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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

448.0. "1992 Fleer Football" by BSS::G_MCINTOSH (Earn More Sessions By Sleaving) Wed Jun 17 1992 19:34

    Well, I saw that 1992 Fleer football cards are out and they are MUCH
    better than last years.  Yes, I know they can't get much worse.  But
    anyway, I like them and they're available.  
448.1FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Thu Jun 18 1992 00:383
    Gee, I must be the only person who liked Fleer cards last year ;-)
448.2CERBUS::KARLSONOnly 190 shopping days until Xmas!Thu Jun 18 1992 15:534
    You were John -- wanna buy my setssssssssssss?
448.3FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Thu Jun 18 1992 16:026
    I got one set which is all I needed - unlike you investor types who
    bought a few cases hoping to cash in later ;-)
448.4Couch is mighty lumpyCERBUS::KARLSONOnly 190 shopping days until Xmas!Thu Jun 18 1992 16:203
    Ayuh, and my wife still hasn't forgiven me for using the rugrats
    college education fund on those cards ...
448.5FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Wed Jun 24 1992 22:494
    I picked up a pack tonight since they were 1.20$, but I got a Sanders
    All-Pro insert in it - sorry Jeff no Rypien's.
448.6niceDDIF::TANCILLlong may you runWed Jun 24 1992 23:107
    I like the blue inserts, good change from all that black.  Costco's
    has boxes for $23.99, more than baseball was but I guess because
    the packs have 17 cards in them.  Fleer did a nice job again.
448.7Good wax box distribution !FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Sun Jun 28 1992 14:506
    Good distribution in the box I opened.  Only missing 9 cards out of a 
    480 card set.  Also only missing two checklists for my checklist col-
    lection. Glenn, I had 8 extra Chargers for you ;-) The new card stock
    Fleer uses is nice.
448.8EBBCLU::MONDALTOWed Jul 01 1992 10:5811
    I bought a jumbo box last nite at a pretty good price,$47.96. The 
    regular price is $1.99 a pack. there are 32 cards,and you can get lucky
    and get a Rookie Sensation or a Rypien card,all total I got 3 Rookie
    Sensations,and 4 Mark Rypiens.The all Pro-Vision cards look prettygood
    too.I like these better than last years cards.
    Jeff I got dups on (Rypien) card #4.
    Saint what #'s do you need ?
    John M.
448.9jumbos! jumbos! where??DDIF::TANCILLlong may you runWed Jul 01 1992 15:449
    Where did you find jumbos John, i haven't seen them around yet.  Is
    it typical jumbo distribution:  wholesalers only (not hobby dealers),
    find them in magazine/book stores, drug stores, grocery stores?
    p.s. thanx for the "Ryp", talk to you via mail about trading these...
448.10more ?'sDDIF::TANCILLlong may you runWed Jul 01 1992 15:454
    Oh Yeah, meant to ask, what do the sensations look like?  Blue and
    gold also?  Like basbeall ones or different?  How many in the subset?
448.11sensationsDDIF::TANCILLlong may you runWed Jul 01 1992 20:3819
    Well, I'll answer my own questions.  I got some at the same local 
    Hallmark card store that carried the baseball jumbos, same packaging
    except blue, looks like same distribution channels.
    I got 7 rookie sensations and 3 Rypiens (that's pronounced RIPen for
    all you non-skins fanatics).  The sensations are very nice. Color
    photo in a "rasied" tilted rectangle on a green football field
    background.  Red and blue stripe at top with rookie sensations
    in gold and a gold football.  The player's name is at the bottom
    in gold lettering on a maroon colored stripe.
    I'll try and post a partial checklist later, 20 card subset
    in all.  I think the good news here is that these should stay
    more reasonable in price at shows since most dealers and collectors
    around here seem to poo-poo anything football.
448.12EBBV03::MONDALTOThu Jul 02 1992 16:509
    I checked the checklist under the 49ers,and did not see Joe Montana
    listed,does anyone know what the reason is ?
    John M.
    Good luck Jeff on your findings,some guys are just lucky ;-)
448.13FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Thu Jul 02 1992 17:047
    There a lot of stars etc. who sign exclusive contracts with NFL Properties
    and don't belong to the NFLPA (player's association).  If the card company
    doesn't have a contract with  NFL Properties,  then  they  can't have that
    player in the set. I have a feeling this is why Joe isn't in the Fleer set
    this year.
448.14SSVAX::LEONHARDTWed Jul 22 1992 21:055
    I would like to trade for or purchase any extra ex-NOTRE DAME players
    any of you come across.  Please let me know if you want to unload or
    sell them.