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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

323.0. "FUZZY WUZZY WAS A SET..." by GVA01::LITSIOS () Thu Jul 25 1985 08:45

Has anybody out there found a pratical usage for fuzzy sets/
systems? If so, I'd appreciate references to useful sources.

It's to help a friend who's just finished reading "Expert and 
Fuzzy Systems," by C.V. Negoita and concluded that there were no 
evident practical uses. The examples in the book are trivial, 
along the lines of "If Jane likes tall men... and John is 6ft2in, 
than Jane will like John," somewhat reminiscent of "Run Spot, 
Run. See Spot Run."
323.1Belated ReplyMOZART::MATSUOKAMon Oct 27 1986 19:175
    I have been using the concept of fuzzy sets in digital timing analysis.
    The concept gives an elegant way to treat the skew on a digital wave-form.

323.2PERT looks like a naturalAKQJ10::YARBROUGHWhy is computing so labor intensive?Mon May 16 1988 19:2413
I have begun to think about applying Fuzzy set theory to Project 
Management. For example, consider the set of tasks on the Critical Path
in a CPM or PERT description of a project. We are using a Monte Carlo 
simulation of the project; in that situation the CP set is Fuzzy, and the
length of the CP is a Fuzzy sum. It's not clear yet how we can make use of
the concepts, but it looks promising. 

Are there programs 'out there' that implement Fuzzy arithmetic, etc.?

I am working my way through Negoita & Ralescu's "Simulation, Knowledge-
based Computing, and Fuzzy Statistics" [Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987].

Lynn Yarbrough 
323.3COOKIE::WAHLDave @ Mr. Wizard's Mountain ChaletTue May 31 1988 15:4610
There was an expert system tool for which Zadeh was a consultant called
Reveal which is (was?) marketed by Tymshare before they were bought out
by McDonnell-Douglas.  The system is based on fuzzy set membership and
stats for its pattern matching.  One of the markets Reveal was intended
for was the project-planning and MIS world, and they did a pretty 
interesting CPM demo application.  The last time I looked at Reveal was
about four years ago, and it may be off the market.  I'll look in my
files at home and see if I can find some published references.
