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Posting history for user HURON::$LBIS

8 notes across 1 conferences

Summary of Posts

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Conference Title
solvit::seic_imaging8SEIC IMAGING

Conference solvit::seic_imaging (SEIC IMAGING)

8 posts
TOPIC45.0Mon May 03 1993 19:29 Plexus lives on... 88 lines
TOPIC46.0Mon May 03 1993 19:33 Plexus Sales Kit 21 lines
46.1Mon May 03 1993 19:40 Introduction 41 lines
46.2Mon May 03 1993 19:41 Imageflow datasheet 98 lines
46.3Mon May 03 1993 19:41 Plexus component datasheet 167 lines
46.4Mon May 03 1993 19:42 Sample 10 user quote - under $100K 211 lines
46.5Mon May 03 1993 19:45 "Video, promotional material, demos" 13 lines
TOPIC47.0Mon May 03 1993 19:37 Plexus, most common questions.... 79 lines

Additional information

First Post:Mon May 03 1993
Last Post:Mon May 03 1993
# Topics:3
# Replies:5
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