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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

288.0. "A Deer In Cow Clothes...." by --UnknownUser-- () Mon Nov 28 1988 12:48

288.1BOMBE::BONINMon Nov 28 1988 13:209

         This is a folk story that appears every hunting season.
         There's one told for every town that sees a significant
         number of deer hunters. There are endless variations but the
         basic story is always the same: a hunter from the city goes
         to the country and mistakes some farm animal for a deer.

288.2"Bet it goes over 200 lbs"BPOV04::J_AMBERSONMon Nov 28 1988 13:345
         Yep, I've heard variations of the "city slicker mistakes cow
    for deer" story in several states.  Wonder how often it is true?
288.3SALEM::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRA/GONHMon Nov 28 1988 14:579
    There was one this year in N.H., it was in the Manchester Union
    Leader I believe. From what i've been told a non-resident from
    Massachussetts shot a Moose thinking it was a deer, someone happened
    by and took a picture of this happy hunter and turned it in. The
    Moose was about 800-900 pounds (Biggest deer i've ever heard about).
288.4How can you tell if it's a buck??SKIVT::WENERMon Nov 28 1988 14:5810
    	An interesting one I heard not too long ago...  A friend of
    mine stopped by the local store after hunting one day and there
    was this guy there with a buck strapped to his car.  He walked over
    to look at the deer when another young hunter also came by to look.
    I'm not sure where the other hunter was from, but he asked my friend
    if he could tell him how he knew it was a buck!
    	That's one reason why I don't hunt the lowlands anymore.  I see 
    fewer deer, but hopefully someone I see way back in will not ask
    me how he can tell if it's a deer!!!!
288.5Stop me if you've heard this .....DNEAST::GOULD_RYANI'm the NRAMon Nov 28 1988 15:274
      And then there's the one about the city-slicker who shot a white
     billy goat thinking it was an albino deer.
288.6White DeerPOBOX::CHATROOPMon Nov 28 1988 17:4912
Speaking of albino dear.  Does anyone know if there are any white dear in the
general wild in this country, and if so, are they huntable? The only ones I've
seen were are at Argonne National Laboratories (Illinois).  A herd of around
300 live within the Labs fences with some at times making a temporary venture
outside into the surrounding forests.  These dear originally came from Europe,
where I understand they're quite common. 

And while we're on comical stories.  Anyone hear of the first time hunter who
shot one of his buddies thinking he was a dear.  At the hospital, the doctor
says the bullet wound was minor but he died anyway.  The hunter said "My God!
What am I going to tell his wife?"  The Doctor replied "You should of thought
of that before you field-dressed him." 
288.7DEER IN TREES???BTO::STEVENS_JStill Making Table CandlesTue Nov 29 1988 01:1518
      Here in Vt. we had an incident with a young guy
    who was shot in a tree stand!!!!! Yup a tree stand.....
        A guy i know said that his ( quote ) grandfather shot
    at him thinking he was a pourcipine......
       They guy died at the bottom of his tree stand as he got out of
    the tree. Gut shot i believe. It was in this mornings paper
     but i didn't read it as yet.....
      It's A Crazy World
288.8exSALEM::BOHANEKTue Nov 29 1988 16:1712
    As strange as it may sound there was a story in the same paper as
    the moose that was shot in N.H. about a guy who shot a goat in
    Deerfield N.H. I think the story was in the Nov 13th Sunday edition
    of the Union Leader.
    I know of a guy in Fremont N.H. who has taken an albino doe outta
    Fremont. I hope for his sake it's legal.
288.9I had the ExperienceSALEM::PAPPALARDOI'm the NRA/GONHTue Nov 29 1988 16:2052
    Back in 1982-83 my family hunting party and I were in the area of
    Jaffery N.H. which is in the South Western part of the state. It
    was the last weekend of muzzle loading, while some of us were still
    being introduced to that sport and hadn't purchased one yet. My
    uncle was on a stand when a 120 lb doe and 2 yearlings came into
    his sights. He shot the doe and upon firing saw this all white flash
    take off through the woods. The deer came running down along a stone
    wall where guess who was also walking along hunting patridge. I
    heard the noise coming and I looked around a tree to see what I
    thought then was a "dog" coming. I thought to myself this is great
    any bird between us will go up, so I stepped out from behind the
    tree and all hell broke loose the deer took a hard left over the
    stone wall and I almost dropped my gun realizing what it really
    was. When I got back home that night the first thing I did was check
    the N.H. Fish & Game rule book. At that time it said it was "Illegal"
    to take any deer that was more than predominantly white, which through
    more clarification was more white than usual. The following weekend
    we headed back to the same area, I headed straight for the spot
    that the deer jumped the wall and took a stand. Towards mid afternoon
    I went in the direction the deer had traveled to find a deer run
    like I had never seen before, it looked like a dirt bike trail running
    horizontal thru the woods and then a vertical line joined it going
    and coming from a big swamp (it looked like a giant T in the woods).
                  My evening stand would be 35 yards from that intersection
    of the run. At about 4:30 the eyelids were getting kinda heavy from
    just sitting for the past 3 hours, and the lack of sleep from the
    night before thinking about this day. When out of nowhere this animal
    appears 50 yards in front of me, its all White with the exception
    of a Brown patch on its head of about 6" and another patch on the
    side about 12"wX24"L. My first thought again was not of a deer but
    I said to myself what the #$^%#^ is a "cow" doing out here, I put
    my rifle up turned the scope up to 5 power and almost shit. There
    it was just feeding along, I moved the scope up to 9 power to really
    study it. This was great, I watched it for about 10 minutes when
    something else caught my eye to the lower right it was the other
    yearling. This one was almost normal in color except for the white
    from the under belly went farther up the sides than normal. I thought
    to myself this one I could take, upon watching it I determined that
    it was only about 50 lbs and with it being this first day I'd wait.
    The show lasted about another 10 minutes when the deer and myself
    heard a branch break in the distance and they bounded off as silent
    as they came. Since then N.H. has changed the law on these deer
    and they are considered a freak of nature. The next week a Warden
    stopped by when he saw us and I told him the location of the White
    Deer, while in the conversation he told me a guy shot a White Buck
    and and upon registering it was arrested for killing it. This is
    an experience i'll never forget.
                                           Sorry to be so long,
288.11fly tying materialBTO::SILKTue Nov 29 1988 18:528
     They have also changed the laws in VT. in the last few years.fish
    and game commission figured the ALBINO deer was an inferior species
    (eyes,skin pigment,fur coloring)and didn't need the breed mixing.
     I'd like a slice of that fur for tying streamer flies????
288.12deer and goatsSALEM::MACGREGORSat Dec 17 1988 15:2321
    I know a guy who shot an albino buck about 15 years ago. It was
    his first and last time hunting. He had it stuffed. There was no
    law then about shooting an albino. Also about the same time some
    so-called hunter from out of state(no need to go on further do I?)
    who brought in a billy goat to be tagged. A game was there and promptly
    put on the cuffs. Also saw a guy from Mass. who shot a bear and
    did not gut it out but rather threw it in the back seat. Upon driving
    down the road this hunter noticed some movement in the back seat
    of his car through his rear view mirror and when he looked it was
    the bear alive and pissed off. He stopped the car and proceeded
    to unload his weapon through the glass and doors until he finally
    killed it and his car. Too funny. About five years ago in Deerfield
    a busload of hunters from Boston was on route to N.H. to go deer
    hunting whne they travelled down this dirt road and noticed a herd
    of goats and thought they were deer. They yelled for the driver
    of the bus to stop. They killed seven before the lady who owned
    the farm got them to stop. Since then she has posted her farm that
    reads "Hunting by permission only - $50 per day." This lady had
    350 head of goats and had a name for everyone of them. So she told
    me anyhow. 
288.13?TSE::LEFEBVRECome out screamin'!Mon Dec 19 1988 11:063
    Need some beachfront property in Arizona?