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Conference rdvax::grateful

Title:Take my advice, you'd be better off DEAD
Notice:It's just a Box of Rain
Created:Thu Jan 03 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:580
Total number of notes:60238

190.0. "oops" by BLITZN::MCLAUGHLINC () Fri Sep 06 1991 18:24

   Sorry folks. I could swear I was replying to 187, because I went through the
whole avn reply procedure and just as I was sending it off, my modem went into
garbage mode and disconnected my session, and I then I find I went and started
a new note. Thanks to the mods for being understandable.

190.1CSLALL::HENDERSONHand me my old guitar...Fri Sep 06 1991 18:3210

  And I replied to it!

190.2not such a bad topic after all, huh Jim !MSHRMS::FIELDSok 1 2 3 take a step backFri Sep 06 1991 18:415
    yeah but this one had a title this time Jim !
    hey not bad and OPPPS note ! do we need one ?
190.3we definitely need an oops note w/ Jim around! :-)LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTOchild of countless dreamsFri Sep 06 1991 18:507
>  And I replied to it!

	is this supposed to be a suprise to us?  :-)

190.4CSLALL::HENDERSONHand me my old guitar...Fri Sep 06 1991 19:1613

RE:      <<< Note 190.3 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
            -< we definitely need an oops note w/ Jim around!  :-) >-

>	is this supposed to be a suprise to us?  :-)

        Why I oughtta....;^)
190.5i won't, but you should... :^)ROULET::DWESTDont Overlook Something ExtraordinaryFri Sep 06 1991 19:363
    yeah, i agree Jim...  you oughtta!  :^)
    				da ve
190.6LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTOchild of countless dreamsFri Sep 06 1991 19:485

	careful there Jim, he's siding with you in hopes you'll 
	forget he was in on it too!  :-)

190.7:^) :^) :^)ROULET::DWESTDont Overlook Something ExtraordinaryFri Sep 06 1991 19:506
    Lisa my dear,
    i have no idea what you're talking about...  do you Phyllis???
    				da ve
190.8TERAPN::PHYLLISWake, now discover..Fri Sep 13 1991 13:314
    Certainly not. 
190.9CSLALL::HENDERSONHand me my old guitar...Fri Sep 13 1991 14:004

    Right.  :^)
190.10SORRYAUNTB::MEIERSWed Oct 30 1991 00:193
                                              RUSTY I GUESS
190.11lowercase is kindESASE1::JCFERGUSONGuinness is good for you.Wed Oct 30 1991 06:5115
>                      <<< Note 190.10 by AUNTB::MEIERS >>>
>                                   -< SORRY >->
>                                              RUSTY I GUESS

	ah, hmm, how do I say this kindly?  well, i'll just be direct:

	"use mixed case when writing notes"

	due to a video terminal's limitation in displaying expression,
	UPPERCASE is considered shouting...

190.12In my best Homer voice-Doooooo17576::BURNShow's 'bout a war on violence!Thu Apr 21 1994 11:268
    Ooooppps, sorry 'bout that last s/m. It's been awhile since I last did
    one and I guess I forgot to specify the note # :^0 
    To boot, I did this while showing Dave B. how to do a s/m :^O 
    Mebe next time :^)
190.13SLOHAN::FIELDSStrange BrewThu Apr 21 1994 12:081
    so Andy, what were you sending us anyway ?