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Posting history for user DEBUG::RATHER

5 notes across 2 conferences

Summary of Posts

Click on conference filespec to scroll down to
Conference Title
marvin::rou20003DECrouter 2000
spezko::cluster2+ OpenVMS Clusters - The best clusters in the world! +

Conference spezko::cluster (+ OpenVMS Clusters - The best clusters in the world! +)

2 posts
TOPIC1549.0Fri May 04 1990 20:10 help help 12 lines
1549.2Sat May 05 1990 18:38 thanks for the quick response 1 lines

Conference marvin::rou2000 (DECrouter 2000)

3 posts
TOPIC404.0Wed Jan 10 1996 21:27 demsa to datamizer 12 lines
404.2Mon Jan 15 1996 17:57 "Help if you can" 7 lines
404.4Mon Jan 15 1996 18:46 1 lines

Additional information

First Post:Fri May 04 1990
Last Post:Mon Jan 15 1996
# Topics:2
# Replies:3
# We have note bodies for:0
Total memory used by this script: 767,768 (2,097,152)