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Posting history for user KEYWST::GRIFFITH

5 notes across 1 conferences

Summary of Posts

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Conference Title
beatle::beatles5The Beatles

Conference beatle::beatles (The Beatles)

5 posts
TOPIC 55.0 Beatle CD releases for November
55.8Mon Nov 30 1987 16:09 All of the Best... 17 lines
TOPIC 56.0 What are they worth $$$
56.8Thu Dec 03 1987 16:16 Some more $$$$... 16 lines
TOPIC 73.0 What if....
73.11Thu Dec 31 1987 09:13 The British Invasion... 38 lines
TOPIC 213.0 Back in the USSR: Album
213.6Thu Jan 26 1989 11:13 Back In the USSR... 13 lines
TOPIC 215.0 Beatle Bootlegs - why ???
215.12Thu Jan 26 1989 11:06 Releasing the unreleased... 51 lines

Additional information

First Post:Mon Nov 30 1987
Last Post:Thu Jan 26 1989
# Topics:0
# Replies:5
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