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Conference wahoo::fishing

Title:Fishing Notes- Archived
Notice:See note 555.1 for a keyword directory of this conference
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Sep 20 1991
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1660
Total number of notes:20970

884.0. "Noters Tournament Ideas" by DONMAC::MACINTYRE (Fish are rising up like birds) Mon Oct 03 1988 15:06

    This topic is for ideas on our tournaments.
    Just toss ideas in here and people can comment on them, etc...
    Where?  When?  How often?  How much money?  How to handle the payoffs?
    Should we break for lunch?  etc....... 
    After a few months of comments we'll be ready to start planning
    the spring tournament - of course unless someone wants to put together
    a winter ice fishing tournament...
    Don Mac
884.1Big Kids & Little Kids TourneyVAX4::TOMASJoeMon Oct 03 1988 15:3121
One though I had that I'd like to toss out is to have a TEAM tourney where 
your partner must be a KID!  Kinda like a LAD & DAD affair (gals & girls 
welcome, of course!).

Competition would be TEAM vs TEAM, however, there could also be competition 
between the adults vs adults and kids vs kids at the same time.  Adults 
would be restricted to catching just bass with artificials, however, kids 
can catch anything (bass, perch, pickeral, sunnies, hornpout, whatever) and 
may use live worms (no shiners).

I'd also suggest that only one kid be allowed per boat as it becomes real 
difficult to deal with having to untangle the lines of more than one!  I 
know that the few times I've taken all three of my sons fishing, I don't get 
to fish!

I know how much fun and enjoyment I get when one of my sons catches a nice 
fish.  Just think how much fun a tourney like this would be.


884.2if I'm freezing, I better be fishingHPSTEK::HAUERMon Oct 03 1988 15:3417
    Would like to put in the first vote for an ice fishing tournament.
    They have several advantages over what you went through in the fall
    	a.  Everyone has the same size "boat"  ie. none
    	b.  Several types of fish can win 
    	c.  And as the WORM probably knows...you don't have to worry
            about keeping the brews cold.
    Don't know how many of the other "noters" fish through the ice,
    but if there is interest....let's do it!!!!!!
884.3GRAMPS::LASKYMon Oct 03 1988 15:4719
    Here's a quick list off the top of my head:
    1 - Break for lunch if for nothing else then to stretch out and
    meet some of your fishing buddies
    2 - Please lets try SOMEPLACE other then monononak
    3 - I thought the money was fine as is, as well as the split
    4 - The Big kid , Small kid tourney is a great idea except I do
    not have any kids.
    5 - Maybe for a change of pace starting at 12:00 and fishing till
  Keep those cards and letters comming in
    				Bart Lasky
884.4My 2 centsSCOMAN::TADRYMon Oct 03 1988 15:5317
    Since we're putting ideas in....
    Maybe 4 tourneys???
    1) Ice fishing.....your right Keith, the Worm and Juan won't frreeezze
        with Capt. Morgan on their side, or in it!!.
    2) A spring event ( N.H. or Ma)  lunch as a midpoint B.S. session
    3) A hot summer night 8pm-6am grueler  (gotta go for Quinsig for
       this one, Everybody will catch fish) No real underwater hazards,
       excellent ramp/parking and big.
    4) The fall wrap up (Depending on where 2 was, the tourney would ba
       in the opposite state) and have this as the "bring a kid" event.
       Maybe a nice barbecue?  Nice idea Joe.
884.5another pitch..SONATA::LANGESTOP!.....continue...Mon Oct 03 1988 16:486
    RE: Bring a Kid Tourney...
    Get DEC to sponsor a tourney(derby) for Orphans,and Fatherless kids... 
    Prizes,B-B-Q The whole sha-bang......

    we supply the boats....
884.6Tourney Si, Kiddies No!BOSHOG::VARLEYMon Oct 03 1988 17:1730
     Other than HSJ's idea on the Merrimack, it just ain't in the cards
    to accommodate 2 states. I suggest that whoever wants to organize
    a tournament, do so. Then let the guys from other states decide
    if they want to invest the time and $ in licenses, registration,
     To be honest, it seems like the nh guys are less inclined to come
    to Ma. than vice versa, but that's not important. The real fun is
    just getting guys together to hang around and fish, so I appreciate
    the effort that DonMac and others put forth. Find a convenient time
    for most folks, name the lake and say "whoever wants to come - go
    for it"!
     You could even do a "mystery lake" - meet someplace and have the
    tourney guy tell you where to go (assuming you knew beforehand whether
    it was in Ma. or nh). I fished monomonac with "lavender Jack" before
    the tourney, and it's still a mystery to me. I must have gone through
    a whole can of "dip" trying to come up with a solution. In my opinion,
    the lake should be reclaimed; it's already nearing a eutrophic stage
    anyway. Hell, I caught five bass last weekend while playing in a
    golf tournament.
     As for the kids tourney, count me out (somebody hadda say it).
    I think it's a better idea to take 'em out on an occasional basis
    than to have one tourney a year and pull the plug on 'em for 364.
    Besides, tournaments ain't reality; 99% of the fishing nearly everyone
    does is not formal. Teach 'em about everyday fishing - not to leave
    line, candy wrappers and cans all over the place, catch and eat
    or catch and release, etc. etc. and you'll be doing us all a favor.
    Keep up the good work.
    --The Skoal Bandit 
884.7VAX4::TOMASJoeMon Oct 03 1988 17:2529
>>    RE: Bring a Kid Tourney...
>>    Get DEC to sponsor a tourney(derby) for Orphans,and Fatherless kids... 
>>    Prizes,B-B-Q The whole sha-bang......

>>    we supply the boats....

An interesting variation of my theme, Jeff!

If you don't have a son or daughter, then take a niece or nephew, or even 
your neighbor's kid (your chance to get even for that broken window?).  

Some initial thoughts I had for this type of event...

	- no longer than 4-5 hours (kids could get tired, itchy or bored)

	- Jeff's idea of a B-B-Q afterwards sounds good

	- if we get enough interest, have "teams" pre-register and use
	  some of the registration $$ to buy el-cheapo give-aways for the
	  kids so they ALL win something!  (possibility of getting some
	  local sponsors to donate like Zyla's, etc.)

I know DEC sponsors the spring fishing derby here at MKO, but this would be 
a little different.  Maybe we could get DEC to sponsor a NH and MA event?

There's plenty of time to plan...

884.8Rent-a-SonVAX4::TOMASJoeMon Oct 03 1988 17:484
BTW...if you don't have a son or daughter, I've got two extra sons that I'd 
be glad to rent out!

884.9Next Time!!!!!MEDUSA::DAYMon Oct 03 1988 17:5027
    How about LONGPOND, isn't it on the line?
    The Merramack river is on the line also!
    And it has fish in it !!! yes it realy does!!
    Besides " there aint no fish in mass " datts why we didn't catch
    no fishes on Sat. cus we was to close to Mass."
    Wile I am on the box I should get it all out of my system (sigh)!
    Three Pay spots are a bad idea !
    Six is a good Idea!
    Also I think that the moner should be collected in advance with
    no refund!
    This way you can determine how mutch each place will pay, we will
    know and  what kind of turnout before hand.
    I don't know what else I can say about topic, I don't minde kids!
    Kids make for a good time and you can yell at them and blame them
    for making too much noise and catching no fish!
    Kids are our future and they should know how a good tourney should
    be run. This weekend would have been a good example of how not to
    run one. Unless you " finished in the top 2 which sceemed to be
    a strange way to divide the money. Oh well you win some and you
    get some!
    				Danny who is slowly getting over it!
884.10CECV03::SURRETTEMon Oct 03 1988 18:0525
    I Think the kids tourney for you OWN kids is a good.
    However, "Rent-a-Kids" and "Borrowing" kids has one slight
    One small goof, or the kid screws up one his own, and kiss that
    beautiful Ranger down the tubes.  In years past, before every one
    in the whole world decided that suing someone was the best way
    to make money, I would have LOVED to try this out, But in this
    somewhat deranged "modern" society, liability would DEFINITELY
    keep me from bringing anyone out in my boat except the closest of
    friends and their kids.  It's amazing how the a little (or a lot)
    of potential money can make people do strange things.
    I know this sounds a bit selfish, but it seems a bit too risky 
    to me.
    Just my 2 cents worth.
884.11Do it in the salt!NAC::SWEETCapt. Codfish. Desperatly seeking CharlieMon Oct 03 1988 18:487
    How about a salt water tourny...No more Mass+NH boat regs or license
    hassels. I vote for a summer bluefish tournament with a clam bake
    Now your cookin!
884.12Lifes a beachAD::GIBSONLobst'a AyahMon Oct 03 1988 19:5416
    You know I'll go along with a Salt tourny.But let's make it easy
    so even those guys with "Ranger"@ boats can play.
    Popes landing?? Danvers. Can't go past the Islands (Eagle,Misery
    Ect) any fish counts. Clam bake sounds real good!!
    Or Glouster Harbor! Launch at the high school. Cookout at Wingershiek!
    $10. per person entry Includes Clams,Softdrinks, Trophy !
                          Fish Fry with Catch of the Day!
884.13NH/Maine?WORSEL::DOTYESG Systems Product MarketingMon Oct 03 1988 20:497
    How about a lake on the NH/Maine border?  That way NH, Maine, or
    Mass. boat registration would be OK, and Maine or NH fishing license
    would work.  I believe that there are a few lakes in southern Maine
    that qualify.
    Russ Doty
884.14Winter and Summer Tournaments !!!FSLENG::AUGERMon Oct 03 1988 20:5211
	I'm relatively new to the fishing notesfile and I haven't participated
in any of the tournaments YET - However I've very interested in the Summer and
Winter potentials here !!!! (Spring is for Trout and Fall for shooting birds)
BUT Winter is for ice fishing in MASS and Summer is for Salt Water Stripers
and Blues.  How about a summer tournament out of the Merrimack in Newburyport
(any fish counts is a good idea) and an ice fishing tournament most anywhere.

	Watch out - I'm hard to beat in salt water or thru the ice !!!

	"De-Fish-Mented" Dave

884.15Put UP or SHUT-UPATEAM::MERCURIOSET HOOK/FISH_ONTue Oct 04 1988 11:5013
    Hey you guys, I'm not ready to put my "stuff" away for this year,
    hows' about another tourny in the next couple of weeks. Say at 
    Massabesic Lake, 7:30 to 3:30, $5 bucks to enter, winner takes all???
    				"don't worry, be happy"
884.16Flat Broke FishermenAD::GIBSONLobst'a AyahTue Oct 04 1988 13:2725
    Were getting some intrest in Salt. How about this.
    A tournement in the Merrimack river, Limits- Mouth of jettys to
    rt I-95 bridge.
    There are Large mouths, Small mouths, Sturgen, Flounder, Pollack,
    Bluefish, Perch, Carp, and a gizilliun other type of fish in the
    Good for any boat from Canoe to Cruiser.
    Good public launch with ball field and lots of parking.
    No lic. Required. 
    Get DEC to sponser the whole thing, We could drive the Coast Guard
    nut's with boats fishing everywhere. 
    Donate all our fish to some orphange or poorhouse or the Duke's
    camp for democrats. ( We'll wait for it to swelter in the sun)
    Back to the tourny-    I like the idea, didn't we think of this
    last spring and no one was interested?
884.17Salty Sounds GoodNYJDEV::HORWITZBeach BagelTue Oct 04 1988 15:0410
    re: several 'salty' ones
    What....no SURF division????  ;-)
    Hey Bruce, Walt, maybe I could manage a road trip if there's room
    in someone's cockpit.  Or...maybe Vinnie could put together a NJ
884.18willing to do it in MAINE?DNEAST::VORHIS_ALTue Oct 04 1988 15:0624
    In an earlier note I mentioned the fact that there was going to
    be a tournament on China Lake in Maine on Sept 24th , well we4 had
    it with only 4 teams participating (had a major conflict up here)
    there were 36 fish weighed in out of a possible 40 . the winning
    weight was 20lbs + good time had by all ,it was winner take all.
    Again for any of you interested , I would be glad to set up and
    run an open tournament in Maine next Spring. The choice of lakes
    is unlimited (the better lakes are away from the southern border)
    and the potential is limited by individual skills only.
    To do this right in Maine a permit would need to be purchased to
    comply with the state laws (cost 31$ )
    I would be willing to set everything up including lodging lisc etc
    given enough time and commitment from people to participate . Most
    lakes have camp sites as well as lodging near by.
    If there is interest let me know as soon as pos , I think that most
    would have a good time and I know that there are plenty of fish
    here .
    Al Vorhis
884.19another excuse to chase tunaSMURF::AMATOTue Oct 04 1988 15:124
    How about an offshore tourney?  Next year when the yellowfin and
    marlin are around, a weekend tourney off Block, Montauk, or Cuttyhunk
    would be lots of fun.  
884.20Let's fish with the good ol' boysSA1794::CUZZONESIt's better to burn out ...Tue Oct 04 1988 15:4612
    And I mean this seriously, now.  How about an early spring, reaaaaallly
    out-of-state tournament.  Say, March in Florida or April in North
    Carolina.  Some of you guys routinely head south or west for an
    early season taste of the good life.
    Hey, Coonass.  Feel like organizing a tourney?
    RR, Texican, TBDW, I know you guys could come up with the right
    place and time.  It sure would ease those winter blues for those
    of us who don't ice-fish.
884.21What Tuna Tish?NAC::SWEETCapt. Codfish. Desperatly seeking CharlieTue Oct 04 1988 15:5413
    Yellowfin? What yellowfin? Where?? Yellowfin in RI were nothing
    but a rummor this year!!! I don't need no stinkin excuse to chase
    tuna...just point my boat at em....Offshore tuna is ok by me!
    Yo Bagel...my cockpit has plenty of room for our southern neighboors.
    But you gotta bring some of them fish up here with you. Cod are
    in thick right now, if the hard freeze stays away long enough there
    is plenty to fill the freezer before winter.
    If I get that GW 25' this winter I will have alot of extra room in the
884.22The BIG "O" in Florida, YEAH!!PACKER::BACZKOTue Oct 04 1988 15:549
    Now thats an Idea!!!
    I'll be in Florida in Feburary, have it then and I'll be there!!!
    BTW  Where does everyone want to have the Ice fishing tourney
         I'll organize it.
884.23SONATA::LANGESTOP!.....continue...Tue Oct 04 1988 16:003
    Ice fishing??
    How about Bare Hill in Harvard, or A1 in westboro...
884.24Ice Fishing Tourney Location IdeasFSLENG::AUGERTue Oct 04 1988 16:097
	How about at "Lake Attitash" in Amesbury/Merrimack with a chance for
some Northern Pike or the "Artichoke Reservior" in Newburyport/West Newbury
where the Pickerel and Largemouths grow as large as 8 pounds !!!!  I've had
great success at both places in past years...

	"De-Fish-Mented" Dave
884.25southern exposureHPSTEK::HAUERTue Oct 04 1988 16:4212
    	Les, come on 'ol buddy....where did we find the biggest, meanest
        and most aggressive PIKE in this universe (beside's Minnesota).....
        ..in RI...let's have the tournament down there.  We'll show those
        guys with the six inch augers, that they're just playing with
884.26only a joke...easy!!!STRATA::TADRYTue Oct 04 1988 16:512
    Hey Molester.....what about Monomonac, hear its a pisser lake!!!!.
    na....it probably freezes solid!!!!!.
884.27ice fishing yea!SCOMAN::KERSWELLTue Oct 04 1988 17:008
    Ice fishing, name the place I'll be there, my boat will be
    as big as yours, even though it hasnt hit the water yet this year!!
    maybe later spring i'll rip it out. 
    Quinsig is good for Ice fishing with a little of everything lakers,
    browns rainbows, PIKE, something i've never managed to get through
    the ice, but when i saw some thing with eyes bigger than mine I'm
    glad he staightened out my hook, w/a steel leader.
884.28Phideaux Phestival!!!DPDMAI::BEAZLEYTue Oct 04 1988 17:319
    Yeah...Come on down an chew kin hab de whole plaice to chewsefs!!
    Don costs chew nuttin caws I got de boats an de place to sleep.
    Jes yore food an beer!!
    An mos coonasses dat I knows ob got augers biggern six inches!!
    Wen kin chew come down???
884.29Open mouth insert footCIMNET::DSULLIVANTue Oct 04 1988 19:0832
    Well here I go...
    1) No Kids tourney. Take kids out on your own. Do you want to
    expose them to people like juan corazon??. Do you want to show
    them who to destroy a bass boat in 8 hours?? Just take them out
    1 on 1 and give them the basics. When there old enough they can
    make the same decisions we all have...
    2) I DON'T CARE where we have the tourney as long as Bassin Bob
    shows up.
    3) If it's planned in advance like they are by a great coordinator
    Don Mac, then y'all can decide weather you want to spend the $$ to
    buy licenses or boat tags.
    4) The money split should be decided on the revenue taken in. Ex.
       $100-$200 places 1,2,3. $200-$300 1,2,3,4,5  etc...not exceding
       10 places.
    5) Rule #1 will be the driving force of these tourneys!!
    6) I enjoy fishing. Let's keep it fun, friendly and competative  
    7) If Don wants I'll even volunteer myself for tournament commitee
       and further investigate some fun fishing holes.
      Dave Sullivan
884.30There is a Charity Bass Tournament coming up!HPSCAD::BPUISHYSBob PuishysTue Oct 04 1988 20:049
    For all you bassers the MASS B.A.S.S. Federation sponcers a charity
    tournament each year.  I am not sure who this years charity is but
    it will be held on Lake Quinsig in Worcester/Shrewsbury on 
    Oct 15th.  It's a team event with $100.00 entry with 50% payback
    as well as lots of donated prizes.
    It is open to all fisherman not federation membership required.
884.31Friends of WrenthamANT::MLOEWEWed Oct 05 1988 12:0618
    Bob, I have the sheet in front of me.  It is Sunday October 16th
    for the Fourth Annual Open Benefit team Tournament "Friends of
    Wrentham".  It is from 7:00 to 2:00 at Lake Quinsigamond.  Launching
    will be from the route 290 state ramp.  Registration time is 5:00
    to 6:30 that morning.  Donation is $100.00/team on site - cash only.
    Too late for the pre-registration ($90), cut off was Sept. 16th.
    It will be a 50% payback, all proceeds go to benefit "Friends of
    Payback breakdown based on:
    50 boats		100 boats
    1st  $1000		1st  $2000
    2nd  $500		2nd  $1000
    3rd  $500		3rd  $1000
    4th  $500		4th  $1000
    Merchandise prizes 5th to 20th place.
    Lunker Pool:  $10.00 per boat - 100% payback.
884.32MOSAIC::MACINTYREFish are rising up like birdsWed Oct 05 1988 15:2729
>>        7) If Don wants I'll even volunteer myself for tournament commitee
>>       and further investigate some fun fishing holes.
    Anyone in here is more than welcome to propose and plan a tournament.
    On some of the other ideas:
    As far as our 'normal' tournaments go, I like the lunch break also.

        I like the 'take a kid' fishing idea.  But would also agree with
    some others that it shouldn't be too competitive. I like the way
    Tom Mann runs his, prizes for all, etc..  Personally, I don't think 
    the fishing buddy that I have due in January would be able to make it 
    this year, maybe next... 8^)
    I'd probably try and make an ice fishing derby if somebody plans
    I don't have the boat for the salt jobs. 
    I'd be up for heading to the NH/ME border
    I'd *love* to do a trip down south with a bunch of people, we almost
    had one going this past spring, but myself and my partner ended
    up in FLA (Okeechobee, St Johns and East Lake Toho), while Ranger Ron
    and company headed to Texas. We should *really* try and take Coonass
    up on his offer sometime, that'd be one good time for sure.

    Don Mac
884.33SALEM::RIEUMike Dukakis Should Be GovernorWed Oct 05 1988 18:263
       I could use a trip to New Orleans myself, how far away are you
884.34I Ga-ron-teeSONATA::LANGESTOP!.....continue...Wed Oct 05 1988 18:383
    Thats sounds good...
    when is everyone taking the vacation to do this?
884.35Good ole N'awlinsDPDMAI::BEAZLEYWed Oct 05 1988 19:5417
    Bout 350 miles as de crow flies, or de gator crawls, but wen chew
    drives on dem Huey roads it make it seem lak 1000!!! Dey got 2 model
    T wide lanes wit no shoulders an lots ob tractors an dronk Cajuns!!!
    Better to take won ob dem aeroplanes. Take a couple ob hours. Chew
    fly way op north to Shreveport! Den de camp is bout 25-30 mile East
    ob dere on Innerstake-20. If chew won to drive dere are som bait
    people in Shreveport an Arkansas, not too far. Don know de names
    ob dere baits, tho.
    Purty soon wen de weather get cooler de fishin gonna pick op an
    usually stey dat wey on to Januarily or Feburarily, wen de freeze
    Do hope chew'all kin make it,
884.36Awright!SONATA::LANGESTOP!.....continue...Wed Oct 05 1988 21:255
    My best buddy from the Marines is from there!
    Hot Damn...I can kill two birds with one stone! (maybe)
884.37Planty roomDPDMAI::BEAZLEYThu Oct 06 1988 00:203
    Brang him down too!! Do he fish, or are he frum sum oder planet??
884.38Scott Rotten, dat Cajun fool!SONATA::LANGESTOP!.....continue...Thu Oct 06 1988 11:336
    Of course he's from some other planet ... Shreveport! :):)
    Until I started reading your notes, he de ohnly won I heared tak
    lak chew!...
884.39VAX4::TOMASJoeThu Oct 06 1988 11:3926

I just got the newspaper articles you sent me on Lake Fork.  Whaddaya trying 
to do to me?!?  The best I've done this year is a couple of 7 lbers and they 
throw them back as "dinks"!  I'm amazed at the number of 13-17 lb bass that 
have been caught this past year!

Fishing on L. Fork must be A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!  I know you've been trying to get 
me back down there, but THIS is dirty pool!  

For those of you that don't know Coonass, he's got a super camp on Lake 
Bistineau in Louisiana.  Bistineau is about 15 miles long (I think) and is 
LOADED with cypress trees and has been the site of several BassMasters 
Classics.  Louisiana is not known for humongous bass like Florida, Texas or 
California as the Florida-strain bass has not been introduced.  A 10 lber is 
considered a real hawg, but there is an abundance of 5-8 lbers. What's 
amazing is the structure!  I was down there 2 or 3 years ago and we motored 
into the cypress trees.  Within casting distance is at least 50 trees, any 
one of them a potential home for a hawg!

Bob has a generous, standing offer to put anyone up at his camp.  All you 
need to do is get down there and buy your food and brew.  He's got a couple 
of boats, canoes, batueaus, and pirots (sp?) if you think you can manage to 
sit in it without tipping over.  

884.40ice is itSCOMAN::WOOLDRIDGEWorm fishermen have stiffer rodsMon Oct 10 1988 12:515
        I'm in for an ICE derby. I also like the father/son/daughter
    idea. I have a son and two daughters and they can definitly out
    fish you hosers. 
884.41FLAG!!!!!!!!!ADVAX::ALLINSONThu Oct 13 1988 11:3814
         Count THE KEG in for an Ice fishin derbish.Quinsig sounds good
         cause it is more or less centralized in MASS.How about one
         just for Northerns or one for pickeral and bass??? In the winter
         ewe never know whats going to be on your line next so we should
         have a certain species or two but no more than two.
                                           The Keg
884.42read note 894 PACKER::BACZKOThu Oct 13 1988 15:174
    Hey Keg,
        Read note 894.
884.43from note 1263 RAINBO::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerTue Nov 07 1989 12:3137
    >> Don Mac,  could you put on your moderator hat and make a ruling.

    I'm looking into it.  I don't want to make any hasty decisions here.
    I do not want to just go up to anyone in personnel and ask them to
    make a call on this.  I think it's a judgement call.  And someone 
    who knows nothing about tournament fishing and has no interest 
    in the subject may decide it's easier to 'just say no' rather than 
    spending time looking into the subject for us.
    I do have a contact that will hopefully help us through this.

    Our tournaments are a big part of this notesfile's success.  Besides
    our annual Expo get together, and a few small outings, our tournaments 
    are where most of us got to meet each other face to face.  And
    hopefully where we can continue to meet new folks in the future.  The
    way we run our tournaments, with a little money involved, has made our
    tournaments very popular and alot of fun. 

    I would hate to see someone our tournaments come to an end.

    However, if we were forced to stop having 'DEC' tournaments due to the 
    prize money involved, I would hope that we could still continue our 
    get-togethers and fish just for bragging rights, charity, whatever.
    But we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

    Anyway, I'm looking into it and I will post my findings in here asap.   
    In the mean time, I would suggest keeping the tournament on - as 
    someone said eariler, this is quite different than betting on the
    world series, tournament bass fishing is legal.  And this is not a 
    for profit tournament - it is a competition - no one is making money
    on this event accept the winners. 

    I'll keep ya posted, 
    don mac
884.45RICK CLUNN were notHPSTEK::HAUERTue Oct 02 1990 16:3920
    	To keep the bustin and braggin going on...just a little longer...
    	At the end of the DEC tournament trail...we should figure our
    	"ANGLER OF THE YEAR".  I am sure that you guys in the clubs
    	have wizzy calculations....in fact I remember reading that some
    	clubs use the same point system.  We could include NH tournies,
    	Ma tournies in a combined total.   Take the team results...
    	create them as an individual result and see who ends up on top!
    	I of course put this in because...well we know that....I AM 
    	certainly not looking for the braggin rights on this one.
    	This would allow a little "atta boy" for the most consistent
    	angler through-out all the tournies.
    	What say ye!!!!!!!!   Any help with the calculations out there.
884.50Total weight, LUNKER AWARDS TOOBASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Wed Oct 03 1990 11:487
    Here is an IDEA, 
         Take the total weight of every team that fished in every event in
    1990 divide the weight by 2 and give each team member 1/2 the weight.
    This is incase the team was different for tourny to tourny.  Then 
    just add the weights, most weight is the AOY.  Of course this would
    leave old shiny mouth out lets see (0 + 0 + 0 = LOL)
884.51Addition to basscos formulaJUPITR::NEALIt is better to give than receive!Wed Oct 03 1990 13:3429
    To add to Ba$$co's idea, take his total and divide by the # of tourneys
    entered. This would give you the average pounds of fish per tourney.
    Its more statistically sound, but far from perfect. We could also get into
    error rates. For instance if I fished only one tourney and caught a
    total of 6 lbs between the two of us, that would give me 3 #'s. But
    that is only a sample of one. Statistically it is a lousy sample. You
    might want to only count 80% of the catch, that would be 2.4 pounds.
    Some might say why not count it as 120% because the error could go 
    the other way, well if you went to more of the tourneys you wouldn't 
    have to worry :-). 

    To break it down I would look at it like this.

    1 tourney	80%

    2 tourneys	90%

    3 tourneys	95%

    4 or more	100%

    Confused?? Good


    BTW, I wouldn't count the lunker awards separately. Thats adding another
884.52XCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesWed Oct 03 1990 14:191
    re.51     WHAT?
884.53XCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesWed Oct 03 1990 14:194
    Does that way still keep me at ZERO (0)?
884.546 tournies in allBASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Wed Oct 03 1990 14:3419
    I figure there were 6 tournaments this year,  I have extracted all
    results of these and will begin to calculate some things.
      	MA   Manchaug Spring May 90
    	NH   Pawtuck June 90
    	NH   Night Tourny July 90	
        MA   Quinsig Night July 90
    	ALL  A1 Tourny  Sept 90
    	ALL  Manchaug Fall Clasic Sept 90	
    Did I miss any???
    	I figure the first four were kind of locked into by state and the
    last two were a combined effort.  
884.55"How 'Bout This ?"ASABET::VARLEYWed Oct 03 1990 14:4621
     If you're gonna base it strictly on documented fish catchin' ability,
    then I think you can only add up total pounds an individual caught in
    DEC tourneys. Forget the team stuff, because other folks contribute to
    the individual's total. If you pick a GREAT partner (but a different
    one for each event) who does well, you could do very little, but win in
     However, I suggest we consider some other things, such as
    contributions, etc. To me, the Angler of the year isn't just the guy
    that caught the most fish (just my opinion, remember), but someone that
    has the whole picture. People like Gary Mattson, DonMac (and no, I
    don't have a picture of Ota in my wallet) or CoonAss come to mind. Re
    the latter, he's a pure fisherman, and has been the ultimately
    hospitable guy. There's more to Bassin' than Bassmasterin'. I know this
    makes things more subjective, but I wanted to open things up. Once we
    knew the criteria, we could assign points to various categories, submit
    votes, and announce the winner at an annual banquet.
     What I'd look for is "best fisherman - best guy all around," not just 
    THEGUYWHOCAUGHTTHEMOSTPOUNDSPERIOD. Just my 2 cents. I'm in outer space
    most of the time, anyway...
    --The Skoal Bandit
884.56thoughtsHPSTEK::HAUERWed Oct 03 1990 16:2630
    	A couple of thoughts.....first...Les from the explanation of your
    	club tournaments...I thought that the emphasis was on placement
    	and not weight.  Since the assumption here [and we may want to
    	open a new note to debate] is that NH, RI, ME, VT or MA tournies
    	are populated by "equally" proficient anglers...then we could
    	use placement in these tournies as the major point as the 
    	competition is assumed to be the same.
    	Yes I think that since one person could catch a great partner..
    	the totals would be outlandish....but if they fish together all
    	the time...they would end up tied.
    	I like this idea for the reason that going into Manchaug...there
    	may have been a couple of people in a race for first....even
    	though they both respectively were having tough days...it is still
    	important to keep their concentration up so as to become the
    	Angler of the Year......Also...I would propose that we keep
    	5 points or 10 points from each tourney to be awarded the
    	Angler of the Year.  This wouldn't take much from the overall
    	points awarded...and would be an incentive.
    	Now on Skolies idea....[thanks buddy]....we could go with this
    	make CONSISTENCY by far the largest factor and then just hand
    	me the award SINCE I am the most consistent...WHOOPS...legend
    	has NEVER caught a fish...OK forget the consistency thing.
    	Gitzit'   the_former_mister_consistent
884.57Lets try this firstBASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Wed Oct 03 1990 18:3836
    OK I will work with the Gitzit' on a collection basis for the ANGLER OF
    THE YEAR.  If you want to be considered I will need sone help.  I have
    printed out the standing for the 6 tournaments in question this year
    but for the life of me I cant come up with all the names, to many nick
    names.  Please go through this file and send me the your total results.
       Do the following:
         1) Go through the notes and add up the weight of your team in all
            six tournaments.  Divide by 2 and mail it to me
         2) If your partner is a non DECie please do it for him to.
         3) Convert it to 1/100th of a pound from ounces, if need be.
         Send the info to BASSCO::BACZKO  lets say by Oct 15
                      TOTAL           TOTAL        NUMBER       TOURNY
         NAME         WEIGHT         WEIGHT/2    OF TOURNIES  POSITIONS
       John Smith      12.50          6.25           3          3,1,7 
    Here are the notesd to Scan for the results:
    NH Night Tourny 7/20   1439.108   Results in 1/100th
    A1 Projecrt Tourny     1473.111   Results in ounces
    Quinsig Night          1415.135   Results in 1/100th
    Manchaug Spring        1357.112   Results in ounces
    Manchaug Fall          1487.58    Results in ounces
884.58power lunchHPSTEK::HAUERWed Oct 03 1990 18:4311
    	Thanks LE$ BA$$CO.......see...do something nice...get some
    	This will give me a "good" reason for an off-site meeting...say the
    	Bar Lunch conference Room to complete the final calculations.
884.59BASSCO::BACZKONow, for some fishin'Thu Oct 04 1990 11:295
    Mr. Gitzit'
         Yes I believe I can fit it into my schedule, Lets say the 12th.
    BTW send in those results,  Everyone
884.60"BCL ees ma life..."ASABET::VARLEYThu Oct 04 1990 11:554
    Gitz/Bass - If you're doin' beers locally, do ya want some company ? I
    won't interfere in the process, I just need a 'fix.
    --The Skoal Bandit
884.61Spring Tournament At Winnipesaukee (91)RANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Oct 04 1990 12:196
>>    We'll have to do this at the Legend/Don MAC WINNY Tournament.
    What the Legend is referring to here is a spring tournament that we
    have decided to try and put together up at Winnipesaukee.  Next year
    the Mass boats will be allowed in NH.  And the spring smallmouth
    fishing is tough to beat.  Quite a ways off yet...  donmac
884.62Is Belgarde Maine too far for a tournie?DELNI::OTAThu Oct 04 1990 13:0117
    Would anyone be interested in a tournement up in Belgarde Maine?
    There is a great fishing camp my brothers and I go to yearly the cost
    per person is like $50 per night, but that includes 3 meals, room and
    linen.  I am not sure if we could negotiate a better deal or not but
    could be worth the effort.
    They also have 12 ft aluminum boats with 6 hp and trolling motors for
    rent for those who don't have boats.
    Last June when we went up there we caught over 120lbs of bass in three
    days between the four of us.  I'd say the average fish was about 2 lbs  
    I figuire the drive from the Mass/NH border is about 2.5-3.0 hours.  Anyway
    is that too far for a tournement?
    the Bassassin
884.63Who Do I Pay ?ASABET::VARLEYThu Oct 04 1990 15:367
     Sign me 'n Lavender (or whatever color Rich spray painted him) Jack up
    for Winni. "Revenge is a dish best served cold..."
    --The Bandit
884.64Spring Fever, ALREADY?RANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Oct 04 1990 15:4420
>>    Speaking of winny, when do you plan on having that? When does the
>>    season open up there?
    Again, it's kinda early to set a date, but some of the best fishing is 
    late may and early june, which is during the spawn and is a catch and 
    immediate release period.
    However, NH Fish and Game does grant a number of tourament permits which 
    allow tournament participants to maintain 2 fish in a livewell.  
    Permits are not just 'rubber stamped' they are approved by a board. 
    They only allow x number of tournaments during the spawn on any given
    body of water.  And obviously Winni is a target for alot of clubs.  
    Late May and early June are also good times to get off-season rates at
    on the water and there is little weekend warrior boat traffic.
    Lots of issues, but plenty of time to work them.  donmac
    ps: Brian, I doubt I'd try and do Maine.
884.65Why wait until it is too lateJUPITR::NEALIt is better to give than receive!Thu Oct 04 1990 16:126
    	If these permits are not just Rubber stamped,  doesn't it make
    sence to get on the ball soon. I'm sure other clubs will be making
    there plans ahead of time.
884.66XCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesThu Oct 04 1990 16:1926
      It might be a bit early Don, but we probably should just start a new
    note and let people be aware of our plans.  Perhaps someone know of a
    good camp ground or even a cottage we could rent.  I'd be willing to 
    rent a cottage right on the water and split it between a couple of
    friends.  Boy, wouldn't that be great.  
      As far as time frames...I think the weekend before Memorial Day or
    the weekend after it.  Three days.  Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  And
    I really don't want to get carried away with the tourney permits and
    all that stuff.  Let's do it as just a bunch of LEGEND'S PALS getting
    together and go from there....if we want to all throw a 10 spot in a
    coffee can in the morning before we head out...great.  The biggest
    catch of the day takes the can!  This way here we could switch off 
    partners each day...if that is something everyonme would like to do.
      So, if you want to start the note and keep the suggestions rolling in
    do it.  NO BASHING allowed if we do create this note early.  If you
    have contacts to a cottage on winny..YOUR INVITED ;-)!
      This could be a great time for all.  And the Legend makes a mighty
    good meal out of smallmouth.
     My 99 cents worth.
884.67don't get caughtRANGER::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerThu Oct 04 1990 17:0717
      >>I really don't want to get carried away with the tourney permits and
      >>  all that stuff.  Let's do it as just a bunch of LEGEND'S PALS
    Legend, unless it is an 'on your honor' tournament, I suggest we obtain
    the permits.  That time frame is catch and release only.  If people 
    are caught with fish in their livewell and they do not have a copy
    of a valid tournament permit, they will be fined, at least.  They could
    possibly have their tackle and boat confiscated.
    I doubt that they are accepting permit requests for next year yet.
    Our club, the NH Bassmasters obtains permits during this season.  I'm
    sure we'll get one for Winni again this year.  We'll be starting the 
    process ourselves within the next few months.    
    I'll put some info in about the permit stuff later.  donmac
884.68come on down!HPSTEK::HAUERFri Oct 05 1990 04:199
    re. 60.......Skoal Brother....yes, absolutely...we need an "impartial"
    	witness as the tally is done...and also someone to buy that
    	third round....:-)
    	Do you know where the Bar Lunch Conference Room is????????
884.69BCL Was My Life...ASABET::VARLEYFri Oct 05 1990 17:238
     Yeah, I believe it is also known as the "BCL" Lounge - just down the
    street from the Mansion House (a bit...) and diagonally across from the
    dreaded "Billy Jack's." Ever try the Horseshoe Pub ? Right around the
    corner and has a wacko mixologist...
     Tell me when...
    --The Skoal Bandit
884.7011SRUS::LUCIAJust one more cast!Fri Oct 05 1990 17:485
I have a good friend whose family owns an island on Winni, with several
cottages.  I can check with them, but his family is not quite as "giving" as
he is, so I can't promise anything, especially yet.

884.71XCUSME::WATERSThe Legend of the LakesFri Oct 05 1990 18:263
    This is what I want to hear.  YOUR INVITED!
884.72A GOOD idea from the legend???CSSE::JUDSONWhat do you mean it isn't supportedMon Oct 08 1990 14:066
John Opps I mean LrGeNd!!!  Your previous note about Winnie was best idea
that has come out of your head??..Having a fun tourney, small prize, different
partners each day sounds like a GREAT idea....As Don Mac says you, you need a
permit, no since taking chances....Count me IN...............

884.73Just a thought but....VICKI::DODIERFood for thought makes me hungryFri Oct 19 1990 13:5813
    > If people are caught with fish in their livewell and they do not have a 
    > copy of a valid tournament permit, they will be fined, at least.  
    	I know this sounds rather simplistic but how is anyone else going
    to know that your having a tournement and not just fishing ? Also, is
    there any difference between a tournament and a bunch of guys getting
    together and throwing a couple of bucks down for biggest fish of the
    day or whatever ? It might be worth a call to F+G to see if they make
    any distiction on what a tournament is or isn't.
884.74C&R Period specificDONMAC::MACINTYRETerminal AnglerFri Oct 19 1990 15:2225
    Rayj, the key here is that we are referring to the catch and release
    only period, where permits are required to keep fish in the well.
    During other times of the year permits are not required unless it is a
    commerical tournament that is open to the public.
>>    	I know this sounds rather simplistic but how is anyone else going
>>    to know that your having a tournement and not just fishing ? 
	No way to tell by looking at ya.  But if a F&G officer sees you
	putting a fish in the livewell during the catch and release 
	period and you do not have a valid tournament catch and release 
 	permit, then you are most likely going to get fined.  

>>  Also, is
>>    there any difference between a tournament and a bunch of guys getting
>>    together and throwing a couple of bucks down for biggest fish of the
>>    day or whatever ? 

	Not to me.  And probably not to the F&G officer either.  As long 
	you are not breaking the rules, I'm sure they don't care what you
	call it.                     

884.75Yes, that would make a difference :-(VICKI::DODIERFood for thought makes me hungryMon Oct 22 1990 16:195
    	Whoops, sorry. Missed the part about the C+R period.