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Conference noted::bicycle

Title: Bicycling
Notice:Bicycling for Fun
Created:Mon Apr 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3214
Total number of notes:31946

59.0. "Help for a novice" by RAINBO::CRITZ (R. Scott Critz) Tue May 13 1986 16:31

	I'm a real novice when it comes to bikes. I bought a Varsity
    	back in 1981 to ride to campus, and that's my current set of
    	wheels. Unfortunately, I haven't touched the bike in two years.
    	So, the other day, after we bought out daughter a new bike for
    	her birthday, I took my bike apart to get it back in shape
    	for riding.
    	My basic problem is that I always have trouble when it comes
    	to doing anything with the wheels: tightening spokes, aligning
    	a wheel, changing tire and tube so that there's no bulge. Pretty,
    	tame stuff, I know. But that's where I am so far.
    	I need some basic idea of the best way to do the various
    	maintenance, etc., for a bike. Are there any good books that
    	are helpful, or should I just use the trial and error method
    	(which is basically what I do now).
59.1Local shops (or me)MENTOR::REGa remote control for my foot ?Wed May 14 1986 18:269
    	Where are you located ?   I can usually be talked into showing
    folks which end of a wrench bites, how to mount tires, and how to
    true wheels.   Else you could approach local shops, although it
    would seem contrary to their best interests many of them run
    "tune_up_clinics" for a nominal sum, sometimes for free.
59.2How about the DEC tune-up clinic?KELVIN::CGORDONWed May 14 1986 18:454
    Speaking of tune_up_clinics.... might I suggest you attend the DEC
    Bike Club Meeting on the 27th (see note 57.0)?  We're having a
    speaker who will cover many of the simple adjustments & repairs...
    see you there?
59.3Thanks for the helpMOSAIC::CRITZR. Scott CritzWed May 14 1986 18:5415
 	Thanks for the responses. Keith Woestehoff deleted his response
    	because I was going to delete the note, but too late. Anyway...
    	RE: .1
    	I live in the south end of Nashua, about 1 1/2 miles from ZKO.
    	I appreciate any help, although I won't presume to ask you to
    	travel all the way to NH.
    	RE: .2
    	I may take you up on the meeting. My wife is an I.V. nurse and
    	works nights and we only have one car, so I may not be able to
    	attend (although it sounds like the ticket along with the books
    	mentioned in note 31.)
59.4For starters...SHIVER::JPETERSJohn Peters, DTN 266-4391Wed May 14 1986 19:143
    Anybody's Bike Book, by Tom Cuthbertson, is a fine populist text...
59.5MENTOR::REGa remote control for my foot ?Wed May 14 1986 20:1215
    re .0 thru .2   How stooopid of me to have forgotten the last tuesday
    of the month !
    re .3	If you have the tools then southern N.H. isn't that
    far for me to come show you how to use them, i.e. I would make a
    ride out of the trip.  If you are without ANY bike maintenance tools
    then it would mean me coming by car, at that point I would probably
    bring EVERYTHING.  Lemme see what's coming up on my calendar work
    wise, if I have a "reasonable" excuse to be in ZK area soon I'll
    let you know and we can arrange something.
    		(I'll continue this via mail)