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Conference noted::bicycle

Title: Bicycling
Notice:Bicycling for Fun
Created:Mon Apr 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3214
Total number of notes:31946

659.0. "New England Race Schedule " by DISSRV::WESTER () Wed May 11 1988 12:50

    For those of you who are interested I have the 1988 NEBRA race
    schedule.  It contains a list of about 60 races, both citizen and
    USCF, with names and addresses of the people you can contact to
    preregister.  The races run from May thru October.  If you want
    a copy let me know your name and mailstop.
659.1race scheduleDISSRV::WESTERFri May 13 1988 19:3130
    Well, race fans, the good news is I sent out the list to several
    of you who responded quickly to my note.  The bad news is I'm not
    sending out anymore copies.
    The reason is that this year NEBRA is asking for contributions to
    help support their efforts.  I didn't know this until yesterday
    so in fairness I can't send any more copies.  
    In order to get on their mailing list, they ask for a contribution.  
    In return you get an updated race schedule (more complete than the one
    I sent out) and 4 more newsletters.
    So, if you want to get the newsletter and the new schedule send
    $3 to $5 to:
                  Alice Peck
               NEBRA Secretary
         2271 Washington St. Suite E
             Newton, MA 02162
    BTW Tour De Lowell is coming up soon and there are over 700 entrants
    already! May 29 is the day of the race and it's a 30 mile road race
    for the citizens and a criterium for USCF 3's and higher.  there
    are applications available from the Lowell Sun.
    See you there!