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Conference taveng::bagels

Title:BAGELS and other things of Jewish interest
Notice:1.0 policy, 280.0 directory, 32.0 registration
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1524
Total number of notes:18709

1370.0. "Sholem Asch?" by POWDML::SMCCONNELL (Next year, in JERUSALEM!) Tue Oct 12 1993 22:42

    Does anyone here know anything about an author named Sholem Asch?  Are
    there any biographies of him that you know about?
1370.1Some short newsMLNCSC::MISLERWed Oct 13 1993 15:3445
Ciao Steve,
I have some books of Sholem Asch, so I can translate for you what is written 
about this writer on the backcover of two of them. It is not a complete 
biobiography, but it gives some news (I translate it as it is written. I have 
no means to control if it is correct or not).


1) Song of the valley (published in Italy in 1949)


Sholem Ash was born in Koutno, near Varshaw, on the first of november 1880.
He was educated in the rabbinical school. At the age of 16 he started to work
to live on, but at the same time he also started to write. Four years later 
his first tales were published on Varshaw newspapers. In 1910 he went to the 
United States, where he lived until 1925. During this time he  obtained the 
american citizienship. He wrote several novels. The most famous was THE MOTHER 
who was internationally acknowledged by the readers and the critics. 
In 1925 he came back to Europe and he lived in Paris. In Europe he saw the 
problems of the post war period in Germany, the growing hostility against the 
Jews and the conflicts between socialist and communist. All these are subject 
of his book : THE WAR GOES ON. After some years in Europe, he came back to the 
United States, where he actually lives.
He said :" I came back to my adopted country because it becames the center
of the world literature"


One Destiny - The Apostle - The Nazaren - Three Cities - Children of Abraham 
In the Beginning - The Mother - Mottke the Thief - What I Believe - Salvation
Song of the Valley - The War Goes On - East River - Tales of my People - Mary

2) ONKL MOSES (published in Italy in 1990)

Sholem Ash (1880-1957), Polish Jew, is a classic of the jiddish literature.
He did live for long time in the United States, and after in Israel.
We remember among its books : America (1918), Song of the Valley (1938),
The Apostle (1943).
Onkl Moses (Uncle Moses) was issued in instalments on the jiddish New York 
review Der Forwert in 1918.
1370.2todahPOWDML::SMCCONNELLNext year, in JERUSALEM!Wed Oct 13 1993 17:4514
    Ciao Donatella :-)
    Thanks very much for the information!
    I understand Sholem also wrote a book called "Moses" and one called
    "The Prophet" - about Isaiah.  I read his book "Mary", translated of
    course to English, and found it fascinating.
    Off to the library!
    thanks again!