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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

834.0. "Audioactive chemistry" by 52410::BUCHANAN (procrastinated laziness) Thu Mar 03 1988 12:38

This may look like just another "what's the next number?" puzzle, but there's
a lot more to it.   If there's enough interest, I'll tap in the good bits of
an extraordinary short paper by J.H.Conway on the subject.

So, what's the next in the sequence?


Or here's another example of the same process...


And when you've worked out the pattern, the next question is: what's the
long term behaviour of the sequence?
834.113112221VINO::JMUNZERThu Mar 03 1988 13:044
    I'd certainly be interested in seeing the "good bits".  I have seen
    the puzzle before.
834.213211321322110CLT::GILBERTBuilderThu Mar 03 1988 16:412
Can a recognizer for either of these sets of generated strings be built
with a finite-state machine, where scanning is allowed in either direction?
834.3Help!AITG::DERAMOThink of it as evolution in action.Mon Mar 07 1988 11:534
    I suppose the title was supposed to be a hint, but I don't get
    it yet.  How about another hint?
834.5neatoAITG::DERAMOThink of it as evolution in action.Mon Mar 07 1988 15:4416
>>    Hint: Try describing each list out aloud, then writing it down.
    Ohhhhhhhh, now I get it! [answer follows]
    1            first string is arbitrary    
    11           because it follows: one 1
    21                   "           two 1's
    1211                 "           one 2, two 1's
    111221               "           one 1, one 2, two 1's
    312211               "           three 1's, two 2's, one 1
    So we would follow one 3, one 1, two 2's, two 1's with 13112221. (-:
834.6uncommon digitsAKQJ10::YARBROUGHWhy is computing so labor intensive?Tue Mar 15 1988 12:2414
>Can a new digit 4 be created in a sufficiently old list?

Only if it appears in the "seed" number, or the seed number contains 111 
1's, or some other singular sequence. Otherwise, it would imply in the
previous group two separate but adjacent collections of the same digit,
which the formation rule precludes. In other words, "4" stems from
something like "3333" which would have been written "63" instead. The same
applies to any digit > 4. 

>Can the digits 333 occur in a sufficiently old list?

Only if they appear in the original "seed" number. Otherwise, the existence
of "333" implies that the same sequence appeared in the previous group,
which leads to an infinite regression. 
834.7a long time laterHERON::BUCHANANcombinatorial bomb squadFri Feb 23 1990 13:52445