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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

1186.0. "Differential equation solution?" by DWOVAX::YOUNG (If it bleeds, we can kill it.) Wed Jan 31 1990 14:59

    OK, I give up trying to figure out this one for myself.  A cookie to
    the first one to solve the following differential equation:
    	y'' = -k/(y**2)
    --  Barry
1186.1I think this looks right...AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiWed Jan 31 1990 16:2519
> Solve
>    	y'' = -k/(y**2)


> solve(diff(diff(y(x),x),x)=k/y^2,y);     

int(---------------------, y) = x + C1,    
      1/2            1/2                   
     2    (- k + C y)                      
   int(- ---------------------, y) = x + C1
           1/2            1/2              
          2    (- k + C y)                 

1186.2Mechanical advantage!!ATPS::DAWSONWed Jan 31 1990 16:361
    Does MAPLE get the cookie?
1186.3I'll give it a maple cookie if it wants one...DWOVAX::YOUNGIf it bleeds, we can kill it.Wed Jan 31 1990 20:217
    Looks good, help me with the MAPLE formatting here though.
    Are these 2 distinct solutions?  And what are C and C1 ?  And does the
    fact that it doesn't go any farther mean that these are not solvable
    --  Barry
1186.4ALLVAX::ROTHIt's a bush recording...Thu Feb 01 1990 07:256
    I don't have MAPLE online right now, but shouldn't you have used
    dsolve(explicit) for the solution?

    The solution doesn't look right.

    - Jim
1186.5It's not all that great...AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiThu Feb 01 1990 14:5921
The cookie must, of course, be made with Maple sugar...

>    Are these 2 distinct solutions?  
Yes. They only differ by sign.

>And what are C and C1 ?  
Arbitrary constants of integration.

>And does the fact that it doesn't go any farther mean that these are not
>solvable Integrals? 

Not necessarily - only that MAPLE couldn't further reduce them without 

RE .4; Yes, if you have MAPLE V4.1+ available, dsolve is the tool to use.
The results I gave were obtained with MAPLE 3.3. I have 4.1 installed on 
another system but it doesn't work on D.E.'s because a library function,
exp.m, is missing. !@%^&*(. Have to bug WATCOM about that. Version 4.3, 
where are you?!?!?

Lynn Yarbrough 
1186.6A particular solution to work with...CSC32::JAGGERThu Feb 01 1990 19:4114
I can give you one particular solution if you want it.
if Y  = f(x) and lim x -> 0, y -> 0 for x > 0 then

if Y=a*x^n, I can solve for n and a and I get

Y= (9/2*k*x^2)^(1/3)  where ^ is exponentiation.

this solves Y'' = - k/ Y^2, unfortuneatly this equation is
non-linear so I am not too sure how usefull this solution is.
Also, there may be many solutions with x=0, Y=0.


1186.7Last reply found by letting C=0 in .1CSC32::JAGGERThu Feb 01 1990 19:5413
I should have looked at MAPLE'S solution carefully (see .1) It does provide
a particular answer for any c and c1, if I set c=0 I get my answer,
that I provided in my last reply. (I have never used MAPLE)

Also, it shows that the solution must be invariant with respect to
the independant variable, since the variable does not appear in the
equation. As maple shows:

    if Y=f(x) is a solution so is Y=f(X+C1). So I can generalize
my particular solution...


1186.8solution of y''=-k/(y**2)DCC::PARETIMon May 28 1990 06:1543
	Seeking the solution of 

	y'' =-k/(y**2)

	put dy/dx = z                    (1)

	then follows dz/dx = -k/(y**2)   (2)

	Divide (1) and (2) :

	dy/dz = -z*(y**2)/k or 

	dy/(y**2)= -z*dz/k                (3)

	Integrating (3) yields :

	-1/y = -(z**2)/(2*k)               (4)

	replace z in (4) with dy/dx :


	which can be rewritten as :

	((2*k)**(-1/2) ) * dy * y**0.5   = dx  (5)

	Integrating (5) gives :

	( (2*k)**(-1/2) ) *(2/3) * y**(3/2) = x + constant 

	the latter can be rewritten in the form y=y(x) :

	y  = [ (3/2)* (2*k)**(1/2) ]**(2/3) * (x + constant)**(2/3)        (6)

	y' = [ (3/2)* (2*k)**(1/2) ]**(2/3) * (2/3)*(x + constant)**(-1/3) (7) 

	y''= -(1/3)*(2/3)*[ (3/2)* (2*k)**(1/2) ]**(2/3) *                 (8)
                        (x + constant)**(-4/3)

	y**2 = [ (3/2)* (2*k)**(1/2) ]**(4/3) *(x + constant)**(4/3)       (9)

	It is easy to prove from (8) and (9)  that y''*y**2 = -k
1186.9GUESS::DERAMOthat Colorado Rocky Mountain highTue May 29 1990 16:2611
	re .8

>>	dy/(y**2)= -z*dz/k                (3)
>>	Integrating (3) yields :
>>	-1/y = -(z**2)/(2*k)               (4)

	Plus an arbitrary constant.

1186.10applying .9 to .8 -- a more general formTRACE::GILBERTOwnership ObligatesWed May 30 1990 13:5738
>	dy/(y**2)= -z*dz/k                (3)
>	Integrating (3) yields :
	-1/y = -(z**2)/(2*k) + C          (4)

	replace z in (4) with dy/dx :

	dy/dx = sqrt(2k(C+1/y))		(may be plus or minus)

	which can be rewritten as :

	(2k(C+1/y))**(-1/2) * dy = dx  (5)

	Integrating (5) gives (below, w = k(C+1/y), and D is a constant):

	if Ck > 0 :

	         sqrt(w)        log(sqrt(w)-sqrt(Ck)) - log(sqrt(w)+sqrt(Ck))
(6a)	    ----------------- + ---------------------------------------------
	    sqrt(2) C(w - Ck)               2 sqrt(2) C sqrt(Ck)

		= x + D

	if Ck = 0 :

	         sqrt(w)                1
(6b)	    ----------------- - ----------------- = x + D
	    sqrt(2) C(w - Ck)   sqrt(2) C sqrt(w)

	if Ck < 0 :

	         sqrt(w)        atan( sqrt(w)/sqrt(-Ck) )
(6c)	    ----------------- + ------------------------- = x + D
	    sqrt(2) C(w - Ck)      sqrt(2) C sqrt(-Ck)

	It's not easy to rewrite any of these in the form y=y(x).
1186.11TRACE::GILBERTOwnership ObligatesFri Jun 01 1990 01:258
re .10:

>	if Ck = 0

The equation given for this case is totally bogus.
That's what comes from unequivocally accepting a symbolic
math package's results.  The right answer in this case
is given by Pareti in .8.
1186.12MAPLE V attackCIVAGE::LYNNLynn Yarbrough @WNP DTN 427-5663Mon Oct 21 1991 13:4022
MAPLE V does a better job at solving this (especially given a more 
disciplined description of the problem!). In the following,
diff(...,x$2) means the second derivative w/r/t x:

> dsolve(diff(y(x),x$2)=k/(y^2),y(x));
                 1/2             1/2   1/2
               %1      k ln(2 _C1    %1    + 2 _C1 y(x) - 2 k)
         x = - ----- - --------------------------------------- - _C2,
                _C1                        3/2

                   1/2             1/2   1/2
                 %1      k ln(2 _C1    %1    + 2 _C1 y(x) - 2 k)
             x = ----- + --------------------------------------- - _C2
                  _C1                        3/2

%1 :=                      - 2 y(x) k + _C1 y(x)

Solving this mess for y(x) is still a little daunting...