sunday when a friend presented me with the book I'd
    been praying for.
    I saw the Lord Saturday through the bible study I was doing.
    I saw the Lord Sunday when my children came back home safe and whole.
    Praise the Lord.
831.19CSLALL::HENDERSONFriend, will you be ready?Mon Dec 04 1995 17:3815

 I saw the Lord yesterday when a woman who had been attending our church
 for several months, bowed her head and asked the Lord to save her.

 I saw God yesterday when my pastor came up and hugged me, and some other folks
 came up with some kind words.


831.20When He Showed Me My Sin...YIELD::BARBIERIMon Dec 04 1995 18:486
      I saw the Lord early Saturday morning when He showed me a sin
      in deeper and clearer lines and I saw myself a monster.  All
      I could do was fall prostrate before Him and plead His pardoning
      blood in my behalf - the same blood that I hope will cleanse.
831.21Out of the mouths of babes and 90-year old womenROCK::PARKERMon Dec 04 1995 19:0022
    I saw God in my godly mother-in-law who, while heavily sedated with
    morphine to ease her suffering with acute pulmonary edema and being
    helped to the bathroom by a nurse, said in response to the nurse's
    exasperated words "Oh, God!":
    "Don't say that."
    The nurse said "What?"
    Mom said "don't use God's name that way unless you mean to petition or
    praise Him."
    The nurse later said to mom in my wife's hearing, "you were right. 
    Thank you."
    I also saw God in words I found in mom's Bible in her handwriting:
    "Choose faith, not feelings."
    Mom would be the first to tell anyone who will listen that her God is
    the God of His Word.
831.22nothing like intimacy with the CreatorOUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallMon Dec 04 1995 22:165
    I've come to know God through having a personal relationship with Him,
    1-on-1, and Him living within me.  I don't need to look for His
    presence outwardly, He reigns within me.
831.23BIGQ::SILVAEAT, Pappa, EAT!Tue Dec 05 1995 00:085

	Gee, Mike, that's too bad. While I agree with you that having Him
inwardly is a great thing, it is the outwardly things that God could use to
show you more of His world, but you will never see it.
831.24POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineTue Dec 05 1995 12:557
    Your response is very insightful.  I agree with it.  God lives within
    each of us.  When we are in touch with God living within us, we see the
    outward world very differently.
831.25OUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallTue Dec 05 1995 13:0810
    Glen, I never said I don't see God in the outwardly things (i.e.,
    creation, the love of a mom to a newborn, etc.).  I said these things
    are secondary when you have God living within you.
    Patricia, thanks for the confirmation.  The presence of El Shaddai
    within His children is a fulfilled promise of the new covenant as
    prophesied by Ezekiel and Jeremiah.  He has given the born-again a
    heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone and He reigns within them.
831.26HPCGRP::DIEWALDTue Dec 05 1995 13:164
    Its not I who live but Christ that lives in me.  Remember whos
    the one in charge.
831.27POWDML::FLANAGANlet your light shineTue Dec 05 1995 13:181
    amen Jill2
831.28BIGQ::SILVAEAT, Pappa, EAT!Tue Dec 05 1995 13:3012
| <<< Note 831.25 by OUTSRC::HEISER "watchman on the wall" >>>

| Glen, I never said I don't see God in the outwardly things (i.e.,
| creation, the love of a mom to a newborn, etc.).  I said these things
| are secondary when you have God living within you.

	Mike, how can anything from Him be secondary? The in/out stuff all
comes from Him. Whatever He shows us, is not secondary. Whether it be inward,
or outward.

831.29Knowing God Through His NamesCPCOD::JOHNSONA rare blue and gold afternoonTue Dec 05 1995 15:4259
   I'm not sure, but I think this may be the appropriate place to put this.
   Last night at our home study group, a friend gave me a book that she had
   picked up at one of the local Christian book stores as a sort of 
   promotional thing (the first 50 people in the door that day got to choose
   a free book of a special book table). When she was leafing through the
   book at home she felt within herself a statement that said "Give this book 
   to Leslie", so she did.

   Its called "To Know Him by Name", and goes through some of the names of
   God used in the Bible, and offers insight into what these names mean to 
   our relationship with God. I've read the first 5 chapters since last night.
   (They are short & easy to read). I've found the book to be uplifting and
   thoughtprovoking. Chapter 1 is an intro, the other chapters are:

           Elohim: The Creator
           El Elyon: The God Most High
           El Roi: The God Who Sees
           El Shaddai: The All-Suffiecient One
           Adonai: The Lord
           Jehovah: The Self-existent One
           Jehovah-jireh: The Lord Will Provide
           Jehovah-nissi: The Lord Thy Banner
           Jehovah-mekoddishkem: The Lord Who Sanctifies You
           Jehovah-shalom: The Lord is Peace
           Jehovah-sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts
           Jehovah-raah: The Lord Thy Shepherd
           Jehovah-tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness
           Jehovah-shammah: The Lord is There

   In Biblical times, names had a much more important role than they do today.
   Names were not just a handle by which to call someone, they stated some
   truth about the person or their situation, or their parent's response to 
   situation. That is why the names of some such as Abram and Sarai were 
   changed when there was a change in their relationship or role with God.

   Can we know God, at least in part, through His names? Proverbs 18:10 says,
   "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the Righteous runs into it and 
   is safe."  God's desire is that we know Him, and I think that meditating 
   on His names, and relating to him on the basis of those names is a valid
   way to know God. It requires the use of our minds, our feelings, and our
   behaviour or action. Not just one of these, but all three. If we have only
   feelings than we are shakey and prone to error, if we have just our 
   intellect it can be factual knowing without any real binding emotional ties,
   if we do not act and behave according to what we know, then our lives are
   incomplete and our knowing has done little good. All of these reinforce 
   the other and make our relationship with God more intimate, as well as
   giving the relationship strength and endurance.

	Some boast of chariots and some of horses,
        but our boast is the name of the Lord, Our God.

                                    Psalm 20:7


   PS. The author is Kay Arthur & if anyone has any information on her, I'd
       appreciate it if you would share what you know with me.
831.30ICTHUS::YUILLEHe must increase - I must decreaseTue Dec 05 1995 15:5315
Amen, Leslie!  I don' know the book or the author, but the significance of
names, I go all the way with!  - for instance, the names God gave to mark a
special call, or appointing.

Then there's :
	Genesis 32:29, where Jesus says to Jacob: 
		"Why do you ask my name?"
	Judges 13:18, where Jesus says to Manoah: 
		"Why do you ask my name? Itis beyond understanding."
	Revelation 19:12, where it is said of Jesus:
		"He has a name written on Him that no-one knows but He Himself"

God reveals Hiomself in His Name, where we walk with Him...  Hallelujah!

831.31JULIET::MORALES_NASweet Spirit's Gentle BreezeTue Dec 05 1995 15:5464
    This note was written and entered into this conference's previous
    version in 1992.  I re-read it and feel that it is still appropriate
    and hope someone will glean from it what God would have for you.
    As a single mother, I have found challenges in trying to
    *know* God on a more intimate level.  For instance, placing our
    Heavenly Father in the position of a *Father* role model for my boys or
    as the husband I no longer have.  
    I believe God meets needs   -- I feel unfulfilled
    I believe God loves me      -- I feel unloveable
    I believe God protects me   -- I feel vulnerable
    But how does one go from a state of *I believe* to *I know*?  
    I don't have *the* answer to this question, but as I struggle, God
    reveals to me the sin in my life that needs confession and repentence.  
    Each time that happens, there is evidence of God, because He is working 
    in my life.
    However, God revealed something to me about *knowing* him the other 
    Anne slowly opens her eyes and sees the alarm clock, it's 6:00 A.M. 
    "No", she moans, "I don't want to get up."  Then she quickly remembers the
    two boys lying in the other room sleeping.  They need her.  She must get up
    and prepare their breakfast and lunch.  She pauses for a moment remembering
    she should pray and read her Bible, but then remembers the laundry left in
    the dryer.  A heavy sigh leaves her chest as she recalls that the blouse
    she was going to wear that day is in that load.
    A feeling of sadness envelopes her as she thinks of the time that her
    ex-husband would have risen, even with his hangover, and made breakfast
    for the boys. Sometimes, it's just so hard.  She feels the Lord gently
    nudging her to call to Him, but she bustles around the house as if to say 
    to Jesus, "I just don't have time for you right now."  So she hurriedly 
    finishes her daily routine with the children and begins dressing herself 
    for work.
    She looks in the mirror and her reflection catches her for a thoughtful
    moment.  As tears well up in her eyes she looks deep at herself.  Her
    eyes are tired eyes, where once bright and cheerful eyes were.  
    "The years have gone by so fast, Lord", she ponders, "I am not very 
    old, but yet I feel ancient."  She recalls all the hurt in her life; 
    the abuse from her father, the abandonment from her mother, 
    and finally a husband who chose alcohol over her.  

    The Lord quickly reminds her, "Anne, I am right here beside you, rest in 
    me and I will help you."  

    Anne is perplexed, "Lord, how can YOU help me?  I need a
    husband and a father for my children.  You are in Heaven and I am here."  

    Jesus smiles warmly down at Anne, though she cannot see it yet, and 
    responds,"Lo, I am with you always, for you have me in your heart."  
    She can actually feel God's love for a moment.  It quiets her and 
    the tears begin to flow as she feels His loving arms around her.
    My relationship with Christ is the only way I can *know* Him. 
831.32ROCK::PARKERTue Dec 05 1995 16:0615
    RE: .29 and .31
    Thank you, Leslie and Nancy!
    God is working in you to reveal Himself to us.
    Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful;
    Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
    Eyes have seen, ears have heard,
    It's recorded in God's Word,
    Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
    Thank you for letting me see Jesus.
831.33OUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallTue Dec 05 1995 16:449
>	Mike, how can anything from Him be secondary? The in/out stuff all
>comes from Him. Whatever He shows us, is not secondary. Whether it be inward,
>or outward.
    Glen, this is irrelevant to your prior pretext of my reply.  FWIW - you
    are still wrong.  Nothing is more important than intimacy with God in
    fulfillment of the new covenant.  You can't be saved without it.
831.34OUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallTue Dec 05 1995 16:478
    Leslie, thanks for entering that list.  One of my favorites that isn't
    on there is El Gibhor.
    Kay Arthur has several books/bibles out for study and research.  I have
    her Inductive Study Bible in the NAS version and I think it's great. 
    Nice big margins for notes and some good study aides/info too.
831.35ASDG::HORTERTWed Dec 06 1995 14:057
    Oh gosh, when Leslie put that note, it brought joy to my heart. I
    started remembering the words to an Amy Grant song El Shaddai which
    uses a lot of those names.  But it's been such a long time since I've
    heard it that now I've forgotten most of the lyrics.  Still remember
    the tune though.  Anyone remember?  I love that song.
831.36JULIET::MORALES_NASweet Spirit's Gentle BreezeWed Dec 06 1995 14:147
    .35  :-) El Shaddai was written by Michael Card I do believe.  But Amy
    Grant performed it.  I'm sure Mike Heiser can give us the skinny
    though. :-)
    It's a great song.
831.37CSLALL::HENDERSONFriend, will you be ready?Wed Dec 06 1995 14:5310

 It's a wonderful song, one which has been going through my mind since

831.38Experiencing GodNWD002::RANDALL_DOWed Dec 06 1995 17:108
    I'll add one thing, to help with this question.  Great question.  
    The Experiencing God study has really had an impact on me. 
    There are some fresh insights, and it's really helping me focus on my
    relationship with God.  I'd be interested to see how you react to it,
    Patricia.  Available at most Christian bookstores.
831.39NWD002::RANDALL_DOWed Dec 06 1995 17:1616
    The other comment I have is to beware of the "search for the historical
    Jesus" train of thought.  The basis of this group is to look at the 4
    gospels, and to decide, by their own wisdom, what words were actually
    said by Jesus, and what was added later.  They hypothesize an original
    document, from a source called Q. 
    The problem with this is that it's speculation to the extreme.  There
    is no evidence of the type that we think of as evidence.  To base a
    theology on it is to walk down a path that leads away from Jesus, not
    toward Him.  I'm bringing this up, because it was mentioned in an
    earlier note.  
    We'll know Jesus, and know God, through the Bible as written, as well
    as through other, confirming sources.
    Don Randall
831.40OUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallWed Dec 06 1995 17:425
    Yes, Michael Card first wrote it and recorded it before Amy made it
    popular.  BTW - Michael Card is no slouch as a vocalist/musician.  His
    performance on his own song is excellent as well.
831.41STAR::CAMUSOalphabitsFri Dec 08 1995 12:5922
	Jesus = Latin transliteration of Greek Iesous

	Iesous = Hellenized pronunciation of Hebrew Yahshua

	Yahshua = Hebrew proper noun meaning "Yah (YaHWeH) is Salvation"
	The abbreviated name of our God shows up in many names and words in
	the Bible.  The German "J" transliterated from the Hebrew is best
	pronounced with the English "Y".  Some examples follow.

		Elijah			= "Yah is God"
		Abijah			= "Yah is my Father"
		Alleluia (Hallelujah)	= "Yah be praised"
		Nehemiah		= "Yah comforts"
		Isaiah			= "Yah has saved"
		Adonijah		= "Yah is Lord"

	God's peace and blessing to all.

831.42Great is His name, and greatly to be praisedROCK::PARKERFri Dec 08 1995 13:3020
    Thank you, Tony!  I had not considered these names in this way before.
    Praise God for revealing Himself to us!
    "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
    government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called
    Wonderful Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince
    of Peace." (Is 9:6, KJV)
    "And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became
    obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also
    hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every
    name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in
    heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every
    tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
    the Father." (Ph 2:8-11, KJV)
    God's peace and blessing to me was made more full through your sharing,
831.43STAR::CAMUSOalphabitsFri Dec 08 1995 14:0346
RE: <<< Note 831.42 by ROCK::PARKER >>>

	I bless God for you, brother Wayne.  Your entries never fail to
	convey an expression of His love, even when you disagree with your
>>    "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
>>    government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called
>>    Wonderful Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince
>>    of Peace." (Is 9:6, KJV)

        Amen and alleluia!!  I took my family to see a performance of
        Handel's Messiah last weekend.  When 300 people in heavenly
        harmonies with the symphony orchestra sang this verse, my hair
        stood up and tears of joy streaked down my face.  It was all I
        could do to contain myself and maintain my comportment.  Though I
        was saddened by the fact that few of the people participating in
        the presentation and listening in the audience believed the words
        that were sung, I took comfort that somehow a seed had to be
        planted somewhere.  All the words in Handel's Messiah are out of
        the Bible.

	  "..faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"
	  Romans 10:17
        In fact, the programme for the performance was one of the best
        salvation tracts I ever read, though it was not intended for that
        purpose. All the prophecies of Messiah, and the fullfilment
        thereof, His birth, ministry, crucifiction, and resurrection, and
        prophesies of His return and glorious reign, are there in the
        scriptures in that programme.

	  "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease
	  to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the
	  knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
	  That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being
	  frutiful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of
	  God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious
	  power, unto all patiemce and longsiffering with joyfulness;"

	  Colossians 1:9-11

	Blessings to all,

831.44Come, oh come, Immanuel. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.ROCK::PARKERFri Dec 08 1995 14:2416
    "For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth
    not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud,
    that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my
    word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me
    void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper
    in the thing whereto I sent it.  For ye shall go out with joy, and be
    led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth
    before you in singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their
    hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of
    the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord
    FOR A NAME, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."
    (Is 55:10-13, KJV)
    "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His
    glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace
    and truth." (Jn 1:14, KJV)
831.45NamesOUTSRC::HEISERwatchman on the wallFri Dec 08 1995 20:2771
    Name translations, I believe, are an important step in proper
    hermaneutics.  I'm astounded at how often the name definition fits
    exactly with the context too.
    Some more definitions that are interesting (some you've seen before):
    Names          Translation
    -----          -----------
    Adam           Man
    Seth           Appointed
    Enosh          Mortal
    Kenan          Sorrowing
    Mahalalel      The Blessed God
    Jared          Shall Descend
    Enoch          Dedicated or Teaching
    Methuselah     His Death Shall Bring
    Lamech         Power or The Despairing
    Noah           Rest
    Melchizedek    King of Righteousness
    Joseph Zaphenath-paneah - Savior of the World (Joseph's Egyptian name)
    Urim           Light
    Thummim        Perfection
    Jordan         Death
    Boaz           Strength
    Moab           Under the Curse
    Naomi          Pleasantness
    Elimelech      God is my King
    David          Beloved
    Goliath        Exiled
    Mephibosheth   One who destroys shame
    Jedidiah       Beloved of the Lord
    Ishbi-benob    Man of Shame
    Saph           Place of containment
    Lahmi          Warrior
    Judah     - "Praise" or "He Shall Be Praised"
    Reuben    - "You Look at a Son"
    Gad       - "Fortune"
    Asher     - "Happy"
    Naphtali  - "My Wrestling"
    Manasseh  - "Causing to Forget"
    Simeon    - "Listening"
    Levi      - "Joined" or "Attached"
    Issachar  - "He Will Bring Reward"
    Zebulun   - "Dwelling"
    Joseph    - "May God Add to"
    Benjamin  - "[The] Son of the Right Hand"
    Elijah      My God is YHWH
    Elisha      God is my salvation
    Hezekiah    Strengthened by YHWH
    Daniel      God is my judge
    Belteshazzar Bel's prince
    Hananiah     Beloved of the Lord
    Shadrach     Illumined by the sun god
    Mishel       Who is like God
    Meshach      Who is like Shach (moon god)
    Azariah      The Lord is my help
    Abednego     Servant of Nego
    Bethlehem    House of bread
    Philemon     Affectionate
    Onesimus     Profitable one
    Zacharias    God remembers
    Elizabeth    His promise
    Netzer       Root          (root word for Nazereth/Nazarene; cf. Isaiah 11)
    Ephesus      Let go or relax
    Smyrna       Myrrh or bitter incense
    Pergamum     Marriage
    Thyatira     Continual sacrifice
    Laodicea     Judging the people
    "Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names" by J.B. Jackson, 1909.  It can
    be ordered from any bookstore.
831.46ICTHUS::YUILLEHe must increase - I must decreaseTue Dec 12 1995 14:0517
831.47found a new onePHXSS1::HEISERwatchman on the wallTue Aug 27 1996 17:1017
|           Elohim: The Creator
|           El Elyon: The God Most High
|           El Roi: The God Who Sees
|           El Shaddai: The All-Suffiecient One
|           Adonai: The Lord
|           Jehovah: The Self-existent One
|           Jehovah-jireh: The Lord Will Provide
|           Jehovah-nissi: The Lord Thy Banner
|           Jehovah-mekoddishkem: The Lord Who Sanctifies You
|           Jehovah-shalom: The Lord is Peace
|           Jehovah-sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts
|           Jehovah-raah: The Lord Thy Shepherd
|           Jehovah-tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness
|           Jehovah-shammah: The Lord is There
            Jehovah-rapha: The Lord that Heals