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Conference 7.286::pet_birds

Title:Captive Breeding for Conservation--and FUN!
Notice:INTROS 6.X / FOR SALE 13.X / Buying a Bird 900.*
Created:Mon Oct 10 1988
Last Modified:Tue Jun 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:942
Total number of notes:6016

447.0. "`tis the season...." by AVIAN::KIRSCHBAUM (Have You Hugged a Parrot Today) Tue Nov 06 1990 18:44

	There is a joke that says, "If you dislike someone give them a 
	Fish Tank for Christmas, if you REALLY dislike them give them a

	I think that the joke refers to the money you will end up spending
	over the years on pets in general...even thou I believe, I have taken 
	spending money on pets to all new heights, the problem with the joke 
	is not really the money and in reality it is not very funny.


	During the holiday season, with relatives visiting, with and without
	new babies and young children, and with lots of new presents to be 
	opened, with gift wrap all over the floor; the introduction of a new
	puppy can be a short term disaster.  However, introducing a new bird
	into the household at this time can often be either a long term or 
	permanent disaster.

	First there are health problems for the new bird. If the bird is let 
	out of the cage, many of the Christmas plants are toxic, much of the 
	wrapping paper is also.  There can be fake snow around the Christmas 
	tree, which may well have been treated with some sort of preservative.
        There are ribbons and string for the bird to get tangled up in.  There 
	are lots of glasses half filled with alchol, and maybe cigerette butts...

	I know that none of our bird owners would smoke, since it is very
	dangerous to our pets, (and damned inconvient around Digital) but, 
	it is often hard to control visitors from far away, especially if 
	they are older and set in their ways.

	Even if the bird is never let out of the cage, there are potential 
	health problems for owners and visitors and the bird. A new pet, 
	especially if it is an import (personally, I believe that all larger 
	pet birds, should be hand fed domestic, but that is another note), 
	the bird is going to be very nervous, and VERY likely to bite hard.  
	You just know that someone is going to stick their finger in the cage, 
	sorta' like checking to see if the paint is wet!

	With my bird, I have found it expedient, if someone asks, "Does he


	Also, there are going to be lots of visitors who think it is "cute"
	to feed the bird, and there is always Uncle Charlie, who will see
	if it will drink some of his scotch.  There are chocolate candies,
	chocolate cake etc.

	There are trauma problems...many baby birds, or even adults, are 
	going to be very stressed out by the move, by the people, by the 
	noise.  Serious problems could arise.


	Well, should all this advise be completely ignored, as it will be
	in many cases, what can you do to help prevent most of the disasters
	from occuring?

	1.  Try to make sure the new bird arrives early or late, not on
	    Christmas Day.

	2.  Put the bird and its cage in a quiet room, away from the noise,
	    the guests, the smoke and the toxic plants.

	3.  Take the bird to an Avian Vet as soon as possible after you get
	    it, make sure that he/she clips the wings and claws.

	4.  If you have other birds, keep your new arrival seperated until
	    after you have received an ok from your vet on blood tests etc.

	    THEY SAY THEY KNOW ABOUT BIRDS, unless you and the person are
	    far from the maddening crowds, and then be VERY careful.

	6.  Don't feed the bird Christmas treats, you usually don't know
	    what is in them, there can be chocolate, or you can overdose
	    your new pet on sugar or Aunt Sadie's Holiday Rum Balls.


	And be sure that you share your holiday dinner with your bird, 
	especially if you have yams...

447.1Caution Pays OffCLOSET::COMPTONLinda DTN381-0687 ZKO1-2/C21Tue Nov 06 1990 19:0618
    Hi Dick,
    Your note reminded me of last Christmas, when I was coordinating the
    delivery of a hand-raised budgie of six weeks to its new owner. The
    mother did not at first understand why I was being so fussy about
    the timing of the bird's arrival to avoid the opening of presents 
    and visits of relatives, but agreed.  Another temptation for new
    owners, perhaps especially young new owners, is to give *too much*
    attention to the new bird, who needs *quiet* and *no handling* for 
    maybe several days after it joins its new family.  This new young
    owner has taken excellent care of his budgie and the bird is a loved
    and well-cared for member of the family, I am glad to report, having
    seen the bird last month.
    Birthdays (and the parties that go with them) can be as dangerous as 
    what you describe for Xmas.....
447.2lighter noteBPOV02::PULSIFERDoug Pulsifer DTN 296-3332, BP01Wed Nov 07 1990 10:5818
    All your warnings are good, thanks for the reminders.
    You forgot a couple though.
    1. Avoid letting  your bird see the turkey before you cut it up. It may
       get stressed out thinking he's next.
    2. On Christmas eve be sure to put your bird in a room away from the
       fireplace, or Santa may scare it and cause it to thrash in the dark.
       Also if your bird talk, it may scare Santa away before he does his
    Does anyones birds sing/say christmas phrases ?
    Doug  8->
447.3Hmmm....next...AVIAN::KIRSCHBAUMHave You Hugged a Parrot TodayWed Nov 07 1990 14:1324
	actually if that worked, I would show my Macaw the turkey before it
	was even cooked....my problem is he really can't understand how come
	there is all that wonderful food, and he ain't gettin' none!

	two things that Pat Walz (of Bird Talk and this NOTESfile) told me
	several years ago:

	1.  The way to a Macaws heart is definately thru its stomach
	2.  Patience is not their long suit!

	Speaking of warnings, and problems, I just discovered I have one.

	An erderly Aunt is coming for the holidays and she SMOKES.  I have
	been thinking of opening the window, but if it is cold, I don't know
	who I am more concerned about the Aunt or Avalon.  I think I am 
	leaning towards a "smokeless" ashtray.

	I havel already been informed that I can't tell her not to smoke, 
	and I can't ask her to please smoke outside.

	I certainly don't have a good answer for this one.

447.4ALCTRZ::MAPPES_DOWed Nov 07 1990 14:2722
    I am an ex smoker of 3yr (yea for me) I have personaly found that
    smokless ashtrays are a waste of money they take the smoke you see
    out of the air but not the smell or the toxins sp? maybe a good
    air filter but then you are talking a small fortune. might I sugest
    that your aunt be allowed to smoke in only one room that can be
    closed off from the rest of the house and every time she leaves 
    that room open the windows and let the fresh air in.
    Good luck
    I have a question. My husband and myself will be in the process
    of buying our first house we will moving right around the holidays.
    I have never moved with all of my babies how can I keep their stress
    level down to a bare minimum. I plan to paint and replace rugs before
    I move in. How long should I wait after painting before moving my
    babies to their new home?
    Thanks for the advise.
447.5Christmas Phrases (sorta)TJT01::ARMITAGEWed Nov 07 1990 15:3210
    re .7
    Boy does my parakeet say Christmas phrases!  His name is R.C.A.  we
    call him RC for short.  I'm not going to say what it stands for because
    it will surely offend someone as being if you don't know him you
    wouldn't understand.  Anyway- RC is say Merry Christmas, Happy What a
    Good Boy (he's trying-honest!) and sings his own version of Jingle
    bells, Bingle Jells Christmas Merry!  What can I say.  He tries hard
    and he's very proud of himself.  I'm not going to tell him otherwise!
    Our Yellow Nape Jocko sings a variety of songs (I left my heart in
    S.F., Barbara Anne, Puff the Magic Dragon), however his favorite is
    Jingle Bells.  he has the tune down pat, however he just sings the
    first stanza, "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" then
    he says "HO, HO, HO, Merry Christmas!" In a deep voice.  It is quite
    comical.   Afterwards he sometimes says "You like that?" What a
    Anyone else out there with a blabbering bird?
447.7Smoke Gets in your CereUSHS05::WALZWed Nov 07 1990 20:1913
    Hey Dick!  Have you ever thought of writing for BT.......
    Tell your aunt to "Go to her room!" when she wants to light up. 
    Cigarette smoke and psittacines don't mix.  Make sure her room is on
    the other side of the house.
    Bubba, my grey, can say Meeeerrrrry Christmas!!!!  Ho! Ho! Ho! just
    like Santa does.  Bubba, however, is not fat and jolly.
    Hand your aunt my article on Airborne Pollutants so she will respect
    her need to restrict her smoking.
447.8Good hints for HolidaysTRNPRC::WERBERwe ARE amusedThu Nov 08 1990 13:3514
    Hi Dick - great base note - that one gets printed and highlighted in my
    file.  Are you the Dick K. who I used to work with for a short time in
    My Lutino cockatiel whistles the first phrase of "Rudolf the Rednosed
    Reindeer" - hopefully he'll do it when we're videotaping around
    Hey Pat -- has Bubba ever gotten used to the aviary you wrote about
    awhile back?  Or does he still cling to the sides?  I bought my
    cockatiel a playground and he will just cling to wherever I place him
    and not move until I get him down!
447.9Well let's seeAVIAN::KIRSCHBAUMHave You Hugged a Parrot TodayThu Nov 08 1990 13:5827
	Yup...but since LES became USS (Actually I hear that DEC is converting
	from TLAs to FLAs to keep the confusion high...

	Pat, I aina't gonna write for BT until I get as good as you, and I
	don't see that in the near future!  I absolutely LOVED your last
	column!  I can just see those Field Service Engineers (or is it
	now Customer Service Engineers) trying to deal with the Parrot
	decorations in your office.

	Birds and new things...

	I keep hearing from the noters here and columns in BT about how
	birds fear new things, however, Av does not seem to have any trouble
	adapting to anything as long as he can sink a beak into it, it's
	fine with him.

	I built him a hugh playgym out of manzinita branches, average 
	diameter is about 2 inches.  It took him about 30 - 40 seconds to
	jump onto it and start chewing.  Maybe the fact that I hung toys
	from every concievable spot helped.  But then I read in one of 
	Pat's columns where Bubba would not touch a new toy for weeks.

	Maybe it is just Blue and Golds, who are to stupid (curious) to 
	be afraid.

447.10Smoking facts!SALSA::DEFRANCOThu Nov 08 1990 14:0518
    re .7
    Where can I locate the article on Airborne Pollutants?  My husband
    smokes and it drives me crazy but more than that I do worry about how
    its affecting my two teils.
    They don't seem to be bothered by it but then again what are the long
    term dangers. 
    I would love to attain some real "facts" on this subject to show my
    husband.  I'm sure he would not quit smoking but he may be more tempted
    to smoke away from the area where Rosie and Sunny are kept.
    Jeanne, Rosie and Sunny
447.11Bird Talk....AVIAN::KIRSCHBAUMHave You Hugged a Parrot TodayThu Nov 08 1990 16:115
	I have most of the back BT issues, where do you work, I will look
	for the issue this weekend, and send it to you via interoffice.

447.12My AddressSALSA::DEFRANCOThu Nov 08 1990 17:0221
    re .11
    That's great Dick.  I really appreciate your lending me the BT issue. 
    You can send it to:
                       Jeanne DeFranco @TUO
    You may need an outside address since we are a remote site and many
    mail rooms don't know who we are.   
                                        Digital Equipment Corp
                                        6377 E. Tanque Verde Rd
                                        Suite 101
                                        Tucson, AZ.   85715
    Again, thanks for the info.  Hopefully it will convince my hubby that
    smoking "IS" dangerous to our pets (not to mention his wife, but that's
    another story!)
447.13The Amazing Wonder Bird KoKoUSHS05::WALZThu Nov 08 1990 19:2715
    Bubba eventually got used to the aviary.  He is slow to come around.
    He has a dome topped cage, and I placed a perch on top for his comfort.
    To this day he will not sit on the perch.  He'd rather cling to the
    curved bars.
    I'm glad you liked my last column, Dick.  I think you are my biggest
    An aside---I was out walking KoKo (my b&g) and a couple of bird lovers
    stopped me to tell KoKo how beautiful he is.  When they asked his name
    and I said "KoKo" they exclaimed "WE know a KoKo in Bird Talk"  They
    continued to tell my bird what a great column he was in, but didn't
    say a word to me. 
447.14AXIS::PHANEUFFri Nov 09 1990 12:2710
    hi pat, i loved your articles also...i think its the first thing
    i read..i really had to laugh at this months, as the 2 amazons in
    my house just love to watch sesame street every morning with there
    breakfast..also hi dick, you also worked at the mill, no?
    also i just read in bt this month parrots and the holiday's about
    some woods that may produce toxic fumes..does anyone know which
    ones, as i use a wood stove all winter...
447.15The Mill....Now Parker StreetAVIAN::KIRSCHBAUMHave You Hugged a Parrot TodayFri Nov 09 1990 13:394
	Yup....I was in the Mill for about 6 years....

447.16#2 FanBPOV02::PULSIFERDoug Pulsifer DTN 296-3332, BP01Fri Nov 09 1990 14:179
    When I get Bird Talk the first article I look at is the funny pictures
    on the last on the last page. The first article I READ is yours, I
    don't even remember the name of the column, I just look in the table of
    contents for you name.
    Keep up the Good work,
447.17The Article by Pat Walz on Airborne ToxinsAVIAN::KIRSCHBAUMHave You Hugged a Parrot TodayMon Nov 12 1990 17:11308
	Because so many people asked for copies of Pat's article, which is very
	good (even thou it does not contain Pat's usual humor), I have taken
	the liberty of reproducing the article here (without permision of
	Bird Talk)

	From Bird Talk, March 1989

                              AIRBORNE TOXINS
                              By Patricia Walz

     	Responsible parents learn how to successfully childproof their
     homes to avoid exposing their children to household poisons.  Like
     children, out pet birds depend on us to provide them with a safe
     environment.  We wisely place Polly securely in her cage (or take
     other precautions) to protect her from household hazards such as
     hot kitchen range tops, toxic plants and open windows, but we must
     also remember to shield out birds from another danger, airborne

     	Do you know why miners used to bring small birds, such as
     canaries, into the mine shafts with them?  If the miners noticed
     the birds experiencing any respiratory problems, they knew
     poisonous gases were present, so they immediately left the mine. 
     Because we do not want out pet birds to serve as toxicity monitors,
     it behooves us to be sure that we have no poisonous funes in out

     	The avian respiratory system differs greatly from that of humans
     and other animals.  Birds require larger amounts of oxygen more
     frequently.  This compensates for their higher metabolic and helps
     them fly.  At rest, an average cockatiel breathes 100 to 124 times
     per minute.  Humans normally breathe between 12 and 16 times per

     	Contaminates in the air that may simply irritate out respiratory
     system can kill out avian friends.  Have you ever, even for a short
     trip, placed you bird in the trunk of your car?  I know of a
     beautiful sun conure that was killed this way.  Sunny was placed in
     his owner's automobile trunk for a 15 minute trip.  If a vehicle
     has an inadequate exhaust system, the car's interior and trunk may
     contain dangerous levels of carbon monoxide fumes.  Carbon monoxide
     blocks the flow of oxygen to body cells.  It is colorless,
     odorless, undetectable to the senses and lethal!  With enough
     exposure death will occur.

     	Tobacco smoke also emits carbon monoxide.  If you smoke
     cigarettes (or any tobacco product), assess where you smoke, and
     where you keep your birds.  Because they live in open-air cages,
     birds that live with people who smoke may be forced to inhale
     second-hand smoke.  A bird can not reposition its cage or ask you
     to stop smoking.  For your birds' health, exclude the use of
     tobacco products in your home.  If you must smoke, air cleaners
     placed in forced-air heating or central airconditioning systems, or
     filters that remove large particles from the air may improve the
     air quality in your home.


     	It can happen suddenly.  A family eating dinner forgets about
     the empty Teflon-coated pan on the stove.  Within minutes, the pan
     reaches 280 degrees Celsius (approximately 536 degrees Fahrenheit)
     and begins to emit toxic fumes.  During early exposure, the pet
     birds begin blinking their eyes; their breathing becomes labored. 
     As if attempting an escape, they flap wildly in their cages, then
     convulse.  Death follows within 15 to 20 minutes.

     	Nonstick cookware containing PTFE (polytetrafluoroethlene), such
     as Teflon and Silverstone, probably will not harm your birds if
     used under normal cooking conditions.  When a pan overheats,
     however, the coating emits poisonous fumes.  In most cases, empty
     pans or those filled with water are likely to overheat to dangerous
     levels.  When foods, oils or butter warming in a pan begin to burn,
     we are usually alerted to remove the pan from the cook top or oven
     before the nonstick surface overheats to dangerous levels. 
     Nonstick-coated drip pans that fit under the burners on cook tops
     will reach excessive temperatures whenever you cook.  If you have
     birds in your home, do not ever use these drip pans.

     	Take an inventory of other non-stick products that you use
     routinely.  Did you know, for example that many irons and ironing
     board covers are coated with Teflon?  Check out your cookie sheets,
     waffle irons, popcorn poppers and curling irons, as well.  Nonstick
     coatings containing PTFE have many different names - not just
     Teflon, Supra and Silverstone - so read labels carefully before
     using or purchasing.

     	Birds poisoned by PTFE fumes usually die quickly, but sometimes
     they live for several days after exposure.  Be aware of this danger
     and exercise prudent care when ironing or cooking with nonstick
     cookware (cooking at moderate temperatures) may help you avoid this
     horrible tragedy.  Because we control most of our birds exposure to
     toxins in the air, we can take other positive steps to avoid
     exposing our birds to danger.


     	Do not keep your birds in the kitchen.  Cooking orders, grease,
     steam and smoke can all act as irritants and/or toxins to your
     pets.  A self-cleaning oven in its cleaning mode incinerates food
     deposits by heating to approximately 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which
     may cause the burning  grease to emit carbon monoxide and other
     toxic gasses.

     	Normally, kitchen cabinets contain cleaning supplies.  I now
     keep most of these dangerous supplies in my garage or utility room. 
     I securely close up those supplies remaining in my kitchen.

     	Many homes have gas ranges.  These can leak nitrogen dioxide, a
     gas that can seriously irritate the respiratory tract.  If you own
     a gas range, you can help avoid problems by installing a range hood
     vented to the outside, adjusting burner flames correctly (they
     should be blue, not orange), using kitchen exhaust fans and opening
     a window when cooking.  If you by a new gas range, try to get one
     with "pilotless ignition."


     	Kerosene or gas heaters also emit carbon monoxide and nitrogen
     oxides.  Although I normally avoid using them in my home, I must
     occasionally (such as during power outages) use these heat sources.
     If you, too, must use gas or kerosene heaters,, increase the
     circulations of fresh air in the bird room, and keep one window at
     least partially open.  If possible, do not run kerosene- or
     gas-fueled heaters continuously.  Do not use an improperly
     maintained heater, and never use any components that do not meet
     manufacturer's specifications.

     	Another heat source that might add airborne contaminants into
     the home is the fireplace.  Treated wood may emit harmful fumes. 
     Keep your flue, and chimney in good working order; have a
     professional check, clean and repair you fireplace and chimney each
     year before you light any fires.


     	In out efforts to conserve out nation's energy sources, many of
     us have worked hard to make out homes more energy efficient.  When
     we added insulation, storm doors and windows, caulking and
     weather-stripping, we make out homes more airtight, which trapped
     pollutants inside.  The ducts and vents of central air-conditioning
     and heating can carry the fumes or pollutants from one room to the
     other.  If you use a product that emits toxic fumes, you may
     unknowingly expose you bird to harm, even thou the bird is in
     another room of the house.

     	If you house is airtight, you may have a pollution problem. 
     Stale odors may linger longer in your home.  Your children may
     frequently get colds or sinus problems.  Your eyes may smart and
     tear.  Look for condensation on windows or mildew on the ceilings
     of your home.  These signs may indicate that you house lacks
     essential circulation of fresh air, which could increase the level
     of airborne contaminants.  Routinely increases your air circulation
     by opening windows.  Do this in every season of the year, even if
     you open them just a crack.  Be sure, however, to place your birds
     out of any drafts.


     	In some areas, Radon gas is a dangerous indoor pollutant,
     seeming from the earth into homes above.  Exposure to this
     colorless odorless gas can cause cancer.  The local health
     departments in affected areas may have testing equipment available,
     or you may wish to use a home test kit, which you can purchase at
     some hardware stores.

     	Formaldehyde in the home also gives out some fumes.  This
     chemical has been used in insulation foam, as a preservative in
     plywood and particleboard, and in textiles, such as draperies and
     carpets.  Mobile homes can be particularly affected because of the
     extensive use of treated products in their manufacture.  Any new
     homes, particularly if it contains new carpets, drapes, furniture
     and wooden cabinets, will have a higher level of formaldehyde that
     older homes because the fumes dissipate with time.

     	If you are concerned about the level of formaldehyde in your
     home, you can purchase a kit to measure the level of the gas in
     your home from companies that specialized in air-pollution control. 
     If you believe the level is too high for your birds' safety,
     trained personnel at these companies can help you determine the
     best solution to your problem.


     	Many of us routinely use chemicals to exterminate insects or
     rodents.  Pesticides can be toxic to our avian friends.  Birds have
     died, for example, after being exposed to diazanon in products like

     	If your household also includes cats or dogs, fleas may have
     invaded your home.  When you bathe your cat or dog with
     flea-killing soap or five it a new flea collar, keep the animal
     away from your birds; the flea-killing fumes are toxic to birds. 
     If you fog for insects in one part of the house, turn off your
     central air-conditioning or heating system, and put your birds in
     an area where they can avoid exposure.  Better yet, get them
     completely out of the house for 48 hours.  I take my birds to work
     when the pest-control people treat my home.

     	You can control insects and other pest without poisoning your
     birds, if you vacuum frequently, pick up spilled food immediately
     and use safe products.  Ask your avian veterinarian to advise you
     on which products to avoid and which to use.  Most professional
     exterminators will cooperate and work with your veterinarian. 
     Follow your veterinarian's suggestions exactly.  Do not vary from
     your exterminator's instructions; if instructed to remove birds
     from your house during spraying or fogging, do not return them
     earlier than the prescribed time.


     	A bird's air sacs comprise and extensive area of its inner body. 
     Because the exchange surface of the avian lung is a least 10 times
     greater than the human lung, the potential for absorbing harmful
     pollutants is much greater in birds that in humans.  Keeping birds
     in certain rooms in our homes, such as kitchens and bathrooms,
     increases their chances of breathing airborne contaminants.  If you
     must house your bird in one of those rooms, remove the bird before
     you use potentially poisonous substances, such as oven cleaner or
     toilet bowl cleaner.

     	When we do projects around the house, we may forget that the
     chemicals we use may seriously harm or kill our feathered friends. 
     A friend of mine was stripping some wood furniture in the company
     of her Amazon parrot, Poncho.  Fortunately she noticed that her
     bird was having trouble breathing.  She quickly placed him outside
     in fresh air and called her avian veterinarian for assistance.  Now
     when my friend strips furniture, she does it outside without

     	If you enjoy home craftwork, saw work, making model airplanes and
     paint with oil-based paints, do it without the company of your pet
     birds.  Taking my own advice, I have switched from oils to
     watercolors when I get the creative urge to paint.  Do not use nail
     polish (acetate) or nail polish remover (acetone) in an area where
     your birds can inhale the fumes.  Avoid using hair spray or other
     aerosols.  I have replaced aerosols in my home with pump-style or
     roll-on products.  Avoid using any spray chemical that might
     endanger your birds; spray starch for example contains ammonia and
     other toxic chemicals.

     	If a human might react negatively to a product, a bird will be
     even more negatively affected.  Most anything poisonous to humans
     is poisonous to birds.  If you doubt the toxicity of the product,
     do not use it around birds.  Remove them from the environment
     whenever you clean house or paint your home.

     	My blue and gold macaw, KoKo enjoys following me around the
     house.  Normally, I allow him to do this, except when I clean my
     home.  He demonstrates his anger by screaming at me.  He does not
     understand that waxes, polish, bleach and other aids to cleaning
     and disinfecting can have harmful fumes, which should not be
     inhaled by birds.  Many oven cleaners, for example contain lye. 
     Additionally, do not expose you birds to odors from pool and spa
     chemicals, such as chlorine.


     	We can help reduce the airborne pollutants in out home in
     several ways.  Use potentially harmful products, such as Teflon
     pans and gas-fueled space heaters, with caution.  Eliminate
     unnecessary items, such as tobacco products, and replace unsafe
     items such as nonstick burner top plates with those that you can
     use safely.  Do your craft or handyman projects outdoors or in
     areas where your birds will not be exposed.

     	Using an air cleaner may also help lower the level of
     contaminants in the home.  Many different types of air cleaners can
     effectively remove dust particles and floating bacteria and fungi
     that can cause respiratory problems in birds.

     	Decorating your home with hanging plants low in pollen can also
     effectively clean the air in your home.  Choose foliage nontoxic to
     birds, such as spider plants and pothos.  Not only will you add to
     the beauty of your home, but you will assist in purifying the air.

     	Routinely airing your home by opening your windows is the
     cheapest and most effective solution to indoor pollution.  Leaving
     some windows open a crack all the time is an excellent idea.  Just
     make sure that your pet birds are not in the path of a draft or
     fluctuations in temperature.

     	Educate yourself on the dangers of airborne contaminants.  The
     October 1985 issue of Consumer Reports described many of these
     dangers in the article "Indoor Air Pollution."  You can learn even
     more by writing the U.S. Environmental Protection agency, 401 M St.
     S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 or the U.S. Consumer Products Safety
     Commission, 5401 Westbard St., Bethesda, MD 20207.  Include a
     legal-size self addressed, stamped envelope.

     	Signs of illness in a bird that has inhaled toxic fumes can
     include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, convulsions, lack of
     coordination, loss of balance, breathing difficulties (increased
     respiratory rate, coughing, sneezing, openmouthed breathing, noisy
     breathing), lethargy, depression, behavioral changes, seizures,
     shock and death.  The inhaling of any toxic material in birds is
     life threatening.  If your pet birds exhibit any of these signs or
     have been in contact with airborne contaminants, place the bird in
     fresh air, and contact your avian veterinarian immediately.

     	Losing a cherished pet bird is a painful experience.  Keeping
     your feathered friends safe from contaminations in the air should
     be a routine part of birdkeeping and need not affect your
     lifestyle adversely.  Being aware of known toxins, recognizing
     potentially poisonous substances educating family members and
     exercising simple precautions can prevent tragedy.