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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

217.0. "Theft, and Theft-proofing" by MSDOA::CUZZONE (Clear the ropes!) Mon Dec 03 1990 14:53

    There were three articles in my local (Knoxville TN) sunday paper about
    collecting 1) about a local dealer who just opened 2) about the value
    of cards and their theft and 3) about the card companies.
    The 3rd article mentioned Topps '91 promo and the headline was drawn
    from that.  No availability dates mentioned.
    The theft article described a robbery of a RI dealer.  The cards aren't
    easily traceable and theives are seldom caught.  The RI dealer is
    looking for a rare football card that was taken to show up.  Other
    local dealers have been notified.  An invisible serial number is being
    discussed as a preventative/corrective action.  How does everybody feel
    about that!
217.2Rotman's was robbed!CRUISE::JBONINTechnical Surgeon, AYSTue Dec 04 1990 13:566
    Noone heard about the trailer truck full of cards stolen from Rotman's
    last week. The cards were to be sent out to dealers awaiting shipment.
217.4NUTMEG::JACUNSKITue Dec 04 1990 16:011
    Probably 1990 Upper Deck 1-800 factory sets at $16 each.
217.5Inside job??AKOCOA::GASPARONITue Dec 04 1990 16:2611
    Sounds like an inside job to me.  Thieves just happened to know that 50
    cases of cards were coming in via Yellow Freight, to a Furniture store
    show room.  Ya, right!  There stashed away in someones cellar, probably
    all Topps Cases.  Think you've seen robberies now, wait until this
    Topps promo hits, and people start getting $50 and $1000 cards in
    packs.  They'll be robbing CVS and Cumberland Farm stores of cards, not
    money.  If they get caught, its only shop lifting, a misdeamenor.  The 
    5 packs of cards are only worth retail, $2.50.  Imagine going to jail
    for stealing baseball cards??   
    	By the way, how are Rotmans' prices of late?
217.6I ain't pickin up the soapOAW::ITZKOTopps '73 #613Wed Dec 05 1990 01:2910
    I believe that truck hijacking is a Federal offense no matter what is
    in the truck. 
    It's not worth ending up in a cell with a 300 pound roommate named
    Bubba, who hasn't seen a woman in three years!
217.8Rumor on stolen cardsPHAROS::SYSTEMWed Dec 05 1990 11:568
    I heard from a dealer that detectives from the Worcester police
    were paying visits to all the Worcester shops and the stuff taken
    was Donruss and Fleer BaseBall. And there out there seting up tables
    at the fea markets to see if they can get any leads or see if someone
    is trying to unload some baseball cards cheap.
    	I don't know the truth behind this so take it as rumor not fact.
217.9Unhappy Card CollectorEBBV03::MONDALTOWed Dec 05 1990 13:093
    Had to be an inside job,or it was somebody (collector) who does 
    not like paying top dollar (inflated) prices for cards.  :-)
217.10It was an insider allright!!WRKSYS::SCHWARTZWed Dec 05 1990 14:554
     Looks like a collector finally ripped off a dealer.:>):>) The cards
    are in NY by now. Rottman's probably laughing all the way to the 
    insurance co. Those rare collectables must have been worth millions.:>)