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Conference tallis::ws_pc_solutions

Notice:SoftWindows V2.0 SSB kit location see 1665.28
Created:Thu Sep 21 1989
Last Modified:Tue May 13 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1837
Total number of notes:8065

1820.0. "SoftWindows95 for SGI is here; what about Digital UNIX?" by VIRGIN::SUTTER (Who are you ??? - I'm BATMAN !!!) Wed Oct 30 1996 10:45

1820.1it IS coming!CHEFS::KERRISON_GLet the skunk drink the Martini!Wed Nov 06 1996 08:3410
1820.2SMURF::MARSHALLRob Marshall - USEGTue Feb 18 1997 19:457
    Does anybody know if SoftWindows95 is available for Digital UNIX, yet?
1820.3Not yet -- maybe not ever?NETRIX::"LuceC@mail.dec.com"Charlie Luce (WRO Demo Center)Tue Apr 01 1997 22:199
Yesterday Insignia announced SoftWindows 95 for UNIX with support 
for HP HP-UX 10.20, Sun Solaris 2.5, SunOS 4.1.4, and IBM AIX 4.1.4,
but no sign of Digital UNIX.

I guess they figure most people who want to run Windows applications 
on an Alpha will be using NT...

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