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Conference taveng::bagels

Title:BAGELS and other things of Jewish interest
Notice:1.0 policy, 280.0 directory, 32.0 registration
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1524
Total number of notes:18709

101.0. "85% haven't seen Eretz" by PFLOYD::CHERSON () Mon Apr 07 1986 12:32

    A statistic came out a while back that actually astonished me (there
    isn't that much left in the world that astonishes me these days).
    The statistic that as much as 85% of American(No.American?)Jews
    have not even visited Israel, even on a short trip.
    I used to think that the number was closer to 60%, but 85%?  That
    means that maximum 15% of American Jewry have any idea what life
    is like in Israel, etc.  Following up this, how can there be such
    a "strong identification" with Israel, as the news media points
    out, when even the desire to travel there is low?
    I'm not suggesting that every Jewish man, woman, and child make
    a trip over, but more than 15% would be more appealing.  Otherwise 
    the Jews here will swallow whole what the media will tell them about
    the Middle East ,etc.
101.1Not surprisingCURIE::GOLDMon Apr 07 1986 14:5017
    I am not really that surprised at the low percentage. After all,
    it is quite expensive to travel to Israel, especially when you have
    to pay inflated tourist rates for food and lodging. It also makes
    sense when you consider that, contrary to the media bias, most Jews
    are not wealthy. How can you afford to take a family of 4 or 5 people
    to Israel? By the time you are through, you need a second mortgage
    on your house.
    I have been lucky enough to go there twice, but only because I was
    able to go for no travel cost once, and on business the second time.
    Had I had to pay for the tickets and room and board, I am not sure
    I would have been able to go.
    I would also like to say that, having been there, I would go back
    in a minute!
101.2More Surprises...TAV02::CHAIMLe'ChaimMon Apr 07 1986 15:0912
    Maybe this will surprise you as well.
    There are considerabley more non-Jewish tourists visting Israel
    every year than there are Jewish tourists. I don't have the exact
    figures, but having once worked for the Tourist Ministery I can
    assure you that this is so.
    I know that I was surprised the first time I was informed of this.
101.3No surprisePFLOYD::CHERSONMon Apr 07 1986 16:4117
    re: .1
    I'm well aware of the financial restictions a trip to Israel could
    cost a family.  However if you're not too picky about which season
    you travel in, then you might consider going in the off-season
    (Oct.-March), this is winter (although hardly winter by our standards
    here), and El Al offers fares which are as much as 50% cheaper.
    re: .2
    No, Chaim, I'm not surprised at the statistic that more non-Jews
    visit Israel than Jews.  I know from my own experience that I gained
    many European friends, and they weren't Jewish.  Many Gentiles of
    course attach much religious significance to the land vis-a-vis
101.4RUMOR! RUMOR! RUMOR!GRAMPS::LISSFred - ESD&P Shrewsbury MATue Apr 08 1986 15:409
    	 I heard a rumor that DEC is opening a facility in Jerusalem. 
         The work to be done there will be similar to what is being 
         done in Hudson MA (semiconductor manufacturering).
    	 Is there any truth to the rumor? Can any one supply more 

101.5It's True, It's True!CURIE::GOLDTue Apr 08 1986 15:578
    It is true. I believe the facility is completed, but I am not sure.
    It is an extension of Digital Hudson. It will do semicondustor design
    work, and may do some fabrication of chips. It has been in the works
    for almost three years now, that I am aware of. 
    Are you looking for a job, Fred?
101.6A new invention!CURIE::GOLDTue Apr 08 1986 15:593
    I just invented a new type of chip, (see my last reply)!!!!!
101.7Off the track!PFLOYD::CHERSONTue Apr 08 1986 16:235
    Hey, let's stick to the topic of conversation here!  If you wnt
    to discuss the new VLSI centre in Jerusalem, then create a new note
    about it.
    Will the centre bring more American Jewish tourists to Israel?
101.8VLSIR2D2::GREGYour friendly contact in GenevaWed Apr 09 1986 05:423
    If you'd like further information on the VLSI plant please send
    me mail,