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Conference vmsnet::hunting$note:hunting

Title:The Hunting Notesfile
Notice:Registry #7, For Sale #15, Success #270
Created:Wed Sep 02 1987
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1561
Total number of notes:17784

7.0. "OFFICIAL HUNTING REGISTRY" by BPOV09::JAMBERSON () Wed Sep 02 1987 23:44

      Thought that I would start a note where we could all introduce
    ourselves and tell a little about the type of hunting were interested
    in.  I'll start it in  .1
7.1BPOV09::JAMBERSONWed Sep 02 1987 23:529
    My name is Jeff Amberson.  I work in BP01 in Marlboro in the GIA
    group.  I like hunting for just about anything.  My favorite type
    of hunting is probably any kind that involves dog work.  I own two
    Labs which are pretty decent dogs.  I hunt them both along with
    running them in various AKC and NAHRA hunting trials.  When I'm
    not hunting or shooting, I'm probably running the dogs.  I've shot
    a several deer, a moose, and lots of ducks, pheasent, and geese.
    I plan on trying bow hunting for the first time this year.         
7.2GREAT WHITE-HUNTER ??NUGGET::BICKESThu Sep 03 1987 04:113
    HOWDY, This is 9Xx I hunt this wonderful state & in five years I
    got one deer a 180 lb eight pointer, I think that the city-slickers
    chased them up north. I'll take any pointers.. Thanks  9Xxxs 
7.3"ONE MAN BAND"TPVAX3::DESROSIERSThu Sep 03 1987 11:373
    Hi! my name is ray desrosiers and i work at nio for tpl. i do mostly
    duck hunting and the first week of deer season. i'm handicapp so
    i'm really limited to where i go for duck and deer hunting.
7.4From the boonies of ?Massachusetts?ARMORY::CHARBONNDGone fishin'Thu Sep 03 1987 12:064
    Hi This is Dana Charbonneau signing on from Springfield Mass. (SPO)
    I hunt deer with bow and arrow, shotgun, muzzle-loader, rifle and
    pistol. I hunt Mass. and Vermont. I also hunt turkey, mostly in
    fall (Vt.) Great idea for a conference !!!!!
7.5Hunt'em up..hunt 'em upCSSE::PETERSENThu Sep 03 1987 12:538
    Hi, I'm Erik Petersen, I work in Stow and live in Bolton. I really
    enjoy hunting rabbits with beagles, but I had to sell my Beagle
    Bogart last winter due to the neighbors complaining about the barking.
    I also hunt ducks, pheasant, partridge/grouse, deer.
7.6JAWS::WIERSUMThe Back Deck WizardThu Sep 03 1987 15:1810
    Garry Wiersum  
    I live in Worcester (the Paris of the 80s).
    I haven't hunted for 15 years.  Before that it was Dove and Javalina.
    I shot Trap and Skeet now at riverside.
    I will try to do Ducks this fall.
7.7Mike BrophyCAD::BROPHYThu Sep 03 1987 15:2123
    Hi, My name is Mike Brophy. I live in Marlboro Mass and work in
    HL. I really love to hunt for Ducks, last year I really got involved
    in Seaduck hunting and had lots of luck/fun! I enjoy making my own
    decoys, I'm currently working on a set of cork Mallards. this helps
    me keep my mind busy while waiting for the duck hunting season.
    Most of my duck hunting is done down in the marshes along the
    North river in Marshfield.
    I have a 5 month old Lab and she seems to be doing really well,
    I hope to have her out for the 2nd half of the coastal season but
    we'll play that one by ear.
    I also do some Partrige (sp) hunting but have given up on the pheasents
    (to crazy for me hear in mass.)
    I try to get up north Deer Hunting at least a week each season,
    Have been going up to Maine now for a couple of years. no luck yet
    but i don't discourage easily!!
    Best of luck in the new seasons!
7.8Ken CorbettRIPPLE::CORBETTKEKENNY CHINOOKThu Sep 03 1987 16:317
    Ken Corbett
    I live in Portland, Or.  I am the Sr. S/R on the Tektronix account.
    I hunt all upland birds (pheasant, grouse, dove, partridge, quail,
    etc.)  I have a cabin in eastern Oregon and go there for deer and
    elk.  I have got my deer the last 5 years and 2 elk in that time
    frame.  I've hunted since I was old enough to carry a gun.
7.9Love the fall GLIVET::HUSTONThu Sep 03 1987 16:5422
    Hi my name is Bob Huston, I work in MK1 (Merrimack NH) as a member
    of BOSE systems evaluation (BSE) currently involved in windows.  I have
    been hunting for 9 years and have enjoyed almost all of it.
    I started on pheasant, partridge and rabbit, mostly partridge.
    I started duck hunting 2 years ago and have gotten many ducks since,
    this is alot of fun.  It is stand hunting for deer where you can
    talk when no ducks are in sight.  I started jump shooting them late
    last season in MA.  This will be my first season in NH as I just
    moved up here when I graduated from college. I have been deer hunting
    for a couple of years in northern NH.  Never got one but had a chance
    last year, just plain  missed him (or her. not old enough to tell,
    he/she had no antlers though).  Actually I hit him but I've seen
    worse cuts from shaving.  Biggest thrill hunting so far has been
    seeing a moose last year, suddenly my .30-06 didn't seem big enough,
    this creature was huge.
    Any pointers/experiences are welcome and fun to read.
7.10Pat-ridgeXCELR8::GAFFNEYThu Sep 03 1987 17:2811
    Brian Gaffney, security in Marlboro, Ma.  Spend most weekends up
    north, just northwest of Rutland Vt. in Pittsford. Nice country,
    with a fair amount of pat-rige and a few bunnys. I hunt with a
    friend over his German Shorthaired Pointer. The dog is a wild
    man, but can hunt all weekend, which is legel up there. Have never
    shot a deer during many a season, god I'm due!
                                                        Good Luck
7.11CLUSTA::STORMThu Sep 03 1987 20:5213
    I'm Mark Storm.  I live in Hollis, NH and work at Spit Brook Road
    in Nashua.  I hunt just about any thing, any way.  I mostly hunt
    in N.H., but have done some Bow and Flintlock deer hunting in Penn
    the last 2 years.  I have a 5 month old Lab I'm trying to train
    for Ducks and Pheasants.  
    I've never shot a goose before, but am planning to make a serious
    effort at that this season.  I'd appreciate any tips anyone has
    to offer.
7.12New to Mass HuntingTROLL::ASHLEYFri Sep 04 1987 17:059
    	My name is Peter Ashley.  I work at Hudson.  Last year, I started
    bowhunting in Pennsylvania.  I learned a lot about the woods, and
    plan to hunt in Mass and Pa this year.  I got within range of plenty
    of deer last year but some new mistake always seemed to crop up.
    	Hope my luck and skill will be better this year.
7.13USRCV1::NADROWSKICThis just in....Living causes cancer Fri Sep 04 1987 19:229
    Hello my name is Carl Nadrowski I live/work in Rochester New York.
    I've been hunting since I could walk , hunt mostly deer , upland game-
    birds,furry stuff and migratory birds . I've lived/hunted all over
    the state be more than happy to answer any questions about New York
    hunting .
7.14Birds............SHRBIZ::NELSONDI didn't do it, Honest !!Wed Sep 09 1987 12:0913
 	My wife hates this time of the year.......... 
    	Weekend widow  :-)
    	Dave Nelson in SHR. I gave it all up a few years ago. Quit
        hunting everything. BUT my wife, God love her, gave me a 
        'shorthair' pup for Christmas two years ago. That was all
        it took. I'm back into woodcock, partridge, pheasant, and
        hopefully some duck hunting this year, right Guy !! Weekends
        in November are spent in Vermont. The dog is working well, and
        he has lost his desire to hunt porcupines (thanks to a shock
        collar), so we're ready.  Come on Oct 10th.........
7.15So many seasons...so little timeDELNI::FISHERWed Sep 09 1987 12:4013
    excellent idea, a hunting notes file is long overdue.
    Guy Fisher, I work in Boxboro for Networks and Communication
    Publications. I enjoy hunting for everything. I have a german shorthair
    pointer (Pat Perry helped to train). I hunt deer in 3 states during
    rifle (shotgun), bow and blackpowder seasons. I've taken two deer,
    one in Mass. and one in Vermont, both spikehorns. I'm a late bloomer, 
    having only been introduced to the sport 6 years ago. 
    I have to admit, I do love to hunt ducks over all the rest!!! Glad
    to see a good contingent of duck hunters here.
7.16Bob PuishysHPSCAD::BPUISHYSBob PuishysWed Sep 09 1987 14:5216
    My name is Bob Puishys (some may know me as BASSIN' Bob). I work
    at MR1 in Marlboro, Ma.  I live I Worcester. (The 80's of paris??)
    My love of hunting is for grouse/partridge, But will hunt woodcock,
    duck, goose,(got my first last year and it was a double).  I Bow
    hunt for deer, Have had shoots the last 3 years and have learned
    from my mistakes.  I shoot a lot of trap and do my own reloading.
    I have a hard time going hunting on saturday and fishing on sunday
    but what the hell!!
    Bassin Bob Puishys
    WHOOPS wrong file
    Bob Puishys
7.17DVWPS::WILSONWed Sep 09 1987 14:5613
    My name is Pat Wilson and I work at DVO (Denver, Co).  I guess we are
    spoiled out here because we have so much public land to hunt on.
    I hunt deer, elk, rabbits, and duck.  I've had better luck these
    last couple of years with duck than other game.  This year I lucked
    out and got two deer permits in the drawing.  I'll be going after
    whitetail in the "Plains rifle season" and mulie in the late season
    (up in the mountains).
    It's nice to see a hunting note at last.
    Hi there, 
             My name is Mark Moore and I work at TFO (Tempe, Arizona)
    and I would also like to say that I have been waiting for this file
    for some time, good job. I hunt as often as I can or as much as
    my wife can stand, another weekend widow. I love this time of year!!
    Anyway here in the desert I hunt Dove, Quail, Turkey, Deer, Javelina
    and I would like to get drawn to hunt Elk one of these days, three
    years and no luck. This year I am also thinking of doing some Duck
    hunting, sounds like fun. I hunt with a bow, rifle, muzzleloader
    and handgun. I also just started reloading my own shotshells. Well
    thats about it. Good luck this season to all of you out there, just
    don't shoot my buck :-) 
7.19Here I beTSE::LEFEBVREShe hit me with technologyWed Sep 09 1987 16:3722
    Well, alright!
    My name is Mark Lefebvre and I work in the Test Systems Engineering
    group in Tewksbury, MA (TWO).  I live in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    where some of the best waterfowl hunting in New England takes place
    (Great Bay, Hampton and Rye saltmarshes, beaucoup corn field cuttings).
    My first love is deer hunting, which I began after college 7 years
    ago.  Have scored on a 4 pointer in NH at 150 lbs, and a nice doe
    in Maine at 120 lbs.  I hunt the Moosehead Lake area in north-central
    Maine (God's country) and in the greater seacoast area of New Hampshire
    - Stratham, Exeter, North Hampton and Rye.
    Got hooked on duck hunting a couple of years ago and had fair success
    last year in New Hampshire.  By fair success, I mean I shot at an
    average of 5 - 10 birds per morning, but managed only a few kills.
    I really have to polish my wing shooting.  
    If anyone is interested in hunting water fowl in the Seacoast area,
    please call me so we can chat.
    Mark Lefebvre - aka REDMAN.
7.20wingshooterSHIVER::RIVERSDIn search of WalterWed Sep 09 1987 16:4015
    Nice to meet you,
      My name is Dave Rivers and I work in BTO (Burlington, VT).  I
    am strictly a wingshooter, primarily pa'tridge and ducks.  I hunt
    most birds though.  This year I would like to try turkeys.  I've
    got a 1 1/2 year old chesapeake bay retriever (120 lbs.) that
    keeps me busy, mainly getting into mischief.  Max definitely
    typifies the breed.  I'll be going home tonight to try to get the
    skunk spray of from his face (I love getting phone calls about these
    types of things while I'm at work).
       Someday I hope to go out west to hunt quail and pheasant.
    Looking forwards to this notesfile
7.21one moreMANFAC::BURSTALLWed Sep 09 1987 16:536
    Hi, I'm Ken Burstall, I work in Detroit and live in St. Clair Shores
    Michigan. I really like to hunt just about anything with just about
    anything including a camera. My dog hunting ended a while ago when
    the dog got scared by a bird and took off in the opposite direction.
7.22Avid reader, but not much of a writerCAPVAX::GALVINThe Night StalkerThu Sep 10 1987 06:1521
    I work as a Computer Operator (3rd shift) at OGO and have lived
    in Massachusetts all of my life.
    I'd like to say I do a lot of hunting, but, lack of time and the
    green stuff has hampered my efforts to pursue the sport.
    I mainly do duck/geese hunting.  I can use my uncles' land, near
    the point in Stow (off the Assabet River), and I also borrow his
    I've all ways wanted to go deer hunting, so I bought a 30-30, 2
    years back, but my friends backed out at the last minute and I 
    never made it.
    The only hunting I've done, in the past year, is cans and targets!
    (and let me tell you...those aluminum steaks are hard on the teeth!)
    Rob 'Galv' Galvin
7.23finallyTWOBOS::LAFOSSEThu Sep 10 1987 13:0725
    Bout time for a hunting conference......
    when firearms first started there was alot of hunting talk, but
    it slowly dwindled, and now it seems to be strictly handgun talk.
    My name is Paul LaFosse, friends call me Fra... Live in Leominster
    Ma, love the 270, and hunting with a bow.
    Been hunting seriously now for about 10 years, more if you count
    shooting BB guns and plinking with dear old dad.  My true love is
    bowhunting, even gotten luckey a couple of times, but have just 
    gotten into muzzleloading, its getting pretty high on my list of 
    favorites. Rifle hunt in VT, love it up there in the dairy country.
    Been to NH for deer, MA for deer but hate the crowds, guess
    I've been spoiled up in VT. Lately i've been shooting alot of
    trap and skeet and I love it. Looking forward to the day when I
    have the cash to pick up a nice O/U Browning.... 
    I do all my own reloading, and have just gotten into handguns, would
    like to try my hand at hunting deer with one when i'm proficient
    with its use...
    well thats all folks, hope to hear from more deer hunters....
7.24GreetingsCSMADM::CONROYThu Sep 10 1987 15:4711
    Hi!   My name is Mike Conroy and I work in CSM at WJO. I have been
    hunting for the last 20 years or so. Ducks,geese,pheasant,grouse,deer,
    This will be my first year for deer with a bow.
    Good luck to all of you and hunt safely.
7.25Land of the Sky Blue...CSC32::WATERSThe Agony of DeleteThu Sep 10 1987 17:1218
    Hello, My name is Mark Waters. I work at CXO3, in Colorado Springs,
    Co. with the VAX TBU.
    Love hunting, wife doesn't. Like to hunt Birds, Ducks, Geese, Dove,
    Pheasent etc..., have a 3 year old Brittany that just loves to help
    out. Also into big game hunting, Antelope, Deer, Elk. Harvested a 350
    lbs Black bear 2 years ago and would like to do it again. Setting my
    sites next year for a Canadian Moose hunt.

    This was the first year I went Turkey hunting and enjoyed it a whole
    lot and will add it to my annual outings. (23 lbs. Missouri Tom)

    Tend to limit my hunting to game that is plentifull and to the areas
    where that is the case. So I'm willing to travel.
    Good luck this year,
7.26Just what I need! Another Conference... %^}DACT6::COLEMANIllegitimi non CarborundumThu Sep 10 1987 19:5124
    Perry Coleman
    MEL-2/17 (Landover, MD Application Center for Technology)
    I have been hunting off and on since I was 12.  I have hunted
    squirrels, turkeys, rabbits, deer, and raccoons (as well as assorted
    varmints like ground hogs)  I live in Maryland, but haven't hunted
    in Maryland since I was about 16.  Too many crazies.  I hear the
    Eastern Shore is a little better (and has wonderful waterfowl hunting)
    but I go up to my relatives farms, etc in West Virginia and hunt
    I shot a 4 point buck 6 seasons ago but haven't got one since. 
    I have had opportunities at bucks in the last 5 seasons (one HUGE
    buck last year, but that's a different story...) but have not taken
    a shot, because I wasn't comfortable with the shot presented.  I
    have also screwed up trying to get a better shot, but I never make
    the same mistake twice.  I figure that I'll get another one soon,
    but I am patient.  Although at the end of a solid week of deer hunting
    with nothing to show for it, patience tends to wear a bit thin ;^)
    I am always on the lookout for new tricks/tips/etc. regarding the
    elusive whitetail, so I am looking forward to this conference.
7.27Hunting is like sex...no, it's BETTER than sex!PARSEC::DAVISFri Sep 11 1987 18:0527
    In case you didn't catch it, the personal says:
           "Hunting is like sex...no, it's BETTER than sex!"
    That about sums it up.  I'm Tom Davis, born in Southern Berkshire
    county in Mass and now living on the Mass side of the New Hampshire
    border.  I've been hunting since Hector's dad was a pup.  Just love
    it.  Love to hunt deer, partridge, woodcock and rabbit.  I like
    to bowhunt, shotgun (a necessity here in Mass), rifle and pistol.
    Gee, I left out black powder.  Nothing like Cajun Bambi burgers.
    Think it's great to have yet another way to extend my hunting season.
    If I had to say which method I prefer to hunt, I'd say any time
    which doesn't involve work.  Don't get me wrong, I love my job (been
    with DEC over 19 years), but I'm a firm believer in the old adage
    that says "A bad day hunting is better than a good day at work".
    Fishermen think it was originally said about fishing, but we know
    what the real story is.
    Well, enough about this intro.  I'm just glad to see this conference
    open up.  It's been a long time in coming and I look forward to
    participating in it.
    Keep your ears and eyes open, the wind in your face and keep your
    powder dry.
    			Tom Davis
7.28LIONEL::SAISITue Sep 15 1987 13:396
    	I'm Linda Saisi, work in APO, the MPT group.  I am just getting
    	into hunting, noone in my family hunts or even shoots.  But
    	if you love dogs, the outdoors, and the chase, it is
    	inevitable ;^}.  I am interested in upland bird hunting and
    	rabbit hunting.  Just got a cocker puppy who I hope will get
    	me there.  Good thing someone finally started this file.
7.29Another "Bird-hunter"...TARKIN::AHOUncle MikeTue Sep 15 1987 16:4520
      I'm Mike Aho (~Mike~ to most). I've just given up deer hunting
    for my love of small game hunting. I've been hunting for 21 years
    now and I've got a Springer Spaniel a little over two years ago
    and I'm HOOKED on hunting with a dog!! In the "off season" I'm
    boning up by Trap shooting and some Skeet shooting. I'm located
    here in the Republic of Massachusetts (Oh well, gotta live somewhere
    near work..). I used to bow hunt but it's interfearing with my
    bird season, so I just sold that stuff too.
        I do get out once in a while muzzleloader hunting and I got
    a deer two years ago with one (What a Rush!!). I'm in the same
    boat as most (my wife is a weekend widow this time of year), but
    she's VERY understanding. 
       I'm also glad this file has come about and I'm looking forward
    to participate..
7.30Great file, good timingHELIX::COTHRANWed Sep 16 1987 19:2010
    Name is Bryan Cothran.  I live in Hudson Ma, and work at the Mill.
    Ducks are by far number one on my list.  Up early and home realitivly
    early has a tendency to keep things a tad more cool on the home
    front, especially when there are a couple little ones running around.
    Just love a good hunt before work.  Next on the list is partridge
    and pheasant.  Don't do deer, cuz I'd have to move out if one was
    brought home.  Turkey is on my list, but a couple years away I'm
7.31Tis' (always) the seasonVICKI::DODIERMon Sep 21 1987 15:5117
    	Time to move from the fishing note file (which has been trashed
    as of lately anyway) to the hunting note file. Great file so far. 
	The name is Ray Dodier a.k.a. RAYJ. I'm into bow and rifle/shotgun
    hunting. I've yet to get my first deer. Maybe this will be the year
    as I've seen 6 deer in the last six trips (counting last year).
    	I can sympathize with Bryan in the previous note with the little
    ones running around. It's definitely getting harder to keep the
    peace and do all that I'd like to do. As it is I usually shoot trap
    at least once a week up until bow season and shoot my bow about
    3-4 times a week 2 months prior to the season. Then comes duck season and
    a few vacation days, then rifle season and a few more vacation days.
    Then when that's all over it's just about time for ice fishing which
    brings you into salmon/trout season at ice out. Then there's the party 
    boat trips early in the year which brings me into bass fishing season.
    Kind of a vicious circle but I wouldn't have it any other way.
7.32TSE::LEFEBVREBreaking rocks in the hot sunMon Sep 21 1987 15:561
    hi ray.
7.33Hunting's great but Dog's are better.FILM::GMARINIWed Sep 23 1987 16:1026
    My name is Gerry Marini and I have been hunting and shooting regularly
    since I was 14 yrs old.
    Most of my field work has been done with shot gun, Browning O/U
    skeet grade because it fits me right, A period of time ago got
    interested in Varmit work, but found it to intense at the bench
    and reloader.
    Love up-land and migratory sport but most of all, Love the combination
    of this with sporting Dogs, I can set grouse or chukas for Brits
    or setter's all day with out getting a shot off my selfe and feel
    great with the sights and sounds of bird and dog.
    I would like to find a way to help with field trial's, my second
    hobby is amateur radio and feel that I can help provide communication
    for field trial events as well as enjoy the activity.
    Trap and Skeet take up most of the off season with weekly nitro
    and money burning, WOW has shot prices soared !. 
    Well alwasy anxcious to meet folks and make new friends so feel
    free to drop me a line are ask for help in your field events.
    Happy hunting
7.34ridgerunnerNEBVAX::PAPPALARDOThu Sep 24 1987 18:4213
    Hi,my name is Rick Pappalardo and ive been hunting since i was 12,i
    have lived and worked all my life in N.H. and have hunted maine
    ,vermont ,nh,and mass for a long time.I love hunting anything but the
    top two are deer and waterfowl of which i have taken more than my
    fair share of both.now looking to hunt mule deer and caribou with
    my life long ambition to hunt the brown bear.i am real pleased to
    see a file such as this and i lokk foward to conversing with everyone.
    i am currently a F.F.L. holder and have passed the n.h hunting guides
    test as well as a federal program to identify waterfowl in flight
    by species for hunting.
    see ya,
7.35Amos Hamburger CYGNUS::HAMBURGERFri Sep 25 1987 14:4218
    Amos Hamburger, Software Services at IND in Marlboro, Live in Lancaster
    MA. I have hunted ducks and geese up at Hudson Bay in northern Canada
    Deer in Maine, NH, Penn, and once in MA.(the crazies were out, I
    never went back) Woodcock in VT and NH. Ducks grouse pheasant etc
    all over New England. Haven't been back to maine since the locals
    burned down the hunting lodge we used because it belonged to "flat
    landers". I really want to go for a black bear I have gotten
    enough of other game that I am really lookig to broaden my
    expewrience. THAT DOES NOT mean that I am only a trophy
    hunter I eat what I shoot and love the sport of it whether
    I come home with anything or not(not is more often true ;-})
    but with limited time I want to make it count, would rather get
    a bear than another goose.
    Glad to see this file, A note about professional outfitters might
    be in order ; who has used them, cost?, success, type of
    terrain, methods etc.
    Good hunting.
7.36<Hunting is here to stay>PVAX::STEVEVANFri Sep 25 1987 17:3216
    Hi Steve Vanlandeghem here... A.K.A. THE RABBIT - I work at CFO
    in West Concord and live in Carlisle.  I'm a member of Stonybrook
    F&G in Westford,. I've been hunting since i was old enough to pickup
    a shotgun - but after i pulled the trigger for the first time i
    spent the next 20 minutes picking myself up off the ground.  I still
    love the sport of hunting and spend most of my time with a bow,.
    I hunt MA. VT. now and did Maine once till i saw one BIG sucker
    moose, I looked at him and then at my bow and beat feet out of the
    	Only a week left before VT bow opens up OCT 3rd...and i'll be
    there....Hope to score this year - the price of meat has gone up
    to about $500.00 a pound...
    	Good luck and safe hunting this year...
7.37PATSPK::PAPPALARDOFri Sep 25 1987 18:4210
    Hi my name is Guy Pappalardo I work and live in Salem, N.H. . I've
    had something to do with guns since I was a little pup. I hunt with
    muzzleloader,rifle,and shotgun. I love all kinds of hunting and
    in the past have had oppertunity to hunt with dogs for birds, now
    the only dog we have is a biscut eater. I've hunted Vt., N.H., and
    last season I went down to Pa. and did pretty well I took a button
    buck a saw a bunch of deer during my stay. Hope to eventually go
    to Montana to do some Elk and Mule deer hunting.
7.38LILAC::MKPROJREAGAN::ZORESun Sep 27 1987 11:2414
    	Hi, I'm Rich Zore.  I work in Merrimack, NH supporting the
    Purchasing system.  Never really got whole hog into hunting though
    this may be the year.  I've gotten 1 deer (several years ago in
    Penn.) and hope to get another this year.  I'm interested in deer
    hunting and bird hunting.  Now that I've been able to settle
    down in Brookline NH I'm looking to slowly get into hunting more
    and more (especially as the kids grow up).  Looking for any tips
    you guys can share.
    	I never realized what work 3 kids (aged 4.5, 2,5 and .5 years)
    can be.  Hope to be able to establish some hunting buddies after
    they've grown abit and relieved the pressure on "The Boss".
    Good luck and safe hunting!
7.39"Another hunter heard from...."NISYSG::SKIPJACKWed Sep 30 1987 11:4410
               My name is Bob Allore and I work here at NIO in Salem,
    N.H. I've been hunting since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I
    love the sport. I'll hunt just about anything squirrel, rabbits,
    ducks, deer etc. I'm not a trophy hunter and am happy with what-
    ever I get. I own 1 rifle and 2 shotguns.
               I've shot 6 deer and a black bear too. I don't know
    how many small game animals I've taken. Looking forward to some
    good tips or whatever from this file. 
7.40WATERFOULER HERECAD::PRUNIERFri Oct 02 1987 15:5417
    	My name is Steve Prunier, I work in Hudson. I have been hunting
    	since I was 12. I hunt Black powder for deer in Mass, Pheasant,
    	Ducks, GOOSE (thats the best), Archery for deer (not for 2 years  
    	now) Partridge, and Sea Duck. I went to Maine for deer last
    	year but struck out as usual (I am a lousy deer hunter), but
    	I keep trying. I won't hunt deer with a shotgun in Mass since
    	being almost hit by a "sound shot" from another "hunter" (ha!).
    	I have a black lab I am training (slowly), she's 1 yr. old ,
    	I may take her late....
    	I love waterfoul hunting and am looking forward to opening day!!
    	Happy , safe and productive hunting to all this year...
7.41NEW HUNTERYAZOO::DIPASQUALEWed Oct 07 1987 17:235
7.42Glad to meet you!SIGANA::TESTAGROSSAWed Oct 07 1987 17:3819
    My name is Barry Testagrossa, I have pursued everything with fin,fur
   , or feathers as early as the age of 10. I currently focus specifically
    on deer. I enjoy the muzzleloading and bow seasons most of all due
    to the situation of less people in the woods during these seasons.
    I can't say that I've been the most successful hunter there is,
    but I've had my moments. I have been fortunate enough to hunt with
    one of the best(luckiest) there is, THE WHITE ANGEL. I can't tell
    you how many deer he's scored on cause I lost count. Well I've dragged
    out more of his, than my own.
    I could stand to loose him though, he just got and English Setter
    and is ready to give it all up to chase those silly little chickens!
    In closing I'd just like to say, I may not be on the same level
    as Whitey, but I'm twice the hunter Mark Rodil is! Did'ya hear that
7.43sign in timeELMO::HOLLENFri Oct 09 1987 19:4722
    I guess I'll sign in too....
      My name's Joe Hollen. I work for field service at Spitbrook Rd.
    I am basically into deer hunting the northern NH hills and swamps.
    I'll hunt partridge and rabbit too, but deer come first.
      As with many of the other responders, my time is limited by
    job/family so I've picked deer hunting over all the others to try
    to become proficient on. I've had pretty good success in the tough
    old northern cedar swamps taking 3 deer in the last 6 years. I love
    the old rifles/calibers of yester-year. Peep-sighted lever action
    carbines are my favorite. I'm also into blackpowder hunting which
    is the only type of deer hunting that I'll be doing this year in
    the north country. I don't consider that one shot any handicap at
      Would love to see a "HUNTING 87" note as the seasons unwind. Let's
    hear all the tall tales from all your hunting experiences!
7.44HelloBPOV09::LEAHYTue Oct 13 1987 16:0812
    My name is Jack Leahy. I live in Worcester,Ma and work for GIA M&E
    in Marlboro. Started hunting 3 yr's ago after a 14 year layoff (it
    got to crazy out here). Bow/shotgun hunt the elusive whitetail and
    critter hunt with my son. Did a little pheasant shooting last year
    and Jeff said he would get me interested in duck hunting this year,
    I don't know? Sounds like ice-fishing to me, Jeff. 
    Happy shooting to all and like they say on Hill Street
    (Let's be carefull out there)
7.45I'm NOT a hunter,but,,,,,,,GENRAL::BOURBEAUThu Oct 15 1987 18:1022
    	I'm George Bourbeau. I work at CXO and live about 30 miles East
    of Colorado Springs Colorado. I lived in Mass. for the first 40
    years of my life and hunted every legal thing in sight around the
    Dracut area. We moved out here eight years ago,and the only way
    I'll move back east is at gunpoint,and only until I can escape.
    	I haven't hunted in over ten years,just kinda got away from
    it. Since moving here,I've been noticing a strange longing starting
    every Fall when I see the new hunting regulations at the stores.
    I'm also beginning to dream of horseback trips into the mountains
    with my favorite rifle and handgun,and the bugling of elk in the
    distance. I wonder if I'm about to have a relapse???
    	In any case,I enjoy reading your stories and exagerations,so
    keep them coming. 
    	I enjoy shooting;rifles,handguns and blackpowder,and reloading,
    as well as horses. I live in the middle of antelope country,so they
    are getting my interest too.......HMMMMM! What's coming over me??
    	Good hunting,and keep us posted on how you're doing,
7.46Time to sign in...XCUSME::NEWSHAMMon Oct 19 1987 20:5816
    	I guess it's time to sign in. I'm Red Newsham, born and raised
    in Mass., but just relocated to Salem, N.H., after taking a job
    with NHAS in MKO1. I'm and arvid Deer hunter, and will be hunting
    Vermont this year ( So. West of Camel's hump ). I also just
    pulled my Zone # 6 Mass Deer permit today out of the mail box, so
    I guess I'll be back in Mass. Again.
    	BTW: Where can one find a decent hunting/gun club in this
    area ?
    	Red Newsham   MKO1
7.47Nice to meet you all...TALLIS::GALLANTTue Oct 20 1987 17:1119
    	I am AL Gallant.  I work at LTN1 and I live in Sterling, MA.
     This is my first year hunting and it has been a very successful
    one so far.   
    	I have only hunted Vermont.  The first day of Spring Turkey
    I called in and bagged a 14 1/2 lb Jake with a 4 1/2 inch beard.
    Great tasting bird.
    	The first day of bow season I downed a 108 lb doe. Also great
    	Looking forward to the fall turkey and the gun season.
    	Will be reading this notes file daily.
    	Good hunting Gentlemen
    I'm Jeano, I've lived in NH all my life and hunted it for the past
    16 yrs. Deer hunting only so far,and only rifle. I hope to get in
    to bow one of these years and enjoy a longer season. I'm real glad
    that we hunters have our own file now.
    My hunting party and I are going on our anual Pittsburg November
    Get-away on the 8th for that week. (Thanks for the "OK" Red!)
    It is my opinion that the best people in the world are Outdoorsmen.
    Well, here's wishing you all a good and safe hunting season and
    most of all, a fresh snowfall. good luck and I'll be reading this
7.49JUST MEGENRAL::GALLOWAYFri Oct 23 1987 19:3024
    Howdy gents,
    Name's lee galloway
    Work in Colorado Springs in disk development.
    I work so I can Bow hunt;elk,deer,rabbits,grouse,turkey,_,_,_,_,
    I used rifles & shotguns for hunting until about 10 years ago
    when a friend introduced me to archery hunting. Since then,
    it's been entirely archery hunting.
    I've had real good luck in getting deer every year(does at first,
    bucks later)-That is until I collected my first bull elk (5x3)
    with the bow in 84. Since then, I've become so involved
    in elk hunting that my deer harvest has went to zero.
    However, as a consolation I did get another bull elk (5x5)
    this year. First one I've got since switching from a 
    compound to a recurve bow. I'm in the process of waiting
    and preparing for next years season as it's all over
    with in Co. this year.Archery that is.
    Been waiting for a hunting note like this one-
7.50Pennsylvania ProfileMJOVAX::OWENSWho is Gordon Schumway??Fri Nov 06 1987 14:3514
    Well since I came out of read only mode, better let you guys know
    I'm here.
    	Larry Owens -- I live in Lancaster Pa. and work in the Area
    Support group out of Harrisburg. Pa.  Have three sons, two of which
    hunt the other has 4 yrs. to wait.  I was fortunate enough to marry
    a woman whose family has a hunting camp near Phillipsburg in the
    Black Moshannon State Park. (no that's not why I married her!) Most
    of our hunting is done at the camp since the Lancaster area is becoming
    more and more populated and my old archery stand is now somebody's
    Personal note:  Hey Bear, I'll say hi to Mateer for you!
    	Hi, my name is Jack Schneider and I live in Scarborough,Me.
    I work in ASO - Augusta plant -  for those of you without a directory.
    It's a commute of about 63.2793 miles.(smile) I get to see it twice each
    day and lots of birds,deer,moose,coyotes,foxes,skunks,etc.etc. etc.
    	Got my boy into college and now I'm raising dogs. German
    shorthairs(3),a Wiemaraner,and a Beagle bitch. Five at the moment.
    I fell in love with shorthairs (AXE-HANDLE DOGS) (thanx .16)in '85
    when I was given one for my birthday. (bribe for college help!!!)
    	For a flat-land farmer (ILLINOIS) Maine is a blast. I grew up
    on bluegills,catfish,largemouth,cotton-tails,pheasants,quail,crows
    and pin-tails.  Maine has turn me on to:
    		"Black bass"
        and generally kept me here since 1965. (no-way a native yet!!!!)
    		I live about 3 miles from the Public ramp. (Summer-time
    direction) and John (19 year-old son) shot a 225# eight-pointer
    at the bottom of the hill this year.
    	My current fascination is DOGS. TRIALS,SHOWS,OBEDIENCE,TRACKING,
    of head-on-my-lap traveling.
  	All for the PLEASURE of SEEing the stopped-in-mid-air point
    of one of the dogs on a grouse.
    		I look forward to lots of shared B.S.
7.52OK!! OK!! I'll sing in!!WFOVX0::DRUMMFri Dec 18 1987 18:5819
    	OK!!! OK!!!! so I have been replying to the deer hunting notes
    and haven't signed in yet!!! What soime people will say over the
    	My name is Steve Drumm. I have lived in Mass most of my life work
    in the Westfield plant as a Sr. Quality Engineer and do all those
    things all the ANTIs are anti about.
    	I hunt upland birds of all kinds, don't do rabits or polecats!
    My specialty is deer!! 
    	For things on the side I am a member of the Mass State Highpower
    Rifle Team, am listed as a master with the NRA. 
    	It's good to see this note file and I will be a regular visitor!
    	Steve :#)
7.53Mountain WhitetailsSKIVT::VENUS_QVWed Jan 20 1988 02:4215
        My name is Jeff Stevens and i live in vermont. I moved up here
    about a year ago and really enjoy the game available. I hunt most
     everything out there. I enjoy whitetails the most. They are one
    of the smartest animals alive. I consider it a real challenge to
     scout them year round, and of course shoot one. I lived in mass
    for 25 years prior to vermont, and think the deer in mass are 
     bigger . I hope to find a big deer to scout this year.
              well that's my 2 cents....
7.54CX03 Hunter29067::G_ROBERTSWed Jan 27 1988 13:3212
                           -< COLORADO HUNTER >-
    My name is Gordon Roberts.  I'm at CX03 and have been hunting in
    Colorado for 12 years.  What a great place to hunt.  I've taken
    an elk (largest is a royal), deer, and antelope almost every year.
    Also enjoy all forms of bird hunting, have over 250 goose decoys
    and blind cover, come next goose season contact me if any of you
    want to go.  Largest turkey was a 25# Missouri tom, have also take
    a few in Colo.  Guess I'm lucky of sorts, my wife will join me on
    antelope hunts, she has taken two so far.  Look forward to this
    notes file, have lots of experiences to tell.
         My name is Bill Jollymore. I live in Fitchburg Mass and work
    at NRO/5. I have been hunting and  doing competitive shooting for
    a lot of years and I have been a volunteer hunter safety instructor
    for about 7yrs.
         I just started hunting geese this year and really got hooked
    on it (didn't get any but had a lot of fun).
         Also I collect metallic cartridges and have a pretty good 
    collection of books on the subject.
7.56PCCAD2::RICHARDJWed Mar 23 1988 16:053
    My name is Jim Richard. I work in Shrewsbury Ma. I live in Winchendon,
    Ma. i like pheasant hunting, especially with a Springer Spaniel.
    I'm glad to see this conference.
7.57FIRST TEXANDPDMAI::HAMRICKTue Mar 29 1988 21:4316
    Howdy folks,
    My name is Harvey Hamrick. I live in San Antonio, Texas and work
    as area support for the South Central Area. Been hunting since before
    I can remember. My favorite hunting is deer, but also hunt dove,
    duck, turkey, javellina and coyote. I use rifle (25-06 "tackdriver"),
    shotgun (870 wingmaster), bow (80# compound) and pistol(navy arms
    black powder .45 cal.). By far my favorites are deer and turkey
    (both are very cagey), but what a rush 15-20 javellina in a pack
    will give you (good sausage too). Never hunted anywhere but Texas
    and am going to try other places as the chance presents itself.
    Like this file!!!
    bye for now Harvey
7.58Mark BillingsleaPLATA::BILLINGSLEASwing easy...Mon Aug 29 1988 15:4020
    Mark Billingslea here.  I'm in DIS/SD in Colorado Springs.
    I didn't start hunting until about 8 years ago.  Last year I graduated
    from a deer "hunter" to deer "slayer".  What an experience!  While the
    the respect for the animal and the taking of the life was intense, so
    was the satisfaction of finally having a successful hunt!
    I've also, started pheasant hunting.  What a blast!! (pun intended).
    Anyway, I'm going to try my first dove season this year.  From what
    I've been told, it's really fun too.
    I haven't been able to justify spending mega-bucks on guns, but I have
    decent field-grade equipment.  (Marlin .30-.30/lever-action, Marlin
    .22/bolt-action, Savage 12 gauge/pump, Cullen-Boren 12
    guage/side-by-side, Springfield 20 guage/bolt-action.)
    My philosophy is that I hunt what will be eaten.  If I don't like to
    eat it or know someone who does, I won't hunt it.  For example,
    squirrel.  I hunted it a couple of times, but didn't like the greasy
    dark meat, so I quit hunting it.
7.59Ernie MondouBAGELS::MONDOUFri Sep 09 1988 15:1013
    Ernie Mondou
    I work in LKG, and live in Milford, Mass.
    I currently hunt deer ( bow and gun ), and partridge.
    I've hunted in most New England states and Pennsylvania, but 
    lately all my hunting is in Mass.   My last deer was a 6 point
    in western Mass.  I also hunt bear in Mass.  Don't laugh - I had
    a black bear in my sights but elected not to fire.  Long story.
7.60Me and Sandy dog..MPGS::PERCUOCOWed Sep 21 1988 15:1413
    Tom Percuoco
    I work in Shrewsbury for Advanced Test Equip Design.
    Been at Dec for 15 years.
    I mostley bird hunt, ducks and geese are the favorite.
    I hunt alot locally and the coast from time to time.
    I just moved into Blackstone ma., almost into R.I.
    and discovered alot of ponds and rivers to try. 
     I got a pure bred chocolate lab 5 and a half months
    ago and she is doing very well. She's an excellent
    swimmer and loves to retrieve. We're gonna have alot of
    fun together....The season is almost here!!!!!!
7.61All Right a new Conference!!MPGS::GRANTTue Oct 04 1988 14:199
    	Lee Howard Grant
    	Wow, didn't know this file existed. Got a pointer from
    	the FIREARMS file. Stricly a Bird hunter. Partridge, the
    	"lovelies" from Canada etc.
    	Live in Newburyport Mass, work at NKS for LEDS. Me and my
    	870 Wingmaster are getting real excited about now.
7.62"New To Colorado"SNOWY::KIRKTue Oct 04 1988 15:079
    Bill Kirk
    Just found out about this notes file.......
    I am a new resident to Colorado Springs.I have hunted in Missoui
    since I was 10.I like to deer and turkey hunt.This will be the frist
    year I have missed a deer season in Missouri,but I will get back
    for spring turkey.I am currently tring to find some places to hunt
    birds (quail,pheasent,grouse) and also deer here in Colorado.Any
    help would be appreciated.....
7.63count me in!VLNVAX::HEDERSTEDTT.B.S.Thu Oct 13 1988 11:0914
     Wayne Hederstedt
     Hi,just found this note.Great note!! I live in Mass and soon in
    Fitchberg as my house is being built now.I work in MRO in Field
    Service.I am a certified gun nut and love to hunt!! I have not
    been out much in the past two years due to personal reasons.I
    have been deer hunting in Vermont for 15 or so years and bird
    hunting for about 7. I perfer birds as I enjoy the action and
    suspense! If I am hunting Partridge,its the bowl movment I get
    when the bird come up near me that makes it interesting! Hope
    to have a lab this spring to start out the new hunting season.
7.64West MichiganGLDOA::MORRISONSat Oct 22 1988 21:108
    Hi, I'm Dave Morrison and work on the DNT in West Michigan. I took
    the transfer here for the hunting & fishing it promised. I am NOT
    dissapointed. I like to hunt grouse, woodcock, duck, goose, quail,
    pheseant, deer and squirrel. I am looking forward to doing turkey
    hunting but the spring season interfers with my other great out
    doors love - FLYFISHING! I have a laborador who does double duty
    as upland and waterfowl dog. He's great! I just was turned onto
    this file and am REALLY looking forward to getting into it!
7.65DEER HUNTERBTO::MOULTROUPFri Nov 18 1988 13:298
    I'm Bruce Moultroup and i work in BTO(burlington,Vt.) I'm a rifle
    deer hunter mostly but bow hunt to do some scouting for rifle season.
    Presently i hunt in three states(N.Y.,Vt.,&Maine). I've been asking
    around if there was a hunting notes file and finally found it. I'm
    looking forward to participating in this file.
                                                 Good Hunting
7.66Hatfield,Ma.KRAPPA::KEYWORTHThu Dec 01 1988 16:5211
    Hi, my name is John Keyworth. I work in WFO and live in Hatfield,
    Ma. I've been hunting and fishing most of my life. I like to hunt
    for deer and squirrels mostly. I hunt mass. with bow, shotgun and
    muzzleloader and the adirondacks of N.Y. with muzzleloader and 
    rifle. Hope to include the bow season in N.Y. next year. 
    (How do you guys find time for a third state?)
    Good luck and safe hunting to you all
7.67Keith S. RidgwayDIXIE1::RIDGWAYFor one brief shining momentMon Dec 05 1988 20:0010
    Ok, add another normally "read-only" member to the roster.  My name
    is Keith Ridgway currently residing in Birmingham, Alabama.  I've
    recently moved from Florida to Alabama and am looking forward to
    hunting larger deer that what I've been hunting in Northwest Florida.
    Normally hunt with a Weatherby 270.  Saw lots of does last weekend
    and several wild turkeys but not one buck.  Good luck and safe hunting.
    Keith R>
7.68about timeFLYSQD::NIEMII'm the NRATue Dec 06 1988 12:069
    Ok, so I took a long time to enter my name. My name is Steven Niemi
    and I work in NR02 in Northboro, MA. I manage to deer hunt both
    blackpowder and rifle in NH and shotgun and blackpowder in MA. I
    killed a nice pine tree this year in NH while blackpowder hunting.
    Seems the NH buck knows how to hide behind trees :^)..........
    Still waiting for the MA blackpowder season.................
7.69Lou ChatroopPOBOX::CHATROOPTue Dec 06 1988 17:228
    Oh well, forget low profile; we're all friends here, right?
    I'm Lou Chatroop residing in DesPlaines Ill.  I have so far only
    hunted small game (squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, etc.).  I am eager
    for a dear hunt (gun or bow), but my problem is that I have too
    many other interests and I procrastinate.  I'll do it some day.
    Reading through the successful dear hunt note is making me hungry
    though, so I'll have to reset my priorities. Any Illinois dear hunters
    interested in having a rookie join them?
7.70Mike QuimbyWORDS::QUIMBYWed Dec 07 1988 11:327
    	My name is Mike Quimby, and I work in Merrimack, NH. I moved
    here from Northeast Vermont in June of 1987. I still hunt my old
    home town in Vermont, but also hunt Nh archery, muzzleloader, and
7.71Michael VirgilCLUSTA::VIRGILWed Dec 07 1988 12:4317
    Hi folks,
    My name is Michael Virgil, and have been a "read-only culprit" for some
    time. This is a great conference. I live in Leominster MA and work in
    Nashua, ZKO. I've just in the last year started hunting again, after
    not hunting for a few years when I moved from upstate NY, to RI, then 
    to MA.
    Feels great to do a little hunting again, even my wife says I'm a more
    pleasant person to live with.
    I've had the chance to do a little pheasant, grouse and goose hunting 
    here in MA with some luck. I hope to get a gun dog this spring, so I will
    have to do a lot more hunting next year. To exercise the dog of course.

7.72Avid non-hunting hunterWAV14::HICKSFan mail from some flounder?Wed Dec 07 1988 16:1626
    My name's Tim Hicks; I'm a S/R in the Boston/Cambridge District.
    I wasn't going to put a reply here, but the OFFICIAL DEER NOTE
    statistics could use a bigger statistical base.
    I'm an avid hunter at heart, but not in action.  My wife has a real
    big problem with firearms, and its taken me eight years to get my
    arsenal to where it now stands (a Beeman R10 air rifle, Daisy 120
    air rifle, and most recently Mossberg 600 12 ga.).  I used to bow-hunt
    in Royalston, MA. but found that I couldn't find the time to scout
    out the area (you successful guys know how important that is!),
    only heard them running away, got discouraged, gave it up.  
    But I can't give it up!  I'm hoping that over time I'll get gear
    together to try crow hunting, maybe some squirrel or rabbit, maybe
    scout the woods near my house (Norton, MA) when the snow's deep for
    deer sign this winter, try huntin' deer then.  Maybe, maybe, maybe.
    Time is too short, and successful hunters take time before the season,
    to scout, or train their dogs, or hit the skeet field.  Someday,
    when the kids are older, I'll take a trip to the Bob Marshall
    Wilderness and pack trip into the mountains for Elk.
    In the mean time, KEEP THIS NOTES FILE ALIVE.  Its one of the few
    things that keeps my hopes up that hunting is still alive somewhere.
7.73Kevin RemillardBTO::REMILLARD_KWed Dec 07 1988 16:5716
    I never registered....here goes, have to make those success numbers
    look a little more realistic. 
    Greetings, I'm Kevin Remillard from Vermont, live in Fairfax.  I
    was brought up only hunting deer, but I picked up waterfowl and
    small game at the age of 12.  Have been at it ever since, with duck
    and bow hunting for deer my neck and neck favorites.  I rifle hunt
    for deer as well...would like to get into turkey hunting and more
    goose hunting.  In my spare time I work my retriever, Dokken (female,
    yellow lab, 85#, 3 years old), and hunt with her as much as I can.
    Can't say enough about good ethical hunting...I thrive on it.
    Happy Trails...
7.74Rick ShawAKOV76::SHAWThu Dec 08 1988 12:338
    I've been reading, but never registered.
    I'm Rick Shaw, live in Ashby, MA. For many years I hunted in Island
    Pond, Vt. Primarily hunt in Mass. now. Just bought a flintlock,
    so will extend my season by hunting during the "Black powder" season.
    Happy hunting!!
    P.S. Life member NRA
7.75Ellis MerrillHPSTEK::EMERRILLNature is a MotherThu Dec 08 1988 13:107
	I am Ellis Merrill and am an avid hunter. I try to spend as
    much time in the woods as I can, in the fall. Most of my hunting
    is in northern New Hampshire. I've eye-balled several deer, but
    no horns. I guess next year will have to be the year of the big buck!!! 
    	I have been reading this file for the best part of the year,
    but have not registered. <it's about time>
7.76hunting at it's bestSCOMAN::BINGFri Dec 09 1988 09:3811

    hi my name is walt bing, i work in hudson,ma. and live in shrewsbury,ma.
    i used to hunt quite a bit back when i was a teenager and gave it
    up for a few years due to the fact that i found girls more interesting.
    now i found thge right one and can get back into hunting. i went
    this past season and did'nt realize how much i missed the woods.
    this file along with firearms/archery/+fishing are my favorites.
    keep the story's coming and good luck.
7.77Another 'Read Only' member comes out of the closetDNEAST::AVERELL_MICHFri Dec 09 1988 16:125
    My name is Mike Averell.  I have lived in Richmond, Maine all my
    life.  I hunt everything from porcupines to partridge, whenever
    I can make the time.  I've been fairly succesful at most game but
    I've yet to get a coyote, hopefully this winter I can change that.
7.78Jerry SmithNETWRK::GSMITHI need two of everythingFri Dec 09 1988 18:4015
    I've been reading and at times contributing to this file for over
    a year now. I thought I had introduced myself in this note, but
    I just discovered I had not.
    I live in Mass and have been hunting for about 10 years. I *used*
    to do a lot of bird and duck hunting but don't have the time any
    more. I still reserve a week each year to go deer hunting. My annual
    trip is usually to Maine, although I have hunted the Bershires in
    Mass from time to time. Got to say, I am NOT very sucessful, but
    just love to get away from the rat race each year.
7.79Better late than never!ATEAM::AYOTTEMon Dec 12 1988 14:2211
      I've neglected to sign-in so here goes........ I live and work
    in southern N.H.  My primary hunting interest is bowhunting for
    deer but I also muzzleload and rifle/pistol/shotgun hunt.  I hunt 4 states
    and as of this date my log shows 40 days (full/partial) afield this
    fall.  I guess I'm pretty lucky to have a wife that realizes
    that I fell in love with hunting long before I even met her.  Although
    she's not too thrilled with my thought of going after spring turkeys.
    Nice to "meet" everyone..... great file!           
    Dave Ayotte
7.80Another Late Subscriber...SKIVT::WENERTue Dec 13 1988 20:4921
    	Hi, I'm Rob Wener and I work out of BTO in Vermont.  I currently
    live in Bristol, but plan to move to Huntington soon.  I grew up
    in West Rutland where the Vermont deer population does well (Rutland
    County).  I have hunted since I was 12 and have enjoyed every minute 
    of it.  Most of my efforts have been on Whitetails with rifle and 
    (preferably) bow, but I also hunt squirrels, rabbit, partridge, and 
    turkey.  I duck hunted a bit when I was younger, but gave it up to bow hunt.
    	I have only hunted Vermont, but I'd love to deer hunt in Maine
    someday, and maybe New York....  Have gotten a few deer but my lifelong
    ambition is and will be to take a 200 lb.+ monster buck with a bow!
    Maybe I'll have to go to Maine to do it???
    Good luck to all and many good memories -
7.81Steve McConnellCSG001::MCCONNELLI'm the NRAWed Dec 14 1988 11:0913
    Hi All,
         My name is Steve McConnell.  I am kind of new to this conference
    having been a read-only type of person.  This it the 1st year I
    have tried hunting, with no luck, :-( but I plan on changing that
    as soon as I can!  I work in Marlboro at the PDM facility.  If any
    of you experienced hunters would condider helping a novice learn
    some of your hunting skills, I could really use them!  I am a fairly
    good shot, having been in the Marines for 7 years, but lack the
    woods training to be an affective hunter.  Any help or advice would
    be very welcome!!
7.82Another Vermonster.....FROST::REMILLARDThu Dec 15 1988 16:0628
    	Happy Holiday's
    	   I was fortunate enough to enter a reply in the SUCCESSFUL
    DEAR HUNTING NOTE but forgot to register here.
    	   My name is Jeff Remillard and I work in the BTO facility
    in Vermont. I've lived in Vt all my life and have spent many enjoyable
    hours in the woods. As my brother stated in a previous note we both
    started out deer hunting with our dad. That was about 15 yrs. ago
    for me. My brother and I started duck hunting soon after that. We
    were lucky to have some of the best duck hunting almost in our back
    yard. I've hunted squirrels, partridge, geese, and crows. I have
    yet to try turkey hunting but would like to some day. I have seen
    most of what VT has to offer: Bear, moose, bobcat, but have yet
    to put my eyes on a coyote. Hopefully this winter. I have bow hunted
    but lack the patience necessary to be successful. Maybe when I settle
    down and have some extra time.
    	I hope Santa is good to all of you..
    	I got my present a little early, a black lab mix pup. Now my
    brother can help me train her so I can get back into duck hunting
7.83Another Late EntryBTO::SILKI'm The N.R.ATue Dec 20 1988 11:0626
      My name is Kevin Silk,I'm also a native Vermonter,born in St.
    Albans,and still live in St A..I hunt anything and everything,and
    have been doing so since I was around nine.I have shot everything
    in Vt. that is huntable.oops forgot! never shot a turkey.Rabbits
    squirrel,grouse,bear,deer,coyote,ducks,geese.Used to bow hunt quite
    a bit but gave it up for duck hunting.now duck hunting is going
    down hill I guess I'm going back to bow hunting.Also getting out
    of rifle hunting for deer and concentrating more on goose
    hunting.there's always plenty to hunt and not enough time for
    everything.I'm in the process of getting rid of my rabbit dog
    to get a good upland bird dog instead.Getting sick of my rabbit
    dog chasing deer,something new this year!!I've got a fairly good
    arsenal of guns-12 ga browning citori o/u,12 browning A5,old 12
    pump,ruger M77 308,Ruger 22 auto rifle,ruger 22 auto pistol,22 single
    shot,22 5shot clip bolt,Marlin 22 mag.,T/C 30-30 super 14 pistol
    2x leopold,T/C 222 10" oct barrel.
                                                    Happy hunting!
                                                    Happy Holidays!
                                                     Kevin,also known
                                             as the Redeye in "fishing"
7.84Live to HuntWFOOFF::ALBANOWed Dec 28 1988 14:005
     My name is Mike Albano and I live in Chester, Mass. I have been
    enjoying the exchange of good hunting knowledge of this notes file
    for a short-time, thought it be appropriate to register. 

7.85SENIOR::PELTONENA little DAP'll do yaWed Dec 28 1988 14:4112
    As another usual read-only that has decided to throw in a
    few cents worth......I'll register too. I'm Dana Peltonen
    (aka DAP). I hunt deer mostly, in Mass and NH. As a long-
    term DEC employee, I get 4 weeks a year, and I divide them
    equally between my hobbies and my family.....I take a long
    weekend in the summer with the wife/child, and put the
    rest of the time into hunting! Sounds fair to me....:-)
    Better luck in '89!!
7.86Where are all the Canadians eh?KAOO01::MCGUIREFri Jan 13 1989 17:0114
    G'day from THE GREAT WHITE NORTH, how's it going eh? My name 
    is Jamie McGuire and I live in Ottawa Ontario, this notes
    file is great! I spend most of my time grouse hunting up
    here, which is exellent I might add, I dabble in a little
    bunny hunting as well as ducks and geese. I plan to do some
    deer and moose hunting this year in northern Ontairo and
    Quebec. Wish me luck.
    Your Canadian connection,
7.87WelcomeBTO::RIVERS_DFri Jan 13 1989 17:3115
    Welcome to the conference.  I was in Kanata for 3 days a while
    back.  Ottawa is THE most beautiful city I've visited.  On the
    way up I saw many ducks (always in pairs) and a partridge left
    his remains on our rear fender of the rental car :-(
    Can't wait to get up your way again.  Had a blast playing darts
    'til 2:00 in the morning (your not the hustler that took all my
    money are you :-)
    Looking forwards to hearing about hunting the great white 
    north, eh! 
7.88Can Ireland join?BELFST::ARMSTRONGFri May 26 1989 12:2313
    My name is Tom. I live and work in Belfast, Ireland.
    My hunting is usually confined to small quarry i.e Duck, Pheasant,
    rabbit, grouse etc.
    My only firearms are shotguns as rifles are (understandably) difficult
    to obtain a license for.
    My shotguns are : Miroku 12 guage.
                      Canna .410 magnum.
    I have just found this conference and I am delighted!!! Keep it
7.89MEMV02::MACDONALDSteve MacDonaldTue Jun 06 1989 16:439
    Steve MacDonald.  I've been reading here awhile.  Grew up mostly
    on duck hunting with some birds thrown in to make it interesting.
    I've been away from it now for sometime.  Haven't even held my 870
    in several years now.  My son is showing some interest.  I'll read
    with interest.
7.90Another TenderfootORIENT::FERRAROSat Jun 24 1989 05:5425
    Hello all,
    Greg Ferraro here, live in southern NH and work at APO in Andover Mass. 
    Being brought up in the city (Boston), I was denied the beauty and 
    splendor of the great out-of-doors.  Moved to NH about 7 years ago
    and since have learned to really appreciate what nature has to offer.
    I was introduced to firearms about 2 years ago by my in-laws and have
    since become an avid shooter.
    This past spring I attended and passed the NH hunter safety course and
    plan to do some small game hunting in the fall.  I'm mainly intrigued
    by fox and 'coon.  Don't know why, but I figure I'll start there and
    maybe work up to deer and whatever follows... -:) 
    I currently own only a .22 rifle that would qualify for small game
    hunting.  I do own a few handguns that are more than adequate for
    larger game, but for now that's not my interest.  I've been looking
    around as time and funds allow for a larger caliber rifle, .243 or 6mm.
    Well, be talking to ya,
7.91HOWDY FROM ARIZONA!PNO::HORNSat Jul 29 1989 20:5745
    My name is Scott Horn and I work in Finance at the Phoenix
    Manufacturing Plant (PNO).  I just found out about this note this
    week and am enjoying it very much.
    I am an avid hunter.  I am hunting something almost every weekend
    from mid August through May.  I do most of my hunting in Arizona,
    but about once a year I either go back east for whitetail or duck/
    geese or head north for antelope (Wyoming), etc.
    I hunt it all, anything that has a season.  Mostly big game and
    Varmints, but I go after birds and fowl on the off-weekends.  I'm
    trying to get the Arizona Big 10 right now (Buffalo, Desert Big
    Horn Sheep, Antelope, Elk, Bear, Mountain Lion, Turkey, Javelina,
    Mule Deer and White-Tailed Deer).  So far I have the Mule Deer (not
    a mount quality yet), Antelope (this one will make the book when
    scored) and Javelina.  I hope to get my Bear, Turkey, Elk and/or
    one of the Deers this year.  I also do alot of varmint calling (fox,
    coyote, bobcat, bear and mountain lion).  Calling is alot of fun and
    I do real well at it (if there are any questions -- just ask).
    I am also very active in several hunting and wildlife groups.
    I belong to the NRA, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Phoenix Varmint
    Callers and the Arizona Bear Society.  I am the Chairperson for
    the Phoenix Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (a position 
    that I've had for over 3 years now).  I have also held the office of 
    Treasurer for the Phoenix Varmint Callers.  I am a strong believer
    that we all need to do something to improve the resources that we
    enjoy so very much.  So, I do alot of fundraising for groups that
    use the money for wildlife and habitat improvements.  I also do
    alot of hands on work and some work with the Arizona Game and Fish
    As for guns, I have a nice collection (not yet complete) of about
    25 rifles, pistols, shotguns and black powder.  Mostly rifles.
    Everything from .22 long rifle to .338 Win Mag.
    Well if you ever want any information on Arizona hunting (I'm not
    an expert, but I'll do my best), one of the organizations that I'm
    a member of or just would like to hook up for a hunt in Arizona,
    just send me a message via e-mail to PNO::HORN.
    Pleasure meet'n ya,
    Scott Horn 
7.92Dare gos one!!DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMFri Sep 01 1989 18:1932
    Can you believe this ? I work right here in Augusta in the I.S.
    group, which supports the systems this note is on, and I didn't 
    know about this...Wonderful..
    Anyway, my name is Jim Stevens. I presently report to the Information
    Systems Manager and Materials Manager jointly, as I am responsible
    for OTP in Augusta.
    I have been hunting seriously for about 10 years for Deer and Birds.
    I have yet to get a Moose permit, so I haven't been after the big boys.
    My success's have been 3 small bucks, all under 125 and a good size Doe
    last year at about 122...Bird hunting is mostly for Partridge, but a 
    few Woodcock when I see them.. I don't have a dog, but have several
    friends that do.
    I hunt with a Remington 740 30-06, Tasco 3X9 33power scope. I also
    carry a 357 with 38special wad cutters for Partridge...I get more
    birds than deer...Anyway, I'm looking at buying the new Remington
    7400 Carbine. It is about 8 inches smaller and SEVERAL pounds lighter.
    As my style of hunting is to spend from dusk to, sometimes after, dark
    in the woods, weight is important.
    I have belonged to the NRA since for 20 years, although my membership
    is not a lifetime one. I wonder if I can get credit for all those
    years.I beling to SAM, the Capital City Rifle and Pistol Club and
    the "Butch's Camp Hunting and Jack Daniels Drinking Club."
    I'll be adding things and responding a lot to this file as I am
    very opinionated...
7.93old boys from salem!!!TWOBOS::LAFOSSEFri Sep 01 1989 18:556
    Jim, welcome aboard!!!!  long time no see, playing any hockey
    these days???
    hope to see ya in here alot!
7.94Butches and Jack DamageLUDWIG::STEVENSChampagne On The RocksTue Sep 05 1989 02:275
    It's about time Bro.......  Welcome aboard,,,
7.95Hockey, oui...DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMThu Sep 07 1989 19:5710
    Yup....Still playing hockey, although it's getting tougher trying to
    keep up with the kids....
    Jeff, did you bust a gut laughing at the camp video ?? Anita still
    hates it...
    Can'e wait for Oct 28...
7.96I forgot the name!!!!!LUDWIG::STEVENSChampagne On The RocksFri Sep 08 1989 07:4911
          Howz about the Cow Palace?????  Weez gotsta hit it
    this year fer sure................     After all Donnie,Me
     and George are single... (-:
                   Red Head Here I Cum!!!!!!!!!!!
7.97I'm not driving this year !DNEAST::STEVENS_JIMTue Sep 19 1989 20:095
    Jeff, the name of the place is the Wagon Wheel in Guilford, ME...
    Great bar...Good music....Cheap drinks.....Nice clientele....
7.98Do they have a Pool Table??LUDWIG::STEVENSHere Kitty, Kitty,Wed Sep 20 1989 04:3612
    Yeah....Yeah...  That's it!!!!   I'm single this year...  YEAH..
    Donnie and I is gonna be in Cow heaven.....   
             I'm the DESIGNATED DRINKER...  You Drive
7.99New to this notesfile, AND to hunting.OOBIE::DAMOREWelcome to the jungle...Thu Sep 21 1989 18:4527
	As my title mentions this will actually be my first year hunting.
Well hunting with a gun. When I was younger, my dad took me out deer hunting a
couple of times but I walked and sat with him, unarmed.

	I wasn't interested then (I grew up in the city) but I am now (I now
live in rural NH).  I'm in the middle of my Hunter Safety course (this course
is very good BTW) and intend to hunt at least deer this year with my dad and
two brothers in Maine.  I also intend to do some hunting around home
(Brookline NH) with my brother and friends possibly.

	I'd like to get into upland bird and water fowl hunting as well, but do
not currently own a shotgun.  I have a .32 Winchester Special.  I understand
its quite a nice "beginners" gun, and since its a hand-me-down from my
dad (he and my brother BOTH use the same rifle) it puts more value on it
for me.  I don't know why I waited 26 years to start hunting, but I'm
very enthusiastic about it.  (CAn't wait to freeze my butt off at our
un-winterized camp in Sebago, Maine!!!)

	I doubt I'll be participating in this notesfile much at first, but
hopefully in time.

	Here's to a great fall, I'm going to look forward to this time of year
even more from now on.

7.100From Vermont....BTOVT::MORONGTue Oct 03 1989 17:0121
      I just heard about this conference, and have been skimming over
    some of the notes. 
      I'm really getting geared up for hunting this year. Mostly a 
    deer hunter, but occasionally get out for some small game (rabbits
    and partridge). I've been hunting since I was 16 years old, and
    I just turned (oh, its still painful) 30 last month. Except for
    4 years when I was living out-of-state, I have not missed a deer
    season in Vermont. This year I am making my first out-of-state
    hunting trip to Pennsylvania for bow hunting.
      In my 10 years of hunting, I have bagged 5 deer, and 3 of them
    were on opening day. 4 bucks (8ptr, 7ptr, and 2 spikes) and 1 doe
    (Vt doe permit about 3-4 years ago). Largest deer was my first one,
    which was taken on the first day of my first year of hunting, and
    it was a 170lb 8-pointer. All have been taken with the same gun
    (30-30 Model 94). Never gotten one with a bow, but hopefully that
    will change this year.
    Happy hunting,
    Ron Morong
7.101New, but Not ...FOOZLE::MAZEROLLEMon Oct 16 1989 15:5118
    Hello, I've heard about the hunting notes file but never had time to
    read or register before my name is Don Mazerolle. I work in the
    Personnel department in Tewksbury/Andover.
    I've also hunted for a lot of years and for a lot of things. I've been
    into N.H. and Maine but lately I've been concentrating on deer in Ma. I
    think we have an excellent herd. I shot my first deer last year after
    18 long and hard years (too bad it was a puppy) Yah, it was kind of
    embarrasing but it filled the doe permit. I've tried turkey hunting a
    few times but haven't had any luck yet. I used to be big on duck
    hunting but I started laying off as the supply began to dwindle. I keep
    supporting the system by buyuing duck stamps etc. and hope for the
    future. I've also developed a real keen interest in testing and finding
    superb hunting gear. I found and fell in love with goretex a few years
    ago, I keep upgrading my "stuff" as the years go by, waiting for the
    year I finally do something about wanting to hunt upper state New York.
7.102One of these day...DISCVR::RINELLAFri Oct 27 1989 14:0011
          My names gus and i work in andover.I've been hunting for about
    10 years,6 years seriously.I mainly hunt with the bow and do most of 
    my hunting in N.H.I just started to learn about muzzle loading and have
    recently bought a muzzle loader and love shooting it.
          I still haven't shot a deer yet but have come fairly close.One of
    these days i'll connect or i'm going to take up knitting or somthing.
7.103Hello--Better late then neverSALEM::HALEFri Nov 03 1989 13:1137
    My name is Paul Hale  A.K.A. Pappy. I live in the town of Salem
    N.H. and work at the N.I.O. plant here in town.
    My hunting interests are deer,**yrs  duck,3yrs and bear **yrs
    Deer being #1 an so on--
    I've hunted VT.NH. an 2yrs ago Canada -- mostly NH. now.
    When time an money is available a trip to Canada or maybe some other
    state would-be planned.
    I'am a member of the NRA and North American Hunting Clubs.
    My hunting record is --
    two deer - 1 doe  125 lbs  this was my first shot in Sunapee NH.
               1 buck  11pts  200 lbs shot in New Brunswick, Canada
    the buck looks very nice hanging on my hall wall,had a shoulder
    mount done.
    Duck record --
    only two  I only started hunting ducks three season ago still learning
    Bear record--
    None--never came across one yet an don't know if I would shoot or
          run. time will tell.
    My name is ray desrosiers i'm located in hazel green alabama and 
    i just transferred from n.h. where i was really heavy into duck 
    hunting and deer hunting. it doesn't look like i'll get any duck
    hunting this year because i haven't found the spots yet but i will
    be doing some deer hunting on the 18th of nov. we are allow 2 deers 
    a year in this state so now i'm counting the days. 
7.105Bama = 1 per day?CSCOA3::HUFFSTETLERMon Nov 06 1989 17:086

I thought Alabama (or parts of it at least) had a "deer-a-day" limit?  
Am I wrong?

7.106Taken from Ala hunting & fishing laws, regs, & seasonsDIXIE1::RIDGWAYFlorida NativeMon Nov 06 1989 18:4215
    Here's the rules as I understand them....
    Bucks Only with bare antlers visible above natural hairline.  - One a
    day. Guns or Bow and Arrow.
    Hunters'Choice: (except spotted fawns)  During the Hunters' Choice Gun
    Season, one unantlered deer may be taken per day in addition to one
    antlered buck per day.
    Keith R>
7.107My turn at an intro.GOTHIC::POPIENIUCKThu Nov 09 1989 16:2019
    I look forward to reading this conference and occassionally make a
    comment so I should probably formally introduce myself.  Name is Pete
    Popieniuck and currently reside in MRO4 and write some of DEC's
    promotional literature (brochures, handbooks, etc.).
    My hunting is limited to a week or so of deer hunting in Maine every
    year and some duck hunting here in Mass.  I have a place in the
    mountains of western Maine, no electricity, no phones, it's great!
    I've met a few of you, but don't know who. My wife and I were the ones
    that brought the bear roast to the last game supper.
    For our honeymoon this summer, my wife and I spent a week hiking in
    Glacier Park, Montana.  Got close to bighorn sheep, mountain goats, and
    had nice muley bucks walk right up to us (drool!!)  No grizzlies, thank
    The wealth of info this file contains is fantastic and I look forward
    to lots more good reading.  Pete
7.108Allow me to introduce myself.FENNEL::CLANCYTue Nov 14 1989 12:506
    I am John Clancy and I live and work in So NH.  I enjoy most types
    of hunting and have some woodland in Western NH that I normally
    hunt.  I am originally from Pa. and am adicted to White tail.  I
    am currently looking for ways to improve the herd on my small wood
    lot.  I hope to gain some information to this end from this notes
7.109Just An Old "Briar"CSOA1::SANDERSFri Dec 08 1989 19:1625
    I guess it's about time to introduce myself.  My name is Glenn
    Sanders.  I work in the Cincinnati office but live in Northern 
    Kentucky.  I used to hunt and fish a lot when I was a kid and 
    I've only been back into it for about four years.  I've always
    enjoyed informal target shooting and just plain plinking.  I
    hunt in Kentucky but am interested in other areas of the 
    country.  Whitetail, rabbit and squirrel are my main interests
    in that order.  I would like to hunt black bear and boar at
    some point in the future.  Hopefully the not too distant 
    future.  I've never tried bow hunting but most of the guys that
    I hunt with do, so I expect it won't be long before I follow
    suit.  More toys!  I hunt all but rabbit with pistols and my
    intent is to use pistols for the bear and boar as well.  
    I've read a lot of notes from people from other states and I
    really don't know how I'd deal with the firearm restrictions
    that they have to put up with.  I hope it never comes to that.
    I'm a member of the NRA and have been for several years.  
    It's a pleasure to read the comments from all of you.  And I 
    hope that somewhere down the line, I might have some experience 
    or information that might be helpful to someone out there.
7.110Love HuntingWFOV11::CHANGWed Dec 27 1989 17:4315
    Hi Roger Chang (Westfield plant) 
    	I have hunted # of yrs, use to hunt bird but haven't had time
    in good many years. Main interest is hunting deer, bear and sometimes
    turkeys. I hunt with rifle, shotgun but my love is bow. I mostly
    hunt Mass and New York States, and have gone to canada also.
    1 deer rifle
    2 deer shotgun
    2 deer bow
    1 black bear rifle
    1 black bear bow (canada)
    my dream is to drop a kodak with a bow and maybe an elk.
    Besides breathing hunting is second best. Looking forward to this
7.111Trout fishing is best but I'll take hunting too!BTOVT::CROSSThu Feb 01 1990 10:5918
      My name is Valerie Cross and I grew to love hunting and fishing
    because of the town I grew up in, Belvidere, Vermont. There really
    isn't much else to do there besides enjoy the great outdoors.
      My father introduced me to hunting at 15 years of age. I was hooked
    after that. When Nov. comes around, my vacation time is scheduled
    like half the population here in Digital, Burlington. There's nothing
    like the first morning of deer season although it is getting more
    crowded in the area I hunt in than ever before.
      Went rabbit hunting for the first time a year ago and really enjoyed
    it. It's exciting hearing the dog off in the distance and knowing that
    rabbit could appear at any time but from which direction??
      Deer hunting will always be my favorite kind of hunting. 
    Glad to see this file...good to see another woman in here too...hi
7.112PERN::SAISIFri Feb 02 1990 15:493
    Hi Valerie,
      Great to have you!
7.113RU in APO?TEMPEL::LEFEBVREDefinitely 3 minutes 'til WapnerWed Feb 07 1990 15:273
    Linda, what are *you* doing on *my* cluster?
7.114PERN::SAISIWed Feb 07 1990 18:084
    Yes, I am in Andover!  Didn't realize that you worked here.  I am
    on the second floor near the Andover training room, previously the
    gold conference room.
7.115DECALP::HOHWYJust another ProgrammerWed Mar 07 1990 14:3833

	Hi Everybody.

	My name is Mike. I am a Danish National living and working
	out of Switzerland. I have not yet had the opportunity
	to do any hunting myself, but I am planning to get in to
	this exiting area over the next couple of years. 

	I happen to LOVE outdoor activities such as climbing,
	skiing and wilderness trips. Furthermore I am an avid
	(if not necessarily very good) shooter. So hunting
	would seem to be a natural next step, allowing me to
	combine many of my present interests.

	I hope to start a Swiss hunting education in the fall.
	I have to admit to being a bit apprehensive about trying
	to get into a society such as the Mid European hunting
	one. No offense meant, it has just always made the impression
	on me of being a society with it's own very special rules
	and values. Running the danger of having false 
	pre-conceptions, I risk saying that the American 
	style hunting society would seem more attractive to me.
	It seems to me be less influenced with stuffy traditions, and
	place more emphasis on being a sport for everybody. Correct 
	me if I am wrong. Anyway, good education is never wasted...

	Enough for now. I look forward to being a member of this 
	notes file.

7.116I'm a beginner!!GUCCI::CBAUERWhy Me???Fri Apr 06 1990 14:3013
    Hi! My name is Christine Bauer and I work at the MEL facility in
    Landover, Maryland in the Desktop Services Unit. I'm a beginning
    hunter. My husband is the expert (It's too bad that he is not computer
    literate he would love this!!) I went hunting with him last season
    in Western Maryland, but the only thing that I was shooting was
    a camera. But next season I'll be toting a gun. I'm a newlywed (1
    year April 15) and I'm trying to learn to do the things that my
    husband likes.  He shoots mainly deer, but in two weeks he's going
    for turkey. Well - I hope that I learn alot from all you more
    experienced hunters so I can surprise my husband. (P.S. I do know
    already how to handle a gun, so I'm not completely in the dark)
    Be talkin' to ya.
7.118GENRAL::WADEWhat you want? &lt;ooh&gt; Baby I got itThu Sep 20 1990 20:2520
    	Well, I've entered a few notes in the past so I guess
    	I should introduce myself:  I'm Clay Wade and I work
    	in CXO.
    	I've been deer/elk hunting in Colorado for 7 years (soon
    	to be 8 but NOT SOON ENOUGH!).  Total score is 2 bucks
    	(3 x 2 and a 3 x 3) and <mumble> elk.
    	I've also been hunting duck/geese for 5 years.  I've shot
    	quite a few ducks and <mumble> geese.
    	Needless to say, I'm due for an elk and a goose this year.
    	My rifle is a Savage 7mm mag.  My shotgun is a Savage 12 ga.
    	pump (I'm currently lobbying for a Remington 11-87 with my
    	wife  :^)  ).  My dog, Brandy, is a yellow lab.  This will be
    	her 3rd duck/goose season.  
7.119NAVIER::LEFEBVRETrying to hold on to the earthThu Sep 20 1990 20:396
    Claywad, it's about time you entered your dossier in here.  Your
    goose and elk total is the same as mine.  Coincidence?
    Skoal Bro'.
7.120GENRAL::WADEWhat you want? &lt;ooh&gt; Baby I got itThu Sep 20 1990 20:475
    Maybe a coincidence on the goose total.  But, last I knew, they
    don't make elk in Mass so you have an excuse!  I don't.  I've
    got a cow tag for this year..........;^)
7.121Better late than NEVER!SA1794::BARTHELETTEJThu Sep 20 1990 22:0715
            I've been an avid reader for a long time so I guess I should
    introduce myself. I'm Jeff Barthelette, I work in SPO. and live
    in Southampton Mass. I Hunt a little small game, squirels,partridge
    and a little pheasant,but my real love is deer hunting. I haven't
    bagged one yet,but I've missed some close ones with a Bow + Muzzle
    loader. I hunt mostly in Mass. with a Bow,Shotgun,+ Muzzle loader.
    Tried hunting NewYork's Adirondak's once,beautiful country but the
    hunting is tough. I'm also looking forward to trying to hunt for
    Fox and Coyote this year after Mass. deer season is over. Never
    tried Turkey,but would consider it in the future.
      Some day soon I'm going to try hunting out of state again,either
    in N.Y., Vt. or N.H., haven't found a partner to go with yet seeing
    as how I hunt mostly by myself. Love the woods and the outdoors
    and also love reading this notes file - keep - um - comin.
7.122I guess it's my turnTROA02::KINGFri Sep 21 1990 13:2719
    Hi!. I'm Andrew King located in MIS at TRO, Ontario Canada. I was born
    and raised on a farm in the country for 25 years. The outdoors are
    my escape! I had gun in hand before I could walk..(well not quite).
    I have taken my share of deer too. The most memorable was a beautiful
    broadside textbook shot on a 8 point buck at 15 yds. Took him by
    surprise (me too I might add) and never knew what hit him. I also
    do a fair amount of grouse hunting when the deer aren't in season.
    I usually use my unmodified  British Army 303 for deer hunting. An 
    absolute gorgeous rifle!!! Grouse *usually* fall victim to my 12 guage.
    Since I moved off the farm about 4 years ago into the suburbs, there
    is a pretty big hole left inside. I long for any opportunity I can
    to 'get out', even for just a early morning stroll in the woods. This
    notes file is great! I've been reading it since I started DEC about
    2 months ago. I look forward to all those stories!!
    Good luck this fall!!			/ Andrew /
7.123Mystery guest signing inMPGS::GIFFORDWhen nature calls you have to answerWed Oct 24 1990 12:5425
    As requested in 112.52 I'm signing in.
    My name is Tom Gifford, I work at SHR for the STO Techsupport group.
    I'm originally from Iowa, I was born there but raised in Nebraska. This
    area of the country is Pheasant heaven. I never hunted until I got out
    of the service in '69. I have hunted deer in Vt. and N.H. and enjoy it
    a lot. I haven't hunted in about 15 years but have been getting the
    urge lately to take it up again. I have hunted pheasant a couple of
    times down around Plymouth Ma. and only took one bird. 
    Some people in here have pegged me as an Anti-hunter but that is far
    from the truth. I just don't agree with some of the methods used or
    some of the "game" taken for the "reasons" they are taken, but I
    wouldn't even consider trying to stop them from doing it. I will
    however express my opposition to it.
    I will "normally" only kill what I will eat, though I don't just hunt
    for food. I hunt for the fun of hunting. Even if I don't kill anything
    it's still fun to try and track the prey and try to outsmart them.
    Well enough rambling. I do enjoy this conference a lot and am glad I
    found it. I'll try not to P!$$ off too many people.
7.124PARITY::KSBROWNWed Oct 24 1990 14:4817
    I'm Kendall Brown, I work for Customer Services in Nothern Mass.
    I hunt deer in N.H. and am working to bag my first grouse this year.
    I first got into hunting in Wyoming (F.E. Warren AFB) when I was a kid.
    We hunted jacks, crow and prairie dogs.  Wish I had been older while
    living there... all that big game!
    I love navigating the woods anytime of the year...always come out
    within 100 yards of my truck.  I also like to SCUBA, target shoot,
    camp, fly sailplanes, and sail my catamaran.  I also like to fire model
    rockets off now and then when I have the time. ;-)
    I like the notes file, lots of points of view and some great stories.
7.125COMET::ALBERTUSbut your lovin don't pay my billsThu Nov 01 1990 21:4523
	Noticed that I'd never signed in my own sorry self ... bad karma. ;-)

	Alan Albertus 

	Work in CX0's Central Quality Failure Analysis (Reliability
	Engineering to outside folks ;-) lab as a mechanical engineering 
	tech.  We do the HDAs at all levels.

	Been shooting for about as long as I can remember and hunting most
	of that.  Was in the woods with a .22LR rifle by myself when 7 or
	so ... learned early the rules.

	Have hunted with bows, shotgun (quail & pheasants my favorites),
	rifle and some with a handgun.  Can claim not to be an expert
	in much of anything.

	Spent a coupla summers as a first mate on a billfishing charter
	boat out of the Florida Keys and did mucho diving/spearfishing
	in my 10 years there.

7.126Big Game HunterITAMKT::SIMINOAI Program MKTG Mgr. - ItalyMon Nov 05 1990 14:4725
    I think it's my time!
    Despite it's a long time I read this conference, never I wrote on
    it. I think this event could be a good start.
    I hunt from about 14 years. I've ever used ONLY rifles or rifled
    barrels. After a loooooooong experience in hunting deers, and in
    particular wild porks (my preferred rifles were a Browning bolt-act
    300 Wing Mag. and a H&K 30-06 semi-auto), I joined african big game
    against Cape Buffalos. The rifle I've choosen has been a 460 Weatherby
    Mag. Mark V. It satisfied me EVER! for the power and the recoil
    control and it's avoided to me dangerous reactions by the Buffalo
    (I know many people that cannot tell the same for their 458 Winch.
    Mag.). My back-up during ther african big game is the super tank
    Ruger SuperRedhawk.
    Hunting stories?..... a lot! Interest?..........Big game against
    Cape buffalos (not against big tuskers or Rhinos......I don't see
    a sense in this kind of hunting..... buffalos are a lot and the
    meat is for the poor local people).
7.127Larry OUSA1::OUELLETTEMon Nov 05 1990 19:058

    My name's Larry Ouellette or you can call me Kahuna (a long story), I
live in Nashua NH and have been deer hunting seriously for 4 years. I've taken
up duck and goose this year and am planning to start bow hunting next year.
My brother and friends are planning a caribou trip for next or the following
year. Really love being out there and can't wait for tomorrow night when I
head up to Pittsburgh NH for a week. Wish me luck I need it!
7.128"moved from n.h. to alabama"GULF::DESROSIERSMon Nov 05 1990 19:182
    i moved from new hampshire to alabama and i still do duck and deer
    hunting in the state of alabama. this is a update from 6.3
7.129Marty WoodSTAFF::WOODMon Nov 05 1990 19:545
    Live in Princeton Ma, work in Acton. Grew up in Bow NH.
    I've been hunting since age 6 or so (no gun, but tagged along
    with dad). Mostly deer hunting, some bird, and recently ducks
    and geese. Fish constantly during the summer and hunt during the
7.130BRABAM::PHILPOTTCol I F 'Tsingtao Dhum' PhilpottTue Nov 06 1990 08:4240
    Seems I haven't signed in yet: silly really, I thought I had...
    Colonel Ian F. Philpott (Royal Engineers)
    work: in DEC I am a windowing systems consultant in the grandly
    designated "Open Systems Unit, Southern Technology Resource Centre" in
    Basingstoke, England.
    army: I am a small arms design and evaluation consultant working for a
    group within the Ministry of Defence (broadly speaking the outfit that
    Ian Fleming used as the basis for 'Q' in the James Bond stories).
    Hunting: I've been a rough shooter since teens, though basically more
    interested in target shooting. I took my first deer (a Red) in Scotland
    half a lifetime ago with a .270 bolt action rifle. Since returning from
    living in New Hampshire I have been more interested in hunting -
    largely because my neighbour and landlord allows me to hunt over his
    land: 10 acres at the house on the banks of Thames - water fowl,
    pheasant, pigeon, rabbits, foxes and an occasional roebuck :-), 8000
    acres in the Hebredes, and 74000 acres in North East Scotland (I do
    some estate management for them, specifically I am a partner in a
    photographic business that does estate work and I have done some photo
    sessions that are paid "in kind" with a deer permit and use of a
    Supacat (6 wheel drive offroad amphibious platform).
    Current arsenal: As of this morning my hunting outfit consists of a
    	Valmet 412S 	30" 12 gauge over and under
    			26" 20 gauge over and under
    			24" 12 gauge over .308
    			24" 12 gauge over .243
    			9.3x74R double rifle
    			270     double rifle
       	The over-under shotguns are unscoped, I use a Scmidt und Bender
    	1.5x15 on the assymetric doubles, and a Schmidt und Bender
    	2.5-10x56 Variable on the double rifles.
    /. Ian .\ 
7.131VLNVAX::DMICHAELSONTue Nov 06 1990 12:2425
    I guess its time to sign in too. 
    Don Michaelson
    MRO1-3  Marlboro MA
    I've been reading this conference for 2+ years. The knowledge of
    hunting and the outdoors is marvelous. I have learned so much, and
    reading some of your opinions on such various topics is also
    I used to be a liberal, when I was young, thought guns were not needed
    and disliked them. But that was at a time when things were difficult
    for me. I wont get into it, thats for another conference...
    As I grew up, mentaly, I matured and my opinions changed. I'm mostly a
    bird hunter now, but would like to go on a deer or elk hunt someday.
    I've always liked the woods and have hundreds of miles under my hiking
    I wish I grew up hunting, as some of you have, I feel I've missed some
    great times in the woods with family and friends. This conference is
    filling in some of the gaps.
    Safe and good hunting.
7.132Another happy N.H. hunterOPUS::HOFFMANTue Nov 06 1990 14:5025
My name's Dave Hoffman, and I'm in Diagnostic Engineering in Boxborough, Ma.
I've lived in N.H. for 13 years, and hunted 25 years (started when I lived in
Upstate N.Y. - GREAT deer hunting there). I hunt small game and deer, with
bow, muzzleloader, and shotgun.

I love to hunt New hampshire. The un-posted hunting land seems limitless
(hope that doesn't change), and the state is about 95% forest. When I hunt
New York, I'm after the venison and good times with my family there -  but when
I hunt N.H., I'm persuing ghosty deer in wild places that seldom see people,
and the abundance of buck sign always blows my mind. It's hard to get one in
N.H., but that's just frosting on the cake.

N.H. has been reverting to forest for the last 100 years, but I believe 
the recent increase in wood cutting for firewood has been great for the deer.
The sign in the cutover areas is tremendous. It's exciting to see the increase
of moose - even in southern N.H.  Up in Stoddard, I found abundant moose sign,
and the game warden is actively protecting them. And last Saturday, I had an
experience there that I've waited years for. I had a massive black bear walk
to within 60 yards of me. I whistled so it would know I was there, and he
stopped and out-stared me. He had a head like a basketball, and a fat body
(been eating acorns) and a beautiful shiny black coat. It had to be 300-400
pounds ! I finally retreated back down the deer trail I was on (covered with 
buck scrapes, I might add) and resumed my deer hunt with my Hawken .54 cal. 
Great day !

    ALF   Alpharetta, GA
    I've been reading this note for about 5 months and I have enjoyed the
    many interesting opinions and techniques.  I fish alot during summer
    and when hunting season is here I'm a deer hunter.  I've been hunting
    for 20 years and have been taught by some of the best.  Over the past
    10 years my success rate has been good (7 bucks and 2 doe)but I still
    haven't bagged the monster buck I know is out there waiting for my
7.134R is for Buckmaster BobODIXIE::RHARRISTue Nov 06 1990 16:1224
    My name is Bob Harris.  I have been reading the notes for about 6
    months.  The best thing I can pull up on my terminal.  I have been
    hunting for 3 years in the state of Georgia.  I have had no previous
    hunting experience.  I have been handling firearms for 8 years.  I am
    an avid trout fisherman.  My favorite fishing waters are the Eastern
    Sierra's and the local lakes of Southern California.  My friend took me
    deer hunting one time here in Georgia, and I got "hooked".  I have
    completed my hunter safety course, am being taught hunting tactics by
    some people who have made hunting a way of life.  Alot of knowledge
    from other people's experiences.  I have bagged two deer in three
    years.  Pretty good for a beginner.  I love the experience of the hunt.
    Bagging your game is an option when it comes to getting in the woods.
    Just getting in the woods is enough for me.  
    I also play golf, except during deer season.  I am also getting to be a
    pretty good cook with venison.  I use a Marlin 30/30 with a 3x9x32
    scope.  Looking forward to many enjoyable years in the woods, possible
    a nice rack one day over the fireplace.
    by the way, the "R" in RHARRIS is for Robert, so I am bob for short.
    Since there are so many bob's in this file, I can be   "BB"
    buckmaster bob?
7.135Bob Huston CHRLIE::HUSTONTue Nov 06 1990 18:0428
    Bob Huston here, resigning in, noticed the last sign in was in 87
    so I figured I'd update.
    Work and live in Nashua NH, been hunting for 12 years now, took a
    couple years off during college.  Started on upland birds/rabbits
    never could quite figure out how to hit those partidge.
    Been deer hunting for several years now, almost exclusively in mid to
    northern NH. Haven't gotten one in NH, but I will admit I totally 
    blew a shot a buck of a lifetime last year, found out that adrenalin
    works much faster than brain waves.  Went to North Carolina last Dec
    for a deer hunting trip, got 2 there.
    Just started getting back into more bird hunting this year since I just
    found the time to find places to go. No ducks this year though since I
    don't have a gun for steel shot, maybe next year.
    Current guns:
    Remington 742 in .30-06 shooting 150 gr bullets this year.
    Savage 16 gauge single shot shotgun, full choke, great starter gun, got
    it for Christmas when I was 15 or 16.
    Good luck in the woods
7.136Jeff SchimpfCSC32::SCHIMPFThu Nov 08 1990 21:4837
                               Jeff Schimpf                     
    After posting notes, as well as replying...I might as well introduce
    My name is Jeff Schimpf;  Live and work in Colorado Springs.  I've
    been hunting since I was 11 yrs. old, 28 now.  I'm not overly particular
    what I hunt....Meaning I hunt from Sept. 1 (opening of Dove) thru
    Jan. (closing of pheasant in KS.) including all the big game and 
    migratory waterfowl species.
    I'm a certified hunters education instructer;  Although I haven't
    taught a class in over a year;  I need to renew or loose my status.
    My arsenal includes a 10 gauge, several 12 gauges, a 16 gauge, .410..
    a 7mm Remington Mag., Parker-Hale .06, 300 Savage, 30-30, a coupla
    .22's...What I wish for now to round things out is (preferably) a
    Ruger 77, in a .270/.243 with the Varmit barrel..I'll keep wishing.
    This year, I harvested my Antelope...Whata shot, I even impressed
    myself, as well as a 4 point buck (8 points eastern).  I never
    saw any "Leagle" elk, but saw alot of young'uns.
    Other than that,  I work to support my real job...HUNTING...
    ONe of these days, I hope to hunt pigs in the south,  Black bear up 
    northeast way, White tail "somewhere" and the Grandiest of all hunts
    Thats it for me..
    Jeff Schimpf
7.137Clark D. Towle, Southern New HampshireSALEM::TOWLE_CCorkyTue Nov 13 1990 12:2722
 I can't believe I've never signed in!! :-)

  Although my primary interest in life is firearms and professional 
gunsmithing, (as many of you already know) I have also been known to take as 
much time as possible to hunt. I like to chase the Grouse around with the 
Happy Dog, (the Springer Spaniel that owns me :-)), and I like to hunt deer as 
time permits. I've been doing this now for upwards of 35 years and I thank my 
Father for teaching me and instilling the tradition of sportsmanship and 
respect for the game being hunted as well as hunting ethics in me. I hope to 
pass these traditions along to my Daughter who is beginning so express an 
interest in it as well..

 *Sigh* I wish the seasons were longer.

 I've sorta forgotten about this file for a year or so, and so do hereby and 
very humbly aplologize for the oversight... :-)  You may all rest assured it 
won't happen again..... :-)

7.138New and learning!NEST::DEERYMon Nov 19 1990 08:0812
    Hello,  My name is Bill Deery and I guess after two years of reading
    this file, I should enter into this note! Im very new to hunting,
    this is my second year. I'm into pheasant and deer hunting and have
    shot some pheasant and hoping to shoot a deer this year, although
    if I don't it won't matter as I just enjoy the peace and quiet of
    being outside! I'm hoping to someday be able to afford a nice
    springer, and develop the kind of man/dog relationship I've read about 
    in this conference! 
    I love this file, and I hope to someday become an authority as so
    many of you are already!
7.139onboard at lastMCIS2::MCCARTHYSun Dec 16 1990 16:1710
    Mike McCarthy here, I'm from Upton, Mass. work in Marlboro (9years)
    in Security. I'm a retired Mass. Game Warden. Hunting, fishing and
    most anything with the outdoors I enjoy. I've been fishing for 45yrs
    hunting for 35yrs and will continue until I meet the Number #1 WARDEN.
    Only 5 deer to my credit tho, 2-8pts,2-4pts,1doe, ah! but there's
    tommorrow and tues. for blackpowder. The reason for so few is
    because I enjoy tracking deer and watching that patch of white or the
    white finger as they depart. Archery, shotgun and .50cal blackpowder
    are what I hunt with. Good luck and safe and successful Hunting to
    all. The Warden
7.140ANOTHER HUNTERCOMET::WILLIAMSJI'm the NRAWed Jan 09 1991 02:0826


    My name is Jim and I am at the CXO plant in Colorado. I love anything 
to do with the outdoors, mainly hunting and I have been doing that for over 
20 years.

Just a few species that are on my menu.

Elk                   Snowshoe (hare)
Antelope              Pheasant
Deer                  Quail
Rabbit (cotton tail)  Dove
Grouse               *Humans

* I also play paintball the action pursuit game. It really sharpens the
hunting skills. All you hunters out there should try it, go up against
something that shoots back.

                          "Good Hunting"

BTW  I have been reading this file for about 3 years and would like to 
say "THANKS" to each and every one of the hunting noters for all the 
valuable info I have found in here. 
7.141Another techie becomes a N.H. certified hunter ...SPUDDS::MCKENZIEObserve the masses,do the opposite.Fri May 24 1991 11:418
Mark McKenzie
Software Engineer
VMS Systems & Graphics - ZKO

Hello all. Interested in hunting all types of game. Will also add
bowhunting to the growing list of outdoor interests which includes
four season camping ( especially in winter ), fishing, hiking,
mountain biking, etc. See you in the great outdoors.
7.142Just another Quacker.DNEAST::BAKER_CHUCKHuman Input Required...Mon Jul 08 1991 15:5511
      Guess I'd better sign in.
      My name is Chuck Baker and I live in Mt. Vernon Maine.  Work at ASO.
    I've tried hunting most available game but have recently settled on
    flying targets.  My current favorite is duck hunting over decoys with a
    I'm the new Moderator of this file.
7.143ISLNDS::CELONATue Jul 09 1991 02:508
     I'm Tony Celona and I live in Shirley, Ma.  I hunt just about
    anything you can hunt in Mass, and deer in N.H. & Vermont.  My
    favorite is bow hunting and I would like to get into handgun
    hunting in N.H.
                       Happy Hunting from BXC......
7.144Dave StanleyAOXOA::STANLEYGive pizza a chance...Wed Jul 10 1991 14:575
I've been reading this file for about a year now and I guess it's about time I
signed in.  I'm fairly new to firearms and hunting but I think it sounds like a
great time.  I haven't been hunting before but I hope to soon.

		Dave Stanley
7.145CSC32::W_TUTTLETue Jul 16 1991 19:3410
    William Tuttle
    Call Screening Specialist ( CSC in Colorado Springs)
    DTN 592-4106 
    I transfered to Colorado Springs from Santa Clara, Ca. This fall will
    be my first year hunting. I've been with DEC 5 years this Feburary.
    William Tuttle
7.146What can we hunt in the summer ???GLDOA::BARTONI`d rather be snowmobilingFri Jul 19 1991 11:1613
    Jeff Barton 
    IS Specialist
    Educational Services
    DTN 456-1714
     I work at FAC in Michigan. I`ve been reading this file for a few
    years, But realized the other day that I never signed in. Lots of good
    information in here!!! I love anything to do with the outdoors. I like 
    small game hunting....rabbits, squirral, etc. I`ve also hunted deer the 
    past 2 seasons in Wyoming. I`ll be back there again this November!!!!!
    				jeff b. 
7.147READ ONLY ConvertAIMHI::BROWNTue Jul 23 1991 19:0914
    I figured after 2 years of READ ONLY in this conference it was time to
    let you know I'm out here!
    Tom Brown
    Technical Consultant
    TCC in MKO1
      I've been with DEC for almost 13 years now, and have done a little
    of everything from gate chasing to system shooting.  I LOVE to hunt,
    and can't wait to break out the irons again!!  
7.148Can you do that in Mass?DECWET::HELSELLegitimate sporting purposeTue Jul 23 1991 20:4410
    re .147
          I've been with DEC for almost 13 years now, and have done a
    little of everything from gate chasing to system shooting.
    					Wow!  Do you need a permit for that?
7.149System MarksmanAIMHI::BROWNWed Jul 24 1991 11:248
         There is definitely an art for shooting a system, and I find the 
    larger the gun.... the more damage can be achieved!
    Buckshot works best...
7.150Forgive me please!SALEM::MACGREGORWed Jul 24 1991 13:559
    I had thought that I had entered my name in here before but I guess it
    slipped my mind. Anyways my name is Bret Macgregor and I reside and
    hunt in New Hamphshire. I mainly hunt deer with rifle and bow, bear
    with rifle, and rabbits with .22 rifle. Occasionally I hunt birds but
    not too often. Once in awhile I head out to a friend of mine in Wyoming
    to hunt mulies and hopefully sometime soon elk. I have been reading
    this file for quite sometime and really enjoy it. I hope to add an
    entry in note 270 this year. Maybe 2 but that might be pushing it.
    Happy Hunting to ALL. Good Luck also.
7.151Im hereHIGHD::WINTERSWed Jul 24 1991 17:1916
    	My name is Dave Winters. I have been with DEC (CS) for 13 years.
    I am located in the high desert of southern California (about 3.0 hours
    north of LA). Hunting and fishing are all I do (according to the wife).
    I am married with two children 17 & 15 (girl & boy). My son hunts with 
    me but doesn't go for birds. He likes to hunt deer and as long as the 
    grades are kept up he goes along on our annual deer trip (1.5 weeks in 
    the Sequoia National Park area). The upland hunting here is very good
    for Quail (Mt & Valley),Dove,and Chukar. We also do quite well in
    Desert dogs and Rabbits. The phone number here is (619) 446-3511. I
    have been given the nickname of Rambo-Dave (somthing about the quantity
    of firearms owned). Good luck to all in your hunting and fishing
7.152White Hunter Black HeartMEMORY::GAZZANIGAWed Jul 24 1991 18:1011
    Ron here, hunt Mass. (sometimes N.H.) bow and shotgun only.  Have gone
    for bear in N.H. and may try it again ($$$$).  Love getting out there
    even if nothing comes of it...it's the anticipation that makes the 
    whole trip....Usually do bow and shotgun in Mass. Zones 5 and 6 with
    my son-in-law...not a bad hunting partner....I show him a picture of
    a whitetail every year and then say "fetch", and I follow.....
    Good hunting all
7.153UNXA::SCODAMon Sep 09 1991 15:2710
    My name is Dave Scoda, currently work at UNX, Manalapan, New Jersey,
    USA - although our current governor, Jim (I'm not an arrogant liar)
    Florio acts as if he is really dictator for life.  I've hunted on and
    off for the past 24 years, and intend to get going again this fall.
    Been read only in this file for a month or so, but I've got some
    questions to ask,,, so here's the intro.  Oh yeah, hunting interests,
    small game (squirrel and such as can be taken with a .22), and deer;
    bow and muzzle loader - the woods can be too crowded during rifle
7.154Introducing myselfASDG::DUFFYMon Sep 16 1991 14:3656
    I'd like to introduce myself and my yellow lab Kelsey (GO LABS) to 
    this conference.
    I have been hunting only 5 years now but I feel as though I know
    more than your average 5 year man. Since my hunting buddies have
    been hunting for 30 years or so....when I make a mistake they 
    don't let me off easy.
    What I hunt.. Pheasant,Grouse,Ducks, and woodcock and I'll do one 
    day for deer a year. (Last year I knocked down a doe from 40 yards,
    waiting what I thought was an eternity,I started over to it with 
    my gun by my side and my chin on my chest, it jumped up and I 
    watched it run over a hill....I found a nice puddle of red stuff 
    from her, thought she would be just over the hill...looked for 10
    hours never to see her again...) 
    I enjoy Duck hunting the most followed by Pheasant,Grouse and
    woodcock. Why I enjoy getting up at 4:30am to go sit in a wet 
    swamp at the start of winter I still havn't figured that out yet.
    My dog Kelsey is 1 years old and hasn't hunted yet. She is not from
    great hunting stock she could even be the runt of the litter. She was
    a Christmas gift last year. My girlfriend heard me talking to my 
    hunting buddies about someday getting a yellow lab and the next day
    when I came home from work BOOM I had myself my hunting dog..She told
    me she was the last female in the litter (what a sport my lady is).
    I didn't care that she was from great hunting stock because this 
    was my first hunting dog to train. Why waste a good dog on a bad
    I borrowed a couple of books from my buddies (Water Dog and Gun Dog 
    by Walters ??) and went on my way. Well If she hunts like she trained  
    I'll be putting a hurt on the birds this year. She will triple retrieve
    in the water (I think I could do more but I only had 3 dummies) hand
    commands, whistle commands. Of course she is still a puppy and will
    have her bad moments but over all I'm very happy with the last dog
    in the litter.
    With the new season coming I'm out at the range shooting clay bird with
    Kelsey by my feet (she always looking at me wondering why I not sending
    her after the things we are throwing). 
    All I have to do is hit the birds and find out if she retieves fresh
    birds, (I have been working with a Grouse wing all winter) we'll
    have a great season together.
    I'll most likley be a read only but be sure to hear from me when she
    makes her first retrieve.
    Have a good season..
7.155another lab man...BTOVT::REMILLARD_KMon Sep 16 1991 15:0726
    re .0
    I also have a female yellow lab, there's a few stories about her in
    this notesfile...she wasn't from hunting stock, no papers, etc.
    But she is a fine retriever, has even humbled some of those really
    expensive dogs at some field trials.  It has as much to do with
    training as it does with blood lines...my opinion anyway.  If you have
    a birdy dog, and it sounds as if you have, you're all set.
    A warning though, when things start happening for real this year be
    patient with her, it's going to be euphoria to all her senses, and
    she's bound to make a few mistakes...your reaction will really set
    the tempo...
    Sounds like you're right on target with training...the clay birds is
    excellent, I used that for my dog as well, it really reinforces the
    fact that the dog has to hold...not break.  Don't forget to try your
    dummies around some duck decoys, the first time it is really
    interesting...I've seen guys bring their young dogs out to be totally
    embarrassed as the dog practically brings the whole set of decoys in,
    in complete confusion.
    good luck,
7.156MY VERY FIRST NOTE!!TRACTR::MALONEthe melon manMon Sep 16 1991 20:4417
    Hi this is my first time in this note, I really like this notes file.
    I really like getting outside at this time of year and having a good
    day hunting. This is going to be my 2nd year hunting. My 1st year went
    a little to fast, I went out 3 days after hunting season started and 
    brough back a 8 point, 167lb buck, which I had the head stuffed. I
    looking forward to hunting and praying that my luck holdsup. 
       My name is Dan Malone and I've been with DEC since 1984. I work
    in Merrimack N.H.(with the security group)  Hope to hear frm you,
    and see you in the notes.......
7.1572nd time inCSOA1::VANDENBARKWed Sep 18 1991 18:3513
    My name is Wess Vandenbark and I work in Louisville Ky.  This is only
    my 2nd time in Notes and I think it's great!  I would rather Hunt and 
    Fish, than eat.  I hunt just about everything this area has to offer. 
    If I had to choose, I would say that Deer Hunting is my favorite.  I hunt
    with a Bow, 50 cal flintlock, and a 30-06.  I prefer Bow and
    Muzzleloading to rifle, I really feel like I've accomplished something
    when I take a buck with these.  I am not opposed, however,  to dragging
    the 30-06 out of the closet for gun season, if I haven't scored.  Our
    Bow season starts Oct. 1 and I can't wait (I'm taking vacation to hunt).
    Good Hunting,
7.158Signing in.....DNEAST::GOULD_RYANIn the WildernessWed Sep 25 1991 19:5133
     Yikes....I've been reading this file for longer than I'm willing to 
    admit and I'm just getting around to signing in !!
     Well, I'm Ryan Gould and live and work in Augusta, Maine. I've hunted
    since I was 10 years old and had a passion for it even before then. My
    first vivid hunting memory is being with my father at age 12 and him
    bagging a 235 lb dress weight 7 point buck. What an animal ! For me
    that's always been the "one to beat". The closest I've come is taking
    a 10 point 195 lb buck in 1980....but there's always this coming
     I've hunted almost everything except waterfowl and moose, but those
    are 2 experiences I'd love to have.....
     Right now, because of the constraints placed upon my time by farm, job
    and kids I get out when I can. I usually make it out once or twice
    for grouse (partridge to "native Mainers"), I take a week off in
    November to go deer hunting, and try to get in a little rabbit hunting
    during the winter. Someday my time will be more my own (I think) so
    I'll have more time to pursue more types of hunting.
     I hunt birds with a 12 ga. Winchester model 1200, deer with a
    Remington model 740 .308, small game with a Winchester model 190 .22.
    I hunt because I love the woods in autumn, I love guns, and I love the
    taste of wild game. I also enjoy getting out with fellow hunters and
    savoring the unmatchable thrill of the hunt together.
     I'm a Life Member of NRA, annual member of SAM, and I contribute
    whenever I can to NRA/ILA.
     Hunting....there's nothing like it....
7.159Michael McCarthyWA1UAR::Michael McCarthyI want Bambies Old Man!Thu Sep 26 1991 14:5315
	Howdy.  My name is Michael McCarthy from Hudson, Mass.
	I work at LKG as a contract software engineer on the 
	DECrouter 150/250 project.

	I have been hunting about 15 years now and just love it.
	One thing I like to relate...I have never SEEN a deer during
	gun season in Mass, New Hampshire or Vermont.  I get at least
	one shot a year at deer bowhunting!

	I am a member of the NAHC and life member of the NRA.  During
	rifle season I use a handgun in New Hampshire.  One of these
	years I'll get a shot with it!

7.160Signing on......ICS::MARINOThu Oct 03 1991 10:4410
    I am Steve Marino and have been hunting both small game and deer for
    nearly 30 years. I reside in MA. however, I deer hunt in ME. I am
    getting back into shooting skeet at Riverside where I have been a 
    member for about 12 years. My preference for shotguns are O/Us and
    for deer hunting I use a BLR .358 (light and quick). 
    For the 4th straight year,  my number was not drawn for an anterless
    deer permit in ME. So, in search of .... the big whitetail buck. 
7.161MCIS5::PAPPALARDOA Pure HunterThu Oct 03 1991 15:389
    Small World isn't it?
    Steve let me be the first to welcome you. You will find lots of value in
    the hunting file. As all hunters know we're all continually learning.
    Hi Everyone,
        My name is Bob DelPonte, I'm a Field Engineer out of Boston
    and has been working for DEC going on 12 years. I've been hunting
    since I was 10 yrs. old. I hunt with Bow and Rifle for deer and
    12 GA. Remington 1100 for birds. I hunt Mass., Maine, N.H. and at
    one time PA. Since I got married 10 yrs. ago and 3 kids I don't
    spend as much time in the woods as I used to, but I put as much
    quality time in as I can. I'm still waiting for that one in a lifetime
    buck, hopefully this year. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
7.163Long time no see/hear!!!AIMHI::BROWNThu Oct 10 1991 11:1318
    Welcome to the conference Bob,
    It's been a loooooong time...  Good to see that you found this
    conference.  The info you get out of this one as well as the
    FIREARMS notes have helped me out a lot, and the NOTERS here
    are very willing to offer any kind of help when they can.
    (THANK YOU ALL!!!!)
    How long has it been since you got out of the "GATE CHASING" end
    of the company?  Maybe we can get together some time this fall to
    do some bird hunting...  I'd look forward to getting out with you
    and we could play catch-up on what's been goin' on for the last
    say 7 or 8 years????
    Look forward to hearing from you and happy huntin'!!!
7.164Let the HUNT begin.........CSLALL::PAYNTERWed Oct 23 1991 22:5312
    Hi Guy's
     I'm Steve,from Haverhill,MA.I,m a deer hunter at heart but I have,or
    will, try any kind.I've have hunted deer in N.H. for the last 24 yrs.
    but thi year I will try some gentleman hunting (my own back yard) in 
    MA..The reason is that my dad (and hunting partner and teacher)has
    moved to S.C..   I'll show'em though I,ve tracking a 6pt. buck and
    two does for three years now. Soooooooooooooo this year I literally
    go out my back door and start hunting.
    GOOD HUNTING TO ALL...................AND TO ALL A GOOD DEER. 
7.165new to conferenceMAIL::BROOKSBB.BROOKS AT BR-549Mon Jan 13 1992 17:058
    Hi!  My name is Brian Brooks and I am fairly new to DEC so very new to
    this conference.  I work and like in Wichita Ks.  I like to hunt mostly
    Quail and pheasant, but I will hunt some ducks Once and a great while.
    I own an English Setter which Loves to hunt.
7.166correctionMAIL::BROOKSBB.BROOKS AT BR-549Mon Jan 13 1992 17:073
    I live in Wichita,  I kinda like it too.
7.167another new guyCSC32::SALZERWed Jan 29 1992 02:3811
    I HAVE ONLY BEEN hunting the past 3 big game seasons in Colorado. 
    For the life of me, I can't figure out why I hadn't started years
    ago. So far I have hunted elk and deer with over the counter tags
    only and none have ever been filled. That was not due to lack of 
    effort. This year I plan on getting a 2nd preference point for 
    bighorn, a 2nd preference point for early high altitude mule deer
    and I am considering apps for antelope and special elk drawings 
    as well. I'll stop in here once in a while and see what's going on. 
    This hunting thing is wonderfully addictive stuff. 
7.168Another new memberAUNTB::DBROWNMon Mar 02 1992 13:314
    Hi, I'm Don Brown.  I work in The Charleston, South Carolina office and
    hunt mostly deer, quail and duck.  I am a member of an 1800 acre
    hunting club about 25 miles south of Charleston.
7.169Hunitng in MichiganGLDOA::ROGERSSat Mar 21 1992 12:2341
    Hello from Michigan.  My name is Bob Rogers, and I work in Sales in the
    midwest covering North Dakota to West Virginia for TOEM sales. Used to
    live in westerm Massachusetts in the berkshires and fished and hunted a
    lot there.  Moved to Michigan and gave it all up.  Last year when my
    youngest son turned 12 he decided he wanted to go hunting with his bow. 
    Since my older boy (15) wanted to as well, we all went to a hunter
    safety course together and I bought a compound bow.  
    We started scouting in mid August and found an area in the northern
    lower peninsula where the concentration is about thirty deer/square
    mile.  That is 4 or 5 times as high as anywhere in Mass and saw more
    in our first weekend than I have in my life.  On opening day (Oct 1st)
    it rained real hard in the morning, so we stayed in until the heavy
    stuff quit.  We went to the Molassis River and jumped a big spike still
    in his bed (he didn't like the rain either).
    We backed out of there and split up.  I posted the boys along the river
    about 1/4 mile furthur north then went back in after the spike to move
    him north.  It worked but Brad moved too soon and the spike saw him and
    jumped the river.
    We then went east to the edge of the swamp and took our evening stands. 
    George (12yr old) found that his tree stand was stolen!  We had just put it
    up before the affair with the spike.  We set about trying to rig a
    ground blind and then took our stands.  Brad could see George but I was
    furthur east just out of sight.  About 5:30 a couple of deer past south
    of me and run close to George.  Brad sees George leave the blind as the
    deer enter some brush between George and Brad.  George walks slowly
    over to the cover and as he comes around it comes face to face 15ft
    with a large doe.  He is surprised and freezes.  The doe looks at him
    for about 10 sec then bounds off.
    I can hear the excitement as Brad and George are talking up a storm. 
    But just at that moment another doe comes directly west right under my
    stand and presents a perfect quartering shot.  The arrow is true and
    the doe falls to earth in about 50yds.  Strangely enough she was
    heading right towardsBrad and George who were still discussing the
    first deer.
    After this all three of us a hunting addicts (bow) and cannot wait
    until this August.  
7.170One at DYODYPSS1::COGHILLSteve Coghill, Luke 14:28Wed Apr 08 1992 16:4322
   Steve Coghill, EIS software consultant in Dayton, Ohio.  I hunt small
   game, mostly squirrels.  No real interest in birds.  But I do want to
   purchase a TC Contender in .223 REM with a 14" bull barrel for
   varment shooting.  The groundhogs are killing the bean fields at
   farms around Dayton.  My county Wildlife Officer hunts them
   regularly and says they taste great when roasted properly.
   Also, since my wife has been hinting at how nice it would be to have
   some venison I guess I will be going after Ohio's only big game
   animal this coming season.   The nice thing about this is I told her
   that meant that I would have to buy a muzzle loader because there was
   no way I was going into the field during deer gun season.  When she
   objected I said, "Fine.  I'll get the crossbow then."
   I also am a Hunter Education Course instructor for the Ohio Dept. of
   Natural Resources, Div. of Wildlife.  I am happy to say that there is
   a strong interest from our young people in this sport.  This past
   January (typically a very slow month for Hunter's Ed.) we announced a
   course and prepared for 25 students.  70 registered and over 80
   showed up.
7.171SWAM2::MASSEY_VIFri Jul 10 1992 20:2916
    	<Hey Ya,
    		I'm here in California.  I used to hunt when I lived in
    Colorado.  Mainly ground squirls and gophers.  Now it's just target
    practice.  I have hunted deer in Big Bear but there have been so many
    maniacs up there during the season that I haven't dared to venture that
    	I have a 4 yr.old son who has been taught gun safety and can tell
    the difference between some of the types of guns used in hunting.  I do
    plan to take him to Oregon this season if we decide to go.
    	Thats about if for me.  I guess I'm not the "great hunter" but I do
    like the sport.
7.172just kidding on the deer.PIRATE::JAROSAKHeadbanging causes brain damageWed Jul 29 1992 12:1617
    Hi all;
    I've been a read only type for some time, so I guess I should sign
    Joe Jarosak
    CXO (colorado springs)
    Electro-Mech Tech
    I hunt small game, deer (same thing) and elk
    I've only been hunting big game for a year or so. (no luck yet)
    I've realy have enjoyed reading in hear and hope to learn a few
    I've also been a reader for quite some time, and now is as good a time
    as any to 'sign-in'.
    My name is Jim O'Keefe and live in Wakefield MA.  I'v been hunting for 
    about 8 years now.  Everything from ducks to bear.  I've been to Nova
    Scotia deer hunting for the past 3 years now (3 for 3).  Way to many
    orange coats around here for me!!!!
    This notes file is great reading.
    Thanks to everyone who contributes.
7.174Never new regestry was hereAPACHE::DAYThu Aug 13 1992 12:0632
    	Never new this registry was here.  Anyway here I am.  I enjoy the
    	most a good upland bird hunt.  A slow walk down a long logging road 
    	and having that grouse fly up from behind ya and scaring the paints 
    	off ya.  Always happens when the first bird goes up.  Also enjoy the
    	fall outdoors, the best time of the year.    
    	Deer hunt also, been doing it for 18 years.  It seems sometimes
    	we see more grouse during deer season though and more deer when
    	we are hunting grouse.   To have the grouse fly up from between
    	you legs during deer season is a unique experiance. 
    	I hunt in New Hampshire.  Most of the grouse hunting is
    	up in North around Errol and Lake Umbagog.  Can not match the falls
    	up there.  We used to walk down this road about 5 miles then go 
    	over though the woods and sit next to the lake for a while and
    	just enjoy the view. 
    	Family has been hunting in New England for almost 360 years.
    	Now live in a town where I can drive ten minutes and I am in the 
    	woods ready to hunt.  Small hurd of deer close to the house also
    	but area can only he hunted safely with a bow.  To small even for
    	shot gun.
    	The cool weather we have been having in the Northeast must be 
    	effecting me.  Really getting the etch to hunt.  Almost like
    	a buck in rutt, that is, this cool weather makes me anxious. 
    	See ya in the woods.
7.175Steve Bendel - Here today !!REGENT::BENDELFri Oct 02 1992 11:4433
    	I've been a mostly read only participant of this conference, and
    enjoy the reading as time permits. I've gotten some good help in here,
    and decided it was time that I start writing a little more.
    	I live in Hudson, NH, and just moved there from the Concord/Bedford
    MA area. So I'm just starting to explore hunting areas that are around,
    and some of you have helped me locate the stocked areas for birds.
    	I intend to mostly bird hunt, pheasants, quail and grouse. I used
    to hunt every year, but haven't for the last four years since the
    family Springer left us. Now I have a new Brittany that I'm working
    with, and this puts me back into hunting again (I like to hunt more
    for the dog than for me, they LOVE it !).
    	I have deer hunted some, was to the point where I was seeing them
    regularly, but never got one (yet :-). I'd like to get into this more
    when I have time. Besides, I need a deer head for over my fireplace,
    nothing fancy, any old 12 pointer will do :-)
    	I have a lakefront cabin in Maine, about an hour north of Bangor,
    and I really want to hunt there in the near future. However, last
    November we had our first baby, and this November we're having our
    second ! Oh well, maybe next year. (go ahead, bust me about my timing,
    right in hunting season). Moose, deer and lots of bear sign around there.
    	One other thing someone might find interesting. I have some
    Bobwhite quail in a pen in my yard (permits and all) that I want to use
    to train my dog. I can release them in the area and they return and
    re-enter the pen, so it's a cheap way to get my dog exposure to birds.
    Some of them will get hunted late season when there aren't as many birds
    around, and some I'll keep to breed in the spring.
    		good hunting
    				Steve Bendel
7.176HI I'm...JUPITR::HALENEFri Oct 30 1992 15:006
    Hi Im Bill Hallene... I live in Worcester Ma and work in SHR in the
    AR&AD section...I enjoy pheasant and deer hunting, but would not mind
    trying rabbit.
7.177Another new guy signing in...NODEX::ESIELIONISMon Nov 02 1992 15:118
    Hi - I'm John Esielionis.  Live out in the wilds of Shirley, MA, and
    work in Marlboro (LMO2).  I've been a read-only noter in the conference
    for awhile, and figured I might as well sign in.  I hunt deer (although
    I'm still looking for my first), and will occasionally hunt pheasant.
    Good luck to all you MA bowhunters (the season is FINALLY here!)
7.178STAR::MONTAGUELead, Follow, or get Out of the WayMon Nov 09 1992 18:088
Hi, Jonathan Montague signing in. Hunt as often as my work schedule will permit.

Prefer upland birds, turkey, and deer (although a few squirrels and rabbits
have gone into the pot also). Live in Mass and hunt my cousins 267 acre farm in
Westhampton, and hunt the hills of Vermont also.

7.180someday the Monarch will come!COMET::BRONCO::TANGUYThu Dec 24 1992 03:5319
    Well, I'm kind of embarrassed to have just now found this conference,
    but what the heck. . .
    I'm Jon Tanguy from CXO in Colorado Springs.  I've been tagging along
    with my dad on hunting trips since I was about 10.  Now I'm 26, and I
    think Dad is JUST NOW realizing that I can take care of myself in the
    high country!
    Our yearly outing is for elk, and we hunt mule deer "on the side."  
    This past elk season I bagged a nice fat snowshoe hare and a really 
    nice brook trout (the way elk season went, I'm glad I brought my 
    fishing rod!).
    Sometimes, don't you think that having an elk come into your sights
    would ruin a perfectly peaceful day?!?!?  In other words, always make
    the best of a bad hunting season; "a bad day of hunting is better than
    the best day at work!"
    Love to hunt cottontails and jackrabbits, too!
7.181peace of mind is a walk in the woodsSISDA::MCCONNAUGHEYMon Jan 04 1993 15:4920
    Hi, I'm Gary McConnaughey.  I work in MR01 in Marlboro and live in
    Oxford, Ma.  I've been with DEC just over 6 yrs and discovered this
    notes file a couple of years ago.  Needless to say I've been a reader
    and not a contributor for awhile.  That will change.  
    I grew up in Michigan, my father had a 70 arce farm and I've hunted 
    since I was 10 yrs old.  All my uncles had cabins in northern Mich and 
    we would be up there every year.  I love to hunt just about anything except
    squirles and rabbits - I don't eat them.  
    I've been a resident of Ma. since 77 and have not hunted much since moving
    here (the old time problem).  I now have 3 weeks vacation and have managed
    to take a day or two during the shotgun deer season for the last 3-4 
    years.  I have hunted twice in VT and took a nice fat 160lb 5 ptr, I've 
    hunted antelop in Wy, I've taken a 14 ptr 180+ lbs buck in Mich (off my 
    Grandfather's land).  I've not been successful deer hunting in Mass mostly
    because I don't spend enough time in the woods.  This has been a great
    notes file and I always enjoy checking in during my lunch hour every
    now and then.
7.182A silent reader checking in!TRCU11::WEISSTue Feb 02 1993 01:2433

Ira Weiss checking in.  I've been watching this notes file for the last 1.5 
years (since I started working at DEC), and I think its great!!

I took an early interest in hunting at the age of  13, but just as I was 
getting interested, my father lost interest.  That's okay though, I was a 
bit reckless as a youngster and the extra 10 years did me some good.

I've been hunting for the last seven years, perdominantly grouse (and what 
phesant you can still find) in southern Ontario.  I'm very happy that the 
grouse are in the rebound stage of their nine year population cycle, 
they've been kind of scarce around here for the last few years.

Those wily birds convinced me that a single hunter trouncing around the 
bush doesn't stand a chance, so I did what every beatup hunter wishes.  
Convinced my fiance that we needed to have a Setter (English) to make our 
new family complete.  She (the Setter) is now around 1.5 yrs., and her 
training is coming along quite well.  During her novice season she found a 
few grouse and every plantation phesant that was released.  She points like 
a million bucks until the bird flushes, and then she's gone like the wind. 
We'll have to work on that before next season.

This past season was my first attempt at duck hunting, and for a novice I 
did o.k..  Next year I plan on expanding the duck hunting that I do, and I 
may try my hand at bowhunting.  I bought a BEAR bow a couple of years 
ago, and I think its about time to use it.  If anyone hunts deer in southern 
Ontario that would like to take a novice out, just let me know.

That's the story.

7.183archery notesODIXIE::RHARRISwork to live, not live to work!Tue Feb 02 1993 15:476
    Check out the archery notes   IMGAWN::ARCHERY for bowhunting tidbits
    as well.
    (now relocating to fishing notes until july or august)
7.184Ohio HunterCSOA1::STRAUSSFri Aug 06 1993 01:4711
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm John Strauss (Columbus, Ohio). Forgive my clumsiness here, I'm new
    to notes. I'm a hunter, of rabbit, squirrel, turkey and deer, and fish too
    only with different tools. My first love is muzzel-loaders for deer.
    I'm hoping to do a bear trip this year with my trusty hawken. I'm into
    the old stuff big time. I make a lot of my own stuff, buckskinner, powder
    horns, bags, etc if anyones interested. I do my own loading, casting,
    etc. I also bow hunt deer. Most of our hunting is done in the
    appalachia foothills in southern Ohio. Pretty wild country. Well nice
    to be here.
7.185Waterfowl HunterUSCTR1::DRUMTue Dec 14 1993 12:418
    My neighbor and I hunt waterfowl in Mass. and Rhode Island.  We are new at
    it but have found some excellent classic goose hunting in Rhode Island
    managed by the State, complete with pit blinds.  This year we are
    trying new types of decoys.  We also trying to find a few good spots in
    Marshall Drum
7.186HAAG::HAAGRode hard. Put up wet.Fri Dec 17 1993 01:169
    well i am pretty new to this conference. so here goes.
    i'm gene haag. i'm a network consultant in the minneapolis office. i
    grew up in EXTREME NW south dakota. every fall, while i was growing up,
    we hunted EVERYTHING in that neck of the woods. pheasants, deer
    (whitetail and mulie), ducks, grouse, partridge, rabbit, coyote, etc.
    just was a way of life in the 60's. i intend to move back there as soon
    as i can. tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough. but we all say that, don't
7.187GENRAL::WADEPull!Fri Dec 17 1993 16:044
    	Welcome Gene.  You didn't bring Eastland with you did you?  :*)
7.188HAAG::HAAGRode hard. Put up wet.Sat Dec 18 1993 19:229
Note 7.187 by GENRAL::WADE 
    >	Welcome Gene.  You didn't bring Eastland with you did you?  :*)
    easty is a gun hater and thus not likely to ever show his face here.
7.189BRAT::RUSSELLMon Dec 20 1993 20:3827
    	I guess it's about time I did this.  
    	I'm Alan Russell & I've been mostly a read only member with an 
    ocassional entry and have used & enjoyed most everything I've read here. 
    I work with the USDS group in the Merrimack NH LSSC. I've been hunting
    for ~25 years mostly for migratory birds, pheasants/grouse & deer in the
    beginning but now have concentrated most of my time & effort on deer
    and pheasant/grouse. All my hunting is done in the So NH area. I've
    hunted with a Savage Springfield 12 ga. pump shotgun, a Marlin 30-30
    and my current love is a Traditions Hawken 50 cal muzzleloader.
    	I use to do all my duck/goose hunting with a Mosberg 12 ga. bolt
    action with rifle sights & variable choke that held 3" mags. until one
    day duck hunting on Plum Island, Ma. My 1st shot went off & while keeping 
    the gun pressed against my shoulder I re-cocked the bolt to bring up the
    second shell but before it fully entered the barrel & I locked the
    bolt, it went off. Fortunetly the shot went out the end of the barrel &
    all I got was a little flash of powder in the face. About 1/2" or so of 
    the shell above the brass split open (that was the part that wasn't in the
    barrel). Quite the scary situation. Neadless to say I put that shotgun
    away and have never shot it since. That happened about 20 years ago and
    after that I went out & bought my current 12 ga. pump.
    I hope to be able to make a positive contribution to this great file.
7.190My huntin' buddy!!SALEM::ALLOREAll I want is ONE shot..well maybe 2Mon Jan 03 1994 17:007
    	I would like to announce the early arrival of my son Robert
    Allen Allore.  He wasn't due till Feb. but due to complications
    he arrived on Dec. 22, 1993 at 7:00pm.  Both baby and Mom are doing
    great and in a few years, the good lord willing, he'll be out in
    the woods with me!  
7.191DORIAN::GEIBELLlost in PennsylvaniaMon Jan 03 1994 17:048
     congrats on the new hunting buddy, glad everything went well for all.
7.192BOB!!! CONGRATS!!!AKRONU::LAFOSSETHE FRA, 226-5328Mon Jan 03 1994 17:315
Is this your first?  Glad to hear everyone is doing well, some christmas 
present!!!! ;^)

7.193Congrats BobODIXIE::NEWSHAMJames Newsham @ALFMon Jan 03 1994 18:585

		Congrats to your wife and you. 

7.194hunter jr.ODIXIE::RHARRISClinton doesn't inhale, he sucks!Mon Jan 03 1994 19:389
    Congrats.  That's great.  A son.  I envy you.  That is the best
    hunting partner to come.  This must have been the best Christmas yet.
    Hope your wife and son are doing fine.
    Bob "Who will probably get my wife pregnant this year, and lose a
    hunting season" Harris
7.195Sleeping any?CSOA1::VANDENBARKMakes me happy!Tue Jan 04 1994 12:086
    Congrats on your new arrival.  You had better start buying guns/archery
    equipment right now for him.  
7.196I also got a new hunting buddy.SALEM::MACGREGORWaco, a modern day Alamo?Tue Jan 04 1994 14:2712
    	I also would like to announce the arrival of my hunting buddy, Cody
    Richard MacGregor. He arrived 11/7/93 six weeks early (he wanted to be
    around for the 1993 deer season) and he wasn't supposed to be here
    until Dec. 21. I have already been losing a steady diet of sleep. Both
    Mom and Son are doing great. My hunting season ended on Oct. 12th when
    my wife experienced complications during her pregnancy and spent the
    next 28 days in the hospital. I virtually spent those days and nights
    at the hospital in Boston, and I live in N.H. But it was well worth it,
    there is always next year. ;^) I have already been checking out the
    gear I'll need for him. I have been looking all over for a camo
    stroller but I just can't seem to find one. ;^) 
7.197Hi from Great Britian !45266::KING_MTue Mar 08 1994 09:3416
    Here goes - I've enjoyed reading this file, so I thought I'd introduce
    Mike King, Bristol G.B.
    I shoot, Pheasant, duck, bunnies etc, and have an arrangement to cull
    Roe Deer for a farmer. When the season's over, I fish off the South
    Coast of Britain and keep my eye in with Clay Pigeons.
    Hunters in the U K have to remain quiet in general because of the
    strong anti-lobbies, and non-understanding townies that get offended
    easily. It's not the most PC sport here!
    I look forward to sharing my notes with such a like-minded fraternity!
7.198Best Place to Live Ok Its a little hot!16616::MELENDEZWed Apr 20 1994 00:1234
    My name is Jose Melendez (AKA) Joe /Spike
    I hunt in the Western States, California, Utah, Nevada, and Montana.
    I hunt Ducks,Geese,Chuckar (tougher n Turkey and Twice as
    fast),quail,doves, Deer (White Tail, Black tail coastal, Mule)
    I live in Ridgecrest California, and hunt the indian wells and owens
    valley.  If your after Quail this is the place, there are seven types
    here.  If you like Ducks the National Wildlife Refuges here are great.
    The same goes for geese. We dont shoot many honkers here because there
    are cacklers in amoung them and they are endangered.  Millions of Snow
    and Ross's geese.
    I work doing conservation work from time to time, working with bighorn
    sheep Tule Elk and others. Life is good here.  If you come to CA and
    want to hunt let me know (as you dont live here I will only put a
    blindfold over your eyes when I take you out).
    The fishing is good, the Deer hunting is poor, but its a good workout
    for the trip to Montana (I recieved my tags today)
    I bow hunt, own enough shotguns to have the ATF after me, and own
    several long rifles and handguns.  I also have a prenuptual aggrement
    with my wife that says that I retain the right to hunt and she cannot
    tell me no.  It also states that I can buy guns with considerations to
    her budget.  She buys most of the guns for me anyway.
    I am a Ham call N6FIC so if your a ham look for me in rare countys on
    my anual Deerexpiditions.
    Peace and long Life to all and good Hunting
    Joe (spike) melendez 
    Ok Meat is meat thats why....
7.199just another intro58631::DEDWARDSBEETLEJUICEFri Sep 02 1994 01:4126
    Been reading this file for a couple of months and figured I had better
    introduce myself before I start getting more involved.  I am Darren
    Edwards, I work way up in Ottawa Canada.  I enjoy huntin' just about
    anything, specializing in moose, whitetail, and wolves.  I also hunt
    ducks, Canada geese, partridge, grouse and fox.  
      Well I have been doing lots of reading lately in order to get geared
    up for the big hunt in October.  We head out for our yearly moose hunt
    in exactly one months time.  Kind of looking forward to that long
    journey into northern ontario, in search of another trophy bull moose. 
    We had pretty good luck last year bagging a nice bull that scored 169
    on the Bone and Crockett scale.  He only had a 50 inch spread but he
    was a fair sized bull, not as nice as the one we saw on the way in
    though.  I could have laid down length ways between his two closest
    tines and just touched the other side with about an inch or so to
    spare, and I am about 5'7" tall.  I dream about seeing an animal that
    big every night, If only it had been in season instead of a day before
    it started.  Well better go before I start to drool on my keyboard.
    Happy Hunting and may we all shoot straight for many seasons to come! 
7.200A FRIEND FROM THE NORTH58418::BARBEFri Sep 16 1994 17:047
                                   DON KANATA ONTARIO CANADA
7.201need some info pleaseSTRATA::HARGETTThe new guyTue Aug 08 1995 20:567
    Hi my name is Scott Hargett. I work in Hudson, MA as a diffusion tech.
    I've hunted for the past 12 years in up state NY and have recently
    moved to Leominster, MA. I like to hunt whitetails and have 2 to my 
    credit. One was a really awesome 5 pointer (the rack that is). I would 
    really like some information on the MA hunting laws, such as cost
    of license, are rifles allowed, dates of season and maybe a good place 
    to hunt.  
7.202HiLUDWIG::BINGWed Aug 09 1995 10:5521
    Hi Scott,
    welcome to the hunting conf. I also work in HLO, if you want to get
    together some time we could and I could give you more info. Anyway,
    you might have to get a non-resident license if you haven't lived in MA
    for 6 months(?). Not sure of the cost tho. Rifles for deer are not 
    allowed. Shotguns (smooth barrel only), rifled barrels for blackpowder,
    no handgun hunting 8'( Archery starts the first week of nov., shotgun
    last week of nov. BP dec. sometime. I have a book with all the dates
    at home and can give you the precise dates for this year later. As to
    places to hunt? When you buy a hunting license you get a pamhlet with
    it. Inside is a map of MA. It lists all the wildlife managment areas
    in MA. That's a good place to start. Not to discourage you but the
    deer herd inthis part of the state is growing as is the # of hunters.
    Problem is places to hunt are declining. It can be hard to find a good
    place. It will take lot's of homework and legwork on your part. But
    start with the map i mentioned and dont give up.
7.203thanksSTRATA::HARGETTThe new guyWed Aug 09 1995 12:205
    Thanks for all the info Walt. My 30-06 wasn't to happy with it. Looks
    like I'll have to buy a shotgun. Maybe I'll do some scouting this year
    and try my luck next year. There's always back home if I get the ich.
                                                   Thanks again Walt       
7.204Start looking now and you'll be able to hunt this yearLUDWIG::BINGWed Aug 09 1995 15:3712
    Scot, you're giving up too easy! This conf. has a wealth of knowledge
    in it. Just in the first 100 note's I found 5 that deal with place's
    to hunt. Check out note's 6, 35, 43, 47, & 74. Then check out the
    other 1400 notes in here. That will keep you busy for awhile and
    you may learn of some spots in your area.  As for the '06 don't pack
    it away. Adapt! It's legal to hunt coyote's/fox/bear with it. Just
    remember that bewtween 1/2 after sunset to 1/2 before sunrise it is
    illegal to have it in the woods. I mention this cause coyote's can
    be hunted until midnight here in MA.
7.205thanks againSTRATA::HARGETTThe new guyWed Aug 09 1995 17:481
    Thanks again Walt, I'll look at those notes.
7.206STRATA::LUCHTIs it a passion or just a profession?Fri Nov 03 1995 23:3013
    My name is Kevin Lucht and I'm working over here in Hudson (HLO).
    I've been hunting for quite a while now (usually not with the
    best of luck) here in Massachusetts.  
    I enjoy bird season the most...warmer weather, the leaves, autumn
    in general.  It's a real nice time of the year to be in the woods.
    Take care,
    Kev --
7.207ROCCER::JOHNSONCarl JohnsonWed Nov 08 1995 16:4014
     my name is  Carl Johnson.  I have only been hunting for a 
few years, but I love it.  I live in Leicester MA, just west of 
Worcester.  I hunt upland game birds, ducks, geese, and deer.
This year I had a went on my first hunting trip out of state to
Quebec for caribou.

I have hunted with shotgun and rifle.  This fall I try bow and 
muzzle loader.  I would like to try hunting with my S&W 41 
magnum.  I just have to find the right time and place, either
deer or possibly wild boar.

good luck and happy hunting
7.208CSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteTue Nov 14 1995 18:5218
    Fred (fred();) Haddock

    Grew up on farm/ranch in S.E. Colorado.  Killed my share of rabbits,
    ducks, pheasants, geese, etc.  Dad did a lot of hunting big game and
    such, but by the time I got old enough to hunt, Dad was too sick 
    to go.  Went to college, got married, what with one thing and another
    it's been a long time.  This year my niece's husband invited me out
    to go deer/elk hunting and money, time, license, and motivation all 
    came together.  

    Bought a couple rifles (M1 Garand "tanker" and .280 Ruger 77).  Took
    a spike buck last day of season (more on that later).  I figure I got
    about $20/lb in that critter, but will be cheaper next year. 
    I'm baaaaackkkk!

7.209MadMike Maciolek, Dawsonville Georgia. VMSNET::M_MACIOLEKFour54 Camaro/Only way to flyFri Nov 17 1995 20:0512
    MadMike Maciolek, Dawsonville Georgia.  Not much of a hunter, yet, 
    but there are plenty of places around to get deer.  I got a Marlin
    336 30-30 (all taken apart since last year) just for some big fat
    Stepping in because I show up as a moderator, and I'm about to
    enter a note in here someplace about goose-steppers picking on
7.215Seen a doe and 2 fawns this morning :)KDCA03::CDCUP_GREENEThu Oct 10 1996 11:507
7.216BOY, DO I REMEMBER...OTOOA::LEBENThu Oct 10 1996 13:0011
7.217Ashburnham Ma. areaSCHOOL::BURRILLFri Feb 14 1997 13:5714
    I'm Bob Burrill. Figured I should finally sign in as I've been a read
    only type for a few years. I just started getting back into hunting
    about 4 years ago after a 20 year layoff. I hunted ducks/birds alot
    when I was younger but a hitch in the Navy, marrige after kind of
    slowed me down. I've been trying to make up for lost time ever since.
    I belong to the N.R.A. and GOAL and am shopping around for a R+G club.
    I've been training a Springer for Pheasant hunting and hit all the deer
    seasons, bow, shotgun, muzzleloader and rifle in N.H. last year. Summer
    is usually Bass fishing and practicing with the bow. This is a great
    source of info, hopefully I can add to the "sucess" note on a regular