T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
104.1 | | GR8FUL::WHITE | She sang a little while... | Tue Jan 15 1991 16:31 | 32 |
Three nuns are walking down the beach, when one of them stubs her
toe on something in the sand. She digs it out, and lo and behold it's a
lamp with a cork in the top. She rubs it, and the cork pops out and
there springs a genie to life before them.
The genie says, "ok, each of you gets a wish".
So the first nun says, "well I don't really need much in the way of
worldly wealth, all my needs are met, and I have wont for nothing. But
if I could ask for anything, I'd ask for twice as much wisdom as I now
The genie says, "so be it". Poof! The first nun looks happy.
So the second nun says, "well, I have no needs either, the church
has provided for all of my needs. But I, too, lack wisdom. Let me have
five times more wisdom".
The genie says, "so be it". Poof! The second nun looks very happy.
So the third nun says, "well, I have a great need for wisdom. Please
bless me with seven times more wisdom".
The genie says, "are you sure? Do you know what you are asking for?"
And the third nun says, "yes! Seven times more wisdom".
The genie says, "so be it". Poof! ...
The third nun becomes a man.
104.2 | Deja vu... | AOXOA::STANLEY | A kinder, more gullible nation... | Tue Jan 15 1991 16:44 | 5 |
| re: <<< Note 104.1 by GR8FUL::WHITE "She sang a little while..." >>>
> The third nun becomes a man.
104.3 | Nunsense | SHKDWN::TAYLOR | Nothing shakin' | Tue Jan 15 1991 18:49 | 5 |
104.4 | No problem Quasimodo ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Smilin' on a cloudy day | Tue Jan 15 1991 20:35 | 50 |
| Quasimodo was looking to retire, and thought he should hire an
apprentice bell-ringer to train for the position after he left. So he
hung a sign in front of Notre Dame Cathedral ...
Now there's this kid living down the street who's a hunchback just like
Quasimodo, but he doesn't have any arms. Since Quasimodo had been his
role model all his life, he eagerly applied for the job. Quasimodo had
some reservations about all this, and told the kid so. "How can you
ring the bells, you don't have any arms?" But the kid replied "no
problem Quasimodo" and agreed to a trial run.
So Quasimodo takes him up to the bell tower to ring the 10 o'clock
bell. He shows the kid the ropes and started the countdown. As 10
o'clock arrived, the kid takes a running leap and ... "BONG" ... he
strikes the bell with his face. Smiling, even though he's got a bloody
nose, he asks Quasimodo if he has the job. Quasimodo wasn't sure the
kid could handle it, and asks him to come back in two hours to ring the
larger, noon bell.
So in two hours the kid arrives, and they climb up the tower. His nose
looks better, but Quasimodo still expresses some reservations. The kid
takes one look at the bell and exclaimed "no problem, Quasimodo". Noon
arrives and the kid takes a gigantic leap into the air and SMASHES the
bell with his face ... "BONNNNGGG". He slides to the floor, gazes up
at Quasimodo with a black eye and one tooth missing, and asks if he's
got the job. Quasimodo is impressed, but figures he'd better give the
kid one final test. "Come back for the 6 o'clock bell, it's the
biggest one in the cathedral. If you can handle that one, you've got
the job."
So the kid comes back and they climb the highest tower in Notre Dame.
As six o'clock approaches Quasimodo asked him again "you sure you can
handle this?" The kid looks at him through his one good eye and
replies "no problem, Quasimodo". At six o'clock sharp the kid backs
up to the edge of the tower, takes a running leap, misses the bell
completely and falls to the ground below.
A crowd gathers around his crumpled body. "Who is he" the crowd wants
to know. Someone replies ...
... "I don't know, but he's a dead ringer for Quasimodo".
Just then, Quasimodo pushes his way through the crowd. As he stands
over the kid's body the constable asked him if he knows the who it is.
Quasimodo replies ...
... "I'm not sure, but his face rings a bell".
104.5 | A riddle from Bobby | AD::VAUK | sleep in the stars | Wed Jan 16 1991 18:55 | 6 |
| Here is a riddle I just heard on my tape of Fillmore East 14/FEB/70:
"If you cross an octopus with a pig what do you get?"
"If you cross an octopus with a pig - here's what you get - you get a
football that throws itself - howz about that"
104.6 | | SCCAT::STEINBECK | At least I'm enjoying the ride | Wed Jan 16 1991 22:18 | 4 |
| The 1991 Kuwaiti calandar just came out.
It goes from January 1 to January 15 and the rest of the pages are
104.7 | | MSHRMS::FIELDS | A TIME 4 PEACE,I SWEAR ITS NOT 2LATE | Thu Jan 17 1991 16:52 | 114 |
| David Letterman's "Top 10 things Saddam Hussein has to do
between now and tomorrow":
10. Call about a will.
9. Get the best damn earplugs money can buy.
8. Try the McRibs (they're for a limited time only).
7. Make a week of appearances on "The Match Game".
6. Take some time to stop and smell the camels.
5. Get Bat Signal to work.
4. R.S.V.P. "No" to that wedding invitation from Duluth, Minn.
3. Take New York City cab driver's test.
2. Shower.
And the top thing he has do ...
1. Fill out Postal Service change of address card for hell.
National Lampoon's True Facts Calendar - 1991
1/4/91 - A prisoner at the Pasco County Jail in Port Richey,
Florida, began an escape attempt by hiding in a gar-
bage can. He was discovered during roll call, how-
ever, when he heard his name and compulsively called
out "Here!".
1/5/91 - Scientists at Kansas State University claim they have
crossed the tomato with the potato to produce a hybrid
plant that produces tubers underground as well as a
small, yellow, seedless fruit that smells like a tom-
ato. However, says plant physiologist James Shepard,
researchers suspect the new fruit may be poisonous.
1/6/91 - Performing in Cape Town, South Africa, swordsman El
Hakim asked a volunteer from the audience to check the
sharpness of his sword's blade. But before Hakim could
explain exactly what he expected, the volunteer took
the sword and plunged it into Hakim's back. "I guess
he just misunderstood", said Hakim after recovering.
1/7/91 - During the Dublin, Ireland, performance of the oper-
etta H.M.S. Pinafore, actor Alan Devlin suddenly stop-
ped as he was singing "I Am the Ruler of the Queen's
Navee." The orchestra stopped also, and the audience
heard Devlin mutter, "Oh, dash this, I'm going home."
Devlin then climbed off the stage and walked out of
the theater, taking off his admiral's uniform as he
went. Devlin later said he was considering some ot-
her field of work.
1/8/91 - A woman called police in Huntington Beach, CA, to re-
port that her home had been ransacked. Investigators
learned that the mess had been caused by the woman's
daughter, who was having trouble finding something to
wear to school.
1/9/91 - This item appeared in the Farm Paper Letter, a public-
ation of the US Department of Agriculture: "Sam Katz,
once with the USDA's kumquat division, later with the
tung nut division, and more recently with the mung
bean division, may switch to the kiwi fruit division
after the first of the year".
1/10/91- Bandits trying to break into an office in Rome for a
payroll robbery fired a sub-machine-gun burst at the
lock, but still did not manage to knock down the door.
Finally, they gave up and fled. Police said they had
been pulling at the door instead of pushing.
1/11/91- After insulting the DJ at a party in Salisbury, Eng-
land, Dr. John Parsons was asked to leave. Minutes
after leaving, however, Parsons startled party-goers
by plunging back into the house headfirst through the
glass porch door. He was tossed out again but ret-
urned a second time - headfirst through the living
room window. Parsons ran through the house, diving
out through one kitchen window and plunging back in
through another. Then he walked calmly away. Par-
sons was later arrested and fined $640 plus $180 to
replace the broken glass.
1/12/91- Dockworker John Kelly tried to fly across the River
Boyne in County Louth, Ireland, by jumping from a
high ramp with 2 turkeys strapped to his arms. After
falling into the river, Kelly said he would try again
using 4 turkeys.
1/13/91- From the Philadelphia Inquirer: a curious thing hap-
pened in Santiago, Chile, as Pope John Paul II was
addressing about 80K young people in a soccer stadium
Thursday. "Do you reject the idol of wealth?" asked
the pope. "Yes", came the response. "Do you reject
the idol of power?" he asked again. Again, "Yes"
came from the audience. Finally John Paul asked, "Do
you reject the idol of sex?" Back came a soft chorus
of "No". The pope made like he didn't notice and con-
tinued with his prepared remarks.
1/14/91- In a letter to the editors of Time magazine, Charles
R. Harris, executive director of the American Mushroom
Institute, objected to the cover shot of a mushroom
cloud on the 40th anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb-
ing. Mr. Harris wrote, "This comes at a time when the
American Mushroom Institute is beginning a campaign to
increase the consumption of mushrooms from 2.8 pounds
per capita to a much higher level".
104.8 | dog joke | JUPITR::OCONNORS | | Fri Jan 18 1991 01:16 | 20 |
| A man and his son are walking down the street when they see two dogs
going at it. The son says to his father, "Dad, what are they doing?"
The father replies, "They're making puppies son".
Later that day the boy unexpectedly bursts into his parents bedroom
while they are doing it..and says, "Hey Dad what are you two doing?"
The father replies, "We're making babies son".
To which the son replies:
"Turn her around dad, I'd rather have a puppy"
104.9 | myth maybe | ISLNDS::CLARK | bad moon arising | Tue Jan 22 1991 15:07 | 12 |
| [forwards removed]
1/18/91 - A judge admonished the Radnor, PA police from pret-
ending that a Xerox copy machine was a lie detector.
Officers had placed a metal colander on the head of
a suspect and attached the colander to the copier
with metal wires. In the copy machine was a type-
message which read "He's lying". According to UPI,
"Each time investigators received answers they did
not fancy, they pushed the copy button. Out came
the message, "He's lying"." Apparently convinced
the machine was accurate, the suspect confessed.
104.10 | Ouch | NEMAIL::DENTON | All beings are always already happy | Wed Jan 23 1991 16:53 | 6 |
| A man finds out from his doctor that he only has 8 hours to live. He
rushes home and asks his wife to make love with him. He makes love to
her once, twice, three times. Finally they fall asleep. Later he
wakes up and tries to get her to make love again. She refuses saying,
"Give me a break, some of us have to get up in the morning!"
104.11 | StuporBowl Humor | ISLNDS::CLARK | bad moon arising | Fri Jan 25 1991 13:58 | 9 |
| {forwarding headers removed}
U.S. Intelligence sources have confirmed that as early
as last October, Saddam Hussein planned to launch a
SCUD missile attack on the Super Bowl.
He knew it was the one site guaranteed NOT to have Patriots.
104.12 | Nasrudin Story | VIA::HEFFERNAN | Juggling Fool | Fri Jan 25 1991 15:46 | 21 |
| Nasrudin was rumoured to have great wisdom so he was invited by the
people to the mosque. He arrived and said to everyone, "Do you know
what I am going to say?". And they said, "No". So Nasrudin said,
"If you are too ignorant to know what I was going to say, then you
wouldn't have understood it anyway." And he left.
But the people really wanted to hear what Nasrudin had to say so they
invited him back next week. And again he asked, "Tell me people, do
you know what I am going to say?" And they said, "Yes." And he said,
"Well, since you know what I am going to say, then there's no point in
me saying it and he left."
But the people thought they had a way to get him to impart his wisdom
so they invited him back the next week to the mosque. Again, Nasrudin
said, "Do you know what I am going to say?" And half the people said
"Yes" and half the people said "No". So Nasrudin said, "Well those
of you that know can tell the other half that don't know." And he
104.13 | | AOXOA::STANLEY | Something new is waiting to be born... | Fri Jan 25 1991 18:37 | 5 |
| (Forwarding Addresses Deleted)
AP - "Saddam Hussein today bragged on public television about the
success of his SCUD missiles. He claims he has been able to down
almost every Patriot missile the Allies have fired."
104.14 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | bad moon arising | Mon Jan 28 1991 17:09 | 9 |
| {forwarding headers removed}
"We SHELL not EXXONerate Saddam Hussein for his actions. We will
MOBILize to meet this threat to our vital interests in the Persian
GULF until an AMOCOcable solution is reached. Our strategy is to
BPrepared. Failing that, we ARCOming to kick your ass, even if it
takes 76 years."
- President "It's Not Just for Oil" Bush
104.15 | | AIMHI::KELLER | | Mon Jan 28 1991 17:25 | 2 |
| Hell No we won't go
We won't die for Texaco
104.16 | McDonnell Douglas Warranty Card | BINKLY::SIEGEL | In the end, there's just a song | Mon Jan 28 1991 18:16 | 189 |
M M DDDD ll ll
MM MM D D l l
M M M M D D l l
M M M ccc D D ooo n nn n nn eee l l
M M c c D D o o nn n nn n e e l l
M M c D D o o n n n n eeeee l l
M M c c D D o o n n n n e l l
M M ccc DDDD ooo n n n n eee lll lll
D D l
D D l aaa
D D ooo u u ggg l a ssss
D D o o u u g g l aa a s
D D o o u u g g l a aa sss
D D o o u uu g gg l a a s
DDDD ooo uu u gg g lll aaa a ssss
Important! Important!
Please fill out and mail this card within 10 days of purchase
Thank you for purchasing a McDonnell Douglas military aircraft. In
order to protect your new investment, please take a few moments to
fill out the warranty registration card below. Answering the survey
questions is not required, but the information will help us to develop
new products that best meet your needs and desires.
1. _Mr. _Mrs. _Ms. _Miss _Lt. _Gen. _Comrade _Classified _Other
First Name____________________Initial____Last Name_________________________
Altitude________________________Password, Code Name, Etc.__________________
2. Which model aircraft did you purchase?
_F-14 Tomcat _F-15 Eagle _F-16 Falcon _F-19A Stealth _Classified
3. Date of purchase: Month___________Day___________Year____________
4. Serial Number____________________
5. Please check where this product was purchased:
_Received as Gift/Aid Package
_Catalog Showroom
_Sleazy Arms Broker
_Mail Order
_Discount Store
_Government Surplus
6. Please check how you became aware of the McDonnell Douglas product you
have just purchased:
_Heard loud noise, looked up
_Store Display
_Recommended by friend/relative/ally
_Political lobbying by Manufacturer
_Was attacked by one
7. Please check the three (3) factors which most influenced your
decision to purchase this McDonnell Douglas product:
_Recommended by salesperson
_McDonnell Douglas Reputation
_Advanced Weapons Systems
_Back-Room Politics
_Negative experience opposing one in combat
8. Please check the location(s) where this product will be used:
_North America
_Central/South America
_Aircraft Carrier
_Middle East
_Asia/Far East
_Misc. Third-World Countries
9. Please check the products that you currently own, or intend to purchase
in the near future:
Product Own Intend to purchase
Color TV
Killer Satellite
CD Player
Air-to-Air Missiles
Space Shuttle
Home Computer
Nuclear Weapon
10. How would you describe yourself or your organization? Check all
that apply:
_Crazed (Islamic)
_Crazed (Other)
_Corrupt (Latin American)
_Corrupt (Other)
11. How did you pay for your McDonnell Douglas product?
_Suitcases of Cocaine
_Oil Revenues
_Deficit Spending
_Personal Check
_Credit Card
_Ransom Money
_Traveler's Check
12. Occupation You Your Spouse
Middle Management
Eccentric Billionaire
Defense Minister/General
13. To help us understand our Customers' lifestyles, please indicate
the interests and activities in which you and your spouse enjoy
participating on a regular basis:
Activity/Interest You Your Spouse
Default on Loans
Black Market/Smuggling
Watching Sports on TV
Household Pets
Crushing Rebellions
Fashion Clothing
Border Disputes
Mutually Assured Destruction
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Your
answers will be used in market studies that will help McDonnell
Douglas serve you better in the future -- as well as allowing you to
receive mailings and special offers from other companies, governments,
extremist groups, and mysterious consortia.
Comments or suggestions about our fighter planes? Please write to:
Marketing Department
Military Aerospace Division
P.O. Box 800
St. Louis, MO 55500
104.17 | OH, it's a *joke*! :-) | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Mon Jan 28 1991 18:17 | 8 |
You're kidding ... Bush said "*ss"? Was this really on TV?
Hmmn, I must have been too caught up in the super bowl ....
PS. sorry Adam ;^)
104.18 | | BINKLY::SIEGEL | In the end, there's just a song | Mon Jan 28 1991 19:24 | 6 |
| re: <<< Note 104.17 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
> -< OH, it's a *joke*! :-) >-
> PS. sorry Adam ;^)
I'm not *that* dumb!
104.19 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Jan 29 1991 10:48 | 11 |
> I'm not *that* dumb!
No, you're not Adam. I noticed you stayed clear of all the
DECHeads until breaktime Saturday night. Perhaps you were
hoping that by that time our thirts would be satified and
we'd forget that you were *supposed* to buy us all drinks?
No such luck huh? :-)
104.20 | | BOSOX::HENDERSON | Don't go near that river | Tue Jan 29 1991 11:19 | 12 |
| RE: <<< Note 104.19 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
> hoping that by that time our thirts would be satified and
Alright. Whatsa thirt?
104.21 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Jan 29 1991 14:09 | 9 |
> Alright. Whatsa thirt?
sawwy, eckthuse me.
You should know what a thirt is, why look down, aren't you wearing one? :-)
104.22 | it was a weird night - i did a lot of sitting down | BINKLY::SIEGEL | In the end, there's just a song | Tue Jan 29 1991 16:12 | 15 |
| re: <<< Note 104.19 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
> No, you're not Adam. I noticed you stayed clear of all the
> DECHeads until breaktime Saturday night. Perhaps you were
> hoping that by that time our thirts would be satified and
> we'd forget that you were *supposed* to buy us all drinks?
No, it's just that Tina is such a better conversationalist! :-)
And what about the Wild Turkey *you* forgot to bring inside? It doesn't do
much good in the car unless you put it in the gas tank!
try again next time..
104.23 | Silly rabbit..... | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Jan 29 1991 16:48 | 7 |
Adam my friend, you are welcome to walk into a bar carrying little nip bottles
of your favorite alchohol but I do not intend to ever try it. :-)
104.24 | real men buy SPARCstations | ISLNDS::CLARK | the doublespeak decade | Wed Jan 30 1991 14:43 | 62 |
| {forwarding headers removed}
Hi elboids! I'm back! I'll be preparing a trip report soon, but first
I thot I'd let y'all see this tid-bit I got from my boss:
___ _____ ___
/ \ | | | | | | | | | / \
| | | |\ | |\ | | | | |
\___ | | | \ | | \ | |___ | | \___
\ | | | \ | | \ | | \ / \
| | | | \| | \| | \ /\ / |
\___/ \____/ | | | | |____ \/ \/ \___/
November 8, 1990
Real Americans talk About Why They Chose the Sun
SPARCstation 2000 (tm)
"Wow - with a workstation that powerful, I could get twice as
much milking done."
- Mrs. Elaine Noose, Scumwater, Oklahoma
"Out here on the farm, you really learn to appreciate the value
of good graphics resolution."
- Ted Lumplin, Brat's Head, Nebraska
"After we lost most of our cattle stock to pellegra, our barn
burned down. After that, Joe got himself caught in the thresher
and lost most of his body hair. Then the banks foreclosed. It
sure was a comfort to know that we had 28 MIPs of power to see us
through hard times."
- Darrell LaQuench, Pine Agony, Maine
"I believe that Virtual Quilting, using high-speed networking
services, will be the wave of the future."
- Mrs. Jane Dobrynin, Fleughh, Utah
"Last week we had a fella from Digital come out and look at the
soybean crop. After 20 minutes, Ma chased him off and threw his
keyboard out the window. We`re from old Norwegian stock, and we
know a thing or two about bus controllers."
- Buck Flange, Arkansas, Texas
Why has the SPARCstation 2000 caught the imagination of the Amer-
ican working man and working woman like no other computer in its
class? Maybe it's the extra features, like the padded Corinthean
leather screen, or the safety air bag that inflates when the
typing buffer gets too full. Maybe it's the tradition of honest
service and free doughnuts. Then again, maybe not.
Sun Microsystems. A Step Ahead of Your Cows.
104.25 | across the fence | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Wed Jan 30 1991 16:13 | 11 |
| re .-1
Ha, ha! In fact, many farms make extensive use of computers. Some
farms even tag their cows with bar coded tags which are read by an
automated feed station. Feed can be changed depending on age, weight,
production, health, and position in the ovulation cycle (didja know
that cows don't lactate all the time? Give or take a few stomachs,
they work a lot like distaff humans!). Various feeds can be stored in
bins and be automatically mixed into a personalized meal for each cow!
104.26 | Gooodeeevening! | ENGINE::MOLLENHAUER | | Thu Jan 31 1991 18:36 | 8 |
| Three vampires walk into a bar. The bartender walks over and the
first vampire says, "Ill have a glass of blood".
The second vampire says, "I'll have a glass of blood too."
The third vampire says, "And I'll have a glass of plasma."
The bartender says, "OK so thats two bloods and a blood lite."
104.28 | | AD::VAUK | sleep in the stars | Thu Jan 31 1991 21:55 | 14 |
| To the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies' theme-
Won'tcha listen to a story 'bout a man named Jerry
A young, bearded hippie from the Haight-Ashbury
But then one day when he was lightin' up a smoke
Along came a guy who asked him for a toke
Bob that was. Flowing hair. Peaceful vibes.
Well the first thing ya know, the boys had made a sound
The kinfolk said, "Let's follow them around!"
They said "Here's a band we can worship faithfully !"
So they signed a record deal and were singing Gratefully.
Dead that is. Skull decals. Tie-dyes, yeah......
104.29 | | AIMHI::KELLER | | Fri Feb 01 1991 12:28 | 7 |
104.30 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Fri Feb 01 1991 13:08 | 6 |
That's hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
104.31 | picture Micky in overalls and a straw hat | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Mon Feb 04 1991 18:53 | 4 |
| yah,.. pretty funny! :-)
104.32 | | TERPIN::SUSEL | Danced my feet down to the knees! | Wed Feb 06 1991 10:43 | 23 |
| what do you call a psychic dwarf that escaped from jail?
A small medium at large!
104.33 | Poor humor, but not offensive:-) (I hope) | AIMHI::KELLER | | Wed Feb 06 1991 11:18 | 5 |
| What does an agnostic dyslexic with insomnia do....
He sits up all night pondering the existence of DOG:-)
104.34 | | SPOCK::IRONS | Shadow boxin' the apocalypse | Wed Feb 06 1991 16:02 | 1 |
| Hey, Brucel's back!!
104.35 | | BEING::MIRABITO | It's so easy to slip | Wed Feb 06 1991 16:41 | 7 |
How come Cannibals won't eat clowns?
'cause they taste funny!
104.36 | your tax dollars at work | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Wed Feb 06 1991 17:35 | 11 |
| {forwarding headers removed}
The following excerpt from a recent "New York Times" editorial
concerns the U.S. Army's new Sergeant York air-defense gun:
"The weapon is a computerized, radar-guided pair of guns mounted on a
tank chassis. Designed to shoot down planes and helicopters, the weapon is
programmed to fire at whirring blades. In recent tests, the newsletter
"Defense Week" reports, the first production model ignored all the targets
presented to it...Instead, it zeroed in on what it considered a more promising
target: the exhaust fan in a nearby latrine."
104.37 | | DECXPS::HENDERSON | And the whistle is screamin' | Wed Feb 06 1991 18:05 | 19 |
| RE: <<< Note 104.35 by BEING::MIRABITO "It's so easy to slip" >>>
> How come Cannibals won't eat clowns?
> 'cause they taste funny!
HA HA HA HA HA :^) :^) :^)
104.38 | have it his way - special orders don't upset him | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Wed Feb 06 1991 19:04 | 15 |
| from rec.music.gdead
after the War is Over, the New World Order will be:
4 billion Big Macs
3 billion Large Fries
1 billion Onion Rings
4 billion Medium Pepsi Colas
2 billion of those neato lemon meringue pie slices
"is that for here or to go?"
(only those in The Right will get dessert.)
104.39 | I'll imagine desert | OURGNG::RYAN | Going where the wind blows | Wed Feb 06 1991 19:11 | 3 |
| I'm on The left, no desert, but can I have an after dindin smoke???
104.41 | Hahd Case of the munchies | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Is it just a waste of time? | Thu Feb 07 1991 15:33 | 3 |
| > More likely a before dinna smoke!
... if ya wanna chow *that* much food!
104.42 | Get your hot dogs here! | BEING::MIRABITO | It's so easy to slip | Thu Feb 07 1991 16:14 | 7 |
| The Dalai Lama walks up to a hot dog stand and says, "Make me
one with everything".
Just in case . . .
Dalai Lama - spiritual head of Lamaisam
104.43 | groaners!! | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Thu Feb 07 1991 16:58 | 30 |
| College is a fountain of Knowledge... and the students are there to drink.
Marriage is an institution... but who wants to spend thier life in an
Did you hear about the merger between Honeywell and Fairchild ? The new
company will be known as: Fairwell Honeychild
When a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?
The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that
1 out of 10 doctors is an idiot.
IBM: It may be slow, but it's hard to use.
Q: How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. The Universe spins the bulb, and the Zen master merely stays out
of the way.
How did the computer scientist die in the shower?
He read the directions on the shampoo: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
104.44 | | OURGNG::RYAN | Going where the wind blows | Thu Feb 07 1991 17:19 | 10 |
| When a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?
104.45 | moooooooo | CIVIC::ROBERTS | sing us a song | Thu Feb 07 1991 17:33 | 4 |
DC - is this the distasteful past :-) :-)
104.46 | | AD::VAUK | love will see you through | Fri Feb 08 1991 17:38 | 71 |
For years it has been believed that electric bulbs emitted
light. However, recent information has proven otherwise. Electric
headlight bulbs don't emit light; they suck dark. Thus, we will
call these bulbs DARK SUCKERS. The Dark Sucker Theory proves the
existence of dark, that dark has mass heavier than that of light,
and that dark is faster than light.
The BASIS OF THE DARK SUCKER THEORY is that electric bulbs
suck dark. Take for example the dark suckers in the room where
you are. There is less dark right next to them than there is
elesewhere. The larger the dark sucker, the greater its capacity
to suck dark. Dark suckers in a parking lot have a much greater
capacity than the ones in this room. As with all things, dark suckers
don't last forever. Once they are full of dark, they can no longer
suck. This is proven by the black spot on a full dark sucker.
white wick. You will notice that after first use, the wick turns
black, representing all the dark which has been sucked into it. If
you hold a pencil next to the wick of an operating candle, the tip
will turn black, because it got in the way of the dark flowing into
the candle. Unfortunately, these primitve dark suckers have a very
limited range.
There are also PORTABLE DARK SUCKERS. The bulbs in these
can't handle all of the dark by themselves, and must be aided by dark
storage unit(s) in the handle. When the dark storage unit is full,
it must be either emptied or replaced before the portable dark
sucker can operate again.
DARK HAS MASS: When dark goes into a dark sucker, friction
from this mass generates heat. Thus, it is not wise to touch an
operating dark sucker. Candles present a special problem as the
dark must travel into the solid wick, instead of through glass. This
generates a great amount of heat. Thus, it can be very dangerous to
touch an operating candle.
DARK IS ALSO HEAVIER THAN LIGHT: If you go swimming, just below the
surface of a lake you will see a lot of light. If you swim deeper
and deeper, you notice it slowly gets darker and darker. When you
reach a depth of approximately 50 feet, you are in total darkness.
This is because the heavier dark sinks to the bottom of the lake and
the lighter dark floats to the top.
The IMMENSE POWER OF DARK can be utilized to man's advantage.
We can collect the dark that has settled to the bottom of lakes, and
push it through turbines which generate electricity and helps push
dark to the ocean where it may be safely stored. Prior to turbines,
it was much more difficult to get dark from the rivers and lakes to
the ocean. The Indians recognized this problem and tried to solve
it. When on a river, in a canoe, traveling in the same direction as
the flow of dark, they paddled slowly, so as not to stop the flow of
dark; but when they traveled against the dark, they paddled quickly,
so as to help push the dark along its way.
Finally, we must prove that DARK IS FASTER THAN LIGHT. If you
were to stand in an illuminated room on front of a closed, dark closet,
then slowly open the closet door, you would see the light slowly enter
the closet; but since the dark is so fast, you would not be able to
see the dark leave the closet.
In conclusion, I would like to say that dark suckers make all
our lives much easier. So the next time you look at an electric bulb,
remember that it is indeed a dark sucker.
Credit to Randy Meers, Doug Dahlke, and Denny Goodrich.
104.47 | :^) :^) :^) | STRATA::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Fri Feb 08 1991 17:47 | 4 |
| why do i get the feeling that Jerry has been listening to "in the dark"
too much lately??????
da ve_who_isn't_being_suckered
104.48 | ...for anyone who has had to teach | NECSC::LEVY | Across the lazy river | Fri Feb 08 1991 19:35 | 14 |
| What's the difference between an Instructor and a Proctologist?
The Proctologist only has to look at one at a time!
104.49 | this is for you Phyllis | CIVIC::ROBERTS | sing us a song | Mon Feb 11 1991 15:58 | 6 |
What do you call five hundred Indians who have no apples?
Indianapolis 500
tadadahhh -
104.50 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Mon Feb 11 1991 17:15 | 8 |
| Type NEXT UNSEEN if you are offended by bad jokes. My apologies to those of
you using DECwindows Notes.
What do you call a prostitute's kids?
Brothel Sprouts.
104.51 | | AD::VAUK | love will see you through | Wed Feb 13 1991 12:45 | 10 |
From National Lampoon's True Facts Calendar-
52 year old Roseann Greco recently drew a 15 year sentence for the 1985
murer of her husband, Felix, in the driveway of their Long Island,
N.Y., home. She has repeatedly rammed him with their family car.
Greco was found competent to stand trial despite her insistence that
she had actually killed Mickey Mouse, the Disney cartoon character, who
she believed had taken over her husband's body.
104.52 | | DICKNS::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Wed Feb 13 1991 13:19 | 9 |
Is reality getting surreal or what? This is almost as strange as the
story about the woman in Texas who hired a hit man to kill her thirteen
year old daughter's cheerleading rival so the girl would be over come
with grief and drop out of the cheerleading tournament ..
Anyone remember the lyrics to Gomorrah?
104.53 | Pluto - God of the Underworld ... hmmmm .... | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Wed Feb 13 1991 13:34 | 6 |
| re < Note 104.51 by AD::VAUK "love will see you through" >
I guess if she actually believed it was WRONG to kill Mickey, then she should
be judged competent. I think Walt would've agreed.
- Dave
104.54 | | OCTOBR::GRABAZS | ain't no time to hate | Wed Feb 13 1991 13:53 | 9 |
| here's a typical 9 year old's joke for you - I think you
guys qualify ;-)
you know how when you look at a formation of geese flying
overhead, one side of the V is always longer than the other?
Do you know why that is?
Because there's more geese on that side
104.55 | Jim Bakker in the news | SSDEVO::RICHARD | Defender of Moral Turpitude | Wed Feb 13 1991 16:31 | 9 |
| Re -.1
That's good. I'll have to tell that to my five year old.
I heard the other day that Jim Bakker attempted to break out of prison, but
that the attempt was thwarted when he stopped in front of a surveilance camera
to ask for money.
104.56 | | DICKNS::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Wed Feb 13 1991 16:45 | 1 |
| :-)
104.57 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Thu Feb 14 1991 15:59 | 97 |
| (Kinda ironic this is making the rounds, seeing as The Sun just recently
reported that NASA has discovered a Ford pickup truck floating in space. The
truck, by the way, was still running, and had a few beer cans and a shotgun
inside. NASA denies the discovery; it was uncovered by a "European space
- Dave
<multiple forwards deleted>
The following message was written by a couple of guys at the University of
Dayton. Unfortunately, they don't have access to News. But it would be a
pity if this wasn't shared with with world. (their permission was given, of
Recently I have been pestered with a series of deeply scientific
questions...All evolving out of the age old question.....
If you're driving at the speed of Light and you turn your headlights
on..What happens?
These were quickly followed by
If you're driving at the speed of light and you.....
...Turn your radio on....What station do you get?
...Hit an on-coming freight train....
...Stick your head out the window....
...Turn on the windshield washer jets....
...Honk your horn....
...Downshift into first....
These are all fascinating (and deeply disturbed) questions. But let
us assume that you get a car that can travel the speed of light and you begin
to unravel these age-old mysteries...WHEN SUDDENLY...You are faced with an even
more dreadful question
If you're driving at the speed of light and get pulled over by
an Oakwood Taxi-cop....What kind of fine are you gonna pay???
And believe me you are gonna pay....He ain't gonna buy the line..
"669,600,000 mph!! That's impossible, my car shimmies at 500,000,000 mph!"
And he ain't gonna take the excuse that you didn't realize how fast you
were going......."Didn't you notice the Blue Shift ,son."
After doing some research (No, I did not recently get a ticket) I found
that the fair city of Oakwood charges $1 for every 1 mph over the speed limit
So if you were pulled over for doing 669,600,000 in a 35 zone you would
be charged
$669,599,965 + a $33 court fee = $669,599,998
This does not include such subsequent fines as reckless operation,
not wearing a seat belt, and DWI (Let's face it if you stopped for an Oakwood
cop while doing light speed , you'd have to be drunk. Oakwood is roughly 2
miles across....You'd be out of his jurisdiction in 0.00001 Seconds)
A couple of other stats concerning a car capable of light speed. You'd
flip the odometer in .537 seconds and need to change the oil every .053
seconds. I don't even want to get into the amount of gas it would use and at
the current gas prices maybe a ticket isn't your first concern.
But just think....you'll be able to answer all those complicated
questions....Be the first to own a light-speed car.....Honest, it was only
driven on Sundays by a little old lady who had to get to Epsilon Indi and back.
Continuing along the line of Jason's scientific inquiry, what
happens when you are going light speed in reverse and...
...turn on your headlights...
...look in the rear-view mirror...
...just barely avoid a car doing light speed the other direction...
...honk the horn...
...have to parallel park...
...shift into first...
Which also brings up the question...could you get away with looking in the
rear-view mirror, or would you have to turn around?
104.58 | way to go! | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Thu Feb 14 1991 17:23 | 9 |
It was a ford? :-)
I'm glad it wasn't a Japanese model..
Somehow an American truck with a shotgun in the cab sounds just about
right... the only way to fly. :-)
104.59 | you sure it wasn't a runaway DHL van ??? | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Smilin' on a cloudy day | Thu Feb 14 1991 19:43 | 1 |
104.60 | yet another war joke... | STRATA::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Fri Feb 15 1991 11:54 | 11 |
| if you are sick of Iraqi jokes, press next unseen.... otherwise
how do you break up an Iraqi bingo game???
call out "B - 52!"
104.61 | New Beer | AIMHI::KELLER | | Fri Feb 15 1991 12:54 | 13 |
| if you are sick of Iraqi jokes, press next unseen.... otherwise
Did you hear about the new Beer?
Scud Light...
It doesn't fill you up because it never hits the spot
104.62 | | VIA::HEFFERNAN | Broccoli not bombs! | Fri Feb 15 1991 14:58 | 7 |
| Why did the invisible man look in the mirror?
To make sure he still wasn't there.
104.63 | groaner ... | OURGNG::RYAN | Going where the wind blows | Fri Feb 15 1991 17:16 | 8 |
| just heard that Sadam killed his wife
caught her drinking a Bush beer.
104.64 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Fri Feb 15 1991 18:01 | 10 |
| {forwarding headers removed}
"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.
It is a unique profession and, by golly, I hope that when they go into the
teaching field they do have that zeal and they do have that mission and
they do believe in teaching our kids."
-- Vice President Daniel Quayle
at the Hudson Institute
(as quoted in _The Washington Post_)
104.65 | maybe quayle didn't wanna say 'by george' :) | LANDO::HAPGOOD | Leroy says, 'keep on rockin' | Fri Feb 15 1991 18:36 | 19 |
104.66 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Fri Feb 15 1991 18:39 | 6 |
golly gee willigars there bob you're right, I haven't heard anyone use
that phrase in years! ;^)
104.67 | DC - It's a joke, right?? | CIVIC::ROBERTS | sing us a song | Fri Feb 15 1991 18:53 | 5 |
And where is the Hudson Institute - may I ask
104.68 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Fri Feb 15 1991 20:15 | 20 |
| <forwards deleted>
^ In article <1991Feb12.014609.2993@mintaka.lcs.mit.edu>,
^ metcalf@masala.lcs.mit.edu (Chris Metcalf) writes:
^ > As we all know, the number 666 has great mystic significance as the
^ > Number of the Beast. Furthermore, the number 3 also frequently plays
^ > an important role in magic of all kinds. This Friday sees the
^ > terrifying combination of these two powerful numbers: on Friday at
^ > 8:11:06 PM all the Unix machines in the world will register 666,666,666
^ > seconds since the start of Unix time.
^ >
^ > Maybe it's time to do those system backups, folks!
^ >
^ > Chris Metcalf
^ > :-)
^ > --
^ > Chris Metcalf --- MIT Laboratory for Computer
^ > email to metcalf@lcs.mit.edu, or phone (617)
104.69 | KEN OLSEN JOKE | JUPITR::OCONNORS | | Mon Feb 18 1991 22:30 | 15 |
| God called a meeting yesterday with Gorbachev, George Busch, and Ken
Olsen to tell them he had had it with the world and their problems and
was going to end the whole mess in two weeks.
Gorbachev went back to the Politboro and told them he had good news
and bad news ---"There IS a God and he's going to end the world in two
Busch went back to Congress and told them he had good news and bad
news ---"The good news is there IS a God, and the bad news is he's
going to end the world in two weeks"
Ken Olsen went back to the Exectutive Committee and told them he had
great news ---"First there IS a God (which I knew all the time), and
second, our reorganization will be complete in two weeks".
104.70 | PARROT JOKE | JUPITR::OCONNORS | | Mon Feb 18 1991 22:55 | 26 |
| A magician working on a small cruise ship has been doing his
routines every night for a year or two now. The audience changes often
enough so that he doesn't have to worry too much about new tricks.
However, there's a parrot who sits in the back row and watches him
night after night, year after year. Finally, the parrot figures out
how the tricks work and starts giving it away for the audience. For
example, when the magician makes a bouquet of flowers disappear, the
parrot squawks, "Behind his back! Behind his back!" Well, the magician
got really annoyed at this, but he doesn't know what to do. The parrot
belongs to the Captain, so he can't just kill it.
One day, the ship springs a leak and sinks. The magician manages to
swim to a plank of wood floating by and grabs on. The parrot is sitting
on the other end of the plank. They just stare at each other and drift.
They drift for three days and still don't speak. On the morning of the
fourth day, the parrot looks over at the magician and says.......
"Okay, I give up. Where did you hide the ship?"
104.71 | strikes me funny | ALIEN::MIRABITO | It's so easy to slip | Tue Feb 19 1991 13:48 | 3 |
| Re: Parrot Joke
HAHAHHAHAHA!! funny one
104.72 | Cleveland is the heart of rock and roll... | AOXOA::STANLEY | Frequent flyer on the astral plane... | Tue Feb 19 1991 14:35 | 105 |
-< Dave Barry - Noted humorist >-
Note 654.0 Cleveland Rocks No replies
RT3::FITZPATRICK "Dave FitzPatrick BUO/E36 249-4621" 99 lines 17-FEB-1991 11:14
From: clarinews@clarinet.com (Dave Barry)
Newsgroups: clari.feature.dave_barry
Message-ID: <UFEA-barry_225@clarinet.com>
Date: 17 Feb 91 00:04:13 GMT
Lines: 85
Approved: clarinews@clarinet.com
ACategory: lifestyle
Slugword: barry
Priority: advance
ANPA: Wc: 911; Id: z0336; Sel: tw--q; Adate: 02/17-1aed
Note: (EDITORS: Dave requests that you NOT change rock AND roll throughout.
(EDITORS: Dave requests that you NOT change rock AND roll throughout.
In view of the many disturbing events on the international scene, I
recently decided that it was my duty, as a journalist, to visit
Cleveland. My objective was to find out how they're coming along with
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You ``hep cats'' out there may remember
that back in 1986 there was a competition to see which city would be the
site of the Hall, and Cleveland won an upset victory over cities more
associated in the public mind with the entertainment industry, such as
New York, Los Angeles, Tehran, etc.
At the time, a lot of people were surprised. ``CLEVELAND?'' they
said, in the same tone of voice they would later use to say, ``QUAYLE?''
Because let's face it, Cleveland has an image problem, largely because
of the city's own inferiority complex, as reflected in its official
motto (``Cleveland: What's The Point?''). But it just so happens that
Cleveland has a strong claim to being the Birthplace of Rock. Consider
these facts:
-- The very term ``Rock and Roll'' was invented in Cleveland in 1704
by the famous exploring group of Lewis and Clark, who later recorded
``My Boyfriend's Back.''
-- The Beatles came from Cleveland.
-- Near the end there, Elvis was almost as big as Cleveland.
Anyway, the critics who scoffed at Cleveland in 1986 are eating their
words today, because the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has turned out to be
a raging success, with only one minor kink remaining to be ironed out,
namely that the Hall does not, in a physical sense, exist. There is,
however, a real nice model of it, about the size of a harmonica, in the
Hall of Fame office, which is located in a downtown Cleveland building.
I visited the office, and it wasn't what I expected. I expected it to
be staffed by funky long-haired tattooed jitterbugging degenerates
engaged in rock-and-roll-style office activities such as singing into
their Dictaphones, painting peace symbols on their faces with correction
fluid, smoking typewriter ribbons and writing interoffice memos that had
choruses, like:
``Whoa sweet thing, you look so unbelievable
I just GOT to get into your accounts receivable.''
But in fact the Hall of Fame office was very businesslike. The staff
consisted of a secretary and a director, Larry Thompson, a 43-year-old
suit-wearing short-haired attorney who told me that he never, not even
in the '60s, played in a rock band. I believe he is one of only two 43-
year-old men in the country who can make that statement, the other one
being the Vice President. Thompson was cordial but businesslike; the
closest he came to really cutting loose was when he described his
reaction to being offered the director's job.
``I said, `Good golly, Miss Molly,''' he recalled.
Thompson said that the Hall of Fame had some problems in the early
years but is now moving briskly ahead, with $44 million in donations and
a site on scenic Lake Erie (motto: ``Contains Some Actual Water''). They
hope to break ground later this year for a building designed by noted
rock-and-roll architect I.M. ``Skeeter'' Pei. Thompson said the building
will include a museum containing important rock artifacts, such as the
lyrics to ``Purple Haze'' in Jimi Hendrix's actual handwriting.
I asked Thompson if the whole project wasn't sort of contradictory --
to have a formal museum dedicated to a kind of music whose major
historical moments tended to involve wide-pupiled men dropping their
pants on the stages of municipal stadiums. But Thompson said the
exhibits will serve an important education function.
``Younger people today don't understand anything about the roots of
rock and roll,'' he pointed out.
Isn't THAT the truth. My 10-year-old son spends hours in his room
listening to ``rap'' music, a proven killer of brain cells. ``Robert!''
I tell him. ``Stop listening to that trash! Come out here and listen to
`Louie Louie!'''
Speaking of songs with mysterious lyrics, Thompson said there will be
archives at the Hall of Fame, so that scholars will be able to come and
study academic rock-and-roll issues. I'm very excited about this,
because some questions have been bothering me for years, such as: What,
exactly, do the Beach Boys sing in the first line of ``Help Me Rhonda''?
This is the line that goes, ``Well since she put me down (something
something).'' What it sounds like to me is:
``Well since she put me down,
There've been owls puking in my bed.''
But this seems unlikely. I mean, you could imagine owls showing up in
the beds of some bands, particularly the early Stones. You could even
imagine small HORSES. But not with the Beach Boys. So this is a question
I would definitely like to see some rock scholar clear up. Another one
is: In the song ``Land of 1,000 Dances,'' what do Cannibal and the
Headhunters really MEAN when they sing, quote, ``I said a na, na na na
na, na na na na, na na na, na na na, na nana na''? This has bothered me
for years. You know what I mean? You do? Pass me that typewriter ribbon.
104.73 | From the NET | AD::VAUK | love will see you through | Wed Feb 20 1991 11:39 | 49 |
Friend of the Donut
apologies to Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter
I went to the Dunkin Donuts
I was trailed by twenty pounds
Didn't get to eat that night
Till the food truck came around
I set out hungry
But I'm takin my time
A friend of the Donut is a friend of mine
If I get home 'fore suppertime
I just might get some eats tonight
Ran into the banker and grabbed me 20 bills
spent it all on tinkies and ate them in the hills
I sat there munchin till I ate me tie
A friend of the Donut is a friend of mine
If I get cinnamon in my eye
I think that I'll just die, tonight
I ran down to the baker
and got a cruller there
He took my twenty dollar bill
And showed me the list of fare
I walked out munchin
And I'm feeling fine
A friend of the Donut is a friend of mine
If I get home and find some pie
I'll have a big time feast tonight
Got two reasons why I lie awake most every night
First ones named sweet Boston Cream
And she make my taste buds crie
Second one is muffins, babe
With cream cheese by the pail
And if I eat a dozen more
I'll look just like a whale
Got a fridge in Chino
And one in Tennessee
I pay a man some money
And he keeps'em stocked for me
I sit there munchin
And I take my time
A friend of the Donut is a friend of mine
If I get rolls 'fore suppertime
I'll eat them to my hearts delight
104.74 | | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Wed Feb 20 1991 12:35 | 1 |
| :-)
104.75 | | VIA::HEFFERNAN | Broccoli not bombs! | Wed Feb 20 1991 12:44 | 7 |
| Why did the little girl blush when she opened the refridgerator?
She saw the salad dressing!
104.76 | I betcha... | BARFLY::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Wed Feb 20 1991 13:12 | 10 |
re -.2,
do you know who wrote that? Was it Elliot Sowadkski (works at Xerox
or at least used to a coupla years ago) ?
It looks like his kind of handiwork... a few years ago he rewrote
"Stella Blue" in a simular vein.
104.77 | | AD::VAUK | love will see you through | Wed Feb 20 1991 13:15 | 8 |
> do you know who wrote that? Was it Elliot Sowadkski (works at Xerox
> or at least used to a coupla years ago) ?
It was posted by rbalko@cbnewsk.att.com (robert.a.balko)
Happy Cheese-
104.78 | FYI | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Wed Feb 20 1991 15:55 | 9 |
| re: <<< Note 104.76 by BARFLY::BELKIN "the slow one now will later be fast" >>>
> do you know who wrote that? Was it Elliot Sowadkski (works at Xerox
> or at least used to a coupla years ago) ?
Elliot works for Nexgen now. It's a startup.
104.79 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Fri Feb 22 1991 14:48 | 30 |
Top 10 Ways to Know Your S&L is in Trouble
10. The armored vehicle picking up the daily deposits is a pink
Cadillac with vanity plates.
9. Tellers sob uncontrollably when you make a withdrawal.
8. The branch manager has personally autographed photos of Mike
Milken and Ivan Boesky on his desk.
7. The new program of 10, 15, 20 and 30 day home mortgages.
6. Heavy use of the term "juice" instead of interest rates.
5. The loan officer asks applicants who they like in the third race
at Pimlico.
4. Office chit chat around the water cooler dwells on what countries
have extradition treaties with the United States.
3. The bank president's bumper sticker reads: "COMMERCIAL REAL
2. The ATM is also a video poker game.
1. The signs at every teller's window: ASK ME ABOUT 3-CARD MONTE.
104.81 | ... | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Mon Feb 25 1991 17:14 | 21 |
| Where do you find a dog with no legs?
Right where you left him :-)
104.82 | Sounds familiar... | ENGINE::MOLLENHAUER | | Mon Feb 25 1991 17:23 | 2 |
104.83 | worse and worse! :^) | STRATA::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Mon Feb 25 1991 20:07 | 8 |
| what do you do with a dog that has no legs???
take him/her/it out for a drag....
da ve
104.84 | The worst | HYSTER::MORAROS | | Tue Feb 26 1991 16:52 | 3 |
| What do you call a dog with no legs?
Nothing, he wont come anyway!
104.85 | GRRRRRRROAN!!!!!!! 8-\ | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Wed Feb 27 1991 01:43 | 0 |
104.86 | Cyberpunk parody | AOXOA::STANLEY | It's gonna be just like they say... | Thu Feb 28 1991 16:22 | 321 |
| Article 2368
From: stevec@bu-pub.bu.edu (Steve Connelly)
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: cyberpunk parody
Date: 28 Feb 91 11:30:04 GMT
NOTE: This story originally appeared in alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo, a group whose
postings are stories that take place in a virtual dystopia of high tech and
street violence in the vein of William Gibson's novel, `Neuromancer'....
The Guru of News
I had logged myself into the computer-generated bar room as a little,
furry, harmless dog. I didn't want trouble. I needed to read the
X Windows/Motif 1.1 manual, so I came to the bar and asked Ratz to fix the
documentation data in liquid form for me. It made a bitter, painful drink, but
it was better than spending days turning pages in realspace.
Ratz put a bucket of liquid in front of me.
"I wanted a glass of docs, Ratz. What the hell is this?" I barked.
"Motif don't fit in a glass anymore," he barked back.
I looked at the liquid. It was totally opaque to me.
Then someone yelled. The surveillance screen had identified an
attacker. We had three seconds before it got to the bar. Everyone ducked
under the furniture and pulled weapons. Since I was too small a target to
register, I just sat back and watched the action.
A Hunter-Killer blew a hole in the wall right next to the doorless
doorway. This Killer used spells instead of weapons. The design was humanoid,
but oxidation of the copper skin had turned it green. It wore black robes and
a cone-shaped, aerodynamic black hat.
It raised its broomstick to let fly some more pyro, but then it was
crushed by a farm house that fell from the sky.
Nobody moved. A young girl reluctantly stepped out of the house, her
eyes wide. She wasn't in streetware, just a frilly dress and pigtails. Not
your typical annihilatrix. As a matter of fact, she was a sweet piece, young
and fresh. I decided I might like to cut myself a slice of this action. I
jumped off my bar stool, looked cute, trotted over and jumped up into her arms.
She caught me and started petting me. She said, "Doggie, it doesn't look like
we're dialed into Kansas Public Access Unix anymore."
Then a tall angular woman came out from under cover. She wore battle
leathers, chain mail, knee-high boots, and steel blue op-implants. Her
fingerknives were just retracting back under her flesh and her back-ratcheting
Harley-Bronson chain gun was spinning down.
The new girl obviously hadn't seen a razorgirl before, and she held me
tight to her bosom. This was working out well for me.
The razorqueen said, "Christ! You dusted an HK! That was the
Hokusai-Sendai Witch of the Far East, their best magic weaver. What're you
packin', sister?"
"Who are you?" my girl asked.
"You don't know? I synthesized the geometry for this bar. I'm
Liralen Li, the Good Witch of the Pacific Northwest." She shouted to everyone
else that it was safe, and the other customers came out from hiding. The
visitor was astonished by the many dwarves that had been in hiding. Liralen
explained, "They're bonsai ninja, you know, a strain of samurai engineered to
grow small like bonsai trees. They're very quiet and can hide anywhere.
You're not from around here, are you, sister?"
"No. But a while ago I jacked into the system and now I can't get
out. I'm stuck in the cyberspace."
Stuck? That's weird, I thought. I was close enough to her construct
that I could follow her connection back to its realspace origin. She had
jacked into a simple simulation called `Preparing Your Home for a Natural
Disaster', but now she was flatlining. The contents of her mind had been
sucked into the matrix. If she got killed in virtual space, there'll be no
mind left for real space.
"What are you called?" Liralen asked her. "I don't mean true name,
I mean virtual name, battle name."
"Battle name? I don't have one."
"In that case, warrior," Liralen smiled, "We shall call you Ruby."
Why `Ruby'?, I wondered. A ruby is red like a cherry, so a ruby is
a cherry that that will never be broken. Oh no, is my new girl a ruby?
Someone yelled, "Attacker rezzing up!" Tables were again overturned
and weapons were ready to spit a hundred mercury-filled copper-jacketed
hollowpoints at the cloudy entity taking shape in the center of the room.
The cloud congealed into an identical sister of the crushed Killer. Instead of
hitting us with bio-lysis vectors, the Killer went straight for the crushed
sister. It tried to take some shimmering, polished red shoes off the dead
legs. But the shoes disappeared from the crushed witch, which derezzed. The
treads appeared on Ruby.
Liralen smirked, "To the victor go the spoils. The new chick becomes
owner of the dead hag's functionality, and only owner has `execute'
The witch screeched, "Give me those slippers." She reached for the
girl's legs but Liralen had slapped a serious non-intrusion field on them that
fried the witch's fingers. The witch retreated. While scanning herself out
of the bar, she screamed, "The ruby slippers will be mine. I'll get you, my
pretty. And your little dog, too!"
Suck broomstick, bullet head.
Ruby asked Liralen how she could get out of the matrix. She didn't
know, but she knew the shoes were powerful enough to provide an answer. "The
rubies refract the optical data so that it's accessible holographically, and
it operates at exactly one wavelength so that with simple harmonics the signal
is maintained by constructive interference. But I can't figure out how they're
modulated externally...." She assured us that the witch couldn't use their
power while Ruby wore them. She had heard of an expert on cyberspace, an
entity called the Guru of News, who resided at the terminating node of
YelloNet. People claimed he was the greatest computer mind imaginable....
I went with the babe along YelloNet. If I helped her, maybe she'd give
up some of the goodies. She seemed attracted to me. It helps to be hairy
like a foreign guy.
I led the way. She was clueless, which is just how I like them. An
old-fashioned girl. You don't see many like her on the network. Most of the
chicks I see, with their razornails, retracting fangs, and strychnine-tipped
barbed pubic wire, they're just so... independent.
For some reason, Ruby decided to make friends with every skin job and
genetic fuckup on YelloNet. First, we met an herbanoid, a genetic experiment
that involved a vegetative covering over a human head and bodily armature,
creating a warrior who could survive on nothing but sunlight and water. He
told Ruby how badly he needed a brain augmentation. Like who doesn't. But my
chick thought the Guru of News could help him, so he joined us. I wondered if
barley dick was making a play for my woman, but it was okay. This chummer
wasn't too bright, and he had mega problems with his locomotor mechanicals.
The three of us came upon a guy with the sorriest prosthetic body armor
job I've ever seen. He was a total makeover; only the brain was original
equipment. He didn't even have a synthflesh covering, just plain uncontoured
titanium-beryllium. He told the chick he desperately wanted emotion implants,
and she invited him along. I had metal head take the point, since he'd made
us a radar hot spot.
The four of us encountered a lion who was in an advanced stage of
chemical intellect enhancement. He walked upright and could speak. He had
the hyper-wants for fear blockers to be included in the hormone treatments so
he'd be bad enough to head-honch his burgh. The lion needed the disinhibitors,
and some hype wouldn't hurt either; he wasn't the type who would cover your
back in a face-off with a bunch of BronxSprawl hyenaboys. Naturally, my
chick suggested he go with us to the Guru of News.
We finally got to the YelloNet terminus, where there was serious
graphics, including a huge gleaming green tower and walls enclosing an entire
city. Everything was green; I wondered if that meant the cyberjock behind it
had access to EPA computer banks, or maybe Federal Reserve computers....
There was a phasic defense layer. The ruby slippers cracked it in a
second, but I didn't know how.
We were welcomed into their system. The chick was impressed by some
horse with real-time setcolor. Big deal. The happy natives enhanced our
visuals, and we went to the big interface.
We entered a huge vaulted cathedral. At the front was an altar, a
construct of the Guru of News. From the haze emerged two glowering hollow eyes
suspended above an angry mouth. He had cyberspace abilities ultra deluxe, and
the attitude to match. I tried to get close enough to trace his connection
back, but flames shot up from the altar and booming aurals pushed us away.
We told him what we needed. We offered to pay him, but he said he did
not take money. No money? His chariot was definitely pulled by Federal
Reserve horses. The Guru said that he would magically appear and give us what
we wanted as soon as we snagged the source of the witch's power, her
broomstick. If I'd had a humanoid construct, I would've asked him if he was
outa his fuckin' mind. But, like I said, I didn't want trouble.
We left the emerald construct and wandered the matrix, more clueless
than ever. Everyone was frightened of what virtual beasts they may encounter.
Did they think about what it would be like to jack out and find that the witch
had nulled your credit chip? How about if the witch fingered you as a
compatible neuron donor to be used for spare parts in the brain rejuvenation
of an impossibly rich German technomogul?
We soon found something to agree on fearing. I recognized the witch's
armada of chimpanzees, soggy with evolution accelerators and operating
implanted wings with control taps in the spinal cord. It was FTP, the Flying
Transportation Primates. They swooped down and picked us off the ground, and
in seconds all our data had been transferred into the witch's camp.
Surrounded by the witch's armed minions, we were marched back to
the bar room where we started. As the mindless guards marched, they chanted
in hex, "...Oh Eee Oh, Oh One...."
We came to bar room's defense surveillance screen. The guards stayed
behind while the witch walked us five prisoners into the bar room.
When we entered the room, there was no sign of life except for the
laser sights wandering like 2D lightning bugs over the witch's robes.
The witch shouted, "Liralen Li, I've come to make a deal. Take your
force field off the ruby slippers and change their protection so that both you
and I have group access. Then both of us can learn the powers of the slippers.
Otherwise the white girl is toast."
From her hiding place, Liralen muttered, "If she kills the flatlining
chick, it's real death, not just virtual. I'm feeling a pang of compassion;
I thought I had all that removed surgically. Besides, the ruby slippers are
complex; by the time the witch learns how they work, maybe I'll have learned
to use them too." She came out from her cover. "Ok, hag, I'll do biz. As
of now, we both have access to the treads. Now free the girl and go get a nose
But the witch did not leave. Red laser light spread from the shoes
throughout the room. It heated all metal objects until they glowed. Leather
and skin seared, and guns, arrows, shinjuki, razorfrisbees, shields, and darts
hit the floor.
The light subsided, giving way to the witch's rasping cackle.
Liralen growled, "The bitch already knows how to use the slippers!"
She lunged toward the slippers, but the witch's new defense screen bounced her
"Careful, Liralen," the witch smarmed, "I wouldn't want you to hurt
yourself before I can torture you. The ruby slippers have several forms of
torture, accessible via a simple interface involving the clicking of the
heels." The witch lectured while the rest of us prayed to virtual gods, who
sent down virtual answers. "For instance, a single heel click would turn your
face inside-out and then splash you with aftershave. A double click would
fill each neuron cell body with Drano. On the other hand, three clicks forces
a jack out to realspace. This is intriguing, as it would allow me to jack my
mind into your realspace body, overwriting your mind...."
Liralen cowered on the floor, powerless. "I gave her the ruby
slippers on a silver platter," she muttered. "I'm a cyberputz...."
Ruby was clicking her heels together, but nothing happened. The witch
shook her head in pity. "It appears you don't have access to the interface,
my pretty."
The girl squealed thinly, "You're a terrible, horrible person." She
picked up my bucket of Motif documentation liquid and threw it on the witch.
Obviously, this didn't do anything.
The witch was omnipotent, she'd had terminal PMS even before she was
soaked with my bucket, and I was a small defenseless dog. Perfect. Just
The witch screeched to the girl, "That was foolish. I'm inclined to
move the floorboards under your feet and perform a single heel click." The
purple of rage was showing through the green skin. "You know what one click
could do to your cute little dog's head? Huh? In a text widget with default
translations, one click would grab the keyboard focus and begin appending
characters to the inter-client clipboard's primary selection buffer. That's
what it would do!"
The bonsai ninja looked at each other quizzically. The witch's brow
furrowed for a moment, but then was rejuvenated with rage. "Forget one heel
click. Let me remind you of the exquisite agony of two heel clicks? Two
clicks in the command history list of a command widget would remove the first
item from the history list if it has XmNhistoryMaxItems items, append the
selected list item to the history buffer, and clear the command edit what the
fuck'm I talking about?"
Liralen murmured, "It's Motif. She's confusing her interface with
a Motif interface - "
"Quiet! I am still omnipotent!" the witch cried. "You are nothing.
You are all but subwidgets in a composite container whose logical tab group I
have registered the traversal order of. I can merely point at you and your
popup dialogue will be unmapped unless XmNautoUnmanage is False."
She collapsed to her knees. "Help me. I'm becoming a Motif dweeb."
She begged, "Couldn't you have just poured something on me that would have
melted me to an agonizing death...?"
It was such a pitiful sight that we would have helped her if we could.
But it was too late. The complexity, the obscurity, the pettiness, the fact
that XmNcolumns and XmNnumColumns do the same thing but they're different but
there's no message if you use the wrong one, they had already claimed her.
Ruby picked up the witch's broomstick. Immediately the far wall of
the room gave way to enormous, flaming, gleaming, boundless, angry visage of
the Guru of News. The room was zonked out on awe.
"You have completed your task," the voice echoed, "and you shall now
be given that for which you have asked. However, I should point out that these
gifts are given on an `as is' basis, without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose...."
I'd had enough of this clown. While he droned on, I traced his
connection back and put his realspace facade on the bar's monitor.
He was little dumpy guy with long hair like spanish moss, typing his
dialogue feverishly into an Emacs window.
The big eyes of the Guru's construct swung to the monitor. The voice
boomed "What? Um. Pay no attention to the man on the monitor. I am the great
and powerful Guru. My forces are legion. My privileges are super. My power
is limited only by FCC EM requirements. Oh, dear...."
Everybody ignored the flaming altar and turned to the monitor. The
imposing face on the altar derezzed.
The Guru appeared as a likeness of himself, in jeans, keds, and a
black szechuan-stained Grateful Dead tee-shirt.
Ruby walked up to him. "You're not a mongo network hack at all.
You've got no jack, not even a datasuit and sens-phones. And you've got no
graphics throw. Why are you the Guru of News?"
"Actually," he said, "I'm the Guru of Gnu's. I write programs, but I
don't do much with networks and cyberspace and such. The face you saw is, um,
just a semi-colon and a left parenthesis, in a very large font. And my city
was all green because I only have enough throughput to render in one color
The girl said, "You can't help us at all! We should strip you, put
steak sauce on your balls, and give you to the doberwomen."
Liralen whispered, "The chick learns fast...."
The guru blubbered, "I can give you all what you desire. Just as I
He slapped his hand on the leafy shoulder of the plant-human hybrid.
"My friend, you desire a greater brain. The greatest geniuses have no more
brains than you, but they do have one thing you don't have. A Next Machine."
The guru placed on the table a black cube with monitor and keyboard. The
machine began to play `Pomp and Circumstance'. The hybrid caressed the black
cube gently, like he was an ape in 2001. "Now you can pretend to know the
Oxford English Dictionary, the works of Shakespeare, and, with Mathematica,
you can solve any equation."
The hybrid typed "2 + 2" on the Mathematica command line. The
Next Machine ran a multi-grid iterative Jacobian relaxation with accelerated
annealing and in minutes printed out the answer "3.9999999999999". The crowd
applauded and the hybrid stood proud.
The guru stepped over to the guy with the unmolded titanium skin.
"You, sir, seek greater emotion. The deepest and most compassionate people
have no more capacity for emotion than you, but they do have something you
don't have. A subscription to alt.callahans, the InterNet therapy group."
A tear came to the metallic man's eye. "I haven't even read the first
posting, and I'm already so overwhelmed with sincerity and mutual support that
I could puke."
The guru addressed the partly-sentient lion. "You desire the courage
that will provoke fear in your opponents. Some people are feared by all,
and yet they are physically less forbidding than you. Their secret is that
they talk only through newsgroups so that they can insult people without
getting beat up." The guru moved to the remnants of his emerald altar. "My
dear friend, I bequeath to you this altar, which, as you have seen, can create
large flames out of nothing at all. If you post these flames frequently on
rec.arts.sf-lovers, then news readers will come to fear your wrath and
probably leave the group entirely."
The lion touched the altar and a flame jumped up. He turned to
the crowd, raised a finger, and said rigidly, "It is intuitively obvious to
the most casual observer that my esteemed colleague's idea is absurd both in
theory and in practice." The crowd applauded him. He said, "Hey, I insulted
an innocent stranger, and I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is
The guru then offered to help Ruby. Since he was jacking out of the
matrix, he would take the girl with him. However, the guru really wasn't a
slick cyberspace jockey, and he lost the symbolic link to the chick. However,
Liralen had back-engineered the interface to the ruby slippers. Chanting the
mantra that Liralen suggested, the girl clicked her heels three times and left
the matrix cleanly. Her mind was loaded back into her realspace brain, and
brainwave activity returned to normal.
The girl, me, and the three mutants would become successful in the
children's simul-stimul biz. The girl filled out and was my main squeeze for
a while. Then she got into leather, shaved her head, had her eyes pierced, and
left me for a hyper-testosterated message bouncer.
I talked to the lion recently. He's permanently lit up on hype,
chicks, and credit these days. He said he had a new virtual reality scam
involving a witch and a wardrobe. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Do not use "looking.uucp" or just "looking."
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply.
104.87 | | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Thu Feb 28 1991 17:22 | 3 |
| Ah Dave.. that was GREAT! :-)
104.88 | First, we'll kill all the .... | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Thu Feb 28 1991 18:11 | 23 |
| Had a lotta recent experience in this field lately, so...
Biologists have switched from laboratory mice to lawyers for their
laboratory experiments because:
a.) lawyers are far more plentiful than mice
b.) the laboratory assistants don't get as attached to lawyers as they
do to mice
c.) there are some things you just can't get mice to do
d.) there are some things that you just can't do to mice
e.) all of the above
Why do barracudas never attack lawyers?
Professional courtesy.
104.89 | Jack me in! | BARFLY::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Thu Feb 28 1991 18:37 | 7 |
Excellent, Dave! I've read all the Gibson cyberpunk stuff - now I
wanna suscribe to that newsgroup!
got anymore stuff like that?
104.90 | | AOXOA::STANLEY | It's gonna be just like they say... | Thu Feb 28 1991 18:44 | 5 |
| Hi Josh,
I just subscribed myself. I look forward to more stuff like this.
104.91 | fear & loathing in the system manager's office | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Fri Mar 01 1991 13:29 | 209 |
| ......forwards deleted.
The Way It Is
Recently someone called me from one of the "Out on the Floor Offices", an
ethereal place rumored to exist only in hyperspace, populated by mysterious
beings called Users.
He was quite frantic. He was having trouble running a program
through the computer, and him message was clear enough, although rather
ill-conceived: "MY FILES ARE FULL!"
I furrowed my brow, lit a smoke, and explained to him, "Really now,
Mr. Butterman, I don't have time for this." I slowly exhaled the
menthol vapors as I stopped his process, crushing any hope he may have
had of ever again seeing that document he had spent three hours slaving
"I was typing this REALLY important letter, and it HAS to be ready
in an hour... there's all this stuff on my screen that I didn't type...
it says something about an error, should I read it to you?"
"No point. Just press return."
"Oh my, it wants my username. Can I restart that where I left off?"
"Not a chance." I drew another puff and tossed the phone aside.
It occurred to me that if I had to hear one more of those whining
complaint sessions, heads were gonna roll. Where do you people GET this
stuff? I'm going to tell you what's really going on here. Now LISTEN
UP. I'm not going over this a second time:
Computer The black box that does your work for you. That's
all you need to know.
Response Time Usually measured in nanoseconds; sometimes measured
in calendar months. The general rule is:
Shut up your complaining about response time.
Hardware See "Computer." Again, not your concern.
Software If we want you to know, we'll tell you about it,
otherwise, leave us alone.
Network Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it. Use
it to send mail among your half-wit selves,
and don't think we won't read it all. What do
you think we do all day? By the way, Butterman...
shame about your mother's pancreas.
Data The general rule is: Don't use any data files
and if you find any, delete them before I find
out about them. In fact, just stay off the computer.
(See "Response Time")
System Crash Don't ever call the system manager to tell him
you think the computer is down. Don't call him
to ask him when it will be up again. The more you
bother him, the longer it takes.
Downtime Like I said, don't ask.
Uptime Be thankful for it, use it wisely, and get out
of my face.
Overtime Don't be ridiculous.
Vacation A time during which I don't have to put up with
your sniveling. Don't try calling. There's no
Computer Room Keep out, you're not invited. Don't knock on
the door - don't even think about it. I broke
the phone last time one of you jerks called me,
and I'm not about to replace it. And keep your
greasy fingers off the windows.
My Office The name says it all... it's mine; stay out.
Your Problems Not my concern.
Deadlines The general rule is: Deadlines are not acknowledged
by me; they're not my responsibility. Go tell
somebody who cares.
Maintenance a) A Valid reason for shutting down the system at
any time
b) Much more important than anything any of you
bozos do.
c) Anything I choose to call maintenance.
Software Upgrades Far too complex for you to comprehend. If I tell
you I'm upgrading the system, just be quietly
thankful. It's for your own good, even if it
does mean extensive downtime during peak hours.
Electronic Mail I delete it before reading it, so don't bother
sending any to me.
Defaults We like them just like they are; we chose them
for a reason. Don't mess with them; consider
them mandatory.
Error Messages I'm not interested. I'm going to kill your
process anyway, so keep them to yourself.
Killing your Process a) Don't ever ask why
b) Beyond your control
c) No warnings given
d) The highlight of my day
e) If you call, it's going to happen. No exceptions.
Passwords I reserve the right to change them without notice
at any time. I choose them, and the more you
bother me, the more degrading yours will be.
Users a) They slow down the computer
b) They waste my time
c) A general nuisance
d) Worse than that, actually
Software Modifications You don't know what you want - we'll tell you
what you want. It stays like it is. Period.
Privileges I've got them, you don't need them. Enough said.
Priority Mine is higher than yours, accept it.
That's the reason my games run faster than your
lousy accounting package. (See "Response Time")
Terminals Before calling me with a terminal problem, consider
a) Are you prepared to do without one for weeks?
b) Do you REALLY want your process killed?
c) Did you just trip over the cord again?
d) Of course you did
Disk Space I set the quotas, you live with them. If you need
more space, check "Data Files".
Operator I hired him and I trained him. He does what I
tell him to. Usually armed; always dangerous.
Backups a) A good idea
b) If I gave a shit
c) Which of course I don't
Lunch The only time that calling my office won't result
in the killing of your process.
Data Security That's your problem. I'm certainly not going to
lose any sleep over it. My files are locked up
tight. I feel secure.
Jiffy Length of time it takes me to resolve your
problem by killing your process.
Eternity Length of time it takes me to give a shit about
any problem that can't be resolved by killing
your process.
Impossible a) It can't be done (as far as you know)
b) I can't be bothered
c) You're starting to annoy me
Inevitable a) Couldn't have been avoided
b) Not my fault (as far as you know)
c) The result of annoying me
Menus If it's not on the menu, don't ask for it.
It's not available. If it is on the menu,
it's probably of no use or it doesn't work.
We're working on it (See "Eternity").
Utilities I find them quite useful, you'll find them
quite inaccessible. Besides, they're not
on your menu, are they. What did I tell you
about that?
Nuisance You.
Of course, I reserve the right to add, change, or remove anything
from the above list. I'm not asking you to accept these matters without
question, I'm telling you.
Now that we all know where we stand, I'm sure there'll be no future
problems. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to
keep them to yourself. If you feel the need for more information, I
highly recommend that you ask someone else.
I.S. dept.
P.S. The new disk quota of 30 blocks per user became effective yesterday.
Anyone caught exceeding the quota will lose their accounts (this
means you, Butterman!)
104.92 | christmas tech???? | BOSOX::BRIDGES | if the sun refuse to shine... | Tue Mar 05 1991 11:08 | 147 |
| ================================================================================
Note 70.0 Touch tone Christmas No replies
::Daniel P Dern "ddern@world.std.com (Daniel P Der" 143 lines 5-MAR-1991 03:06
[Please feel free to print or repost this -- as long as you
include my name and the copyright notice. A shorter version of
this appeared in the December 24/31, 1990 issue of
InformationWeek. -- Daniel P. Dern ]
"If You've Been Good, Press One"
by Daniel P. Dern
(c) Copyright 1990 Daniel P. Dern
May be reproduced and distributed freely in unmodified form
on a noncommercial basis PROVIDED THAT this notice remains
intact. All rights reserved; contact author (Daniel Dern,
ddern@world.std.com, 617-926-8743) for any other intended
usage, e.g., reprinting in trade or general press.
My schedule this fall was been too hectic for my annual visit
to the North Pole Toy Works, where I see what new information
technologies "Pops" Kringle, NPTW's technophilic CEO, has brought
on board in the intervening months (and, as often as not, what's
gone awry).
So I reached out and called.
Instead of the usual cheery operator's voice, a deadpan
recording answered.
"Hello, you've reached the North Pole Toy Works. If you've
been good, press 1. If you've been bad, press 2. If you aren't
sure, or need other assistance, please press 3 or stay on the
line. Happy holidays -- we'll be right with you!"
I pressed the "3" on my phone, and started reading
yesterday's Wall Street Journal while New Age holiday melodies
danced in my ear.
After twenty seconds, a familiar voice broke in, garnished in
speakerphone acoustics.
"So you've moved," Pops commented without preamble. "How's
your new video system working out? And the robot coffee-maker?"
"How'd you know that, Pops?" I asked. "For that matter,
how'd you know it was me on the line?"
"Voice technology," he chortled proudly. "Automatic number
ID -- we didn't even need ISDN! You're on the list who gets
routed to me automatically, and the system also did a lookup to
the consumer purchases and credit record CD-ROMs, and popped the
highlights on a window at my workstation. Piece of cake! By the
way, it says you've been good, more or less."
"Thanks for the readout, Pops." I made a mental note to pay
by cash more often. "It sounds like you've gotten pretty strong
into voice and phone processing applications."
"We couldn't get by without them," he responded. "Those
letters to the North Pole take five to seven handlings each.
We're working on document scanning and image management for next
year -- but voice processing takes much less elfpower.
"We've gone totally cellular," he continued. "We've given
pagers to all our staff, and installed cellular phones on all the
delivery vehicles, with voice, fax and modem capability."
"That's quite an investment."
"It's worth it. After all, we positively, absolutely have to
get there overnight."
"What else have you been up to, MIS-wise, Pops?" I asked.
"CD-ROM is big this year, as you've seen. We're getting a
lot of population demographics from the Census bureaus, map
graphics, and airline flight guides so we know where to steer.
Next year, we'll probably add CD-ROM players on the vehicles, and
have in-house facilities to put our naughty/nice lists and
routing schedules onto disk for them."
"So you're planning ahead," I observed.
"Yes -- but not too far. You should see the stack of five-
year plans we've never gotten more than two years into. We're
currently working twenty months out. In February, we start
rolling in any new systems -- and at the end of May, we do a
freeze on all mission-critical stuff till after Delivery Day,
which gives us about four months to get the bugs out. But we
still have our all-nighters -- and up here, that's a long time!"
"But it sounds like you've got things under control," I said.
"Well, yes and no," he acknowledged. "The individual new
technologies we deploy have gone in pretty smoothly. But the
business and operational environment has been wicked flaky this
year. For example, deregulation meant we could pick our carriers
of choice ... but try getting one of them to bring a line this
far north. And the walruses keep nibbling on the cable, which
doesn't take the cold that well anyway. We've tried VSAT, but
the aurora borealis zaps the heck out of the signal. I'm
thinking strongly of moving some of the service centers closer to
our user base concentrations."
"Have you tried out-sourcing?" I asked.
"Grrrrr." I heard a background sound, like teeth grinding on
a pipestem.
"Let's just say, I don't recommend out-sourcing for critical,
non-standard resources. Instead of reindeer, I nearly had a
mish-mash including moose, caribou, two Scottish Highland cattle,
and a gnu. 'Just as good, and more cost-effective,' they told
me. When I heard they were going to use these mutant 'stealth'
turtles, I hit the roof! I don't care if they're fast and
invisible. Total control is worth the effort. But we are
exploring a joint service bureau effort with EasterBunCo and a
few others."
"Have you made a decision between Windows 3.0, OS/2 or Unix?"
"We've got one of each in the test lab, and are trying to
decide if they're bad or good."
"What's hot for this year in the gift department?"
"We've combined the Virtual Reality glove with those
eyeglass-size video screens, and come up with something we call a
Look and Feel Suit. I may try one myself -- but I'll have to do
a little personal downsizing first. Whups, the backbone just
crashed again -- see you next year!"
# END #
(Daniel P. Dern (ddern@world.std.com) is a free-lance writer
specializing in technology and business, in Watertown, Mass.
This is the fourth year he has chronicled Kringle's computer
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
If you mail to original@looking.on.ca, it makes sure that your joke is tagged
as your original work, and thus eligible for the RHF comedy awards. Always
attribute the source of a joke, whether it's you, or somebody else.
++++++++++++++++++++++ The full NEWS header follows +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
News Article 374
220 374 <S235.68b@looking.on.ca> Article retrieved; head and body follow.
Path: hollie.rdg.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!lll-winken!looking!funny-request
From: ddern@world.std.com (Daniel P Dern)
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: Touch tone Christmas
Keywords: original, computer, chuckle
Message-ID: <S235.68b@looking.on.ca>
Date: 5 Mar 91 00:30:04 GMT
Organization: Dern Associates, Belmont MA
Lines: 127
Approved: funny@looking.on.ca
104.93 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Tue Mar 05 1991 17:55 | 56 |
I almost put this in the world we work in topic.. :-)
Article 2538 of rec.humor.funny:
Path: riscy.enet.dec.com!shlump.nac.dec.com!decuac!haven!boingo.med.jhu.edu!aplcen!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!sdd.hp.com!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!lll-winken!looking!funny-request
From: evans@decvax.dec.com
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: How to coach in the computer biz
Keywords: computer, chuckle
Message-ID: <S22f.3335@looking.on.ca>
Date: 27 Feb 91 00:30:04 GMT
Lines: 40
Approved: funny@looking.on.ca
[Source unknown]
IBM and DEC decided to have a boat race, on the
Thames, following the famous Oxford vs Cambridge course.
Both teams practiced hard, and came the big day, they were as
ready as they could be.
IBM won by a mile.
Afterwards, the DEC team were very downhearted, and a decision
was made that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be
found, so a working party was set up to investigate and
Well, they had everybody on the working party, Sales, Systems
Engineering, Marketing, Customer Education, Field Service,
the whole lot, and after 3 months they came up with the
answer, and the working party co-ordinator gave his summary
"The problem was", he said, "that IBM had 8 people rowing
and 1 steering, whereas we had 1 person rowing and 8
The working party was then asked to go away and come up with
a plan to prevent a recurrence the following year, for DEC's
pride had been damaged, and another defeat was not wanted.
2 months later, the working party had worked out a plan, and
the coordinator gave his (customarily brief) summary:
"The guy rowing has got to work harder"
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Do not use "looking.uucp" or just "looking."
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply.
104.94 | Then they... | AIMHI::KELLER | Friends dont let friends drive tanks | Tue Mar 05 1991 18:08 | 14 |
| > 2 months later, the working party had worked out a plan, and
> the coordinator gave his (customarily brief) summary:
> "The guy rowing has got to work harder"
I heard that 2 months after that the Buyout came along and they threw
the guy who was rowing overboard...
104.95 | | OURGNG::RYAN | but Momma. that's where the fun is ... | Tue Mar 05 1991 18:11 | 1 |
| yeah, but they gave him 9 weeks pay first
104.96 | ... | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Tue Mar 05 1991 18:12 | 4 |
| ...but they won't let him back on board for at least six months.
104.97 | | FURTHR::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Tue Mar 05 1991 19:49 | 3 |
| ... but when the rower gets back, it will be as an external
consultant and the pay rate will be at least 3 times more than
a regular employee rate...
104.98 | Survival of the fittest... (I saw this joke a while ago...) | BIODTL::FERGUSON | Is it just a waste of time? | Wed Mar 06 1991 12:15 | 3 |
| ... it is soooooooooooo true in DEC; there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too
many managers. The person rowing should use his strength and throw
the steering people overboard !!!!!!!!!!
104.99 | great for the kidz! | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Tue Mar 12 1991 17:04 | 42 |
| {headers removed}
Spam Tater-Tot Velveeta De-lites
"Served hot or cold, this savory party favorite is sure to be the last snack
on the tray!"
Serves 3 - 103
1 can SPAM 1 loaf Velveeta
1 bag Tater Tots 1 bunch of decorative Toothpicks
1. Arrange Tater Tots on cookie sheet and bake, as directed on the bag,
at 450 for 20 minutes or until crisp, golden-brown, and appealing. (It's
probably best to play it safe here and just do them for the 20 minutes.)
0. I forgot to tell you: You've got to pre-heat the oven first.
2. Slice the Spam into thin slices which would be about large enough
each to put one Tater Tot on top of, taking into account shrinkage due to
3. Fry the Spam slices until they're resistant, in the Italian phrase,
"to the teeth."
4. Slice the Velveeta into thin slices which would be about large
enough to secure over a Tater Tot resting on a slice of fried Spam with a
decorative toothpick before melting.
5. Arrange the slices of fried Spam on another cookie sheet. On
each, place a Tater Tot and then a Velveeta slice, securing the arrangement
with a decorative toothpick. Bake at 300 for 10 minutes, or until the
Velveeta has melted over the Tater Tots and onto the fried Spam, the cookie
sheet, and the oven floor.
6. Garnish with gherkins, capers, carrot curls, celery stalks, cucumber
sticks, and radish florets, and enjoy. If you're serving them cold and
congealed, try a warm Wesson-and-salt dip.
Edited by Brad Templeton.
104.100 | spam eggs spam herring and spam | DECXPS::BRIDGES | if the sun refuse to shine... | Tue Mar 12 1991 17:11 | 15 |
| re: <<< Note 104.99 by ISLNDS::CLARK "politicians throwing stones" >>>
> Spam Tater-Tot Velveeta De-lites
"But I don't like Spam."
"NOT LIKE SPAM!! everyone likes spam."
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam wonderful spam, wonderful spam
104.101 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Mar 12 1991 18:21 | 22 |
| Re: <<< Note 104.100 by DECXPS::BRIDGES "if the sun refuse to shine..." >>>
> -< spam eggs spam herring and spam >-
>spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam wonderful spam, wonderful spam
this reminds me of an old camp song ....
"... great big globs of greasy grimey gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat ..."
(I don't remember the rest of the words - can anyone help?)
and there is also the Mickey D's theme song ....
"McDonalds is my kinda place, hamburgers in your face
french fries up your nose, pickles between your toes.
They will serve you anywhere, they'll even fry your underwear.
McDonalds is my kinda place!"
Ahh, those were the days, ... the days of innocense :-)
104.102 | mutilated monkey meat something something feet | DASXPS::BRIDGES | if the sun refuse to shine... | Tue Mar 12 1991 18:31 | 25 |
| re: <<< Note 104.101 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
Spam is from Monty Python. It was a sketch where a couple went into a
diner and everything on the menu had spam in it.
At one point the man says "well cant I have a spam, egg and ham with out the
spam" to which the waitress says "Well then it wouldn't be a bloody SPAM, EGG,
AND HAM now would it."
>"... great big globs of greasy grimey gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat ..."
>(I don't remember the rest of the words - can anyone help?)
that's all I can ever remember.
>and there is also the Mickey D's theme song ....
> "McDonalds is my kinda place, hamburgers in your face
> french fries up your nose, pickles between your toes.
> They will serve you anywhere, they'll even fry your underwear.
> McDonalds is my kinda place!"
Never heard this one thou.
104.103 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Tue Mar 12 1991 18:38 | 11 |
| >"... great big globs of greasy grimey gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat ..."
>(I don't remember the rest of the words - can anyone help?)
Can't remember the begining, but the rest of the version I know goes:
"...mutilated monkey meat,
itsy bitsy birdy feet,
cans and cans of all-purpose porpoise puss,
and me without my spoon!"
104.104 | all this talk, and me on a diet. ;^) | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:15 | 9 |
> Never heard this one thou.
I'll sing it for you the next time I see you. ;^)
Re: the rest of the words from Mark ...
Thank you!! Now I remember .....
104.105 | love is in the air ... | OURGNG::RYAN | but Momma. that's where the fun is ... | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:18 | 6 |
104.106 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:28 | 12 |
Thanks (I think) John, ... do you know what I look like? I don't know
what you look like, besides you telling me that you wear wing-tip shoes,
or something like that. ;^)
Actually, it is for me and not to look better so much as to feel better ...
I had a few too many french fries and beers since last summer. ;^/
But really, not only am I sitting here singing this song now, but also craving
mutilated monkey meat. ;^) And the worst thing is, it's all my fault. :-)
104.107 | up in the air junior birdman | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:31 | 9 |
| We used to sing it like so:
"Great green gobs of gooey gushy monkey meat,
fortified frogs' feet,
marinated parakeet ...."
I just retrieved that from Brain Sector #8394839 ....
- Dave
104.108 | | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:34 | 18 |
| <<< Note 104.106 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
>thanks (I think) John, ... do you know what I look like? I don't know
>what you look like, besides you telling me that you wear wing-tip shoes,
>or something like that. ;^)
Ya don't know what yer missin', Lisa!! :-)
...and I was all set to go ask my 10-year-old for the rest of the words
to 'great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts', 'till youse guys beat
me to it!.
That what I like about this place. Whenever I need an excuse to
lighten up - it's always here waiting for me. :-).
104.109 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:38 | 9 |
I know what you mean tim!! I had no doubts that at least one person could
finish the song ... I also almost expected a couple of versions (not to mention
that dc would reply!) I love this place too! Half an hour ago I needed to
lighten up myself, now I just need to get this song out of my head! :-)
104.110 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:40 | 3 |
| Yeah, but does anyone remember the begining?
104.111 | shameless begging! | STRATA::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:42 | 11 |
| hey now Mark!!!!
i just saw your personal name....
do you have the lyrics to that tune????? the whole thing??
i just saw Tommy Makem do it at Mechanics Hall last weekend...
it was a scream! i wanna do it too!! can i have 'em?? pleeez?
da ve_the_incredible_begging_and_
104.112 | ;-) | OURGNG::RYAN | but Momma. that's where the fun is ... | Tue Mar 12 1991 19:50 | 6 |
| Lisa,
I'm about 6'4' a slim trim musclar 205 lb. Nice longish brown hair with
grate blue eyes. I sorta remind people of a Greek God.
104.113 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Tue Mar 12 1991 20:58 | 4 |
| re: Ryans description as bill the cat would say PFFHHHTTT!
I have 2 daughters.... I sing 'Girls are made of...' all the time!
104.114 | John who | BSS::DSMITH | | Tue Mar 12 1991 21:11 | 14 |
Who is this John Ryan. Oh a god, oops i better leave it there.
And John you know what god spelled backwards is.
, ,
Divide Dave
104.115 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Tue Mar 12 1991 22:28 | 13 |
| re: <<< Note 104.103 by 11SRUS::MARK "Waltzing with Bears" >>>
>"...mutilated monkey meat,
>itsy bitsy birdy feet,
>cans and cans of all-purpose porpoise puss,
>and me without my spoon!"
Yummm...how appetizing!!
@ @
104.117 | from the net | OURGNG::RYAN | but Momma. that's where the fun is ... | Wed Mar 13 1991 15:48 | 150 |
Here, in the interest of better workmanship, are ten easy rules
to follow when robbing a bank along with instructive examples of
what can go wrong if you don't:
1. Pick the right bank. You don't want to make the same
mistake as the fellow in Anaheim, California, who tried to hold
up a bank that was no longer in business and had no money.
Study your history. Don't try to stick up the First
National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota. Jesse James tried it 111
years ago, and the townsfolk took just seven minutes to kill two
and capture three of his gang. Nobody tried again until 1984,
and the customers chased the guy down. They're tight with a
dollar, those Minnesotans.
On the other hand, you don't want to be too familiar with
the bank. A fellow in Tulsa got away with $10,000 from the same
bank at which he made daily deliveries for the company that
employed him. He didn't keep the money long. And a California
robber ran into his mother while making his getaway. She turned
him in.
2. Speak to the right teller. Granted, this is harder to plan.
You never know when a teller will just yell, "Get lost!" One did
in Brockton, Massachusetts, and it so unnerved the robber that he
left the bank, got into a car, drove across the street, and went
into an apartment, all in full view of the feisty teller, who
called the cops.
Another teller, this one in Springfield, Massachusetts,
followed the robber out of the bank and down the street until she
saw him go into a restaurant. She hailed a passing police car,
and they picked him up.
Of course, you can't plan for everything. One robber in
Upland, California, presented his note to the teller, and her
father, who was next in line, got all bent out of shape about
it. He wrestled the guy to the ground and sat on him until the
authorities arrived.
3. Don't sign your demand note. Demand notes have been written
on the back of a subpoena issued in the name of a bank robber in
Pittsburgh, on an envelope bearing the name and address of
another in Detroit, and in East Hartford, Connecticut, on the
back of a withdrawal slip giving the robber's signature and
account number.
4. Beware of dangerous vegetables. One man tried to hold up a
bank with a zucchini. It worked, too, but the police caught him
at his house, and he showed it to them--the smoking vegetable, so
to speak. Another man in Newport, Rhode Island, threatened an
arresting officer with a reptile, a boa constrictor to be
precise. Turned out the policeman knew that boa constrictors
don't bite.
5. Avoid being fussy. You've got to think on your feet. A
robber in Panorama City, California, gave a teller a note saying:
"I have a gun. Give me all your twenties in this envelope." The
teller said, "All I've got is two twenties." The robber took
them and left.
6. Don't advertise. A teenage girl in Los Angeles tried to
distract attention from her face by wearing a see-through blouse
with no bra while holding up banks. The surveillance camera was
not impressed.
Another man thought that if he smeared a mercury ointment on his
face, it would make him invisible to the cameras. Actually, it
accentuated his features, giving authorities a much clearer
One robber went in the other direction, dressing as a woman with
very heavy make-up. It was a good idea, but in his haste to
leave, he ran face-first into a glass door. He was the first
criminal ever positively identified by lip-print.
The same rule applies to the getaway. Bank robbers in Minnesota
and California tried to create a diversion by throwing stolen
money out of the windows of their cars. They succeeded only in
drawing attention to themselves. Then there was the one-legged
bank robber who hopped down the street, his crutches in one hand,
the loot in the other. The FBI followed a chain of incredulous
witnesses right to the robber's front door.
7. Take right turns only. Avoid the sad fate of the thieves in
Florida who took a wrong turn into Homestead Air Force Base,
drove up to a military police guardhouse and, thinking it was a
tollbooth, offered the security men money. Or the chagrin of the
bank robber in Cheshire, Massachusetts, who hit the bank at 4:30
p.m., then tried to escape through downtown North Adams, where he
was trapped in rush-hour traffic until the police arrived.
8. Provide your own transportation. Let's face it, a taxi is
not the preferred means of escape. Nor is it clever to borrow
the teller's car, a vehicle which she carefully described to
police, resulting in the most quickly solved bank robbery in the
history of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
9. Don't be too sensitive. In these days of exploding dye
packets, stuffing the cash into your pants can lead to
embarrassing stains, not to mention severe burns in sensitive
places. Or so bandits in San Diego and Boston painfully
10. Consider another line of work. Bank robbery is not for
everyone. One nervous Newport, Rhode Island, robber, while
trying to stuff his ill-gotten gains into his shirt pocket, shot
himself in the head and died instantly. Another desperado in
Newton, Massachusetts, had second thoughts in mid-perpetration,
hailed a cab, and told the driver to take him to the nearest
police station, where he turned himself in. Then there was the
case of the hopeful criminal in Swansea, Massachusetts, who, when
the teller told him she had no money, fainted. He was still
unconscious when the police arrived. His getaway car, parked
nearby, had the keys locked inside .
To Distribution List:
NAME: Stephen A. Pellegrino @RCH <PELLEGRINO.STEPHE AT A1 at CTOAVX at WAO>,
104.118 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Wed Mar 13 1991 21:02 | 12 |
| re brain-robbing songs
And then there's ....
"Don't you laugh when the hearse goes by ...."
re Spam delicacies
I know a guy who loves the Army's MealReadytoEat (MRE) food units ...
thinks they're delicious ....
- Dave_with_brain_stirfried_from_course_this_week
104.119 | | AIMHI::KELLER | dont burn the flag, wash the evil out | Thu Mar 14 1991 12:34 | 18 |
| > <<< Note 104.118 by ISLNDS::CLARK "politicians throwing stones" >>>
>re brain-robbing songs
>And then there's ....
> "Don't you laugh when the hearse goes by ...."
Don't you laugh when a hearse goes by
or you will be the next to die
They wrap you up in a clean white sheet
and bury you down about six foot deep
All goes well until a week and then the
coffin starts to leak.
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
the worms play pinoccle on your snout.
So never laugh when a hearse goes by.
104.120 | | LANDO::HAPGOOD | Leroy says, 'keep on rockin' | Thu Mar 14 1991 13:46 | 19 |
Subj: techie humor
a computer engineer, a systems analyst, and a programmer were driving
down a mountain when the brakes gave out. they screamed down the
mountain, gaining speed, and finally managed to grind to a halt,
more by luck than anything else, just inches from a thousand foot
drop to jagged rocks. they all got out of the car.
the computer engineer said, "i think i can fix it."
the systems analyst said, "no, i think we should take it into
town and have a specialist look at it."
the programmer said, "ok, but first i think we should get back
in and see if it does it again."
104.121 | | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Thu Mar 14 1991 16:57 | 3 |
| :-)
definitely a hardware problem... :-)
104.122 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Fri Mar 15 1991 14:20 | 19 |
Two lions escape from a zoo and agree to meet at a designated area
in a month...
A month later, the two lions meet. One is fat and healthy and the
other is emaciated.
The healthy lion asks, "What the heck happened to you? You look
The other lion responds, "...Well, I ate sombody from some village
and they've been trying to hunt me down ever since....how come you
look so good?"
"Well, I went up to this company in Maynard Massachusetts and have
been devouring a manager a day and nobody seems to be noticing...."
104.123 | | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Fri Mar 15 1991 14:27 | 1 |
| :-)
104.124 | true true true... | BIODTL::FERGUSON | Is it just a waste of time? | Mon Mar 18 1991 16:47 | 3 |
| That one has made it's rounds more than once lately. Every time, I like it!
104.125 | | WFOV12::BUTZE | Do the trouser press baby | Mon Mar 18 1991 17:21 | 12 |
| This man walks into a bar...sits down and orders a drink. In a couple
of minutes a beautiful lady walks in .... well endowed,lots-o-cleavage,
in a short tight black dress. The man (realizing she is probably a
hooker) approaches her and strikes up a conversation. In a couple of
minutes the lady says to him..I'll do anything you want for 200 bucks.
The man says...anything? She says yes but he has to be able to
describe it in three words. The man ponders it for a while and says
you've got a deal. So she says ok now describe in three words. The
man looks at her then goes.....paint my house.
104.126 | A funnie | AD::VAUK | love will see you through | Tue Mar 19 1991 11:07 | 7 |
Why do deadhead wave their hands in front of their face when they
To keep the music out of their eyes. :-):-):-)
104.127 | | ENGINE::MOLLENHAUER | | Tue Mar 19 1991 12:01 | 1 |
104.128 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Tue Mar 19 1991 12:29 | 2 |
104.129 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Tue Mar 19 1991 12:34 | 6 |
| Belated St. Patrick's Day joke ...
What's green and stays out all night?
Paddy O' Furniture
104.130 | One more... | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Tue Mar 19 1991 12:46 | 10 |
104.131 | from the Boston Globe article on St. Brigid | BARFLY::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Tue Mar 19 1991 15:53 | 4 |
"An Irish gentleman is someone who knows how to play the
bagpipes, but wont."
-Oscar Wilde
104.133 | From MArv????? | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Wed Mar 20 1991 14:24 | 3 |
| I'm surprised at you Marv!!!!!
%^) rfb
104.134 | what's the joke | OURGNG::RYAN | but Momma. that's where the fun is ... | Wed Mar 20 1991 14:24 | 2 |
gum, that was the first thing I thought of.
104.135 | read at own risk | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Wed Mar 20 1991 18:04 | 50 |
| Incredibly bad humor, be warned ....
<forwards deleted>
As I was walking down the street one day, I bought a
slice of pizza. I was just about to take a bite when a
panhandler came up and asked for some spare change. I
checked my pocket and found fifty cents. Suddenly, a thought
came to me and I asked the man "which would you rather have,
the pizza or the money?"
His eyes flicked nervously from one hand to the other, he
looked around in confusion, started to stammer, then fled as
fast as he could run. For the longest time I stood there
wondering what had happened, when suddenly it hit me...
Beggars can't be choosers!
Did you hear about the latest sexually transmitted bird
disease flying through the ornithological community?
It's called Chirpes!
It's a Canarial disease.
It affects their peepers and makes them really soar.
Not to worry, though. It's Tweetable! :-)
Soon after a women gave birth to identical twins, she
gave them up for adoption. One was adopted by a couple from
Spain and named Juan. The other went to a family in Egypt.
They called him Amal.
Years passed, and the boy from Spain discovered his real
mother and sent her a picture of himself. The woman remarked
to her husband that she wished she had a photo of her other
son. "Well," he replied,
"If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."
104.136 | | BIODTL::FERGUSON | Is it just a waste of time? | Wed Mar 20 1991 18:09 | 8 |
grrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn !!!!!!!!!
Just when you thought the puns got bad in grateful.....................
104.137 | Groan | BSS::DSMITH | | Wed Mar 20 1991 20:20 | 7 |
I was warned but i read on! Next time i will belive MR. Clark.
104.138 | i love it!!!! | STRATA::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Mar 20 1991 20:48 | 9 |
| dont listen to them Dave!!!!!
they were
:^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)
da ve
104.139 | DON'T encourage MR DC5 .... :-) | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Imagine... | Thu Mar 21 1991 00:41 | 4 |
and I can tell - we ALL need a show !!!!!
104.140 | zark that thang | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Fri Mar 22 1991 15:06 | 105 |
| <forwards deleted>
Subj: How to explain paging and swapping to a user
<from Usenet. Permission to distribute was given>
This note is a formal non-working paper of the Project MAC
Computer Systems Research Division. It should be reproduced and
distributed wherever levity is lacking, and may be referenced at
your own risk in other publications.
The Paging Game
By Jeff Berryman
1. Each player gets several million things.
2. Things are kept in crates that hold 4096 things each.
Things in the same crate are called crate-mates.
3. Crates are stored either in the workshop or the warehouse.
The workshop is almost always too small to hold all
the crates.
4. There is only one workshop but there may be several
warehouses. Everybody shares them.
5. Each thing has its own thing number.
6. What you do with a thing is to zark it. Everybody
takes turns zarking.
7. You can only zark your things, not anybody else's.
8. Things can only be zarked when they are in the
9. Only the Thing King knows whether a thing is in the
workshop or in a warehouse.
10. The longer a thing goes without being zarked, the
grubbier it is said to become.
11. The way you get things is to ask the Thing King.
He only gives out things in multiples of eight.
This is to keep the royal overhead down.
12. The way you zark a thing is to give its thing
number. If you give the number of a thing that happens
to be in a workshop it gets zarked right away. If it
is in a warehouse, the Thing King packs the crate
containing your thing back into the workshop. If there
is no room in the workshop, he first finds the grubbiest
crate in the workshop, whether it be yours or somebody
else's, and packs it off with all its crate-mates to a
warehouse. In its place he puts the crate containing
your thing. Your thing then gets zarked and you never
know that it wasn't in the workshop all along.
13. Each player's stock of things have the same numbers as
everybody else's. The Thing King always knows who owns
what thing and whose turn it is, so you can't ever
accidentally zark somebody else's thing even if it has the
same thing number as one of yours.
1. Traditionally, the Thing King sits at a large, segmented
table and is attended to by pages (the so-called "table
pages") whose job it is to help the king remember where
all the things are and who they belong to.
2. One consequence of Rule 13 is that everybody's thing
numbers will be similar from game to game, regardless
of the number of players.
3. The Thing King has a few things of his own, some of
which move back and forth between workshop and warehouse
just like anybody else's, but some of which are just
too heavy to move out of the workshop.
4. With the given set of rules, oft-zarked things tend to
get kept mostly in the workshop while little-zarked
things stay mostly in a warehouse. This is efficient
stock control.
5. Sometimes even warehouses get full. The Thing King
then has to start piling things on the dump out back.
This makes the game slower because it takes a long time
to get things off the dump when they are needed in the
workshop. A forthcoming change in the rules will allow
the Thing King to select the grubbiest things in the
warehouses and send them to the dump in his spare time,
thus keeping the warehouses from getting too full.
This means that the most infrequently-zarked things will
end up in the dump so the Thing King won't have to get
things from the dump so often. This should speed up
the game when there are a lot of players and the warehouses
are getting full.
[internet headings and postmarks removed]
104.141 | I think Cheez Whiz has the "CAUTION" label on it | ISLNDS::CLARK | politicians throwing stones | Fri Mar 22 1991 15:11 | 105 |
| <forwards deleted>
A Call for More Scientific Truth in Product Warning Labels
by Susan Hewitt and Edward Subitzky
As scientists and concerned citizens, we applaud the recent trend
towards legislation that requires the prominent placing of warnings
on products that present hazards to the general public. Yet we must
also offer the cautionary thought that such warnings, however well-
intentioned, merely scratch the surface of what is really necessary
in this important area. This is especially true in light of the
findings of 20th century physics.
We are therefore proposing that, as responsible scientists, we
join together in an intensive push for new laws that will mandate
the conspicuous placement of suitably informative warnings on the
packaging of every product offered for sale in the United States of
America. Our suggested list of warnings appears below.
WARNING: This Product Warps Space and Time in Its Vicinity.
WARNING: This Product Attracts Every Other Piece of Matter in the
Universe, Including the Products of Other Manufacturers, with a
Force Proportional to the Product of the Masses and Inversely
Proportional to the Distance Between Them.
CAUTION: The Mass of This Product Contains the Energy Equivalent
of 85 Million Tons of TNT per Net Ounce of Weight.
HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE: This Product Contains Minute Electrically
Charged Particles Moving at Velocities in Excess of Five Hundred
Million Miles Per Hour.
CONSUMER NOTICE: Because of the "Uncertainty Principle," It Is
Impossible for the Consumer to Find Out at the Same Time Both
Precisely Where This Product Is and How Fast It Is Moving.
ADVISORY: There is an Extremely Small but Nonzero Chance That,
Through a Process Know as "Tunneling," This Product May Spon-
taneously Disappear from Its Present Location and Reappear at
Any Random Place in the Universe, Including Your Neighbor's
Domicile. The Manufacturer Will Not Be Responsible for Any
Damages or Inconvenience That May Result.
READ THIS BEFORE OPENING PACKAGE: According to Certain Suggested
Versions of the Grand Unified Theory, the Primary Particles
Constituting this Product May Decay to Nothingness Within
the Next Four Hundred Million Years.
THIS IS A 100% MATTER PRODUCT: In the Unlikely Event That This
Merchandise Should Contact Antimatter in Any Form, a Catastrophic
Explosion Will Result.
Any Manner Whatsoever, Will Increase the Amount of Disorder in
the Universe. Although No Liability Is Implied Herein, the
Consumer Is Warned That This Process Will Ultimately Lead to
the Heat Death of the Universe.
NOTE: The Most Fundamental Particles in This Product Are Held
Together by a "Gluing" Force About Which Little is Currently Known
and Whose Adhesive Power Can Therefore Not Be Permanently Guaranteed.
ATTENTION: Despite Any Other Listing of Product Contents Found
Hereon, the Consumer is Advised That, in Actuality, This Product
Consists Of 99.9999999999% Empty Space.
Technically Be Entitled to Claim That This Product Is Ten-
Dimensional. However, the Consumer Is Reminded That This
Confers No Legal Rights Above and Beyond Those Applicable
to Three-Dimensional Objects, Since the Seven New Dimensions
Are "Rolled Up" into Such a Small "Area" That They Cannot
Be Detected.
PLEASE NOTE: Some Quantum Physics Theories Suggest That When
the Consumer Is Not Directly Observing This Product, It May
Cease to Exist or Will Exist Only in a Vague and Undetermined
COMPONENT EQUIVALENCY NOTICE: The Subatomic Particles (Electrons,
Protons, etc.) Comprising This Product Are Exactly the Same in
Every Measurable Respect as Those Used in the Products of Other
Manufacturers, and No Claim to the Contrary May Legitimately Be
Expressed or Implied.
HEALTH WARNING: Care Should Be Taken When Lifting This Product,
Since Its Mass, and Thus Its Weight, Is Dependent on Its
Velocity Relative to the User.
Including This Product, May One Day Collapse Back into an
Infinitesimally Small Space. Should Another Universe Subsequently
Re-emerge, the Existence of This Product in That Universe Cannot
Be Guaranteed.
(The above is from Volume 36, Number 1 of
The Journal of Irreproducible Results.
Copyright 1991 Blackwell Scientific Publications Inc.
3 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA 02141
Individual US Subscriptions $12.00
Reproduced with permission.)
104.142 | | HKFINN::STANLEY | What a long strange trip it's been... | Wed Mar 27 1991 17:50 | 1 |
| :-)
104.143 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Wed Mar 27 1991 19:07 | 9 |
| Saw this one go by on rec.food.veg, and figured it was worth sharing...
then again, maybe not. :-)
A carrot is in a car accident. His wife rushes to the hospital and the
docter tells her he has good news, and bad news, which he'll give her in that
order. "First, your husband will live. Second, he'll be a vegetable for the
rest of his life."
104.144 | Easter HaHas | MSHRMS::FIELDS | A Time 4peace I Swear Its Not 2L8 | Fri Mar 29 1991 14:01 | 13 |
| there were these 3 engineers,one from Data General another from IBM
and one from DEC, they were talking about the Easter Holiday. The Guy
from DG starts out saying "Ah yes Easter, I love getting together with
family and setting up the tree and putting ...." he is interrupted by the
IBM guy "NO NO NO, you got it all wrong thats Christmas, Easter is when
you sit around watching Football games and cooking a big Turk...." the
IBM guy is cut off by the DEC engineer "Thats Thanksgiving your talking
about, Boy don't you two know anything about Easter ? its the time when
Jesus is taken down from the cross and laid to rest in a tomb and a large
rock is put in front of the tomb by hundreds of men, and 3 days later
Jesus moves the rock and comes out from the tomb.......
....... and if he see his shadow
104.145 | | DECXPS::BRIDGES | counting stars by candlelight | Fri Mar 29 1991 16:54 | 11 |
| WARNING: tastless humor
The cops in the L.A. beating case are filing for workmans comp.
Wrist injuries
104.146 | | OURGNG::RYAN | Spent my life seeking all that's still unsung | Fri Mar 29 1991 20:28 | 10 |
104.147 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Mon Apr 01 1991 17:02 | 5 |
| [forwards removed]
"Some people say that I must be a horrible person, but that's
not true. I have the heart of a young boy -- in a jar on my
desk." -- Stephen King, 3/8/90
104.148 | Dan Quaylisms - The Kompleat Kollection | ISLNDS::CLARK | | Mon Apr 01 1991 17:03 | 205 |
| {headers removed}
Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense
cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle comparing the
offensive capabilities of the Warsaw Pact
with the defensive system of NATO
Why wouldn't an enhanced deterrent, a more stable peace, a better
prospect to denying the ones who enter conflict in the first place
to have a reduction of offensive systems and an introduction to
defensive capability. I believe that is the route this country
will eventually go.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Mars is essentially in the same orbit... somewhat the same distance from the
Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals,
we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If
oxygen, that means we can breathe.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is IN
the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that
is right here.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle,
Hawaii, September 1989
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind
at all. How true that is.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while
speaking to the United Negro College Fund
You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy
campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you
will always be.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, to the American Samoans,
whose capital Quayle pronounces "Pogo Pogo"
Quayle stumbled in response to a question about his opinion of the
Holocaust. He said it was "an obscene period in our nation's history."
Then, trying to clarify his remark, Quayle said he meant "this century's
history" and added a confusing comment. "We all lived in this century,
I didn't live in this century," he said.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We expect them [Salvadoran officials] to work toward the elimination
of human rights.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
El Salvador is a democracy so it's not surprising that there are many voices
to be heard here. Yet in my conversations with Salvadorans... I have heard a
single voice.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and
democracy - but that could change.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president,
and that one word is 'to be prepared'.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, to the Phoenix Republican
Forum, March 1990
It's rural America. It's where I came from. We always refer to ourselves
as real America. Rural America, real America, real, real, America.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Target prices? How that works? I know quite a bit about farm policy.
I come from Indiana, which is a farm state. Deficiency payments -
which are the key - that is what gets money into the farmer's hands.
We got loan, uh, rates, we got target, uh, prices, uh, I have worked
very closely with my senior colleague, (Indiana Sen.) Richard Lugar,
making sure that the farmers of Indiana are taken care of.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle on being asked to
define the term "target prices."
Quayle's press secretary then cut short the press
conference, after two minutes and 30 seconds.
Why wouldn't an enhanced deterrent, a more stable peace, a better
prospect to denying the ones who enter conflict in the first place
to have a reduction of offensive systems and an introduction to
defensive capability. I believe that is the route this country
will eventually go.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
I not going to focus on what I have done in the past
what I stand for, what I articulate to the American people.
The American people will judge me on what I am saying and what I
have done in the last 12 years in the Congress.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
I want to be Robin to Bush's Batman.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed
without them in 'Red Storm Rising'.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
The US has a vital interest in that area of the country.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle Referring to Latin America.
Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of
the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP,
two countries. That's a statement in and of itself.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Who would have predicted... that Dubcek, who brought the tanks in in
Czechoslovakia in 1968 is now being proclaimed a hero in Czechoslovakia.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Actually, Dubcek was the leader of the Prague Spring.
May our nation continue to be the beakon of hope to the world.
-- The Quayle's 1989 Christmas card.
[Not a beacon of literacy, though.]
Well, it looks as if the top part fell on the bottom part.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle referring to
the collapsed section of the 880 freeway after
the San Francisco earthquake of 1989.
[this may be a joke; the source is unclear.
but it's still funny]
getting [cruise missles] more accurate so that we can have precise precision.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle referring to his legislative
work dealing with cruise missles
I can identify with steelworkers. I can identify with workers that
have had a difficult time.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle addressing workers at
an Ohio steel plant,1988
[I will never have] another Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy,
Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy Carter grain embargo.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle during the Benson debate
Certainly, I know what to do, and when I am Vice President -- and
I will be -- there will be contingency plans under different sets of
situations and I tell you what, I'm not going to go out and hold a news
conference about it. I'm going to put it in a safe and keep it there! Does
that answer your question?
-- Vice President Dan Quayle when asked what he
would do if he assumed the Presidency,1988
Lookit, I've done it their way this far and now it's my turn. I'm
my own handler. Any questions? Ask me ... There's not going to be any more
handler stories because I'm the handler ... I'm Doctor Spin.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle responding to press reports of
his aides having to, in effect, "potty train" him.
I would guess that there's adequate low-income housing in this
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
The real question for 1988 is whether we're going to go forward to
tomorrow or past to the -- to the back!
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity,
family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
We'll let the sunshine in and shine on us, because today we're
happy and tomorrow we'll be even happier.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
This election is about who's going to be the next President of the
United States!
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
Don't forget about the importance of the family. It begins with
the family. We're not going to redefine the family. Everybody knows the
definition of the family. [Meaningful pause] A child. [Meaningful pause] A
mother. [Meaningful pause] A father. There are other arrangements of the
family, but that is a family and family values.
I've been very blessed with wonderful parents and a wonderful
family, and I am proud of my family. Anybody turns to their family. I have
a very good family. I'm very fortunate to have a very good family. I
believe very strongly in the family. It's one of the things we have in
our platform, is to talk about it.
I suppose three important things certainly come to my mind that we
want to say thank you. The first would be our family. Your family, my
family -- which is composed of an immediate family of a wife and three
children, a larger family with grandparents and aunts and uncles. We all
have our family, whichever that may be ... The very beginnings of
civilization, the very beginnings of this country, goes back to the family.
And time and time again, I'm often reminded, especially in this
Presidential campaign, of the importance of a family, and what a family
means to this country. And so when you pay thanks I suppose the first thing
that would come to mind would be to thank the Lord for the family.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
104.149 | | ENGINE::MOLLENHAUER | | Mon Apr 01 1991 19:09 | 5 |
| Why did the Brown student cross the road?
It was the only requirement for graduation.
104.150 | There are all kinds of people out there... | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Built for comfort | Tue Apr 02 1991 12:15 | 118 |
| [headers deleted]
From a newsletter called "News of the Weird", a compendium of oddball news
items collected from various sources around the globe.
University of California-Davis graduate student Ann Perkins, on her study of
sheep sexuality: "It is very difficult to look at the possibility of lesbian
sheep because if you are a female sheep, what you do to solicit sex is stand
still. Maybe there is a female sheep out there really wanting another female,
but there's just no way for us to know it."
Chicago-area police investigated a series of thefts earlier this year of large
quantities of Kool-Aid from grocery stores. At first, they thought that some
bizarre collector was storing the packets in his home. Later, however, they
discovered that Kool-Aid is a favorite among drug pushers because it is light,
easy to steal, and can be readily sold to flea market entrepeneurs.
Inmates at a prison in New South Wales, Australia, taking advantage of a
wardens' strike in May, broke into an office and telephoned an order for 18
tons of concrete to be delivered as a prank. While they were at it, they
called out for 312 pizzas. (The concrete was sent back, but the prison had to
pay for the pizzas.)
Greg Weiler resigned in April after five years on a citizens advisory committee
to the Orange County (Calif.) transportation commission (studying traffic
problems), saying he was constantly unable to get to meetings on time because
of freeway gridlock.
The Santa Clara County (Calif.) Planned Parenthood chapter announced recently
it was having trouble finding people, even for pay, for condom reliability
tests. Spokewoman Michelle McDevitt said many married couples doubted they
could meet the "frequency" criterion for the tests: "A lot of people said, 'Six
times in one month? Forget it.'"
Secretary of State James Baker, on the July accord between Helmut Kohl and
Mikhail Gorbachev that would allow a unified Germany to choose whether or not
to join NATO: "This is a delightful surprise to the extent that it was a
surprise, and it is only a surprise to the extent that we anticipated."
NASA spokesman Bob McMillan, commenting on the photographic success of the
Galileo spacecraft in February: "No problems. Everything has gone
The Times of India reported in May that two Hindu brides, their vision obscured
by long veils, married each other's groom at Patan village ceremonies that were
rushed because both had been mistakenly scheduled for the same time. Village
elders said the marriages are final and cannot be revoked.
Eddie Oakley had requested a recording of Ella Fitzgerald singing "Every Time
You Say Goodbye" at his cremation services, which took place in Kidderminster,
England, in June, but the person in charge mistakenly played "Smoke Gets in
Your Eyes."
Newspapers in Naples, Italy, reported that, in a lawsuit against an insurance
company, a couple had blamed the woman's pregnancy on an automobile accident.
She claimed that while the couple was making out in a car in a notorious
lover's lane, another car rammed their car from behind, causing the couple to
"lose control" and be unable to avoid the insemination.
Omaha attorney (and former judge) David Crawford broke his collarbone recently
as he was demonstrating to his office staff how easy it would be to tip over
cows as they sleep standing up. He had gotten down on all fours and asked a
staff member to tip him over onto his side.
Five armed inmates overpowered guards at a Venezuelan prison close to the
Columbian border in April, commandeered a vehicle, and prepared to escape.
However, none of the five, nor any of the several hostages they grabbed, knew
how to drive a stick shift, and army troops soon obtained the men's surrender.
Gloversvill, N.Y., prison inmate Bruce Hillbourne, 30, apparently attempting to
postpone a parole hearing in February, swallowed 24 size AA and A batteries,
which had to be removed through surgery. His record is 36 batteries, which he
swallowed while incarcerated in 1986.
After an audit, the U.S. Postal Service announced in June that the IRS owed $2
million for underpaying its postage bill. The IRS said several offices did not
understand the complex regulations on certified mail.
In April, Judge Eduardo Rodriguez ruled, in Granada, Spain, that Jesus Christ
was innocent of the charges that sent him to death in Galilee, finding that
Jesus suffered "significant" violations of due process of law, including the
absence of a defender.
A Cuyahoga County, Ohio, judge recently awarded two rape victims damages from
their assailant based on $50 per day for the rest of their lives. Nine other
victims of the man have a lawsuit pending against him for $52 million.
However, the man's earning capacity is limited because he is serving the next
1,449 to 3,195 years in prison for the rapes.
In Orlando, Fla., Joseph T. Hill was convicted in August of counterfeiting and
faces up to 20 years in prison. Among his work was printing several million
Polish zlotys, worth only about $300. Said a Secret Service agent, "He could
have printed a boxcar full of them and not have enough to buy an expensive
St. Paul, Minn., bank president Michael Brennan filed a $50,000 lawsuit in July
against the city and a construction company for a 1989 mishap in his bank's
restroom. The construction company had shut off a sewer line without notifying
the bank, and when Brennan flushed, he was suddenly washed out with "200 to 300
gallons" of raw sewage. The company offered only to buy him a new suit.
104.151 | Take me out to the ball game...... | MSHRMS::FIELDS | A Time 4peace I Swear Its Not 2L8 | Tue Apr 09 1991 11:29 | 118 |
I went to a baseball game last year where the attendance was so small
there was no anthem. Everyone just stood up and told a little about
-Elayne Boosler
Without baseball, think of all the kids who would nver know what a
millionaire looks like.
-Phyllis Diller
A guy in a bar tells another patron that he has a talking dog. The
other guy tells him to prove it. The owner looks at his pet and asks,
"What's on top of a house?" The dog answers "Ruff!" The patron
demands more proof, so the owner asks "How does sandpaper feel?" The
dog speaks "Ruff!" The patron is still in disbelief, so the owner
looks at his prize pet and once again asks, "Who is your favorite
baseball player?" And the dog replies, "Joe Dimaggio."
- Steven Banks
When your home team is the Atlanta Braves, you don't have to write
material. The [stuff] just happens.
-Pam Stone
My husband's from another country, so when he watches sports on
television I can tell him anything I want. He asked me why the umpires
wear jackets and no one else does; I told him it's because they just
came from dinner.
-Rita Rudner
The funniest thing about baseball is when they have bat day at Yankee
Stadium. You take 50,000 New Yorkers, pump 'em full of beer, and hand
'em murder weapons. The closest event I can think of is butcher-knife
day at San Quentin.
-Richard Jeni
Donald Trump said to me, "Judy, I'm sensitive. I just want to sit
around with a bunch of men and cry." I said "So go to a Yankees game."
-Judy Tenuta
In Atlanta they have a bumper sticker that says GO BRAVES, AND TAKE THE
-George Wallace
I feel sorry for baseball players with famous nicknames. It's gotta be
hell trying to get a job outside of sports with some of those names. I
mean, would *you* go to a proctologist named Goose Gossage?
-Ross Shafer
When I was a kid, they called me Mr. Baseball. Not because I was a
great player, but because of the stitches in my head.
-Emo Phillips
"Field of Dreams" is one of my favorite movies. After seeing it, I
realized that Kevin Costner and I have two things in common: the love
of baseball, and hallucinations.
-Carol Leifer
George Brett won the batting title in three different decades. Minnie
Minoso was hit by the most pitches in three different decades. Their
reflections on the sport have got to be a little different. Brett:
"In the 70's I went 4 for 4 on the last day of the season, and in the
80's I hit a home run in my last at-bat." Minoso: "A curveball
shattered the orbit of my left eye in the 60's. In the 70's I got hit
by three pitches in my last game. The last one, a high fast ball, gave
me a splinter fracture to the back of my skull..."
-Dom Irrera
I love baseball. I've always loved and played baseball as a boy. It's
definitely America's game. Although I would like to see one change
made. I think that if a game goes into extra innings, they should go
with a ball the size of a BB. That way, it would be more of a
pitcher's game and would heighten a tie situation even more.
-Steven Wright
As a Yankee fan, I'm looking forward to a new season, because last year
their magic number was 911.
-Paul Provenza
In little league one year, I remember missing three games with a pulled
groin. Unfortunately, it was self-inflicted.
-Dennis Wolfberg
104.152 | | ISLNDS::CLARK | honor veterans - wage peace | Wed Apr 10 1991 15:40 | 74 |
<headers deleted>
Written 5:03 pm Apr 5, 1991
by fish@chips.EBay.Sun.COM
in primerd:rec.humo
(El Segundo, Ca) - Xerox officials held an emergency press conference
Wedensday to announce a total recall of all Reprotron 5000
Three-Dimensional Copy Machines.
Xerox stock has plummeted to a new all-time low since the release of
the innovative device. Xerox hailed the Reprotron 5000 as a "new
revolution in copying" when it introduced the machine just two weeks ago,
and market insiders were certain that the copier would send Xerox stock
through the roof.
At a demonstration of the Reprotron in August, Xerox staffers made full
three-dimensional copies of an Oriental vase, a bowl of fruit, and a
perfect red rose. Reporters were invited to sample apples and oranges
copied from the original fruit, though Xerox technicians did warn that the
copied fruit might taste slightly of toner. John Thompson (inventor of the
Reprotron) stepped forward to make a copy of a Manhattan phone book, but
accidentally copied his hand and forearm. He quickly disposed of the
highly detailed, frantically wiggling half-limb as it slid out of the
copier's delivery slot.
But Xerox wasn't ready for what happened next. "We assumed that people
would behave as responsible, thinking human beings with this copier, and
obviously we were wrong," Thompson states. From all across the USA,
reports have been filing in of the copier being used in what Thompson calls
"sick, greedy ways."
At a Copy Center in Austin, Texas, a couple was arrested for making 15
copies of their three-year-old son, Jeremy, and then refusing to pay for
the copies, claiming that some of the new children were "smudged." Local
authorities were uncertain as to which charges should be pressed.
In Union City, Arizona, Treasury Department officials are investigating
reports of a secretary who allegedly copied a single bar of gold bullion
150 times. A task force investigator stated, "Granted, it takes money to
make money, but we're almost certain that this action is in violation of
some laws."
Xerox officials are also under fire from consumers, due to rumors that
the three-dimensional copying technology is imperfect. Harold Butz of
Peoria, Pennsylvania, made a copy of a common cement brick spray-painted
gold. Butz claims he was "shocked and dismayed" when he discovered that
the machine-made copy was 22-karat solid gold. "All I wanted was a really
good copy of a cement brick spray-painted gold'" Butz stated. "What the
hell am I going to do with this thing?"
Xerox plans to scrap all the machines they are able to recall, but
Thompson expressed concern over the so-called "black market Reprotrons."
"Apparently some sick and greedy people discovered that if they had two
machines, they could use one to make a working copy of the other," Thompson
revealed. "To tell the truth, we only sold two machines in all - to the
Cappelli family, a New Jersey based Meat packing firm. These copy pirates
should be aware that as with anything that is copied from a copy and so on,
there are bound to be defects in the copies produced. We have no idea what
kind of stuff will pop out of the slot when a person copies something on a
fourth- or fifth-generation machine." Thompson declined to comment on
reports that hundreds of the pirated machines have a human thumb attached
to the coin slot which constantly wiggles - the result of a person's thumb
getting in the way during one of the original copier-to-copier copies.
"Ultimately, we're not too worried," Thompson stated. "People owning
the copiers will eventually run out of the fluid that make the machine
work, and we've taken all the fluid off the market. A machine can only
last two weeks or so without a fluid refill, and there won't be any fluid
refills." When asked why people with copiers couldn't simply make copies
of the fluid cannisters they already have, Xerox officials hastily ended
the press conference, stating that they "need to reconsider a few things."
104.153 | sounds like a Dave Barry | ISLNDS::CLARK | honor veterans - wage peace | Fri Apr 12 1991 16:53 | 108 |
| [forwards removed]
Reproduced verbatim. God knows where it came from. I suspect some
frustrated documentation person snapped the 23rd time he had to
write five pages of instructions on how to snazzle the frobnix.
Congratulations! You have purchased an extremely fine device that would
give you thousands of years of trouble-free service, except that you
will undoubtedly destroy it via some typical bonehead consumer
maneuver. Which is why we ask you to PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE READ THIS
We're sorry. We just get a little crazy sometimes because we're always
getting back "defective" merchandise where it turns out that the
consumer inadvertently bathed the device in acid for six days. So, in
writing these instructions, we naturally tend to assume that your skull
is filled with dead insects, but we mean nothing by it. OK? Now let's
talk about:
1. UNPACKING THE DEVICE. The device is encased in foam to protect it
from the Shipping People, who like nothing more than to jab spears
wants that ring back, because it is her only proof of engagement, and
her fiancee, Stuart, it now seriously considering backing out on the
whole thing inasmuch as he had consumed most of a bottle of Jim Beam
in Quality Control when he decided to pop the question. It is not
without irony that Ida Mae's last name is "Barker", if you get our
If you attempt to return the device to the store, and you are missing
one single peanut, the store personnel will laugh in the chilling
manner exhibited by Joseph Stalin just after he enslaved Eastern
Besides the device, the box should contain:
* Eight little rectangular snippets of paper that say "WARNING"
* A little plastic packet containing four 5/17 inch pilfer grommets
and two club-ended 6/93 inch boxcar prawns.
YOU WILL NEED TO SUPPLY: a matrix wrench and 60,000 feet of tram cable.
spouse and say "Margaret, you know why this country can't make a car
that can get all the way through the drive-through at Burger King without
a major transmission overhaul? Because nobody cares, that's why."
WARNING: This is assuming your spouse's name is Margaret.
2. PLUGGING IN THE DEVICE: The plug on this device represents the latest
thinking of the electrical industry's Plug Mutation Group, which, in a
continuing effort to prevent consumers from causing hazardous electrical
current to flow through their appliances, developed the Three-Pronged
Plug, then the Plug Where One Prong is Bigger Than the Other. Your device
is equipped with the revolutionary new Plug Whose Prongs Consist of
Six Small Religious Figurines Made of Chocolate. DO NOT TRY TO PLUG IT IN!
Lay it gently on the floor near an outlet, but out of direct sunlight,
and clean it weekly with a damp handkerchief.
INSTRUCTIONS: For results that can be the finest, it is our advising that:
NEVER to hold these buttons two times!! Except the battery. Next taking the
(something) earth section may cause a large occurrence! However. If this is
not a trouble, such rotation is a very maintainence action, as a kindly
(something) virepoint from Drawing B.
4. WARRANTY: Be it hereby known that this device, together with but not
excluding all those certain parts thereunto, shall be warranted against
all defects, failures and malfunctions as shall occur between now and
Thursday afternoon shortly before 2, during which time the Manufacturer
will, at no charge to the Owner, send the device to our Service People,
who will emerge from their caves and engage in rituals designed to cleanse
it of evil spirits. This warranty does not cover the attractive designer
104.154 | Dave it is | AIMHI::KELLER | Wherever you go, there you are | Fri Apr 12 1991 17:39 | 8 |
| > <<< Note 104.153 by ISLNDS::CLARK "honor veterans - wage peace" >>>
> -< sounds like a Dave Barry >-
This is definitely Dave Barry. I remember seeing it in the DB notesfile about
2 years ago. A classic:-)
104.155 | our vice president speaketh | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Tue Apr 30 1991 16:18 | 220 |
| From: DECWRL::"irobot@apple.com" "Alan Henley" 29-APR-1991 22:53:24.09
To: skylrk::ting
Subj: Quayle quotes
Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense
cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle comparing the
offensive capabilities of the Warsaw Pact
with the defensive system of NATO
Why wouldn't an enhanced deterrent, a more stable peace, a better
prospect to denying the ones who enter conflict in the first place
to have a reduction of offensive systems and an introduction to
defensive capability. I believe that is the route this country
will eventually go.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Mars is essentially in the same orbit... somewhat the same distance from the
Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals,
we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If
oxygen, that means we can breathe.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is IN
the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that
is right here.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle,
Hawaii, September 1989
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind
at all. How true that is.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while
speaking to the United Negro College Fund
You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy
campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you
will always be.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, to the American Samoans,
whose capital Quayle pronounces "Pogo Pogo"
Quayle stumbled in response to a question about his opinion of the
Holocaust. He said it was "an obscene period in our nation's history."
Then, trying to clarify his remark, Quayle said he meant "this century's
history" and added a confusing comment. "We all lived in this century,
I didn't live in this century," he said.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We expect them [Salvadoran officials] to work toward the elimination
of human rights.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
El Salvador is a democracy so it's not surprising that there are many voices
to be heard here. Yet in my conversations with Salvadorans... I have heard a
single voice.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and
democracy - but that could change.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president,
and that one word is 'to be prepared'.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, to the Phoenix Republican
Forum, March 1990
It's rural America. It's where I came from. We always refer to ourselves
as real America. Rural America, real America, real, real, America.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Target prices? How that works? I know quite a bit about farm policy.
I come from Indiana, which is a farm state. Deficiency payments -
which are the key - that is what gets money into the farmer's hands.
We got loan, uh, rates, we got target, uh, prices, uh, I have worked
very closely with my senior colleague, (Indiana Sen.) Richard Lugar,
making sure that the farmers of Indiana are taken care of.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle on being asked to
define the term "target prices."
Quayle's press secretary then cut short the press
conference, after two minutes and 30 seconds.
I not going to focus on what I have done in the past
what I stand for, what I articulate to the American people.
The American people will judge me on what I am saying and what I
have done in the last 12 years in the Congress.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
I want to be Robin to Bush's Batman.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed
without them in 'Red Storm Rising'.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
The US has a vital interest in that area of the country.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle Referring to Latin America.
Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of
the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP,
two countries. That's a statement in and of itself.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Who would have predicted... that Dubcek, who brought the tanks in in
Czechoslovakia in 1968 is now being proclaimed a hero in Czechoslovakia.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Actually, Dubcek was the leader of the Prague Spring.
May our nation continue to be the beakon of hope to the world.
-- The Quayle's 1989 Christmas card.
[Not a beacon of literacy, though.]
-- Vice President Dan Quayle referring to
the collapsed section of the 880 freeway after
the San Francisco earthquake of 1989.
[this may be a joke; the source is unclear.
but it's still funny]
getting [cruise missles] more accurate so that we can have precise precision.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle referring to his legislative
work dealing with cruise missles
I can identify with steelworkers. I can identify with workers that
have had a difficult time.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle addressing workers at
an Ohio steel plant,1988
[I will never have] another Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy,
Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy Carter grain embargo.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle during the Benson debate
Certainly, I know what to do, and when I am Vice President -- and
I will be -- there will be contingency plans under different sets of
situations and I tell you what, I'm not going to go out and hold a news
conference about it. I'm going to put it in a safe and keep it there! Does
that answer your question?
-- Vice President Dan Quayle when asked what he
would do if he assumed the Presidency,1988
Lookit, I've done it their way this far and now it's my turn. I'm
my own handler. Any questions? Ask me ... There's not going to be any more
handler stories because I'm the handler ... I'm Doctor Spin.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle responding to press reports of
his aides having to, in effect, "potty train" him.
I would guess that there's adequate low-income housing in this
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
The real question for 1988 is whether we're going to go forward to
tomorrow or past to the -- to the back!
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity,
family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
We'll let the sunshine in and shine on us, because today we're
happy and tomorrow we'll be even happier.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
This election is about who's going to be the next President of the
United States!
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 1988
Don't forget about the importance of the family. It begins with
the family. We're not going to redefine the family. Everybody knows the
definition of the family. [Meaningful pause] A child. [Meaningful pause] A
mother. [Meaningful pause] A father. There are other arrangements of the
family, but that is a family and family values.
I've been very blessed with wonderful parents and a wonderful
family, and I am proud of my family. Anybody turns to their family. I have a
very good family. I'm very fortunate to have a very good family. I
believe very strongly in the family. It's one of the things we have in
our platform, is to talk about it.
I suppose three important things certainly come to my mind that we
want to say thank you. The first would be our family. Your family, my
family -- which is composed of an immediate family of a wife and three
children, a larger family with grandparents and aunts and uncles. We all have
our family, whichever that may be ... The very beginnings of
civilization, the very beginnings of this country, goes back to the family. And
time and time again, I'm often reminded, especially in this
Presidential campaign, of the importance of a family, and what a family
means to this country. And so when you pay thanks I suppose the first thing
that would come to mind would be to thank the Lord for the family.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 91 13:06:38 -0700
From: Alan Henley <irobot@apple.com>
Message-Id: <9104292006.AA04675@apple.com>
To: skylrk::ting
Subject: Quayle quotes
104.156 | Watch out for those elephants!!!!!!! | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | NotbadNotemptyNotalive | Fri May 10 1991 11:47 | 67 |
| <><><><><><><><> T h e V O G O N N e w s S e r v i c e <><><><><><><><>
Edition : 2320 Friday 10-May-1991 Circulation : 8441
{lots of stuff delted}
VOGONBALLS: [Dick Binder, VNS Humour Editor]
=============== [Nashua, NH, USA ]
"It took the Swedes until the 39th minute of the game until they
were able to score, even though they were outplayed by the Swedes
most of the game."
- VNS #2315, Sports News
- from Karl Frey (Shrewsbury, MA, USA)
"Northwestern flight 722 will be delayed as mechanics again
overlook the problem which developed in Miami."
- P.A. announcement in New Orleans
- from Bob Albern (Colorado Springs, CO, USA)
"It looks like Holyfield hit Foreman twice as many times and
Foreman only hit him half as many.."
- Larry Merchant, boxing announcer
- from Ravi Viswanath (nashua, NH, USA)
"She was acquitted due to lack of insufficient evidence."
- Unidentified self-proclaimed expert
- from Pam Chepuri (Detroit, MI, USA)
"The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical
which the typographical error occurs."
- Stow, MA, Villager
- from Andy Sadler (Bedford, MA, USA)
"On my sleeping tablets the label read: 'may cause drowsiness!'"
- Mrs M. Bell, in unidentified UK paper
- from Paul Wright (Newcastle, England)
"As it turns out, elephants poach 150 to 200 people a year in
- National Geographic, May '91
- from Louis Carroll (Galway, Ireland)
"Rachel...hello, what's your name?"
- Philip Schofield, BBC Radio 1
- from Jeff Nagle (Reading, England)
*** Send VOGONballs to VORTEX::CALIPH::BINDER, not to VNS ***
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Permission to copy material from this VNS is granted (per DIGITAL PP&P)
provided that the message header for the issue and credit lines for the
VNS correspondent and original source are retained in the copy.
<><><><><><><><> VNS Edition : 2320 Friday 10-May-1991 <><><><><><><><>
104.157 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | peace and love live there still | Fri May 17 1991 12:39 | 25 |
| {headers removed}
Three managers decide to go on a deer hunting trip in the great white north.
In order to get to their hunting grounds, they charter a small seaplane. The
pilot says to the managers: "Now listen up you guys, you decide right now which
one of you is going to bring back the deer, because I can't take all of you AND
three deer". The managers nod in agreement and off they go. The plane lands in a
a small, secluded lake and the Managers set out on their hunting expedition.
One week later, the seaplane returns, and sure enough, the managers have
three deer laid out on the shore. "I thought I told you guys I could only
carry you three plus one deer!!" the pilot exclaimed. "Gee, we had this same
problem last year, but we gave the pilot an extra $50, and he took us" said
one of the managers. "All right, dammit, load the deer!" said the pilot as
he took the bribe.
The plane taxis into the lake to get as much room as possible for the takeoff.
The pilot applies full throttle, and the plane veeerrry sluggishly climbs into
the air, clawing for altitude. Alas, it is not enough. The plane crashes into
a tree at the far end of the lake. The managers, stunned by the impact, barely
manage to climb clear of the wreckage. One of them says "Oh, my head! Where
are we?". Another manager replies "About 100 feet from where we wound up
last year".
104.158 | hee haw! | LANDO::HAPGOOD | now we play for life | Wed May 22 1991 13:23 | 12 |
Here's one I read the other day - attributed to Robin Williams:
What's the definition of scary:
"President Quayle, raise your right hand."
"NO, your other right hand."
:) :) :)
104.159 | thyroid fever | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Imagine... | Thu May 30 1991 19:49 | 5 |
So where are the jokes about the Bush epidemic? Like - see what you
get when you shower with your dog?
104.160 | | SSGV01::STROBEL | | Thu May 30 1991 20:04 | 1 |
| guess that's what happens when you share the same dog bowl
104.161 | ucko | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Imagine... | Thu May 30 1991 20:06 | 5 |
104.162 | Dave Barry on dogs | SPOCK::IRONS | Might as well | Fri May 31 1991 15:13 | 168 |
| From: FROSTY::DOYLE_D "NH-HAPM Finance 264-3780" 30-MAY-1991 14:20:47.06
Subj: Dave Barry on Pets
This is from Glamour Magazine December '84
A Wary Pet-Owner's Guide
to everything from gerbils to restaurant lobsters
By Dave Barry
The first pet I ever had was an ant colony my mother gave me for
Christmas when I was ten. This just goes to show the kind of deranged
gifts people buy under threat of Christmas. Our house was already
overrun with ants, and my mother hated them. She'd spend hours in the
kitchen, whapping at them with a broom.
But those were ordinary house ants; the ones she bought me were
professional, educational ants. The idea was that I would feed them
sugar water, and they would teach me the wonders of nature by doing
whatever ants do when they're in the privacy of their homes, as opposed
to when they're carrying off disgusting little pieces of old hamburger.
So I gave them names, fed them sugar water, and after about two days
they all died - probably from tooth decay. I recall being upset at the
time, which is pretty ironic because I thought nothing of mashing the
house ants with hard-cover books.
That's the whole thing about a pet: The instant you give an animal a
name, it ceases to be a random part of nature, and you no longer feel
comfortable mashing it or eating it. Take cows. We think nothing of
eating them when they're in the form of roast beef, but if you ever
spend a few minutes alone with an actual in-person cow, you find
yourself petting it and even trying to hold a conversation with it.
My sister Kate used to form this kind of attachment to animals very
rapidly. Our family would go to a seafood restaurant with one of those
tanks containing a bunch of lobsters staring at you and wearing
handcuffs, and before long, Kate would have given them all names.
She'd lean over the tank, chatting with them, and pretty soon the other
diners would stop eating. They'd be staring at their plates, wondering
what name Kate would have given their lobsters. Kate's a vegetarian
Thanks to my sister, we had a large assortment of pets when we were
kids. We had several of those fluffy, silly little animals such as
hamsters, gerbils and rabbits that do nothing but sit around looking
terrified and pooping. We never kept them very long. Kate would start
to feel sorry for them being stuck in the cage all the time, so
eventually she'd let them out, and they'd scuttle across the lawn and
into the woods. She thought she was doing them a great favor, but they
probably didn't last long out there, nosing around in the forest floor
in their wimpy little way, looking for food pellets like the ones they
always got back home.
Our other major childhood pets were the reptile variety, such as
snakes, toads and salamanders. But even Kate never formed any
meaningful relationships with them. Reptiles are what scientists call
"cold-blooded animals," which means that all they ever think about is
murder. You know those Japanese horror films produced in the 1950's,
the ones in which there is some kind of terrible atomic accident and
the radiation makes reptiles grow to the size of the U.S. Treasury
Building? Did you ever notice that the first thing these reptiles
always do is go to the nearest city and start knocking over subway
trains and eating people? Well, that's the dream of all reptiles. If
you keep a pet lizard, it will just sit there in the cage, staring at
you all day in a cold-blooded manner with those beady little eyes. Its
single thought is: "I hope today's the day. I hope there's an atomic
accident and I get bathed in radiation; then I'm gonna eat you.
Hahahahahahahahaha!" It's a chilling thing to watch, believe me.
Turtles are the only exception to my Reptile Rule. They make loyal,
warm and loving pets. I know this because two years ago I ran over a
turtle name Bob with my lawnmower. (My son, who was then two and could
receive signals from outer space, informed me with great confidence
that the turtles name was Bob.) Now, I didn't run over him on purpose,
you understand; I have enough trouble keeping my lawnmower going
without clogging it up with turtles. Bob was unhurt, though, because
Mother Nature has equipped turtles with hard shells to protect them
from lawnmowers. In fact, Bob seemed to take a real shine to us after
that incident, and he hung around our lawn for an entire summer, which
I think was warm and loving behavior for a turtle. (Or maybe the
blades had taken his legs off. it was hard to tell; I was afraid to
mow the lawn after that so the grass got pretty high.)
Based on my credentials as the owner of a great many animals, I'd have
to say that the very best kind of pet is a dog. When I say "dog" I
mean a DOG, which is a large, bounding type of salivating animal with
bad breath, not those squeaky little things that sit on people's laps
and wear sweaters and go into frenzies of excitement at the sound of
their own parasites. Zoologists tell us that these are not really dogs
at all: They are members of the pillow family.
The thing I like about most dogs is that they listen to you. I can
spend hours talking to my German shepard, Shawna, explaining my views
on world affairs. She drinks in every word. I only wish I could hear
what she's thinking:
ME: You know, Shawna, our involvement in Central America has me very
MY DOG: I wonder if he's going to give me some food.
ME: I mean, the parallels with Vietnam are positively eerie.
MY DOG: Maybe he'll give me some food now.
ME: Of course, there's no denying that the Cubans are actively invoked.
MY DOG: Any minute now he's going to go into the kitchen and get me
some food.
In my experience, cats rarely show this kind of interest in world
affairs. And if a cat likes you, it shows its affection by sinking its
claws deep into your flesh and trying to climb up your leg so it can do
God-knows-what to your face. So I never had a really positive
relationship with a cat.
I also have trouble with the idea of having a pet. Horses have
enormous bodies with hard feet that could easily stomp a person into
the consistency of grits. And you can never trust a horse because you
can't look it straight in the eyes. A horse has eyes about the size of
cue balls, and they're located on opposite sides of its head, sometimes
as much as several feet apart. So while one eye is gazing at you in a
friendly and Trigger-like way, the other eye, over where you can't see
it, could have a shrewd and calculating look, the look of an animal
that's thinking: "What would happen to me if I stomped him to death?"
I've also learned to rule out fish as pets because every time I've ever
had them the same thing always happens. I put them in the water, and
they start doing what fish always do: Look for a way out of the tank.
they swim to one end and say to themselves, "Nope! Not here!" Then
they swim to the other end and say, "Nope! Guess I'll try the other
end!" And so on, hundreds of thousands of times a day, day in and day
out, until they get deadly fish rot and die.
Every five years or so, my wife and I have a seizure of optimism and
decide to try topical fish again. We spend $50 on fish, fish food,
medicine, filters and special fish gravel. Then we pH the water in the
tank and adjust the temperature and the pH (whatever that is) because
it has to be just so, or your fish will die (or so they tell you at the
pet store).
You wonder how these fish survive in their natural tropical
environment, with plain old natural gravel and nobody to adjust the
water temperature and pH for them.
Then we put in the fish, give them names and soon come to love them as
members of the family. One day we notice that Big-Tail Bob's fins are
starting to rot away. So we put in some medicine, but before long, the
rot has attacked them all, and some of them are swimming upside down.
Finally, the fish have no fins at all, just their little central
bodies, and we just can't stand it anymore, watching them flop around
bereft of dignity. So with heavy hearts we put them down the garbage
disposal and put the tank back in the basement and swear we will never,
ever, try to have fish again. And we don't - until the next seizure of
optimism strikes us.
So, all things considered, I would say that my only really successful
attempt at petowning has been my dog. Sure, she'll never be a great
conversationalist, but she's my most faithful companion. When I'm
feeling depressed, when the so-called "intelligent" human beings in my
life have let me down, when it seems as though I have no friends, I can
always count on Shawna to somehow sense that I need comforting. She'll
nose the door open, pad into the room, lie down next to me, and start
heaving on the carpet.
104.163 | some people have all the luck ! | MSHRMS::FIELDS | mumble,mumble,mumble - Bob Weir 1991 | Tue Jun 04 1991 16:52 | 17 |
Two guys were driving along one day when the driver noticed he was
getting low on gas. He pulled into a local gas station that had a
sign up saying "FREE SEX WITH FILL-UP". The male attendant filled
the tank, took the money, and started to walk away. The driver
called him back and said, "What about the free sex?" The attendant
told him that he also had to answer a question correctly first.
He said, "Pick a number from 1 to 10." The driver said, "OK, 7."
The attendant said, "I'm sorry, the number was 2." Then the
passenger asked if he got a shot. "Sure," said the attendant; "pick
a number between 1 and 10." "2," said the passenger. "Close,"
said the attendant; "the number was 3."
As they drove off, the passenger muttered that the game was obviously
fixed, whereupon the driver shook his head and said, "No, it's honest
alright -- my wife told me she won twice last week!"
104.164 | That other operating system.... | NECSC::LEVY | Love is real, not fade away | Wed Jun 05 1991 10:57 | 83 |
| <><><><><><><><> T h e V O G O N N e w s S e r v i c e <><><><><><><><>
Edition : 2336 Tuesday 4-Jun-1991 Circulation : 8466
VNS TECHNOLOGY WATCH .............................. 62 Lines
Please send subscription and backissue requests to CASEE::VNS
VNS TECHNOLOGY WATCH: [Mike Taylor, VNS Correspondent]
===================== [Littleton, MA, USA ]
In an announcement that has stunned the computer industry, Ken Thompson,
Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan admitted that the Unix operating
system and C programming language created by them is an elaborate April
Fools prank kept alive for over 20 years. Speaking at the recent
UnixWorld Software Development Forum, Thompson revealed the following:
"In 1969, AT&T had just terminated their work with the GE/Honeywell/AT&T
Multics project. Brian and I had just started working with an early
release of Pascal from Professor Nichlaus Wirth's ETH labs in
Switzerland and we were impressed with its elegant simplicity and
power. Dennis had just finished reading 'Bored of the Rings', a
hilarious National Lampoon parody of the great Tolkien 'Lord of the
Rings' trilogy. As a lark, we decided to do parodies of the Multics
environment and Pascal. Dennis and I were responsible for the operating
environment. We looked at Multics and designed the new system to be as
complex and cryptic as possible to maximize casual users' frustration
levels, calling it Unix as a parody of Multics, as well as other more
risque allusions. Then Dennis and Brian worked on a truly warped
version of Pascal, called 'A'. When we found others were actually
trying to create real programs with A, we quickly added additional
cryptic features and evolved into B, BCPL and finally C. We stopped
when we got a clean compile on the following syntax:
for(;P("\n"),R-;P("|"))for(e=C;e-;P("_"+(*u++/8)%2))P("| "+(*u/4)%2);
To think that modern programmers would try to use a language that
allowed such a statement was beyond our comprehension! We actually
thought of selling this to the Soviets to set their computer science
progress back 20 or more years. Imagine our surprise when AT&T and
other US corporations actually began trying to use Unix and C! It has
taken them 20 years to develop enough expertise to generate even
marginally useful applications using this 1960's technological parody,
but we are impressed with the tenacity (if not common sense) of the
general Unix and C programmer. In any event, Brian, Dennis and I have
been working exclusively in Pascal on the Apple Macintosh for the past
few years and feel really guilty about the chaos, confusion and truly
bad programming that have resulted from our silly prank so long ago."
Major Unix and C vendors and customers, including AT&T, Microsoft,
Hewlett-Packard, GTE, NCR, and DEC have refused comment at this time.
Borland International, a leading vendor of Pascal and C tools,
including the popular Turbo Pascal, Turbo C and Turbo C++, stated they
had suspected this for a number of years and would continue to enhance
their Pascal products and halt further efforts to develop C. An IBM
spokesman broke into uncontrolled laughter and had to postpone a
hastily convened news conference concerning the fate of the RS-6000,
merely stating 'VM will be available Real Soon Now'. In a cryptic
statement, Professor Wirth of the ETH institute and father of the
Pascal, Modula 2 and Oberon structured languages, merely stated that P.
T. Barnum was correct.
In a related late-breaking story, usually reliable sources are stating
that a similar confession may be forthcoming from William Gates
concerning the MS-DOS and Windows operating environments. And IBM
spokesman have begun denying that the Virtual Machine (VM) product is
an internal prank gone awry.
{contributed by Bernard L. Hayes}
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provided that the message header for the issue and credit lines for the
VNS correspondent and original source are retained in the copy.
<><><><><><><><> VNS Edition : 2336 Tuesday 4-Jun-1991 <><><><><><><><>
104.165 | round 3 | BIODTL::FERGUSON | the rainbow does not have a beard | Wed Jun 05 1991 15:14 | 1 |
| This is the 3rd time I've seen this! Yow -- news travels fast!
104.166 | the nth biggest lie - my virus is in remission! | LANDO::HAPGOOD | now we play for life | Fri Jun 07 1991 13:05 | 48 |
| well folks, here's a chuckle! gotta love that 'world weekly news!'
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Thursday 6 June 1991 Volume 11 : Issue 84
ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 14:09:31 EDT
From: mcc@moscom.com (Mike Corbett)
Subject: "MAN CATCHES COMPUTER VIRUS!" -- A new computer risk?
[WWN's Computer Story Generator Strikes Again!]
Bizarre illness jamming up his brain waves!
Caption: SICK COMPUTER passed on a bizarre virus to programmer John Stevens,
above, after it became ill from an infected software program.
By Michael Todd, Special Correspondent, {Weekly World News}, 18 June 1991
John Stevens has a lot in common with his home computer: Both think
logically, both like numbers and both are sick with a virus - the same virus!
Stevens, a computer programmer who works out of his home in a Philadelphia
suburb, is convinced his lingering and debilitating illness is something he got
from his sick computer. And the victim's doctor agrees. "I've run every test
I can think of to trace the origin of his illness," said Dr. Mark Fordland.
"He has a virus, but it's not like any virus I've ever seen."
Stevens, 32, said his computer began to show signs of a virus - a software
program designed to eat up an destroy other software data - about a week before
he got sick. "I was careless about borrowing software programs from other
people I didn't know well," Stevens admits.
Dr. Fordland, himself a computer expert, agrees. "Borrowing software
programs from friends and strangers is like having sex with someone you don't
know well. When you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they've ever
slept with. When you borrow someone's software program, you're connected to
everyone who's ever used that program." Dr. Fordland concludes that Stevens'
symptoms are identical to that of a software virus' attack on a computer.
"Stevens has become forgetful, like something is eating up his memory, his
data. He has less and less energy. He can't hold onto thoughts. Even an EEG
(electroencephalogram) of his brain waves keeps changing. It's becoming more
and more erratic. "This virus could just eat him up until his mind is a blank
and he's like a vegetable," the doctor said.
104.167 | stress managment 101 | MSHRMS::FIELDS | gee this soda smells very orangey | Mon Jun 10 1991 13:22 | 63 |
25 Ways to Cope with STRESS
1. Jam miniature marshmallows up your nose and sneeze them out.
See how many you can do at once.
2. Use your MasterCard to pay your Visa and vice-versa.
3. Pop some popcorn without putting the lid on.
4. When someone says "Have a nice day", tell them you have other plans.
5. Make a list of things to do that you've already done.
6. Dance naked in front of your pets.
7. Put your toddler's clothes on backwards and send them off to pre-school
as if nothing is wrong.
8. Fill out your tax forms using Roman Numerals.
9. Tape pictures of your boss on watermelons and launch them from high
10. Leaf through a "National Geographic" and draw underwear on the natives.
11. Tattoo "out to lunch" on your forehead.
12. Go shopping. Buy everything. Sweat in it. Return it the next day.
13. Buy a subscription of "Sleeziod Weekly" and send it to your boss's
14. Pay your electric bill in pennies.
15. Drive to work in reverse.
16. Find out what a frog in a blender really looks like.
17. Tell your boss to "blow it out of your mule" and let them figure it
18. Sit naked on a shelled hard boiled egg.
19. Polish your car with ear wax.
20. Read the dictionary upside down and look for secret messages.
21. Start a nasty rumor and see if you recognize it when it comes back to
22. Braid the hairs in each nostril.
23. Write a short story using alphabet soup.
24. Stare at people through the tines of a fork and pretend they're in jail.
25. Make up a language and ask people for directions.
Bonus. Replace the filling of a Twinkey with ketchup and place it back
in the wrapper.
104.168 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | shake that bag o' bones | Mon Jun 10 1991 19:19 | 53 |
| [forwards removed]
by Dan Murphy
(with vague apologies to Tony Hatch, writer of "Downtown")
When you're alone and life is making you lonely
you can always go -- RUN NOTES
When you need contacts just login to your VAX
and soon you too can go -- RUN NOTES.
Going out at night these days is fraught with risks and dangers,
Punks and muggers, cops and bums, and oddly dressing strangers,
Boy, can you lose!
But life is much kinder here,
You can discuss "books" and "movies", "red-sox" and "beer", just go
RUN NOTES, "human_relations" waits,
RUN NOTES, "singles" will get you dates,
RUN NOTES, "weddings" may hold your fate, now.
Don't have a fear, and don't let work interfere
When you would rather go -- RUN NOTES
Your boss doesn't mind, he's opened "comics" or "wines",
He too would rather go -- RUN NOTES
You can let it all hang out, it's therapy, it's freeing,
You can note and never see another human being,
What a relief.
There may be religious fights
In "canines", "womannotes", "flying", "fishing", or "kites", when you
RUN NOTES, "soapbox" is full of gas,
RUN NOTES, "sexcetera" is gone, alas,
RUN NOTES, "netparty" will be a blast, now.
RUN NOTES, the Minstrels are not immune,
RUN NOTES, after our final tune,
RUN NOTES, we'll all meet in "folk_music"* soon!
* - All these names are actual enet notesfiles. As Dave Barry (also
a notesfile) would say, "I'm not making this up."
Forwarding permission granted provided the by-line remains.
[ed. note: the last stanza refers to the New Spit Brook Minstrels, at whose
concert at ZKO on June 5, 1991, this masterpiece premiered. --NE]
104.169 | Pig! | AOXOA::STANLEY | Ain't no luck, I learned to duck... | Thu Jun 13 1991 12:14 | 9 |
| There was a guy who had beautiful sports car that he loved to drive through
winding country roads to relax. One day he was enjoying a nice ride in the
country. As he approached a blind curve, a car came careening around on the
wrong side of the road at a great speed. This car swerved back and avoided
him in the nick of time. The women driving yelled, "Pig!" as she went
by. Well, the guy responded back, "Cow!". "How dare she call me pig!", he
thought. "It was she who was driving so poorly." Well, he was feeling rather
smug as he had gotten the last insult in. He then proceeded around the curve
and hit the pig that was in the middle of the road.
104.170 | seems like some plans | WFOV12::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Thu Jun 13 1991 12:30 | 20 |
| There were three DEC managers on hunting trip out in the middle
of no-where. They had been dropped off by plane and when they were
dropped off the pilot warned them that they better not come back
with three dear or they would not be able to bring them all back.
So he left them there and said see you in a couple of days. When
it was time to pick them up he flew in and sure enough there they
were with three dear. He looked at them and said "I thought that
I told you not to get three dear or you would have to leave them
two of them behind. The managers looked at him and said "Here
we will each give you 50 bucks so that you will take us and all
three dear, and by the way the pilot last year took the 150 bucks
and took us out so what do you say". After some more discussion
the pilot finally agreed. They took off but after they got into the
air they lost altitude and crashed....luckily there were no injuries.
One of the managers took a look around and as he was doing so another
manager asked..."Do you know where we are" the other manager replied
"Yea about fifty yards from where we crashed last year".
104.171 | Rosie, you are everything to me! | SSDEVO::RICHARD | Read my mips - no new VAXes! | Tue Jun 18 1991 22:38 | 20 |
The teacher has set the class an assignment. He stresses the
importance of the particular assignment, and that no excuses will be
accepted except illness (with a medical certificate) or a death in
the immediate family (with a note from another family member).
A smart-ass student pipes up: "What about extreme sexual exhaustion,
The class breaks up laughing, and when they settle down the teacher
responds with:
"Well, Robert, I guess you'll just have to learn to write with your other
104.172 | the name game | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Wed Jun 19 1991 11:20 | 9 |
| Went to the ball game last night (%^&($^*% Reardon!) and the Mariner's
1st base coach was named . . . Rusty Kuntz! Wonder if they are any
Harolds in the family?
We had dinner in one of Fenway's function rooms - maybe we could rent
it out for a DECHead ball game? We could substitute Rasta Pasta for
the steamship round of beef!
104.173 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Jun 26 1991 14:28 | 5 |
| In surveys, questionnaires, etc., when women are asked what quality they value
most in a man, the majority of them say a sense of humor. Women across the
country would run and knock over, say, Mel Gibson, to get to Buddy Hackett.
At night they dream about the Three Stooges. Women sweat and spin under the
sheets, tearing at their nightgowns and moaning, "Shemp ... SHEMP ...."
104.174 | Must have been something she ate... | SEACOW::GRADY | tim grady | Wed Jun 26 1991 15:52 | 7 |
| >At night they dream about the Three Stooges. Women sweat and spin under the
>sheets, tearing at their nightgowns and moaning, "Shemp ... SHEMP ...."
Oh, THAT explains it! :-)
104.175 | I think you picked a bad example ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Let my inspiration flow ... | Wed Jun 26 1991 15:55 | 16 |
| Women dream about the Three Stooges ??? Not even in a joke ... ;^)
The following is an excerpt from an article by Richard Roeper called
"Men and Women are Different". The article appeared in the March,
1987 issue of New Women.
"Let's say a small group of men and women are in a room, watching
TV, and an episode of The Three Stooges comes on. Immediately,
the men will get very excited; they will laugh uproariously and
even try to imitate the actions of Curly; man's favorite stooge.
The women will roll their eyes, groan, and wait it out."
... sounds like a pretty fair generalization to me ...
... Bob
104.176 | I hate the Stooges (and Iggy Pop) | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Wed Jun 26 1991 16:03 | 7 |
| re .-1
I think I'm the only male in the world who doesn't even get a flicker
of a smile from the Three Stooges. I honestly can't stand them. Now
the Marx Brothers -- they're funny!!
104.177 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Thu Jun 27 1991 11:07 | 4 |
Yea, I am not too impressed by the Three Stooges either,
but Buddy Hackett .... oh my oh my! ;^)
104.178 | important characteristic (tm) | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Imagine... | Thu Jun 27 1991 12:36 | 5 |
being interested (or understanding the need for..)a certain kind of
music is a turn on for me.
no joke
104.179 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Thu Jun 27 1991 13:12 | 3 |
| Look...I'm not gonna take this stooges bashing! I'm on my way right
now to call the national hate line and complain about Stooges bashing!
104.180 | :^) | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Thu Jun 27 1991 13:52 | 15 |
| The Three Stooges are about as funny as a combination of Yakov
Smirknoff and Gallagher. They dragged slapstick to an all time low
point, and produced films that can only be enjoyed by couch potato
stoners with third grade mentalities. Stooges fans should be required
to wear a prominent symbol of their deviant lifestyle, such as an image
of two fingers plunging into eye sockets, so that they can be avoided
by right thinking individuals. Better yet, round them up and send them
to the moon, where they can reflect on such important topics as "just
how much worse was Shemp?" The world would be a better place if the
Stooges and their fans were banished forever.
re .179 My earlier reply hardly bashed them at all, so I thought I'd
make up for it. I feel much better now. :^) :^)
104.181 | oh, a wise guy eh ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Let my inspiration flow ... | Thu Jun 27 1991 14:10 | 10 |
| RE .180
Woobwoobwoobwoobwoob ...
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk ...
... just say Moe ... ;^)
104.182 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Thu Jun 27 1991 14:11 | 5 |
| RE: .180
I resemble those remarks!!!
104.183 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Thu Jun 27 1991 14:12 | 5 |
| I'm proud to be a couch potato stoner with a third-grade mentality!
Stooge fans unite!
Just say Moe!
104.184 | | DECXPS::HENDERSON | Thinking a lot about less & less | Thu Jun 27 1991 14:44 | 10 |
Why I oughta...
104.185 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Thu Jun 27 1991 15:07 | 7 |
| I always thought Curly'd look great with a big "hi mom" tatooed on top
of his head 8-). Hey, if you didn't watch the Three Stooges, how would
you know how you can stick your hand in front of your nose in self-defense
when someone tries to poke you in the eyes, hmmmm???
104.186 | look at the grouse! | BOSOX::ABURNS | TAMALPAIS CHIEFS | Thu Jun 27 1991 15:21 | 1 |
| Moe, Larry the CHEESE!!!! Moe, Larry the CHEESE!
104.187 | I was one of a litter of 3.......... | SSGV02::STROBEL | Museum of Barnyard Oddities | Thu Jun 27 1991 15:45 | 7 |
| 3rd grade mentality? Mom'll be proud to know those 25 years in second grade
finally paid off ;-)
At least no one's bashed Ernie Kovacs yet
Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard
104.188 | | SA1794::GLADUG | | Thu Jun 27 1991 15:51 | 2 |
| If it weren't for igpay atinlay, I never would've been able to
survive Catholic school. ;-)
104.189 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Thu Jun 27 1991 17:21 | 7 |
| eyhay errygay, ou'reyay illstay erehay!! Iay (how do you translate this one
anyways??) oughtthay ou'dyay ebay niay oloradoCay...
How's that??
104.190 | eyhay ownay! | ESGWST::MIRASSOU | We've all gone to look for America... | Thu Jun 27 1991 20:41 | 10 |
| RE: <<<Note 104.189 by SKYLRK::TING "Give Peace a Chance!!!" >>>
>>> ... Iay (how do you translate this one anyways??)
Ehay !ngTay!
If I remember right, words starting vowels get appended with either
hay or yay (but I forget which). So it's either Iyay or Ihay.
Anyone game for horse-latin?
104.191 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Thu Jun 27 1991 21:52 | 5 |
| > Anyone game for horse-latin?
onlyhay ifhay Ihay on'tday avehay otay eleanray ithay -)8ay !!ay
!ngtay_owhay_inksthay_5ay_earsyay_ofhay_egularray_atinlay_ishay_enoughhay -}8ay
104.192 | daggnabbit! | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Fri Jun 28 1991 11:21 | 7 |
| alktay ighray!
104.193 | How hot is it Dept. | CBROWN::HENDERSON | Thinking a lot about less & less | Fri Jun 28 1991 12:11 | 13 |
Its so hot we had to boil the water coming out of the tap just to cool it off!
Its so hot all the corn in the fields popped, the horses thought it was snow
and froze to death!
104.194 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Fri Jun 28 1991 12:16 | 5 |
When I woke up this morning, the DJ on WNEW was saying, "It's so hot,
that if you're getting dressed right now.. don't wear any underware!"
104.195 | too hot to even sleep, now ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Let my inspiration flow ... | Fri Jun 28 1991 12:46 | 5 |
| On the other hand, this would be a great time to introduce the world to
water-cooled skivvies, now wouldn't it ... ;^)
... Bobbb
104.196 | | CBROWN::HENDERSON | Thinking a lot about less & less | Fri Jun 28 1991 12:51 | 3 |
Birth control weather :^)
104.198 | The Ravin' | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Jul 10 1991 12:59 | 36 |
| At my terminal I sat typing,
Trying hard to fight off napping.
When there came a slight, soft rapping,
Rapping on my office door,
Only that and nothing more.
Then I sat up, startled, freaking
Just to hear a voice a-speaking
"Your presence now I am a-seeking,
Seeking on the lobby floor,
Bring your badge and nothing more"
What is this I'm a-hearing?
Is it the news that I've been fearing?
Now my desk they'll soon be clearing,
Clearing posters off my door,
Varnished wood and nothing more.
I bolted upright, staggered, straining
From my head the blood a-draining
See the hurt and shock I'm feigning
Feigning hurt and loss galore
Pure BS and nothing more
Now the bloody axe is falling
Now the perpetrater stalling
"Personnel may soon be calling,
Call you to another chore"
I think, "Right pal, nevermore"
In my beach chair I'm a-napping
Now my consciousness is sapping
By the soothing steady lapping,
Lapping waves upon the shore
Just this beer, then a few more...
104.199 | heehee | SSGV02::STROBEL | Museum of Barnyard Oddities | Wed Jul 10 1991 16:12 | 1 |
| -.1 :-) very Poe phetic
104.200 | tis the wind I said,.. nothing more | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Wed Jul 10 1991 16:32 | 9 |
| Good creative parody there dave,...
unfortunately,.. not a good subject for a joke though
too close to home right now,.. but I guess thas what inspired you in
the first place eh?
104.201 | I won't do it again | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Jul 10 1991 16:44 | 3 |
| I shoulda put {headers deleted} ... I didn't make it up.
My humble apologies for the inappropriate subject. :^/
104.203 | George and Saddam on the playground... | AOXOA::STANLEY | Legalize the Bill of Rights... | Wed Jul 17 1991 14:29 | 71 |
| Article 2735
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 19:30:8 EDT
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
From: mokry@ctr.columbia.edu (Robert Mokry)
Subject: Talk it over.
George Bush and Saddam Hussein decide to settle their differences in a
civilized manner by discussing the matter. So they meet on neutral
ground, midway between the swings and the sandbox, while all the
little kids respectfully gather round. Bush is clumsily carrying
several rolled-up carpets, and Saddam is holding some empty cans of
Bush: You shouldn't have taken my toy.
Saddam: It was not your toy. It was my toy.
Bush: Since you won't give me back my toy, we are at war.
Saddam: I am not at war with you. I am at war with Israel.
Bush: You are not at war with Israel.
Saddam: Yes I am.
Bush: No you're not.
Saddam: Yes I am.
Bush: No you're not.
Saddam: I am the leader of this miserable little country, and if I say
I am at war with Israel, then I am at war with Israel.
Bush: Well, I am the leader of a very much bigger country with every
weapon known to man, and I say you're not at war with Israel but
you're at war with me.
Saddam: No I'm not.
Bush: Yes you are.
Saddam: No I'm not.
Bush: Look, if we were not at war, would I do this? [Throws several
carpets on Saddam.]
Saddam: But if I were not at war with Israel would I do this? [Throws
a can of Bud at Israel. Israel ducks and screams bloody murder.]
Bush: You're just trying to evade the issue.
Saddam: No I'm not. I was retaliating.
Bush: You can't retaliate like that.
Saddam: Yes I can.
Bush: No you can't.
Saddam: Yes I can.
Bush: No you can't.
Saddam: Yes I can.
Bush: Be quiet or I will hit you.
Saddam: If you hit me, I will use my secret weapon. Then you will be
very sorry.
[Bush hits Saddam, and Saddam falls down.]
Saddam: MOMMY!!
[Bush looks around nervously, but when no mother appears, he becomes
more confident.]
Bush: Aw, your mother wears combat boots.
Saddam: Yeah, well, so what? At least my mother didn't marry me.
Bush: Don't ever say such terrible things, Mr. SOD-OM Hussein.
Saddam: Stop mispronouncing my name. You always mispronounce my name.
Saddam: Well, at least I can. Perhaps there's a reason why you're
called BUSH.
Bush: Now stop saying that. I don't have a bush.
Saddam: Yes you do.
Bush: No I don't.
Saddam: Yes you do.
Bush: No I don't.
Saddam: Yes you do.
[Bush pulls his pants down and wiggles his waggle at Saddam.]
Bush: See, I don't.
[Faced with this open act of aggression, Saddam drops his pants too.
For a long time Bush and Saddam wiggle their waggles at each other,
and all the little kids who watch are greatly impressed.]
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
If you post instead of mailing, it screws up the reply-address sometimes.
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply.
104.204 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Jul 24 1991 15:37 | 21 |
| This is from the Stanford Univ. BBoard
Did you all see that article in the Sunday Examiner about yawning? Page 3
of the Sunday Punch section, in case you missed it.
Three clinical psychiatrists had a paper in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
entitled "Unusual Side Effects of Clomipramine Associated with Yawning",
describing 4 patients who, while taking the the anti-depressant drug
Clomipramine (brand name Anafranil) reported the unusual side effect of
spontaneous orgasm every time they yawned.
The first case of this was a female patient who had been depressed for 3
months, but under treatment "Complete symptom remission occurred within 10
days". She then asked how long she would be allowed to go on using the drug,
since she had observed that every time she yawned she had an orgasm, and she
was able to experience orgasm by deliberate yawning.
Apparently it can work for guys too. One male patient said that while he
found the repeated climaxes "awkward and embarrassing, he elected to continue
the medication because of the therapeutic benefit he obtained. The awkwardness
and embarrassment were overcome by continuously wearing a condom".
104.205 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Wed Jul 24 1991 15:43 | 5 |
| ya, I saw that....it's making the rounds here in colo. I'm asking my
Doctor for those instead of Valium for my nervous condition next
time....REALLY! %^)
rfb (yawn)
104.206 | oh that nervous twitch | WFOV12::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Wed Jul 24 1991 16:30 | 5 |
depressed lately......screw the condom go for Dependz
104.207 | QUIZ TIME!! | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Thu Jul 25 1991 23:23 | 72 |
| One Toke Under the Line: Pot Quiz for Justice Wannabes
by Richard Leiby, Washington /Post/ Staff Writer
[reproduced without permission]
So apparently it's okay to have smoked a little dope. Provided,
of course, that you were still in college, /experimenting/, because
it was the '60's then and people did nutty things. Like wearing
sunglasses at night, which seemed cool at the time, but was stupid,
That's how the White House officially distinguishes Supreme Court
nominee Clarence Thomas from Douglas Ginsburg, whose nomination
crashed and burned a few years back when it was disclosed that he
had indulged in reefer into his thirties.
We asked the White House yesterday to spell out any of the
president's additional criteria pertaining to a marijuana-use
statute of limitations in judicial appointments. A spokesman
informed us that there were none. This made us suspect duplicity;
we suspect the nominate/don't nominate formula falls into the
same gray zone as highway speed limits: Posted at 55, but you're
safe at 62, right?
Surely other factors apply. Your /reason/ for smoking. How
/much/ you smoked. How /long/ you smoked. How /small/ a roach
you could hold.
But the White House stonewalled.
It falls to us, then, to figure out the formula to determine
the Thomas Standard vs. the Ginsberg Standard.
Clip and save, in case your name is ever put in nomination for
an appointment to the US Supreme Court. Low score is best.
If you ever smoked marijuana, start with 10 points.
1. How often did you use it?
(a) Once, and only because of unbearable peer pressure, and you
didn't actually inhale. (Subtract 3)
(b) Once, and you didn't like it. (-2)
(c) Once, and you liked it but threw up. (-1)
(d) You own a nitrogen-cooled, nine-hose Turkish hookah. (Add 10)
2. Regarding the credibility of your denial, describe your current
physical appearance:
(a) Jut-jawed Senatorial. (-2)
(b) Bespectacled, Tweedy Professorial. (-1)
(c) Sonny Bono/Cher. (+2)
(d) Deadhead/Dreadlocks. (+10)
3. Length of time since you last smoked:
(a) More than 10 years ago. (-1)
(b) Three to 10 years. (+5)
(c) Three years or less. (+20)
(d) Currently high. (+50)
4. Stated judicial philosophy on marijuana:
(a) Unalterable opposition to legalization. (-1)
(b) Life imprisonment for dealers. (-5)
(c) Life imprisonment for manufacturers of "bongs." (-10)
(d) "Dope will get you through times of no money better
than money will get you through times of no dope." (+5)
5. Degree of temptation you were exposed to:
(a) You were in Vietnam. (-10)
(b) Your girlfriend/boyfriend had a waterbed and a black light. (-5)
(c) You lived in a commune with Wavy Gravy. (+10)
(d) You needed marijuana to help come down from acid. (+20)
6. Your degree of remorse:
(a) The Thomas Concession: "I express regret." (-2)
(b) The Ginsburg Principle: "It was a mistake." (-5)
(c) The Barry Standard: "The bitch set me up." (+20)
0 or less: Justice.
1 or more: No justice.
104.208 | No Justice, by a, er, ah, slight margin. | BIODTL::FERGUSON | the rainbow does not have a beard | Fri Jul 26 1991 15:55 | 0 |
104.209 | 51 is old? | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Fri Jul 26 1991 16:13 | 58 |
| Date: Fri, 19 Jul 91 14:03:42 PDT
From: autodesk!angst!jduke@fernwood.mpk.ca.us (Jeff Duke)
Message-Id: <9107192103.AA02105@angst.YP.acad>
To: gossip@smarmy.Corp.Sun.COM
Subject: Maybe it's not to late
Listen Up, All You Punk Rockers Who Call The Rolling Stones Old
Dave Kansas - Wall Street Journal
Throughout the calm retirement community of Sun City, Ariz.,
residents are turning down their hearing aids. Interrupting
the hum of lawn mowers and golf carts is a wailing electric
guitar. A visiting grandson? No. It's the latest sound in
the Phoenix area, a senior citizen's punk-rock band called One
Foot In The Grave.
"They play some hard-driving music," says
disc jockey Mary McCann at Tempe's alternative-music station
KUKQ, which has played one of the group's songs. "But
sometimes it gets a little polkaesque."
The polka-punk sound, which threatens to put Sun City on the
music map, has been maturing for three years. With two recent
local performances and some Phoenix-area air play of a
group-made tape, the band may be on the verge of breaking out.
The driving force is lead singer Jo Dina, who founded the
group after placing newspaper ads for musicians. Ms. Dina, a
51-year-old retired mortician, has penned such songs as
"Hit my son during my hot flash
for pointing out my new moustache
The house is a wreck and I don't care
I just sit around in men's underwear."
Another of her downbeat ditties:
"Aches, pains, capital gains
We're senior citizens in the slow lane
Life gets nutso, sometimes it's the pits
When we see our friends' names in the obits."
Guitarist Danny Walters, 74, may be responsible for the
polka sound -- he spent 20 years as music arranger for Lawrence
Welk. Mr. Walters, who says he only recently discovered the
distortion button on his guitar amp, performs in a jacket with
a patch of heavy-metal band Megadeath.
Cloaked in a leather jacket, with rhinestones proclaiming
that "Elvis Lives," drummer Gene Costa, also 74, hardly seems
like a punk rocker. Mr. Costa, a retired court reporter, didn't
pick up the drums until after his 60th birthday. Keyboardist
Gavin Wieser, at 48, is the baby of the group.
In high hopes, the Sun City troupe has put together and
sent off to record companies a demo tape with seven original
tunes. And like any new band, they are dreaming of national
exposure. "We would love to tour, if we could find a sponser to
back us," Ms. Dina said. "I figure that Geritol would be a natural."
Of course, punk rockers rehearsing in a retirement community
have special constraints. "We generally have to quit by 9 p.m.,"
Ms. Dina says.
104.210 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Fri Jul 26 1991 16:21 | 6 |
| Back when we were kids,
we used to cruze Sun-City when we were lost in that area of the desert.
mainly to cause some type of disturbance with the stereo....guess dat
don't work now-a-days. %^)
104.211 | but I'm bringing it nawth this weekend | WFOVX8::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Fri Jul 26 1991 16:43 | 4 |
| .....there is hope yet .......so howzit goin Jim........
I have hit a serious lull do to a serious golf bug
104.212 | | E::EVANS | | Mon Jul 29 1991 14:05 | 5 |
Am I mistaken, or is Jerry Garcia older than the "Baby" of this Sun City band?
104.213 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Mon Jul 29 1991 15:55 | 1 |
| Jerry's going to be 49 this weekend, isn't he?
104.214 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Mon Jul 29 1991 15:56 | 4 |
104.215 | | E::EVANS | | Mon Jul 29 1991 19:30 | 3 |
Jerry should be declared a living national treasure.
104.216 | Now if we could only get Mary back :-/ | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Mon Jul 29 1991 20:00 | 8 |
| re .212,.214
Is that Jim Evans I see coming out of the woodwork?......
Hi Jim,.. and welcome back...
104.217 | | VIA::HEFFERNAN | Juggling Fool | Tue Jul 30 1991 13:20 | 5 |
| Speaking of Jerry. Rumor has it that a short but prominent member of
this conference laid down no small amount of hard cash to buy a Jerry
doll this weekend and was seen dancing with it to Reggae tunes!
104.218 | I'm gonna hug him and sqeeze him and name him GEORGE! :-) | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Jul 30 1991 14:37 | 12 |
It was definitely a worthy purchase and only a bit more expensive than your
typical stuffed doll (and this is NO typical stuffed doll!). :-) Ever
since I saw him in shorts at Foxboro I have wanted to stuff Jerry and sit him
on my bed, and now I have. :-) :-) And yes, we were dancing at the reggae fest
(more like I was coaxing him to dance!) ... he even came into work and danced
for Chris and Probably and Rachel and Fog. Why, he even sang with me on the
way home and watched himself in "Berkley in the Sixties" on Sunday night!!
Jerry and I are very happy together! :-) He has the same effect on me
as the "Tribbles" had on UHura et al. ;^) ;^)
104.219 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Tue Jul 30 1991 16:43 | 7 |
| re: <<< Note 104.218 by LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO "child of countless dreams" >>>
> -< I'm gonna hug him and sqeeze him and name him GEORGE! :-) >-
And what does your honey dave think of all this competition?? ;-)
104.220 | | MSHRMS::FIELDS | Up The Wazoo Without A Gizmo | Tue Jul 30 1991 16:58 | 1 |
| George ?
104.221 | :-) | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | Frank Zappa in '92! | Tue Jul 30 1991 18:00 | 5 |
| re:< Note 104.220 by MSHRMS::FIELDS "Up The Wazoo Without A Gizmo" >
> George ?
Apparently, you don't watch as many Warner Brothers cartoons as Lisa does.
104.222 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Tue Jul 30 1991 18:11 | 10 |
> Apparently, you don't watch as many Warner Brothers cartoons as Lisa does.
or Adam as he's got it. :-)
re t!ng:
well, he said something about me being nuts last night. ;^/
Besides, he shouldn't be nervous - I'd like to stuff him and put
him on my bed too but then I couldn't,....errr,...nevermind! :-)
104.223 | WOW | BEING::MIRABITO | It's so easy to slip | Tue Jul 30 1991 18:29 | 16 |
| There is this young man who over hears an older Italian man talking
to another . . .
He listens in and hears the old man say . . .
Firsta Emma come, thena I come, thena two essa come, thena I come again,
thena two essa come again, thena I pee pee; thena I come again.
To which the young man looks very surprised, walks over to the old
man and says, I couldn't help but over hear you talking. You know,
for an old man, you must have one hell of a sex life.
"Whata sexa life? No, no, I'm esplaina the mana how to spella
104.224 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Tue Jul 30 1991 19:30 | 5 |
Pee Wee Herman was asked if he needed a lawyer to represent him and
said, "No thanks, I can get myself off."
104.225 | | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Wed Jul 31 1991 11:30 | 7 |
| When masturbation is outlawed, only outlaws will have hands.
Do the Sarasota police have nothing better to do? We must protect our
children from the evils of masturbation, such as . . . um . . . er . .
. . . . chafing.
104.226 | if only Pee Wee were a televangelist | SSGV02::STROBEL | duck and cover... | Wed Jul 31 1991 16:34 | 16 |
| So Pee Wee's show gets yanked (slight pun intended) off the air, even though
it's doubtful the "selfgratification" would ever have been chosen as the word of
the day. Meanwhile, people like Jimmy Swaggart and Tammy Faye Bakker (and
probably ol' Jim when he gets out of the tank) can stay on tv to swindle folks.
Of course, if Pee Wee had it to do over again, is suspect he'd do his viewing
and related activities in the privacy of his own playhouse.
re -.2 Phyllis :-). I'm still laughing. Somewhat the opposite of the question,
"What do Pamela Smart's late husband & her lawyer have in common?"
neither could get her off........
104.227 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Wed Jul 31 1991 16:48 | 11 |
| re: <<< Note 104.226 by SSGV02::STROBEL "duck and cover..." >>>
>So Pee Wee's show gets yanked (slight pun intended) off the air, even though
>it's doubtful the "selfgratification" would ever have been chosen as the word
Sorry for digressing, but I heard that Pee Wee's show got yanked because
Pee Wee got arrested somewhere for indecent exposure. Is there any truth
to that??
104.228 | info for those that don't care ! | MSHRMS::FIELDS | Up The Wazoo Without A Gizmo | Wed Jul 31 1991 17:01 | 10 |
| Gee T!ng you are way out there in the mountians of Cal-eye-forn-ya !
Yes he got busted for getting to involved with himself in a XXX
movie theater, but his show had already been axed (back in April).
Poor Pee Wee :'( I guess Miss E-Von's party dresses finally got to
the little guy ! DA haheeeee
104.229 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Wed Jul 31 1991 17:06 | 8 |
I don't know if there's truth in the charge, but there's truth in the
arrest and subsequent yanking. (Slight pun copied from Jeff and
completely unintended by me of course! :-)) I think they're in reruns
now anyway.
104.230 | I'm only reporting what I heard!!! | SUBWAY::HERMITT | We won't need a map, believe me... | Wed Jul 31 1991 17:25 | 9 |
The following is rather crude, so please hit 'next unseen'
if easily offended.
Disc jockey Howard Stern commented on his radio show that
"Pee Wee got caught in a movie theatre buttering his own popcorn."
104.231 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Wed Jul 31 1991 20:16 | 4 |
| Tim Grady should know alittle about this....about Fla's oppresive laws
i mean , not about buttering his own popcorn...%^)
104.232 | | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Thu Aug 01 1991 16:01 | 12 |
| Randy, I think I owe you one :-)...
Don't know anything about the florida laws on this subject; if
anything, my impression has been that florida is pretty lax about these
kind of establishments - Southwest Florida has tons of them (both the
movie houses and the strip joints) - hard core stuff. I'm a little
surprized at this - they may have somehow identified him and decided to
bust him because of his celebrity. Seeing the photo in USA Today, I'm
surprised they recognized him - I didn't.
104.234 | The VAXorcist | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Tue Aug 06 1991 13:29 | 418 |
| [forwards removed]
Article 2935
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 91 6:30:4 EDT
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
From: crussell@mudder.enet.dec.com (Make a little birdhouse in your soul)
Subject: "The VAXorcist" - the ultimate VAX horror story
Remember how much fun you had upgrading your systems to VMS V5.0?
Well, you had it easy......
A rough draft of a video presentation
by Christopher Russell
Operations Manager, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Maryland
(SCENE: Inside of a VAX computer room. CREDITS ROLL as the SYSMGR is
sitting in front of the console terminal, typing. He pauses, picks up a
small magnetic tape, walks over to a tape drive, mounts it, and returns to
the console where he continues typing.)
(There is a knock at the door. SYSMGR walks to the door and opens it,
revealing USER.)
USER: Any idea when the system will be up?
SYSMGR: Well, I just installed version 5.0 of VMS, so I'm going to run
some diagnostics on it overnight to make sure it works all right. Assuming
everything goes all right, the system should be up first thing tomorrow
USER: Great. Thanks. (Exits)
(SYSMGR closes the door and returns to the console.)
ROD SERLING-LIKE VOICE: This is John Smith, University of Maryland System
Manager. In an effort to make his system the best it can be, he has just
installed VMS Version 5.0 onto his VAX. But little does he know that the
Version 5 documentation kit from Digital includes a one-way ticket to ...
(ominous music - fade out)
(Fade in. The SYSMGR scans the console for a moment, then turns, picks up
his coat and walks to the door. He stops at the door for a moment, looking
back at the big machine. Finally, he turns out the light and exits,
closing the door behind him.)
(Cut to the Console Terminal. We read the following as it is printed on
the console terminal:)
(Cut to view of the Tape in the Tape drive. The tape spins for a moment,
and suddenly stops.)
(Cut to view of the Machine Room. A fog has begun drifting across the
floor, and the hardware is slowly being backlit by a pulsing red light.
A peal of weird laughter cuts through the silence. A variety of bizarre
things occur: A VT100 monitor sitting on a table slowly rotates 360
degrees; the tape drive opens and tape begins spewing out of it; slime
begins pouring out of a disk drive; the line printer begins form-feeding
like mad. These continue for several minutes, or for as long as we can
keep them up. FADE OUT)
(SCENE: Hallway outside of the computer room. SYSMGR walks up to the door
and is met by USER.)
USER: System going to be up soon?
SYSMGR: (as he speaks, he tries to open the Machine room door, but the
door is apparently stuck.) The diagnostics should be done by now, so we
should be up in about 15 minutes... (he succeeds in opening the door, but
is confronted by floor to ceiling magnetic tape. Tangled at about eye
level is an empty tape reel. SYSMGR takes the reel and looks at it. CLOSE
UP of the reel so we can read the label, which reads: VAX/VMS V5.0
DIAGNOSTIC KIT.) (to USER) ...give or take a few days....
(SCENE: View of TSR (Telephone Support Rep) from behind as she is sitting
in a cubicle, a terminal in front of her. Beside her on the wall is a
poster which reads "Digital Has It Now - But You Can't Have It". We can
see the terminal, but we should not be able to read what is on it. She is
wearing a headset.)
TSR: Colorado Customer Support. What is your access number, please?
TSR: And your name?
(Cut to SYSMGR standing beside his console. He his holding a phone to his
head with his right hand, and holding a printout in his left which he is
perusing while he talks on the phone.)
TSR VOICE: And what operating system are you using?
SYSMGR: VMS version 5.
TSR VOICE: And is this a problem with the operating system or a layered
(As the SYSMGR looks up from the printout, his eyes suddenly widen and
he drops the printout and ducks. At that second, a disk platter flies
through the air where his head just was. Slowly, SYSMGR stands up and
looks to where the disk went. PAN BACK to reveal a stack of boxes with a
disk embedded in one of them at neck height.)
SYSMGR: (into the phone) Operating System. Definitely the Operating System.
(Cut back to TSR sitting at her desk.)
TSR: Can you describe the problem, please?
(SYSMGR voice can now only be heard as mumbling)
TSR: Yes... Tape drive spewing tape into the air... yes... Line printers
printing backwards... yes... miscellaneous hardware flying through the
air... uh huh... disk drives melting... yeah... strange voices coming from
the CPU board... I see... yes. Is that all? (pause as she finishes typing
at the terminal) Well, I'm afraid that that team is busy at the moment,
can I have them get back to you?
(CUT TO SCENE: MANAGER sitting behind a large desk in a plush office.
DEVELOPER is pacing in front of him, hands behind his back.)
(SUBTITLE: Meanwhile at Maynard...)
MANAGER: So tell me! What the hell happened?!
DEVELOPER: (turning to face MANAGER) It's a glitch, a fluke. A one in a
billion chance. And it's not Development's fault. Not really.
MANAGER: Then whose fault is it?
DEVELOPER: We traced it back to the Software Distribution Center. It
seems that there was a mixup and some of the code for the experimental AI
routine was copied onto the distribution from the wrong optical disk. (He
removes a CD from his jacket) This one, to be precise.
MANAGER: And what's that?
DEVELOPER: (reading the label) "Ozzy Osbourne's Greatest Hits".
Normally, it wouldn't have made any difference, as the AI routine isn't
used yet. But when they began running diagnostics, it hit the routine and
the computer just sort of became a thing possessed.
MANAGER: Wonderful. Were any other distributions affected?
DEVELOPER: No, just the University of Maryland's.
MANAGER: Well, that's a relief. We've got to get them taken care of
before anyone finds out. Can you imagine what Digital Review would do
if they heard about this?
DEVELOPER: We could always blame it on the Chaos Computer Group.
MANAGER: No, we've already used that one. This calls for drastic action.
(MANAGER picks up the phone and begins flipping through the rolodex)
DEVELOPER: Who are you going to send?
(CUT to the Rolodex so that we can read the cards. The first card reads:
SYSTEM PROBLEMS - Ron Smithe, x474
he flips to the next card:
BAD SYSTEM PROBLEMS - Bob Smythe, x937
he flips to the next card:
REALLY BAD SYSTEM PROBLEMS - Michelle Smitty, x365
he flips to the next card
he flips to the next card and taps the card with forefinger:
(CUT to Machine Room. SYSMGR is standing by the console holding
an RA60 disk cover and using it as a shield to defend himself from various
pieces of hardware which are flying at him from off-camera. There is
a knock at the door. Slowly, SYSMGR makes his way to the door and opens
it. Standing there, backlit amidst outrageous amounts of fog is the
VAXORCIST, wearing a trench coat and fedora, and carrying a briefcase.)
VAXORCIST: (in a hushed voice) DEC sent me. I hear you're having some
(CUT to SYSMGR OFFICE, a small but pleasant office with posters on the
walls and clutter on the desk. As the VAXORCIST enters, he removes his
coat and hat, revealing a very techie outfit beneath. He is wearing a DEC
SYSMGR: (Frantic) Problems? Problems?!? You could say I'm having some
problems. 4.6 was fine. 4.7 was fine. I install 5.0 and all Hell breaks
loose. The darn thing ate two of my operators this morning!
VAXORCIST: Calm down, everything will be all right. I've dealt with
situations like this before.
SYSMGR: You have?
VAXORCIST: Four years ago at an installation in Oregon, a programmer
renamed his Star Trek program to VMB.EXE and copied it into the system
directory. When the system was rebooted the next day it phasored the
entire accounting department claiming that they were Klingon spies. There
was a similar problem in Texas three years ago, and then, of course, there
was the IRS fiasco that we're not allowed to talk about. But don't worry.
These things can be fixed. Before I can help you, though, I have to ask
you a few questions. (The VAXorcist opens his briefcase and removes a
clipboard) Now, according to the report, the strange occurrences began after
you installed VMS Version 5, is that correct?
SYSMGR: Yes, that's correct.
VAXORCIST: Now, did you carefully read the Installation Guide for VMS
Version 5?
SYSMGR: (confused) Installation Guide?
VAXORCIST: Yes, it should have come with the Release Notes.
SYSMGR: (still confused) Release Notes? (SYSMGR begins rooting about on
his disk, shifting papers around as if he might find them underneath)
VAXORCIST: (annoyed) Yes, Release Notes. They should have come with your
documentation upgrade.
SYSMGR: (completely confused - looks up from his rooting through the
papers on his desk) Documentation upgrade?
VAXORCIST: (angry) YES! The Documentation upgrade for your VMS
Documentation Set!
SYSMGR: Documentation S...? Oh, you mean the grey binders? They're over
there. (he points to the wall behind the VAXORCIST. The VAXORCIST turns
and we see a closed glass-front bookcase packed with grey binders. A small
red sign on the front of the bookcase reads: "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, BREAK
VAXORCIST: Right. This is going to be tougher than I thought. Let's go
take a look at your system and see just how bad everything is.
(CUT to the Machine Room. The room is neat and tidy and there is no sign
that anything is wrong. The VAXORCIST enters the room with the SYSMGR
behind him.)
VAXORCIST: Everything looks okay to me.
SYSMGR: Maybe it's hibernating.
VAXORCIST: Unlikely. It's probably trying to lure us into a false sense
of security.
SYSMGR: Sounds like VMS all right. (VAXORCIST gives him a dirty look)
VAXORCIST: I'm going to have to test its power. This could get ugly, you
may want to leave. (The SYSMGR shakes his head no. The VAXORCIST brings
himself up to full height in front of the VAX and points a finger at it)
By the power of DEC, I expel thee from this system! (Clap of thunder)
(CUT to door to the machine room. The SYSMGR is pulling a cart on which
sits the VAXORCIST wrapped from head to toe in magnetic tape)
SYSMGR: Any other bright ideas?
VAXORCIST: Just shut up and get this darn stuff off of me.
(CUT to SYSMGRs office)
VAXORCIST: (Writing on the clipboard) Things look pretty bad. I think
we're going to need a full-scale VAXorcism here.
SYSMGR: Is there anything I can do to help?
VAXORCIST: As a matter of fact, there is. We've got to incapacitate the
VAX to keep it from causing any more damage until I'm ready to deal with
it. Now, I've got some software here that will do that, but it's got to be
installed. (VAXORCIST hands SYSMGR a tape) With that running, the CPU
will be so bogged down, the VAX won't be able to harm anybody.
SYSMGR: (Examining the tape) What is it? A program to calculate pi to the
last digit?
VAXORCIST: Better than that. It starts up All-in-1 with a 10 user load.
(CUT to Hall outside of Computer Room. The VAXORCIST approaches the door.
As the SYSMGR approaches the door, the VAXORCIST holds him back.
VAXORCIST: I appreciate your help, but it won't be safe for you in there.
SYSMGR: What? You're going in there to face that thing alone? You're
VAXORCIST: Hey, it's my job. (VAXORCIST turns to the door)
SYSMGR: Wait a minute. (VAXORCIST stops and turns around) You better
take this with you. (SYSMGR removes a very large and very nasty looking
gun from the inside of his jacket)
VAXORCIST: (Smiling) No, I won't need that. I've got something more
powerful. (VAXORCIST holds up a small guide-sized orange binder, opens it,
and shows it to SYSMGR. CUT to closeup of the book which reads: "GUIDE TO
(CUT to view of Machine room door as seen by the VAX. The VAXORCIST enters
the room and stands in front of the VAX. CUT to view of the Machine Room
showing the SYSMGR confronting the VAX)
VAXORCIST: By the power of DEC, I command thee, Evil Spirit, to show
VAX: Bugger off.
VAXORCIST: (Shaken) What?
VAX: I said Bugger off! Now get out of here before I core-dump all over
VAXORCIST: (Recovered) Threaten me not, oh Evil one! For I speak with
the power of DEC, and I command thee to show thyself!
(A rumble is heard and again the VAX becomes backlit by red lights and a
fog begins to roll across the floor. The VAX cabinet doors slowly creak
open to reveal two small red lights in the dark cabinet which appear to be
the creature's eyes)
VAX: There. Happy? Now get out of here before I drop a tape drive on
your private parts.
VAXORCIST: (Opening the orange binder, he begins intoning SHUTDOWN.COM in
Gregorian chant. The VAX screams.)
VAX: Stop that! Stop that! You, you UNIX LOVER! Your mother manages RSX
systems in Hell!
(The VAXORCIST continues and the VAX screams again.)
VAX: Stop it! (a large wad of computer tape is thrown at the VAXORCIST,
apparently from the VAX). Eat oxide, bit-bucket breath!
(The VAXORCIST continues and the VAX screams once more.)
VAX: Mount me! Mount me!
VAXORCIST: (finishing the intonation) And now, by the power of DEC, I
banish thee back to the null-space from which you came! (The VAX screams
and the scream fades to silence.)
(CUT to the doorway of the Machine room, which now stands open. The
VAXORCIST is once again wearing his trench coat and fedora.)
SYSMGR: So it's over?
VAXORCIST: (Putting his hat on) Yes, it's over.
SYSMGR: (Shaking the VAXORCIST's hand) Thank God. Listen, thanks a lot. I
don't know what we would have done without you.
VAXORCIST: Hey, it's the least we could do. The Software Distribution
Center should be sending you a patch tape in a week or two to patch out
that AI routine and prevent this from happening again. Sign here. (he
hands SYSMGR the clipboard, SYSMGR signs at the bottom and hands it back)
Have a good one. (VAXORCIST leaves).
(SYSMGR enters the machine room. Camera follows him in.)
SYSMGR: (Calling to someone off-camera) Okay, you guys, let's get
rolling. Get those backup tapes out. We've got a clean system again!
(cheers are heard from off-camera. The SYSMGR leaves the picture, leaving
only the VAX with its cabinet doors still open in the picture. Slow zoom
in to the LSI unit. Slowly, the LSI unit begins to emit a pulsing red
(Fade to black. CREDITS ROLL)
Copyright (C) 1991 by Christopher Russell (crussell@eng.umd.edu). Please
feel free to copy this and pass it around if it amuses you, as long as
this notice is left intact.
Any similarity between characters appearing in this script and any persons,
creatures, or entities living, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
I am no longer an employee of the University of Maryland, so I'm not
particularly bothered if you think that they are responsible for any of
this. Unless it's funny, then it's mine.
Thanks to my friends and colleagues at the University of Maryland and
elsewhere for their help and encouragement in the developement of the
script and the video.
104.235 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Aug 07 1991 12:29 | 67 |
| [headers removed]
In article <S2d0.29cd@looking.on.ca>, tjc@castle.edinburgh.ac.uk (A J Cunningham) writes:
Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!decuac!haven.umd.edu!udel!wupost!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!looking!funny-request
From: tjc@castle.edinburgh.ac.uk (A J Cunningham)
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: C Compiler Errors (For Real).
Keywords: computer, chuckle
Message-ID: <S2d0.29cd@looking.on.ca>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 91 06:30:04 GMT-0:07
Organization: Edinburgh University Rainbow Programmers.
Lines: 54
Approved: funny@looking.on.ca
These are some of the error messages produced by Apple's MPW C
compiler. These are all real. (If you must know I was bored one
afternoon and decompiled the String resources for the compiler.) The
compiler is 324k in size so these are just an excerpt I hope. I'm not
sure where I stand on the copyright issue.
Tony Cunningham
"String literal too long (I let you have 512 characters, that's 3 more
than ANSI said I should)"
"...And the lord said, 'lo, there shall only be case or default labels
inside a switch statement'"
"a typedef name was a complete surprise to me at this point in your program"
"'Volatile' and 'Register' are not miscible"
"You can't modify a constant, float upstream, win an argument with the IRS,
or satisfy this compiler"
"This struct already has a perfectly good definition"
"This onion [sic ;)] already has a perfectly good definition"
"type in (cast) must be scalar; ANSI 3.3.4; page 39,
lines 10-11 (I know you don't care, I'm just trying to annoy you)"
"Can't cast a void type to type void (because the ANSI spec. says so,
that's why)"
"Huh ?"
"can't go mucking with a 'void *'"
"we already did this function"
"This label is the target of a goto from outside of the block containing this
label AND this block has an automatic variable with an initializer AND your
window wasn't wide enough to read this whole error message"
"Call me paranoid but finding '/*' inside this comment makes me suspicious"
"Too many errors on one line (make fewer)"
"Symbol table full - fatal heap error; please go buy a RAM upgrade from
your local Apple dealer"
- --
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply.
104.236 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Thu Aug 08 1991 12:00 | 40 |
A Digital Marketing Manager had gotten married to a women who had
been married eight times before, and on his wedding night his wife
informed him that she was still a virgin. This puzzled the Marketing
Manager since after eight marriages he would thought at least one of
her husbands would have been able to perform. He asked his new bride
to explain the phenomena. Her comments were as follows:
My first husband was a Digital Sales Representative who spent our
entire marriage telling me, in grandiose terms, "it's gonna be great".
My second husband was from Software Services, and he was never quite
sure how it was supposed to function, but he said he would send me
My third husband was from Field Service who constantly said that
everything was diagnostically ok, but he just couldn't get the system
My fourth husband was from Educational Services, and he simply said,
"those who can... do; whose who can't... teach".
My fifth husband was from Digital's Manufacturing Organization who
said that he had the orders, but he wasn't quite sure when he was going
to be able to deliver.
My sixth husband was a Digital engineer. He told me that he understood
the basic process but needed three years to research, implement, and
design a new state of the art method.
My seventh husband was from F&A. His comment was that he knew how, but
he just wasn't sure whether or not it was his job.
My eight husband was from Standards and Regulations and told me that
he was up to the standards but that regulations forbid such.
The wife said sweetly to her new husband, "now I am married to you, a
man of marketing" and the husband looked at his wife and simply said,
"I know I have the product, I'm just not sure how to position it".
104.237 | | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Fri Aug 09 1991 18:16 | 11 |
| This is NOT a sexist joke, although it might offend some portion of the
world community, so I apologize in advance.
What's the difference between a blonde and a toilet?
A toilet won't follow you home after you use it. :-)
104.238 | | WLDWST::BLAKKAN | There ain't no place I'd rather be | Sat Aug 10 1991 11:06 | 3 |
| What did the algae say to the moss?
I think I'm taking a lichen to you.
104.239 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Tue Aug 13 1991 16:20 | 153 |
| [forwards deleted]
A glossary of words that don't appear in the dictionary, but should.
(ah kor' de on ay tid)
adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time
(bev' a meet uhr)
n. (a unit of measure)
The distance a coaster, which has attached itself to the bottom of a
wet glass, will travel before it falls back to earth.
(bo vil eks' i uh)
n. Uncontrollable urge to lean out of the car window and yell "Moo!!"
every time you pass a cow.
(kab' nih kreep)
n. Structural condition in which the closing of one kitchen cabinet
causes another to open.
(kar' pur pet u ay' shun)
n. The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string or a piece of
lint at least a dozen times, reaching over and examining it, then
putting it down to give the vacuum cleaner one more chance.
(chok o niv' ur us)
adj. Having a tendency when eating a chocolate Easter bunny to bite
off the head first.
(da' show)
n. The area between a cars windscreen and dashboard, from where coins,
pencils, etc., cannot be humanly retrieved.
(de ter' ren see)
n. Ruined currency found in trouser pockets after washing.
(el bon' iks)
n. The actions of two people manoeuvring for one armrest in a theatre
or an aeroplane.
n. A photograph that features the camera operator's finger in the
n. The small line of debris that refuses to be swept into the dustpan
and keeps backing a person across the room until he finally
decides to give up and sweep it under the rug.
(fer' nih dents)
n. The indentations that appear in carpets after furniture is moved.
(glee' mule)
n. (a unit of measure)
One unit of toothpaste, measured from bristle to bristle.
(Not to be confused with GLEEMITES, which are petrified deposits
of toothpaste found in bathroom sinks.)
(ho' zohn)
n. The mysterious place where one sock in every washing load
disappears to.
(lak' to man gyu lay' shun)
n. Manhandling the "open here" spout on a milk carton so badly that
one has to resort to using the "illegal" side.
(lam' in aits)
n. Those strange people who show up in the photo sections of brand-new
(mag no kar' tik)
n. Any car that, when left unattended, attracts shopping carts.
(mus' kwirt)
n. Water that comes out of the first squirts of a squeeze mustard bottle.
(nev' itz)
n. The sandpaper-like deposits on a cats tongue.
(pen si ven ti lay' shun)
n. The act of blowing on the tip of a pencil after sharpening it.
(fo' zul)
n. The buildup of dust on a gramophone needle.
(ret ro kar bon' ik)
n. Any drink machine that dispenses the liquid before the cup.
(rig ni' shun)
n. Embarrassing action of trying to start one's car with the engine
already running.
(ro' val urt)
n. System whereby one dog can quickly establish an entire neighbourhood
network of barking.
(strum' bul)
n. That invisible object you always pretend made you trip, when it was
actually your own stupid clumsiness.
(yu flu ay' shun)
n. The peculiar habit, when searching for a snack, of constantly
returning to the fridge in hopes that something new will have
(yu' puls)
n. The blank pages at the end of books, presumably placed there so you
can rewrite the ending.
(wot' bob bul)
n. To remove a hot light bulb by turning it for several seconds,
letting your fingers cool, then repeating the process. This is
generally followed by the glorious revelation of using your shirt-tail.
(ksi dij i tay' shun)
n. The practice of trying to determine the year a film was made by
deciphering the roman numerals at the end of the credits.
(zi' ze botz)
n. The marks visible on the bridge of a person's nose when glasses
are removed.
104.240 | When else? :-) | AOXOA::STANLEY | My dog he turned to me and he said... | Wed Aug 14 1991 14:37 | 2 |
| President Bush was asked when he thought the remaining hostages would be
released. He replied, "After the election."
104.241 | thirsty?? :^) | ROULET::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Thu Aug 15 1991 17:08 | 47 |
| for those of you who are looking for some new taste sensations, here's a few
suggestions... thanks to Hogan for forwarding them to me...
(several forwards removed)
Absolut Zero.............Absolut vodka over frozen nitrogen
Alexander the Grrreat....Gin, creme de cacao, and sweet cream over corn flakes
American in Paris........Kentucky bourbon and champagne
Black Sabbath............Kahlua and Mogen David wine
Blind Faith..............Wood alcohol and sacramental wine
Blood Clot...............Vodka, tomato juice, and Jell-O
Bloody Awful.............Vodka and ketchup
Blue Moon................Corn whiskey and Aqua Velva
Coleman Cooler...........White wine, soda, fried chicken crumbs, and sand
Fuzzy Naval Base.........Peach schnapps, orange juice, and ammonia
George Bush..............George Dickel bourbon and Busch beer
Gorbachev................Vodka with a splash of port wine
Honeydew the Dishes......Midori and Dawn
Marie Antoinette.........Bourbon, cake mix, and flat beer
Martinizer...............Gin, vermouth, and carbon tetrachloride
Mary Poppins.............Vodka, tomato juice, and a spoonful of sugar, decorated
with a paper umbrella
Mexican Hairless.........Tequila and Minoxidil
Oil of Ole...............Mazola and Sangria
Peter, Paul, and Mary....Potassium nitrate, Paul Masson wine, and tomato juice
Phillips' Screwdriver....Vodka, orange juice, and milk of magnesia
Port in a Storm..........Red wine and rainwater
Quack Doctor.............Cold duck and Dr. Pepper
A Rum with a View........Bacardi and Visine
Rum-Pole of the Bailey...Bacardi rum, Popov vodka, and Bailey's Irish Cream
Sake-to-me...............Rice wine, punch, and nitrous oxide
Scotch Tapeworm..........Dewar's and Mescal
Shipwreck................Cutty Sark on the rocks
Shirley MacLaine.........Sugar, carbonated water, ginger, syrup, and pomegranate
(what ginger ale and grenadine were in a previous life)
Short Wave...............Ripple in a shot glass
Sinead O'Connor..........Irish whiskey and Nair
Skid Roe.................Muscatel and caviar
Sour Kraut...............Schnapps and lemon juice
Sundae Driver............Vodka, orange juice, and ice cream
Tequila Mockingbird......Jose Cuervo and birdseed
Three Men and a Baby.....Jim Beam, Jack Daniel's, Johnny Walker, and Enfamil
Three Mile Island........Vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and plutonium
104.242 | | WFOV12::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Fri Aug 16 1991 13:05 | 6 |
| ...lets makem on the bus...
one more
Black Asphalt....100 proof vodka and maple syrup
104.243 | with a lotta ice | FURTHR::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Fri Aug 16 1991 13:56 | 4 |
| Howsabout this one:
Grapeful Dead: Grape juice and formaldehyde ;-)
104.244 | Rumbozo... | SPICE::PECKAR | Clean Phil Wanted | Fri Aug 16 1991 14:18 | 5 |
Cap'n Morgans' Spiced rum, Coleman Fuel, and Sterno...
104.245 | AMC Take a Hiker... | WFOV11::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Fri Aug 16 1991 14:57 | 1 |
| Pina Colada flavored wine, Boones Farm, Preperation H.
104.246 | oldie but goodie | HEPBRN::CLARK | Another Dave Clark? | Tue Aug 20 1991 13:07 | 48 |
| {headers removed}
John walked in the bar and the bartender, Sam, said, "What'll
it be, Buddy?"
John said, "You mean you don't know me? I'm John!"
Sam told him that he had never seen him before and never heard of
him. John was astounded. He said, "Heck, everybody knows me!"
This went back and forth for a while and then the bartender waged
John $100 that Michael Jackson did know him. As it happened,
Michael was in town for a concert and John replied, "Michael and
I go way back. Let's go to the concert!"
At the end of Michael's performance, John took Sam backstage and
they ran head on into Michael Jackson. Michael looked up and said,
"John! How are you doing? It's great seeing you." After
catching-up on old times, they left and Sam paid John the $100.
About a week later, John stopped into Sam's bar and Sam said,
"John, I finally came with a person that I know won't know you -
Pope John Paul."
John replied, "Well, Sam, actually I know His Excellency quite
well and we have shared many theological conversations in the past."
So, Sam, sure he was bluffing, bet John $5,000 and an all-expense
paid trip to the Vatican if the Pope in fact did know him. John
readily accepted the bet.
They flew to the Vatican and John wandered in as Sam stayed in
the courtyard just outside the main building where the Pope
resides. About a half hour later, the Pope comes out on the
balcony and waves to the crowds below and, lo and behold, right
by his side is John and the Pope has his arm around him.
John looks down to try to spy Sam and he sees him. Just then he
notices a woman whisper something to Sam and then Sam faints.
After John and Pope John Paul say their goodbyes, he goes out to
the courtyard and finds Sam who is now conscious. John asks Sam
what happened.
Sam replies, "Well, I saw you up there with the Pope and his arm
was around you as two good friends. But then, the lady next to
excuses herself and asks me, "Hey, do you know who that guy is
up there with John?"
104.247 | | AOXOA::STANLEY | Just one thing that I have to say... | Thu Aug 22 1991 12:32 | 11 |
| Mr. Yeltzin, you've just stood up to a military coup and rallied your people
towards freedom and democracy. What are you going to do now?
I'm going to Disney World!!!
104.248 | The Office :-) | ANGLIN::GEBHART | Met her accidentally in St.Paul, MN | Thu Aug 22 1991 14:23 | 39 |
| In the beginning was the plan
And then came the assumptions
And the assumptions were without
form And the plan was without
substance And the darkness was
on the face of the workers
And they spoke amongst
themselves, saying
"It is a crock of shit, and it
Stinketh" And the workers went
unto their supervisors and sayeth
"It is a pail of dung and none
may abide the odor thereof" The
supervisors went unto their
managers and sayeth unto them "It
is a container of excrement and
it is very strong, such that none
may abide by it" And the
managers went unto their
directors and sayeth "It is a
vessel of fertilizer, and none
may abide its strength" The
directors spoke amongst
themselves, saying to one
another, "It contains that which
aids plant growth, and it is very
strong" The directors went unto
the vice presidents and sayeth
unto them "It promotes growth
and is very powerful" and the
vice presidents went and sayeth
unto the president "This new plan
will actively promote the growth
and efficiency of the company,
and these areas in particular"
And the president looked upon the
plan, and saw that it was good,
and the plan became policy,
This is how shit happens.
104.249 | | AOXOA::STANLEY | Sometimes you get shown the light... | Mon Aug 26 1991 14:24 | 14 |
What's one difference between the USSR and the US?
The US has a Communist party.
104.250 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Tue Aug 27 1991 18:05 | 43 |
| {headers removed}
One time on Saturday Night Live, Dennis Miller made mention of a "new movie"
coming out called "Crocodile Gandhi". In a similar vein, Not Necessarily The
News (on HBO) once had a teaser for "Superman III, Psycho II". My friends
and I here at UNC have come up with some "sequels" of our own, titles that
combine the titles of already existing movies. See what you think, and please
email us if you come up with some yourself! The list is always growing...
Dirty Dances With Wolves
What About Bob And Carol And Ted And Alice?
Pee Wee's Big Adventures In Babysitting
Marathon Rain Man
When Dirty Harry Met Sally...
Nightmare On Wall Street
Star Trek II: The Grapes Of The Wrath Of Khan
License To Kill A Mockingbird
The Year Of Johnny Dangerously
Young Naked Guns
The Elephant Man With Two Brains
Peggy Sue Got Married To The Mob
Three Men And Rosemary's Baby
Lambada: The Forbidden Planet
Zorro, The Gay Blade Runner
2001 Dalmatians
Smokey And The Time Bandits
The Creature From The Blue Lagoon
Terminators Of Endearment
....and our favorite...
Godzilla Must Be Crazy!
Hope to hear from everyone!
Dan, Al, and Kev @ UNC
Selected by Brad Templeton. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Please! No copyrighted stuff. Also no "mouse balls," dyslexic agnostics,
Iraqi driver's ed, Administratium, strings in bar or bell-ringer jokes.
104.251 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Eddie Haskell decade | Wed Aug 28 1991 14:28 | 8 |
| {headers removed}
From: schwartz_m@wmois.enet.dec.com
Subject: Quote of the Day
"Only two significant things came out of Berkeley; LSD and
UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
104.252 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Estamos hermanos y hermanas [sic] | Thu Aug 29 1991 14:13 | 6 |
| A friend mof mine bought a new t-shirt at Martha's Vinyard last weekend that
I got blown by Bob
104.253 | let's not get personal here ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Let my inspiration flow ... | Thu Aug 29 1991 14:32 | 5 |
| Now wait just a damn minute here ... I don't even KNOW your friend.
Things like that can really hurt a guy's reputation, ya know ... ;^)
... Bob
104.254 | | LANDO::HAPGOOD | now we play for life | Thu Aug 29 1991 15:45 | 7 |
| really,
i'll bet a dave put you up to that....
104.255 | | AV8OR::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Thu Aug 29 1991 23:46 | 4 |
104.256 | If only I could think of useful things | SSGV02::STROBEL | duck and cover... | Fri Aug 30 1991 11:47 | 41 |
| I've come up with (except for the 1st one which a friend told me a few months
back) a few more of the combined movie titles. :-)
The Grateful Dead Poet Society Movie
The Magnificent Seven Year Itch
The Sunshine Boys in the 'hood
New Jack City Slickers
Mo' Better Blues Brothers
What's Up Doc Hollywood
The Postman Always Rings Twice in a Lifetime
Couch Trip to Bountiful
Escape from New York Stories
Flashdances with Wolves
The Color (of) Purple Money
Purple Rain Man
Live & Let Die Hard
Kiss of the Spider Woman in Red
The Woman in Red Heat
Room with a View to a Kill
Ordinary Cat People
Radio Days of Thunder
About last night of the Living Dead
Raging Bull Durham
Naked Gun(s) of Navarone
The Man who would be king & I
Slow Boat to China Syndrome
Russia House of Cards
Hellcats of the Navy Seals
Troop Beverly Hills Cop
Earth Girls are Easy Money
Howard the Duck Soup
The Adventures of Roger Rabbit Test
The Fabulous Baker Boys from Brazil
Northwest Passage to India
To Live and Die in LA Story
Stakeout of Africa
Animal House Party
American Graffiti Bridge
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice's Restaurant
Fast Times at Ridgemont High Plains Drifter
Any Which Way but Loose Change
104.257 | Fun stuff! | AKOV06::DCARR | My house is SOLD!! Rounds on me! :-) | Fri Aug 30 1991 14:04 | 12 |
| Hey, some of those are really good!! (I'm the same way - brain dead
except for useless trivia :-)
I love this one :-)
>Earth Girls are Easy Money
Hey, how 'bout
"Gone with the Winds of Change" ???
104.258 | today's 'offering' | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Solyent Green is People | Fri Aug 30 1991 15:45 | 62 |
<forwardings deleted>
Frank Perdue (of Chicken fame) gets an audience with the
Pope (of Catholic fame). After paying the usual respects,
Frank gets down to business.
"Pope, I'd like to make a gift of $20 million to the
Church," Frank says.
"Bless you, my son. May you be rewarded in the kingdom of
Heaven," the Pope replies.
"Well, Father, thanks, but there's something you can do
for me down here. You know that part of the Lord's Prayer
that goes, 'Give us this day our daily bread'? I'd like
you to change that to 'Give us this day our daily
The Pope is surprised and slighly amused. "I'm sorry, my
son, but I can't do that. The Lord's Prayer is a very old
and traditional prayer."
Frank replies "OK, Padre, I understand it won't be easy
-- I'll give you $40 million."
"My son, you don't understand. We can't just change the
Lord's Prayer like that."
"Father, I know there will be a lot of clerical costs, so
to cover all that, I'll make it $80 million."
The Pope shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I just can't do it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a meeting with the
cardinals to attend..." The Pope gets up to leave.
Frank senses his last chance. "OK, Pope, you win. Every
man has his price. Change the Lord's Prayer for me, and
I'll donate $100 million to the Church."
The Pope stops in his tracks, considers, and says "All
right, my son, I'll see what I can do." He then heads off
to his meeting with the cardinals. When he arrives, he
says "I have good news and bad news."
The cardinals ask "What's the good news?"
The Pope replies "We just collected a $100 million
donation to the Church."
"Praise the Lord! What's the bad news?"
"We just lost the WONDERBREAD account."
104.259 | laugh | BIODTL::FERGUSON | the rainbow does not have a beard | Tue Sep 03 1991 16:10 | 5 |
| Have not seen that one before!
thanks carol!
104.260 | | SIMGDW::GODIN | I want to hear and see everything... | Tue Sep 10 1991 17:13 | 68 |
Rules of Bedroom Golf
1. Each player shall furnish his own equipment for play - normally
one club and two balls
2. Course play must be approved by owner of the hole.
3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole
while keeping the balls out.
4. For most effective play, the club should have a stiff shaft. The
course owner is permitted to check shaft stiffness prior to play.
5. The course owner reserves the right to restrict the length of the
club to avoid damage to the hols.
6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary
until the course owner is satisfied that play is complete.
Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to replay
the course.
7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the course immediately
upon arrival. The experienced player will "walk the course" to
properly locate the well formed bunkers, hills and valleys, and
determine a course strategy.
8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses played recently.
Upset owners have been known to damage a players equipment for this
9. Players are encouraged to have proper rain gear to ensure safe
10. Players should ensure that the match has been scheduled properly,
particularly when playing a new course for the first time. Avoid
discovering another is playing a public course that was considered
to be private.
11. Players should not assume a course is in shape for play at all
times. Inexperienced players may be embarrassed to discover a
course is temporarily under repair. Players are advised to be
extremely tactful at this point. More advanced players will find
alternative means of play.
12. Players are advised to obtain the course owners permission before
playing the back nine.
13. Slow play is encouraged; however, players should be prepared to
proceed at a quicker pace, at least temporarily, at the course
owners request.
14. It is considered outstanding performance, time permitting, to
play the same hole several times in one match.
15. The course owner is the sole scorekeeper and determines the
best player.
16. Players are advised to think twice before considering exclusive
membership at a given course. Additional assessments may be
levied by the course owner, and the rules are subject to change.
For this reason many advanced players prefer to play a variety
of available courses.
104.261 | :^) :^) | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Tue Sep 10 1991 18:53 | 6 |
| re .-1
Interesting, but there was no mention of course etiquette for playing
through a slow group. Who's the club pro at your course?
104.262 | had to ask | WFOV12::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Tue Sep 10 1991 19:21 | 4 |
| ...anyone up for golf this afternoon???
104.263 | | OCTOBR::GRABAZS | counting stars by candlelight | Tue Sep 10 1991 19:53 | 48 |
George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev meet at their first summit and in a moment
of candor Gorbachev talks about how great leaders must surround themselves with
great people. He then relates the story of how he chose Eduard Schevernadze
as his foreign minister:
MG: ...I said to him, "Eduard, you're very bright, but I need only
the best for this position, so here's a test. Answer me this...who
is it that's your father's son but not your brother?" And without
batting an eyelash he came back with the answer, "Gorby, it's obvious",
he says, "the answer is I. I am my father's son but I am not my own
brother!" Needless to say, he got the job.
Bush hears this story and is somewhat impressed. He decides to try the same
on our illustrious VP, Dan Quayle, and some weeks later the following is heard
in the halls of the Oval Office:
GB: Dan, come into my office, I've got a little question for you.
"Who is it that's your father's son but not your brother?"
DQ: (hemmin' 'n hawin' and stalling for time) Hmmm, that's a very
interesting question George. Let me take care of some pressing
matters first, and I'll get back to you...Gotta go!
(Moments later in John Sunnunu's office)
DQ: John, I've got a question for you, "Who is it that's your
father's son but not your brother?"
JS: Oh, that's easy, Dan, it is I -- I am my father's son but I
cannot be my own brother.
DQ: Oh, right. Thanks, gotta go...
(scurries down the hall to the Oval Office...)
DQ: Oh George, about that question, well I've got the answer:
to which George replies:
"Wrong, you dummy. It's Eduard Scheverdnaze!"
104.264 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Hand me my old guitar... | Tue Sep 10 1991 20:00 | 11 |
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :^)
104.265 | | BIODTL::FERGUSON | the rainbow does not have a beard | Wed Sep 11 1991 01:58 | 7 |
Re: highdi's joke
there is another good one along the same lines as this one ... i believe
the euphemism is renting an apartment thought...
funny.... even for the 100th time!
104.266 | | COOKIE::FREIWALD | Teach Peace! | Wed Sep 11 1991 19:39 | 5 |
but, but, but, this assumes that Sunnunu's bright. Maybe among his white
house peers but even that's stretching things. ;-)
104.267 | Sunununununu' intellect | CIVIC::ROBERTS | Solyent Green is People | Thu Sep 12 1991 15:23 | 5 |
Sunununununununu is bright but he is also dangerous. I think he has
degrees from many high places - legitimate ones even!
104.268 | even republicans are people :) | LANDO::HAPGOOD | now we play for life | Thu Sep 12 1991 16:11 | 18 |
| <<< Note 104.267 by CIVIC::ROBERTS "Solyent Green is People" >>>
> Sunununununununu is bright but he is also dangerous. I think he has
> degrees from many high places - legitimate ones even!
yeah Carol the man is supposedly a "brilliant" engineer with more than
one degree from M.I.T. But dunno if that means BA and BS or BS and MS and
We already have one Dr. John and don't think I recollect anyone EVER calling
him Dr. John Sununu.
so science person yes - politician _YES_ or _NO_
check the blank depending upon your views.
ps. Soylent Green - people ... you mean I been eatin'.... :)
104.269 | John Sununu: putz | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Thu Sep 12 1991 17:06 | 9 |
| Well, not to get too blunt or anything, but I don't care if Sununu has
six Ph.D.'s from MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Penn. and Cornell, in
engineering, or Political Science. I've heard the guy talk, and he's a
world class BOZO.
Pass the big shoes, red nose and fuzzy wig. That guy's out of uniform!
104.270 | disclaimer... | SCAM::GRADY | tim grady | Thu Sep 12 1991 17:07 | 6 |
| Re: .-1
In my very humble opinion, of course. :-)
104.271 | the little emporer wannabe | FRAGLE::IDE | now it can be told | Thu Sep 12 1991 17:30 | 6 |
| The only one I know for sure about is an MS in ME from MIT (Mass.
engineering school with a decent reputation). Smart guy, but he seems
to find thermodynamics easier than getting along with other people.
Napoleoinc complex, I think. Seabrook would've been dead without him.
104.272 | | SA1794::GLADUG | | Thu Sep 12 1991 17:37 | 7 |
| re: <<< Note 104.269 by SCAM::GRADY "tim grady" >>>
>he's a world class BOZO.
HEY! Being a world class Bozo myself, I resent that remark. :-)
104.273 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the funk of 40,000 years | Thu Sep 12 1991 18:58 | 11 |
| I was reading a newspaper column once which mentioned that Sununu said that
since 97% of all the carbon dioxide on the planet is "natural" (not produced
artificially by humans), any CO2 we add to the atmosphere couldn't make a
difference. The author of the column was questioning his science ... like, if
you have water pouring into a bathtub, filled to the brim, at one gallon a
minute, and draining at one gallon a minute, and then you start pouring in
an additional pint a minute ... ;^)
Sorry, 4:00 is my babbling time.
- Dave
104.274 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the funk of 40,000 years | Thu Sep 12 1991 18:59 | 4 |
| >any CO2 we add to the atmosphere couldn't make a
(this was in reference to global warming BTW)
104.275 | | LANDO::HAPGOOD | now we play for life | Thu Sep 12 1991 19:13 | 9 |
| har!
no need to add any qualifiers tim, i think we could safely say
that most of us agree with you about him.
and I thought we were all bozos on this bus?!?!?!
104.276 | Nor does booksmart equal common sense | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Sep 12 1991 19:46 | 8 |
| re Sun-of-a-nunu
Yes,.. bright,.. but remember /'s axiom of humanunu nature:
Brightness does not equal goodness
104.277 | | SSGV02::STROBEL | New Jack City Slickers | Fri Sep 13 1991 11:05 | 5 |
| likely to be seen in the Washington Post Classified ads:
For sale - 1 well educated brain, rarely used. Some logic chips and common sense
upgrades needed. May be willing to trade for shreds of dencency. Call
John Sununu @ the White House
104.278 | Farm fun | CSLALL::BRIDGES | The truth to u I'll tell. | Wed Sep 18 1991 14:07 | 19 |
| One day farmer Brown bought 12 pigs, as it turned out they
were all females, since he wanted to mate them, he took them
over to farmer Jones place to have them mated. When they were
done he asked farmer Jones how he'll know if they are pregnant,
since he knew very little about pigs. "Well," said Jones "they start
acting strange in the morning."
The next day F Brown looked out the window and the pigs seemed normal.
So he loaded them all up to take them Back to F Jones. Again the next
day he checked on the pigs, nothing out of the ordinary, so once
again, off he went to F Jones.
The next day he asked his wife to look and see if the pigs were acting
strange and she said...
"Well eleven of them are in the back of the truck, and one is honking
the horn."
104.279 | Which are you?? | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Estamos hermanos y hermanas [sic] | Thu Sep 19 1991 12:10 | 130 |
| The 9 Types of Boyfriends
Joe Sensitive - "After I wash the dishes, let's cuddle, OK?"
Also known as: Mr. Nice Guy, Family man, Honey, Darling, Soft-boiled Egg,
Advantages : Well-behaved; irons own shirts
Disadvantages: Irritatingly compassionate, wimpy
Old Man Grumpus - "People are stupid. The world can go to hell. Let's
stay home and watch TV."
Also known as: Grumbles, Sour puss, Stick-in-the-mud, Old Fogey, Slow
Mover, Jerk
Advantages : Stays put; predictable
Disadvantages: Royal pain in the ass
Flinchy - "I--I'm sorry for whatever it was I did."
Also known as: Trembly, Creampuff, Hey you
Advantages : Jumps entertainingly when startled
Disadvantages: Easily spooked; surrenders without a struggle
Bigfoot - Shut yer trap, I'm thinkin'."
Also known as: Chunk-style, Lummox, Ignoramus, Galoot, the Hulk, Big 'n' Dumb
Advantages : Can tote bales; is easily fooled
Disadvantages: Can break you in half, sweats like a pig
Lazybones - "Zzzzzz"
Also known as: Lucky Dog, Parasite, Bum, Sponge, Snoozebucket, Drug Addict
Advantages : Well rested; easy target
Disadvantages: Unlikely to fulfill your dreams
The Sneak - "Who, me?"
Also known as: Love Pirate, Snake, Rat, Slime, G-D Son of a Bitch
Advantages : May feel pangs of guilt
Disadvantages: May be having time of his life
Ace of Hearts - "After I wash the dishes let's make love like crazed
weasels, OK?"
Also known as: The Sizzler, Handyman, Dreamboat, Casanova, Monster
Advantages : Perpetually aroused
Disadvantages: Perpetually aroused
The Dreamer - "Someday I'm going to be rich and famous. I don't know
how, but--"
Also known as: Struggling artist, Philosopher, Buffoon, Bag of Wind, Fool
Advantages : Tells good stories
Disadvantages: Will turn into "Old Man Grumpus"
Mr. Right - "While the servants wash the dishes, let's make love like
crazed weasels in my new yacht, ok?"
Also known as: Mr. Perfect, Jim Dandy
Advantages : Answer to a woman's prayer
Disadvantages: Hunted to extinction
The 9 Types of Girlfriends
Ms. Nice Guy - "Tickets to the boxing match? Oh Darling, you shouldn't have"
Also known as: What a gal, precious, one of the boys, my main squeeze, doormat
Advantages : Cheerful, agreeable, kindly
Disadvantages: May wise up someday
Old Yeller - "You G-D spineless good-for-nothing drag-ass no-talent son of
a bitch! Can't you see you're making me miserable??"
Also known as: She-Devil, Sourpuss, the Nag, My Old Lady, Warthog from Hell
Advantages : Pays attention to you
Disadvantages: Screeches, throws frying pans
Sickly - "Oh, my head. My head. My feet. My cramps. My cellulite"
Also known as: Whiner, Mewler, Glumpy
Advantages : Predictable
Disadvantages: Contagious
The Bosser - "Stand up straight. Put on a different tie. Get a haircut.
Change your job. Make some money. Don't give me that look."
Also known as: Whipcracker, The Sarge, Ms. Know-it-all, Ball and Chain, yes Mom
Advantages : Often right
Disadvantages: Often right, but so what?
Ms. Vaguely Dissatisfied - "I just can't decide. Should I switch my
career, goals, home, and hair color?"
Also known as: The Fretter, Worrywart, Typical, Aw c'mon Honey
Advantages : Easily soothed
Disadvantages: Even more easily perturbed
Wild Woman out of Control - "I've got an idea. Lez get drunk an' make love
onna front lawn. I done it before. S'fun."
Also known as: Fast girl, freewheeler, goodtime charleena, passed out
Advantages : More fun than a barrel of monkeys
Disadvantages: Unreliable; drives off cliffs
Huffy - "I see nothing humorous in those silly cartoons you keep snickering at"
Also known as: No fun, humorless prig, Cold fish, Chilly proposition,
iceberg, Snarly
Advantages : Your friends will feel sorry for you
Disadvantages: You will have no friends
Woman from Mars - "I believe this interpretive dance will explain how I
feel about our relationship"
Also known as: The Babbler, Spooky Girl, Screwball, Loony, Bad News, Artistic
Advantages : Entertaining, unfathomable
Disadvantages: Will read her poetry aloud
Ms. Dreamgirl - "I am utterly content with you just the way you are, my
handsome genius of a boyfriend. I think we must make love
like crazed weasels now"
Also known as: Ms. Right, Goddess, Knockout, Perfection, Gorgeous
Advantages : Funny, intelligent uninhibited
Disadvantages: Will have nothing to do with you
104.280 | :^) from Johnny... | ROULET::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Mon Sep 23 1991 21:14 | 71 |
<forwards obliterated with secret particle beam>
From "The Tonight Show Staring Johnny Carson" on Wednesday,
Sept. 11, 1991. (C) 1991 Carson Productions, Inc.
A tribute from Johnny Carson to all the Soviet republics
seeking freedom ("The Battle Hymn of the Republic" playing
softly in the background).
"What Democracy Means to Me"
by Johnny Carson
To me, democracy means placing trust in the little guy,
giving the fruits of nationhood to those who built the
nation. Democracy means anyone can grow up to be president,
and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president.
Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united
by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away
from people of all races, colors, and creeds. Democracy is
having time set aside to worship--18 years if you're Jim
Democracy is buying a big house you can't afford with money
you don't have to impress people you wish were dead. And,
unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one
ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective
political parties.
Democracy means freedom of sexual choice between any two
consenting adults; Utopia means freedom of choice between
three or more consenting adults. But I digress. Democracy is
welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something
to hold onto--usually a mop or a leaf blower. It means that
with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can
die owing the government a huge amount of money.
Democracy means a thriving heartland with rolling fields of
Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Spanky, and Wheezer. Democracy means
our elected officials bow to the will of the people, but
more often they bow to the big butts of campaign
Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you
deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker
people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means
never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of
course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at
your door. It's a tradeoff. Democracy means free
television, not good television, but free.
Democracy is being able to pick up the phone and, within a
minute, be talking to anyone in the country, and, within two
minutes, be interrupted by call waiting.
Democracy means no taxation without representation, and god
knows, we've just about had the hell represented out of us.
It means the freedom to bear arms so you can blow the "o"
out of any rural stop sign you want.
And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar
bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13
tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head--this signifies
that when the white man came to this country, it was bad
luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for
the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle.
I thank you.
104.281 | | AOXOA::STANLEY | Give pizza a chance... | Tue Sep 24 1991 17:30 | 11 |
| What was the babbling brook talking about?
I don't know. It's creek to me.
104.282 | guide to manhood | SSGV02::STROBEL | NH - the Strip Mall State | Thu Sep 26 1991 16:17 | 124 |
| <forwards removed>
M A N -- To -- M A N
By Mark Canter
For modern men, we've compiled a brief list of those unspoken guidelines.
These rules look fairly ridiculous on paper, but now that we've documented
them, you can show them to your wife or girlfriend and say, "See, honey, I'm
not the only one who does this stuff..."
* On car trips with the family, never ask for directions when you're lost....
Just keep driving aimlessly around, searching for the mysterious Lost Street
of the Damned. Navigate by the seat of your pants like the great Lewis and
Clark explorers of old.
* But it's okay to stop for directions when driving with another guy...because
he won't sit patiently as you pass the same McDonald's for the third time.
* Inch forward at stoplights to keep up with the guys in the cars on both
sides....It's all about who's out in front.
* Even if you don't know a hub cap from a distributor cap, never admit you're
a stranger to the male domain of auto mechanics....If your car won't run and
you're at a loss for words, try "Could be a cracked ring. Have you checked
the compression?"
* A real man doesn't need the instruction sheet to figure out something as
simple as programming his new VCR...but to cook something as simple as
oatmeal, a guy will follow the recipe with the exactitude of a chemical
* Don't confess that you know little, and could care less, about a particular
sport, especially if it's during the finals...."Yeah, that Bo, he's really
something. WOW!, did you see that hook shot!."
* Never admit you don't understand a political issue....Opinions are like
whiskers. You're not an adult male without them.
* There's no need to consult the TV Guide when there'e a remote control handy
...Just divebomb through all 51 channels, evading commercials like flak, in
the never-ending search for a suitable landing spot.
* If you spill something on the floor, clean it up with a bath towel....It's
unmanly to get down on the floor, so just slop the towel around with your
* Never pay one of your buddies a compliment. Instead say things like
"Where'd you get your haircut, the school for the blind?" or "Who is that
awesome blonde I saw you with, and what are you going to do for a date once
she meets me?"...He'll instinctively get the message that this means you
value his freindship.
* If a man cuts you with one of those insults, tell your girlfriend that it
hurt your feelings, and you'll come off more sensitive than Phil Donahue.
But never reveal it to the other guy...."Coach, when you said I was a
low-life turdbrained doofus for striking out with the bases loaded, it made
me feel small and sad."
* Never reveal anything about your true, actual authentic and biological sex
life to another guy...unless the guy is your urologist.
* A man should make as much as or more money than his girlfriend or wife. He
should be as tall or taller, and at least as smart. Naturally, he should
be able to outplay her in any activity, from Ping-Pong to chess.....Having
met these requirements, he should be liberated enough to be unconcerned
about such things.
* If there are more than two urinals in a restroom and one is being used,
proceed to the farthest available urinal. If a line has formed, maintain
proper spacing of at least 3 feet back from the guy using the urinal....
Above all, if nothing happens within 30 seconds, don't just stand there
like a geek; shake (3 shakes maximum, anymore and the guy next to you will
probably ask you for a date), zip up your fly, flush the toilet and walk
* When you're in the men's room alone you needn't wash your hands when you're
finished...but if another guy is in there with you, scrub your hands as if
you were preparing for brain surgery.
* If you can't take it, you're not a man (whatever "it" might be)....Maybe
you're scared of roller coasters, but if your buddies want to go on one,
you'd better gird your loins and groan through the zero-Gs or you'll never
hear the end of it.
* Ingore or deny physical pain...As comedian Billy Crystal reports, "Mike
Tyson once hit Trevor Berbick so hard, Trevor did the dance Ann-Margret did
in Bye Bye, Birdie. Did he hurt you, Trevor? 'I was, ah, stunned, that's
all, just stunned.'"
* Never openly display a broken heart or discuss it with other guys....That's
between you, your six-pack and your collection of Frank Sinatra records.
* Don't tell another man your deepest hopes or fears....That' s like saying,
"how do you like my suit of armor? It's only got two weak spots in it--
here and here."
* If you want to lose weight, don't even think about giving up Ben & Jerry's
Chuncky Monkey ice cream....Instead, pull on your running shoes and pound
those calories into submission.
* Every guy should be hip about guns....Hand an economics professor a
Remington, and even if he's never been with 100 light years of a gun before,
he'll work the action, sight down the barrel and generally act like a
reincarnation of Daniel Boone or Rambo.
* If your girlfriend is looking on, flip aloofly through that issue of
Playboy as if it were a Better Homes and Gardens special issue on
Tupperware. In a huddle of your peers, pause regularly to utter appreciative
comments like "WOW! Check that out!"...and if you're alone, study and
quantify each curve like a forensic scientist.
* When shopping with your mate, do not trail her into the women's lingerie
department....Stand clear of those racks of silk-and-lace panties like a
mechanic would avoid the Whirling Fanblades of Death.
104.283 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Close my eyes to see | Tue Oct 01 1991 15:24 | 73 |
| Subj: Humor 1
Subject: Humor
Subject: Humor----Not RUMOR
Subject: Humor!
>From "The Tonight Show Staring Johnny Carson" on Wednesday,
Sept. 11, 1991. (C) 1991 Carson Productions, Inc.
A tribute from Johnny Carson to all the Soviet republics
seeking freedom ("The Battle Hymn of the Republic" playing
softly in the background).
"What Democracy Means to Me"
by Johnny Carson
To me, democracy means placing trust in the little guy,
giving the fruits of nationhood to those who built the
nation. Democracy means anyone can grow up to be president,
and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president.
Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united
by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away
from people of all races, colors, and creeds. Democracy is
having time set aside to worship--18 years if you're Jim
Democracy is buying a big house you can't afford with money
you don't have to impress people you wish were dead. And,
unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one
ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective
political parties.
Democracy means freedom of sexual choice between any two
consenting adults; Utopia means freedom of choice between
three or more consenting adults. But I digress. Democracy is
welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something
to hold onto--usually a mop or a leaf blower. It means that
with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can
die owing the government a huge amount of money.
Democracy means a thriving heartland with rolling fields of
Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Spanky, and Wheezer. Democracy means
our elected officials bow to the will of the people, but
more often they bow to the big butts of campaign
Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you
deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker
people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means
never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of
course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at
your door. It's a tradeoff. Democracy means free
television, not good television, but free.
Democracy is being able to pick up the phone and, within a
minute, be talking to anyone in the country, and, within two
minutes, be interrupted by call waiting.
Democracy means no taxation without representation, and god
knows, we've just about had the hell represented out of us.
It means the freedom to bear arms so you can blow the "o"
out of any rural stop sign you want.
And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar
bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13
tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head--this signifies
that when the white man came to this country, it was bad
luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for
the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle.
I thank you.
104.284 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the funk of 40,000 years | Wed Oct 02 1991 13:23 | 162 |
| [forwards removed]
>From The Wall Street Journal
_A Scud It's Not, But the Trebuchet Hurls a Mean Piano_
Giant Medieval War Machine Is Wowing British Farmers And Scaring the
By Glynn Mapes, Staff Reporter of the Wall Street Journal
ACTON ROUND, England--With surprising grace, the grand piano sails
through the sky a hundred feet above a pasture here, finally returning
to earth in a fortissimo explosion of wood chunks, ivory keys and
piano wire.
Nor is the piano the strangest thing to startle the grazing sheep
this Sunday morning. A few minutes later, a car soars by - a 1975
blue two-door Hillman, to be exact - following the same flight path
and meeting the same loud fate. Pigs fly here, too. In recent
months, many dead 500-pound sows (two of them wearing parachutes) have
passed overhead, as has the occasional dead horse.
It's the work of Hew Kennedy's medieval siege engine, a four story
tall, 30 ton behemoth that's the talk of bucolic Shropshire, 140 miles
northwest of London. In ancient times, such war machines were dreaded
instruments of destruction, flinging huge missiles, including
plague-ridden horses, over the walls of besieged castles. Only one
full-sized one exists today, designed and built by Mr. Kennedy, a
wealthy landowner, inventor, military historian and - need it be said?
- - - - - full-blown eccentric.
A Pagoda, Too
At Acton, Round Hall, Mr. Kennedy's handsome Georgian manor house here,
one enters the bizarre world of a P. G. Wodehouse novel. A stuffed
baboon hangs from the dining room chandelier (``Shot it in Africa.
Nowhere else to put it,'' Mr. Kennedy explains). Lining the walls are
dozens of halberds and suits of armor. A full suit of Indian elephant
armor, rebuilt by Mr. Kennedy, shimmers resplendently on an
elephant-sized frame. In the garden outside stands a 50-foot-high
Chinese pagoda.
Capping this scene, atop a hill on the other side of the 620-acre
Kennedy estate, is the siege engine, punctuating the skyline like an
oil derrick. Known by its 14th-century French name, trebuchet
(pronounced tray-boo-shay), it's not to be confused with a catapult, a
much smaller device that throws rocks with a spoon-like arm propelled
by twisted ropes or animal gut.
Mr. Kennedy, a burly, energetic 52-year-old, and Richard Barr, his
46-year-old neighbor and partner, have spent a year and #10,000
($17,000) assembling the trebuchet. They have worked from ancient
texts, some in Latin, and crude wood-block engravings of siege
The big question is why?
Mr. Kennedy looks puzzled, as if the thought hadn't occurred to him
before. ``Well why not? It's bloody good fun!'' he finally exclaims.
When pressed, he adds that for several hundred years, military
technicians have been trying fruitlessly to reconstruct a working
trebuchet. Cortez built one for the siege of Mexico City. On its
first shot, it flung a huge boulder straight up - and then straight
down, demolishing the machine. In 1851, Napoleon III had a go at it,
as an academic exercise. His trebuchet was poorly balanced and barely
managed to hurl the missiles - backward. ``Ours works a hell of a lot
better than the Frogs', which is a satisfaction,'' Mr. Kennedy says
with relish.
How it works seems simple enough. The heart of the siege engine is a
three-ton, 60-foot tapered beam made from laminated wood. It's
pivoted near the heavy end, to which is attached a weight box filled
with 5= tons of steel bar. Two huge A-frames made from
lashed-together tree trunks support a steel axle, around which the
beam pivots. When the machine is at rest, the beam is vertical,
slender end at the top and weight box just clearing the ground.
When launch time comes, a farm tractor cocks the trebuchet, slowly
hauling the slender end of the beam down and the weighted end up.
Several dozen nervous sheep, hearing the tractor and knowing what
comes next, make a break for the far side of the pasture. A crowd of
60 friends and neighbors buzzes with anticipation as a 30-foot,
steel-cable sling is attached - one end to the slender end of the beam
and the other to the projectile, in this case a grand piano (purchased
by the truckload from a junk dealer).
``If you see the missile coming toward you, simply step aside,'' Mr.
Kennedy shouts to the onlookers.
Then, with a great groaning, the beam is let go. As the counterweight
plummets, the piano in its sling whips through an enormous arc, up and
over the top of the trebuchet and down the pasture, a flight of 125
yards. The record for pianos is 151 yards (an upright model, with
less wind resistance). A 112 pound iron weight made it 235 yards.
Dead hogs go for about 175 yards, and horses 100 yards; the field is
cratered with the graves of the beasts, buried by a backhoe where they
Mr. Kennedy has been studying and writing about ancient engines of war
since his days at Sandhurst, Britain's military academy, some 30 years
ago. But what spurred him to build one was, as he puts it, ``my
nutter cousin'' in Northumberland, who put together a pint-sized
trebuchet for a county fair. The device hurled porcelain toilets
soaked in gasoline and set afire. A local paper described the event
under the headline ``Those Magnificent Men and Their Flaming
Building a full-sized siege engine is a more daunting task. Mr.
Kennedy believes that dead horses are the key. That's because
engravings usually depict the trebuchet hurling boulders, and there is
no way to determine what the rocks weigh, or the counterweight
necessary to fling them. But a few drawings show dead horses being
loaded onto trebuchets, putrid animals being an early form of
biological warfare. Since horses weigh now what they did in the
1300s, the engineering calculations followed easily.
One thing has frustrated Mr. Kennedy and his partner: They haven't
found any commercial value to the trebuchet. Says a neighbor helping
to carry the piano to the trebuchet, ``Too bad Hew can't make the
transition between building this marvelous machine and making any
money out of it.''
It's not for lack of trying. Last year Mr. Kennedy walked onto the
English set of the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie, volunteering his
trebuchet for the scene where Robin and his sidekick are catapulted
over a wall. ``The directors insisted on something made out of
plastic and cardboard,'' he recalls with distaste. ``Nobody cares
about correctness these days.''
More recently, he has been approached by an entrepreneur who wants to
bus tourists up from London to see cars and pigs fly through the air.
So far, that's come to naught.
Mr. Kennedy looks to the U.S. as his best chance of getting part of
his investment back: A theme park could commission him to build an
even bigger trebuchet that could throw U.S.-sized cars into the sky.
``Its an amusement in America to smash up motor cars, isn't it?'' he
inquires hopefully.
Finally, there's the prospect of flinging a man into space - a living
man, that it. This isn't a new idea, Mr. Kennedy points out:
Trebuchets were often used to fling ambassadors and prisoners of war
back over castle walls, a sure way to demoralize the opposition.
Some English sports parachutists think they can throw a man in the air
*and* bring him down alive. In a series of experiments on Mr.
Kennedy's machine, they've thrown several man-sized logs and two
quarter-tone dead pigs into the air; one of the pigs parachuted gently
back to earth, the other landed rather more forcefully.
Trouble is, an accelerometer carried inside the logs recorded a
centrifugal force during the launch of as much as 20 Gs (the actual
acceleration was zero to 90 miles per hour in 1.5 seconds). Scientists
are divided over whether a man can stand that many Gs for more that a
second or two before his blood vessels burst.
The parachutists are nonetheless enthusiastic. But Mr. Kennedy thinks
the idea may only be pie in the sky.
``It would be splendid to throw a bloke, really splendid,'' he says
wistfully. ``He'd float down fine. But he'd float down dead.''
104.285 | | BIODTL::FERGUSON | No cans, No bottles. | Wed Oct 02 1991 14:22 | 8 |
| re: one before this one
That appeared in Desperado, a sort of underground publication floating around
Good reading!
The Wall St. Journal is a great paper!
104.286 | Hmmm | LJOHUB::RILEY | You're twisting my air! | Thu Oct 03 1991 13:30 | 8 |
Maybe we COULD get some money out of those stockpiled Rainbows....
How much would YOU pay to see one hurled 200 yards?
104.287 | Red Sox Humor | BIODTL::FERGUSON | No cans, No bottles. | Fri Oct 04 1991 00:58 | 21 |
| [headers removed]
Gen. Scharzkoff was walking in the desert when he comes across an
Aladdins lamp which is sticking halfway out of the ground. He takes it
back to his tent, and starts polishing it up when a Genie appears.
The Genie tells him that he will be granted one wish for freeing
him from the lamp. Norman says "Ya know, we just got over this
bloody war and I would like to see evrlasting peace in the Middle
East." The Genie pulls out a map and says " General, take a look at
this map. People have been wishing for peace in the Middle East for
as long as I can remember and it hasn't happened yet. Why don't you
make another wish." The general says, "Well I've always wanted to
see the Redsox win a World Series. It would be great for them to
finally win one."
The Genie replies:
"Lets take another look at this map."
104.288 | HIGH COURT STRIKES DOWN NATURE'S FIRST LAW | AOXOA::STANLEY | A kinder, more gullible nation... | Mon Oct 07 1991 12:55 | 65 |
| From: ewhac@well.sf.ca.us (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab)
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: "Without Eternal Vigilance, It Could Happen Here." -- Joe Bob Briggs
Date: 5 Oct 91 10:30:03 GMT
Organization: Argon Oil. At Argon, we're working to keep your money.
UPI - 7/20/1991
In a decision sure to cause major controversy for several minutes,
the US Supreme Court struck down the First Law of Nature, judging it to be
unlawfully discriminatory.
Though never actually written down, the First Law of Nature is
generally accepted by the American Bar Association to be, "If an individual
or collection of individuals puts into practice or causes to be put into
practice an action which, measured against the judgement of a reasonable
person, is unwise or lacking in basic common sense, then the aforementioned
individual or collection of individuals shall suffer all consequences
resulting from that action, up to and including loss of life."
Translation: "You do something stupid, you die."
In a ruling handed down yesterday, George Bush's Supreme Court
ruled that such a law was too vague and unfairly discriminatory. Justice
Rhenquist, author of the decision, wrote, "The terms 'unwise' and 'basic
common sense' are never defined anywhere, and are left to the
interpretation of the presiding judge....[which could lead] to mutiple
standards of justice." The court also felt that the penalty was too vaguely
defined and too harsh. Writes Rhenquist, "It is theoretically possible for
an individual to lose his/her life by, for example, sticking their tongue
across a 120 volt outlet. While such an action would clearly demand
explanation from the individual attempting it, it is not Our [sic] opinion
that such an action warrants the penalty of death, particularly if the
outlet in question lacks a label warning of such practice..."
In striking down the First Law, the Court also mandated that steps
be taken to correct the discrimination the law imposed. Affirmative Action
has already drafted a set of standards. Though not final, the suggestions
o Requiring employers to hire a set percentage quota of stupid
people (most employers with union contracts already meet the
proposed standard),
o Requiring all non-profit organizations receiving public funds (PBS,
National Endowment for the Arts, et al) to spend a set percentage
of those funds promoting stupidity (the NEA, based on recent
censorship mandates, already qualifies),
o Equal time for the views of the stupid on national issues,
o A constitutional amendment banning discrimination based on
stupidity, and
o A national TV and press campaign to raise the nation's awareness
of the plight of stupid people (the draft suggests the slogan,
"Stupid Is Beautifull [sic]").
When interviewed, Dan Quayle said, "It's the most significant step
forward this country has taken since Neil Diamond set foot on the moon."
Selected by Brad Templeton. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply.
Jokes ABOUT major current events should be sent to topical@looking.on.ca
(ie. jokes which won't be funny if not given immediate attention.)
Anything that is not a joke submission goes to funny-request@looking.on.ca
104.289 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Mon Oct 07 1991 13:00 | 7 |
YIKES!!! I just hit next unseen w/o looking at the title and thought I was
in The World We Live In topic for a minute. The scary thing is, I kinda
believed it up until that last part. ;^/
Pretty funny, now that I see it in the right context!! :-)
104.290 | very funny... in the right context that is. | CSLALL::BRIDGES | Water *IS* a liquid | Mon Oct 07 1991 13:06 | 6 |
| Just like Lisa, I didn't look at the topic. So for the first couple of
paragraphs, I was envisioning lots of sitituations where various
people would get sued for someone else's stupidity.
104.291 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | strange phenomena | Fri Oct 18 1991 12:57 | 54 |
| {headers removed}
CHAIRMAN BIDEN: Judge Thomas, these past few days have been very,
very hard for all of us -- especially for my good friend and
colleague Sen. Kennedy, because it is not easy for a man to sit through
three full days of hearings with a paper bag over his head -- but
before we let you go, there is just one more point I want to make, and
it is a very, very important point, and I fully intend to make it if
I ever get to the end of this sentence, which as you know and I know,
judge, is highly unlikely to occur during the current fiscal year,
SEN. HATCH: I want to say that I am disgusted. These are disgusting
things that we have been talking about here, and I am personally
disgusted by them. Pubic hair! Big organs! Disgusting. And yet
we must talk about them. We must get to the bottom of this, no matter
how disgusted we are, and believe me I am. We must talk about these
matters, the pubic hair and the big organs, HUGE organs, because it
makes us sick, to think that these kinds of matters would come up --
I refer here to the organs, and the hairs -- that we here in the
United States Senate would find ourselves delving deeply into these
matters, to be frank, totally disgusts me, both aspects of it, the
hair aspect AND the organ...
SEN. HEFLIN: Judge Thomas, (30-second pause) I certainly appreciate
(45-second pause) the fact (20-second pause) that (three-minute,
20-second pause) my time is up.
SEN. THURMOND: Soamwhoan ben cudrin' mheah widm tan' bfust drang.
TRANSLATOR: He says, "Somebody has colored my hair with what appears
to be Tang breakfast drink."
CHAIRMAN BIDEN: Thank you. May I just add that on top of my own
personal head appears to be an unsuccessful attempt to grow okra.
But judge, as soon as I make this one final point we're going to let
you go, because this has been very, very painful, and believe me I
know what pain is, because at one time in my career I was the son of
a Welsh coal miner, and let me just say, judge, that when I do make
this point, whatever it is, it will be something that I believe in
very, very deeply, because I am the chairman, and I can talk as long
as I want, using an infinite number of dependent clauses, and nobody
can stop me.
SEN. HATCH: How BIG an organ? How MANY pubic hairs? These are the
issues that we need to probe deeply into, no matter how much they
disgust us! And believe me, nobody is more disgusted than I am! I
am revolted that we are thinking about these things, day and night!
Tossing and turning, trying to sleep, writhing, moaning and...
SEN. KENNEDY (from under his bag): Are the cameras still here?
104.292 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Li'l red light on the highway | Fri Oct 18 1991 13:15 | 12 |
HAH! I can't stop laughing :^) :^)
104.293 | great stuff | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Fri Oct 18 1991 16:51 | 6 |
| That was hilarious
104.294 | | WFOV11::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Fri Oct 18 1991 17:23 | 4 |
| so is judge thomas know known as the hanging judge???
104.295 | somebody slap me | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Fri Oct 18 1991 17:38 | 4 |
| ... or just the well hung judge...
104.296 | laughin' 3.5k miles away | CLADA::JCFERGUSON | Shaken, not stirred. | Mon Oct 21 1991 06:03 | 9 |
| SLAP !!!
That was funny!!!!
Leave it to a Dave!!!
104.297 | How to be PC | AIMHI::KELLER | The BoR, Void Where Prohibited by law | Wed Oct 23 1991 13:00 | 424 |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| |
| |
| |
| By Saul Jerushalmy & Rens Zbignigwiuw X. |
| |
| COPYRIGHT 1991 - All Rights Reserved |
"...In order to forge a cosmic accord of unprecidented unity and harmony,
The Politically Correct Movement demands that all people, regardless of
prior social preconditioning must accept the incipient world order that
will offer unlimited bliss and contentment. Dammit."
- Prof. Dr. Skippy "Tiang-Min" Whitmore
Berkeley CA, 1965
PC stands for Politically Correct. We of the Politically Correct
philosophy believe in increasing a tolerance for a DIVERSITY of cultures,
race, gender, ideology and alternate lifestyles. Politically Correctness
is the only social and morally acceptable outlook. Anyone who disagrees
with this philosophy is bigoted, biased, sexist, and/or closed-minded.
Being PC is fun. PCism is not just an attitude, it is a way of life! PC
offers the satisfaction of knowing that you are undoing the social
evils of centuries of oppression.
Sure. You just have to feel very guilty.
If you are a white male, your ancesters were responsible for practically
every injustice in the world- slavery, war, genocide and plaid sportcoats.
That means that YOU are partially responsible for these atrocities. Now
it is time to balance the scales of justice for the decendants of those
individuals whose ancestors your ancestors pushed down.
It's simple. You've got to be careful what you say, what you think, and
what you do. You just don't want to offend anyone.
That's right. Being offensive is destructive, and will not make the world
a harmonious utopia, like in John Lennon's IMAGINE.
Oh, there are lots of ways. For example, why buy regular ice cream when you
can buy "Rain Forest Crunch?" Segrega..whoops..seperate all of your garbage
into different containers: glass, metal, white paper, blue paper, plastic,
etc. Make sure that all your make-up has not been tested on animals. Try to
find at least sixty ways to use your water; when you take a shower, brush your
teeth at the same time. Then don't let the water go down the drain, use it to
irrigate your lawn. Or better yet, replace your lawn with a vegetable garden.
Don't use aerosal. By all means, don't burn American Flags!
If you are fortunate enough to know your ethnic heritage, dress the part!
Don't do drugs. You should listen to at least one of the following PC
musicians: U2, REM, Sinead O'Connor, Sting, or KD Lang.
Harrass people who wear fur coats. Remind them that an innocent baby seal was
mercilessly clubbed. Or just yell, "FUR." They hate that.
And don't EVER eat meat.
Cows are animals, just like humans are animals. That means that they have
rights. When you eat meat, you're oppressing animals!
No, not always. Sometimes killing can be justified, like in the Persian
Gulf. You have to be able to tell when an animal has rights, and when
it doesn't.
The general rule is as follows:
Examine the following chart:
-------- -----------
cows cockroaches
cute bunnies flies
dolphins in tuna nets tuna in tuna nets
whales sharks
red squirrels gray squirrels
owls loggers
harbor seals barnacles
Hug a tree. Rejoice each day in our cultural differences, for they are what
gives flavour to our great country. Get in touch with your sexual identity.
Check your refrigerator for freon leaks. Subscribe to National Geographic.
Search it for neat non-Western cultural traditions and costumes. After you read
it, use the paper as an alternate fuel source.
If you are feeling unsure about your motivation, just remember. YOU ARE
RIGHT. It's that simple. You are right.
Good question. It's important to know when someone is saying something
insensitive so that you can have that person removed from society. The
guideline is as follows:
Is the confrontation between two white people?
Yes -> The liberal is right.
No -> The white person is oppressing the ethnic person.
Remember, many seemingly obvious issues, such as the railroading
of Mayor Marion Barry, or the Clarence Thomas issue, are really race issues.
Here's a fun practice drill for you: See how many newspaper articles you can
make into race bias stories. It's fun! Some PCers are so good they can make
the weather report look like a KKK pamphlet!
It all depends on the situation. If you are not in a position of authority,
by all means report this activity immediately to whomever is in charge. If
your school leader, employer, or superior is hip to the trend of the 90s,
she or he will take the necessary steps to have the insensitive offender
The Constitution never meant for racism, sexism and insensitivity to be
espoused by anyone. That's not what free speech is about. Some call it
censorship. PCers call it "selective" speech. Saying something negative about
a particular race or gender is just as damaging as, say, punching them in the
face. We just can't allow that kind of verbal assault.
Yes. That's part of the PC movement. You see, part of the way we think
about people comes directly from the words we use to describe them. Take
"black" for instance. Why should a person be judged by the color of their
No, I mean they should be judged by where their ancestors are from. If your
great grandparents are from Africa, or Asia, or wherever, then you should
be identified by that fact. You can even apply for special scholarships!
No, there are no scholarships for any of those. Sorry. If you are a woman,
however, there should be plenty.
Technically, yes. But that's not the kind of African-American we mean.
That is, we're REALLY talking about skin color, but we're pretending that
we aren't. Another example: A white South-African U.S. immigrant is not
an African-American either.
For more help, see the PC LEXICON at the end of the handbook.
Well, for one thing, we should forcibly encourage students to volunteer
their time with philanthropies. Also, we should re-emphasize non-Western
perspectives on history. Finally, we should re-structure tests and quizzes
to reflect cultural biases.
Well, the way the system works now, "select" under-represented minorities
who tend to do worse on entrance tests have lower standards of admissions
at school and work and receive preferential treatment. This is unfair and
Yes. The truly PC way to do it is to have a different grading scale for
different groups which gives or subtracts points from the final score,
depending on who is taking the test. If you are white, then you have been
benefited by society during your life. That means that you lose
ten to fifteen points to make the test fair to everyone else.
It IS right. That's the beauty of PC.
Humor. PC people take every comment VERY seriously. We will not accept
any comment, joke, remark, or anything that sounds like it could be a
racial slur.
"What's black and white and red all over?" has been staple humor for
decades. Not PC- It can be taken the wrong way.
In every day speech, try to use phrases like,
"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle African-American." Any racial jokes
or jokes even mentioning culture or gender should be omitted. True, this
mostly limits comedy to the level of sitcoms, but that's the price you pay for
social equality.
Yes. The Politically Correct belief is essentially a recognition that
people are diversely equal. We rejoice in this equality by treating
people differently based on their equal individuality. Hop aboard the
bandwagon... Be PC. Or you're an intolerant, racist, sexist insensitive
"Insensitive Term" "Preferred Term"
------------------ ----------------
(PC people do not recognize the term, "race," as valid)
Black - African-American
Oriental - Asian-American
Indian - Native-American
Atlanta Braves
Cleveland Indians
Kansas City Chiefs
Washington Redskins
Chicano - Hispanic
Cheech and Chong
Chico and the Man episodes
Cisco Kid
Rosarita Salsa
Speedy Gonzales
Towel Head/ Ay-Rab - Arab-American
White Trash - PC Unaware
Rustically Inclined
WASP (white male) - Insensitive Cultural Oppressor (ICO)
-> GENDER <-
(PC people don't like the word "sex" as it has confusing connotations)
Woman - Womyn, Vaginal-American
Girl - Pre-Womyn
Housewife - Domestic Engineer
Fireman - Firefighter
Stewardess - Flight Attendent
Meter Maid - Parking Enforcement Aduciator
Post Man - Post Person
Mail Man - Person Person
Policeman (cop, pig) - Law Enforcement Officer
Baton Boy
Cal. Clubber
Prostitute - Sex Surrogate
(Teen Victim. See: Broken Home)
Mankind, Human - Earth Children
Handicapped - Differently Abled
(Blind - Optically Darker
Photonically Non-receptive
Deaf - Visually Oriented)
Poor - Economically Unprepared
Bum - Homeless Person
Displaced Homeowner
Philosophy Major
Hunter - Animal Assassin
Meat Mercinary
Bambi Butcher
Whaler - Blubber Lovers
Old Person / Elderly - 4th-Dimentionally Extended
Gerontologically Advanced
Conservative - Right Wing Extremist Facist Pig
Drug Addict - Chemically Challenged
Bald - Comb-Free
Bisexual - Sexually Non-preferential
Midget, Dwarf - Little People
Vertically Challenged
Convict - Socially Seperated
Insane People - Selectively Perceptive
Mental Explorers
(person with) (person with)
Learning Disability - Self-Paced Cognitive Ability
Tree-Hugger - Environmental Activist
Logger - Wood Weasel
Paper Pirate
Dead People - Disfunctional Earth Children
Broken Home - Disfunctional Family
HouseBroken - Family Disfunction
Cattle Ranch - Cattle Concentration Camp (CCC)
Senile Bag o' Bones - Alzheimer's Victim
Ghetto/Barrio - (EHA) Ethnically Homogenous Area
Pre-Integrated Pre-Nirvana
Hamburger - Seared Mutillated Animal Flesh (SMAF)
Cheeseburger - Adding Insult to Injury
Cheating (in School) - Academic Dishonosty
Used Books - Recycled Books
Trees - Oxygen Exchange Units
Gang - Youth Group
Pimp-mobile, Low-rider - Culturally Responsive Transportation Option
Drunk/Trashed - Spatially Perplexed
Slum - (EOZ) Economic Opression Zone
Delicatessen - Corpse Farm
Charnel House
These are some, but unfortunetely not all, words that are used to describe
people. Remember, there are much more elequent PC ways to say the same thing
without offending any of Earth's Children.
(except when telling other people not to use them)
"Alky, Babe, Beaner, Bimbo, Bitch, Blonde, Broad, Bum, Canuck, Chick, Chink,
Coolie, Coon, Commie, Crip, Dego, Dike, Dot-head, Druggie, Fag, Fairy,
Four-Eyes, Fudgepacker, Greaser, Hebe, Hippie, Honky, Hooknose, Indian,
Injun, Jap, JAP, Jesus-Freaks, Kike, Kraut, Lez, Lush, Nazi, Nigger, Pinko,
Pollock, Raghead, Redneck, Redskin, Retard, Ruskie, Skirt, Spic, Tart, Toots,
Uncle Tom, Whore, White-Trash, Wop"
Copyright 1991 - A Friedman/Haladyna Production - All Rights Reserved
104.298 | | RANGER::NOURSE | | Wed Oct 23 1991 14:31 | 3 |
| They forgot one:
Short, Little **** Vertically Challenged
104.299 | As discussed in the woods. | MILKWY::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Sun Oct 27 1991 20:48 | 41 |
| Subj: Whale humor
<forwarding removed>
|I am absolutely not making this incident up; in fact I have it all on
|videotape, which I obtained from the alert father-son team of Dean and
|Kurt Smith. The tape is from a local TV news show in Oregon,
|which sent a reporter out to cover the removal of a 45-foot,
|eight-ton dead whale that washed up on the beach. The responsibility
|for getting rid of the carcass was placed upon the Oregon State
|Highway Division, apparently on the theory that highways and whales
|are very similar in the sense of being large objects.
|So anyway, the highway engineers hit upon the plan -- remember, I am not
|making this up -- of blowing up the whale with dynamite. The thinking
|here was that the whale would be blown into small pieces, which would be
|eaten by sea gulls, and that would be that. A textbook whale removal.
|So they moved the spectators back up the beach, put a half-ton of
|dynamite next to the whale and set it off. I am probably not guilty of
|understatement when I say that what follows, on the videotape, is the
|most wonderful event in the history of the universe. First you see
|the whale carcass disappear in a huge blast of smoke and flame.
|Then you hear the happy spectators shouting "Yayy!" and "Whee!"
|Then, suddenly, the crowd's tone changes. You hear a new sound
|like "splud." You hear a woman's voice shouting "Here come pieces
|of... MY GOD!" Something smears the camera lens.
|Later, the reporter explains: "The humor of the entire situation
|suddenly gave way to a run for survival as huge chunks of whale
|blubber fell everywhere." One piece caved in the roof of a car
|parked more than a quarter of a mile away. Remaining on the beach
|were several rotting whale sectors the size of condominium units.
|There was no sign of the sea gulls, who had no doubt permanently
|relocated in Brazil. This is a very sobering videotape. Here
|at the institute we watch it often, especially at parties. But
|this is no time for gaiety. This is a time to get hold of the folks
|at the Oregon State Highway division and ask them, when they get
|done cleaning up the beaches, to give us an estimate on the US
104.300 | Seen it off and on over the last 4 yrs | ESASE1::JCFERGUSON | Guinness is good for you. | Mon Oct 28 1991 06:50 | 1 |
| That one makes its round every year or so! I wonder if it is _really_ true?
104.301 | dave barry for president... | ROULET::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Mon Nov 04 1991 18:59 | 108 |
| forwards deleted.... thanks karen! :^)
Taxpayers of America: The check's in the mail
by Dave Barry
Gather round, taxpayers! This is the moment you've been waiting for!
Time to calculate your Peace Dividend! Now that our archenemy, the
Soviet Union, is disintegrating into throat-lozenge-sized independent
republics with names like "Huzzarbegonia", whose primary military
activity is knocking over statues of Lenin, we don't need a Defense
Department anymore. This means that you, the taxpayers, may already
have won billions of dollars! So don't throw away this column, because
we are about to tell you the size of your peace dividend! Get ready!
Better lean close to the page so you won't miss it! That's it...just
a little closer...here it comes...
Ha ha! We apologize for hitting you in the face with a deceased
grouper, but sometimes you taxpayers are such goobers that we can't
help ourselves.
Listen: There isn't going to be a peace dividend. Your leaders have
thought about this long and hard, and they have decided that they will
continue to need all of your money that they can possibly get their
hands on. In fact, they might need MORE of your money, because we're
probably going to give some to the Russians, in the generous American
spirit of "lending a hand" to our defeated enemies so that someday,
with our help and support, they can make better cars than we do.
Also, we are NOT getting rid of the Defense Department. Au contraire
(literally, "you melonhead"). We are plunging ahead on a number of
crucial multibillion-dollar defense items, including the B-2 Stealth
bomber, which is being built by the Northrop Corp. for $865 million per
plane (excluding sunroof). The B-2, which is designed to be invisible
to radar, has had some minor technical glitches, such as that it is not
actually invisible to radar, but it nevertheless appears to be superbly
capable of carrying out its vital mission of penetrating deep into
Soviet airspace and...
Hold it! We just remembered that there is no longer any NEED to
penetrate deep into Soviet airspace, other than to scout locations for
Pizza Huts. But never mind. Even as you read this, top Pentagon
strategists are thinking up a NEW vital mission for the B-2. Maybe it
could penetrate deep into Elizabeth Taylor's next wedding. Or maybe,
with extra thrusters, it could even penetrate Sen. Edward Kennedy. As
long as it penetrates SOMETHING.
And we are, of course, continuing to build "Star Wars", which was one
of President Reagan's very best ideas and is currently scheduled to be
fully operational by the year 236,000 AD, at which time it will perform
whatever vital strategic mission it performs. Possibly it will shoot
down the Stealth bomber.
But even if we cancelled BOTH defense programs, you taxpayers STILL
couldn't have a Peace Dividend, because your leaders need the money for
pressing domestic priorities, such as purchasing breast pumps for the
savings-and-loan industry bailout.
We are not making this domestic priority up. We have here a Knight-
Ridder News Service story by David Hess concerning a congressional
audit of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Resolution Trust
Corp., two of the federal agencies helping to straighten out this pesky
S & L situation. The auditors found that, among other things, the
agencies had purchased $177,000 worth of wall-hangings, $3,227 worth of
stained glass, $7,335 worth of Christmas decorations, 3,000 Asian
cookbooks and 27 breast pumps.
A spokesperson said the breast pumps were for employees who bring
their babies into the agencies' day-care center. This is, of course,
We're sure that all you lactating taxpayers out there have employer-
supplied breast pumps. We just hope the pumps weren't purchased
through the "Star Wars" program (New York Post Headline: "6 hurt in
S & L mom breast blast")
The spokesperson did not have a ready explanation for the Asian
cookbooks, but we're sure there's a perfectly legitimate one, and we
don't want to know what it is.
The bottom line is, if there IS a peace dividend, it will be
distributed according to the following list of priorities, ranked from
highest to lowest:
1. Giant incomprehensible ongoing federal programs that could not be
eliminated with hydrogen bombs.
2. The Russians.
3. Breast pumps.
4. Research grants to study questions such as how come fish don't
watch television.
5. The Iraqis. (Don't laugh! Just wait!)
6. Making a big pile of money on the US Capitol lawn and setting fire
to it.
7. Giving it back to the taxpayers.
But don't be disheartened, taxpayers. This is America! A democracy!
If you don't like what your government is doing, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO
CHANGE IT! Yes! I'll tell you how! Lean close to the page so you
won't miss it! That's it...just a little closer...
104.302 | Don't blame. Althou I did find it amusing | CSLALL::BRIDGES | Lay Down My Dear Brothers... | Wed Nov 06 1991 16:49 | 11 |
| If easily offended hit next unseen.
What goes; "Good morning Sir, Good morning Sir, Good morning Sir,
YO Baby nice t*ts, Good morning Sir, Good Morning Sir, Good morning
Sir, Good morning Sir."
Clarence Thomas on his first day on the Supreme Court.
104.303 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Thu Nov 07 1991 13:11 | 1 |
| :-)
104.304 | One from the other point of view. | CSLALL::BRIDGES | Lay Down My Dear Brothers... | Thu Nov 07 1991 16:21 | 4 |
| Did you see the new Anita Hill doll?
pull it's string and it talks ten years later.
104.305 | another good one... | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Thu Nov 07 1991 17:20 | 1 |
| :-) ... thats funny too actually... :-)
104.306 | ;^) | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | TheCourseOfLoveMustFollowBlind | Fri Nov 22 1991 14:36 | 33 |
| Ok, which one of you took this statue on tour - fess up!!
[forwards deleted]
Category: Fun AP (true) Story
PATTERSON (AP) - Florence and Pat McMorrow didn't get to travel throughout
America this summer but their elf, Rufus, did.
Rufus is a 3-foot-high lawn ornament owned by the McMorrows, of Patterson, a
community north of New York City.
Someone swiped Rufus July 9 from his usual perch on a tree stump in the
couple's front lawn. He reappeared last week with an envelope tucked under his
arm. "I'm home. Vacation pictures," a note on the envelope read.
There was Rufus on the beach in California, wearing shades. There he was in
Wyoming, wearing an Indian headdress. There he was at Wrigley Field in
Chicago, watching the Chicago Cubs. In all, there were photos of Rufus in 17
Police and the McMorrow family still don't know who took the statute [sic].
"It was definitely young people," Mrs. McMorrow said. "They have some sense of
{Forwarding courtesy of Rick Laidlaw}
Hope you and your pink flamingos enjoy a get-away weekend,
104.307 | Urban legend alert! | DEDHED::SPINE | Tom Spine | Fri Nov 22 1991 14:45 | 11 |
| re: .306
> Category: Fun AP (true) Story
Urban legend alert! This "true" story has been around for years. Each
time the details change a little bit. My favorite is the "lawn rabbit"
version, complete with a photograph!
104.308 | | LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTO | child of countless dreams | Fri Nov 22 1991 15:38 | 4 |
I liked the pink flamingo on tour myself. ;^)
104.309 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | TheCourseOfLoveMustFollowBlind | Fri Nov 22 1991 15:53 | 84 |
| Ok, so I never heard it before, still puts a funny picture in my mind! 8^)
And now for something completely different...
AMNESIA: condition that enables a woman who has gone through
labor to have sex again.
BOTTLE FEEDING: an opportunity for Daddy to get up at 2am
DEFENSE: what you'd better have around de yard if you're
going to let de children ply outside.
DROOLING: how teething babies wash their chins.
DUMBWAITER: one who asks if the kids would care to order
FAMILY PLANNING: the art of spacing your children the proper
distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster
FEEDBACK: the inevitable result when the baby doesn't
appreciate the strained carrots.
FULL NAME: what you call your child when you're mad at him.
GRANDPARENTS: the people who think your children are
wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them
HEARSAY: what toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.
IMPREGNABLE: a woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.
INDEPENDENT: how we want our children to be as long as they
do everything we say.
LOOK OUT!: what it's too late for your child to do by the
time you scream it
OW: the first word spoken by children with older siblings
PRENATAL: when your life was still somewhat your own.
PREPARED CHILDBIRTH: a contradiction in terms
PUDDLE: a small body of water that draws other small bodies
wearing dry shoes into it.
SHOW OFF: a child who is more talented than yours.
STERILIZE: what your do to your first baby's pacifier by
boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it
STOREROOM: the distance required between the supermarket
aisles so that children in shopping carts can't quite reach
TEMPER TANTRUMS: what you should keep to a minimum so as to
not upset the children.
THUNDERSTORM: a chance to see how many family members can fit
into one bed.
TOP BUNK: where you should never put a child wearing Superman
TWO-MINUTE WARNING: when the baby's face turns red and she
begins to make those familiar grunting noises.
VERBAL: able to whine in words
WEAKER SEX: the kind you have after the kids have worn you
WHODUNIT: none of the kids that live in your house.
WHOOPS: an exclamation that translates roughly into "get a
104.310 | | BCSE::ABBOT | | Fri Nov 22 1991 18:11 | 9 |
| That's a slightly old, but true, story. I saw it on either the Tonight
Show or Letterman several years ago. Some people took the statue on a
trip out west, photographed by the Grand Canyon, in front of the
Hollywood sign, on the walk of fame, etc. They showed most of the
pictures (a few weren't 'suitable' for tv). Whoever did it was pretty
104.311 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | Wake, now discover.. | Fri Dec 06 1991 15:09 | 9 |
What do you call a constipated German?
104.314 | A continual difficulty with entries in this topic... | GR8FUL::WHITE | Without love in a dream... | Fri Dec 06 1991 15:39 | 10 |
Mr._Spoiler here,
These are treading awful close, in they have not yet in fact,
crossed the line of what is permitted by Corporate policy. I
know that I'm much more sensitive than most who participate in
this file but the last two have my delete key twitching...
104.315 | | ROULET::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Fri Dec 06 1991 15:41 | 1 |
| good point... .312 is gonzo...
104.316 | No biggie... | IMTDEV::INGALLS | Earth Day - Every Day | Mon Dec 09 1991 18:36 | 10 |
Ah geez... both .312 and .313 gone!
I understand policy and BobW's sensitivity, but
now I feel like I'm missing something... Ah well, just have to frequent notes
more often :^/
104.317 | s-planation of my deleted reply | SSGV02::STROBEL | Sssh - new dad asleep | Mon Dec 09 1991 19:17 | 6 |
| You didn't miss much from mine, just a quick pun tied to Germans. S'pose I
should have just tagged some sensitivy <CR>'s to mine and pointed out that it
wasn't aimed at any individual or group. Being 1/4 German, I figured I could
laugh at myself at least
104.318 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Mon Dec 09 1991 19:29 | 2 |
| I'm 1/4 everything (including a**hole) so I'm never offended.
%^) rfb
104.319 | | MSHRMS::FIELDS | send a smile, show you care | Fri Dec 13 1991 15:36 | 25 |
| An african explorer walks into a remote village in the congo. As
he enters the village he cannot help but notice the deafening sound
of drums coming from the other end of the village.
When he reaches the end he sees a team of natives beating the
cr*p out of some drums , behind them is another team of people standing
there. He watches for a while and as one of the drummers drops from
fatigue someone jumps up to take his place.
He meets the cheif of the village but conversation is nearly
impossible over the noise of the drums. He eats a meal, bathes and
beds down all the while the drums monsterous noise pounds around him.
He awakes in the morning and the drums still play every time he
asks someond what is going on they say "drums must never stop"
he stays for a week and in the end almost crazed by the noise he
approaches the cheif and says
" why do the drums play"
Cheif "Drums must never stop"
Explorer "Why"
Cheif "drums must never stop"
Explorer "for god's sake man tell me why"
Cheif "if drums stop.................bass solo starts"
104.320 | Silly string | SEAVU::IRZA | The compass always points to Terrapin | Tue Dec 17 1991 16:39 | 15 |
| A string walks into a bar. He walks up to the bar and orders a beer.
The bartender says "Sorry, I don't serve strings. Take a hike." So the
string leaves. A few minuites later another string walks into the bar,
walks up to the bar and orders a drink. The bartender again turns away
the second string.
All the while another string was on the payphone observing what was
happening, and decides he wants to have a drink. He ventures into the
mens room. In there he wriggles himself about until he ties himself in
a knot. He then starts shaking his top half spastically until it is
frayed. He then proceeds to do the same with his bottom half. He then
walks up to the bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks at him and
asks "Are you a string?" to which the string replies:
"No, I'm a frayed knot."
104.321 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Tue Dec 17 1991 16:42 | 1 |
| :-) ... good one!
104.322 | uhoh | WFOV11::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Tue Dec 17 1991 17:05 | 3 |
| ..yep good one I'm all Tied up..
104.323 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Don't go near that river | Tue Dec 17 1991 17:07 | 10 |
Here we go, another string of puns :^)
104.324 | | WFOV11::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Tue Dec 17 1991 17:08 | 6 |
| yep from a long LINE of punsters...:*)
104.325 | OH no not me too! | BSS::DSMITH | | Tue Dec 17 1991 17:46 | 7 |
| Re:323
Jim should be STRUNG up for that one!
104.326 | a frayed so ... | BOOKS::BAILEYB | Let my inspiration flow ... | Tue Dec 17 1991 18:00 | 3 |
| Oh no ... knot more puns ...
... Bobbb
104.327 | | ROULET::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Tue Dec 17 1991 18:06 | 1 |
| is everyone getting ROPED in on this one?
104.328 | ;^) | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Don't go near that river | Tue Dec 17 1991 18:07 | 9 |
Careful, or Phyllis is going to start twine about these puns
104.329 | a new twist | VMPIRE::CLARK | sleep in the stars | Tue Dec 17 1991 18:14 | 3 |
| Oh good, I was HANKerin' for some more puns ....
(one for us former boyscouts mebbe)
104.331 | CHRISTMAS IN SPACE | AOXOA::STANLEY | There's a price for being free... | Thu Dec 19 1991 12:53 | 85 |
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the decks
Not a crewman was stirring, 'cept those having sex;
Their boots were all placed by the vent shafts with care,
In hopes that by morning they'd get some fresh air.
The Redshirts were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of stay'ng alive danced in their heads;
And Kirk in his gold shirt, McCoy in his blue,
Had just settled down for a nice Christmas brew--
When from the comm panel there came such a wail,
They sprang from their chairs, knocking over their ale.
Away to the panel Kirk flew, drenched in beer,
Snapped on the comm switch and barked loudly, "Kirk here!"
The squeals that emerged from the thing after that
Sounded just like the Devil was strangling a cat;
When, what to their bombarded ears should appear,
But the music of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,"
With a voice in the background, a murmur of talk,
That made Kirk exclaim, "Bones . . . That sounds just like Spock."
More rapid than bullets his syllables came
As he tested each circuit and called it by name--
"Cross Alpha to Beta, join Delta to Theta,
Route Kappa through Lamba, and Gamma to Zeta.
To the end of the circuit, the end of the line,
Now clip a resistor--there. That should do fine."
As Kirk and McCoy listened closely to this,
The comm unit speaker let out a long hiss.
So, off to the turbolift both of them flew,
With a mind to discover what Spock was up to.
And then, in a twinkling, they reached the bridge deck,
Stepped out of the lift and began a quick check.
As they went down the steps and were looking around,
>From a nook Spock emerged, barely making a sound.
He was all dressed in gray from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with solder and soot.
A bag of components he had in one fist,
And held in the other, a rather long list.
His eyes didn't twinkle, his dimples were none,
Yet somehow it looked like he'd been having fun.
His mouth, at one corner, quirked up just a touch,
And one eyebrow lifted, though not by too much.
A soldering iron he held in his teeth,
And the smoke from it circled his head like a wreath.
He looked like a man with a task to complete
And nothing would stop him, not rain, snow, nor sleet.
His two colleagues stood there, dumbfounded by this.
McCoy chuckled softly; Kirk let out hiss.
The look in Spock's eye and the set of his head
Soon gave them to know he would not go to bed.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And tuned all the sensors then turned back to Kirk,
And pressing a button and counting to three,
He lit up the bridge like a huge Christmas Tree.
His work done, he nodded, and walked toward the lift
As his friends stared in awe at his luminous gift.
But they heard him exclaim, his voice with good-will rife,
"Merry Christmas! And to you all, Peace and Long Life!"
- --Based on "A Visit From Saint Nicholas" by Clement Clarke Moore--
- --Adaptation copyright 1991, Eric R. Rountree--
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104.332 | Uncle Dave's Christmas Story | VMPIRE::CLARK | sleep in the stars | Thu Dec 19 1991 13:29 | 91 |
by Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist
copied from The Boston Sunday Globe, December 15, 1991
It's that special holiday time of year once again, the time when
Uncle Dave sometimes has too many eggnogs and tells the heartwarming
story of the Christmas Goat.
But first, Uncle Dave wants to make sure that you have all been
good boys and girls who are remembering the true meaning of the holiday
season, which is to stimulate the economy. Right now, the economy
seems a tad sluggish, as measueed by the Index of People Living in
Refrigerator Cartons (IPLRC). But Uncle Dave is confident that things
will turn around any day now, because Uncle President Bush's economic
advisers have been seeing a number of bright spots in the economy.
Yes. They go out on the balcony of the White House Economic Forecasting
Building, located on Mars, and they look around and shout: "I see a
bright spot! Do you see it, Norm?" "Yes! I see it too! Do you see
it, Bob?" "Bob fell off the balcony!"
Their forecasting procedure involves a lot of eggnog.
So, the economy is definitely expected to recover sometime between
mid-January and the collapse of civilization. But this will not happen
unless you, the ordinary citizen demonstrate your true holiday spirit
to the absolute limit of your major credit cards. Uncle Dave recommends
that you take along a set of industrial earplugs, otherwise you may be
driven insane by shopping mall public-address systems playing "The
Little Drummer Boy." this is a song, lasting longer than most dental
appointments, wherein high-voiced women women shriek "Rum-pa-pum-pum,
Years ago, Uncle Dave actually kind of liked this song, but he was
exposed to it just a few thousand times too many, and now when he hears
it, especially if he is in a department store trying desperately to
find a gift for his wife that she won't laugh out loud at, and he is
going nearly blind from having complimentary fragrance samples sprayed
in his face from close range, it feels as though the Giant Mutant
Sadist Drummer Boy is driving his drumsticks directly into Uncle
Dave's skull with a sledge hammer rum-pa-pum-pum rum-pa-pum-pum.
But aside from that, and the traffic, and the early-morning toy
commercials on TV that cause your child to come rushing into your bed-
room while you are still sleeping and demand that Santa bring him a
video-game system costing the equivalent of two Patriot missiles, and
the fact that the Toys Sure "R" Costly store is so crowded that you
have to park your car in Brazil, Uncle Dave really loves the holiday
season, because it has so many traditions. And one of the most
cherished traditions is the telling of the story of the Christmas Goat.
Uncle Dave heard this story from Uncle Jeff MacNelly, who swears
that it really happened, and we can trust him because he is a trained
professional cartoonist.
The story concerns a family - a mother, father, three sons and a
young daughter - who lived in Virginia some years ago. They kept a pet
goat out back, and one unusually cold Christmas Eve, one of the sons
wnet out to feed it, only to discover it had been called up to Goat
"The goat was not only dead," states Uncle Jeff, "but it was frozen
solid in the upright position."
The boy went in and told his father. The father was anxious to
keep the little girl from seeing the goat, because she was very fond of
it, and he didn't want to ruin her Christmas. He couldn't bury the
goat, because the ground was rock-hard, so he and his sons loaded it
into the back of their station wagon and took it to the local animal
shelter. Unfortunately, it turned out that the shelter did not accept
animals that were in the deceased mode.
So now the hour was getting late and the father and sons were
getting desperate, driving around on Christmas Eve with this goat,
wondering how they could get rid of it, when - this is the kind of
miracle that restores your faith in the season - they drove past a
church with a life-size outdoor Nativity scene, featuring life-size
"Light bulbs went off simultaneously over all four of their heads,"
states Uncle Jeff. "The car came to a screeching halt."
Moments later, the Nativity scene had acquited a new touch of
realism, and the station wagon, now goat-free, was heading home. So it
was a Merry Christmas after all, at least until the thaw came.
Now, you boys and girls run along to bed, so that visions of
sugar-plums can dance in your heads. That happened to Uncle Dave once,
and aspirin was no help at all.
104.333 | Christmas cheer from TNG | SPOCK::IRONS | Setting the Standard for Deadcellence | Mon Dec 23 1991 17:30 | 162 |
<forwards removed>
'Twas The Nite Before Christmas
(Star Trek : The Next Generation Style!)
(Attempt I)
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the ship
Not a circuit was buzzing, not one microchip;
The phasers were hung in the armory securely,
In hope that no alien would get up that early.
The crewmen were nestled all snug in their bunks
(Except for the few who were partying drunks);
And Picard in his nightshirt, and Bev in her lace,
Had just settled down for a neat face to face...
When out in the hall there arose such a racket,
That we leapt from our beds, pulling on pants and jacket.
Away to the lifts we all shot like a gun,
Leapt into the cars and yelled loudly "Deck One!"
The bridge red-alert lights, which flashed through the din,
Gave a lustre of Hades to objects within.
When, what on the viewscreen, our eyes should behold,
But a weird kind of sleigh, and some guy who looked quite old.
But the glint in his eyes was so strange and askew,
That we knew in a moment it had to be Q.
His sleigh grew much larger as closer he came.
Then he zapped on the bridge and addressed us by name:
"It's Riker, It's Data, It's Worf and Jean-Luc!
It's Geordi, And Wesley, the genetic fluke!
To the top of the bridge, to the top of the hall!
Now float away! Float away! Float away all!"
As leaves in the autumn are whisked off the street,
So the floor of the bridge came away from our feet,
And up to the ceiling, our bodies they flew,
As the captain called out, "What the Hell is this, Q?!"
The prankster just laughed and expanded his grin,
And, snapping his fingers, he vanished again.
As we took in our plight, and were looking around,
The spell was removed, and we crashed to the ground.
Then Q, dressed in fur from his head to his toe,
Appeared once again, to continue the show.
"That's enough!" cried the captain, "You'll stop this at once!"
And Riker said, "Worf, take aim at this dunce!"
"I'm deeply offended, Jean-Luc" replied Q,
"I just wanted to celebrate Christmas with you."
As we scoffed at his words, he produced a large sack.
He dumped out the contents and took a step back.
"I've brought gifts," he said, "just to show I'm sincere.
There's something delightful for everyone here."
He sat on the floor, and dug into his pile,
And handed out gifts with his most charming smile:
"For Counsellor Troi, there's no need to explain.
Here's Tylenol-Beta for all of your pain.
For Worf I've some mints, as his breath's not too great
And For Geordi LaForge, an inflatable date."
For Wesley, some hormones, and Clearasil-plus;
For Data, a joke book, For Riker a truss.
For Beverly Crusher, there's sleek lingerie,
And for Jean-Luc, the thrill of just seeing her that way."
And he sprang to his feet with that grin on his face
And, clapping his hands, disappeared into space.
But we heard him exclaim as he dwindled from sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good flight!"
'Twas The Nite Before Christmas
(Star Trek : The Next Generation Style!)
(Attempt II)
'Twas the night before Christmas on the Enterprise-D,
On a routine short hop to Starbase 303,
With Data on duty in the captain's chair,
In hopes that the Enterprise soon would be there.
Just for something to do while the other crew slept,
He scanned where the historical records were kept,
And with a blink of the eye and a cock of his head,
"Intriguing! Tomorrow is Christmas!" he said.
But no one was stirring, and he sought to find why,
And so he buzzed Geordi, who woke with a sigh:
"Christmas? It's only an old holiday --
Just let me go back to sleep, OK?"
But is to wish "Merry Christmas" not human to do?
And so Data wished it -- to the whole ship too.
Everyone on the Enterprise woke from this clatter --
Picard rushed to the bridge to see what was the matter.
"What is the meaning of this noise, Mr. Data?"
"Sir, is it not Christmas--?" "We'll discuss it later!"
Just then Worf said, "Captain, a Klingon warbird!
Its hull has been damaged -- it's uncloaking, sir."
"Onscreen," said Picard, as the Klingon ship hailed:
"Federation vessel, our life support has failed!
A strange ship attacked us, inflicting the worst--
Though naturally, of course, we had fired on it first."
The Klingons beamed over, the senior staff met
To try and uncover the source of the threat.
Said Picard, "Mr. Data, an assignment for you:
Give all of these Klingons something to do!
They think it's the Romulans we should look for--
Get them all off the bridge, before they start a war!"
So Data departed, while the rest of the crew
Wondered: Romulans? Ferengi? If not them, then who?
Said Worf, "Sir -- disturbance on Holodeck 3!"
The entire bridge crew ran down there to see.
Roared Picard, "Mr. Data, what the devil is this!"
"Sir, I have taught the Klingons how to celebrate Christmas."
And so there they were -- on holodecks 3,4 and 5--
With synthohol, singing and eating blood pie!
Soon the Big E was rocking with holiday cheer --
Friend and foe came from sectors both far and near.
The Romulans showed up with some Romulan ale --
The Ferengi brought goodies for free -- not for sale!
But a strange ship was coming, the captain was told --
With one crew member only, and a huge cargo hold.
Said the Klingons, "It's the strange ship that fought us -- attack!"
Said Picard, "On Christmas? -- Mr. Worf, hold back."
And then as they watched the ship come into view,
Onscreen came its captain -- none other than Q!
He wore a white beard and a suit of red --
"Joyeux Noel, mon captain," was what Santa Q said.
"Tell those Klingons next time to not go so berserk --
You know, you need good defense systems in this line of work.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be warping away --
Who else did you think could do this job all in one day?"
"I'm sensing emotion," said Counselor Troi,
"Peace in the galaxy, good will and joy."
And they stood on the bridge and watched Q take flight,
------- End of Forwarded Message
104.334 | faux pas | VMPIRE::CLARK | sleep in the stars | Fri Jan 17 1992 15:08 | 20 |
| {headers removed}
Recently spotted in Readers' Digest :
New to the area, my wife and I had been invited by neighbors to join
them and some other couples in watching the Super Bowl on TV. During
half-time, while my wife was in the kitchen helping the hostess, the
conversation turned to videos. "We made a video of all of us in San
Diego," one of the women told me. "Want to see it? It's in the car."
And she promptly ran out to get it.
Minutes later while we were watching the tape of them running on the
beach, my wife walked in from the kitchen. "Those are the ugliest women
I've ever seen in a commercial!" she exclaimed, taking one look at the TV.
We watched the second half of the game at home.
Think I'd have to consider moving.
104.335 | a REAL RD joke | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Fri Jan 17 1992 15:50 | 4 |
| a real joke seen lately in Readers Digest is the article on the dangers
of marrywanna...which someone actually quoted in our local rag here as
104.336 | Now anyone can enjoy the thrill of skiing!! | FULTON::WENTZELL | Elvis is my roommate | Fri Jan 17 1992 17:06 | 66 |
Tore up your knee playing hoops this fall? Are your buddies
already razzing you about missing the season? No problem.
One needn't actually *ski* to experience the gestalt of skiing;
just simulate the pyschic and physical sensations. Here are 13
ways to duplicate those ski thrills and really pin the fun meter
in the red zone:
- Drive slowly for five hours - anywhere - as long as it's in a
snowstorm and you're tailing an 18-wheeler. Stop at any gas station
that serves food. When the waitress asks what you'd like order
an upset stomach because that's probably what you'll get anyway.
- Visit your local butcher and pay $30 to sit in his walk-in freezer
for half an hour. Afterward, burn two $50 bills to warm up. It's
not real skiing but it's close.
- Fill a blender with ice, hit the pulse button and let the spray
sandblast your face. You'll almost believe you're skiing in front
of a snowmaking gun.
- Sit under a sun lamp wearing goggles to get that chic racoon look.
- Where apres-ski boots everywhere - even in the shower. For the
best effect, get the boots that look like two dead Afghan hounds
strapped to your calves.
- At the nearest hockey rink, walk across the ice 20 times in your
ski boots carrying two pairs of skis, loaded accessory bag and poles.
Make believe you're looking for your car.
- For ski-boot simulation at home, put a pebble in your street shoes
and tighten a C-clamp around your toes.
- Buy a pair of gloves and immediately throw one away. This will
save you from losing it later.
- Go to a McDonald's and insist on paying $3.50 for a hamburger.
Be sure to wait in the longest line.
- Speaking of lines, stand in any movie line on the coldest day
of the year. Inch ahead with the crowd but don't go in. Do this
12 or 18 times.
- To simulate losing a ski in deep powder, spend a lot of money
to fly to a Caribbean resort. When you arrive toss a Krugerrand
onto the beach. Then try to find it.
- To simulate glade skiing take a jog through the woods - with your
eyes closed.
- Clip a lift ticket to the zipper of your jacket and ride a motorcycle
fast enough to make the ticket lacerate your face.
None of these activities is skiing, but all of them sure feel like
(Reprinted without permission for those who've yet to ski this year)
Linda C.
104.337 | Dave Barry on trees (from his '92 calendar) | CURIE::WENTZELL | Elvis is my roommate | Mon Jan 20 1992 16:52 | 8 |
| {forward removed}
Wood heat is highly ecological, since trees are a renewable resource. If you
cut down a tree, another will grow in its place. And if you cut down the new
tree, still another will grow. And if you cut down that tree, yet another
will grow, only this one will be a mutation with long, poisonous tentacles
and revenge in its heart, and it will sit there in the forest, cackling and
making elaborate plans for when you come back.
104.338 | economic theories made simple | SSGV02::STROBEL | Not this record, not this record..... | Fri Jan 31 1992 17:50 | 27 |
| <forwards removed>
An New and Improved Easy Guide to
Modern Economic Systems
SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The government takes one to give
to someone else.
COMMUNISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and gives
you the milk.
FASCISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and sells
you the milk.
NAZISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
BUREAUCRACY - You have two cows. The government takes both, shoots one,
and pours the milk down the drain.
CAPITALISM - You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
BUSH's NEW CAPITALISM - You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull;
take out huge loan on the the cow, and ignore
both the cow and the loan from that point on;
then you try to milk the bull, and blame the
Japanese for its lack of production.
104.339 | A Story by Tolkien | ESGWST::MIRASSOU | Help! I'm turning ... umop apisdn | Sat Feb 01 1992 23:43 | 36 |
| This is a letter which was written by JRR Tolkien to a friend when he
was a schoolboy. Looks like there's another side of him besides the
hobbits & elfs...
A young friend wished to purchase a birthday gift for a lady friend.
After much meditation and consideration he decided upon a pair of
gloves as being appropriate. As his sister had some shopping to do, he
accompanied her to a ladies wearing apparel shop. While he was
selecting the gloves, his sister made a purchase of a pair of drawers
for herself. In delivering the parcels that afternoon, by mistake the
drawers were left at his sweetheart's door with a note as follows:--
Dear Velma: -- This little token is to remind you that I haven't
forgotten your birthday. I didn't choose it because I thought you
needed them, or because you haven't been in the habit of wearing them,
or because we go out evenings. Had it not been for my sister I would
have gotten long ones but she says they are wearing the short ones --
with one button. They are a very delicate color, I know, but the lady
clerk showed me a pair she had worn for three weeks, and they were
scarcely soiled at all. How I wish I might put them on you for the
first time! No doubt many other gentlemen's hands will touch them
before I get a chance to see you again but I hope you will think of me
every time you put them on. I had the lady clerk try them on and they
looked very neat on her. I did not know th exact size, but I should
be capable of judging nearer than anyone else. When you put them on
for the first time put a little powder in them and they will slip on
easier. When you remove them blow in them before laying them away, as
they will naturally be a little damp from wearing. Hoping that you
will accept them in the same spirit in which they are given and that
you will wear them to the dance Friday night, I remain,
Lovingly yours:--
P.S. Note the number of times I will kiss the back of them in the
coming year!
104.340 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Silence breeds ignorance | Tue Feb 04 1992 13:49 | 26 |
An New and Improved Easy Guide to
Modern Economic Systems
SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The government takes one to give
to someone else.
COMMUNISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and gives
you the milk.
FASCISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and sells
you the milk.
NAZISM - You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
BUREAUCRACY - You have two cows. The government takes both, shoots one,
and pours the milk down the drain.
CAPITALISM - You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
BUSH's NEW CAPITALISM - You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull;
take out huge loan on the the cow, and ignore
both the cow and the loan from that point on;
then you try to milk the bull, and blame the
Japanese for its lack of production.
104.341 | | IMTDEV::INGALLS | Wish I was a Nomad, Indian or St. | Tue Feb 04 1992 15:39 | 11 |
| From: "Practice safe government. Always use kingdoms.
Quote of the week
I heard this from one of my clients doing MS Windows development:
``Programming in Windows is like being given the Periodic Table Of
Elements and being told "You now have everything you'll need: Now,
create a BROCCOLI''
104.342 | deja vu | SSGV02::STROBEL | Not this record, not this record..... | Wed Feb 05 1992 15:32 | 3 |
| re: 104.340 Modern Economic Systems
Scott, this sounded familiar. See reply .338 :-) :-) :-)
104.343 | Letterman's 10th Anniversay Top 10 | SSGV02::STROBEL | Not this record, not this record..... | Wed Feb 12 1992 10:44 | 22 |
| Top 10 Reasons Why They've Been on the Air 10 Years
10. Many Americans Still Believe I'm Filling in for Ted Koppel
9. Cheap to produce with illegal alien bandleader
8. Our perfect mix of comedy, music & awkward silence
7. Sophisticated technology that makes home viewers think they smell bacon
6. We were just about out of jokes after 7 years, then along came Quayle
5. Still have another 12 months on hairpiece rental
4. Prozac! Prozac! Prozac!
3. It's free & it's in color
2. People enjoy sitting in their underwear in front of TV saying, "Here's your
stupid pet trick, Letterman!"
1. I'm Captain Dave and America is my ship of love
104.344 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | through a dream night wind | Wed Feb 12 1992 13:14 | 4 |
:-) :-) Thanks!!
104.345 | appreciate the tack he took with that jibe!! :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Feb 12 1992 14:30 | 5 |
HA! gotta luv #1!!! "I'm Captain Dave and America is my ship of
love!" :^) :^) :^)
capt_da ve :^)
104.346 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | None of the above in '92 | Wed Feb 12 1992 14:57 | 12 |
RE: <<< Note 104.345 by JUNCO::DWEST "Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary" >>>
> -< appreciate the tack he took with that jibe!! :^) >-
Geeze, you're such a MASTer of puns da ve :^)
104.347 | :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Feb 12 1992 17:37 | 5 |
re -.1 ha! that was nuthin... i've got a boat load of 'em!
en-compass-ing a lot of different topics too!
da ve
104.348 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | through a dream night wind | Wed Feb 12 1992 17:42 | 13 |
Excuse me, but..
Judge Koyner
104.349 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Expert Only <><> | Wed Feb 12 1992 17:49 | 9 |
Subj: today's Dave Barry
February 12th
*Sometime* is a scientific unit of measurement meaning "in approximately 43
hillion jillion years", as in "Let's have lunch sometime".
104.350 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | None of the above in '92 | Wed Feb 12 1992 17:51 | 17 |
RE: <<< Note 104.347 by JUNCO::DWEST "Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary" >>>
-< :^) >-
> re -.1 ha! that was nuthin... i've got a boat load of 'em!
> en-compass-ing a lot of different topics too!
Pardon me while I keel over :^)
104.351 | :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Feb 12 1992 17:55 | 3 |
| good one Jum!!! take a BOW!!
da ve
104.352 | you can call me barnacle bill | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:01 | 8 |
| Sorry,.. but I mast interrupt the current booming of puns to
say that judeg Koyner has passed sentence on you two,,....
104.353 | :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:03 | 5 |
| barnacle bill is apparently trying to get STERN with us.....
what's the matter dude? wind gone from your sails?
da ve
104.354 | can't say fer sure where I'm coming from anymore | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:16 | 8 |
| Well,.. I've been in the duldrums for a while,.. figured it was time
to coma about and chart a new course,,... maybe folow the howling
wind for a while....
104.355 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | None of the above in '92 | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:28 | 14 |
RE: <<< Note 104.351 by JUNCO::DWEST "Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary" >>>
-< :^) >-
> good one Jum!!! take a BOW!!
Not today, I'm feeling kinda stern :^)
104.356 | :-) | SPICE::PECKAR | Shadow skiing the apocalypse | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:55 | 3 |
I think y'all are deadheading on this topic...
104.357 | Full steam ahead!!! | TLE::WEISS | No way I'll crash, this is a *BEER* truck! | Wed Feb 12 1992 18:58 | 6 |
I may just DECK the next person who makes a pun! :-)
p.s. This is getting r'udderly ridiculous!
104.358 | :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Wed Feb 12 1992 19:17 | 6 |
| in that case, i'll steer a heading to another topic until i can get my
bearings again...
oh bouy...
da ve
104.359 | | WFOV11::BUTZE | Quick beat of an icy heart... | Thu Feb 13 1992 13:52 | 3 |
| now we're sinking...
104.361 | how long will this lashed? | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Feb 13 1992 16:40 | 5 |
| It is difficult to fathom the depths this crew will sink to just to
bring about a laugh
104.362 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Thu Feb 13 1992 19:19 | 4 |
| You people must have been harbouring these for quite a while. I guess
you're all punsters without pier.
104.363 | 470S26.7 | MILKWY::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Thu Feb 13 1992 22:17 | 9 |
| When I saw this SPARing match of puns I thought it was really going to
take off on a RUN. But CHUTE with Cap'n Koyner at the HELM it looks
like we're steering to the wrong mark. BEARING that in mind I think
I should go put on my DEAD RECKONING album and BLOW this note. But
SHEET, I don't have a cartiridge. I'll just have to keep reeding MOOR.
These puns are pretty BEAT
Nuthin Shakin
104.365 | | BLITZN::INGALLS | Wish I was a Nomad, Indian or St. | Fri Feb 14 1992 16:33 | 7 |
| received this in mail today --
Seen on a T-shirt in Nashua, NH:
"I voted for George Bush, and all I have left is this lousy T-Shirt!"
104.366 | Tricky 1 | SIOG::OSULLIVAN_D | | Thu Feb 20 1992 10:04 | 9 |
| On the radio this morning I heard there's a T-shirt going roound in the
States which says:
Nixon in '92
He's tanned
He's rested
And he's ready!
104.367 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Thu Feb 20 1992 13:41 | 6 |
| I actually saw Ni+on in 92 spray painted on a wall...i didn;t think it
was funny, the T-shirt is better %^)
I'm tryin to find my LICK BUSH stickers from the last
farce-of-an-election...no luck so far.
104.368 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Thu Feb 20 1992 15:13 | 11 |
| re: <<< Note 104.367 by CLOSUS::BARNES >>>
> I'm tryin to find my LICK BUSH stickers from the last
> farce-of-an-election...no luck so far.
I have a photograph of this bumper sticker plastered on the trunk lid of a
Worcester Police cruiser! This was taken while hanging out in the parking lot
of the Centrum during the Spring '88 shows. One of the first rolls of film
shot on my then-new (used) camera.
104.369 | | CLOSUS::BARNES | | Thu Feb 20 1992 15:28 | 9 |
| re: lick bush
ya, a realdeadhead friend from San Fran gave me several, i gave most
away. Big tongue licking the side of Georgies perplexed looking face,
(with a secondary meaning of course.) Lots of wierd looks from the
local republonazis....my wife finally removed the one on the car she
drives the most....she tended to attract the more lewd reactions for
some reason or other %^)
104.370 | Would Nixon be worse than Bush? | DECWET::HAMBY | | Thu Feb 20 1992 18:49 | 3 |
| The "tanned, rested, ready" Nixon shirt was around for '88.
104.371 | Still kicking Nixon around | TLE::ABBOT | J. R. "Bob" Dobbs in 92 | Fri Feb 21 1992 14:35 | 6 |
| Nixon can't run again - he was already elected twice. Revolting
thought even in retrospect. However, he could run for vice, and then
if the prez is suddenly unable to complete his term, there he is.
104.372 | | TLE::ABBOT | J. R. "Bob" Dobbs in 92 | Fri Feb 21 1992 14:37 | 6 |
| Something funny I saw yesterday at Barnes and Noble: a huge stack of
Donald Trump's book "Staying at the Top" or something like that.
Marked down to $2.98.
104.373 | Isn't it CONSECUTIVE terms? | SMURF::GRADY | tim grady, DEC TCP/IP Engineering | Fri Feb 21 1992 15:02 | 7 |
| I thought the Constitution only prohibited a third CONSECUTIVE term. Not that
I believe anyone would take Nixon seriously, I did think it would be legal...
If you ask me, he should still be in jail - not that he ever was there either.
But I've been known for public displays of ignorance before ;-)
104.374 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Don't go near that river | Fri Feb 21 1992 15:07 | 12 |
Can't remember the amendment number, but shortly after FDR's death (and election
to 4 terms) the constitution was amended to limit anyone from being elected to
more than 2 terms as President. Had Jerry Ford been elected in '76 he could
have served that 4 year term and another (assuming he didn't bump his noggin
too many times :^) ).
104.375 | The Amendment limiting terms | TLE::ABBOT | J. R. "Bob" Dobbs in 92 | Fri Feb 21 1992 15:39 | 25 |
| Here's the amendment limiting the terms of the president. It's from my
on-line copy of the Constitution, but it doesn't mention the amendment
So basically Nixon can't run again since he was elected twice. Ford
could be elected for one term since he was prez for 2.5 years of
Nixon's term, and Johnson was able to run for reelection since he
served a little over a year of Kennedy's term.
Passed March 12, 1947. Ratified March 1, 1951.
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than
twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as
President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person
was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President
more than once.
But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office
of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not
prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as
President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from
holding the office of President or acting as President during the
remainder of such term.
104.376 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Don't go near that river | Fri Feb 21 1992 16:27 | 11 |
Well, then, I stand corrected on my thoughts on Jerry Ford running for 2
104.377 | Thanks. and thank God we won't see DICK again! | SMURF::GRADY | tim grady, DEC TCP/IP Engineering | Fri Feb 21 1992 17:00 | 3 |
| See? I told you so. I mean the part about public display of (my) ignorance. ;-)
104.378 | | ESGWST::MIRASSOU | Help! I'm turning ... umop apisdn | Fri Feb 21 1992 20:24 | 10 |
| re: amendment in .375
Hmmmm. I seem to remember hearing some discussions not too long after
Nixon resigned. At least some people interpreted that amendment to
imply that, if a president served less than 2 years of a term, than
that term in effect "didn't count" against the number of times he could
be elected. In effect, the converse of what would only allow Ford to
be elected for one term.
Don't know if there was any official legal decision, though...
104.379 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | Didn'tcha see the CROWDS?!? | Mon Mar 02 1992 16:52 | 170 |
| {headers removed}
Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself
down. I'll go over to the person's house and ring the doorbell. When the person
comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A
jack-o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of its head with a note that
says "You." After that I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.
He was a cowboy, mister, and he loved the land. He loved it so much he made a
woman out of dirt and married her. But when he kissed her, she disintegrated.
Later, at the funeral, when the preacher said, "Dust to dust," some people
laughed, and the cowboy shot them. At his hanging, he told the others, "I'll be
waiting for you in heaven--with a gun."
The memories of my family outings are still a source of strength to me. I
remember we'd all pile into the car - I forget what kind it was - and drive and
drive. I'm not sure where we'd go, but I think there were some trees there. The
smell of something was strong in the air as we played whatever sport we played.
I remember a bigger, older guy we called "Dad." We'd eat some stuff, or not,
and then I think we went home. I guess some things never leave you.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God
is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is
"Probably because of something you did."
Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several
of us died of tuberculosis.
Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself:
"Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind".
What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.
I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just
go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned him, and
we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."
I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they
don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when
somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was THAT?!"
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and
bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little tiny plant teeth.
But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition.
I'd rather be rich than stupid.
If you were a poor Indian with no weapons, and a bunch of conquistadors came up
to you and asked where the gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to
say, "I swallowed it. So sue me."
If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming
and tripping and begging for mercy, then yes, Mr. Brave man, I guess I'm a
I bet one legend that keeps recurring throughout history, in every culture, is
the story of Popeye.
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever
press charges.
To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and
the dancers hit each other.
What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save a
solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know.
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't scoff at them
personally, to their faces, and this is what annoys me.
Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking
surface attached to the end of a long stick.
I think someone should have had the decency to tell me the luncheon was free.
To make someone run out with potato salad in his hand, pretending he's throwing
up, is not what I call hospitality.
To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where
this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a
clown killed my dad.
As I bit into the nectarine, it had a crisp juiciness about it that was very
pleasurable - until I realized it wasn't a nectarine at all, but A HUMAN HEAD!!
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted
brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look
like a deer.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We
might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he sticks his head out
when you're coming home his face might burn up.
You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people
happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea.
If you're a horse, and someone gets on you, and falls off, and then gets right
back on you, I think you should buck him off right away.
If you ever teach a yodeling class, probably the hardest thing is to keep the
students from just trying to yodel right off. You see, we build to that.
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll
look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
I'd like to see a nude opera, because when they hit those high notes, I bet you
can really see it in those genitals.
Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someones neck, and
the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what is that
Contrary to what most people say, the most dangerous animal in the world is not
the lion or the tiger or even the elephant. It's a shark riding on an
elephant's back, just trampling and eating everything they see.
As we were driving, we saw a sign that said "Watch for Rocks." Marta said it
should read "Watch for Pretty Rocks." I told her she should write in her
suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a
joke - just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!
One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my
little nephew to DisneyLand, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out
warehouse. "Oh, no," I said, "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but
I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive
over to the real DisneyLand, but it was getting pretty late.
If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked
dolphins the most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong, though. It's
Laurie got offended that I used the word "puke." But to me, that's what her
dinner tasted like.
We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't
be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in
I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we
could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.
As the evening sky faded from a salmon color to a sort of flint gray, I thought
back to the salmon I caught that morning, and how gray he was, and how I named
him Flint.
If you're a young Mafia gangster out on your first date, I bet it's real
embarrassing if someone tries to kill you.
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct
is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then
it wouldn't seem quite so funny.
If you go parachuting, and your parachute doesn't open, and your friends are all
watching you fall, I think a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming.
When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school we'd all
go play in his cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us. It
wasn't until later that I found out that Uncle Caveman was a bear.
I think people tend to forget that trees are living creatures. They're sort of
like dogs. Huge, quiet, motionless dogs, with bark instead of fur.
104.380 | warped | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Mon Mar 02 1992 23:01 | 0 |
104.381 | | SPOCK::IRONS | | Wed Mar 04 1992 12:41 | 3 |
| AHHHHGHH! Quite refreshing.
104.382 | | SCOONR::GLADU | | Wed Mar 04 1992 19:44 | 55 |
| from r.m.gd... hope it wasn't already posted
Cube of Precipitation
I am cognizant of the vehicularly transported
Porcelain humanoid replica
I require a scientifically unexplainable phenomenon
Ocular receptors of the planet
Rapid oxidation on the geologic ridge
(The assertion is correct that) possessors of two pairs of X chromosomes
possess a greater degree of intelligence
Diurnal Condensation
Constructed to endure
Engaging in a musical endeavor with a confederacy of like-minded troubadors.
Nonluminous galactic matter
Confectionary homo sapien
Miniscule vermillion farmyard animal
Forthcoming assistance
The territorry held forth with oaths
Floating vessel of the unwise
The realm of Beelzebub contained within a milking instrument.
The amber asphalted thoroughfare
Mentally unbalanced digits
Roughly calibrated visionary
Dark sediment-laden tributary
Elevated altitudinal temporality
Sino-feline heliotropic plant
Activate your ardor wattage
Nonfunctional royal habitation
Rodent of the docks
The combination of a six-pointed metallic children's toy with shafts
of dried vegetation
Wise Biblical ruler's spheroids of amusement
Distribution of Playing Cards
The person refered to has vacated the premises
Circular axle appendage
Comrade of Lucifer
Locomote across the elongated body of water, James
The most enormous narrative ever communicated
I-IV-V Chord progression ascribed to a Muslim deity
Progressing down the expressway in a state of depression
I have circumnavigated the globe
Indolent thunderbolts
Appears to be plummeting droplets of liquidity
The symphony continued without abatement
Antepenultimate to the baker's dozen
Hurling igneous rock
To place my body in a horizontal position
Noninterrupted metallic links
Virtuous Affection
Striking knuckles against the portal of the land of angels
Allow its augmentation
Aviary Aria
Turtle Terminus
104.383 | Got all but one | AIMHI::KELLER | I'm P.U. Politically Uncorrect | Thu Mar 05 1992 12:04 | 67 |
| My answers after the <FF> don't look unless you've finished...
The one I didn't get
Elevated altitudinal temporality -
Cube of Precipitation - BOX OF RAIN
I am cognizant of the vehicularly transported - I KNOW YOU RIDER
Porcelain humanoid replica - CHINA DOLL
I require a scientifically unexplainable phenomenon - I NEED A MIRACLE
Ocular receptors of the planet - EYES OF THE WORLD
Rapid oxidation on the geologic ridge - FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN
(The assertion is correct that) possessors of two pairs of X chromosomes
possess a greater degree of intelligence - MAN SMART WOMEN SMARTER
Diurnal Condensation - MORNING DEW
Constructed to endure - BUILT TO LAST
Engaging in a musical endeavor with a confederacy of like-minded troubadors.
Nonluminous galactic matter - DARK STAR
Confectionary homo sapien - SUGAREE
Miniscule vermillion farmyard animal - LITTLE RED ROOSTER
Forthcoming assistance - HELP ON THE WAY
The territorry held forth with oaths - PROMISED LAND
Floating vessel of the unwise - SHIP OF FOOLS
The realm of Beelzebub contained within a milking instrument -
The amber asphalted thoroughfare - GOLDEN ROAD
Mentally unbalanced digits - CRAZY FINGERS
Roughly calibrated visionary - ESTIMATED PROFIT
Dark sediment-laden tributary - BLACK MUDDY RIVER
Elevated altitudinal temporality -
Sino-feline heliotropic plant - CHINA CAT SUNFLOWER
Activate your ardor wattage - TURN ON YOUR LOVELIGHT
Nonfunctional royal habitation - BROKEDOWN PALACE
Rodent of the docks - WHARF RAT
The combination of a six-pointed metallic children's toy with shafts
of dried vegetation - JACK STRAW
Wise Biblical ruler's spheroids of amusement - KING SOLOMON'S MARBLES
Distribution of Playing Cards - DEAL
The person refered to has vacated the premises - HE'S GONE
Circular axle appendage - WHEEL
Comrade of Lucifer - FRIEND OF THE DEVIL
Locomote across the elongated body of water, James - ROW JIMMY
The most enormous narrative ever communicated - GREATEST STORY
I-IV-V Chord progression ascribed to a Muslim deity - BLUES FOR ALLAH
Progressing down the expressway in a state of depression -
I have circumnavigated the globe - BEEN ALL AROUND THIS WORLD
Indolent thunderbolts - LAZY LIGHTNING
Appears to be plummeting droplets of liquidity - LOOKS LIKE RAIN
The symphony continued without abatement - THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED
Antepenultimate to the baker's dozen - THE ELEVEN
Hurling igneous rock - THROWING STONES
To place my body in a horizontal position - TO LAY ME DOWN
Noninterrupted metallic links - UNBROKEN CHAIN
Virtuous Affection- GOOD LOVIN
Striking knuckles against the portal of the land of angels
Allow its augmentation - LET IT GROW
Aviary Aria - BIRD SONG
Turtle Terminus - TERRAPIN STATION
104.384 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | Didn'tcha see the CROWDS?!? | Thu Mar 05 1992 12:25 | 12 |
| re <<< Note 104.383 by AIMHI::KELLER "I'm P.U. Politically Uncorrect" >>>
-< Got all but one >-
My answers after the <FF> don't look unless you've finished...
The one I didn't get
Elevated altitudinal temporality -
High Time?
104.385 | | AIMHI::KELLER | I'm P.U. Politically Uncorrect | Thu Mar 05 1992 15:05 | 4 |
| I though of that but I didn't really think it fit as well as the other titles
104.386 | danged neurons | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Mar 05 1992 17:06 | 8 |
| It fits perfectly I would say,..
The one I would question is ,.. um,..
aw hell,. I gotta go back and re read :-/
104.387 | | PENUTS::NOBLE | Hasn't got a name just yet | Thu Mar 05 1992 19:14 | 3 |
"Confectionary homo sapien" should be CANDYMAN shouldn't it?
104.388 | ... | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Mar 05 1992 20:14 | 7 |
| Yah,.. I though tSugaree was a stretch on that one,.. Candy Man fits
a little better IMHO
Still have to go back and re-read to find the other one that bugged me.
104.389 | | SPICE::PECKAR | Shadow skiing the apocalypse | Fri Mar 13 1992 15:48 | 38 |
| Subj: SUN spins off new division
<forwarding deleted...>
| For Immediate Release:
| located in Tuscon AZZZZ. announced the creation of a new division to
| manufacture a line of power saws: SunSaws. The first product released by
| SunSaws will be a circular saw, available in several configurations.
| The base model will have a 16 tooth blade and will run at 1750 rpm.
| This, SunSaw claims, gives the unit a 10 GIPS (Gnashing Inches per
| Second) rating.
| Many industry pundits say that a 20 tooth model running at 2000 rpm
| is more efficient but SunSoft spokesman Alan "Buzz" Heinrich said, "We
| felt that the getting the 16 tooth model to market early was more
| important, a 20 tooth model will be announced in the near future."
| The saw, code named "plaid", accepts a wide variety of scalable
| lumbers, and has an expansion port for a dust coprocessor.
| In what many industry watcher see as a move that will open up the
| whole power tool industry to high tech, the saw will have add-in
| capabilities for memory addition. While no specific circular saw
| application currently requires memory, SunSoft stated they didn't want
| to limit the future expansion possibilities of the saw.
| DEC President Ken Olson stated "DEC has looked into scalable
| circular saws, but we felt that it was an inferior technology, and we
| will be pursuing a line of jig saws, which will be announced by the end
| of the second quarter." Mr Olson continued, "we feel the jig saw will
| give end users more control and flexibility of their design".
| Apple Computer has announced lawsuits against Sun, DEC and Black &
| Decker.
104.390 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Is that wicked wind still blowin'? | Fri Mar 13 1992 16:18 | 14 |
On the cutting edge, eh?
104.391 | ... | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Fri Mar 13 1992 17:58 | 1 |
| as we say in engineering,.. the bleeding edge...
104.392 | this is just too easy... | TLE::WEISS | My hangover ate my bagel. | Fri Mar 13 1992 18:39 | 1 |
| But what about our release of BLADE???
104.393 | HA! | JUNCO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Fri Mar 13 1992 18:53 | 4 |
| when i SAW that line about "industry PUNdits", i knew someone
WOOD take us down that road... :^)
da ve
104.394 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Sun Mar 15 1992 03:57 | 4 |
| Gosh, you guys just cut me up!
104.395 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | Didn'tcha see the CROWDS?!? | Tue Mar 17 1992 12:27 | 10 |
| From The Progressive, 3/92
Dial 1-900-740-POPE and you'll hear a message direct
from Pope John Paul, his voice electronically enhanced
with an echo effect to make it sound ethereal. The
cost is $1.95 per minute, charged to your telephone
bill. Some of the proceeds go to the Vatican, and
the producer of the recorded messages, Global Telecom
Ltd., calls the project "the world's first electronic
collection plate."
104.396 | Nomini Domini, yer all Catholics now... | SMURF::GRADY | tim grady, DEC TCP/IP Engineering | Tue Mar 17 1992 14:33 | 8 |
| "Jesus love me, but he can't stand you" (I forget the song writer)
Life imitates art.
104.397 | The pope | SSGV02::STROBEL | PawSox open in 1 month | Tue Mar 17 1992 16:11 | 2 |
| There's a contraversial (to some) billboard in Detroit with a picture of the
Pope wearing some radio station's t-shirt & the caption "Father Knows Best"
104.398 | | SMURF::GRADY | tim grady, DEC TCP/IP Engineering | Tue Mar 17 1992 16:52 | 11 |
| Lest anyone take offense at my last comment, I happened to be raised a
Catholic, and I find a 900 number to JP2 rather offensive.
"Jesus loves me..." is an actual tune I've heard, about a guy who has
a 900 number to Jesus, talks to him everyday, and says "I know I'm
goin' to Heaven, but yer gonna fry..."
104.399 | Time to wrap the disks in latex... | TLE::WEISS | My hangover ate my bagel. | Wed Mar 18 1992 15:42 | 22 |
[forwards deleted]
| Subject: FW: New viruses (political viruses!!)
| As reported on KISW radio this morning:
| 1. The George Bush Virus: two strains -
| - This virus doesn't do anything if it infects your computer,
| but you can't get rid of it until November.
| - Your computer works fine if you're rich, but doesn't work
| as hard if you're poor.
| 2. The Dan Quayle virus: You'll know if you have this virus
| because your screen goes completely blank.
| 3. The David Duke virus: Similar to the Dan Quayle virus, but
| your screen goes completely white instead.
| 4. The Ted Kennedy virus: Your computer crashes, but acts like
| nothing happened.
104.400 | klip 'n' save | DEDSHO::CLARK | Didn'tcha see the CROWDS?!? | Wed Mar 18 1992 16:25 | 29 |
| From: moore7004@iscsvax.uni.edu
Subject: Elvis' Weight On Other Planets
From my friends at the Scripps Howard News Service:
"Hunka-Hunka: How much would Elvis weigh on other planets?
"For those who've contemplated that question -- and frankly, who hasn't? --
I've recently stumbled on the 'Elvis On Other Planets Weight Chart.'
"He weighed 255 pounds during the last weeks of his life in 1977. That weight
would have changed greatly if Presley had been elsewhere in the solar system.
(And according to the Weekly World News he has been spotted on Mars.)
"Here's the cosmic poundage:
The Sun 7,140 pounds
Mercury 97 pounds
Venus 232 pounds
The Moon 43 pounds
Mars 97 pounds
Jupiter 648 pounds
Saturn 275 pounds
Uranus 232 pounds
Neptune 303 pounds
Pluto 13 pounds"
Scotto the Malicious
"Because any fool can rip off the local newspaper."
104.401 | | RANGER::NOURSE | | Wed Mar 18 1992 22:02 | 2 |
| If all the folks who are so sure they're going to heaven really go there,
I think I'll go to the other place and fix the air conditioning.
104.402 | Elvis, eternal life, enquiring minds | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Mar 19 1992 19:27 | 12 |
| re .400
Thank you for that vital information.. bringing this notesfile
to the level of the Weekly World News. Can we get our own "Dear
Dotti" column in here too ?!?!? :-) :-)
re .401
I hear ya Andy. Follow your heart man...
104.403 | | IMTDEV::INGALLS | Wish I was a Nomad, Indian or St. | Fri Mar 20 1992 13:41 | 118 |
ZK is a big place. Curiously, the architectural diversity of ZK is
as limited as its square footage is immense. The designers, no doubt
after much gut-wrenching debate, agreed on a simple post-modern motif:
the rectangle. This trusty reliable old shape was put to use
everywhere, resulting in buildings about as personable as icebergs.
A problem commonly faced by visitors is that of extreme bewilderment
over their whereabouts. I like to call this "ZK Vertigo". It
generally strikes just after one emerges from a cubicle zone or a
restroom, and manifests itself as a cold chill in the lower spine
followed by facial expressions of shock and fear. It is this tell-tale
look of stupefaction that the locals use to identify and, sadly, spurn
in subtle but humiliating ways the unfortunate guest.
Though ZK vertigo can only be truly cured by spending enough time in
the facility to develop the cerebral lesions that allow one to reliably
navigate the corridors, it is possible to minimize the effect. The
first rule is to remember always to give the appearance of confidence
in your location. Before you emerge from a conference room, make a
decision about which direction you'll walk and stick with it. If you
realize you're wrong, keep walking, quicken your pace, and look
distractedly at your feet. It helps to have some meaningless printouts
in your hands as props to be shuffled nervously. Shake your head
slowly and mumble to yourself as you walk.
If you are headed in the wrong direction, there are several face-saving
ways of getting back on the track. Remember the rectangle: most
hallways are continuous loops, so you can often just walk around the
central computational core of the building and wind up back where you
started. The countless stairwells can similarly be exploited; you can
always change floors and try again. Changing floors has the added
advantage that if you fear that people from the meeting you've just
left might notice you walking around and around the computer room, you
can be almost certain that you won't see any of them above or below;
people who really work there spend most of their lives on just one
floor. One tip: don't look at the pictures in the ZK-I stairwells.
They're boring anyway, and you'll give yourself away immediately.
Should the unthinkable happen and someone asks you if you're lost,
don't panic. A good trick is to claim that no, you're not lost, but
you remembered you had a meeting with Pete Yarhoolie or Tim
Smythe-Cunningham or any other name that comes to mind. No one at ZK
knows everyone who works there, so as long as you drop the name of your
fictional accomplice with confidence and aplomb---to suggest that
*everybody* knows Linda Bizmillerene---you'll be safe. It's even safe
to make up acronyms of organizations. Here again, that stack of trash
paper can be a big help. Glance at the papers and pretend to notice
that you've "forgotten the damn logs again". You'll be able to make a
clean getaway as you walk off around the corner, cursing under your
breath in mock annoyance.
The color schemes within the buildings, which suggest that the
decorator took his cue from the Brady Bunch kitchen, are actually
intended to carry information. I know this because I once heard a ZK
dweller remark that "these cubes are the wrong color" as we searched
somewhere in ZK-II for a particular manager. I recommend against
trying to decode the colors, however; if you pay too much attention,
you will begin to look suspicious.
While you wander through the facility you'll notice various pitiful
doo-dads hung by the locals from the ceiling over their cubes in a sad
and depressing attempt to make them seem personal and homey. Most of
the inflatable wombats and tattered pinatas have probably been there
for years, and can be relied upon not to wander. These items can be an
invaluable aid in getting one's bearings in the otherwise trackless
cubicle wasteland. Use such landmarks to triangulate your location
and locate cubes of associates, though you must learn to act as though
you understand the cabalistic "pole number" scheme.
As you gain self-confidence, there is one near-fatal pitfall to avoid.
When you are lost but walking determinedly, hiding your fear, you
must watch out for deceptive cubicle arrangements. The mistake of
turning a corner into what looked like an inter-cube hallway but which
is actually someone's office is a very difficult one to cover up.
A weak option is to claim that you were headed to see Bob Smozdillion
and that the last time you talked to him back in the VMS 3.0 days
he was in this cube, but of course that can lead to an even more
difficult situation.
An entirely different problem area for visitors from the left coast is
that of too-obvious Californianess. Though on the surface the denizens
of ZK may seem like a wild bunch of fuzzy tie-dyed engineers, beneath
those T-shirts beat the hearts of stolid New Englanders with all the
New-Age sensibilities of the Pepperidge Farm man. Details of your own
lifestyle you might consider unremarkable will seem downright radical
to them. For example, it would be unwise to let on that you've named
your children Meadowfairy and Dharma. Similarly, they won't understand
why you have crystals sewn into your clothing at the seven principle
energy nodes, so just don't talk about it.
The ZK cafeteria---"the caf", quaintly enough, to the locals---is
another area where great care is necessary to avoid embarrassment.
Don't let the general atmosphere of melee thwart your efforts to
maintain the appearance of someone who knows what's going on. At the
back of the food service zone, the "hot lunch" section, you will notice
an amorphous mob standing with trays in hand. These people are
actually in line, but the protocols they use to order themselves have
developed over the years to the point that it is impossible for an
outsider to participate without committing some offense, possibly
sparking an angry violent confrontation. I advise the cold sandwich
bar (where you must not make comments about the barbarity of the bread
service mechanism) or the salad bar. Do ignore the bowls of sprouts;
those are a cleverly conceived trap to expose Californians.
So friend, I hope that these simple guidelines will boost confidence
and help you feel the equal of any ZK natives you may find yourself
dealing with. Vigilance and constant attention to critical details
will allow you to shed the burden of guilt and shame you may have
accumulated during prior trips East. Eventually, your ZK skills will
become second-nature, and you will glide through the endless halls with
104.404 | | TLE::ABBOT | J. R. "Bob" Dobbs in 92 | Fri Mar 20 1992 14:56 | 15 |
| Fuzzy tie-dyed engineers? I represent that remark!
I had a little floor confusion about a month ago. Went downstairs to
heat my lunch in the microwave. That one was busy any many people were
waiting for it. So I go down one flight to use the next one. Heat my
food, and zip up one flight to go back to my office. Hey...there's new
stuff hanging in my neighborhood. Then I notice - this floor is
orange! So I go around the block and go up one more floor.
BTW, if you get lost on the first floor most of them aren't loops,
you'll get stuck in a dead end, and ZK1 has the oddest layout of the 3
104.405 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Fri Mar 20 1992 15:36 | 3 |
| HAH!! That was very cute! No wonder I got strange looks last time
I visited ZKO. I had the sundress, the crystals, *and* the Birks!!
YIKES!! ;-)
104.406 | wacky ads | AWARD::CLARK | I'm still alive | Tue Mar 31 1992 14:48 | 155 |
| Forwarded message follows:
As the following classified classics will demonstrate, there are often
more laughs on the advertising and classified pages than you can find
in the cartoons and comic strips:
Lost: small apricot poodle. Reward. Neutered. Like one of the
A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by
waitresses in appetizing forms.
Dinner Special -- Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00.
For sale: an antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large
For sale: a quilted high chair that can be made into a table, potty
chair, rocking horse, refrigerator, spring coat, size 8 and fur
Four-poster bed, 101 years old. Perfect for antique lover.
Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to
take home, too.
Wanted: 50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory.
Wanted: Unmarried girls to pick fresh fruit and produce at night.
We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by
No matter what your topcoat is made of, this miracle spray will make
it really repellent.
For Sale. Three canaries of undermined sex.
For Sale -- Eight puppies from a German Shepperd and an Alaskan Hussy.
Creative daily specials, including select offerings of beef, foul,
fresh vegetables, salads, quiche.
7 ounces of choice sirloin steak, boiled to your likeness and
smothered with golden fried onion rings.
Great Dames for sale.
Have several very old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition.
Tired of cleaning yourself? Let me do it.
20 dozen bottles of excellent Old Tawny Port, sold to pay for charges,
the owner having lost sight of, and bottled by us last year.
Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.
Vacation Special: have your home exterminated.
If you think you've seen everything in Paris, visit the Pere Lachasis
Cemetery. It boasts such immortals as Moliere, Jean de la Fontain,
and Chopin.
Mt. Kilimanjaro, the breathtaking backdrop for the Serena Lodge. Swim
in the lovely pool while you drink it all in.
The hotel has bowling alleys, tennis courts, comfortable beds, and
other athletic facilities.
Get rid of aunts: Zap does the job in 24 hours.
Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates.
Automatically burns toast.
Sheer stockings. Designed for fancy dress, but so serviceable that
lots of women wear nothing else.
Stock up and save. Limit: one.
Save regularly in our bank. You'll never reget it.
We build bodies that last a lifetime.
Offer expires December 31 or while supplies last .
This is the model home for your future. It was panned by Better Homes
and Gardens.
For Sale--Diamonds $20; microscopes $15.
For Rent: 6-room hated apartment.
Man, honest. Will take anything.
Wanted: chambermaid in rectory. Love in, $200 a month. References
Wanted: Part-time married girls for soda fountain in sandwich shop.
Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.
Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!
Christmans tag-sale. Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
Modular Sofas. Only $299. For rest or fore play.
Wanted: Hair-cutter. Excellent growth potential.
Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
3-year-old teacher need for pre-school. Experience preferred.
Our experienced Mom will care for your child. Fenced yard, meals, and
smacks included.
Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops.
Auto Repair Service. Free pick-up and delivery. Try us once, you'll
never go anywhere again.
See ladies blouses. 50% off!
Holcross pullets. Starting to lay Betty Clayton, Granite 5-6204.
Wanted: Preparer of food. Must be dependable, like the food business,
and be willing to get hands dirty.
Illiterate? Write today for free help.
Girl wanted to assist magician in cutting-off-head illusion. Blue
Cross and salary.
Wanted. Widower with school-age children requires person to assume
general housekeeping duties. Must be capable of contributing to
growth of family.
Mixing bowl set designed to please a cook with round bottom for
efficient beating.
Mother's helper--peasant working conditions.
Semi-Annual after-Christmas Sale.
And now, the Superstore--unequaled in size, unmatched in variety,
unrivaled inconvenience.
We will oil your sewing machine and adjust tension in your home for
104.407 | It's almost that time... | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Expert Only <><> | Thu Apr 02 1992 19:42 | 99 |
| - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f 11 000 4 000 Department of the Treasury - 11 999 999 11
o 111 0 0 44 0 0 Internal Revenue Service 111 9 9 9 9 111
r 1 0 0 44444 0 0 U U SSS 1 9999 9999 1
m 1 0 0 4 0 0 U U SSS Individual Income 1 9 9 1
11111 000 4 000 UUU SSS Tax Return 11111 999 999 11111
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the year January 1 - December 31, 1992 or whenever you get around to it.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
please| FULL NAME | LAST NAME | SECOND TO LAST INITIAL | Starch | []cuffs
print,| | | | []yes []no | []nocuffs
type |-------------------------------------------------------------------------
or use| Present address of addressee (must be filled out by addressor or legal
hyro- | guardian of aforementioned (unless greater than line B above))
ics |-------------------------------------------------------------------------
(no | City, Town, Post Office, Shoe Size | Address greater than line 41? []yes
Latin)| | If yes, why? ________________ []no
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Height | Weight | Sex []yes | Occu- Yours _________ | Social Security Number
| | []no | pation Spouse _________ | Yours _|_|_ Spouse _|_|_
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Do you wish to designate []yes | Isn't | NOTE: if you
Presidential >> $1 of your taxes to this []no | this a | checked yes
Election >>> worthy cause? []maybe | dumb law? | we will come
Campaign >> What about the little lady? []metoo | []yes | and steal all
> The kids, dog, cat, fish? []woof | []no | your hubcaps.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Requested > A. How many talking chickens do you own? | D yes? []no
by >> B. Names _______________________________ | E no? []yes
the >>> C. Do any of them play the oboe? []yes []no | F maybe? []perhaps
Department >>>>----------------------------------------------------------------
of >>> Do you live within 2 miles | Have you rotated | If no file IRS
Agriculture >> of a decent pizza place? | your tires lately? | tire rotation
> []yes []no []extra cheese | []yes []no []flat | Schedule L
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Filing 1 [] Single 2 [] Double 3 [] Triple 4 [] Sacrifice Fly | for IRS use
Status 5 [] Married Filing Singly Joint return | O | | X
(even if spouse is married separately) | ---|---|---
6 [] Joint married singly separate spouse | | X |
(but filing double jointed) | ---|---|---
7 [] Head of Household filing separate but joint return | X | O | O
(if unmarried but jointly single) |-------------
8 [] Head of joint filing single file spouses separately
9 [] Widow(er) with separate dependent filing out of joint return singly
10 [] Deceased filing posthumous return
(attach notarized Death Schedule D, signed by deceased)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exem- 41 a regular? | Enter number of
ptions b [] yourself [] 65 or over [] blind [] dead | boxes checked > ___
[] spouse [] 65 or over [] blind [] dead |
c Names of Dependent children who lived with | Check number of
You you __________________ Why? _______________ | boxes entered > ___
are d Just first names dummy. |
here 4 Do you weigh more than last year's tax form? | Enter number of
| e Number of parakeets subtracted from Gross | checkered boxes ___
| Rotated Income (plus line 27 - unless greater |
\|/ than twelve miles) | Do nothing
v f How many inches in a liter? _____ | Here > ___
* 11 a Total Confusion
(add lines 6e and f,g; fold in eggs, beat until firm) --------> ---
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income 12 Wages, Salaries, Tips, Extortion. (attach W2 forms to |##| | |
your forehead with heavy duty staplegun) . . . . . . . . |12|_____|_|
13 Remunerations (if less than gross reimbursements then |##| | |
Please file schedule Q (see page 14 of "Joy of Cooking")) . . . |13|_____|_|
attach 14 Gross influx (see 40% of instructions) . . . . . . . . . |14|_____|_|
payment 15 Money you made (if $400 or less, more or less, list |##| | |
(small schedule B without not filling in Part II and R2, but |##| | |
unmarked more than line 8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |15|_____|_|
bills) 16 What about all that cash you stashed in that jar under |##| | |
here. the garage? (see page 7 of instructions) . . . . . . . . |16|_____|_|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|___ 17 Add lines 12 through 16, multiply by 2, |##| | |
this is your total income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |17|_____|_|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxes 18 Enter Grossly adjusted net average income (line 17). . . |18|_____|_|
19 Enter Total deductions (if greater than 0, enter 0). . . |19|_____|_|
20 Subtract line 19 from line 18. Taxable income. . . . . . |20|_____|_|
21 Figure Total Taxes using line 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . |##| | |
[] Tax Table [] Tax Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z [] Guessed. |21|_____|_|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payment 23 Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |23|_____|_|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amount 25 If line 23 is larger that 21, you made a mistake, |##| | |
You re-figure your taxes. |##| | |
Owe 26 Subtract line 23 from line 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . |26|_____|_|
27 Add the shirt off your back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |27|_____|_|
28 Send it in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |28|_____|_|
29 Pick a number between 1 and 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |29|_____|_|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please > Under penalty of death, I declare that every figure on this return and
Sign >> accompanying schedules is correct to within 100% plus or minus some.
Here > Signature ___________________________ date ___________ check here []
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------- End of Forwarded Message
104.408 | | STAR::SALKEWICZ | It missed... therefore, I am | Thu Apr 02 1992 19:54 | 4 |
| that was good Scott! thanks!
104.409 | | WEPUBS::BARNES | | Fri Apr 03 1992 14:56 | 3 |
| FUNNY STUFF Scott!!!
rfb whose returns are already spent....LONG GONE!!!!!!!
104.410 | Gotta love Dave | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Expert Only <><> | Fri Apr 03 1992 18:56 | 13 |
Subj: today's Dave Barry
April 3rd
In the song "She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain When She Comes", why do they
announce so cheerfully that they intend to "kill the old red rooster when she
comes"? Is it some kind of ritual thing? Or is it that they just hate the old
red rooster, because maybe it pecked them or something when they were
children, and now they're just using the fact that she's comin' round the
mountain as an excuse to kill it?
104.411 | | WEPUBS::BARNES | | Fri Apr 03 1992 19:05 | 8 |
| when my 14 year old was about 3 we used to hang out with some people
that had evry kind of farm animal immaginable...all living on their
front porch...including an old red rooster that always pecked all the
little kids...I told Tiffany to not let him even get close and if he
did to kick him. The next day I had to go out and tell Tiffany to quit
bootin the rooster all over the yard like a football...I don't think
the ole red rooster was ever the same after that....
104.412 | be kind to chickens! they could save your life someday! :^) | ESKIMO::DWEST | Dont Overlook Something Extraordinary | Fri Apr 03 1992 19:59 | 13 |
i don't know about this... all this talk about physical abuse of
poultry makes me wonder if you aren't all in league with (insert
sinister soundtrack here) Frank Perdue-the anti-chicken!
at least Dave Barry (in typical Dave-fashion i might add) has a somewhat
respectful reference to the religious ritual aspect of it...
those of us who value the differences embodied in chickens and
appreciate thier great spiritual, deity-like powers appreciate that!
:^) :^) :^)
da ve_aka_SC2 :^)
104.413 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Is that wicked wind still blowin'? | Fri Apr 03 1992 20:03 | 11 |
What I'd like to know is, on Dragnet they say the "names were changed to pro-
tect the innocent." Does that mean that Joe Friday and Bill Gannon are not
their real names? And if they're not, what are their real names?
Jum too much Nick at nightitis
104.414 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | I'm still alive | Fri Apr 03 1992 21:48 | 3 |
| Bill Gannon's name is actually Sherman Potter.
- Dave wid de TV38itis
104.415 | It really is a dogs world | AIMHI::KELLER | I'm P.U. Politically Uncorrect | Mon Apr 06 1992 14:26 | 87 |
| Lots-o-forwards deleted
A recent study has revealed a correlation between commonly
observed bumper stickers and the state of the economy.
During boom times:
# #
# ### ### #
# ## ## ## ## #
# # # # #
# ### # # # # # # #### #### #### #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# ### # # # # # #### #### ### # #
# # # #
# # #
# #
During a recession:
# #
# # #
# # # #
# # # #
# ### # # # # # # #### #### #### #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # ### # ### # # # # # # # # ## #
# ### # # # # # #### #### ### # #
# # # #
# ####### #
# #
During a depression:
# #
# ### #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# ### # # # # # # #### #### #### #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # #
# # ### ### ## ## # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# # # ### # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# ### ## # ## # # # #### #### ### # #
# # # #
# # # #
# ####### #
# #
During economic collapse:
# #
# ###### #
# # # #
# # # #
# ### # # # # # # #### #### #### #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # # ## ## # # # # # # # #
# # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # ## #
# ### # # # # # #### #### ### # #
# # # #
# ###### #
# #
104.416 | | IMTDEV::INGALLS | Wish I was a Nomad, Indian or St. | Tue Apr 07 1992 22:23 | 56 |
| <forwards removed>
A priest and nun are on their way back home from a convention
when their car breaks down. They are unable to get repairs
completed and it appears that they will have to spend the night
in a motel.
The only motel in this town has only one room available so they
have a minor problem.
Priest: "Sister, I don't think the Lord would have a problem,
under the circumstances, if we spent the night together in this
one room. I'll sleep on the couch and you take the bed."
Sister: "I think that would be okay."
They prepare for bed and each one takes their agreed place in
the room.
Ten minutes later...
Sister: "Father, I'm terribly cold."
Priest: "Okay, I'll get up and get you a blanket from the closet."
Ten minutes later...
Sister: "Father, I'm still terribly cold."
Priest: "Okay Sister, I'll get up and get you another blanket."
Ten minutes later...
Sister: "Father, I'm still terribly cold. I don't think the
Lord would mind if we acted as man and wife just for this one
Priest: "You're probably right."
"Get up and get your own damn blanket."
104.417 | from Desperado | AWARD::CLARK | I'm still alive | Wed Apr 08 1992 13:05 | 15 |
| From: DECWRL::"munroe@DMC.COM" "Don't take life so serious--it ain't
nohow permanent."
To: j_croll@DMC.COM, t_parmenter@DMC.COM
Subj: Great joke used as a .sig
-A ham and cheese sandwich walked into the local cafe' and sat at
an empty bar stool. The bartender, with this disgruntled look on his
face, immediately rushed over to the sandwich and said, "sorry buddy
you are going to have to leave". The ham and cheese sandwich replied,
"Why, what did I do wrong?", and the bartender said, "Can't you read
the sign above the bar?"
- We do not serve food here -
104.418 | | AWARD::CLARK | I'm still alive | Wed Apr 15 1992 14:31 | 81 |
| {headers removed}
by Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist
copied from the Asbury Park (NJ) Press, 1-Apr-1992
As we enter Crucial Week 653 of the presidential election process, two
things are clear:
1. The voters, having had a chance to express their views in poll after
poll and primary after primary, have narrowed the field down to George
Bush, Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown.
2. The voters can't stand George Bush, Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown.
The voters can't figure out how this happened. They feel like a person
who drank the tequila bottle all they way down to the worm the night
before and woke up in bed next to a member of the opposite sex with lip
sores the size of Susan B. Anthony dollars.
"WAIT a minute," the voters are saying. "You mean these guys are IT?"
So now everybody's getting excited about H. Ross Perot. Really. Most of
us don't really KNOW anything about H. Ross Perot, of course. We don't
even know what the "H" stands for. For all we know, it could be
"Helen." Also, most of us have no idea where H. Ross Perot stands on
the issues. He may be in favor of human sacrifice as a legislative
tool. But suddenly he's a major contender for the presidency, because
he has the one quality that the voters are certain that his country
needs: He is not George Bush, Bill Clinton or Jerry Brown. As far as we
Actually, I heard H. Ross Perot speak at a banquet once, and what I
remember was how he kept talking about the Common Sense he had picked
up from listening to Ordinary Working People. Despite the fact that his
net worth is roughly the same as that of Peru, H. Ross Perot regularly
eats at ordinary restaurants, where, according to him, ordinary working
people are always coming up and making wise homespun observations.
"Ross," they say (they all call him Ross), "this is some kind of mess
we have in Washington."
Or they say: "Ross, this deficit is too darned big."
Listening to H. Ross Perot speak, I remember thinking that I must be
eating at the wrong kind of ordinary restaurant, because I NEVER hear
people talk about the deficit. I always hear people say things like:
But apparently H. Ross dines at more issue-oriented types of restaurant,
which has enabled him to develop a lot of common-sense ideas, and
although nobody I've met knows what they are, I look for him to be a
strong contender. Of course in the current political climate, a can of
Armour brand Potted Meat Food Product would be a strong contender, as
long as it had no connection with Washington.
The voters are feeling extremely hostile toward Washington. Here's a
true story: I recently flew from Miami to Washington, and when I was
checking my baggage in Miami, the baggage man asked where I was headed.
"Washington," I said.
"That's a very corrupt city," he said.
Do you believe that? Here's a guy who thinks Washington is corrupt, and
he lives in Miami, a city where commuter traffic is frequently snarled
by overturned cocaine trucks.
So needless to say all the presidential candidates are opposed to
Washington. Leading the way is George Bush, who can't STAND Washington
and promises to do something about it if only we'd elect him president.
Also, I'm sure that your congressperson will campaign for re-election
on the theme of opposing Washington for being the corrupt and bloated
and out-of-touch kind of place that would allow your congressperson to
bounce checks through no fault of his or here own.
So at least everybody agrees on what the problem is. And as the
election year creeps forward, it will be up to the estimated 78 people
who still actually vote to decide who is best qualified to meet the
challenge. My money is on the potted meat.
104.419 | Is this guy perceptive or what??? 8^) | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Don't say I didn't warn you | Mon Apr 27 1992 21:27 | 30 |
| Some more Dave Barry-isms from his calendar, just couldn't resist popping em in
April 24th
There are big balloons of blame in every corporation, drifting gently from
person to person. The purpose of your memos is to keep these balloons aloft,
to bat them gently on their way. This requires soft, meaningless phrases,
such as "less than optimal". If you write a direct memo, a memo that uses
sharp words such as "bad" to make an actual point, you could burst a balloon
of and wind up with blame all over your cublicle.
April 25th and 26th
I'll tell you what would *really* age me fast: if I had a teenaged daughter.
Because that would mean that teenaged boys would be coming around my house.
"Hi, Mr. Barry", they'd say, with their cheerful, innocent young voices.
"We're here to have sex with your daughter!" They wouldn't come out and *say*
that, but I know that's what they'd be *thinking*, because I was a teenaged
boy once, and I was basically a walking hormone storm.
April 27th
One thing you have probably wondered about for many years is why musicians
who sing rock'n'roll tend to be extremely thin, if not actually dead, whereas
those who sing, say, opera, tend to be humongous wads of cellulite. The
reason for this phenomenon, scientists now believe, is that fat cells are
actually destroyed by stupid lyrics.
104.420 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | | Mon May 04 1992 19:50 | 71 |
| {headers removed}
Kathleen was a poor, humble, church-going old woman who lived in a
small shack at the edge of an Irish country town. One morning, as
she was walking home from church, she noticed that she was about to
step on a snail. Quickly, she twisted her foot to avoid the snail,
lost her balance, and fell onto the road. As she got up and brushed
herself off, the snail looked up at her and said:
"Kathleen, you are such a good woman. Most people wouldn't have
given a second thought to stepping on so lowly a creature as myself.
But here you risk life and limb to spare my life."
"Think nothing of it," said Kathleen. "That's just the way I am.
All God's creatures are precious and I must not harm even the lowliest
of them."
"Kathleen," said the snail, "you are truly a special person. It
is in my power to grant you three wishes."
"That really isn't necessary."
"Oh, Kathleen, I insist. What is your first wish?"
Kathleen, spent a few minutes in deep thought and then replied: "Look
at me! I am an old woman, bent over with age, crippled with arthritis.
When I was a young girl, I had long, golden hair and a trim figure.
How I wish I could again be that young girl."
"Your wish is granted," said the snail. And there before him was a
beautiful, 20-year-old woman, with a beautiful figure and long,
flowing, golden hair. "Now, what is your second wish?"
After a few moments of thought, Kathleen replied: "I have lived my
life in a little hovel on the edge of town. How I wish I could have a
fine Irish country house with all of the furnishings and
"Your wish is granted," said the snail. "When you get home you will
see what awaits you. Now, for your third and final wish."
The third wish took a little more thinking. Finally, she said: "For
the past several years, my only friend and companion has been my cat,
Tom. How I wish that you could turn him into a handsome young man to
be my companion."
"Your wish is granted," said the snail. "Now, go home and see what
awaits you."
Kathleen fairly danced down the road to her house. Where her shack
had been, there now stood a beautiful country house. She climbed the
stairs, opened the carved oak doors and entered. To her left was a
beautiful living room, filled with leather furniture and oriental rugs.
To her right was a dining room, with mahogany table and sideboard. The
sideboard was filled will the finest of china and crystal and sterling.
As if in a dream, Kathleen ascended the sweeping staircase and
entered the bedroom. There was a gorgeous four-poster bed, and on it
the most beautiful negligee she had ever seen. Quickly, she changed
into the negligee. As was admiring herself in the mirror, and brushing
her beautiful hair, there was a knock on the door.
She looked toward the door, only to see the handsomest young man with
the greenest eyes she had ever seen - she just knew it had to be Tom.
He came to her quickly, embraced her and kissed her. He slipped off
her negligee and carried her to the bed. As he slipped into bed beside
her, he embraced her and kissed her again, and then whispered in her
"Now, aren't you sorry you had me fixed?"
104.421 | | WAFER::CORMIER | | Wed May 13 1992 16:56 | 9 |
What did the banana say to the vibrator?
"What are you shaking for? I'm the one that's going to get eaten."
104.422 | special driving lane | CIVIC::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Wed May 20 1992 14:46 | 16 |
I'll try to do this justice ... cracked me up this morning:
Simulated traffic report on CGY:
"Major heavy traffic in the diamond lane this morning. The diamond
lane is restricted to the following drivers:
o only the top of your head is visible over the steering
o two hands must be clenched to the wheel
o one turn signal must be on at all times
o you must be driving 20 mph slower then the posted limit
o you must be driving a car made in the 70's (preferably
dark green) that is the size of a Dairy Queen shop
o you must hit the brakes every 2 minutes "
104.423 | I see it every day on my ride home from work ... | CUPTAY::BAILEY | A pirate looks at 40. | Wed May 20 1992 14:55 | 10 |
| Hey, that's not the diamond lane ... that's Salisbury Street in
Worcester ... except that the top of the head that's visible over the
steering wheel is always covered with white hair (usually looking like
a dandelion gone to seed) and the car is usually a late-model Cadillac
instead of a 70's model green something-or-other.
All other descriptions apply ...
... Bobbb
104.424 | can't see over the steering wheel but not gray! | GIAMEM::CONNORS | | Wed May 20 1992 15:10 | 4 |
Hey Bobbb, you must always be behind me on my way to school!
104.425 | From the wit of Dave Barry... | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Don't say I didn't warn you | Wed May 20 1992 18:22 | 12 |
Subj: today's Dave Barry
May 20th
The U.S. Constitution divides the federal government into three equal
branches. This separation of powers creates a system of "checks and balances",
which protects everybody by ensuring that any action taken by one part of
the governement will be rendered utterly meaningless by an equal and opposite
reaction from some other part.
104.426 | | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Wed May 20 1992 18:34 | 105 |
------- Forwarded Message
From: bostic@okeeffe.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
To: /dev/null@citi.umich.edu
Date: Tue, 19 May 1992 18:51:46 -0400
Subject: Grounding...
Newsgroups: alt.sex,alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.bondage
From: jfriday@ada.stat.uga.edu (Paul Stacy)
- - ----------
My girlfriend always seemed to enjoy seeing just how much she could get
away with doing some form of our bondage in public. She does this partly
because she finds it fun, mostly because she knows it drives me out of my
tree. Usually, I'm able to fasttalk my way out of potentially embarrassing
situations with Mundanes, but yesterday she very nearly got me fired.
Yesterday afternoon we had lunch together. Afterward, she accompanied me
back to my place of work. I thought this slightly unusual, since she had
never before expressed an interest in my work (electronic engineering,)
but it didn't occur to me that she had something planned.
We arrived at my workbench, where I'm currently trying to figure out why
the $&%@*! board on which I'm working is not performing the way I designed
"Is this where you work?" she asked.
"At the moment," I replied.
I reached over to turn on the scope, thereby completely failing to notice
the huge studded black leather collar she produced from her purse. Before
I could even blink (it's amazing the speed at which she can do this), she
had locked the collar snugly around my neck, and locked the end of the
six-foot jack chain to the center of the bench (where there just happened
to be a mounting hole, dammit). I turned to face her in utter disbelief,
mouth agape.
"I'll be back for you at five," she said.
"HAVE YOU GONE COMPLETELY WACKO!!?!?" I yelled in a hushed voice. "HOW
"You'll think of something," she said, dropping the keys into her cleavage.
"You always do."
"But suppose I have to go to the bathroom," I countered.
"Don't give me that," she said. "I've seen you go for a whole day without
visiting the bathroom."
"But..." I tried to say.
"SHHH! The subject is closed. I'll be back at five. Bye."
She turned and left, against my hushed protests. I sat in panic and tried
to think out my situation. I tried to think of all the people who might
visit. Most of my co-workers were friends who knew that my girlfriend
and I were a bit odd, so this shouldn't surprise them. But I had *no*
idea what I was going to say if one of my bosses came in. I checked my
watch to see how long I would have to endure this ignominy. 13:30 (I'm
a military time weenie). "Three and a half hours," I thought. I heaved
a sigh, and got to work, such as I could.
As it happened, three of my co-workers visited for whatnot. All of them
immediately noticed the collar (it would be pretty hard not to), and asked
if it was my girlfriend's idea. I said yes. They asked what I would say
if my supervisor saw it. I said I hadn't the faintest idea.
One of the aforementioned colleagues took the bench next to me, and after
a few remarks (and a question as to where he could get a collar like the
one I had), settled down to work in silence.
After some time, I checked my watch. 16:40. "Gee, I just might make it
through this after all," I thought. I was even beginning to get a handle
on the problem with the #%^*@! board on which I was working. Murphy must
have been standing right behind me reading my thoughts, for not more than
two minutes later one of my bosses entered the room. And not just any
boss. Noooooooo. This was Mr. Narrowminded himself. This was the guy
who took Lifespring *and* became a born-again funda- mentalist. How he
came to have the power of hire-and-fire over us is one of the Great
Mysteries of The Universe. We avoided this guy at all costs.
His eyes fell upon me immediately. A few picoseconds later, he saw the
collar around my neck in all its splendor. "My life is over," I thought.
I still hadn't thought of a plausible explanation for this. Mr.
Solderbrain (the name we called him behind his back; a corruption of his
real name) started to walk slowly and deliberately over to me, his eyes
fixed on the collar. Fifteen agonizing seconds later, he was standing
next to me. I thought the guy sitting next to me was going to have a
seizure stifling all his giggles. I continued to work, acting as though
there were nothing the least bit unusual about my predicament.
Finally, he spoke.
"What. The. HELL! Is. That??!" he said.
I don't know how I thought of what I said. In fact, I'm pretty sure I
didn't know what I was going to say until just as I was saying it. I'm
even more amazed that Solderbrain actually bought it and didn't fire me
on the spot.
I turned to face him calmly, with total nonchalance, exuding complete
confidence in what I was about to say, even though I didn't know what it
was yet. I didn't even miss a beat.
"Grounding strap," I said, and returned to work.
The guy next to me fell off his chair and nearly died laughing.
------- End of Forwarded Message
104.427 | new handbook for politically correct terms ... | CUPTAY::BAILEY | A pirate looks at 40. | Thu May 21 1992 12:49 | 27 |
| The following was excerpted from an article in yesterday's Boston Glob.
"In these sensitive times we use language at our peril lest we appear
racist, sexist, speciesist, ethnocentrist, ageist, sizeist or a host of
other -ists too numerous to list here."
"Language has become a minefield, or perhaps I should use the term
"strategically targeted terrain", where many of us fear to walk freely
for fear of being thought to harbor opinions that might be construed as
politically incorrect."
"Those who think the situation has gone too far will welcome [the] new
paperback "The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook"."
(Here are some of what I thought were the funnier terms they mentioned)
Feline American - cat
Sexually Focused Chronologically Gifted Individual - dirty old man
Chemically Inconvenient - drunk
Hair Disadvantaged - bald
Cerebro-Atmospheric Individual - airhead
Horizontally Challenged - fat
Career-Change Opportunity - job lay-off
Decruit - fired
... Bobbb
104.428 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | fly through the night | Tue May 26 1992 20:11 | 14 |
A CEO died and was given his choice of spending eternity in Heaven
or Hell. He asked if he could view each before making up his mind.
In Heaven, everything was very quiet; people lay around, dozing on
clouds and enjoying a perfect summer day. Upon viewing Hell, the
CEO saw a wild party; beautiful women, free-flowing booze and
everyone having a wonderful time. So the CEO chose Hell.
But upon entering the Nether Regions, the CEO found himself in a
black dungeon, surrounded by flames and tortured souls crying out in
anguish. "This isn't the same place I saw before" the CEO
complained to a passing demon. "What happened to the party?", "Oh,"
replied the demon, "that was just the demo".
104.429 | My kingdom for a good editor | TLE::ABBOT | J. R. "Bob" Dobbs in 92 | Thu May 28 1992 21:31 | 18 |
| This isn't really a joke but I've been giggling about it for a while
and I have to share it.
I'm revising the VAX FORTRAN Performance Guide (now how many of you
have that book?), updating it with some things my predecessor put in
the now-dead VAX FORTRAN for Ultrix Performance Guide but not in the
VMS version.
On page 4-30 they're talking about cache sizes and how large loops with
many memory operations and how they affect performance. Then comes the
line "Different systems have different systems." This is in a book
that has been printed and used by at least someone (maybe they even
read the book).
Another good one I found was the word "recomputating".
104.430 | | KOBAL::MROGERS | Murphy Brown in '92 | Thu May 28 1992 21:34 | 1 |
| Huh? Recomputating???
104.431 | Sounds like... | NECSC::LEVY | Don't Let Go! | Mon Jun 01 1992 14:14 | 4 |
| Reminds me of my translated motorcycle manual that referred to the
104.432 | memorandum trickle... | SKYLRK::TING | Give Peace a Chance!!! | Mon Jun 22 1992 19:33 | 54 |
| Memorandum Trickle-Down at NASA
FROM: Headquarters
TO: All NASA Centers
Next Thursday at 10:30 Haley's Comet will appear over this area. This
is an event which occurs only once every 75 years. Notify all Directors
and have them arrange for all employees to assemble on the Center lawn
and inform them of the occurrence of this phenomenon. If it rains,
cancel the day's observation and assemble in the auditorium to see a
film about the comet.
FROM: The Director
TO: Organizational Directors
By order of the Administrator, next Thursday at 10:30, Haley's Comet
will appear over the Center lawn. If it rains, cancel the day's work
and report to the auditorium will all employees, where we will show
films: A phenomenonal event which occurs every 75 years.
FROM: Organizational Director
TO: Division Chiefs
By order of the phenomenonal Administrator, at 10:30 next Thursday,
Haley's Comet will appear in the auditorium. In case of rain over the
Center lawn, the Administrator will give another order, something which
occurs only every 75 years.
FROM: Division Chief
TO: Branch Chiefs
Next Thursday at 10:30 the Administrator will appear in the auditorium
with Haley's Comet, something which occurs only every 75 years. If it
rains, the Administrator will cancel the comet and order us all out to
our phenomenonal Center lawn.
FROM: Branch Chief
TO: Section Heads
When it rains next Thursday at 10:30 over the Center lawn, the
phenomenonal 75-year-old Administrator will cancel all work and appear
before all employees in the auditorium, accompanied by Bill Haley and
his Comets.
104.433 | Ellabaorating on "visualize whirled peas" | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | spinning that curious sense | Wed Jul 08 1992 13:48 | 44 |
104.434 | Not food, but... | TLE::WEISS | Maine: Where pizza is rocket science. | Wed Jul 08 1992 14:04 | 11 |
| > He scoops! He cores!
Reminds me of a personal name I've heard of.
JESUS SAVES! Gretzky on the rebound....SCORES!
The guy who had it had to change it...Some people just can't take a joke...
But, ya' know how that old saying goes.... :-)
104.435 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | spinning that curious sense | Wed Jul 08 1992 14:13 | 8 |
>But, ya' know how that old saying goes.... :-)
Ya mean...
There's scone in every chowder?
104.436 | :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Wed Jul 08 1992 15:53 | 4 |
| ugh... as you may have imagined, i'm DIGGING these food puns, but for
now i'll CLAM up...
da ve
104.437 | ahhhh, what's up, doc?? | SMURF::PETERT | | Wed Jul 08 1992 17:13 | 7 |
| I've always cherised an old Bug's Bunny line...
What food these morsels be!
104.438 | I'm not sure if this is already here . . . | LJOHUB::GILMORE | | Fri Jul 10 1992 18:44 | 27 |
| I didn't get a chance to go through all of these, so if this is
already in here, feel free to delete it . . . This was forwarded
to me today entitled: DEChumor, joke at our expense:
Four men are stranded on an island that has nothing on it but
a tree in the middle of it. These men are from DEC, HP, IBM and SUN.
The HP guy says: "Lets cut down the tree so we can build some
The SUN guy says: "Lets cut down the tree and start a big fire
so we can attract a passing ship and get
The IBM guy says: "Lets cut down the tree and hollow it out
into a canoe and rescue ourselves."
The DEC guy says . . .
"Hmmm. This tree is made out of mahogany. We can build a
conference table and form a committee to study all our
:-) :-) :-)
104.439 | Dave Barry on Reagan, deficits, and live chicken rituals | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | If music be the food of love, play on! | Tue Jul 21 1992 17:33 | 9 |
July 21st
"Reaganomics" - an economic program based on the theory that the government
could *lower* taxes while *increasing* spending and at the same time *reduce*
the federal deficit by sacrificing a *live* chicken by the light of a *full*
104.440 | :-) | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | spinning that curious sense | Tue Jul 21 1992 19:46 | 2 |
104.441 | i need a holiday... :^) | JUNCO::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Wed Jul 22 1992 21:05 | 3 |
| he understands... he is, after all, a dave...
da ve
104.442 | The Tao of Terminal Tapping | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | spinning that curious sense | Fri Jul 31 1992 16:59 | 54 |
by Jeffrey Sorrenson
(with help from Steven Mitchell and Lao Tzu)
When users see one GUI as beautiful,
other user interfaces become ugly.
When users see some programs as winners,
other programs become lossage.
Pointers and NULLs reference each other.
High level and assembler depend on each other.
Double and float cast to each other.
High-endian and low-endian define each other.
While and until follow each other.
Therefore the Guru
programs without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Warnings arise and he lets them come;
processes are swapped and he lets them go.
He has but doesn't possess,
acts but doesn't expect.
When his work is done, he deletes it.
That is why it lasts forever.
If a system is administered wisely,
its users will be content.
They enjoy hacking their code
and don't waste time implementing
labor-saving shell scripts.
Since they dearly love their accounts,
they aren't interested in other machines.
There may be telnet, rlogin, and ftp,
but these don't access any hosts.
There may be an arsenal of cracks and malware,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy reading their mail,
take pleasure in being with their newsgroups,
spend weekends working at their terminals,
delight in the doings at the site.
And even though the next system is so close
that users can hear its key clicks and biff beeps,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.
104.443 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | fly through the night | Thu Aug 06 1992 19:37 | 18 |
Dan Quayle decides he wants to do some winter fishing. So he gets together
his stuff, and heads out on the ice. He puts down his pail and his rod,
and he starts drilling a hole in the ice. All of a sudden, he hears this
deep voice come out of nowhere that says: "There are NO fish under the ice."
So, Dan looks around, he can't quite figure where the voice is coming from,
so he moves over about 25 feet to his left and starts drilling again. And
once again he hears a loud voice: "I said, there's NO fish under the ice."
He looks around some more, and figures he better move farther away. So,
he goes all the way over the other side, puts down his stuff and starts
drilling again.
"For the last time, this is the rink manager, there are NO fish under the
104.444 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | This could be the last time | Thu Aug 06 1992 19:53 | 3 |
104.445 | Dave Barry on Love | DRINKS::WEISS | Eight Canadian dollars I'll never spend. | Fri Aug 07 1992 17:33 | 9 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can tell you're in love by the way you feel: your head becomes light, your
heart leaps within you, you feel like you're walking on air, and the whole
world seems like a wonderful and happy place. Unfortunately these are also the
four warning signs of colon disease, so it's always a good idea to check with
your doctor.
104.446 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Fri Aug 07 1992 18:02 | 1 |
| :-) Dave Barry is great.
104.447 | Yipes! | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | IfMusicBeTheFoodOfLove,PlayOn!!! | Tue Aug 11 1992 20:07 | 10 |
| More Dave Barry. Hey old farts ;^) this won't happen to you soon will it???
August 5th
It's very common for people reaching middle age to turn into Republicans. It
can happen overnight. You go to bed as a your regular old T-shirt-wearing
self, and you wake up the next morning with Ralph Lauren clothing and friends
named Muffy.
104.448 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Aug 11 1992 20:32 | 2 |
| I have a friend named Muffy......never mind......
104.449 | laughing hysterically! | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Prez term: 4 yrs; Sup. Court: LIFE | Wed Aug 12 1992 13:32 | 6 |
| re <<< Note 104.448 by CXDOCS::BARNES >>>
> I have a friend named Muffy......never mind......
.... leave it to rfb !!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
104.450 | | WEPUBS::BARNES | | Thu Aug 20 1992 20:42 | 9 |
| heard an english comedian on the radio the other day. talked about
writing a letter home and needing an eraser, which they call a rubber
in England. He went to a business supply store and asked for a rubber.
They sent him to the drug store. He asks the pretty young girl sales
clerk for a rubber, she asks"only one?" he replies, "I don't make that
many mistakes." then asks her if they have one with a picture of Micky
Mouse on the end.....cracked me up...
104.451 | and now for something completely different... | SMURF::PETERT | | Fri Aug 21 1992 16:05 | 17 |
| Interesting how some of the English terms have turned into American
sexual innuendo's. Don't know if there's any real derivation, or
just a case of contorted parallel development. For example, a few
I remember when working with Brits back about a decade ago:
"Should I knock you up later?"
translates as, Should I give you a call/drop by later?
Keep your pecker up!
translates as, Keep your chin up!
Of course, they could have been pulling my leg (which undoubtedly is
slang for masturbating in the UK ;-)
104.452 | two countries separated by a common language... | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Mon Aug 24 1992 18:13 | 15 |
| nah... slang for masterbating is "wanking" or being a "wanker"...
one of my faves stories that floated around here a couple years ago
is about the guy from the states in a meeting who lamented not bringing
his suspenders cuz his pants were falling down... he couldn't
understand why the others in the meeting were so affected by this
comment... until someone explained that "pants" there are womens
undies (as opposed to "trousers") and "suspenders" translates more
into garters (he should have said "braces")...
for what it's worth, you should also never give someone a pat on the
"fanny" (unless invited of course), and being "pissed" has nothing to
do with being angry... :^)
da ve
104.453 | But there is also "pi$$ off!" | CSLALL::BRIDGES | thrice the brinded cat hath mewed. | Mon Aug 24 1992 18:23 | 15 |
> for what it's worth, you should also never give someone a pat on the
> "fanny" (unless invited of course), and being "pissed" has nothing to
> do with being angry... :^)
I especially like "pissed". One night my wife and I were watching
a British comedy on ch.11 and a line went something like, "I was so
pissed I couldn't walk a straight line!" or something to that effect.
Taken in context it was a funny segment (wish I could remember how it went)
My wife couldn't understand what was so funny till I told her the
difference between American "pissed" and British "pissed".
104.454 | surreal | STUDIO::IDE | | Wed Aug 26 1992 17:40 | 95 |
| A course which will help you communicate better in meetings, if not
when writing course descriptions. Yes, it is for real. Yes, it is
somewhat sad, but what can you do but laugh?
Read the whole thing, it gets better as it goes.
This is a course for technical professionals who are sick of wasting
time in meetings. Every engineering discipline has its graphical tools
yet in meetings, diagrams and matrices are rarely exploited. Meetings
that try to get results through conversation alone may waste your time.
But even the conversations can be designed, if you know the principles.
This course promises to have you accomplish more of what you're already
committed to while you're in it than you get done in the same time now.
And during the course you will significantly increase your capacity to:
* Design effective conversations so that action items will be delivered
* Use a diagram or matrix so your meetings won't bog down in complexity
* Know when to use graphical ("TQM") tools and when to use conversation
The course leader is Russ Doane, who started with Digital as a circuit
designer in 1960. He has led over 50 hardware and software engineering
meetings using risk assessment fishbones, concept development matrices,
and other Total Quality Management (TQM) tools. Russ's own 30 years of
irritation with inadequate meeting designs motivated his integration of
TQM methods with conversations designed around four key "speech acts."
When Digital was small, one Lone Ranger with a faithful assistant Tonto
could engineer anything. Later, we networked the Lone Rangers.
We used to sneer that a camel is a horse designed by committee. To
avoid the need for committees we modularized complex systems in layers.
Each module was no bigger than the ability of an individual or a tiny
team to accomplish. The pivotal task was to define the standard
interfaces. We named the Lone Ranger who did this a guru or architect.
But networked Lone Rangers don't always succeed today. To overwhelm
complex problems thoroughly and fast you need to form a real posse.
Call it Concurrent Engineering, Cross Functional Teamwork, or whatever.
In part, that's because the number of layers and the complexity of
their interactions keeps growing. Complex standards can exceed the
ability of any lone guru to design, develop, and impose on everyone who
must align with it. So developing a standard may require big meetings.
Also, many customers aren't satisfied with the pieces of a solution.
They want to buy it already integrated. To integrate, many people and
organizations must cooperate; which often implies big meetings.
So divide-and-conquer methods are failing to deliver the integration,
cost, and delivery customer want. Straw horses and midnight prototypes
mean critique, revise, retest. This rework costs money and burns time.
World class engineering avoids much of it using big effective meetings.
The big new idea that lets big meetings work? Exploit peoples' eyes.
The acoustic bandwidth doesn't grow with the number of participants,
but each added person adds a visual channel. That's the secret in TQM.
However, the verbal channel is still necessary for speech acts:
declarations, assertions, requests, and promises. Parallel processing
by many pairs of eyes has to be complemented by effective speaking.
Combining verbal and visual channels should be planned on fundamental
principles which this course allows you to learn and practice.
Your initial two-day session will introduce the key concepts. Most of
the time you'll practice: in pairs, trios, with the group as a whole.
There will be reading on the evening of Day 1 for discussion on the
second day. All this is to prepare you to practice productively in the
six weeks before the second two-day session. During these weeks you
can count on more than making up for your four days spent in class.
Participants will be expected to arrange partnering for mutual
coaching, to keep their learnings active during the six week interval.
Coaching by the instructor can also be arranged if schedules permit.
Your second two-day session will deepen your understanding and add some
new methods. There will be homework on the evening of day three. You
will do some real-work design using Pugh's concept-development matrix.
At the end of day four you'll plan further actions back on the job.
Again, coaching by the instructor after the course can be arranged if
you wish to advance beyond what your partner-coaching structure allows.
PREREQUISITES: None LENGTH: 4 days over a 6 week interval
CLASS SIZE: Minimum 5, Maximum 20.
COST: $800 per participant in open-enrollment courses.
104.455 | I, in turn, taught them all sorts of American slang words | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Roll me away | Wed Aug 26 1992 18:26 | 18 |
| When I was in Ireland, I had just arrived and we, as a group, were
discussing how to make the best use of my time while I was there to
accomplish the task. Once we had business stuff out of the way, we talked about
getting together at a bar later in the evening. Right before we ended the
meeting, I summarized our evening plans:
"Ok, Michelle will pick me up at 8 o'clock and give me a ride
to the pub."
Well, the entire room started cracking up over what I said, and, Michelle
who was a particularly attractive young woman, started turning a bit red.
Minutes later I learned that I basically said:
"Ok, Michelle will pick me up at 8 o'clock, have sex with me, and
bring me to the pub."
"ride" apparently is the word of subject. An interesting introduction to
Ireland for me, indeed!
104.456 | RS232 RS23Schmoo | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | | Mon Aug 31 1992 17:34 | 94 |
| To hell with the CD, heck this is the '90's dammit; I'd be lookin' for that
V.35 DTR instead -- 19.2K just aint fast enough for this TD.. :-)
VNS TECHNOLOGY WATCH: [Mike Taylor, VNS Correspondent]
===================== [Littleton, MA, USA ]
Are You A Techno-dweeb?
Do you have a problem with overdoing your technical activities? Many
do. Take the following test to see if you are compulsive. If you can
relate to 2 of the items, you may have a problem with Techno-Dweeb.
If you relate to 3 or more, you are definitely a Techno-Dweeb. Do not
despair! There is help! You are not alone! Whenever you feel the urge
to code in Assembler, call the number in the white pages of your phone
book, and we will send somebody right over to cut out paper dolls with
you until the feeling passes.
When your friend tells you all about his Cressida V6 and you
reply "Yeah, I had V5, and it was full of bugs!"
When driving you see a license plate with the letters DSR, and
you feel compelled to touch your bumper to the other car to see
if you can raise CD.
When you are counting objects "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D...".
When you lay down in the afternoon for a short rest, end up
sleeping 4 hours, and call it a "mega-nap".
When your friend is going to Essex for vacation and you tell her,
"You really should go for the DX, it has the built in co-processor."
When you dream in 256 pallettes of 256 colors.
When asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.
When you have to go to the bathroom, but you wait until bladder
meltdown, since "goto" is bad programming style.
When you convince yourself that Tetris really does improve
eye-hand coordination.
When the radio traffic reporter talks about a backup caused by a
crash, and you correct her that a backup is good protection in
case of a crash.
When floppy drive applies more to your love life, and hard drive
to your machines.
When you can do hexadecimal arithmatic in your head.
When your wife goes to the market for some macintosh apples, and
you correct her, "No, dear, it's 'Apple Macintosh'."
When your wife says "If you don't turn off that damn machine and
come to bed, then I am going to divorce you!", and you chastise
her for for omitting the else clause.
When you call "*.*" star-dot-star.
{Contributed to rec.humor.funny and attributed to Jim Ritterbusch}
VNS TECHNOLOGY WATCH: [Mike Taylor, VNS Correspondent]
===================== [Littleton, MA, USA ]
World's Smallest Disk Drive
In August, Hewlett-Packard will start shipping the world's
smallest disk drive, a matchbook-size 1.3-inch device that can
store up to 21.4M bytes of data. The entire package, including
housing, is 0.4 x 2 inches x 1.44 inches, about half the size of
disk drives used in some notebook computers. HP developed the disk
drive with AT&T Microelectronics and Citizen Watch of Japan. Among
innovations: thin-film glass-based media that's stronger than
conventional aluminum-substrate media, and air-bag-sensor-like
technology that lets the device withstand operating shock ten
times higher than conventional drives. Applications: palmtop,
pen-based, and sub-notebook computers, medical equipment, and
video games, among others.
{Design News, 20 July 1992, pg. 14}
[contributed by Chuck Newman]
Please send subscription and backissue requests to CASEE::VNS
Permission to copy material from this VNS is granted (per DIGITAL PP&P)
provided that the message header for the issue and credit lines for the
VNS correspondent and original source are retained in the copy.
<><><><><><><><> VNS Edition : 2650 Friday 28-Aug-1992 <><><><><><><><>
104.457 | VNS | GNPIKE::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Mon Aug 31 1992 18:45 | 7 |
| re: VNS
Since my group moved to MRO, I haven't been getting the VNS news
mailed to me. Anyone know how I can request it again ?
104.458 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | | Mon Aug 31 1992 19:04 | 2 |
Please send subscription and backissue requests to CASEE::VNS
104.459 | :-) | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | | Thu Sep 03 1992 18:53 | 17 |
This was so funny (to me), I just hadda share it...
Its just dweeby enough so that some of you may appreciate it. :-)
From: NECSC::MAYNARD "Though this be madness, yet there's method in it 02-Sep-1992 1411" 2-SEP-1992 14:20:20.11
Subj: Ray and Terry Beauregard spawned another subprocess yesterday
Process name is Jocelyn Gwen Beauregard. Packet size 8lbs 2.5 ozs.
Parent process anticipates a high thruput, limited memory, and massive
utilization of all available resources.
104.460 | yuk | VMPIRE::CLARK | Ever breathe oxygen, kid? | Fri Sep 04 1992 12:14 | 1 |
| 8^P
104.461 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Roll me away | Fri Sep 04 1992 14:38 | 4 |
| I should put that in the Hackers "I've been working here too long" topic...
there are some good ones there...
104.462 | told in a great bar in Hyannis sat.nite | SELL3::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Tue Sep 08 1992 16:40 | 22 |
| Frog walks into a bank to get a loan.
Goes up to Patty Black, a loan officer, sez "I need a loan."
Patty Black says 'What do you have for collateral"
Frog empties his pockets on the table.
She says "that's not good enough"
Frog says " Let me speak to your manager"
Manager says "what seems to be the problem?"
Frog says, "I REALLY need a loan and I have this collateral".
Manager looks at the collateral which inclues a miniature statue of the
Empire State building and sez :
"It's a knickknack, Patty Black, give the frog a loan"
104.463 | GROAN! | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:24 | 3 |
| Carol, you shoulda kept that one in Hyannis!
104.464 | ;^) | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | IfMusicBeTheFoodOfLove,PlayOn!!! | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:38 | 5 |
| Well, I'm just hopping around my office with laughter, you can bank on it!
104.465 | Oh no, not me too ;^) | SALEM::BURNS | world peace begins at home :^) | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:44 | 1 |
| More please, I'm having WITHDRAWAL symptomz 8*)
104.466 | :^) | AWECIM::RUSSO | claimin! | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:47 | 6 |
>> More please, I'm having WITHDRAWAL symptomz 8*)
No....I don't think there's much interest in here for that
104.467 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | I do believe I've had enough | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:52 | 17 |
| RE: <<< Note 104.464 by MR4DEC::WENTZELL "IfMusicBeTheFoodOfLove,PlayOn!!!" >>>
-< ;^) >-
>Well, I'm just hopping around my office with laughter, you can bank on it!
You're not aloan Scott, to coin a phrase :-)
104.468 | | SELL1::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Tue Sep 08 1992 17:56 | 7 |
It's even better when told in person and when the listener has had
2 margueritaas and a glass of dinner wine :-)
I'm still chuckling about it myself.
104.469 | not more puns... | BUSY::IRZA | Bush the environmental president NOT! | Tue Sep 08 1992 18:06 | 4 |
i think i'm gonna CROAK!
8^) ^dave
104.470 | | SPOCK::IRONS | | Wed Sep 09 1992 16:19 | 1 |
| Puke you, Carol! :^)
104.471 | it's a punderful one | SELL1::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Thu Sep 10 1992 19:18 | 3 |
| Phyllis! you didn't comment on my joke ( at .462 I think) ????
104.472 | you mean you didn't hear what I said? ;-) | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | fly through the night | Thu Sep 10 1992 19:34 | 4 |
that's because this is a family conference. ;-)
104.473 | Received this in the mail this morning... | DRINKS::WEISS | Brain surgery with a monkey wrench. | Fri Sep 11 1992 13:18 | 62 |
by Barry Tarshis
copied w/o permission from the NY Times, Monday 8/31/92, p.A15
Imagine that a network morning show has assembled six political
heavyweights for a call-in show. A teacher phones to report that during
a recent class tour of the White House, a student wanted a drink of
water, only to discover that the fountain was out of order. The teacher
asks the panel what message a broken fountain at the White House sends
to the young people of America. Let's listen to the answers.
Ross Perot: The question here is simple: how do we fix it. I say, let's
bring together the finest plumbing talent in America -- from outside the
system. Let them look at the fountain. Turn it on. Turn it off.
Measure the flow in it. That sort of thing. And you can be sure, the
next time you take a White House tour, you're going to drink from a
world-class fountain.
Jesse Jackson: Let us not talk about this broken water fountain. Let us
talk about the thousands of broken water fountains across America. For
they, too, are broken, like the broken dreams of America's forgotten
children. And whether you are black, white, brown or yellow, you cannot
use them. Why? Because the Republican Party is more interested in
_Perrier_ water and _Pellegrino_ water than it is in _public_ water.
Al Gore: I love my country. And I love water. And I love the children
who drink from the water fountains in the country I love, and that my
father loves. And I believe in my heart that the time has come, now
more than ever, for all of us to be inspired by the young people of
America whose dreams for the future depend on our ability as a nation to
provide them with the water that is the essence of their survival.
Dan Quayle: I am very, very sympathetic to the disappointment young
people in America feel when they go to a water fountain in the single
most important building in America and cannot drink from it. Because I,
too, would be very, very disappointed if I were to go to get a drink
from a water fountain and discover that, because of the Democrats, the
water does not come up. Water is a terrible thing to waste, when there
is thirst but no water, that is a terrible thing.
Bill Clinton: I grew up in a home where public water fountains were very
important to me and to my family. And I have put forward a plan similar
to the plan I introduced to Arkansas. This plan is good for America. It
takes the $4.25 million savings we ralize when we eliminate the 10
percent reduction on the capital gains that exceed $30,000 in any given
one-year period for Americans under the age of 31 who graduated before
1984, and it allocates 18.5 percent of that sum to paying for 80 percent
of the new fountain construction.
George Bush: O.K. Sure. Fine. There's something wrong with a water
fountain in the White House? Not denying it. Have to be a fool to deny
it. But make no mistake about it. There is a lot that is _right_ with
it, too. And that's one thing I want to focus on, you see, not what's
bad about the water fountains in America by what's _good_ about them.
And with the help of the American people and a Republican Congress I can
work with, I can make the water flow again in the water fountains of
[anyone want to do, say, Buchanan, Pat Robertson or Mr. Marrou? :-)]
104.474 | Have you heard this one.... | NHASAD::MCCLELLAN | "In the clearing stands a boxer....." | Mon Sep 14 1992 16:17 | 34 |
| Three strings walk into a bar. The first string walks up to the bar,
"I'd like three beers", says the string.
"Wait a minute" says the bartender, "you're a string aren't you?"
"Yes" replied the string.
"Well we don't serve strings in here" said the bartender.
When the string returned to the table without the beer the other
strings asked why. "They don't serve strings" was the reply.
The second string said "You just didn't act right, I'll get the
"I'd like three beers", says the second string to the bartender.
"Look buddy like I told your friend, we don't serve strings!", said
the bartender.
The second string returned to the table and said, "They refuse to serve
us, let's just go somewhere else." The third string said "I've seen
this happen before, I'll show you how to get beer from this guy...."
On his way up to the bar the third string stopped at the mens-room. He
first frayed his hair then tied it into a knot. When he reached the bar
he said in his deepest voice......"I'D LIKE THREE BEERS!"
The bartender looked him over for a moment and said,
"Hey are you a string???" to which the third string replied.....
"Nope, frayed knot"
104.475 | | YNGSTR::STANLEY | Ain't no luck, I learned to duck... | Mon Sep 14 1992 16:39 | 4 |
| A guy is on his way to the Republican National Convention when he gets lost. He
stops at a gas station to get directions. The attendant says, "Well, you go
down this road about a mile, make a *hard right* just past the church. You
can't miss it."
104.476 | Today's Dave Barry... | DRINKS::WEISS | Brain surgery with a monkey wrench. | Wed Sep 23 1992 16:43 | 5 |
Meetings are an addictive, hightly sef-indulgent activity that
corporations and other large organizations habitually
engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate.
104.477 | Dave Barry for president! | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Wed Sep 23 1992 16:58 | 1 |
| :-)... oh man...
104.478 | EZDRIVER | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | As the decnet turns | Fri Sep 25 1992 20:37 | 494 |
| This sequence of events, further documented in the attached memo causes an
ethernet driver to crash...
> 1. System halts and re-boots after receiving certain 802 format
> message(s).
> 2. MV3100/Ethernet LANCE chip system hang (ESDRIVER).
> 3. Non-privileged user code can shut down the LAVC port.
> 4. Exceeded Quota error and BYTLM Quota Exhausted.
> 5. Fixed hang when exiting promiscuous mode on VAX 4000 (EZDRIVER).
I dunno about you, but whenever _I_ hang my lance after receiving certain
messages, then having my port shut down by a non-priveledged user, I get
exhausted too (but only in promiscuous mode, of course!)
Article: 427 Database: COMM
Identifier: 00954B86-FB175940-1C0096
Title: [DECnet-VAX] General Fix Kit for Ethernet Drivers, VMS V5.4-
Author: 157701 DAVE MCADOO 3-JUN-1992
Enter: 070906 ROB SAUNDERS 16-JAN-1992
Modify: 157701 DAVE MCADOO 10-AUG-1992
Edit Review: 070906 ROB SAUNDERS 22-JUL-1992
Tech Review: 157701 DAVE MCADOO 2-JUL-1992
Expiration: 10-AUG-1993 Flash: (no date)
Geography: USA Site: EIRS Owner: N&SS
Flags: Edit. Review USA Cust. Read. Field Readable
Tech. Review EUR Cust. Read. Not Disp. Msg. Before
Not Ready GIA Cust. Read. Not Disp. Msg. After
Not Local Not Cust. Flash
Sys. Create: EIRS_DBA 16-JAN-1992 12:25:07.44
Sys. Modify: EIRS 10-AUG-1992 17:41:52.11 Count: 18
Last Access: 21-SEP-1992 13:49:20.97 Last Clear: 10-AUG-1992 17:41:52.11
Accesses: Lifetime: 467 Current: 113
COPYRIGHT (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 by Digital Equipment Corporation.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No distribution except as provided under contract.
COMPONENT: Ethernet Drivers
SOURCE: Customer Support Center / USA
This article describes CSCPAT_0552013, also known as:
CSCPAT_0552, 0552, 552, #0552, and #552.
Symptom(s) Identified On: VMS Versions V5.4-3, V5.5, V5.5-1
This articles describes CSCPAT_0552013, also known as:
CSCPAT_0552, 0552, 552, #0552, and #552.
Version(s) Patch Applies To: DECnet-VAX, Versions V5.4-3 through V5.5-1
General fixes for VMS Ethernet drivers, CSCPAT #552 V1.3.
The affected drivers include: ESdriver, ETdriver, EXdriver, EZdriver,
FXdriver, XEdriver, and XQdriver.
\ CSCPAT_0552013 (06-AUG--1992):
\ A new EZDRIVER.EXE dated 10-JUL-1992 was added that corrects a problem
\ when the controller is placed into promiscuous mode.
\ CSCPAT_0552012 (28-MAY-1992):
\ This kit was created 28-MAY-1992 and replaces V1.0 of this patch kit.
\ It includes all previous fixes plus fixes for EXDRIVER and FXDRIVER.
\ CSCPAT_0552011 (Date N/A):
\ This was placed on Engineering hold and, as far as I know, was never
\ released.
\ CSCPAT_0552010 (18-JAN-1992):
\ New kit to include ALL Ethernet drivers. Supercedes CSCPAT_0543, which
\ only corrected a problem in ETDRIVER.
\ *** NOTE: This kit also supersedes CSCPAT_0543, which corrected ETDRIVER for
\ V5.4-3 systems to correct system halts/reboots and allow DEBNAS
\ to receive broadcast messages (all FFs).
\ CSCPAT_0543 has been retired, use CSCPAT_0552 instead.
Problems fixed:
1. System halts and re-boots after receiving certain 802 format
2. MV3100/Ethernet LANCE chip system hang (ESDRIVER).
3. Non-privileged user code can shut down the LAVC port.
4. Exceeded Quota error and BYTLM Quota Exhausted.
5. Fixed hang when exiting promiscuous mode on VAX 4000 (EZDRIVER).
These problems have been acknowledged by VMS Engineering and are included
in VMS V5.5-2.
\ This is per Susie Arnold via Tom Collins of VMS Engineering.
New images correcting these problems are currently available for VMS Versions
V5.4-3 through V5.5-1. This patch kit should only be installed at your site if
you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above.
U.S. customers may retrieve this patch kit directly by using the DSNlink for
VMS VTX Patch Application. When prompted to enter a 'search string', use the
keyword 'Ethernet' to find the patch entitled:
General Fix Kit for Ethernet Drivers,
VMS V5.4-3 thru V5.5-1 #552 V1.3
For information on how to use this application, refer to another article in
the DSNLINK Text Search Database entitled:
How To Downline Load Patches From DSNlink VTX
If you do not have the 'DSNlink for VMS' product installed on your system, or
have questions about it, you can contact the U.S. DSNlink Support Team at
1-800-332-8014. Otherwise, you should contact your local office or your local
Digital Customer Support Center.
Before proceeding with this installation, please save a copy of the
original file(s)/image(s) in case you wish to restore your system to
its original configuration prior to installing this ECO. For example:
Install this patch with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the
SYSTEM account, and entering the following command at the dollar prompt:
The saveset location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that contains
the patch kit saveset.
This installation does NOT purge any modified files.
In order for the corrections to take effect the system must be
rebooted. If you are a member of a VAXcluster, the entire
cluster should be rebooted. You may postpone rebooting if it is
not convenient for you to do so now; however the new driver(s) will
not take effect until after a reboot.
This installation does NOT purge any new and modified files, thus
you should save copies of the original files. Please restore
these saved copies before performing subsequent VMS upgrades.
\ There is a new image available through the CSCPAT Utility
\ to correct this problem. For more information on this tool, please
\ refer to the following STARS article entitled:
\ The CSCPAT Utility - What It Is And How To Use It - V5_VMS Database
\ NOTE: This new image is not currently available through
\ the DSNlink VTX Patch Application. For more information on
\ how to downline load this image to a customer's system,
\ please see Procedures #2 and #3 in the above mentioned article.
\ This patch should ONLY be used as part of a solution to a specific
\ problem and not as a troubleshooting method, e.g., for 'quick fix
\ tries' at a customer site.
\ NOTE FOR US CSC SPECIALISTS: Customers may be transferred directly
\ to the DSNlink Support Group via x24317.
\ File Name: ESDRIVER.EXE_V543-01-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "ESDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-15"
\ link date/time: 1-MAY-1992 12:06:37.72
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: ESDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "ESDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-16"
\ link date/time: 11-MAY-1992 10:44:40.53
\ linker identification: "05-09"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: ETDRIVER.EXE_V543-01-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "ETDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-5"
\ link date/time: 1-MAY-1992 12:07:29.61
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: ETDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "ETDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-5"
\ link date/time: 11-MAY-1992 10:45:15.62
\ linker identification: "05-09"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: EXDRIVER.EXE_V543-01-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "EXDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-8"
\ link date/time: 1-MAY-1992 12:08:11.48
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: EXDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "EXDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-8"
\ link date/time: 11-MAY-1992 10:45:33.10
\ linker identification: "05-09"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: EZDRIVER.EXE_V543-10-JUL-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "EZDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-8F1"
\ link date/time: 10-JUL-1992 12:26:20.71
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: EZDRIVER.EXE_V551-10-JUL-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "EZDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-9F2"
\ link date/time: 10-JUL-1992 12:28:47.77
\ linker identification: "05-09"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: FXDRIVER.EXE_V543-01-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "FXDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-16"
\ link date/time: 1-MAY-1992 12:07:51.94
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: FXDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "FXDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-16"
\ link date/time: 11-MAY-1992 10:48:25.06
\ linker identification: "05-09"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: XEDRIVER.EXE_V543-01-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "XEDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-13"
\ link date/time: 1-MAY-1992 12:06:07.85
\ linker identification: "05-05"
\ Patch Information
\ There are no patches at this time.
\ File Name: XEDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
\ Image Identification Information
\ image name: "XEDRIVER"
\ image file identification: "X-13"
\ link date/time: 11-MAY-1992 10:51:24.63
\ linker identification: "05-09"
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\ File XQDRIVER.EXE_V551-11-MAY-1992;1
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\ This correction corresponds to EZDRV$FT02_U3054.A and EZDRV$FT02_055.A
\ in the SPE VOID patch distribution system.
\ Patch Identifier: CSCPAT_0552013
\ Source: SPE VOID Database
\ Kit Name: EZDRV$FT02_055.A, .README
\ Version(s): VMS V5.4-3 through VMS V5.5-1
\ Technical Contributors:
\ Susie Arnold (140190) of NSU
\ Dave McAdoo (157701) of NSU
\\ VMS V5.4-3 V5.5 V5.5-1
\\ %D05 D05
104.479 | re .-1 Huh??? :-) | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Mon Sep 28 1992 11:10 | 20 |
| I didn't type this -- I lost the original header.
Reprinted without permission from p.29 of "The Late Night With David Letterman
Book of Top Ten Lists":
10. Frosting the Pastry
9. Shooting Hoops
8. Jumping the Turnstile
7. Checking You Oil
6. Tethering the Blimp
5. Sending Out for Sushi
4. Picnic on the Grass
3. Quarter-Pounder at the Golden Arches
2. Shaking Hands with Abraham Lincoln
1. Wind-Surfing on Mount Baldy
104.480 | | DEDSHO::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Mon Sep 28 1992 12:06 | 5 |
| > 2. Shaking Hands with Abraham Lincoln
HA HA HA HA ... I'm dyin'!
104.481 | | STAR::HUGHES | Captain Slog | Tue Sep 29 1992 16:16 | 11 |
| re .478
Every now and then you see a technical memo that is unintentionally
funny. My favourite wasa Blitz a year or two back about problems with
optical disk platters. The symptom to look for was
an unbalanced waveform from the wobble pits
I used that as a personal mail name for a while.
104.482 | | BOOKIE::BOOS | | Tue Sep 29 1992 17:27 | 6 |
| re last couple
And then there's the one about proper care
of mouse balls...
104.483 | re: .478 | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | As the decnet turns | Wed Sep 30 1992 12:39 | 8 |
At _least_ two other people thought that was funny, too.
So, Jamie, I'm not going nuts!
104.484 | oh yes you are | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Wed Sep 30 1992 13:06 | 14 |
| re .-1
Hey, if you could _only_ find two other techno-dweebs* in this company
who thought it was funny then it ain't. :-)
I'll try to re-read it, I couldn't make it to the end the first time.
Is there a punchline there?
* follow-ups to the "Thought's On 'It's A Joke'" note. Remember the PC
comedy rules: Jews can tell Jew jokes, blacks can tell black jokes, and
white guys can tell "didja ever wonder where all those missing socks
end up?" jokes. :-)
104.485 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | As the decnet turns | Wed Sep 30 1992 15:35 | 4 |
104.486 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Wed Oct 07 1992 19:51 | 7 |
| {headers removed}
What do The Wizard of Oz and the presidential candidates have in common?
Bush wants a heart, Quayle wants a brain, Perot wants courage,
and Clinton wants to take Dorothy home.
104.487 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Thu Oct 08 1992 12:55 | 1 |
| :-)
104.488 | | CUPTAY::BAILEY | Certified Ski Destructor | Thu Oct 08 1992 19:20 | 48 |
| [many, many headers removed]
This article appeared in today's (9/92) Austin American-Stateman.
Associated Press Writer
PRILEP, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Outside a small Macedonian village close to
the border between Greece and strife-torn Yugoslavia, a lone Catholic
nun keeps a quiet watch over a silent convent. She is the last
caretaker of the site of significant historical developments spanning
more than 2,000 years.
When Sister Maria Cyrilla of the Order of the Perpetual Watch dies, the
convent of St. Elias will be closed by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of
However, that isn't likely to happen soon as Sister Maria, 53, enjoys
excellent health.
By her own estimate, she walks 10 miles daily about the grounds of the
convent, which once served as a base for the army of Attila the Hun. In
more ancient times, a Greek temple to Eros, the god of love, occupied
the hilltop site. Historians say that Attila took over the old temple
in 439 A.D. and used it as a base for his marauding army.
The Huns are believed to have first collected and then destroyed a large
gathering of Greek legal writs at the site.
It is believed that Attila wanted to study the Greek legal system, and
had the writs and other documents brought to the temple. Scholars
differ on why he had the valuable documents destroyed--either because he
was barely literate and couldn't read them, or because they provided
evidence of democratic government that did not square with his own
notion of rule by an all-powerful tyrant.
When the Greek church took over the site in the 15th Century and the
convent was built, church leaders ordered the pagan statue of Eros
destroyed, so another ancient Greek treasure was lost. Today, there is
only the lone sister, watching over the old Hun base.
And that's how it ends: No Huns, no writs, no Eros, and nun left on
The author of this magnificent abomination is Ron Gibson, editorial
manager of Texas Student Publications at the University of Texas. It
appeared in Mike Kelley's column, to Mike's large credit.
104.489 | Ho! | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | As the decnet turns | Thu Oct 08 1992 19:32 | 114 |
-< Dave Barry - Noted humorist >-
Note 702.0 Male Bonding No replies
CIMNET::RENNIE 105 lines 13-OCT-1991 11:03
by Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist
copied from The Boston Sunday Globe, October 13, 1991
I got to thinking about the Men's Movement recently when our
bathroom ceiling collapsed.
Maybe you've heard about the Men's Movement. It consists of
men who feel they've lost touch with their fundamental masculini-
ty because of the restrictive pressures of the modern world, with
its industrialization, neckties, fireworks regulations, etc. So
these men are forming groups that only men can belong to, similar
to the US Senate, except that they engage in virile ritualistic
male-bonding behavior such as shouting and roaring and hugging and
pounding on drums. I'm not making this movement up. It was on
the cover of Newsweek, so you know it's not just a passing fad.
It's a fad that will probably be around for months.
The movement first caught on in (surprise!) California, but
has spread widely. I have here a newspaper article, clipped from
the Indianapolis Star by alert readers Judy Voynow and Glenn Wood-
ruff, concerning a gathering of a group called the Indiana Men's
Council. The article, written by Joseph T. Hallinan, states that,
before the group members started drumming, they formed a circle,
and each man introduced himself by giving his name and the names of
his father and paternal grandfather, as in: "I am Bob, the son of
Fred, the son of Norbert." After each man spoke, the other men
shouted "Ho!"
Here's my favorite section of the article:
"Sunday's gathering was the first time that women had been
allowed to attend a meeting of the Men's Council. The women stood
in the circle, with their men, and when it came their turn they,
too, were asked to cite their male lineage.
"After the first woman did so, the men around her shouted,
She looked taken aback by the response, and then one of the
men expalined they were not calling he a 'ho,' that it was just
something they said."
Maybe the men should yell something less ambiguous, such as
"Roger!" or "Nice set of paternal names!" But I think the Men's
Movement is a fine idea. I'm definitely out of touch with my own
masculinity, a fact that was driven home when our bathroom ceiling
collapsed. This, of course, happened at 1 o'clock on a Sunday
morning, which is when, as you homeowners know, the House Destruc-
tion Satellite, orbiting high above the Earth, beams down its
powerful Decay Ray. We heard a loud crash, and we went into the
bathroom, and the ceiling was lying on the floor in a sodden mass,
with water pouring down on it from somewhere in the attic.
"Ho!" I said, drawing on three years of junior-high-school
Industrial Arts training. "Something is wrong!"
A virile man would have known how to fix it. But I am totally
out of touch with my masculine nature, so all I could do was call
a plumber. He went into the attic and, following his natural
masculine instinct, knew immediately what to do: call for more
plumbers. Soon there was a whole tribal gathering up there,
virile men who were not afraid to crawl around the attic and
confront naked plumbing and shout and roar and pound on things.
They might also have been hugging. I stayed downstairs, making
coffee and keeping the checkbook warm.
The problem turned out to be the hot-water heater, which the
previous owner, apparently as a prank, had located over the
ceiling, so that it could do the maximum possible amount of damage
when it leaked. The plumbers wanted to put the new heater in a
downstairs closet.
Here's what the virile man would have said: "OK."
Here's what I said: "I'll ask my wife."
My wife said no. My wife is completely in touch with her
basic feminity, and she is not about to give up something
precious, something that women have struggled for centuries to
obtain, something that they value more than life itself: storage
You want to know why, 20,000 years ago, nomadic Asian peoples
made the brutal, dangerous trek across vast expanses of barren
wasteland to come to North America? Because nomadic women heard
that there were caves here with plenty of room for kitchen implements.
Archeologists are still finding ancient stored pots.
So anyway, the plumbing tribe, roaring and pounding, put the
new heater up in our attic, right next to the old one. Soon the
two heaters will start bonding, with the old one passing along
ancient water-heater lore and wisdom ("Sunday at 1 a.m., that's
the time"). And one night we'll hear two distinct metallic voices
shouting "Ho!," and the bathroom ceiling will collapse again. And
the whoe ritual will be repeated.
But this time I will have a meaningful role. This time I will
have my son stand with me, and, as an older masculine man, I will
pass along to him the manly virile wisdom that I have accumulated.
"Son," I will say. "For each cup, you use one level scoop of
104.490 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Oct 08 1992 19:38 | 8 |
Thanks, Fog! I haven't read a Dave Barry article in a while and that
one was hysterical. :-)
Imagine.. I used to have time to read the Dave Barry *notesfile*. Oh
104.491 | that reminds me.... | SMURF::PETERT | | Thu Oct 08 1992 20:29 | 25 |
| I think Dave Barry is tuned into some mystical knowledge. Reading this
caused me to remember the time our bathroom ceiling collapsed. This
was while living back in Albany as a student. It was during spring
break and though we had split for home, there was a Gentle Giant/
Renaissance concert at the Palace Theatre downtown, so we headed
back a bit early. There were several of us going, and one group
was a bit late, and missed the first act. But they bought some
triangle type thingies for us to enhance our mood for the 2nd
act. Had a great time overall and then headed back up to our
apartment in fine shape and in a very wet snowstorm (peaking through
the bottom of the windshield, as it kept covering up pretty
quick and the wiper blades were shot ;-) Well, to make a long
story short, we had several hours of fun time after the show
relaxing and unwinding. But at one point (and it may have been
about one AM on a Sunday morning!) my friend Frank was walking
down the hallway between the kitchen and the living room. Just as
he was at the bathroom door, with a loud crash, the ceiling
collapsed onto the toilet! In the condition we were in, we collaped
into giggles, and cleaned up mostly by throwing the sodden mass out
the bathroom window. And FranK? Well, he spent much of the rest
of the evening hiding in his closet. ;-) Ah, school days.....
104.492 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | As the decnet turns | Fri Oct 09 1992 12:18 | 10 |
> Imagine.. I used to have time to read the Dave Barry *notesfile*. Oh
Me too. fwiw, that article was forwarded to me by my wife, who pulled out of
the Holistic notefile, to which it was cross posted. :-)
RE: Rennaissance/Gentle Giant. Ha! I saw a show on that toor. Don;t think I've
played either of any of those albums in my collection since 1974...
104.493 | | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Fri Oct 09 1992 13:20 | 36 |
| Header removed, I didn't type this so don't send the NBC goon squad my
way. I missed the censored #8 when I watched it, I guess they left one
frame in with the original #8.
Here is the list, with the CENSORED #8...
10. They screwed up her vinyl roof at the Vatican Car Wash
9. He's never around when she needs help picking lotto numbers
* 8. He snubbed her at the Grammy Awards * (WEASLES!!!)
7. He's always telling people he got that big ring from winning
the superbowl in 1986
6. He doesn't let anyone else drive the Pope-mobile
5. He improperly uses piety to get hefty discounts at the gap
4. At the movies he won't remove his eight foot hat
3. The way he's always entering and then quitting the presidential race
2. The time he said, "I don't date, but if I did I wouldn't date no
bald chick!"
And the number one complaint Sinead O'Connor has about the Pope:
1. He never picks up a check
And NOW... The line those *MORONS* at NBC couldn't handle:
104.494 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Mon Oct 12 1992 14:35 | 80 |
| <Forwards deleted>
Joel McNally, the Innocent Bystander -- The Milwaukee Journal 10/1/92
A midterm campaign examination on everything we have learned so far:
1. Which promise on taxes by George Bush do you find more persuasive?
a. His 1988 pledge: "Read my lips. No new taxes."
b. His new, improved 1992 pledge: "I am not going to do it again.
Ever, ever."
2. Which action by a college student do you consider more important in
determining how you will vote in 1992?
a. What Bill Clinton did to avoid getting drafted to fight in a
war he opposed.
b. What Dan Quayle did to avoid getting drafted to fight in a war
he supported.
3. In the Great Owl Debate of "jobs vs. environment" posed by the
Bush campaign, which would you be more upset to wake up
tomorrow morning and find was gone?
a. Your job.
b. Your planet.
4. Which of the following would you be willing to bet your next
paycheck that the vice president of the United States could
spell correctly?
a. Anti-disestablishmentarianism
b. Potato
c. Cat
5. What is your favorite family value?
a. The right to choose whether to have a family.
b. The right to enjoy "Murphy Brown."
c. The Grand Slam Special at Denny's
6. Which candidate has the most appeal among young voters?
a. Clinton, because he plays that hip musical instrument,
the saxophone.
b. Bush, because he talks in rap.
c. Al Gore, because he looks like Superman.
d. Quayle, because he looks like Jimmy Olsen.
e. Ross Perot, because he's an elf.
7. Bush says the election is about trust. Which of the following
would you trust Bush to do if elected to a second term?
a. Never to raise taxes again. Ever. Ever.
b. To select only the best-qualified Americans for important
jobs such as the vice presidency and the US Supreme Court.
c. Not to throw up on heads of state while visiting other
8. During the sale of US missiles to Iran, the late Ronald Reagan
was napping through the presidency and Vice President Bush was
"out of the loop." Write down your best guess as to who was
running the United States.
9. What is your primary concern about the US economy?
a. How to spend the big bonanza if Bush finally succeeds
in cutting capital gains taxes.
b. Whether US jobs are on a fast track or a slow track to
c. That there be one again.
10. What about Bush reminds you most of Harry Truman?
a. Nobody thinks he's going to win.
b. He likes to fish and recently rode on a train.
c. He's a dead man.
104.495 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Just a little sweetness | Mon Oct 12 1992 14:49 | 7 |
| Subj: today's Dave Barry
October 12th
USER - the word that computer professionals use when they mean "idiot".
104.496 | | LANDO::HAPGOOD | | Mon Oct 12 1992 15:28 | 9 |
| >>Joel McNally, the Innocent Bystander -- The Milwaukee Journal 10/1/92
>>8. During the sale of US missiles to Iran, the late Ronald Reagan
Huh, did I miss Ronald's obit?
104.497 | Mike Royko (a columnist from the Chicago Tribune) | DRINKS::WEISS | Beer -- It does a body good. | Mon Oct 12 1992 15:54 | 85 |
MIKE ROYKO [If I were on the panel...]
A number of major news organizations refuse to let their reporters be
on the panel of questioners at presidential debates. They consider the
debates staged political events and say it would be unethical for them
to take part.
But I don't have any such qualms. I won't be asked, but just in case,
I have prepared my list of questions for President Bush, Gov. Bill
Clinton and Ross Perot. They cover, I believe, most of the major issues
of this campaign.
President Bush, you say you were not part of ``the loop'' in the
Iran-contra arms deal. Doesn't that make you feel silly? I mean, there
you were, the Vice President of the United States, the second-biggest
enchilada, and they didn't even tell you what was going on? What was the
deal -- did they think you'd blab? And would you have blabbed? You want
to blab now?
Gov. Clinton, you attended Oxford University in England and Yale Law
School in the Ivy League, two of the finest institutions of learning in
the world. So how come you still talk like a hillbilly?
Mr. Perot, this question concerns the relationship between one's
height and how one uses power. Have you noticed that Napoleon, Attila
the Hun and you are all short guys, and would you care to comment on
President Bush, did Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan ever send
you the dry-cleaning bill after you threw up on his trousers, and did
you pay it?
Gov. Clinton, is your choice of jogging attire an indication that you
are seeking the nerd vote?
Mr. Perot, you made most of your billions in the computer industry.
Could you tell the American people what the heck they should do when
their PC sends the message, ``Abort, Retry, Fail''?
President Bush, you are, in all likelihood, the last American
president who will have grown up during the Great Depression. Would you
care to share with those younger Americans, who are now suffering
through hard times, your memories of what it was like to look upon a
depressed nation through the window of the family limo that was driving
you to your prep school?
Gov. Clinton, after that blond bimbo got up on TV and said you had
been her lover boy for years, you and your wife went on TV and your wife
was affectionate, supportive and calm. Would you care to share with
millions of American men how the heck you managed to talk your way out
of that pickle?
Mr. Perot, as a successful businessman, don't you think it would be a
more prudent use of your resources to go find a small, undeveloped
country, buy the whole thing and declare yourself king?
President Bush, you live in the White House, you own a huge home on
the coast of Maine, but you insist on voting in Texas and claiming to be
a Texan. Are you ashamed of being a natural-born Eastern elitist?
Gov. Clinton, you have said that if you are elected president, you
will continue to make bus tours around the United States to stay in
touch with grass-roots Americans. Do you promise to do it only on
weekends so you don't screw up rush-hour traffic?
Mr. Perot, from where we're sitting, we can't see -- are you standing
on a phone book?
President Bush, when that reporter asked you about reports that you
were once lovey-dovey with a female aide, you really got indignant and
mad. Why did you get mad? I mean, come on, you're a successful, healthy,
normal, tall, good-looking guy, with a full head of hair, and, hey,
stuff happens, right?
Gov. Clinton, President Carter called himself Jimmy. You call
yourself Bill. Don't any of you Southerners have real grown-up names?
Mr. Perot, after this election is over, and assuming you do not win,
if Larry King has to make a choice between having you on his show or Zsa
Zsa Gabor, what do you think your chances will be, and do you want to
make a bet?
President Bush, during his two terms in the White House, Ronald
Reagan frequently took naps, dozed off during meetings and took kind of
a laid-back approach to governing our nation. And he was one of the most
popular presidents of modern times. In contrast, you are always wide
awake, on the go, jetting from one place to another, frantically
flailing at golf balls and speeding off in golf carts, or zipping around
in a boat in pursuit of fish, yet your popularity is low. So if you had
it all to do over again, would you have popped a few Valiums?
Gov. Clinton, after the election is over, win or lose, are you going
to finally inhale?
Mr. Perot, or are those two phone books?
104.498 | you didn't *really* take it seriously did you? :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Oct 15 1992 19:06 | 7 |
| re .496
(set voice=foghorn leghorn)
"it's a joke son"... :^)
da ve
104.499 | What would Jum say??? 8^) | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Just a little sweetness | Wed Oct 21 1992 13:27 | 60 |
| (lifted from ::SPORTS)
by Barry Tarshis
copied w/o permission from the NY Times, Monday 8/31/92, p.A15
Imagine that a network morning show has assembled six political
heavyweights for a call-in show. A teacher phones to report that during
a recent class tour of the White House, a student wanted a drink of
water, only to discover that the fountain was out of order. The teacher
asks the panel what message a broken fountain at the White House sends
to the young people of America. Let's listen to the answers.
Ross Perot: The question here is simple: how do we fix it. I say, let's
bring together the finest plumbing talent in America -- from outside the
system. Let them look at the fountain. Turn it on. Turn it off.
Measure the flow in it. That sort of thing. And you can be sure, the
next time you take a White House tour, you're going to drink from a
world-class fountain.
Jesse Jackson: Let us not talk about this broken water fountain. Let us
talk about the thousands of broken water fountains across America. For
they, too, are broken, like the broken dreams of America's forgotten
children. And whether you are black, white, brown or yellow, you cannot
use them. Why? Because the Republican Party is more interested in
_Perrier_ water and _Pellegrino_ water than it is in _public_ water.
Al Gore: I love my country. And I love water. And I love the children
who drink from the water fountains in the country I love, and that my
father loves. And I believe in my heart that the time has come, now
more than ever, for all of us to be inspired by the young people of
America whose dreams for the future depend on our ability as a nation to
provide them with the water that is the essence of their survival.
Dan Quayle: I am very, very sympathetic to the disappointment young
people in America feel when they go to a water fountain in the single
most important building in America and cannot drink from it. Because I,
too, would be very, very disappointed if I were to go to get a drink
from a water fountain and discover that, because of the Democrats, the
water does not come up. Water is a terrible thing to waste, when there
is thirst but no water, that is a terrible thing.
Bill Clinton: I grew up in a home where public water fountains were very
important to me and to my family. And I have put forward a plan similar
to the plan I introduced to Arkansas. This plan is good for America. It
takes the $4.25 million savings we ralize when we eliminate the 10
percent reduction on the capital gains that exceed $30,000 in any given
one-year period for Americans under the age of 31 who graduated before
1984, and it allocates 18.5 percent of that sum to paying for 80 percent
of the new fountain construction.
George Bush: O.K. Sure. Fine. There's something wrong with a water
fountain in the White House? Not denying it. Have to be a fool to deny
it. But make no mistake about it. There is a lot that is _right_ with
it, too. And that's one thing I want to focus on, you see, not what's
bad about the water fountains in America by what's _good_ about them.
And with the help of the American people and a Republican Congress I can
work with, I can make the water flow again in the water fountains of
104.500 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | To the bright side of the road | Wed Oct 21 1992 14:52 | 16 |
Jum would quote Paul Harvey and say "Recessions reteach resourcefulness" and
tell the kid to bring his own damned water..this is the White House, not a
refreshment stand. :-)
Jum Hendushintongore
104.501 | | MR4DEC::WENTZELL | Just a little sweetness | Mon Oct 26 1992 14:52 | 31 |
| [headers removed]
Subj: If you are concerned about not getting enough exercise,read this!
A recent medical association report stated that "proper weight control and
physical fitness cannot be attained by diet alone. Many people who are engaged
in Sedentary occupations do not realize that calories can be burned by the
hundreds by engaging in strenuous activities that do not require physical
Here is a guide to calorie-burning activities that can be conducted right in
your workplace, as well as the number of calories per hour they consume:
Beating around the bush ............................................60
Jumping to conclusions...............................................75
Climbing the walls........................................................150
Swallowing your pride................................................. 20
*Passing the buck...........................................................50
Throwing your weight around..........................100-400
Pushing your luck........................................................100
*Making mountains out of molehills........................600
Wading through paperwork.....................................100
Juggling deadlines.....................................................120
Balancing the books................................................... 60
*Running around in circles.........................................250
Bending over backwards...........................................50
*Opening a can of worms.............................................60
*Reinventing the wheel...............................................150
*We Deccies are especially good at these!
104.502 | HeHE HA ! | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Better make it through today | Tue Oct 27 1992 17:08 | 3 |
| I hear Pee Wee has opened his own Dry Cleaners......its called.....
Drop the Pants and Jacket Off Dry Cleaners
104.503 | Zen & the Art of . . . | ICS::ODONNELL | I am the Lorax . . . | Wed Oct 28 1992 16:54 | 5 |
| A Buddhist monk was walking through the mall one day when he passed
a man selling hot dogs from a pushcart. After a few steps, the monk
stopped, paused for a few minutes in thought, and went back to the
cart. "What would you like?" asked the vendor. The monk replied,
"Make me one with everything."
104.504 | Perot's new runningmate | SALES::GKELLER | Just Say Anything (To get elected) | Wed Oct 28 1992 17:45 | 6 |
| I heard some people talking the other day and they were saying that pee Wee
herman should be Perot's vice presidential running mate. the reason they
gave was...
He can handle himself in public:-)
104.505 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Wed Oct 28 1992 19:25 | 1 |
| Aw Geoff!! :-)
104.506 | ;-) ;-) ;-) | BOOKIE::BOOS | | Wed Oct 28 1992 20:03 | 3 |
| RE: .503
Does that mean the Buddha's a wiener?
104.507 | Buddha-buns (go punsters) | ICS::ODONNELL | I am the Lorax . . . | Thu Oct 29 1992 12:09 | 5 |
| perhaps . . .
He has got big buns.
104.508 | aaaaargh! | DEMING::CLARK | I Was Warned | Thu Oct 29 1992 13:12 | 6 |
| re: the monk joke
please explain this to me or it will bother me the rest of the
- mr. stupid
104.509 | | MONTOR::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Thu Oct 29 1992 13:24 | 14 |
| re: <<< Note 104.508 by DEMING::CLARK "I Was Warned" >>>
> please explain this to me or it will bother me the rest of the
> day
My cut is that: a basis tenant of Buddhism is *being* one with
everything, part of the _whole_, which is everything, letting go
of your ego. No self, just part of all that is.
So, ordering with "make me one with everything" (a hot dog with
all condiment;-) is sort of a play on the words/beliefs/goals
of buddhism.
104.510 | But what IS stupid? | ICS::ODONNELL | I am the Lorax . . . | Thu Oct 29 1992 13:26 | 13 |
| Dear Mr. Stupid-
First off, you're not stupid.
Secondly, one of the objectives of Buddhist monks is a desire to reach
Nirvana (and I don't mean hangin' in Seattle grunge bars), to become
enlightened (like the Buddha himself was), to become ONE with
So, I guess this guy was lookin' for a shortcut.
104.511 | re .-1 | DEMING::CLARK | I Was Warned | Thu Oct 29 1992 13:27 | 1 |
| oh.
104.512 | shoulda taken typing... | ICS::ODONNELL | I am the Lorax . . . | Thu Oct 29 1992 13:28 | 1 |
| oops, Ken beat me to it . . .
104.513 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Fri Oct 30 1992 16:37 | 19 |
| Top Ten conversational icebreakers for cross-country bus passengers:
Heeeeere we go ...
10. "If the cops search the bus, I'm your brother Eddie. Okay?"
9. "The sign says `no spitting', but they never enforce it."
8. "Where's the stewardess?"
7. "I bet you're wondering: if I'm sitting back here, then
who's driving the bus?"
6. "Hello, my name is Bill Clinton."
5. "I've got bus rash!"
4. "Hey, fatty, off my leg!"
3. "Ever hear of the olympic triplecast? That was my idea."
2. "I'd like to have sex with you and I don't want to pay for it."
.... and the number one conversational icebreaker for cross-country
bus passengers is ...
1. "May I call you `Mommy'?"
104.514 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Fri Oct 30 1992 17:16 | 1 |
| :-)
104.515 | Number ELEVEN | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | WashaUffitze & drive me to Firenze | Mon Nov 02 1992 20:55 | 8 |
| re: .-2
and the one that didn't quite make it...
"Look out! It's Ben Vereen!"
104.516 | Paulsen | LJOHUB::GILMORE | It's got WICCABILITY! | Tue Nov 03 1992 17:38 | 78 |
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -- Pat Paulsen, in his third bid for the U.S.
presidency, reluctantly conceded this week chances are bleak he will be
occupying the White House for the next four years.
A tireless campaigner who found himself on the ballot in four states
this year -- New Hampshire, where he garnered a paltry 700 votes,
Louisiana (1,500), Kansas (5,000) and North Dakota (4,000) -- comedian
Paulsen said his financial war chest was empty.
He fought to get his name on the California ballot but was foiled by
a magistrate who said his campaign was frivolous.
A disappointed Paulsen took issue.
``He thought it was odd that I promised if I were elected I would
attack Canada for stealing two of our baseball teams,'' the aggrieved
candidate said. ``If we get in a war with Canada we'd be in the same
time zone. We wouldn't have to stay up late watching CNN war news.
``I suppose the judge also objected to my promise to lower the
unemployment rate by getting myself a job -- as president.''
Having lunch in a restaurant by Universal Studios, Paulsen was
appropriately dressed in a red, white and blue jogging outfit trimmed,
also appropriately, in black to match his gloom.
The long-faced, sorrowful Paulsen first announced his candidacy for
the nation's top job when he was resident joker on the 1967 ``Smothers
Brothers Show.'' He ran against Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey.
``I lied about my intention to run back then,'' he said. ``I was
evasive on the issues, and I made promises I couldn't keep. Nothing has
changed. Candidates are doing the same thing this year. I must be
honest, I'm in this for the money. I think that makes me a true
American, a bottom-line guy.''
Paulsen takes no pride in the fact that he is challenging Republican
Harold Stassen and Democrat William Jennings Bryan for the title of all-
time loser among presidential aspirants.
However, Paulsen did detect a ray of light in his Pyrrhic victory
over candidate Ross Perot in the North Dakota primary where he amassed 9
percent of the vote, second only to President Bush.
``With my good showing in North Dakota, I won l.53 delegates from
that state for the Republican convention,'' he said. ``But the Grand Old
Party changed the GOP to stand for Get Out Paulsen and refused to give
me my 1.53 delegates. I took 'em to court and lost.''
Paulsen apparently has little respect for the other candidates in
this election, although he's not altogether hostile.
All the same, there is a suggestion of umbrage in his summation of
his adversaries.
He says of Bill Clinton: ``If he is elected president, I hope the
economy stays on its feet longer than he does.''
George Bush: ``One thing about voting for Bush is he's well-rested;
he just came off a four-year vacation.''
Ross Perot: ``After being trounced by me, I can't believe he had the
nerve to get back in the race.''
Paulsen, still loosing barbs at the opposition, will appear on The
Movie Channel's ``Joe Bob Briggs' Drive-In Theater'' Oct. 31 to hype his
sagging campaign.
In addition to interviewing the candidate, Briggs, a yokel guru of
trashy movies, will show Paulsen's movie, ``Night Patrol.'' Paulsen
fears his performance in the 1985 film may harm rather than help his
``I got more votes in the primaries this year than ever before,'' he
said. ``But it's tough to get on the ballots. Can you imagine California
officials saying I wasn't a serious candidate. This is the state that
elected Jerry Brown twice -- and they say I'm not serious.
``Well, I'm tuning up my campaign for 1996. The buttons already are
being made.They say, 'Don't blame me. I voted for Paulsen.' We hope to
make some money off them, which I'll need for the '96 fight.
``I try to avoid fence-sitting. When people ask me about my stand on
pro-choice, I say yes and no. Who do I think will win the election? Bush
or Clinton. Stuff like that.
``Of course, there's the question of family values. The media always
talks about presidential candidates' extra-marital affairs. It will get
to a point where only mediocre people run for office.
``Does that mean mediocre people don't have affairs? I can tell you
unequivocally that mediocre people have affairs too. Maybe not great
ones, but we have 'em.
``Better not print that. My wife Noma (cq) may object.
``There was a lady in Colorado who I had a brush with. I took her to
court and won the case. She still owes me $189,000, but you don't want
to hear the details.
``Let me just close with this thought. The United States is a great
country,it's just that as people most of us stink.''
104.517 | w/Ruth Buzzi for VP | VMPIRE::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Tue Nov 03 1992 20:11 | 3 |
| Pat Paulsen, Republican?!? Geez, I woulda pegged him for a Democrat.
I'm still waiting for JoAnne Worley to run ... she'll have my vote.
104.518 | This Old DOS, NPR Broadast... | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | fast times at Decnet High | Mon Nov 09 1992 15:46 | 235 |
| From: SPICE::DECWRL::"rita@eff.org" "Rita Marie Rouvalis 09-Nov-1992 1230" 9-NOV-1992 12:29:33.79
To: eff-news@eff.org (eff-news mailing list)
Subj: EFFector Online 3.09
########## ########## ########## | COMPUTER SPIES
########## ########## ########## | by Mitchell Kapor
#### #### #### |
######## ######## ######## |BUILDING BLOCKS AS STUMBLING BLOCKS
######## ######## ######## | A Commentary on the 15th NCSC
#### #### #### | by Rebecca Mercuri
########## #### #### |
########## #### #### | THIS OLD DOS
EFFector Online November 9, 1992 Issue 3.09
A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
ISSN 1062-9424
[Two articles deleted here]
Hi, I'm Bob Wheeler Dealer, and welcome to This Old DOS. Last week you
may remember we renovated the Charles Babbage Family computer. We
upgraded their antique CPM to the IBM operating system known as MS DOS.
And this week on This Old DOS, we're continuing our renovation by
installing a brand new operating system, supposed to be real easy to
use, called Windows. And boy am I excited. So let's go around back and
see how Norm is doing with it.
Bob: Hi Norm; how's it going?
Norm: Oh, hi Bob. Well as you can see I'm about to install Windows on
our old machine.
Bob: No glass in these Windows, huh Norm? Ha ha.
Norm: Ha ha. That's right, just a handful of floppy disks. This is an
attempt at making an IBM PC work *a little bit more* like an Apple
Macintosh. Instead of typing commands, you just move a lot of little
pictures around on a screen.
Bob: I can't wait. Sounds simple enough; let's take a whack at it.
Norm: Well, ok, the first thing we do is install these disks. Pop them
in the computer and follow the uh directions on the screen. Here you
try (sound of hard drive grinding). That's it.
Bob: Simple enough.
Norm: Ok, Bob, now the machine wants to know if you want to modify your
config.sys or change your autoexec.bat to automatically load when the
machines boots up. What do you want to do?
Bob: What's a config.sys? I don't anything about this stuff.
Norm: Never mind, it's ok Bob, I'll take care of it. There. Now to be
really state of the art, we've got to upgrade our microprocessor (sound
of sawing). That's the computer chip inside inside so that these
Windows will work fast enough. Otherwise, you know, you might as well
go out and get a cup of coffee while the screen draws pretty pictures,
heh heh. So let me get one of these uh 486 chips. We've got a crane
here. Hey fellas.. fellas! You wanna load that puppy here inta place?
Careful! (sound of machinery) Don't bend the pins! There, all snapped
Bob: All right, now we're ready to open Windows, right?
Norm: Not on your life, Bob. While we're at it we're building an
extention onto the memory board for those fat, greedy programs that
gobble the stuff up. I'll just hammer a few of these 4 megabyte chips
into place (bang bang). There, now we've got 16 megabytes on board.
Narly, man!
Bob: All right, let her rip, Norm.
Norm: Not so fast, Bob! Those big Windows programs need lots and lots
of storage space. Charles talked to his banker and decided to spring for
that 200 megabyte beauty there. Hand me that..uh
Bob: You mean this thing here? (groaning and grunting)
Norm: Yeah, that's the hard drive. Ah, thanks. And they want to do
multimedia.. you know sound, graphics, computer games... the latest --
so we'll add on a new super VGA monitor..
Bob: Something else?
Norm: A CD ROM drive..
Bob: Something else? More stuff?
Norm: Yeah, we have a sound board and special speakers if you want that
great sound.
Bob: This .. this isn't so simple anymore!
Norm: Well, we're just about ready to go. That's about it.
Bob: All right now, with all this preparation Norm, this had better be
Norm: Well, I hope so, let's (sound of drive grinding) load up Word
Perfect, Lotus 1.-2-3, Excel, and FileMaker Pro and watch her rip!
(beep.. crash). Oh-oh.
Bob: What happened? What happened?
Norm: Well, it looks like a system crash.
Bob: Oh no!
Norm: Don't worry! We can fix this thing. We can fix it.
Bob: What do we do now, give up?
Norm: No, Never! We drop everything and start over. That's the American
Way. You keep changing stuff until you find what's wrong.
Bob: Now, how long is this gonna take? I haven't got all weeks to..?
Norm: Don't worry! We'll I'll have this thing running like top, Bob.
In the mean time you can go back in my shop there and use my Mac.
Bob: All right, you keep working at it Norm. We're out of time folks.
Join us tomorrow for the start of our new 50-part series: "How to
install and maintain a Local Area Network." Until then, bye bye for
This Old DOS!
(c) Copyright National Public Radio (R) 1992. The segment by NPR's Ira
Plato was originally broadcast on National Public Radio's "Talk of the
Nation" on September 11, 1992 and is used with permission of National
Public Radio. Any unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
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% From: Rita Marie Rouvalis <rita@eff.org>
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% Subject: EFFector Online 3.09
% Date: Mon, 9 Nov 92 10:35:03 EST
% To: eff-news@eff.org (eff-news mailing list)
104.519 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | leave your stepping stones behind | Tue Nov 10 1992 19:13 | 23 |
| {headers removed}
Top Ten Mistake's in President Bush's
Re-Election Campaign Strategy
November 5, 1992
10. Ill-advised speech at every campaign stop entitled
"Screw You and Your Miserable Little Lives"
9. Trying to show sensitivity by open-mouth kissing
Bob Dole
8. Fitzwater in a miniskirt
7. Turned off many potential voters with his naked
interpretive dance to "Baby Ima Want You"
6. Scheduled Desert Storm a year too early
5. The vomiting was funny the first time, but at the
end of every rally, no, we got sick of it
4. Barbara refusing to show a little more leg
3. During final train tour, shouldn't have kept taking
leak off back of caboose
2. Senseless negative ads showing Dukakis shoplifting
1. Dan Quayle is no Stockdale
104.520 | roll over Pythagoras ... | CUPTAY::BAILEY | Certified Ski Destructor | Wed Nov 11 1992 11:03 | 31 |
[many headers removed ... ]
There were three Medieval kingdoms on the shores of a lake.
There was an island in the middle of the lake, which the kingdoms had
been fighting over for years. Finally, the three kings decided that
they would send their knights out to do battle, and the winner would
take the island.
The night before the battle, the knights and their
squires pitched camp and redied themselves for the fight. The first
kingdom had 12 knights, and each knight had 5 squires, all of whom were
busily polishing armor, brushing horses, and cooking food. The second
kingdom had 20 knights, and each knight had 10 squires. Everyone at
that camp was also busy preparing for battle. At the camp of the third
kingdom, there was only one knight, with his one squire. This squire
took a large pot and hung it from a looped rope in a tall tree. He
busied himself preparing the meal, while the knight polished his own
armor. When the hour of battle came, the three kingdoms sent their
squires out to fight ( this was too trivial a matter for the knights to
join in ). The battle raged, and when the dust cleared, the only person
left was the lone squire from the third kingdom, having defeated the
squires from the other kingdoms.
I guess this just proves that the squire of the high pot and noose is
equal to the sum of the squires of the other two sides.
104.521 | HAR, HAR, HAR! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | It's got WICCABILITY! | Wed Nov 11 1992 11:20 | 1 |
104.522 | i luv it! | CIVIC::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Wed Nov 11 1992 12:08 | 5 |
| Re: .520
ohmigawd .... that's wonderful!!!!!!!!
:-) :-)
104.523 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Wed Nov 11 1992 12:28 | 10 |
104.524 | ;^) | CUPTAY::BAILEY | Certified Ski Destructor | Wed Nov 11 1992 12:36 | 4 |
| Sorry Phyllis ... just consider it a knightly dose of pun-ishment ...
... Bobbb
104.525 | anti-punster here! | HNDRIX::MOLLENHAUER | Centurion! Peel me a grape! | Wed Nov 11 1992 12:42 | 3 |
| I'm with Phyllis on this one - UGH! That was terrible!
104.526 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | To the bright side of the road | Wed Nov 11 1992 13:18 | 11 |
Yeah, me too...these mathamatical puns just add up to wasted disk space and
create divisions in the file, which I feel would multiply if it were to
continue :-)
104.527 | And I LIKE puns... | DRINKS::WEISS | Beer -- It does a body good. | Wed Nov 11 1992 13:19 | 10 |
| Sheesh, Bobbb...I had the decency to spare people in here. I did NOT
post that one when I saw it...
That was horrible...I loved it, but I wouldn't have subjected others
to it... :-)
(BTW, Bobbb, better you may be getting some "chain mail" or be
getting "maced") :-)
104.528 | | SPICE::FIELDS | Better make it through today | Wed Nov 11 1992 18:14 | 5 |
| geee I wonder if that guy in north brookfield would have got that joke
104.529 | I'm NOT BEING SARCHASTIC *really*!! ;-) | LJOHUB::GILMORE | It's got WICCABILITY! | Wed Nov 11 1992 19:29 | 10 |
| >> <<< Note 104.528 by SPICE::FIELDS "Better make it through today" >>>
>> geee I wonder if that guy in north brookfield would have got that joke
Maybe if he had any sort of positive personality.
Nope, guess he wouldn't.
:) sparky
104.530 | if I could only remember.... | SMURF::PETERT | | Wed Nov 11 1992 20:29 | 6 |
| There's another joke on this one that has to do with American Indian
women, their sons, and an animal from the African plains. I can
reconstruct the pun-ch line, but I forget the setup. Anybody willing,
or has it been posted here before?
104.531 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Thu Nov 12 1992 16:44 | 6 |
| I bet Pythagoras would love that one. They had knights and stuff when he was
alive, right? (spoken like a real history buff, eh?)
That's the second P. Theorem joke I've heard. Let's not try for 3!
104.532 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | fast times at Decnet High | Thu Nov 12 1992 18:23 | 8 |
>I bet Pythagoras would love that one. They had knights and stuff when he was
>alive, right? (spoken like a real history buff, eh?)
Pythagorus died in 497 B.C., about a thousand years before they had knights and
Cryus Lance-a-lot
104.533 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Thu Nov 12 1992 20:43 | 9 |
| re: <<< Note 104.532 by CSCMA::M_PECKAR "fast times at Decnet High" >>>
>Pythagorus died in 497 B.C., about a thousand years before they had knights and
Hmm, thanks for the correction. I'll have to remember that next time I work
Pythagorus and knights and stuff into a conversation..
adam :-)
104.534 | | ICS::FINUCANE | | Fri Nov 13 1992 10:58 | 8 |
re: Adam...
104.535 | | LJOHUB::RILEY | Namer of chaotic individuals everywhere! | Fri Nov 13 1992 11:22 | 30 |
While we're on the subject of these types of jokes:
Frank and Joan were happily married for 10 years until things started
to turn sour in their relationship. Joan was fooling around with a
co-worker at the supermarket where she was employed, and Frank could
take it no longer. Frank decided to hire a hit man, and found one
through various connections. The hit man, Artie, came over to Frank's
house one day while Joan was at work to discuss the details of the
situation, and when he heard about Joan cheating on her husband, he
went into a fit.
" My wife did the same thing to me, and it ruined my life!" he said to
Frank, "So I'll tell you what, I'll take care of your wife for $1!"
Well, Frank was elated to have arranged for such a bargain and agreed
to it immediately. However, he didn't realize that Artie was one
sandwich short of a picnic...
The next day Artie went into the Supermarket while Joan was working,
and walked up to her and strangled her to death right then and there.
Her co-worker lover ran up to Artie and said, "What have you done to my
Joan?" whereby Artie then strangled her lover.
Well, Artie was caught, and locked up for good, and the headlines in
the papers read:
Artie Chokes Two for a Dollar at the A & P!
104.536 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | fast times at Decnet High | Fri Nov 13 1992 17:30 | 13 |
A Chzech woman, a Chinaman, and a Croatian had wandered off from the main
group to take some pictures of some hippopottomi while on safari in deepest
darkest Africa. Suddenly there was a flourish and the rest the group ran over
to see only the Croatian and two belching, overstuffed hippos, male and
female, picking there teeth contentedly. The group leader got out his knife and
said to the Croatian: "We've got to get them out fast. Ladies first, which
one ate the Chzech?" To which the Croatian simply said:
"The Chzech is in the Male."
104.537 | Hah! :-) | CSLALL::HENDERSON | To the bright side of the road | Fri Nov 13 1992 17:36 | 2 |
104.538 | monk/nun baseball joke? | CORA::64423::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Fri Nov 13 1992 17:41 | 11 |
| Not bad!
Somewhere, possibly back in this topic (though I've searched in vain for it)
I read a joke similar to the Pythagoras joke. This one was something to do
with monks and nuns in a monastery, and the punch line punned the baseball
end-of-inning summary that baseball announcers always say, like;
"No runs, no hits, and none left on base".
Anyone have it, can they post it here and/or send it to me?
thanks, Josh
104.539 | I found it! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Fri Nov 13 1992 18:37 | 8 |
| <<< Note 104.538 by CORA::64423::BELKIN "the slow one now will later be fast" >>>
-< monk/nun baseball joke? >-
See .488
104.540 | Fish story... | YNGSTR::STANLEY | Ain't no luck, I learned to duck... | Fri Nov 13 1992 19:40 | 16 |
| A man and his wife were visiting a beautiful Japanese garden. They wandered
for half a day along the winding paths among the flowers and bushes. Feeling
tired, they stopped and sat on a bench by a small carp pond. The woman noticed
a concession stand on the other side of the pond and asked her husband if he'd
like anything to drink. The man agreed and the woman headed over to get their
refreshment. Just when she reached the other side of the pond she realized
that she didn't bring any cash with her. She called to her husband and told
him. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and tossed it across
the pond. A large carp leaped out of the pond and grabbed the wallet in mid
air. This fish then swam to another and that carp took the wallet. That
carp in turn swam to another carp who also took the wallet. This went on while
the man and his wife watched in amazement.
The man looked up at his wife and said...
"Well, that's the first time I've *ever* seen carp to carp walleting!
104.541 | Dave Barry for Friday! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Fri Nov 13 1992 19:50 | 102 |
Subj: A Dave Barry appropriate to writers and editors alike.....
Once again it's time for the popular educational feature ``Ask Mister
Language Person,'' brought to you this week by Ray's House of Fine
Adverbs. Remember Ray's motto: ``Proudly Serving You, Eventually.''
Our first grammar question today comes from concerned reader Brian
Cameron of Elora, Ontario, who writes: ``Just what does it mean when
someone says, `But, by the same token'?''
A. In grammatical terminology, this is what is known as a
``constipating conjunction.'' It is used to separate two statements that
would sound stupid if they were right next to each other.
-- ``Unemployment will definitely decrease. But, by the same token, it
could increase.''
-- ``In 27 years of marriage, Todd never noticed Marie's tentacle.
But, by the same token, he was a fine tennis player.''
- - -
Q. In the song ``The Joker,'' what is the mystery word that Steve
Miller sings in the following verse:
``Some people call me the space cowboy
Some people call me the gangster of love
Some people call me Maurice
'cause I speak of the (SOMETHING) of love.''
A. According to the Broward County Public Library, the word is
Q. What does ``pompatus'' mean?
A. Nothing. Steve made it up. That's why some people call him ``the
space cowboy.''
- - -
Q. How come we say ``tuna fish''? I mean, tuna IS a kind of fish,
right? We don't say ``tomato vegetable'' or ``milk dairy product'' or
``beef meat,'' do we? And how come we call it ``beef''? How come we
don't say, ``I'll have a piece of cow, rare''? And how come we say
``rare''? And how come the waiter always says, ``DID you want some
dessert,'' instead of, ``DO you want some dessert?'' Does he mean, ``DID
you want some dessert, before you found those hairs in your lasagna?''
And how come everybody says ``sher-BERT,'' when the word is ``sher-
BET''? And how come broadcast news reporters end their reports by
saying, ``This is Edward M. Stuntgoat, reporting.'' What ELSE would we
think he's doing? Hemorrhaging? And how come some people call Steve
Miller ``Maurice''?
A. Those particular people call EVERYBODY ``Maurice.''
- - -
VICE PRESIDENT QUAYLE (reading from a cue card): You forgot the ``e''
in ``tomatoe.'' Alsoe ``Ontarioe.''
- - -
Q. Last year, when your son, Robby, was doing a fourth-grade homework
assignment that required him to use the word ``combine'' in a sentence,
what sentence did he write?
A. He wrote: ``Unfortunately, many people have died being shredded by
a combine.''
Q. Are you making that up?
A. No.
Q. Are you concerned about it?
A. No. But, by the same token, yes.
- - -
Q. According to a March 18, 1992, New York Times article sent to you
by alert reader Melanie Allen, what were Russian anarchists chanting at
a Moscow street demonstration?
A. They were chanting: ``Eat Gaseous Worms.'' The Times states:
``Nobody figured out what this was supposed to mean, but the slogan
stirred considerable emotion.''
Q. ``Gaseous Worms'' would be a good name for a rock band.
A. Yes. Another one would be ``Raymond Burr's Legs.''
- - -
Q. What do The Dalai Lama's friends call him in informal social
A. They just call him by his first name.
Q. They call him ``The''?
A. Yes. They say, ``Hey, The! Don't hog all the Tater Tots!''
- - -
Q. According to alert reader Wes Munsil, what can the letters in ``H.
ROSS PEROT'' be rearranged to spell?
A. ``SHORT POSER.'' Two other combinations, developed by top editors
in the Style section of the world-famous Washington Post, are ``SPORT
Q. Did they work these out on company time?
A. Of course. They are journalists.
- - -
Q. Speaking of journalists, did an alert reader named Dennis Fazekas
recently send you an article from the Tulare, Calif., Advance-Register
concerning a prisoner who escaped from the Tulare courthouse?
A. Yes.
Q. And what did the headline say?
- - -
TODAY'S TIP FOR NOVEL WRITERS: Remember that you can make big money
if your novel is made into a movie, so in your writing, always be alert
for opportunities to include scenes that will appeal to the motion-
picture industry.
- - -
WRONG: ``Apprehensively, Hugo entered the room.''
RIGHT: ``Apprehensively, Hugo entered the room and found Julia
Roberts in there naked.''
VICE PRESIDENT QUAYLE: You forgot the ``e'' in ``Hugoe.''
104.542 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | To the bright side of the road | Sat Nov 14 1992 12:18 | 11 |
RE; Carp to carp walleting...I'm dyin' :-)
104.543 | its worth saving | CORA::64423::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Mon Nov 16 1992 13:27 | 3 |
Sparky, thanks for the pointer.
104.545 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Thu Nov 19 1992 17:05 | 7 |
| I thought that I was still in the "World We Work In" topic and the memo was
REAL! I had to check the topic title after I read the line about the turkeys
being live!
Pretty funny.
104.546 | :') | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Better make it through today | Thu Nov 19 1992 17:08 | 2 |
| I got as far as the pens to hold them in....no way would they rip up
the grass for that !
104.547 | | MONTOR::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Thu Nov 19 1992 17:41 | 12 |
| There was another good one going around last year that
told about reduced benefits.
Like this year, you get a coupon for a turkey breast.
Then next year a coupon for a pound of sliced turkey.
THen a pound of ground turkey.
The last year you got turkey hot dogs
104.548 | Ok, one more time, without phone #'s! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Thu Nov 19 1992 18:32 | 36 |
| <forwards & headers deleted>
To: See Below
As you know, the Corporation is continuing its efforts to reduce expenses
which do not contribute to our goal of profitability. Some recent examples
include the cancellation of the Canobie Lake outings and more stringent
control over travel expenses. As part of this effort, we are modifying
the 1992 holiday turkey distribution program in the U.S. Digital has
had a contract with turkey growers since the spring, due to the time
required to raise the turkeys, and we feel bound to honor that contract.
However, the one element which had not be contracted by the summer was
the slaughtering and dressing process associated with the turkey distribution
As such, we are announcing that turkeys will be distributed this year and
'turkey cards' are being distributed with paychecks the week of November 16.
However, the turkeys will be distributed live. Penned in areas have been
constructed at each distribution site and the turkeys will be delivered
to the pens the day of turkey distribution. Employees may personally
select the turkey they wish to take. Each employee will receive printed
instructions on the slaughtering, feather removal and dressing process.
For those employees who would prefer not to do this function, names of
local slaughter houses and butchers will be provided. In addition, care
instructions will be provided for those employees who wish to keep their
turkey as a pet. Due to the nature of turkeys, it is advised that all
employees have an old blanket or cloth in their car to prevent stains.
The days for turkey distribution at each site will be announced locally.
We are sure you will support our efforts to continue to reduce Digital's
costs and wish you a happy holiday season!
<Distribution List Suppressed>
104.549 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Fri Nov 20 1992 13:03 | 3 |
| where's the reply from DEC systems account about investigations by DEC
104.550 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Fri Nov 20 1992 13:13 | 1 |
| I thought it was a new topic ... 320 ... looks like it's gone.
104.551 | I couldn't stop laughing . . . | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Fri Nov 20 1992 16:46 | 107 |
-< Equine Notes Conference >-
Note 446.0 Horse humor 7 replies
CIPHER::GREENBERG 99 lines 3-APR-1986 09:20
BISON::TEDONE 113 lines 1-MAY-1984 11:06
Choice Words About Horses
They Shoot Writers, don't they?
By Dave Barry
I have always been opposed to horses. Horses have enormous
bodies and hard feet such as could easily stomp a person's body
until it was the consistency of grits. I see no reason why the
government should not require horses to have soft feet, like
dogs. you never hear of a dog stomping anybody to death.
Another advantage of dogs is that you can look them right in the
eyes. This is because dogs' eyes are located close together, on
the same side side of their heads. Horses, on the other hand,
have eyes the size of cueballs located on completely different
sides of the head, often several feet apart. While one eye is
looking at you in a stupid, obedient, traditionally horse-like
way, the eye on the other side may have a shrewd, calculating
look, the look of an animal that is thinking, "What would happen
if I stomped him to death? I bet they wouldn't arrest me. The
district attorney would look like a fool, bringing in a horse
before the grand jury. I bet the worst that would happen is that
people would stop sitting on me and making idiot noises, such as
If you think horses aren't smart enough to figure all this out,
I suggest you look at some of the old shows featuring such
extremely smart television horse as Trigger and Mister Ed. Mister
Ed actually did all his own talking. He put out the story that
somebody else was doing it because he was ashamed of the quality
of the dialog. Eventually he quit, and today he produces the
MacNeil-Lehrer Report.
So my policy has always been to stay a distance of several
football fields from any potential horse. The only exception,
until a few weeks ago, was the time my wife got me to sit on a
rental horse in Rocky Mountain National Park. The idea was that
we would ride up the mountainside and see some scenic vistas and
gallop to some secluded lake and be stomped to death, but
fortunately my horse refused to do anything except eat and go to
the bathroom. It was employed by the federal government.
After that narrow escape, I vowed never to get on a horse again,
and I was doing fine until a few weeks ago, when I went to
Texas. You know how when you see Texans in the movies, they
always drive pick-up trucks and wear big hats and say "Howdy" and
act real friendly when they're not hitting each other with
chairs? Well, that is exactly what real Texans are like. You
get the impression they all undergo some kind of mandatory training.
So I was in Texas, and this Texan named George insisted that I
come out to his house and get on one of his horses. He was just
trying to be hospitable. I explained my theory about how horses
are potentially lethal, but I think George thought I was kidding.
He said he had some really nice horses. I think he said one was
gelding, which made me really nervous, because the last thing I
need is to be sitting on a gelded horse when it decides to get
Fortunately, George put me on this woman horse named Frosty. He
figured I'd be safe on her because she's something like 145 years
old and has never been gelded or anything. George rode his own
personal horse, Booger. Booger is the size of a recreational
vehicle and is what is known as "spirited," which means he's
always snorting and rolling its eyes and pawing and generally
behaving the way Jack Nicholson did in "The Shining" just before
he went after his wife and child with an axe.
We rode around an arena, and it actually worked out fine. I
wasn't killed or anything. Unlike the federal rental horse,
Frosty wanted to run, but if I pulled back on the reins she would
stop. Then she'd start again, and I'd stop her, and she'd start
again, etc. It was a peck of fun.
I even tried my hand at roping. Ordinarily, people rope calves,
which are baby cows, but George had me trying to rope a former
umbrella stand. It was originally a milk can that George's wife
had converted into an antique umbrella stand, but one day while
she was at church George welded runners on it and attached an
imitation calf's head. He drags it around behind Booger so
people can practice roping it. At least that's whet he claimed.
For all I know, it was an elaborate joke, and he had hundreds of
Texas friends hiding in the bushes and howling with laughter
while this cretin Yankee tried to rope an umbrella stand.
I didn't care. I was just glad I didn't have to try to rope a
real calf, because you can never tell when the mother and father
cows will come running over and stomp you to death. They have
hard feet, too.
104.552 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Wed Dec 02 1992 16:34 | 29 |
| >From the 11/6/92 David Letterman Show
10. Fill out Dan's Dairy Queen application.
9. Stock up on Defense Department hair shellac for Marilyn.
8. Begin difficult process of teaching Dan a new address.
7. Erase "I can't believe I'm Vice-President" doodles from
his desk.
6. Get cushy job from one of President's deadbeat sons.
5. Break news to Dan that he wasn't re-elected.
4. Try to meet Bush.
3. Get Dan's favorite chew toy back from Millie.
2. Explain to the children that Daddy will never hold
any kind of political office ever again.
And the number one thing the Quayles have to do before January 20th...
1. One more blunder for the road.
104.553 | 8^} | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Wed Dec 02 1992 16:48 | 30 |
10: Turn country's economic problems over to someone smart like Einstein.
9: Shout, "Who needs this anymore!" as he throws his toupee in the
8: Declaw Socks.
7: Declaw Hillary.
6: Appoint Gennifer Flowers ambassador to his pants.
5: Track down that guy who tried to draft him 25 years ago and fire him.
4: Make Gore memorize the spelling of common vegetables.
3: Flip back a "Double Jack" and yell, "Whiskey Boy in Charge!"
2: Get out his "Finger List" and start flipping through it.
1: Practice the Pocket Veto!
104.554 | giggle | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | I am the Rhombus! | Wed Dec 02 1992 20:15 | 8 |
| <--- re
... Hey Bill! Is that a veto in your pocket, or ...
- jeff
104.555 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Dec 03 1992 18:52 | 43 |
So, these three men find themselves in front of the gates of heaven, waiting
on line to speak to St. Peter.
The first one gets up, and St. Peter says, "So, tell me your story". And the
guy says: "St. Peter.. it happened like this. For 15 years, I worked in the
factory. Every day, in in the morning, home at night. One day, for the first
time in 15 years, I come home during the day for lunch. And what do I see?
My wife, in the living room, in a little, frilly nightgown. So, I say 'Aha!'
there's only one reason why she would be wearing a frilly nightgown in the
middle of the day and I race into the bedroom. I look everywhere, the bed,
the closet, and finally I look out the window and I see two hands.. ten
fingers.. gripping on to the outside of the window ledge! So I reach down and
start pounding on this guy's fingers! Finally, he yells out - and falls down.
I look out the window - and this guy, he landed in a bush - he's not even dead!
So now I'm SO MAD.. I'm running around the house - I grab the refrigerator..
pick it up.. and throw it out the window on top of the guy on the bush and
finally, he's dead. But the exertion and my anger - it was too much - my heart
gave out, I had a heart attack, and now, here I am"
So, St. Peter says, "Oh what a story.. an act of passion.. you sit over here,
we'll find some room for you."
So, the 2nd guy gets up, and St. Peter says, "So, tell me your story". And
the guy says, "St. Peter, it happened like this." For 15 years I've been
washing windows. So, the other day, I'm going like always when all of a
sudden I slip! I'm falling and falling and then, like a miracle, I'm able to
grab on to this ledge! And I'm hanging there, praying to God I don't fall,
when all of a sudden this lunatic starts pounding on my fingers! I try to hold
on but I can't and again I'm falling and falling and like a miracle, I land in
this bush! I'm alive! and I'm thinking, oh I'm so lucky, God was watching out
for me after all.. and before I can even finish the thought, a refrigerator
lands on top of me and then I came here"
So, St. Peter says, "Oh - what a terrible story! You sit over here, we'll let
you in in a minute."
So, now the third guy comes up. And St. Peter says, "So, tell me your story"
And the third guy says: "Well, I was sitting in this refrigerator..."
104.556 | Hmmmmmmmmmm | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Thu Dec 03 1992 19:25 | 69 |
| Figured this was the most suiting place for this note.
During this festive season, we all begin humming our favorite Christmas songs.
Most of these songs are well-loved and have been around a long time. However,
woud these songs be recognizable under different titles? See how many of these
Christmas tunes you can identify.
1. Small City in Judea
2. Colorless Yuletide
3. Singular Yearning for Twin Anterior Incisors
4. Loyal Followers, Advance
5. Righteous Darkness
6. Weather-cloudless: Arrival Time-2400 Hours
7. Far Off in a Feeder
8. Array the Corridors
9. Bantam Percussionist
10. Monarchical Triad
11. Nocturnal Noiselessness
12. Father Christmas En Route to Borough
13. Initial Christmas
14. Frozen Precipitation Commence
15. Proceed and Enlighten Upon the Pinnacle
16. The Quadruped with the Vermillion Proboscis
17. Query Regarding Identity of Descendant
18. Delight for This Planet
19. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings
20. Hence Arriveth Kris Kringle
21. At the Zenith of the Habitat
22. Jehovah Dulcify Blithe Chevaliers
23. The Dozen Festive 24-hour Intervals
24. Shaking Sleigh Ornaments
25. Is There Auditory Agreement Among Us
26. A Jocund Yuletide From All of Us
27. Frozen Fairylike Imaginary Realm
28. The Yule Conifer
29. The Laughing Ancient Holy Chap
30. Notice Sharon's Thorny Flower Unfurl Forever
31. Hurray!
104.557 | ...time to dig out the dusties... | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | I am the Rhombus! | Thu Dec 03 1992 21:22 | 68 |
| > See how many of these Christmas tunes you can identify.
I'll give it a shot -- and set my timer for 5 minutes...
- jeff-who-got-23/31...
1. Small City in Judea
oh little town of bethlehem
2. Colorless Yuletide
white x-mas
3. Singular Yearning for Twin Anterior Incisors
all I want for x-mas is my 2 front teeth
4. Loyal Followers, Advance
oh come all ye faithful
5. Righteous Darkness
oh happy night ?
6. Weather-cloudless: Arrival Time-2400 Hours
7. Far Off in a Feeder
away in the manger
8. Array the Corridors
deck the halls
9. Bantam Percussionist
little drummer boy
10. Monarchical Triad
we three kings
11. Nocturnal Noiselessness
silent night
12. Father Christmas En Route to Borough
santa claus is comin' to town; or santa claus goes straight to the ghetto (a
James Brown classic!)
13. Initial Christmas
14. Frozen Precipitation Commence
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
15. Proceed and Enlighten Upon the Pinnacle
16. The Quadruped with the Vermillion Proboscis
rudolph the red nosed raindeer
17. Query Regarding Identity of Descendant
what child is this
18. Delight for This Planet
joy to the world
19. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings
hark the herald angels sing
20. Hence Arriveth Kris Kringle
here comes santa claus
21. At the Zenith of the Habitat
22. Jehovah Dulcify Blithe Chevaliers
23. The Dozen Festive 24-hour Intervals
the twelve days of x-mas
24. Shaking Sleigh Ornaments
jingle bells
25. Is There Auditory Agreement Among Us
26. A Jocund Yuletide From All of Us
we wish you a merry x-mas
27. Frozen Fairylike Imaginary Realm
winter wonderland
28. The Yule Conifer
Oh christmas tree
29. The Laughing Ancient Holy Chap
jolly ol' saint nick
30. Notice Sharon's Thorny Flower Unfurl Forever
31. Hurray!
104.558 | coupla more | CUPTAY::BAILEY | Certified Ski Destructor | Fri Dec 04 1992 11:09 | 9 |
| >> 6. Weather-cloudless: Arrival Time-2400 Hours
They Came Upon a Midnight Clear
>> 21. At the Zenith of the Habitat
Up on the Rooftop
104.559 | | SMURF::PETERT | | Fri Dec 04 1992 13:49 | 9 |
| Phyllis, That's about the only joke I can ever remember and I've been
telling it for a long time now. Slight variation in the situation and
occupation of 2nd guy (seems a bit better then the way I tell it ;-)
and I end the punch line as,
"Well, I was hiding in this refrigirator..."
Good joke though ;-)
104.560 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Fri Dec 04 1992 15:40 | 65 |
| [many forwards removed]
OWATONNA, Minn (AP) {found in a neswpaper from Buffalo, NY}
Roy Colette and his brother-in-law have been exchanging the same
pair of pants as a Christmas present for 11 years - and each time
the package gets harder to open. This year the pants came wrapped
in a car mashed into a 3-foot cube.
The trousers are in the glove compartment of a 1974 Gremlin. Now
Collette's plotting his revenge--if he can get them out.
It all started when Collette received a pair of moleskin trousers
from his brother-in-law, Larry Kunkel of Bensenville, Ill. Kunkel's
mother had given her son the britches when he was a college student.
He wore them a few times, but they froze stiff in cold weather
and he didn't like them. So he gave them to Collette.
Collette, who called the moleskins "miserable", wore them three
times, then wrapped them up and gave them back to Kunkel for
Christmas the next year.
The friendly exchange continued routinely until Collette twisted
the pants tightly, stuffed them into a 3-foot-long, 1-inch wide
tube and gave them back to Kunkel.
The next Christmas, Kunkel compressed the pants into a 7-inch
square, wrapped them with wire and gave the "bale" to Collette.
Not to be outdone, the next year Collette put the pants into a
2-foot-square crate filled with stones, nailed it shut, banded it
with steel and gave the trusty trousers back to Kunkel.
The brothers agreed to end the caper if the trousers were damaged.
But they were as careful as they were clever.
Kunkel had the pants mounted inside an insulated window that had a
20-year guarantee and shipped them off to Collette.
Collette broke the glass, recovered the trousers, stuffed them into
a 5-inch coffee can and soldered it shut. The can was put in a
5-gallon container filled with concrete and reinforcing rods and
given to Kunkel the following Christmas.
Two years ago, Kunkel installed the pants in a 225-pound homemade
steel ashtray made from 8-inch steel casings and etched Collette's
name on the side. Collette had trouble retrieving the treasured
trousers, but succeeded without burning them with a cutting torch.
Last Christmas, Collette found a 600-pound safe and hauled it to
Viracon Inc. in Owatonna, where the shipping department decorated
it with red and green stripes, put the pants inside and welded the
safe shut. The safe was then shipped to Kunkel, who is the plant
manager for Viracon's outlet in Bensenville.
Last week, the pants were trucked to Owatonna, 55 miles south of
Minneapolis, in a drab green, 3-foot cube that once was a car with
95,000 miles on it. A note attached to the 2,000-pound scrunched car
advised Collette that the pants were inside the glove compartment.
"This will take some planning," Collette said. "I will definitely
get them out. I'm confident." But he's waiting until January to
think about how to recover the bothersome britches.
"Wait until next year," he warned. "I'm on the offensive again."
104.561 | | LJOHUB::RILEY | Namer of chaotic individuals everywhere! | Fri Dec 04 1992 16:03 | 9 |
He oughtta take the 2,000 pound cube, put it in the back seat of an old
Cadillac, and have the Caddy crushed into a cube!!!
But that would be unoriginal... How would you top the last "wrapping
104.562 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Wrong week to quit smoking | Fri Dec 04 1992 16:09 | 10 |
Well, I'll be panting waiting to hear the next one :-)
104.563 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Fri Dec 04 1992 17:27 | 2 |
| Surround the pants with a shell of anti-matter held in place by
a space-time flux ... heh heh heh, that'll get him.
104.564 | | ANGLIN::GEBHART | Met her accidentally in St.Paul, MN | Fri Dec 04 1992 17:32 | 6 |
| When it gets real cold in Minn. people get goofy. Believe me
I have lived here my whole life.
goofy's pal Pluto ;-)
104.565 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | got the Canned Heat Blues | Mon Dec 07 1992 13:04 | 6 |
| Treemon -
I think he first has to unwrap the trousers and then re-wrap them. just putting
the cubed car in a big ole caddie won't do! perhaps after it is unwrapped...
104.566 | :-) | NOVA::FREIWALD | Sic friatur crustum dulce! | Mon Dec 07 1992 18:43 | 102 |
For the first bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
See if they can do it again.
For the second bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the third bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the fourth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the fifth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the sixth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the seventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the eighth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the ninth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Blame it on the hardware
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the tenth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Change the documentation
Blame it on the hardware
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the eleventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Say it's not supported
Change the documentation
Blame it on the hardware
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
Tell them it's a feature
Say it's not supported
Change the documentation
Blame it on the hardware
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again.
104.567 | Adventure in gift giving | SPOCK::IRONS | | Mon Dec 07 1992 19:37 | 78 |
------- Forwarded Message
Subj: Holiday traditions...
[forwards removed]
OWATONNA, Minn (AP) {found in a neswpaper from Buffalo, NY}
Roy Colette and his brother-in-law have been exchanging the same
pair of pants as a Christmas present for 11 years - and each time
the package gets harder to open. This year the pants came wrapped
in a car mashed into a 3-foot cube.
The trousers are in the glove compartment of a 1974 Gremlin. Now
Collette's plotting his revenge--if he can get them out.
It all started when Collette received a pair of moleskin trousers
from his brother-in-law, Larry Kunkel of Bensenville, Ill. Kunkel's
mother had given her son the britches when he was a college student.
He wore them a few times, but they froze stiff in cold weather
and he didn't like them. So he gave them to Collette.
Collette, who called the moleskins "miserable", wore them three
times, then wrapped them up and gave them back to Kunkel for
Christmas the next year.
The friendly exchange continued routinely until Collette twisted
the pants tightly, stuffed them into a 3-foot-long, 1-inch wide
tube and gave them back to Kunkel.
The next Christmas, Kunkel compressed the pants into a 7-inch
square, wrapped them with wire and gave the "bale" to Collette.
Not to be outdone, the next year Collette put the pants into a
2-foot-square crate filled with stones, nailed it shut, banded it
with steel and gave the trusty trousers back to Kunkel.
The brothers agreed to end the caper if the trousers were damaged.
But they were as careful as they were clever.
Kunkel had the pants mounted inside an insulated window that had a
20-year guarantee and shipped them off to Collette.
Collette broke the glass, recovered the trousers, stuffed them into
a 5-inch coffee can and soldered it shut. The can was put in a
5-gallon container filled with concrete and reinforcing rods and
given to Kunkel the following Christmas.
Two years ago, Kunkel installed the pants in a 225-pound homemade
steel ashtray made from 8-inch steel casings and etched Collette's
name on the side. Collette had trouble retrieving the treasured
trousers, but succeeded without burning them with a cutting torch.
Last Christmas, Collette found a 600-pound safe and hauled it to
Viracon Inc. in Owatonna, where the shipping department decorated
it with red and green stripes, put the pants inside and welded the
safe shut. The safe was then shipped to Kunkel, who is the plant
manager for Viracon's outlet in Bensenville.
Last week, the pants were trucked to Owatonna, 55 miles south of
Minneapolis, in a drab green, 3-foot cube that once was a car with
95,000 miles on it. A note attached to the 2,000-pound scrunched car
advised Collette that the pants were inside the glove compartment.
"This will take some planning," Collette said. "I will definitely
get them out. I'm confident." But he's waiting until January to
think about how to recover the bothersome britches.
"Wait until next year," he warned. "I'm on the offensive again."
------- End of Forwarded Message
104.568 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Wrong week to quit smoking | Mon Dec 07 1992 19:51 | 8 |
Its deja vu all over again :-)
104.569 | Hmmmmm, I've seen this somewhere before... | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | I am the Rhombus! | Mon Dec 07 1992 22:36 | 10 |
Its deja vu all over again :-)
104.570 | | ROCK::ROCK::FROMM | There is no way to peace;peace is the way. | Tue Dec 08 1992 01:08 | 1 |
| it keeps going, and going, and going, . . .
104.571 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | US/UN out of Somalia! | Tue Dec 08 1992 12:21 | 2 |
| it keeps going, and going, and going, . . .
104.572 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Tue Dec 08 1992 12:27 | 4 |
"Now, cut that out."
- Jack Benny
104.573 | :) | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Tue Dec 08 1992 16:26 | 10 |
| "We trained hard... but it seemed that everytime we were
beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganized.
I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new
situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can
be for creating the illusion of progress while producing
confusion, inefficiency and demoralization."
- Petronius Arbiter, Greek Navy - 210 BC
104.574 | yup | CIVIC::ROBERTS | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Tue Dec 08 1992 18:49 | 4 |
| way cool sparky. I've had the quote taped up in my office for
a couple years. it gets truer and truer every day.
104.575 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Dec 08 1992 18:55 | 6 |
| re: the quote from 210 BC
we are in the process of forming teams, with coaches and resource
leaders....i found the quote VERY FUNNY INDEED! management did
104.576 | It was sent to me by someone in my group! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Tue Dec 08 1992 19:05 | 5 |
| Yeah, teams. IDC is reorging into complete "teams".
8^} sparky
104.577 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:01 | 3 |
| Sparky,
You work for IDC also? Who's yer boss?
104.578 | teams = confusion | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:19 | 9 |
| I dunno.
My "boss" was laid off. Let's see, I guess it's Arline Stith.
Judith Scott is our CC manager, and Judy Hall is our Business
Does that help ya out at all?
104.579 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:35 | 7 |
| I know a Judy Hall who is a Consulting Engineer, formerly from
LCG (LSSE) in MRO. I don't know what a 'Business Leader' is,
and frankly it doesn't sound like her kind of job, but I figured
I ask. The Judy I know was married to Wayne Hall, who at least
at one time ran Corporate Telecomm.
104.580 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:42 | 4 |
| Judy Hall is our business leader here in CO also, cause she's
responsible for storage....
104.581 | Anyone got a good joke? | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:52 | 4 |
| There are 4 or 5 Judy Hall's out there. "Our" Judy came from
MLO. She used to be my mom's boss which is the funniest thing . . .
104.582 | you asked! Oh, a GOOD joke! mods PLEASE delete | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Dec 09 1992 14:57 | 2 |
| you can lead a horticulture,
but you can't make her think.
104.583 | Not bad on short notice... | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Wed Dec 09 1992 15:17 | 1 |
| heh heh heh.
104.584 | Dave Barry on Christmas | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Thu Dec 10 1992 14:07 | 80 |
| Reprinted without permission from the Miami Herald
'Tis the holiday season -- a time when writers openly use words like
``'tis'' and even ``'twas''; a time when throngs of excited parents
bustle into the Toys Sure ``R'' Costing ``U'' Plen-``T'' store and club
each other with sturdy Tonka trucks in fierce holiday struggles over who
gets to purchase the only remaining unit of the toy industry's hottest
new product concept, Baby Fester Face (``The Doll That Develops REAL
BOILS!''); a time when festive gatherings of loud, eggnog-impaired
people attempt to sing ``The Twelve Days of Christmas'' despite the fact
that nobody ever remembers what my true love gave to me after day five:
``... drummers milking
``EIGHT leapers leaping
``SEVEN figgy puddings
``SIX snakes a-molting ... ''
Yes, the holiday season is a time of traditions, and here in the
newspaper industry we have a cherished tradition of reminding you, the
public, of all the holiday-related ways in which you can get injured or
killed. We also perform this service for you on Memorial Day, the Fourth
of July, Labor Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. (``Enjoy your turkey
dinner, but remember: This year, 250 Americans will choke on their
So today I want to discuss a potential holiday disaster that was
brought to my attention by alert reader Debby Denniston, who sent me an
Associated Press article that appeared last December in the Albany (N.Y.
) Times Union. The article, which I am not making up, begins:
``FREMONT, Neb. -- A 10-year-old boy trying to keep his dog from
throwing up on a rug was pinned when the family Christmas tree fell on
top of him.''
This incident should come as no surprise to anybody who has ever
owned a dog. Throwing up on rugs is the primary function of dogs, as a
species. If you were to put a dog in the middle of the Sahara, the dog
would immediately start trotting in a straight, purposeful line, and it
would continue night and day, traveling thousands of miles if necessary,
defying exhaustion, starvation and thirst, until it located a rug, which
it would throw up on.
So anyway, when this Fremont, Neb., dog -- whose name, according to
the article, is ``Pookie'' -- started to woof, the boy shoved him off the
rug. Naturally, this caused the Christmas tree to fall. Christmas trees
have some kind of inner-ear problem that renders them incapable of
standing erect for any significant length of time. In their natural
forest environment, they grow horizontally on the ground, like zucchini.
Compounding the problem is the fact that Christmas trees are known to
be among the most vicious members of the plant community. They become
especially hostile after they've spent weeks tied up tightly at the
Christmas-tree sales lot while holiday shoppers repeatedly lift them up
and pound them down to see if any needles fall off. So when Dad brings a
tree home, cuts its ropes and tries to jam it into one of those
ludicrously flimsy, ashtray-sized ``tree stands'' -- which are barely
adequate to handle a small floral centerpiece, let alone an enraged,
full-grown conifer -- the tree, freed from its restraining ropes, will
immediately start lunging violently in all directions, while Mom, trying
to be helpful, says, ``OK, now it's leaning to the left ... OK, now it's
leaning to the right ... OK, now it's leaning back to the left ... OK,
now it's ...'' Meanwhile, Dad, somewhere down on the floor under the
thrashing branches, pine sap smeared in his hair, is fighting for his
life, bleeding from hundreds of tiny pine-needle stab wounds and saying
many non-holiday words. At least that's the tradition in our house.
But getting back to the Associated Press article: There the boy was,
alone in his house, trapped under a highly aggressive Christmas tree.
Fortunately, Pookie saw what was happening, trotted alertly over to the
boy, and, in the heroic tradition of resourceful canines Lassie and Rin-
Tin-Tin, threw up.
No, seriously, the article states that the boy was able to reach a
phone and call 911, whereupon ``police and firefighters pulled the tree
off the boy, who was not injured.'' The article does not state whether
the police used tranquilizer darts on the tree.
So fortunately this story has a happy ending, which is good, because
the holiday season should be a happy time. So before we create the
impression that there's nothing more to this very special time of year
than tree attacks, we'd like to wish you the best, and leave you with
this holiday thought: Both holly AND mistletoe are poisonous.
104.585 | Ahhhh the holidays! | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | I am the Rhombus! | Thu Dec 10 1992 19:46 | 12 |
Two years ago I was home visit'n the folks. I was up late watching some
random x-mas movie on TV, in typical home-from-college-for-the-holidays-
fashion. All of a sudden I hear this CCccccrrreeeaaak-CCRRAAASSSHHH!!!!
as our tree came slamming down onto the family room floor......it scared the
f'ing s't out of me!!
I was rather bummed, since I spent the next 2 hours vaccumming needles and
shards of broken ornaments out of the carpet. It wasn't funny until the
next morning.
- jeff
104.586 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu Dec 10 1992 19:48 | 3 |
and how many "the freekin dog knocked over the tree" stories can we
come up with as a group of deadheads????
104.587 | | CSLALL::HENDERSON | Wrong week to quit smoking | Thu Dec 10 1992 20:04 | 8 |
Well, I don't have one...anybody else? :-)
104.588 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu Dec 10 1992 20:05 | 4 |
| couldn't figger out why/how the tree was consumming so much water one
year, until we caught the dog drinkin out of the tree stand...
104.589 | Oh Christmas Tree, UH OH Christmas Tree! | LJOHUB::GILMORE | Shame on the Moon | Fri Dec 11 1992 11:34 | 4 |
| Our *cats* knocked over the tree one year! They're Maine Coons,
probably 15 - 20 lbs each. Of course, it was a _small_ tree!
:) sparky
104.590 | Fraidy-cats... | SALES::GKELLER | yrs=4 Atax on wallet/attacks on 2nd | Fri Dec 11 1992 11:55 | 8 |
| Our cats knocked over the tree a couple of times also. They thought it was
great to climb, until it came crashing down on top of them. I don't think
they went near the tree for 3 days:-). We fixed the problem by putting an
eyehook in the ceiling and tying a piece of heavy-suty fishing line
through the eyehook and around the top of the tree. it also gave us
something to tye the star to.
104.591 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Fri Dec 11 1992 12:11 | 2 |
| A friend of mine has a dog who attempts to eat Christmas tree ornaments.
Light bulbs, too.
104.592 | RamBudgee :-) | SCOONR::GLADU | | Fri Dec 11 1992 12:16 | 4 |
| We had a parakeet that escaped and got into the xmas tree once. Lived
in there for almost a whole month. Drank and bathed in the water, ate
the popcorn string, played with the bells and had a love affair with
his reflection in s shiny silver ornament ball. :-)
104.593 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | got the Canned Heat Blues | Fri Dec 11 1992 12:30 | 18 |
| re: greek navy quote
I can _totally_ relate to this; just when our team was beginning to really
take shape, BANG-O ... project in the toilet.
re: maine coons
Hey sparky! i grew up w/ a maine coon cat. ours was a genuine maine coon,
before anyone realized they could sell these critters for mucho bux. My
mom must have got him in '69 or '70 - he lived to be 17 yrs old. beautiful
cat: sleep by day, hunt by night. anyways, he's done a number on many xmas
trees - but, my father, being an engineer, always used bailing wire to keep
the trees up....
re: judy hall
i worked with a judy hall on the VAX SVS project (another cancelled project -
A1 o/s kernel)... consulting eng.
104.594 | | MRNGDU::YETTO | the future is here | Fri Dec 11 1992 12:54 | 9 |
my cats have knocked over a couple of trees as well. As recently as 2am
Monday morning. :-) Pearl likes to play with the ornaments (so there are
none down low) and Bonzo likes to either climb it or sharpen his claws on
the trunk. I've caught him 3/4 of the way up a Christmas tree staying very
still because he realized he and the tree would come crashing down otherwise.
They did anyway and I haven't caught him climbing a Christmas tree since. ;^)
104.595 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Fri Dec 11 1992 14:38 | 13 |
| years ago, when we were poor hippies, we used to have Xmas tree
ornament making parties. alot of cranberries and popcorn stringing.
sittin around one nite, bout 6 of us stringing popcorn. friend of mine
couldn't figger out why his string never got longer than a certain
length??? then he caught the dog behind the chair eating the popcorn
off the string as fast as it was being strung.....had to be there
parakeets...friend had one that was an alcoholic. used to sit on the
edge of ANY drink and suck it down till he'd fly into a wall and had to
be rescued from the cat...didn't act fast enough one nite, and the cat
had pickled parakeet for supper.
104.596 | | GUCCI::SMILLER | Mrs. Shannon DiPietro | Fri Dec 11 1992 14:43 | 9 |
| This will be our first Christmas being married, also in our new house.
So this will be the first time our cats will witness a Christmas tree.
It'll be interesting to see what they do to it, they're always into
things so I *know* something will happen.
ps-my cat is Pearl, too! the other (siamese) is Zeno.
104.597 | and I have real work to do | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Fri Dec 11 1992 15:56 | 8 |
| I have to discuss this in 5 minutes [from a memo]: "The process for
development of a recommendation is that you bring forward the
information you believe will enable the process in the format you have
in place."
104.598 | | YAHOOS::VASQUEZ | | Fri Dec 11 1992 18:27 | 9 |
| We have a deal with the cats.....the ornaments on the bottom three feet of
the tree belong to them. They are unbreakable, not of great sentimental
value, and have no small parts which could be swallowed.....oh, wait, that's
for children not cats....... The ones at the top of the tree are for us.
After several years of heated discussions with our feline masters, it was
the only accomdation we could agree upon.
104.599 | | VMPIRE::CLARK | the Gong Show | Fri Dec 11 1992 19:10 | 5 |
| Brainstorm!
Fill the bottom part of the tree with ornaments that look like little
minature vacuum cleaners, German Shepards, etc.! That'll scare the bejeesus
out of them thar cats by gum!
104.600 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Mon Dec 14 1992 12:46 | 5 |
| Sir Arthur the Abashed (slow movin basset-hound) is still tryin to
figger out the tree we put up this weekend...doesn't know whether
to piss on the trunk or grab a decoration off the lower branches.
104.601 | gotta love them mousies... | SALEM::MARKIEWICZ | enfant de l'Univers | Mon Dec 14 1992 19:24 | 10 |
| Our first cat, loved to climb our Christmas trees. No harm to the
tree, she only weighed 8 1/2 lbs. Our second cat, too fat to climb
loved to curl up and sleep under our Christmas trees. Our third and
current cat is not interested in Christmas trees only Turkey. We gave
him some on Thanksgiving and he brought us a mouse (dead) an hour
later to show his gratitude.
104.602 | Shep-mas | SPOCK::IRONS | | Tue Dec 15 1992 16:06 | 16 |
| Well, Shep is a pretty destructive dog at times. He must of had a bad
pup-hood or something. We got him from the pound so who knows. I
think he gets pissed because we leave him alone during the day because
we are at work.
He'll be fine all week except for maybe one bad day. Especially if the
UPS man comes a callin'! Yikes!! He tears the place apart!! I can
always tell if UPS was at my house: I can see the curtains in the front
picture window mangled or knocked down as I drive up the road. The dog
is an angel when we're home, of course.
Sooo, he spent the holidays in the basement last year. We were still
house training (all aspects!) then. We may give him a shot this year.
He's so moody, you just never know!
104.603 | From yesterday's Dave Barry... | DRINKS::WEISS | Beer -- It does a body good. | Tue Dec 15 1992 16:34 | 5 |
| By the eighties, a lot of radio stations, realizing the size of
the market out there, had started playing sixties music
again. They called it "classic rock," because they knew we'd
be upset if they came right out and called it what it is,
namely "middle-aged-person nostalgia music."
104.604 | | VERGA::STANLEY | what a long strange trip it's been | Tue Dec 15 1992 16:39 | 1 |
| :-) .. doesn't upset me.. I knew that all along..
104.605 | | EBBV03::SMITH | It all makes perfect sense | Fri Dec 18 1992 18:23 | 27 |
This may already be in here, don't have time to check:
Once upon a time there was a non-conforming sparrow
who decided not to fly south for the winter
However soon the weather turned so cold he
reluctantly started to fly south.
In a short time ice began to form on his little wings
and he fell into a barnyard
A cow passed by and crapped on the little sparrow.
The sparrow thought it was the end, but the manure
warmed and defrosted his wings.
Warm and happy, and able to breathe he started to sing.
Just then a large cat came by and hearing the chirping
investigated the sounds.
The cat cleared away the manure and found the sparrow,
and promptly ate him.
Moral of the story:
1) Everyone who sh!ts on you isn't neccessarily your enemy
2) Everyone who gets you out of sh!t is not necessarily your
3) And if your warm and happy in a pile of sh!t, keep your
mouth shut
104.606 | Poetic Non-Justice? | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | I am the Rhombus! | Fri Dec 18 1992 18:42 | 6 |
| > 3) And if your warm and happy in a pile of sh!t, keep your
> mouth shut
Hey, shouldn't this be in the world we work in note???
- jeff-who-can't-keep-shut ;-)
104.607 | smoke if you gottem | SSGV02::GPEACE::Strobel | expecting something witty? | Tue Dec 22 1992 12:47 | 10 |
| A friend from Microsoft sent me this one from the Deadhead workgroup alias
(guess they should have Notes!).
The Dead are rumored to be playing at Bill Clinton's Inaugural, playing
"Inhale to the Chief".
Oh, and GerG, I asked my friend to post a request for the 10/2/72 tape on the
outside (ok EXTREME outside) chance that someone might exist :-)
104.608 | | SCOONR::GLADU | | Tue Dec 22 1992 13:03 | 6 |
| I've got a few taping heavies with it on their list as well. Probably
need to get it from the vault since most of the folks who've been
taping and collecting for over 20 years don't have it - and if it was
out there, they would have it. Anyways, the vault is where the folks
at Deadbase (tm) got the set list from. If it comes from anywhere,
that's where it will come from.
104.609 | | SSGV02::GPEACE::Strobel | expecting something witty? | Tue Dec 22 1992 17:54 | 6 |
| I figured it would be a stretch, at best, given that with all the folks you
know, if it were out there you'd probably have it by now. Figured it couldn't
hurt. Who knows, maybe Gates will by part/all of the vault so that he can
test some new multimedia software :-)
104.610 | or Billy Don't be a Hero | JURAN::DCLARK | Monorail! Monorail! | Mon Jan 18 1993 16:01 | 108 |
| I would have picked "When It's Time to Change" by the Brady Bunch
From: clarinews@clarinet.com (Dave Barry)
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 93 18:08:02 PST
Before I present the results of the Bad Song Survey, here's an
Be advised that this column names certain songs that you hate and
have tried to suppress, but as soon as you read their names your brain
will start singing, ``Yoouunngg girl, get out of my mind; my love for
you is way out of line ...'' over and over AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT
AIEEEEEEE. Thank you.
First, I have NEVER written a column that got a bigger response than
the one announcing the Bad Song Survey. Over 10,000 readers voted, with
cards still coming in. Also, wherever I went people expressed their
views to me, often gripping my shirt to emphasize their points. (``You
know that song about pina coladas? I hate that song. I HATE IT!'') Song
badness is an issue that Americans care deeply about.
Second, you Neil Diamond fans out there can stop writing irate,
unsigned letters telling me that I am not worthy to be a dandruff flake
on Neil's head, OK? (Not that I am saying Neil has dandruff.) Because
you have convinced me: Neil Diamond is GOD. I no longer see anything but
genius in the song where he complains that his chair can't hear him.
Unfortunately, a lot of survey voters are not so crazy about Neil's
work, especially the part of ``Play Me'' where he sings:
``... song she sang to me,
song she brang to me ...''
Of course I think those lyrics are brilliant; however, they brang out
a lot of hostility in the readers. But not as much as ``Lovin' You,''
sung by Minnie Riperton, or ``Sometimes When We Touch,'' sung by Dan
Hill, who sounds like he's having his prostate examined by Captain Hook.
Many people still deeply resent these songs. Many others would not
rule out capital punishment for anyone convicted of having had anything
to do with Gary Puckett and the Union Gap (``Woman,'' ``Young Girl'' and
``This Girl Is a Woman Now,'' which some voters argue are all the same
Likewise there are boiling pools of animosity out there for Barry ``I
Write the Songs'' Manilow, Olivia ``Have You Never Been Mellow'' Newton-
John, Gilbert ``Alone Again, Naturally'' O'Sullivan, The Village
``YMCA'' People, Tony ``Knock Three Times'' Orlando, and of course Yoko
``Every Song I Ever Performed'' Ono. And there is no love lost for the
Singing Nun.
The voters are ANGRY. A typical postcard states: ``The number one
worst piece of pus-oozing, vomit-inducing, camel-spitting, cow-phlegm
rock song EVER in the history of the SOLAR system is `Dreams of the
Everyday Housewife.''' (Amazingly, this song was NOT performed by Gary
Puckett and the Union Gap.)
Here are some other typical statements:
-- ``I'd rather chew a jumbo roll of tinfoil than hear `Hey Paula' by
Paul and Paula.''
-- ``Whenever I hear the Four Seasons' `Walk Like a Man,' I want to
scream, `Frankie, SING like a man!'''
-- ``I wholeheartedly believe that `Ballerina Girl' is responsible for
90 percent of the violent crimes in North America today.''
-- ``I nominate every song ever sung by the Doobie Brothers. Future
ones also.''
-- ``Have you noticed how the hole in the ozone layer has grown
progressively larger since rap got popular?''
Sometimes the voters were so angry that they weren't even sure of the
name of the song they hated. There were votes against ``These Boots Are
Made For Stomping''; the Beach Boys' classic ``Carolina Girls''; ``I'm
Nothing But a Hound Dog''; and ``Ain't No Woman Like The One-Eyed Gott.
'' A lot of people voted for ``The Lion Sleeps Tonight,'' offering a
variety of interpretations of the chorus, including: ``Weem-o-wep,''
``Wee-ma-wack,'' ``Weena-wack,'' ``A-ween-a-wap'' and ``Wingle whip.''
Many readers are still very hostile toward the song ``Wildfire,'' in
which singer Michael Murphy wails for what seems like 97 minutes about a
lost pony. (As one voter put it: ``Break a leg, Wildfire.'') Voter
Steele Hinton particularly criticized the verse wherein ``there came a
killing frost,'' which causes Wildfire to get lost. As Hinton points
out: ``... `killing' in `killing frost' refers to your flowers and your
garden vegetables, and when one is forecast you should cover your
tomatoes. ... Nobody ever got lost in a killing frost who wouldn't get
lost in July as well.''
There was also a solid vote for Gordon Lightfoot's ``The Wreck of the
Edmund Fitzgerald,'' a real fun party song. Several voters singled out
the line: ``As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most.''
Speaking of bad lyrics, there were votes for:
-- Cream's immortal ``I'm So Glad,'' which eloquently expresses the
feeling of being glad, as follows: ``I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad,
I'm glad, I'm glad!'' (Repeat one billion times.)
-- ``La Bamba,'' because the lyrics, translated, are: ``I am not a
sailor. I am a captain, I am a captain, I am a captain.'' And he is
probably glad.
-- ``Johnny Get Angry,'' performed by Joanie Sommers, who sings:
``Johnny get angry, Johnny get mad; Give me the biggest lecture I ever
had; I want a BRAVE man, I want a CAVE man ...''
-- ``Take The Money And Run,'' in which Steve Miller attempts to rhyme
``Texas'' with ``what the facts is,'' not to mention ``hassle'' with
``El Paso.''
-- ``Torn Between Two Lovers.'' (Reader comment: ``Torn, yes,
hopefully on the rack.'')
-- ``There Ain't Enough Room In My Fruit Of The Looms To Hold All My
Love For You.'' (This might not be a real song, but I don't care.)
Certainly these are all very bad songs, but the scary thing is: NOT
ONE SONG I'VE NAMED SO FAR IS A WINNER. I'll name the winners next week,
after your stomach has settled down. Meanwhile here are some more songs
you should NOT think about: ``Baby I'm-A Want You,'' ``Candy Man,''
``Disco Duck,'' ``I Am Woman,'' ``Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka-
Dot Bikini,'' ``Last Kiss,'' ``Patches,'' ``The Night Chicago Died,''
``My Ding-a-Ling'' and ``My Sharona.'' Just FORGET these songs. Really.
P.S. Also ``Horse With No Name.''
104.611 | | MRNGDU::YETTO | the future is here | Tue Jan 19 1993 18:25 | 7 |
the bad song discussion, and all related replies thusfar, has been moved
to note 335. It deserves a place where people can opt to "next unseen"
over the whole thing!! :-)
104.612 | | CX3PT3::IDWCS3::SMITH | | Wed Jan 20 1993 17:34 | 8 |
Thank You Very Much.....
104.613 | :^) | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Thu Jan 21 1993 15:20 | 11 |
| From the Hitachi mi-scope manual:
"Machine Failure?"
The machine screams intermittently.
- It is a normal phenomenon.
I love translated manuals . . .
104.614 | Funny Unix prose | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Wed Jan 27 1993 17:19 | 132 |
| Forward from Slash...
One realtively accurate and colorful view of the history of Unix ....
------ From ian@ai.mit.edu (Ian Horswill)
Unix was a program gone bad. Born into poverty, its parents, the
phone company, couldn't afford more than a roll of teletype paper a
year, so Unix never had decent documentation and its source files
had to go without any comments whatsoever. Year after year, Papa Bell
would humiliate itself asking for rate increases so that it could feed
its child. Still, unix had to go to school with only two and three
letter command names because the phone company just couldn't afford
any better. At school, the other operating systems with real command
names, and even command completion, would taunt poor little Unix for
not having any job or terminal management facilities or for having to
use its file system for interprocess communication and locking.
Then, bitter and emasculated by its poverty, the phone company
began to drink. During lost weekends of drunken excess, it would
brutally beat poor little Unix about the face and neck. Eventually,
Unix ran away from home. Soon it was living on the streets of
Berkeley. There, Unix got involved with a bad crowd. Its life became
a degrading journey of drugs and debauchery. To keep itself alive, it
sold cheap source licenses for itself to universities which used it
for medical experiments. Being wantonly hacked by an endless stream
of nameless, faceless undergraduates, both men and women, often by
more than one at the same time, Unix fell into a hell-hole of
And so it was that poor little Unix began to go insane. It
retreated steadily into a dreamworld, the only place where it felt
safe. It took heroin and dreamed of being a real operating system.
It took LSD and dreamed of being a raspberry flavored three-toed yak.
It liked that better. As Unix became increasingly attracted to LSD,
it would spend weekends reading Hunter Thompson and taking cocktails
of acid and speed while writing crazed poetry in which it found deep
meaning but which no one else could understand:
$sed <$mf >$mf.new -e '1,/^# AUTOMATICALLY/!d'
make shlist || ($echo "Searching for .SH files..."; \
$echo *.SH | $tr ' ' '\012' | $egrep -v '\*' >.shlist)
if $test -s .deptmp; then
for file in `cat .shlist`; do
$echo `$expr X$file : 'X\(.*\).SH'`: $file config.sh \; \
/bin/sh $file >> .deptmp
$echo "Updating $mf..."
$echo "# If this runs make out of memory, delete /usr/include lines." \
>> $mf.new
$sed 's|^\(.*\.o:\) *\(.*/.*\.c\) *$|\1 \2; '"$defrule \2|" .deptmp \
make hlist || ($echo "Searching for .h files..."; \
$echo *.h | $tr ' ' '\012' | $egrep -v '\*' >.hlist)
$echo "You don't seem to have a proper C preprocessor. Using grep inst
$egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp
$echo "Updating $mf..."
<.clist $sed -n \
-e '/\//{' \
-e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p"
-e d
-e '}'
-e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> $mf.new
<.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed
<.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \
$sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \
$sed -f .hsed >> $mf.new
<.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \
>> $mf.new
<.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \
$sed -f .hsed >> $mf.new
<.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|h: /usr/include/\1|p' \
>> $mf.new
for file in `$cat .shlist`; do
$echo `$expr X$file : 'X\(.*\).SH'`: $file config.sh \; \
/bin/sh $file >> $mf.new
Eventually, Unix began walking down Telegraph Avenue talking to
itself, saying "Panic: freeing free inode," over and over again.
Sometimes it would accosting perfect strangers and yell "Bus error
them in a high pitched squeal like a chihuaua with amphetamine
psychosis. Upstanding citizens pretended it was invisible. Mothers
with children crossed to the other side of the street.
Then one evening Unix watched television, an event which would
change its life. There it discovered professional wrestling and knew
that it had found its true calling. It began to take huge doses of
corticosteroids to build itself up even bigger than the biggest of the
programs which had beaten it up as a child. It ate three dozen
pancakes and four dozen new features for breakfast each day. As the
complications of the steroids grew worse, its internal organs grew to
the point where Unix could no longer contain them. First the kernel
grew, then the C library, then the number of daemons. Soon one of its
window systems was requiring two megabytes of swap space for each open
window. Unix began to bulge in strange, unflattering places. But
Unix continued to take the drugs and its internal organs continued to
grow. They grew out its ears and nostrils. They placed incredible
stresses on Unix's brain until it finally liquefied under pressure.
Soon Unix had the mass of Andre the Giant, the body of the Elephant
Man, and the mind of a forgotten Jack Nicholson character.
The worst strain was on Unix's mind. Unable to assimilate all the
conflicting patchworks of features it had ingested, its personality
began to fragment into millions of distinct, incompatible operating
systems. People would cautiously say "good morning Unix. And who are
we today?" and it would reply "Beastie" (BSD), or "Domain", or "I'm
System III, but I'll be System V tomorrow." Psychiatrists labored for
years to weld together the two major poles of Unix's personality,
"Beasty Boy", an inner-city youth from Berkeley, and "Belle", a
southern transvestite who wanted a to be a woman. With each attempt,
the two poles would mutate, like psychotic retroviruses, leaving their
union a worthless blob of protoplasm requiring constant life support
remain compatible with its parent personalities.
Finally, unbalanced by its own cancerous growth, Unix fell into a
vat of toxic radioactive wombat urine, from which it emerged, skin
white and hair green. It smelled like somebody's dead grandmother.
With a horrible grin on its face, it set out to conquer the world.
Selected by Maddi Hausmann. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to funny@clarinet.com.
This newsgroup is sponsored by ClariNet Communications Corp. The "executive
moderator" is Brad Templeton.
104.615 | warts-r-us | SLOHAN::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Wed Jan 27 1993 19:14 | 11 |
| Did you hear about the two old guys that were walking thru the woods
(now these guys are OLD...I mean older than US)! On the trail was a
frog and when they got up to it, the frog said "If you'll kiss me,
I'll turn into a fairy princess and give you ANYthing you want!"
The guys stood there for awhile thinking and finally one of them
picked the frog up and put it in his pocket...they continued on down
the trail. After awhile, the one guy says to the other, "Well, aren't
you gonna kiss that frog?" The guy who had it in his pocket replied,
"Naw, at my age, I think I'd rather have a talking frog."
104.616 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | under eternity | Wed Jan 27 1993 19:44 | 5 |
Chris, I think you have found us a totally inoffensive joke! Too bad BobW
isn't around to represent the anti-anthropomorphicists!
104.617 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | duck and cover | Wed Jan 27 1993 20:45 | 1 |
| Seems kind of ageist to me. ;^)
104.618 | | 11SRUS::MARK | Waltzing with Bears | Thu Jan 28 1993 00:47 | 6 |
| >Seems kind of ageist to me. ;^)
Hell, what about the enslavement of the princess cruelly trapped in a
frog's body!
104.619 | | RAISE::GLADU | | Thu Jan 28 1993 11:40 | 3 |
| Elephant jokes are the only truly inoffensive jokes. :-)
104.620 | bad elephant jokes... :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Jan 28 1993 12:19 | 34 |
| someone say elephant jokes????
what did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming??
"here come the elephants..."
what did Tarzan think when he saw the elephants coming
through the jungle and wearing pink jerseys???
he thought "they must all play for the same softball
what did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming
through the jungle wearing sunglasses?
nothing... he didn't recognize them... :^)
da ve_who_luvs_rilly_bad_jokes_
forbidden_to_tell! :^)
104.621 | | RAISE::GLADU | | Thu Jan 28 1993 12:28 | 3 |
| Er, inoffensive to elephant's that is. Bad jokes are always
offensive. :-)
104.622 | Phyllis would never speak to me again... :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Jan 28 1993 12:40 | 6 |
| huh... everyone's a critic...
be thankful i don't tell the one about the friars who operated the
greenhouse... :^) :^) :^)
da ve
104.623 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Jan 28 1993 13:43 | 3 |
well then Phyllis thanks you!
104.624 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | duck and cover | Thu Jan 28 1993 16:52 | 5 |
| Hey da ve, did you get those jokes from the book "101 Elephant Jokes,"
which I memorized as a kid? ;^)
- dc
104.625 | :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Jan 28 1993 17:02 | 4 |
| i'm not sure... dragged them out from the dark recesses of my mind
from childhood...
da ve
104.626 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | duck and cover | Thu Jan 28 1993 19:18 | 14 |
| Then let me test those memories from your childhood ... with this
exquisitely horrible Jokus Elephantus, that will have you screaming
and writhing in amazing agony ....
Q: What is red and white on the outside (stop that whimpering) and
gray and white on the inside?
A: Campbell's Cream of Elephant Soup.
Not dead yet? Alternative "A": An inside-out elephant.
Now go bleed somewhere else.
104.627 | ha!! | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Jan 28 1993 19:42 | 14 |
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
more!! encore!!! bravo!!!! :^)
104.628 | This probably doesn't work on Deadheads! | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | under eternity | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:21 | 31 |
Pick a number between 1 and 10...
Now, multiply it by 9
Now add the digits of the result together.
Subtract 5
Now, match your number to the letter of the alphabet it maps to.
Think of a country that begins with that letter.
take the next letter in the alphabet and think of an animal whose name
begins with that letter.
Elephants don't live in Denmark, silly!
104.629 | Got me. | XCUSME::MACINTYRE | | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:26 | 8 |
| It worked with this Deadhead. Very good. Eyes got to try that one on
the folk back home.
104.630 | | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:32 | 7 |
| re .628
Got me too!
What's next, instructions for making cootie catchers?
104.631 | | SLOHAN::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:38 | 1 |
| nope....I got english frogs......
104.632 | | ISLNDS::CONNORS_M | | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:39 | 6 |
Got me three! :-) :-) :-)
104.633 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Fri Jan 29 1993 12:58 | 4 |
Hah!! That was great! :-)
104.634 | :-) | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | under eternity | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:05 | 5 |
> nope....I got english frogs......
Chris, I'll never accuse you of being a math weenie, promise... :-)
104.635 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:10 | 4 |
I just tried it on 4 people I work with and they all said NO WAY! :-)
104.636 | and earthworms too!! | SALEM::BURNS | world peace begins at home :^) | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:22 | 1 |
| re.628: Yabut the Dominican Republic do have ewes, don't they :^)
104.637 | | RAISE::GLADU | | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:23 | 3 |
| Didn't werk. I picked German Ermines. :-) Deutschland, that is.
104.638 | is this a TAX FORM test ? | SLOHAN::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:37 | 8 |
| ya mean the circus never gos to Denmark ? maybe they have eagles ? then
it would work but first I need a little more coffee and when I open my
eyes I might be able to see the screen a little better so I don't
subtract 4 from 9 and get 5 when I should have subtracted 5 from 9 and
gotten 4 so I could come up with the right country and the right
animal.....you know the joke still don't seem to funny rilly ! is it
time to go home yet ? I think I need a big fatty of oatbran to get
through this morning...........8'>
104.639 | | 21792::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Fri Jan 29 1993 13:59 | 6 |
| I got a combo: Ermines in the Dominican Republic ;-)
World map and Webster's came in handy, but i see someone
beat me to it ;-)
104.640 | Gateway to the Sargasso | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | under eternity | Fri Jan 29 1993 14:55 | 2 |
I'm surprised nobody got Eels in Dominica.
104.641 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Fri Jan 29 1993 15:08 | 3 |
| I got french girrafes (and I can't spell giraffes)
104.642 | Elaphant talk | MILKWY::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Fri Jan 29 1993 15:20 | 5 |
| And no Elks either!
How would Ace would feel?
104.643 | From Djibouti! | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | under eternity | Fri Jan 29 1993 15:33 | 6 |
> And no Elks either!
Or Egrets, or Eagles or Equestiarianally-challenged...
104.644 | | RAISE::GLADU | | Fri Jan 29 1993 15:43 | 1 |
| ...or earwigs from Djakarta!
104.645 | fruit for peace! | NRSTA2::CLARK | duck and cover | Fri Jan 29 1993 15:44 | 1 |
| ... or elderberries ...
104.646 | | EZRIDR::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Fri Jan 29 1993 16:54 | 10 |
| re: <<< Note 104.636 by SALEM::BURNS "world peace begins at home :^)" >>>
> -< and earthworms too!! >-
> re.628: Yabut the Dominican Republic do have ewes, don't they :^)
Funny you should mention this, Andy! Someone did this joke on me last week and
I thought of 'ewe' as the animal! I did think of Denmark, though, so I didn't
totally screw up his joke.
104.647 | Remind me not to hang out in St. Louis ;-) | BOOKIE::BOOS | | Fri Jan 29 1993 17:50 | 89 |
| Here's the mail about unusual laws that I mentioned at the
DEChead lunch. It's a few years old but still good. Enjoy!
From: DECWRL::"tom@ksr.com" "MAIL-11 Daemon" 5-DEC-1990 18:06:11.05
To: uunet!cvg.enet.dec.com!ciaraldi@uunet.UU.NET
Subj: silly laws
Here's a listing of some rather interesting laws which were
passed in the U.S. Taken from the Seattle P-I (Tuesday, Sep. 4,
1990 page B-9) with no permission whatsoever. All spellings
mistakes are mine. These excerpts are from the book "Looney Laws"
by Robert Pelton (Walker; $8.95) Enjoy!..................
In Ottumwa, Iowa, "It is unlawful for any male person, within
the corporate limits of the (city), to wink at any female person with
whom he is unaquainted."
In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at
the same time.
In Zion, Ill., it is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars
to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals kept as pets.
In Carmel, N.Y., a man can't go outside while wearing a jacket
and pants that do not match.
In Clawson, Mich., there is a law that makes it LEGAL for a
farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens.
In Gary, Ind., persons are prohibited from attending a movie
house or other theater and from riding a public streetcar within four
hours of eating garlic.
In Miami, it's illegal for men to be seen publicly in any kind
of strapless gown.
In St. Louis, it's illegal to sit on the curb of any city
street and drink beer from a bucket.
In Harford, Conn., you aren't allowed to cross a street while
walking on your hands.
In Michigan, a woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without
her husband's permission.
In Baltimore, it's illegal to throw bales of hay from a
second-story window within the city limits. It's also illegal to take
a lion to the movies.
In Oxford, Ohio, it's illegal for a woman to strip off her
clothing while standing in front of a man's picture. (ed: ???)
In Nicholas County, W. Va., no member of the clergy is allowed
to tell jokes or humorous stories from the pulpit during a church
In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within
1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
In Pennsylvania, "any motorist driving along a country road at
night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10
minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue."
In Kentucky, "No female shall appear in a bathing suit on any
highway within this state unless she be escorted by at least two
officers or unless she be armed with a club"
An amendment to the above legislation: "The provisions of this
statuate shall not apply to females weighing less than 90 pounds nor
exceeding 200 pounds, nor shall it apply to female horses."
% ====== Internet headers and postmarks (see DECWRL::GATEWAY.DOC) ======
Received: by decpa.pa.dec.com; id AA19758; Wed, 5 Dec 90 15:05:53 -0800
Received: from ksr.UUCP by uunet.UU.NET (5.61/1.14) with UUCP
id AA18169; Wed, 5 Dec 90 18:05:35 -0500
Received: from bigfoot.ksr.com by ksr.com (4.0/SMI-3.2)
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id AA00655; Wed, 5 Dec 90 17:29:23 EST
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 90 17:29:23 EST
From: tom@ksr.com
Message-Id: <9012052229.AA00655@bigfoot.ksr.com>
To: uunet!cvg.enet.dec.com!ciaraldi@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: silly laws
104.648 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Fri Jan 29 1993 17:59 | 2 |
| damn, guess i gotta stop drinkin out of a bucket!
104.649 | | CX3PT3::CX3COM::SMITH | | Mon Feb 01 1993 17:01 | 5 |
No you gotta stay out of St. Louie!!!!!
104.650 | from comp.lang.c ... | NRSTA2::CLARK | duck and cover | Wed Feb 03 1993 19:01 | 16 |
| {headers removed}
Geek humor ... grammatically correct C declarations:
auto accident;
register voters;
static electricity;
struct by_lightning;
void *where_prohibited;
char broiled;
short circuit;
short changed;
long johns;
unsigned long letter;
double entendre;
double trouble;
104.651 | gawd it's slow today. | BUSY::IRZA | smile with the rising sun | Thu Feb 11 1993 15:46 | 8 |
how many deadheads does it take to light a candle?
none man, just light a candle.
104.652 | ;-) | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Feb 11 1993 20:34 | 9 |
| Saw this one in rec.music.gdead the other day:
Deadhead female talking to a friend about tickets,
"I just got a front row ticket for my boyfriend!"
Friend replies,
"Good trade!"
104.653 | | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Gone Phishin' | Thu Feb 11 1993 20:49 | 3 |
104.654 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | Hour of Slack | Fri Feb 19 1993 18:33 | 5 |
| A grasshopper hops into a bar and the bartender says "hey we have a
drink named after you" and the grasshopper says "you have a drink
named Steve?"
- DC
104.655 | :^) i love the really bad ones! | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Feb 25 1993 17:51 | 7 |
| bad joke of the day, courtesy of Oz, my favorite bass player...
Q: what to Fred Flintstone and Saddam Hussien have in
A: they both look out thier windows and see Rubble!
104.656 | 'tasteless humour' follows | MKOTS3::ROBERTS_CR | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Fri Mar 12 1993 16:59 | 85 |
lifted without permission from another notesfile
"Twinkie, Twinkie,
Little suet-filled sponge cake crisco log,
Now I know just what you are."
"Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, or Food?"
In an effort to clarify questions about the purported durability and
unusual physical characteristics of Twinkies, we subjected the Hostess snack
logs to the following experiments:
Twinkie was left on a ... window ledge for four days, during which
time an inch and a half of rain fell. Many flies were observed crawling
across the Twinkie's surface, but contrary to hypothesis, birds -- even
pigeons -- avoided this potential source of sustenance.
Despite the rain and prolonged exposure to the sun, the Twinkie
retained its original color and form. When removed ... the Twinkie was found
to be substantially dehydrated. Cracked open, it was observed to have taken
on the consistency of industrial foam insulation; the filling, however,
retained its adverstised "creaminess."
A Twinkie was placed in a conventional microwave oven, which was set
for precisely 4 minutes -- the approximate cooking time of bacon. After 20
seconds, the oven began to emit the Twinkie's rich, characteristic aroma of
artificial butter. After 1 minute, this aroma began to resemble the acrid
smell of burning rubber. The experiment was aborted after 2 minutes, 10
seconds, when thick, foul smoke began billowing from the top of the oven ...
a second Twinkie was subjected to the same experiment ... this Twinkie leaked
molten white filling ... when cooled, this now epoxylike filling bonded the
Twinkie to its plate, defying gravity; it was removed only upon application
of a butter knife.
A Twinkie was dropped from a ninth-floor window, a fall of
approximately 120 feet. It landed right side up ... then bounced onto its
back. The expected "splatter" effect was not observed. Indeed, the only
discernible damage to the Twinkie was a narrow fissure on its underside ...
otherwise, the Twinkie remained structurally intact.
A Twinkie was placed in a conventional freezer for 24 hours. Upon
removal, the Twinkie was not found to be frozen solid, but its physical
properties had noticeably "slowed" .. the filling was found to be the
approximate consistency of acrylic paint, while exhibiting the mercurylike
property of not adhering to practically any surface. It was noticed that the
Twinkie had generously absorbed freezer odors.
A Twinkie was exposed to a gas flame for 2 minutes. While the
Twinkie smoked and blackened and the filling in one of its "cream holes"
boiled, the Twinkie did not catch fire. It did, however, produce the same
"burning rubber" aroma noticed during the irradiation experiment.
A Twinkie was dropped into a large beaker filled with tap water. The
Twinkie floated momentarily, began to list and sink ... viscous yelow
tendrils ran off its lower half, possibly consisting of a water-soluable artifical
coloring. After 2 hours, the Twinkie had bloated substantially. Its
coloring was now a very pale tan -- in contrast to the yellow, urine-like
water that surrounded it. The Twinkie bobbed when touched, and had a
gelatinous texture. After 72 hours, the Twinkie was found to have bloated to
roughly 200 percent of its original size ... the water had turned opaque, and a small,
fan-shaped spray of filling had leaked from one of the "cream holes."
Unfortunately, efforts to remove the Twinkie for further analysis
were abandoned when, under light pressure ... the Twinkie disintegrated into an
amorphous cloud of debris. A distinctly sour odor was noted.
... the Twinkie's survival of a 120-foot drop, along with some of the
unusual phenomena associated with the "creamy filling" and artificial
coloring, should give pause to those observers who would unequivocally
categorize the Twinkie as "food." Further clinical inquiry is required before any definite
conclusions can be drawn.
Reprinted from SPY magazine, July 1989.
104.657 | twinkies... | BINKLY::DEMARSE | Just say NO to hummus! | Fri Mar 12 1993 17:42 | 4 |
| Hahahahahahaha......
8^), d
104.658 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | Question reality | Fri Mar 12 1993 17:55 | 67 |
| From: CSCMA::BARBER_MINGO "OPERATING SYSTEM ON VIRTUAL TIME 19-Feb-1993 1047" 19-FEB-1993 10:49:42.26
Subj: Humor- Jnet message - They should just try DMQ- They'd have sun & Vaxen too
From: ASDG::FOSTER "Lauren ('ren) Foster: ASD SEM/EDX Engineer 225-5660 or 225-4080(Lab) 19-Feb-1993 1029" 19-FEB-1993 10:31:12.29
Subj: HUMOR: Sung to the tune of... :-)
---------------------------from off the net------------------
Subj: [Green eggs and RAM [with apologies to Dr. Seuss!]]
Subject: Best of usenet so far this year - sgi.bad-attitude #4155
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1993 01:33:31 GMT
+ I do not like to wash and wax.
+ I do not like them, Vax-I-Hax.
] I do not like its doors and sashes,
] I do not like it when it thrashes.
+ I will not run it with a Mac.
+ I will not, with a Univac.
+ It looks just like a Frigidaire.
+ I will not run it anywhere!
+ I do not like my paging VAX.
+ Please take it with you, Vax-I-Hax.
] Would you like it running "less,"
] Or five-point-four-A VMS?
] Would you like it with batch runs?
] Or serving RA81s?
+ I would not, could not, running "less".
+ Or version 5 of VMS.
+ I would not, could not, with batch runs,
+ as long as I could get some Suns.
+ I do not like my hulking VAX.
+ Please take it with you, Vax-I-Hax.
+ (That Vax-I-Hax!
+ That Vax-I-Hax!
+ I do not like
+ That Vax-I-Hax!)
] Would you like it linking code
] Or set up as a JNET node?
] Compiling X (which could take days)
] With busses full of UDAs?
? Or how 'bout as an Ada server
? Torturing hackers with great fervor?
? For the sake of DoD
? Who are too braindead to use C?
] by kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey)
+ by jcarroll@gath.cray.com (Jeff Carroll)
? by robert@aero.org
% ====== Internet headers and postmarks (see DECWRL::GATEWAY.DOC) ======
104.659 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | I got ramblin' on my mind | Fri Mar 12 1993 19:24 | 1 |
| the twinkie thing makes it rounds periodically in dec.
104.660 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | TV Guide's not safe anymore. | Thu Mar 18 1993 14:39 | 4 |
104.661 | | GOOROO::DCLARK | spare a bone, Chief? | Thu Mar 18 1993 15:27 | 5 |
| re .-1
?? I don't get it.
- Mr. out-of-it
104.662 | | SPOCK::IRONS | | Thu Mar 18 1993 15:53 | 1 |
| You're not the only one.
104.663 | | CBROWN::HENDERSON | I know whom I have believed | Thu Mar 18 1993 16:06 | 9 |
Ms Warwick has been seen on late night TV plugging some psychic hotline..
Jim who got it
104.664 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Thu Mar 18 1993 16:08 | 6 |
| It's a joke about Ms. Warwick's recent commercials on TV
for the "Psychic Friends Network"...
Dial a Guru.
104.665 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | TV Guide's not safe anymore. | Thu Mar 18 1993 16:13 | 3 |
| I made it up myself, in the shower this morning. Pretty good, huh?
- DC
104.666 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Thu Mar 18 1993 16:18 | 7 |
| Yah,
You should shower more often...;-)
(just kiddin')
104.667 | :^) | NRSTA2::CLARK | TV Guide's not safe anymore. | Thu Mar 18 1993 16:25 | 2 |
| re 104.666
Well isn't this special?
104.668 | Bill Gates' wedding humor | SSGV01::GPEACE::Strobel | expecting something witty? | Mon Apr 05 1993 17:26 | 33 |
| sent from a friend at Microsoft:
As you may be aware Bill Gates is getting married:
The words "for richer or for poorer" will be replaced with "for richer or for
The wedding cake will be made of Cheetos.
The reception will be held at Microsoft so that people can continue working.
After the wedding, the bride may turn and laugh at all the women in the
After 3 years of marriage, Bill may upgrade to Wife 2.0. (binary
compatibility issues....)
Melinda's (the bride's) parents were ecstatic about the engagement until they
found out they were going to pay for the wedding.
Bill's new home of the future in Medina will now have a woman's touch--a few
doilies on the mainframe.
Melinda will find out to her great disappointment on the wedding night from
where Bill got the name "Microsoft" and that "NT" means Not Tonite....
Melinda is now registered at Egghead Software.
104.669 | Beware of administratium | NECSC::LEVY | Takes alot to win, even more to lose | Thu Apr 08 1993 19:03 | 36 |
| From: CSC32::COLTER "Cole Colter | MCI/MCST Support @CXO 592-5633 08-Apr-1993
The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by
university physicists. The element, tentatively named
"administratium," has no proton or electrons and thus has an atomic
weight of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 70 vice neutrons,
and 161 assistant vice neutrons. This gives it an atomic mass of 232.
These 232 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that
involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called
Since it has no electron, Administratium is inert. However, it can be
detected chemically, as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact
with. According to researchers, a minute amount of Administratium,
added to one reaction, caused it to take four days to complete.
Without the Administratium, the reaction ordinarily occurred in less
than one second.
Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three years,
at which time it does not actually decay, but instead undergoes a
reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and
assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Studies seem to show the
atomic number actually increasing after each reorganization.
Research indicates that Administratium occurs naturally in the
atmosphere. It tends to concentrate in certain locations such as
government agencies, large corporations and universities. it can
usually be found in the newest, best-appointed and best-maintained
Scientists warn that Administratium is known to be toxic, and
recommend plenty of fluids and bed rest after even low levels of
104.670 | tasteless Branch Davidian jokes... i don't make 'em up, i just pass 'em on... | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Thu Apr 22 1993 18:54 | 28 |
ok, i've been debating on whether or not to enter these here, but since
someone else just made a David Koresh joke i guess i will...
if you are sensitive about this kind of thing, don't read... they are
pretty tasteless...
but if you've been wondering when the Koresh jokes would start, now you
you've been warned... tasteless Branch Davidian jokes lie just
guess who just quit smoking????
David Koresh!!!
how do you pick up a Branch Davidian girl???
with a dust buster!!!!
hey, i didn't make 'em up... i just report 'em....
da ve
104.671 | more of those wonderful country tunes! :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Mon May 03 1993 16:09 | 92 |
well, i decided not to pass on the 100 or so additional Branch Davidian
jokes that came my way... figured they were making the rounds... but
someone had sent me this today... thought some of you might enjoy...
i know i have a few fav's in this list! :^) as usual, forwards
Subj: Heaven's Just A Sin Away
Subj: Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissing You Goodbye
Subj: I: Worst Country Music Song Titles -- what the heck, it's Friday...
Subj: velcro arms, teflon heart
<forwards and headers removed>
"The Annual All Time Best of the Worst Country Song Titles"
as printed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
1-Do You Love As Good As You Look
2-Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In The Bed
3-Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissing You Goodbye
4-Guess My Eyes Were Bigger Than My Heart
5-Heaven's Just A Sin Away
6-Her Body Couldn't Keep You Off My Mind
7-Her Cheatin' Heart Made A Drunken Fool Out Of Me
8-I Don't Know Whether To Come Home Or Go Crazy
9-I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling
10-I Got In At 2 With A 10 And Woke Up At 10 With A 2
11-I Keep Forgettin' I Forgot About You
12-I May Be Used (But Baby I Ain't Used Up)
13-I'll Marry You Tomorrow But Let's Honeymoon Tonite
14-I'm Gettin' Gray From Being Blue
15-I'm The Only Hell Mama Ever Raised
16-I've Been Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart
17-I've Got The Hungries For Your Love And I'm Waiting In Your Welfare Line
18-If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me Her Memory Will
19-If Fingerprints Showed Up On Skin, Wonder Whose I'd Find On You
20-If The Jukebox Took Teardrops I'd Cry All Night Long
21-If Whiskey Were A Woman I'd Be Married For Sure
22-If You Can't Feel It (It Ain't There)
23-It Ain't Love But It Ain't Bad
24-It Don't Feel Like Sinnin' To Me
25-Mama Get The Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head)
26-Out Of My Head And Back In My Bed
27-(Pardon Me) I've Got Someone To Kill
28-She Feels Like A New Man Tonight
29-She Made Toothpicks Out Of The Timber Of My Heart
30-The Last Word In Lonesome Is "me"
31-Touch Me With More Than Your Hands
32-Velcro Arms, Teflon Heart
33-When We Get Back To the Farm (That's When We Really Go To Town)
34-You Hurt The Love Right Out Of Me
35-You're A Cross I Can't Bear
36-You're The Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly
104.672 | | VXTST6::BOURDESS | | Mon May 03 1993 17:07 | 4 |
| I like #36. "you're the reason our kids are so ugly"...nothing like
laying the blame huh?
104.673 | purty funny titles thar pardner | CORA::65447::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Tue May 04 1993 13:23 | 8 |
| I actually have the record with "You're the reason our kids are so ugly".
Loretta Lynn duets with ...uhhh.. George somebody-or-other (big country name).
I bought the record for like $1.50, just for that title. Unfortunately the
title was better than the song :-%
With country songs the title sez exactly what the song is about. Unlike,
say, yer typical Dylan song, like "From a Buick 6" or "Love Minus Zero/No
Limit". ;-)
104.674 | I got my phd in creating titles for C&W songs | LANDO::HAPGOOD | | Tue May 04 1993 13:54 | 9 |
| "I married her just because she looks like you."
on Lyle Lovett and his large band lp.
that one always cracked me up.
Or anybody remember Spooky Tooth? They had one titled "She broke my
heart so I busted her jaw".
104.675 | or was it 34??? | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Tue May 04 1993 14:36 | 7 |
| I've always thought "Jesus Drop Kicked Me Through the Goal Posts of
Life" was an amusing title. But as (josh?) points out about Dylan
the meanings are a bit more obscure. Though I do particularly
like "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35" ;-)
104.676 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Tue May 04 1993 14:43 | 4 |
| And then, of course, there's always "Yer breakin' my heart, yer tearin' me apart,
so F*ck you!"... Nillsen, I think....;-)
104.677 | | DEDHED::Spine | Tom Spine | Tue May 04 1993 14:51 | 17 |
| > "I married her just because she looks like you."
> on Lyle Lovett and his large band lp.
> that one always cracked me up.
Ha! I played that CD on Sunday. It's a fun CD, and that's a particularly
catchy tune too!
John Prine and Steve Goodman once set out to write a country & western
tune to end all c&w tunes. They tried to get in every c&w cliche that
they could. You know...mother, jail, the dog that up and died, whiskey,
playing cards, trains, and on and on. The tune's title ended up to be
"You never even call me by my name".
Well you don't have to call me darling, darling
But you never even call me by my name...
104.678 | he he | VXTST6::BOURDESS | | Tue May 04 1993 14:55 | 8 |
| You can also get some strange ones as you stray away from the C&W
strain of music. Frank Zappa for instance :-)
"Ram it up your poop chute!" :-)
I crack up whenever I hear that tune...
104.679 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Tue May 04 1993 15:04 | 29 |
| I have a CD with that John Prine/Steve Goodman tune on it...I love it.
You don't have to call me Waylan Jennings.
You don't have to call me Charlie Pride.
You don't have to call me Merl Haggard....anymore,
Even though you know, yer on my fightin' side.
You don't have to call me darlin', darlin'.
But you never even call me by my name.....
Grate song. Definitely one of my favorites. This is a "Best of" collection
with another Goodman quickie on it:
"My baby came to me this morning,
She said 'I'm kinda confused'
If me and B.B. King was drownin'
Which one would you chose?'
I said, "Whoa baby...."
I said, "Whoa, oh baby,
I ain't never heard you play no blues...."
That's the whole song - less than a minute long.
The last line is the name of the tune.
104.680 | No Satanic messages | TRACTR::MACINTYRE | | Tue May 04 1993 15:12 | 11 |
| This string reminds me of something.
What do you get when you play a country/wester song backwards?
You git yer wife back, you git yer dog back, you git yer car back, you
git yer...
104.681 | Whatever that means ;^) | BINKLY::CEPARSKI | Sittin' plush with a Royal Flush | Tue May 04 1993 15:53 | 8 |
I have a good one by Commander Cody called "Seeds & Stems". It's about
a guy whose wife leaves, truck breaks down, dog dies...
"And I'm down to seeds and stems again, too."
Love that song.
104.682 | did I get the football stuff right, I'm not a football fan | CORA::65447::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Tue May 04 1993 15:54 | 7 |
| > You git yer wife back, you git yer dog back, you git yer car back, you
> git yer...
Ya hangover goes away, you get outta jail, the tatoo comes off yer arm,
and Jesus fumbles you 5 yards before the end zone for a turnover ;-).
104.683 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue May 04 1993 15:55 | 4 |
| how bout Blackfoot's "I've Flushed You From The Toilet of my Mind"
same album that "The Balled of Crazy Horse" is on.
104.684 | | SPICE::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Tue May 04 1993 15:58 | 1 |
| Zappa's...Why does it hurt when I pee !
104.685 | | STAR::HUGHES | Less zooty, more dusted | Tue May 04 1993 16:08 | 7 |
| > "I married her just because she looks like you."
And that's why I love you. You remind me of you.
(to the camera) If she figures that one out, she's smarter than I
104.686 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | Be kind: unwind | Tue May 04 1993 19:20 | 21 |
I like thoughrogood's (sp?) hard-times songs, too. They're along the same lines.
Well my girlfriend left me
And my mule got lame.
I lost my money in a poker game.
A Wind storm came just the other day
And it blew the house that I live in away.
Or the rap's in "One bourbon, One scotch and one beer":
"next monday come I didn't have the rent, and out the door I went"
Or my favorite description of your typical western dude in Who Do You Love?:
I walked 47 miles of barbed wire.
Got a cobra snake for a necktie,
And a brand new house out on the roadside
thats made out of rattlesnake hide.
I gotta coonskin hair and graveyard smile
I'm just twenty-two and I don't mind dyin'....
104.687 | :^) | ROULET::DWEST | if wishes were horses... | Tue May 04 1993 20:14 | 9 |
| ha!!! Thorogood!!!! :^)
"yeah, she funny...
everybody funny...
now you funny too....."
da ve
104.688 | | E::EVANS | | Tue May 04 1993 20:22 | 15 |
Buddy Guy (from the album Damn Right I Got the Blues)
I had a job, but I got laid off,
I had a heart, but it got too soft,
I had a girlfriend, she lied,
I had a wife, but my wife she died.
I had one too many drinks about an hour ago,
And all I want now is just one more,
And when it hits, baby, I don't care,
Where ... where ... where ... oh, where,
Where is the next one coming from?
104.689 | | SIOG::OSULLIVAN_D | | Thu May 06 1993 16:01 | 4 |
| I always liked 'You're right, I'm left, She's gone!" (Johnny Cash I
104.690 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu May 06 1993 16:21 | 7 |
| Eveyone in this file likes this song, eh?
"You Ain't Woman Enough to Take my Man"
104.691 | | MRNGDU::YETTO | the future is here | Thu May 06 1993 16:35 | 6 |
| > Eveyone in this file likes this song, eh?
> "You Ain't Woman Enough to Take my Man"
only when Donna sings it. ;^)
104.692 | Sh*t Sh*t du-wa | CAADC::BABCOCK | | Thu May 06 1993 18:15 | 17 |
| Back in the good old day at the CSC in Colorado, we used to sing a
song at parties (usually late in the evening). I don't remember the
artist, but maybe someone else does. The chorus went something
like this (note my memory of some of these parties is not real clear,
for some reason).
SHiiitttttt! I missed it again
Shit shit du-wa,
That's what I get for livin' in sin.
Always a dollar short and 'bout a half a day behind,
Bet I'd do better if I had half a mind...
It had a number of colorful stanzas, but that would be asking toooo
much of my remaining brain cells.
104.693 | Elephant joke... | DRINKS::WEISS | Beer -- It does a body good. | Thu May 20 1993 19:36 | 4 |
Riddle: Why do elephants drink?
Answer: (a bit sadly) To forget.
104.694 | | VXTST6::BOURDESS | | Thu May 20 1993 21:04 | 9 |
What do you call a psychic midget that just escaped from prison????
A: a small medium at large :-)
104.695 | viruses | NRSTA2::CLARK | Electric Music for the Mind and Body | Mon May 24 1993 13:48 | 76 |
| {headers removed}
PAUL REVERE VIRUS: This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It warns
you of impending hard disk attack--once if by LAN, twice if by C.
POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS: Never calls itself a "virus," but instead refers
to itself as an "electronic microorganism."
ROSS PEROT VIRUS: Activates every component in your system, just before the
whole thing quits.
MARIO CUOMO VIRUS: It would be a great virus, but it refuses to run.
AT&T VIRUS: Every three minutes it tells you what great service you are
THE MCI VIRUS: Every three minutes it reminds you that you're paying too much
for the AT&T virus.
TED TURNER VIRUS: Colorizes your monochrome monitor.
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER VIRUS: Terminates and stays resident. It'll be back.
DAN QUAYLE VIRUS: Prevents your system from spawning any child processes
without joining into a binary network.
DAN QUAYLE VIRUS 2: Their is sumthing rong with your compueter, ewe just can't
figyour out watt.
GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software
says everything is fine.
NEW WORLD ORDER VIRUS: Probably harmless, but it makes a lot of people really
mad just thinking about it.
FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT VIRUS: Divides your hard disk into hundreds of little units
each of which does practically nothing, but all of which claim to be the most
important part of the computer.
GALLUP VIRUS: Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent of their
data 14 percent of the time (plus or minus a 3.5 percent margin of error).
ADAM AND EVE VIRUS: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS: The computer locks up, screen splits erratically with a
message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem.
AIRLINE VIRUS: You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore.
FREUDIAN VIRUS: Your computer becomes obsessed with interfacing with its own
PBS VIRUS: Your PC stops every few minutes to ask for money.
ELVIS VIRUS: Your computer gets fat, slow, and lazy and then self destructs,
only to resurface at shopping malls and service stations across rural America.
OLLIE NORTH VIRUS: Turns your printer into a document shredder.
NIKE VIRUS: Just Does It!
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS 2: Runs every program on the hard drive simultaneously,
but doesn't allow the user to accomplish anything.
IMELDA MARCOS VIRUS: Sings you a song (slightly off key) on boot up then
subtracts money from your Quicken account and spends it all on expensive
shoes it purchases through Prodigy.
STAR TREK VIRUS: Invades your system in places where no virus has gone before.
HEALTH CARE VIRUS: Tests your system for a day, finds nothing wrong, and sends
you a bill for $4500.
GEORGE BUSH VIRUS: It starts by boldly stating, "Read my test...no new files!"
on the screen, proceeds to fill up all the free space on your hard drive with
new files, then blames it on the Congress Virus.
104.696 | Waco "Humor" | MEASLS::63536::Kflanagan | | Tue May 25 1993 10:21 | 100 |
Here's a collection of Branch Davidian "humor" that I grabbed off of the
Warning: Most of these are in extremely poor taste:
What were Koresh's final words?
"No, I wanted a BUD light!"
How many Branch Davidians can you fit into a VW Bug?
Ans: Ninety. Four in the seats and eighty six in the ashtray.
WACO = We're All Crispy Outside
I heard today that Jeffrey Daumer escaped from prison......
He heard they were having a Bar B Que in Waco!
Did you hear . . .
They are changing the name of Waco Texas,
They are gonna call it
Corpus Crispy
What does Waco stand for?
What a cook out!
What do you call a Branch Davidian with a fire extinguisher?
A heretic.
What do you call a Scientologist with a flamethrower?
A copycat.
Did you hear that David Koresh was a closeted gay?
He was flaming, but he didn't come out.
Q: Why don't we have more prophets like David Koresh?
A: It's such a high stress job that burnout is almost inevitable.
The Branch Davidian Church has split into two sects:
Orthodox and Extra-Crispy.
Q: How is Waco like a Snickers bar?
A: Roasted nuts.
WACO: We're A Combustible Organization
What does Waco stand for?
What a cook out!
Did you hear that David Koresh was a closeted gay?
He was flaming, but he didn't come out.
Q: How did David Koresh find out he was Jesus Christ?
A: God spoke to him through a burning building.
WACO -- We All Cooked Ourselves
What do you get when you cross David Koresh & Jeffrey Dahmer?
Brunch Davidian (barbecue naturally).
Q: Did you hear about the tragedy at Waco?
A: Evidently an NBC News crew was trying to move in for a close-up...
David Koresh was waiting for a message from GOD.
. . . The message finally arrived . . .
The message read: "Bake at 700 degrees for 3 to 4 hours"!
How do you pick up a Branch Davidian woman?
With a dust-buster
What did God say to David Koresh when he met him?
Well done.
What is the new Branch Davidian holiday?
Ash Monday.
104.697 | | BUSY::IRZA | someday i suppose | Tue May 25 1993 19:19 | 9 |
from jeopardy:
answer: wicker good
question: what did elmer fudd do to madonna?
104.698 | I will not rake my fingernails across the chaulkboard | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | Live together, Play together | Thu May 27 1993 17:01 | 73 |
Subject: Bart Simpson chalk board quotes
Here are some of the things that Bart has been writing on the chalk board
at the beginning of different episodes. Enjoy...
I will not waste chalk
I will not skateboard in the halls
I will not burp in class
I will not instigate revolution
I will not draw naked ladies in class
I did not see Elvis
I will not call my teacher `Hot Cakes'
Garlic gum is not funny
They are laughing at me, not with me
I will not yell "fire" in a crowded classroom
I will not encourage others to fly
I will not fake my way through life
Tar is not a plaything
I will not Xerox my butt
I will not trade pants with others
I will not do that thing with my tongue
I will not drive the principal's car
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart
I will not sell school property
I will not cut corners
" " " " "
" " " " "
I will not get very far with this attitude
I will not make flatulent noises in class
I will not belch the National Anthem
I will not sell land in Florida
I will not grease the monkey bars
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment
I will not do anything bad ever again
I will not show off {The board was written in an Old English font}
I will not sleep through my education
I am not a dentist
Spitwads are not free speech
Nobody likes sunburn slappers
High explosives and school don't mix
I will not bribe Principal Skinner
I will finish what I sta
Hamsters cannot fly
Underwear should be worn on the inside
The Christmas pageant does not stink
It's potato not potatoe
I will not torment the emotionally frail
I will not carve gods
I will not spank others
I will not aim for the head
I will not barf unless I'm sick
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's [sic] lounge
I will not conduct my own fire drills
Funny noises are not funny
I will not snap bras
I will not fake seizures
This punishment is not boring and meaningless
My name is not Dr. Death
I will not defame New Orleans
I will not prescribe medication
I will not bury the new kid
I will not teach others to fly
I will not bring sheep to class
A burp is not an answer
Teacher is not a leper
I will not eat things for money
I will not yell "She's Dead" during roll call
The principal's toupee is not a frisbee
I will not squeak chalk
Goldfish don't bounce
Mud is not one of the 4 food groups
104.699 | NORMisms..... | SLOHAN::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Thu May 27 1993 18:20 | 280 |
| The Collected Wit and Wisdom of Norm Peterson---
In chronological order:
No Help Wanted:
Coach: Can I draw you a beer, Norm?
Norm: No, I know what they look like. Just pour me one.
Coach: How about a beer, Norm?
Norm: Hey I'm high on life, Coach. Of course, beer is my life.
Fortune and Men's Weights:
Coach: How's a beer sound, Norm?
Norm: I dunno. I usually finish them before they get a word in.
Coach: What's up, Norm?
Norm: Corners of my mouth, Coach.
Snow Job:
Coach: What's shaking, Norm?
Norm: All four cheeks and a couple of chins, Coach.
Coach: Beer, Normie?
Norm: Uh, Coach, I dunno, I had one this week.
Eh, why not, I'm still young.
Norman's Conquest:
[Norm comes in with an attractive woman.]
Coach: Normie, Normie, could this be Vera?
Norm: With a lot of expensive surgery, maybe.
I'll Be Seeing You (Part 2)
Coach: What's up, Normie?
Norm: The temperature under my collar, Coach.
Diane Meets Mom:
Coach: What would you say to a nice beer, Normie?
Norm: Going down?
[Norm returns from the hospital.]
Coach: What's up, Norm?
Norm: Everything that's supposed to be.
Peterson Crusoe:
[Norm comes in, depressed. He just stands by the door with a
sullen Norm: [mutters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm? (Norman?)
The Heart is a Lonely Snipehunter:
Sam: What's new, Normie?
Norm: Terrorists, Sam. They've taken over my stomach.
They're demanding beer.
King of the Hill:
Coach: What'll it be, Normie?
Norm: Just the usual, Coach. I'll have a froth of beer and a snorkel.
The Mail Goes to Jail:
Coach: What would you say to a beer, Normie?
Norm: Daddy wuvs you.
Behind Every Great Man:
Sam: What'd you like, Normie?
Norm: A reason to live. Gimme another beer.
Norm: Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Cliff: Afternoon, everybody.
All: [silence]
The Executive's Executioner:
Sam: What will you have, Norm?
Norm: Well, I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy. I'll take a glass of whatever
comes out of that tap.
Sam: Oh, looks like beer, Norm.
Norm: Call me Mister Lucky.
Birth, Death, Love and Rice:
Sam: What do you say, Norm?
Norm: Any cheap, tawdry thing that'll get me a beer.
Woody Goes Belly Up:
Sam: What do you say to a beer, Normie?
Norm: Hiya, sailor. New in town?
Diane's Nightmare:
Norm: [coming in from the rain] Evening, everybody.
All: Norm! (Norman!)
Sam: Still pouring, Norm?
Norm: That's funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.
I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday:
Sam: What's the good word, Norm?
Norm: Plop, plop, fizz, fizz.
Sam: Oh no, not the Hungry Heifer...
Norm: Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Sam: One heartburn cocktail coming up.
Love Thy Neighbor:
Sam: Whaddya say, Norm?
Norm: Well, I never met a beer I didn't drink. And down it goes.
The Bar Stoolie:
Woody: What's your pleasure, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Boxer shorts and loose shoes. But I'll settle for a beer.
The Triangle:
Woody: What can I do for you, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Elope with my wife.
[Norm is angry.]
Woody: What can I get you, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Clifford Clavin's head.
Take My Shirt... Please?
Woody: How's life, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Oh, I'm waiting for the movie.
The Peterson Principle:
Sam: Hey, what's happening, Norm?
Norm: Well, it's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear.
Tan 'n Wash:
Paul: Hey Norm, how's the world been treating you?
Norm: Like a baby treats a diaper.
Norm: Hey, everybody.
All: [silence; everybody is mad at Norm for being rich]
Norm: [carries on both sides of the conversation himself]
Home is the Sailor: [the bar is completely different, since Sam went
sailing around the world and sold the bar]
Norm: Hey, everybody.
Woody: Norm! [nobody else in the bar says anything]
Norm: That's it, I'm leaving.
Norm: [comes in, pretending to be Joe Average customer,
as part of operation Wayne Down the Dwain]
Customer: Norm!
Norm: [quietly] Not now!
Little Carla, Happy at Last, Part 2:
Woody: Would you like a beer, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: No, I'd like a dead cat in a glass.
A Kiss is Still a Kiss:
Sam: How's life treating you?
Norm: It's not, Sammy, but you can!
Let Sleeping Drakes Lie:
Woody: Can I pour you a draft, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: A little early, isn't it Woody?
Woody: For a beer?
Norm: No, for stupid questions.
Airport V:
Woody: What's the story, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: The Bobbsey twins go to the brewery.
Let's cut to the happy ending.
One Happy Chappy in a Snappy Serape, Part 2:
Pepe: [something in Spanish]
Bar Wars II: The Woodman Strikes Back:
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you.
Norm: I know, and if she calls, I'm not here.
Don't Paint Your Chickens:
Sam: Beer, Norm?
Norm: Have I gotten that predictable? Good.
Call Me, Irresponsible:
Woody: What's going on, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: A flashing sign in my gut that says, ``Insert beer here.''
Two Girls for Every Boyd:
Sam: What can I get you, Norm?
Norm: [scratching his beard] Got any flea powder?
Ah, just kidding. Gimme a beer; I think I'll just drown the little
Feeble Attraction:
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, Jack Frost nipping at your nose?
Norm: Yep, now let's get Joe Beer nipping at my liver, huh?
Bar Wars III: The Return of Tecumseh:
Sam: What are you up to Norm?
Norm: My ideal weight if I were eleven feet tall.
Woody: Nice cold beer coming up, Mr. Peterson.
Norm: You mean, `Nice cold beer going <down> Mr. Peterson.'
Sam: What do you know there, Norm?
Norm: How to sit. How to drink. Want to quiz me?
Sam: What can I do for you, Norm?
Norm: Open up those beer taps and, oh, take the day off, Sam.
It's a Wonderful Wife:
Woody: What's going on, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Another layer for the winter, Wood.
"How's it going, Mr. Peterson?"
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"No, I mean pour."
"How's life treating you, Norm?"
"Like it caught me sleeping with its' wife."
"Women. Can't live with 'em, pass the beer nuts."
"What's going down, Normie?"
"My butt cheeks on that bar stool."
"How's life in the fast lane?"
"Dunno, can't get on the on-ramp."
"Pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson."
"Alright, but stop me at one.... make that one-thirty."
"What's the story, Norm?"
"Boy meets beer. Boy drinks beer. Boy meets another beer."
"How about a beer, Norm?"
"That's that amber, sudsy stuff, right? I've heard good things about it!"
"What's going on, Mr. Peterson?"
"The question is what's going in Mr. Peterson. A beer please, Woody."
"What's up, Normie?"
"My nipples, it's freezing out there.
Sam: You must be really busy what with all those new tax laws.
Norm: What new tax laws?
104.700 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | Live together, Play together | Thu May 27 1993 18:33 | 6 |
> Norm: Boxer shorts and loose shoes. But I'll settle for a beer.
That about sums it up for me, too...
104.701 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | Electric Music for the Mind and Body | Thu May 27 1993 19:59 | 120 |
| <other fwds clipped>
I recently bought a book called The 776 stupidest things ever said. I
thought I would post of few excerpts from it for your amusement.
"Things are more like they are now than they have ever been".
President Gerald Ford
"That's part of American greatness, is discrimination. Yes, sir. Inequality,
I think, breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity".
Lester Maddox, ex-governor of Georgia
"Wherever I have gone in this country, I have found Americans".
Alf Landon, during his speech in his presidential campaign against FDR
"You're a parasite for sore eyes"
actor Gregory Ratoff
"I paint paintings because I can't get the experience in any other way
but there are many more experiences that are equally satisfying to me
and equally inept at answering all my questions, but hover in exactitude
in describing themselves and defying me to define their logic".
Julian Schnabel
"My fellow astronauts"
Vice-President Dan Quayle, beginning a speech at an Apollo 11 anniversary
"Half this game is 90% mental"
Danny Ozark, manager of the Phillies
"I've been traveling so much, I haven't had time to grow it".
Bob Horner, Atlanta Braves third baseman, on why he hadn't grown a beard
"Isn't it a blessing of God it didn't hit him in the eye" ?
an elderly woman, when she and two others found a dead robber on the road,
shot through the right temple
"If we didn't have bonuses, we wouldn't have had anybody working for us".
Drexel Burnham Lambert spokesperson, explaining why the company gave over
$195 million in bonuses just before it filed for bankruptcy
"I first saw President Reagan as a foot, highly polished brown cordovan
wagging merrily on a hassock. I spied it through the door. It was a
beautiful foot, sleek. Such casual elegance and clean lines! But not a
big foot, not formidable, maybe a little ...frail. I imagined cradling
it in my arms, protecting it from unsmooth roads".
Peggy Noonan, speechwriter for the Reagan administration
"Captial punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human
Orrin Hatch, Republican senator
"While you are away, movie stars are taking your women. Robert Redford is
dating your girlfriend, Tom Selleck is kissing your lady, Bart Simpson is
making love to your wife".
Baghdad Betty, Iraqi radio announcer, to gulf war troops
"The boys never meant any harm against the girls. They just meant to rape".
Joyce Kithira, deputy principal of a Kenyan boarding school, commenting on
a raid of a girls' dormitory by a gang of boys who raped 71 girls and
killed 19
"This country needs a spear chucker, and I think we've got him up on this
Eugene Dorff, mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin, introducing presidential candidate
Jesse Jackson. He said later he had intended to say "straight shooter"
"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on".
movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn
"I want to gain 1,500 or 2,000 yards, whichever comes first".
George Rogers, Saints running back
"If crime went down 100%, it would still be 50 times higher than it shoud be"
Councilman John Bowman commenting on the high crime in Washington
"I believe that mink are raised for being turned into fur coats and if we
didn't wear fur coats those little animals would never have been born. So
is it better not to have been born or to have lived for a year or two to
have been turned into a fur coat? I don't know".
Barbi Benton ex-playboy bunny
104.702 | | VXTST6::BOURDESS | | Thu May 27 1993 20:55 | 9 |
| >"This country needs a spear chucker, and I think we've got him up on this
>Eugene Dorff, mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin, introducing presidential candidate
>Jesse Jackson. He said later he had intended to say "straight shooter"
I would've liked to have seen the look on Jeese's face when he said
104.703 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu May 27 1993 22:19 | 2 |
| if that last one is true...I"M LAUGHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
104.704 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | Electric Music for the Mind and Body | Fri May 28 1993 14:52 | 91 |
| {headers removed}
From: TLE::JOYCE "Hey what's that red light? 28-May-1993 0937" 28-MAY-1993 10:47:53.28
Subj: POETS is the cure for all ills!
Hey, I think I've found the cure for depression of any form - go see a realtor.
No, I'm serious - one quick visit to the real estate office nearest to you
will cure every ill. Here's what I mean:
Suppose you own a home. As most home owners know (or quickly learn), homes
are worse than children or jealous spouses when it comes to begging for
attention. Homes don't fool around - they go straight for your wallet and earn
the title "money pit" soon after you move in.
Maybe you're getting a little blue over the fact that every room needs a coat
of paint, the garage is a toxic waste dump, the roof has allowed multiple
rooms in your house to double as showers and the carpenter ants just about
have the house sawed cleanly away from it's foundation. Who do you call?
Your realtor!
First off, to be a realtor, you have to be a bouncy, energetic and positive
individual. Always look for the silver lining in any situation. A good
realtor would put a positive spin any of the above problems and make you feel
that they are selling features of your humble abode.
o Rooms in need of paint -- don't paint them - they give the house
that "lived in" feeling.
o Toxic waste/trash in the garage? - It demonstrates that the garage
is large and spacious enough to accommodate a new home owner's junk,
um, er, I mean belongings and still park 2 cars.
o Roof leaking? - It makes it that much easier to add a skylight
to any number of rooms.
o Carpenter ants and other household pests - they'll provide plenty
of food for a prospective buyer's cat, dog or pet anteater.
In short, the house could be one step away from sinking clear down to the
devil's living room and your realtor will work hard to mitigate that fact.
(They'll say "You can walk straight into the 2nd floor bedrooms through the
windows without going up a flight of stairs - it will be so easy to move in -
what a nice feature!")
Now, suppose the shoe is on the other foot - you're in the market to buy a
house. You visit a realtor and provide a careful description of what you're
looking for - spacious, well-constructed, several bathrooms, large driveway -
and your realtor goes to work.
The first house your realtor takes you to, well, it looks just like Neu
Schwanstein Castle in the Bavarian Alps of Germany...you know - the place that
they modeled the castle at Disney World after. You take the walk through with
your realtor, graciously admiring the cut stone walls and the mahogany
flooring throughout.
At the end of the walk though, your realtor asks if it was what you were
looking for...and you being to express doubts about being able to afford it.
Here's where your realtor becomes instrumental at heading off those feelings
of fear, depression and uncertainty: First off, your realtor carefully
explains to you that the sale price of the house is a steal - not a bargain or
a deal - but a "steal". On top of that, with interest rates being what they
are, the house is easily within your reach, even though the sale price of the
castle, um, er, I mean house is slightly less than the federal deficit. With a
little creative financing (ha - "creative financing" - what an euphemism!),
you *do* have the earning power to make that home yours.
One important point to note is that all realtors assume that homes are in
perfect condition and don't need any work, so they can allocate all of your
income to paying the mortgage. They tell you it will never turn into a money
pit...it was built too well.
Well, now that you're feeling like you have some real authority under your
belt, it's time to see the banker. The banker will drag you down from
the high that the realtor put you on...but that's the subject of another
POETS mail.
Hey, POETS is at Killarney's this afternoon. Nobody will try to sell you
anything...and you won't even have to pay to have fun. Just show up and
hang out after work for some wings and beer and get the Memorial Day weekend
off to a great start.
See 'ya,
PS: FYI - A bunch of the usual POETS crowd will be at Patrick and Lupner's
wedding...so if you drop into Killarney's and don't see a table full of the
"usual suspects", you're still in the right place.
104.705 | | MKOTS3::ROBERTS_CR | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Fri May 28 1993 15:26 | 2 |
| ohmigawd DC - that is PERFECT!
104.706 | | SLOHAN::FIELDS | and we'd go Running On Faith | Fri Jun 04 1993 19:10 | 71 |
Artery.......................The study of paintings
Bacteria...............The back door of a cafeteria
Barium............What doctors do when patients die
Bowel................A letter like a, e, i, o, or u
Caesarean Section............A neighborhood in Rome
Cat Scan........................Searching for kitty
Cauterize.................Made eye contact with her
Colic...................................A sheep dog
D & C...........................Where Washington is
Dilate.................................to live long
Enema..................................Not a friend
Genital...................................Not a Jew
G. I. Series.....................Soldiers ball game
Hangnail..................................Coat hook
Impotent..................Distinguished: well known
Labor Pain.....................Getting hurt at work
Medical Staff.......................A doctor's cane
Morbid...............................A higher offer
Nitrates.....................Cheaper than day rates
Node.................................. Was aware of
Outpatient.....................A person who fainted
Papsmear..........................A fatherhood test
Pelvis............................A cousin to Elvis
Postoperative......................A letter carrier
Recovery Room..............A place to do upholstery
Rectum..........................Dang near killed'em
Seizure...............................Roman emperor
Tablet................................A small table
Terminal Illness........Getting sick at the airport
Tumor.................................More than one
Urine........................Opposite of you're out
104.707 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Wed Jun 09 1993 16:36 | 10 |
picture: Calvin, with a scrunched up, cross-eyed, grimace
caption: God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now I am so far behind, I will never die.
104.708 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | Electric Music for the Mind and Body | Wed Jun 09 1993 17:08 | 6 |
| I liked the C&H from a few days back ... the first couple of frames showed
Calvin sitting at his classroom desk looking bored; next frame he yells
out "THIS IS A BIG FAT WASTE OF MY TIME!" and next frame he's running out
the door with a hand reaching for him, shouting "Help! The BRAIN POLICE!!!"
104.709 | P.C. Riding Hood | NRSTA2::CLARK | Electric Music for the Mind and Body | Fri Jun 11 1993 17:48 | 83 |
| {headers removed}
Little Red Riding Hood - A Politically Correct Fairy Tale
by Jim Garner
copied by Andy Tiarks April 24, 1993
originally appeared in "Comic Relief" April, 1993
There once was a young person named Red Riding Hood who lived with her mother
on the edge of a large wood. One day her mother asked her to take a basket of
fresh fruit and mineral water to her grandmother's house -- not because this
was womyn's work, mind you, but because the deed was generous and helped
engender a feeling of community. Furthermore, her grandmother was not sick,
but rather was in full physical and mental health and was fully capable of
taking care of herself as a mature adult.
So Red Riding Hood set off with her basket of food through the woods. Many
people she knew believed that the forest was a foreboding and dangerous place
and never set foot in it. Red Riding Hood, however, was so confident in her
own budding sexuality that such obvious Freudian imagery did not hinder her.
On her way to Grandma's house, Red Riding Hood was accosted by a Wolf, who
asked her what was in her basket. She replied, "Some healthful snacks for my
grandmother, who is certainly capable of taking care of herself as a mature
The Wolf said, "You know, my dear, it isn't safe for a little girl to walk
through these woods alone."
Red Riding Hood said, "I find your sexist remark offensive in the extreme, but
I will ignore it because of your traditional status as an outcast from society,
the stress of which has caused you to develop your own, entirely valid
worldview. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way."
Red Riding Hood walked on along the main path. But, because his status outside
society had freed him from slavish adherence to linear, Western-style thought,
the Wolf knew of a quicker route to Grandma's house. He burst into the house
and ate Grandma, an entirely valid course of action for a carnivore such as
himself. Then, unhampered by rigid, traditionalist notions of what was
masculine or feminine, he put on grandma's nightclothes and crawled into bed.
Red Riding Hood entered the cottage and said, "Grandma, I have brought you some
fat-free, sodium-free snacks to salute you in your role of a wise and nurturing
From the bed, the Wolf said softly, "Come closer, child, so that I might see
Red Riding Hood said, "Oh, I forgot you are as optically challenged as a bat.
Grandma, what big eyes you have!"
"They have seen much, and forgiven much, my dear."
"Grandma, what a big nose you have -- only relatively, of course, and certainly
attractive in its own way."
"It has smelled much, and forgiven much, my dear."
"Grandma, what big teeth you have!"
The Wolf said, "I am happy with who I am and what I am," and leaped out of bed.
He grabbed Red Riding Hood in his claws, intent on devouring her. Red Riding
Hood screamed, not out of alarm at the Wolf's apparent tendency toward
cross-dressing, but because of his willful invasion of her personal space.
Her screams were heard by a passing woodchopper-person (or log-fuel technician,
as he preferred to be called). When he burst into the cottage, he saw the
melee and tried to intervene. But as he raised his ax, Red Riding Hood and the
Wolf both stopped.
"And what do you think you're doing?" asked Red Riding Hood.
The woodchopper-person blinked and tried to answer, but no words came to him.
"Bursting in here like a Neanderthal, trusting your weapon to do your thinking
for you!" she said. "Sexist! Speciesist! How dare you assume that womyn and
wolves can't solve their own problems without a man's help!"
When she heard Red Riding Hood's speech, Grandma jumped out of the Wolf's
mouth, took the woodchopper-person's axe, and cut his head off. After this
ordeal, Red Riding Hood, Grandma, and the Wolf felt a certain commonality of
purpose. They decided to set up an alternative household based on mutual
respect and cooperation, and they lived together in the woods happily ever
104.710 | | MKOTS3::ROBERTS_CR | a blinding flash o'the obvious | Fri Jun 11 1993 19:15 | 3 |
| :-) :-) :-) excellent story!!!!
104.711 | Its a coke | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | Two pints make one cavort | Mon Jul 12 1993 14:26 | 133 |
| [...]
From: ERIS::CALLAS "Off-path travel kills plants 09-Jul-1993 1218" 9-JUL-1993 12:19:18.95
Subj: Dictation
Al Sicherman
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Sunday, June 13, 1993
I am writing this down for you Gentle Reader, even as I speak
As it tends to do, technology marches on. And it seems to be marching
over me. I am dictating today's column into a device that changes my
spoken words into typing on my computer.
Yes, that's right, I am sitting in my chair, with my hands folded in
front of me; I am speaking into a little headset microphone and words
are appearing on a screen. Ain't science grand?
At this point in today's column, I am correcting the frequent
misunderstandings that arise between me and the machine so that what
you are reading looks just fine.
In fact, however, the rather darling computer program that is
interpreting my deathless words is even now making a zillion incorrect
guesses about what I am saying, most of which aren't even close. I
should acknowledge that its second guess is quite often correct, but
we aren't playing horseshoes here.
The only reason you can make anything out of this is that I am
correcting the machine as we go. To be fair, it is still in the
process of learning my voice. It has only been listening to me for a
solid month. Presumably after a lengthy exposure to my dulcet tones -
say, 10 or 15 years - it would unerringly transcribe my every
utterance. In the meantime, it's a little dicey.
I should be gracious enough to say that the reason I am pulling up a
microphone - instead of a keyboard or a typewriter or a linotype - is
that my hands (not unlike my feet, my back, my knees, my esophagus and
my head) are failing to perform up to minimal expectations, and my
doctor has recommended that I wear strange-looking wrist bands and do
what I can to minimize wrist strain from typing.
All right, my choices are: Abandon what I laughingly call my profession
in favor of something that doesn't use the hands, such as
bubble-blowing or grape-stomping; ignore the doctor and go through the
day with my wrists on fire, or spend my time dictating to a computer
that thinks that when I say "require" I mean "retire."
It's an easy decision. The company has brought in this dictation
computer on a trial basis; five of us are trying it. (The worst of it
is that chewing sounds confuse it, so I can no longer eat while I
OK, enough Mr. Nice Guy. Here, unedited, is how this device heard me
recite a few familiar passages. I will correct the titles, but that's
The Raven
Once upon a midnight jury, well I powder, week and very,
Over many a right and serious volume of forthcoming more -
While I not, clearly next, suddenly their game a having,
As of some one gently wrapping, rapid at my chamber your.
"Kiss some Mr.," I mother, "having at my chamber or:
Only this and nothing more."
Coast the Reagan: "Everywhere."
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
For store and 7 years ago our fathers wrote fourth on this content a
new nation, embassy in liberty and education to the protozoan that all
them are created people.
Annabel Lee
It was many and many the year uncle,
In a keynote by the see,
That a maiden there lived when you may no
By the name of animal Lee.
Preamble to the Constitution
We, the people of the united space, In order to form a more perfect
union, establish justice, injuring most family, provide for the ,
defense, problem the general Walter, and severe the lessons of liberty
to ourselves and or', to morning and establish this consideration for
the united states of America.
Eleanor Rigby
Eleanor really picks up the race in the church
Where a wedding as in
Lives in a tree
With at the window
Wearing the face that she teeth in a jar by the your
Who is it for?
All the only people, where to they all, from?
All a only people, where to they all, from?
The Arrow and the Song
I shot an bureau into the hair,
It tell to earth, I new not where.
Paul Revere's Ride
Listen, by children, and you shall here
Of the midnight by of call radiator.
Want, if by land, and to, if by see;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to wind and sound the along
Through every Nelson says village and from.
The Star Spangled Banner
Old say can you see by the tongs early late,
What so probably we pale at the college last cleaning,
Whose broad strikes and great stores, through the parallels five
Or the reference we watch were so talented string?
And the rockets read letter, the follows bursting in air,
A group through the night that our flight was still their;
Go say does that star scheduled manner yet wave,
Or the land of the free, and the call of the great?
Though there are many more works of Enemy Lobster Although (whom you
many know as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow), including The Religious
Watchman (the Village Blacksmith), I think we should stop.
Maybe another time I'll read aloud some complete garbage (passages
from the Congressional Record; the lyrics of "Louie Louie," or the
fine print on my credit-card bill) and see whether the computer turns
it into Shakespeare.
-------- 30 --------
104.712 | | EST::BOURDESS | | Thu Jul 22 1993 16:02 | 16 |
| Whats the differnece between Jurrasic Park and Digital Equip. Corp.?
One is a high tech amuaement park with a bunch of old dinosaurs running
and the other is a movie :-)
104.713 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu Jul 22 1993 16:14 | 4 |
| a sixty year old senior software consultant told me that one early this
104.714 | | 58299::CLARK | World Shut Your Mouth | Thu Jul 22 1993 16:57 | 2 |
| I was considering posting that joke, but what the heck, I'll let Mike get
"transitioned" instead. ;^)
104.715 | Many ;-)'s | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Careful with that AXP Eugene! | Thu Jul 22 1993 17:35 | 3 |
Mike's a Co-op... ...he can get away with those things.
104.716 | I sure wouldn't mind paid vacations:-) | EST::BOURDESS | | Thu Jul 22 1993 18:09 | 4 |
| >Mike's a Co-op... ...he can get away with those things.
My lack of concern over some issues is one of the few benefits of being
a co-op. :-)
104.717 | | MSBCS::STANLEY | Like a surfer riding a tidal wave... | Tue Aug 03 1993 13:44 | 19 |
How can you tell if a Deadhead has visited your house?
He's still there.
104.718 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Aug 03 1993 18:41 | 17 |
| I don't get to read OUTLAND much (Berk Breathed)..someone just handed
me a copy of one...
Bill the Cat, Opus and the little grasshopper/cockroach/whatever are
sittin on the MENS KOUCH. Opus tells a sexist joke "How do you know a
women has been using the computer? there's white out on the screen!"
the woman of the comoc series (name unknow to me) approaches and says
"You dumb hipocrites! You mock the half of humanity that makes your
graceless existence bearable (for me the comic coulda ended right
there, says enough!)She continues "Men should pause for one long moment
and take another LONG, HARD look at the very thing that brings meaning
to their meaningless lives." and she walks away with our heros looking
at her in bewilderment. When she's out of site, they all look down
their pants.
104.719 | HILARIOUS! | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Careful with that AXP Eugene! | Tue Aug 03 1993 21:47 | 8 |
re: -.1
There's one I'd like to see show up on the 'valuing differences'
bulletin-board here in HLO...
8-) 8-) 8-)
104.720 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Tue Aug 03 1993 22:13 | 9 |
:-) :-)
that was hysterical!
I wish the NY Times had comics - I hardly ever get to read them
104.721 | | EST::BOURDESS | | Wed Aug 04 1993 14:24 | 10 |
| Why do males tend to name that certain piece of their anatomy?
Because they don't want someone they don't know making 90% of their
decisions for them :-)
104.722 | HA! | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Aug 04 1993 16:34 | 12 |
| HA!
on a related note, I rented/saw "Scent of a Woman" finally last nite...
being someone who has ALWAYS valued the other half of us that make mens
meaningless existence actually have meaning...i dug it! a little sexist
in some respects, but also very true in other respects.
104.723 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Aug 04 1993 19:28 | 14 |
| took a late lunch today to see Patty and my youngest, Lindsey.
Flipped on the Denver news, either to stay informed or get depressed,
(haven't figgered out which yet). Bunch of news about the Pope visiting
Denver this week (or is it next?) anyway, a long newsarticle on the
EARLY appearances of the Pope in some Denver shopping malls, the people
crying and such because he "touched" them or waved his hand or some
such nonsense (no offense to the Papally inspired). Turns out this is
a fake-pope! played some part on a FOX sit-com...FOX hired him to tour
Denver! HA! I busted up! (again, no offense meant!) the guy's a dead
ringer for the real Pope...to freakin funny for me! what was even
funnier - when the people in extacy (sp) were told the truth, they
refused to believe it!
104.724 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | life is a carnival | Wed Aug 04 1993 19:44 | 5 |
The pope is due in Denver mid-september: he'll be hosting some sort of
jamboree for Catholic kids (I heard 500K of 'em!) and doing some hiking in
the high country.
104.726 | | STRATA::DWEST | reality is not... | Wed Aug 04 1993 20:24 | 2 |
| i have a friend who has that fish thing on her car, but it's got a
shark fin on it! she calls it "the anti-fish"... :^)
104.727 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Wed Aug 04 1993 20:43 | 9 |
| HA!
(my family is gonna get real tired of my newly aquired mode of laughing
HA!...but it beats Pauly Shore's BUUUDDDEEEE from Encino Man , or my
nervous bevis and butthead laugh )
col slade
104.728 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Thu Aug 05 1993 14:57 | 5 |
| Just so you don't snort like a pig. I hate that.
104.729 | Alien 4? | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | life is a carnival | Thu Aug 05 1993 15:01 | 4 |
In cyberspace, no one can here you laugh.
104.731 | Going a little too far? | TRETOP::SAMILJAN | | Fri Aug 06 1993 13:16 | 10 |
| re: Clinton and gays joke
Whoa! Hey, I'm far from being prudish, but that was really crude.
I don't want to stifle creativity, but I think this Notes file needs
to be more careful about stepping over the edge, especially in light
of recent discussions concerning the viability of employee interest
Notes files. (Why give anyone ammunition?) Know what I mean?
104.732 | Dickens Farm Stand | BSS::MNELSON | No Time To Hate | Fri Aug 06 1993 14:04 | 14 |
I heard a commercial on the radio today on the way in. It was for
Dickens Farm stand. The guy in the commercial was saying the best
thing at the stand was their cider. He loves it and his wife loves it.
She says it great to have that Dicken's Cider. Even the Minister wife
loves Dickens Cider.
Morning Noon or Night, She loves that Dicken's Cider. She is
especially fond of letting the cider stand til it becomes hard cider.
She thinks that its great having hard Dicken's Cider anytime.
It was pretty funny, because as the commercial started, I thought it
was a real commercial til he started on the cider bit .
104.733 | monday Moanings humor | SALES::GKELLER | The 2nd guarantees the rest | Mon Aug 09 1993 12:56 | 5 |
| Why do most men name their private parts?
Because they don't like someone they don't know making 90% of their
decisions for them:-)
104.734 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | live for today | Mon Aug 09 1993 17:52 | 6 |
| Someone left a xerox of a good Far Side cartoon on my desk ... just one
frame; a large search party, w/men carrying rifles etc., following a dog
thru the woods ... the dog is thinking "I can't smell a damn thing." It
seemed familiar, somehow.
- dc
104.735 | :-) | LASSIE::GRADY | | Mon Aug 09 1993 18:20 | 6 |
| My favorite is the one of the kid with his books, pushing on the school
door, and a sign above the door says "School for the Gifted", and on
the door itself, "Pull".
104.736 | why ask why | NRSTA2::CLARK | live for today | Wed Aug 18 1993 19:03 | 70 |
| {headers removed}
Why do you need a driver's license to buy
liquor when you can't drink and drive?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices under plane
seats instead of parachutes?
Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when
smoking is prohibited there?
Do you need a silencer if you are going to
shoot a mime?
Have you ever imagined a world with no
hypothetical situations?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow
get to work in the mornings?
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
why are there locks on the doors?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they
make TEFLON stick to the pan?
If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat
and dropped it from a height, what would happen?
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light,
what happens when you turn on the headlights?
You know how most packages say "Open here". What is
the protocol if the package says, "Open somewhere else"?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad
of the drive-up ATM?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why is brassiere singular and panties plural?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a
shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes,
why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for
an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
104.737 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | live for today | Wed Aug 18 1993 19:07 | 47 |
| Eerie coincidences between Star Trek and The Love Boat
Love Boat Enterprise
--------- ----------
Bald Captain Bald Captain
Black Bartender Black Bartender
Young Vicki is related to a Young Wesley is related to a crewmember
crewmember and works on the ship and works on the ship
Ship's doctor is a main character Ship's doctor is a main character
Julie the cruise director is sexy Troi the ship's councelor is sexy but
but annoying annoying
Actors stand in front of screen, Actors stand in front of screen,
upon which is projected background upon which is projected background
of open sea of open space
A dumping ground for second-rate A dumping ground for second-rate
washed-up guest stars washed-up guest stars
Going to strange new ports-of-call Going to strange new worlds
Cheesy opening song Cheesy opening song
Too many scenes of self-indulgent Too many scenes of self-indulgent
crap in the lounge crap in the holodeck
Socially retarded character with Socially retarded character with
job description for name (Gopher) job description for name (Data)
In late-night syndication In late-night syndication
Bad 2-hour pilot Bad 2-hour pilot
Love Boat has lifeboats and Enterprise has shuttlecrafts and
flotation devices detaching saucer section
Scenes linked by ship shots Scenes linked by ship shots
One character inexplicably replaced, One character inexplicably replaced,
then returned (Julie) then returned (Crusher)
After-the-fact bed scenes with After-the-fact bed scenes with
pointless discussion pointless discussion
Captain straightens uniform when Captain straightens uniform when
disgusted/angry/nervous disgusted/angry/nervous
Final scene takes place on loading Final scene takes place on
dock; crew waves goodbye crew waves goodbye
Aaron Spelling rules with iron fist, Gene Roddenberry rules with iron fist,
annoying die-hard fans annoying die-hard fans
At conventions, everyone is dressed At conventions, everyone is dressed
like Dr. Adam Bricker like Mr. Spock
Isaac the Bartender has useless Captain Picard has useless gesture,
gesture, pointing slightly forward pointing slightly forward
Intercrew friction always resolved Intercrew friction always resolved
within allotted 1 hour time slot within allotted 1 hour time slot
104.738 | wow I didn't know that ! | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Strange Brew | Wed Aug 18 1993 19:45 | 1 |
| somehow thats very scareeeeeeeeeey
104.739 | | STUDIO::IDE | Can't this wait 'til I'm old? | Thu Aug 19 1993 15:08 | 27 |
| I pulled this off the internet and edited it down to those I found
From: new-releases@cs.uwp.edu (new-releases mailing list)
Subject: RELEASE: Recent and Upcoming Album Releases: 93-32
Sender: news@dutrun2.tudelft.nl (UseNet News System)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 12:24:03 GMT
Date Artist/Group Title
------ ------------------------ -------------------------------------
10 Aug Pudgee, Tha Phat Bastard Give 'Em The Finga
10 Aug The Point Fingernoid Slink
10 Aug Armageddon Dildos Homicidal Dolls
10 Aug Rump Hating Brenda
10 Aug Psychograss Psychograss
10 Aug Hoodratz Sneekee Muthafukaz [DP]
10 Aug Jamiroquai Emergency On Planet Earth
10 Aug TV In Flames Drool
10 Aug Acid Test Drop
17 Aug Fourplay Between The Sheets
17 Aug Kim Pensyl A Kim Pensyl Christmas
17 Aug Sativa Luvbox Beloved Satellite
17 Aug Identity Crisis Spanish Afro
24 Aug Baby Animals Shaved And Dangerous
24 Aug Kathy Lee Gifford It's Christmas Time
24 Aug Stereolab Transient Random Noise Burst
7 Sep Therapy? Hats Off To The Insane EP
104.740 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | live for today | Thu Aug 19 1993 15:31 | 6 |
| re <<< Note 104.739 by STUDIO::IDE "Can't this wait 'til I'm old?" >>>
>24 Aug Baby Animals Shaved And Dangerous
I bought their first CD because of the song "Painless." When will I
ever learn; never buy a CD because of one good song I heard on the radio?
104.741 | | LANDO::HAPGOOD | | Thu Aug 19 1993 16:53 | 13 |
| <<< Note 104.740 by NRSTA2::CLARK "live for today" >>>
>I bought their first CD because of the song "Painless." When will I
>ever learn; never buy a CD because of one good song I heard on the radio?
Yabut! Just think of the feeling you get when you get a disk and WOW!
it's great the whole way through....
ps. It's getting easier to "expiriment" with CD as the price for used disks
go down to something "reasonable" as compared to 15/16 when they were new.
104.742 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Your recipe is so tasty | Thu Aug 19 1993 17:26 | 12 |
| re <<< Note 104.741 by LANDO::HAPGOOD >>>
>ps. It's getting easier to "expiriment" with CD as the price for used disks
>go down to something "reasonable" as compared to 15/16 when they were new.
this is quite true!!!
104.743 | | ONE900::HUGHES | Samurai Couch Potato | Thu Aug 19 1993 19:07 | 8 |
| Of course, the slime molds that run the music industry are trying to restrict
the sales of used CDs by making life difficult for stores that have used bins.
This, unfortunately, is not a joke.
Ob joke reference: DCC
104.744 | oh, you mean they were RHETORICAL questions?! | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Careful with that AXP Eugene! | Thu Aug 19 1993 23:50 | 17 |
> If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
> why are there locks on the doors?
But they ARE closed for six hours a year: midnight to 6am, Christmas
Day. ;-)
> If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they
> make TEFLON stick to the pan?
I would answer this one, but that would have me showing my true geek
self... ...so I'll just keep ya guessin' 8-)
- jeff_noting_from_home_'cuz_he's_workin'_too_much...
104.745 | true story (from a friend)! | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | life is a carnival | Mon Sep 13 1993 18:12 | 56 |
So I get this offer in the mail -
"Switch to Sprint and get $35 credit on your next phone bill"
I figure, "Why not? $35 is good money for a phone call."
So I call Sprint and make the switch.
Two weeks later I get an offer from AT&T -
"We want you back - switch and get $25 credit"
Thinking, "Sure, why not", I put the offer aside, but forget to follow up.
A week later a $75 check arrives from AT&T -
"Endorse and cash this check, and we switch you back" Can't
argue with that. So I cash it and we're back with AT&T.
Another two weeks pass and I get a call from Sprint -
Sprint Lady: "We want you back at Sprint"
Me: "What incentive are you offering"
Sprint Lady: "Better service and prices than AT&T"
Me: "But AT&T just paid me $75"
Sprint Lady: "I can't give you any money, but listen,
Really, that's what she said. I gave her full points for creative
marketing and agreed to go back to Sprint.
Sure enough, yesterday a check arrives from AT&T - but only for $25.
Then that night I get a "please switch back" call from AT&T.
Me: "I got your $25 check today - what's the best you can offer me?"
AT&T Guy: "The screen says I can offer $75"
Me: "Make it a hundred and you've got a deal"
AT$T Guy: "I can't go over $75, but I'll tell you what -
Really, that's what he said. So, you guessed it, we're back with
So I'm thinking, this is a great business. Why not install a few dozen
phone lines and earn a living just swapping long distance carriers? On
average I could probably net $50 per line per month.
But why stop there? How about starting a company that handles long
distance company switching for the public? I could sign people up giving
me discretion of which LD company to use, and take 20% of the incentive
fee, passing 80% back to the consumer. Of course, then some enterprising
soul will start a competing company and offer my switchers an incentive
to switch to his switching company ...
104.746 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Mon Sep 13 1993 18:22 | 11 |
| A couple years ago when I worked with the phone companies,
the term they used for that was "churn". How many customers
switched to/from competitors in a given month. I recall
the cellular industry using numbers like 15%, but their
total monthly growth in customers was about 5-7%. Monthly.
Sounds like, if anything, things have gotten worse...
Big bucks in the phone business, especially cellular.
104.747 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | zzzzzzzzzzzzz huh? ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz | Mon Oct 11 1993 16:48 | 31 |
| {headers removed}
From: PEAKS::RICHARD "I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam. DTN 522-2256 11-Oct-1993 0817 -0600" 11-OCT-1993 10:22:36.32
Subj: Letterman top ten
Subj: Top Ten List for 10/8/93
---> October 8, 1993 <---
Top Ten Ways Clinton Can Pay for the Health Care Plan
10. Rent out Al Gore for pony rides
9. Get Chelsea a paper route
8. Announce that the paper money in everybody's Monopoly box is now real
7. Put the squeeze on Oprah
6. Have Senator Ted Kennedy return all empties for deposit money
5. Put it on Hillary's MasterCard, let her figure it out
4. Collect $10 from every long lost half-brother
3. You put $100 on black. If you win, now you got $200. You leave it. You
win again, you got $400, you leave it...
2. Punch out Perot and take his wallet
And the number one way that Clinton can pay for his health care plan ....
1. Use his french fry money
104.748 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Mon Oct 11 1993 16:53 | 3 |
| hey, I know that PEAKS::RICHARD guy! watch out -- he's a deadhead!
104.749 | hahahahaha | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Strange Brew | Mon Oct 11 1993 16:55 | 4 |
| love that guys personal header !!!
>"I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam."
104.750 | | NRSTA2::CLARK | zzzzzzzzzzzzz huh? ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz | Mon Oct 11 1993 17:14 | 5 |
| Or "I'm pink, therefore I'm smoked turkey."
(with apologies to Debess)
- dc
104.751 | Dilbert - 11/9/93 | NECSC::LEVY | Predestined to believe in free will | Thu Nov 11 1993 11:17 | 9 |
| Boss: My boss says we need some eunuch programmers
Dilbert: I think he means Unix not Eunuchs. And I already
know Unix.
Boss: If the comany nurse drops by, tell her I said
"Never mind."
104.752 | Ba humbug | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | That would be something | Tue Dec 07 1993 19:41 | 62 |
As a result of an overwhelming lack of requests, and with research help from
that renown scientific journal SPY magazine (January, 1990) - I am pleased to
present the annual scientific inquiry into Santa Claus.
1) No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of
living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects
and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa
has ever seen.
2) There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world.
BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and
Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378
million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census)
rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes
there's at least one good child in each.
3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different
time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west
(which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second.
This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa
has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the
chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the
tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back
into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these
91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course,
we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept),
we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2
million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once
every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.
This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000
times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made
vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per
second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.
4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming
that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds),
the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably
described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more
than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could
pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even
nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload - not even
counting the weight of the sleigh - to 353,430 tons.
Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.
5) 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air
resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as
a spacecraft reentering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer
will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short,
they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer
behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake.
The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a
second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06
times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim)
would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.
In conclusion - If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's
dead now.
104.753 | I speled Hannakah rong | PONDA::NOKNOK::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Tue Dec 07 1993 20:27 | 11 |
Gee, Fog, whatsa matter, Rache tell you you're not getting any Hannahak
presents this year? ;-)
You do certainly present some interesting arguments (not to mention great
mental pictures, eq. the reindeer team vaporizing into plasma).
Can I extract this and send it to friends?
104.754 | sonic boom santa | MAGEE::OSTIGUY | | Tue Dec 07 1993 21:41 | 6 |
| RE: Santa... TOO funny, I've never seen that before, but must show
that around
only to those over 18 of course 8*)
104.755 | Hill arious | MILKWY::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Tue Dec 07 1993 22:34 | 5 |
| That's probably the most laughter I've gotten out of any notes file any
where! I'm really glad I read it at home, I couldn't have laughed so
much in work.
Sorta explains Rudolph's red nose though!
104.756 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | That would be something | Wed Dec 08 1993 12:06 | 2 |
Tim Dalton wrote that, sorry I didn't credit him at first.
104.757 | | PONDA::NOKNOK::BELKIN | the slow one now will later be fast | Wed Dec 08 1993 13:05 | 6 |
| >Tim Dalton wrote that, sorry I didn't credit him at first.
Hah! Good thing you mentioned this, he's who I was gonna forward it to :-)
So I can assume ejs has it too?
104.758 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | That would be something | Wed Dec 08 1993 14:27 | 3 |
| >So I can assume ejs has it too?
uh huh.
104.759 | re: .752, we are everywhere! | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | That would be something | Wed Dec 15 1993 17:12 | 92 |
| As the company's point of entry for this memo, I was surprised to see it come
back so different. Its been reformated and a retort was tagged on the end from
some unspecified notefile. Its pretty funny:
From: CSC32::BINGHAM "Scott Bingham | Windows NT Focus Team CSC 15-Dec-1993 1132" 15-DEC-1993 13:35:59.76
Subj: fwd humor: IS THERE A SANTA CLAUS?
From: CSC32::N_HENDERSON "He who laughs, lasts. 15-Dec-1993 1111"
Subj: Christmas ?Humor? ... It's warped, so I thought TBU would like it.
As a result of an overwhelming lack of requests, and with research help from
that renown scientific journal SPY magazine (January, 1990) - I am pleased to
present the annual scientific inquiry into Santa Claus.
1) No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of
living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects
and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa
has ever seen.
2) There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world.
BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and
Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378
million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census)
rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes
there's at least one good child in each.
3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different
time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west
(which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second.
This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa
has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the
chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the
tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back
into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these
91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course,
we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept),
we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2
million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once
every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.
This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000
times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made
vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per
second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.
4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming
that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds),
the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably
described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more
than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could
pull TEN TIMES the normal anoint, we cannot do the job with eight, or even
nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload - not even
counting the weight of the sleigh - to 353,430 tons.
Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.
5) 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air
resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as
spacecrafts re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer
will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short,
they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer
behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake.
The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a
second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06
times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim)
would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.
In conclusion - If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's
dead now.
Note 11.14 Not reserved for anything 14 of 14
GIDDAY::PARSONS "Which Space Corps Directive ?" 11 lines 14-DEC-1993 19:32
-< Typical CSC response ;-) >-
The problem of vaporizing reindeer is fixed in
Polycenter Santa Claus for AXP V1.1
The problem of a crushed Santa Claus is a known problem.
Thank you for your continuing interest in Digital Fairytale Products.
Tony Parsons,
Sydney CSC. ;-)
104.760 | Who says the laws of physics apply.... | CARROL::YOUNG | where is this place in space??? | Wed Dec 15 1993 18:12 | 25 |
| i sent it to a friend of mine and she sent me back a good retort....
and before anyone questions me, i DO believe in Santa Claus!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so you say you have scientific proof that Santa doesn't exist? Well,
you're speaking about the existence of Santa Clause as a mere mortal in
our dimension. I've got news for you, babe: he is a force capable of
traveling in multiple dimensions simultaneously! That's right. You will
not hear him or see any foot prints, but rest assured: he will come.
You must realize that our senses are capable of detecting only a small
fraction of the physical/non-physical world. Thus, every unexplained
phenomenon (ghosts, UFOs, psychic abilities, the power of chocolate)
cannot be fully disproven.
So there! ;-)
104.761 | science can't explain EVERYTHING! :^) | STRATA::DWEST | choose wisdom over intelligence... | Wed Dec 15 1993 18:59 | 8 |
that one came to me (through a long route) with the subject line
"engineers take the fun out of everything"... :^)
my reply was "stooopid engineers... they left out the most important
part of the santa claus equation... MAGIC!!!!!"
da ve_who_also_believes
104.762 | Maybe I should become a lawyer | MILKWY::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Thu Dec 16 1993 11:25 | 11 |
| After first reading that I did have one or two considerations about the
technical facts.
If a flying reindeer travels a 650 miles pre second and the fastest
man made thing can only reach 27.6 miles per second, How could we ever
catch up with, to confirm, flying reindeer?
And as I commented earlier, Rudolph and his red nose are so clearly
explained by the 14.3 quintillion joules of energy. A simple titanium
nose cap protects all the reindeer behind it, taking the energy and
glowing red.
104.763 | Of course he's real! | NECSC::LEVY | A song that's born to soar the sky | Thu Dec 16 1993 11:38 | 16 |
| Proof of the existance of Santa Claus:
Address one envelope to: Clark Kent, The Daily Planet, Metropolis
Address one envelope to: Santa Claus, The North Pole
Send them off...making sure of proper postage and return address.
The one to Clark Kent will be returned. The one to Santa Claus will
not...which means it was delivered. If the Post Office can deliver
a letter to him, then HE'S REAL!! :-)
104.764 | now the time draws near for Santa to spread fear | TPSYS::CLARK | Can you picture what will be? | Thu Dec 16 1993 12:04 | 9 |
| re <<< Note 104.762 by MILKWY::SAMPSON "Driven by the wind" >>>
> And as I commented earlier, Rudolph and his red nose are so clearly
> explained by the 14.3 quintillion joules of energy. A simple titanium
> nose cap protects all the reindeer behind it, taking the energy and
> glowing red.
Also, Santa was turned to steel in a great magnetic field (when he travelled
time for the future of mankind).
104.765 | | CSCMA::M_PECKAR | That would be something | Thu Dec 16 1993 13:50 | 8 |
| > not...which means it was delivered. If the Post Office can deliver
> a letter to him, then HE'S REAL!! :-)
Well, this pressumes that you believe everything that a goverment agency
tells ya.
104.766 | Sabbath Claus roolz! | GOOROO::DCLARK | I am frowning all the time | Thu Dec 16 1993 14:40 | 3 |
| re.764
104.767 | Santa's PC dilemma | CSLALL::BRIDGES | Anods asGood asA wink toA blindBat | Thu Dec 16 1993 17:00 | 73 |
| Following the santa thread...
[forwards deleted]
Notice: This poem is copyright 1992 by Harvey Ehrlich. It is free to
distribute, without changes, as long as this notice remains intact. All
follow-ups, requests, comments, questions, distribution rights, etc should
be made to mduhan@husc.harvard.edu . Happy Holidays!
'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck...
How to live in a world that's politically correct?
His workers no longer would answer to "Elves",
"Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves.
And labor conditions at the north pole
Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul.
Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,
Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.
And equal employment had made it quite clear
That Santa had better not use just reindeer.
So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,
Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!
The runners had been removed from his sleigh;
The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A.
And people had started to call for the cops
When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops.
Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened.
His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened."
And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows,
Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose
And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation,
Demanding millions in over-due compensation.
So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife,
Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life,
Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz,
Demanding from now on her title was Ms.
And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion
That making a choice could cause so much commotion.
Nothing of leather, nothing of fur,
Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.
Nothing that might be construed to pollute.
Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot.
Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.
Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys.
Nothing that claimed to be gender specific.
Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific.
No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth.
Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth.
And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,
Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden.
For they raised the hackles of those psychological
Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.
No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt;
Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt.
Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe;
And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.
So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed;
He just could not figure out what to do next.
He tried to be merry, tried to be gay,
But you've got to be careful with that word today.
His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;
Nothing fully acceptable was to be found.
Something special was needed, a gift that he might
Give to all without angering the left or the right.
A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision,
Each group of people, every religion;
Every ethnicity, every hue,
Everyone, everywhere...even you.
So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth...
"May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth."
(c)Harvey Ehrlich, 1992
104.768 | bouncing round the net | ROCK::FROMM | It's hard to care about a don't care. | Fri Dec 17 1993 13:17 | 89 |
| the santa claus thing came back to me again, but it's getting even longer:
<... most of original santa claus theory deleted ...>
> In conclusion - If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas
> Eve, he's dead now.
> And replies to this message...
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> The thesis makes one gross assumption that, if negated, still leaves
> open his existence. That assumption is that Santa operates in common
> three dimensional space & time. We cannot exclude the possibility
> that he is indeed relativistic and that he is operating in some higher
> dimension we mortals have not yet figgered out.
> Al Poskanzer
> UC Irvine
> The Claus Effect - a Quantum Mechanical Solution
> Poskanzer points out that a simple Newtonian analysis has difficulty with
> the limits imposed by acceleration and atmospheric re-entry, and suggests a
> "higher dimensional" explanation. A more precise way of putting this is
> that the Claus effect is actually just an elegant mathematical construction
> developed to explain the observed appearance of gifts under the estimated
> 91.8 million trees each Dec. 25. Explaining this observation using linear,
> classical mechanics (as cited by Martha et al., cf.) inevitably results in
> the same sort of contradictions, complications and "fudging" that arise
> when trying to explain the wave nature of electrons to pre-schoolers.
> Admittedly, Santa has been reported to have a mass greater than the average
> electron, but again this could be biased reporting motivated by a desire to
> enhance the credibility of the theory to the target audience
> (sub-5-year-olds). In fact, there have as yet been no credible
> experimental observations to confirm this assumption, which leaves the door
> open to quantum mechanical analysis not unlike that used in
> superconductivity to explain macro-wavefunction phenomena.
> On this basis, one could represent Santa as a wavefunction generated as a
> non-linear by-product term in the interaction of the "goodwill" field
> (Dickens et al., op.cit.), which is strongest around the time of the winter
> solstice, with the Earth's magnetic field (H), which, it should be noted,
> has an epicenter of symmetry close to the magnetic North pole. When one
> identifies the eigenfunction produced in calculating the cross-product of
> this field with the well-known reindeer operator, one could demonstrate a
> finite (though, admittedly, vanishingly small) probability that the Claus
> effect could be observed within the time window specified by Martha and
> co-workers at any given point on the surface of the earth. Integrating
> this wavefunction with dXi (i=1,2,3) over the three-dimensional space
> represented by the biosphere, and again with respect to dT within the
> specified 31-hour time interval, one gets a non-zero probability of gift
> manifestation proportional to the absolute value of the cube of the
> magnetic field at a given point on the earth, assuming H ~ Ho. That is, the
> real part of the eigenvector can be written:
> Re(Claus) = k * | Ho * Ho * Ho | 0 (1)
> at that point. This appears to occur despite the generally accepted
> premise that the dominant component of the wavefunction is imaginary.
> May you have a greater than average probability of having a Merry Christmas!
> (And if you do observe a nocturnal Claus manifestation, don't forget to wave!)
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> As an addendum, we also cannot ignore the possibility that
> on Christmas eve , Santa must be in an excited state. This
> would add several more terms to the Schroedinger wave
> equation which, upon proper analysis, if the equation can be
> solved we might actually be able to define the Claus
> tunnelling effect explaining how such a fat old man can
> instantly shimmey down the chimney.
> Al Poskanzer
> UC Irvine
> --Bridget
> --
> /===================================================================\
> " Bridget Mahoney " Cambridge Technology Partners, Inc. "
> " email:bmaho@ctp.com " Cambridge, MA 02139 617-374-8232 "
> \===================================================================/
104.769 | message as fast as Santa! | SSGV01::GPEACE::Strobel | Psychotic Friends Network | Fri Dec 17 1993 14:38 | 3 |
| Fog:
A friend of mine at Microsoft sent it to me after I'd seen it here. I
sent back a reply giving authorship info, as someone had axed it.
104.770 | i guess Elvis really *is* the king! :^) | ESKIMO::DWEST | choose wisdom over intelligence... | Tue Dec 21 1993 17:17 | 76 |
{forwards removed}
Biblical scholars have been trying for years to understand the
relationship between the two focal points of western religious inspiration,
Jesus and Elvis. To date, scholars have been able to amass the following
body of evidence:
Jesus said: "Love thy neighbor." (Matthew 22:39)
Elvis said: "Don't be cruel." (RCA, 1956)
Jesus is the Lords's shepherd.
Elvis dated Cybill Shepherd.
Jesus was part of the Trinity.
Elvis' first band was a trio.
Jesus walked on water. (Matthew 14:25)
Elvis surfed. (Blue Hawaii, Paramount, 1965)
Jesus' entourage, the Apostles, had 12 members.
Elvis' entourage, the Memphis Mafia, had 12 members.
Jesus was resurrected.
Elvis had the famous 1968 "comeback" TV special.
Jesus said, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (John
- 7:37)
Elvis said, "Drinks on me!" (Jailhouse Rock, MGM, 1957)
Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights.
Elvis had irregular eating habits. (e.g. 5 banana splits for breakfast)
Jesus is a Capricorn. (December 25)
Elvis is a Capricorn. (January 8)
Matthew was one of Jesus' many biographers. (The Gospel According to
Neil Matthews was one of Elvis' many biographers. (Elvis: A Golden Tribute)
"[Jesus] countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow."
(Matthew 28:3)
Elvis wore snow-white jumpsuits with lightening bolts.
Jesus lived in state of grace in a Near Eastern land.
Elvis lived in Graceland in a nearly eastern state.
Mary, an important woman in Jesus' life, had an Immaculate Conception.
Priscilla, an important woman in Elvis' life, went to Immaculate Conception
High School.
Jesus was first and foremost the Son of God.
Elvis first recorded with Sun Studios, which today are still
considered to be his foremost recordings.
Jesus was the lamb of God.
Elvis had mutton chop sideburns.
Jesus' Father is everywhere.
Elvis' father was a drifter, and moved around quite a bit.
Jesus was a carpenter.
Elvis' favorite high school class was wood shop.
Jesus wore a crown of thorns.
Elvis wore Royal Crown hair styler.
Jesus H. Christ has 12 letters.
Elvis Presley has 12 letters.
No one knows what the "H" in "Jesus H. Christ" stood for.
No one was really sure if Elvis' middle name was "Aron" or "Aaron".
Jesus said: "Man shall not live by bread alone."
Elvis liked his sandwiches with peanut butter and bananas.
104.771 | | TPSYS::CLARK | Can you picture what will be? | Tue Dec 21 1993 18:51 | 1 |
| Jesus Has Left the Earth / Elvis Has Left the Building
104.772 | :-) | STUDIO::IDE | I break for hay. | Fri Jan 14 1994 11:09 | 6 |
| From Dave Letterman:
Lorena Bobbitt has testified that she did, in fact, want to have sex
with John Wayne that night. She just wanted it "to go."
104.773 | | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Careful with that AXP Eugene! | Wed Jan 19 1994 14:22 | 11 |
That's in very poor taste and downright AWFUL!!!!
104.774 | Letterman's Top 10 - the Bobbit Trial | SSGV01::STROBEL | Jeff | Wed Jan 19 1994 19:44 | 45 |
| Article 14629 of alt.fan.letterman:
Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!nntpd2.cxo.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory!nntp.msstate.edu!nntp.msstate.edu!not-for-mail
From: eg1@Ra.MsState.Edu (Ernie Gammon)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.letterman
Subject: Re: Bobbit Trial Top-Ten List
Date: 17 Jan 1994 18:32:05 -0600
Organization: Mississippi State University
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <eg1.758853089@Ra.MsState.Edu>
References: <2hekus$rf@issi-gw.issi.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ra.msstate.edu
markg@issi.com (Mark Gaither) writes:
>I was wondering if someone could post the Bobbit Trial
>Top-Ten List. I tried the ftp site quartz.rutgers.edu
>but found nothing current ('94).
>Thanks in advance.
Here ya go....
---> January 13, 1994 <---
Top Ten Things Overheard At The Bobbitt Trial
10. "Who ordered the Diet Slice?"
9. "Could Your Honor instruct juror no. 4 to stop giggling?"
8. "Mr. Bobbitt, please rise"
7. "I paid $500 for this ticket, now deemed, I want to see Streisand sing!"
6. "What's Andrew Giuliani doing here?"
5. "One million bucks. All you've gotta do is say you used a Ginsu"
4. "Mr. Bobbitt, I'm with the Velcro Corporation, and we've got an idea for
an ad"
3. "If President Clinton were here I bet he'd be eating fries"
(Dave had an animation of Clinton's head and a box of fries spinning
around to the music from the film "2001")
2. "I said, place your HAND on the bible"
1. "Look out, Lorena's got the gavel!"
104.775 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Jan 20 1994 11:36 | 8 |
the top 10 list last night was one of the best I've heard. I wish I'd
taped it, but I do remember one of the funniest ones:
top 10 signs it's too damn cold:
the hookers on 42nd street charge you $20 just to blow on your hands.
104.776 | | AKOCOA::SMITH_D | twenty four n' there's so much more | Thu Jan 20 1994 12:06 | 4 |
We be laughin o'er here on that one!
104.777 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Jan 20 1994 12:29 | 5 |
yeah, the whole list was hysterical. I laughed out loud at almost all
of them - I just wish I could remember them now. :-/
104.778 | Sometimes I stay up just to catch the top 10... | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Jan 20 1994 13:43 | 31 |
| A few more, in no particular order:
President Clinton chipped a tooth on a French Fry!
It actually feels kind of nice when somebody rubs up against you
on the subway.
Parts of Al Sharpton were declared condemned. (Must admit didn't quite
understand that one, but it was kind of funny ;)
I liked the one about a week or two ago:
Top Ten Words We Want to Hear Read by James Earl Jones:
(at which point, James Earl Jones came out and read the words)
10: Mellifluous
9: Versimilitude
?: Bhutrous-Bhutrous Galli
... Mujibar and ???
and the number 1 word:
104.779 | | TPSYS::CLARK | Can you picture what will be? | Thu Jan 20 1994 13:50 | 9 |
| re<<< Note 104.778 by QUARRY::petert "rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty" >>>
-< Sometimes I stay up just to catch the top 10... >-
>I liked the one about a week or two ago:
>Top Ten Words We Want to Hear Read by James Earl Jones:
>(at which point, James Earl Jones came out and read the words)
Did he say "Buttofucco?"
104.780 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Jan 20 1994 13:50 | 8 |
the Al Sharpton one was different than that - but it still wasn't as
funny as the others. I can't remember it exactly but I think it was
something about parts of Al Sharpton actually closing.
here's another: Dan Rather does the news from Connie's lap
104.781 | | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Jan 20 1994 13:55 | 7 |
| Yeah, I think you're closer on the mark with the Sharpton one, Phyllis.
I think Buttofucco may have been in the James Earl Jones list, but
it's been so prevelant on Letterman, it's hard to remember. Though
lately Lorena Bobbit has been more the foil than Joey.
104.782 | | TPSYS::CLARK | Can you picture what will be? | Thu Jan 20 1994 14:01 | 3 |
| The bit with Andrew Giuliani cracks me up. I guess I'm just a fan of that
dumb, repetitive humor ... like Monty Python ("lemon curry?" "the larch."
104.783 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Thu Jan 20 1994 14:03 | 8 |
there was one about him on the list last night too - something like:
Andrew Giuliani is restricted to being annoying indoors.
#1 was about Donald & Marla but I don't remember it.
104.784 | gee, how many of them do we have now... | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Jan 20 1994 19:49 | 5 |
| Ah yes, #1 Donald Had to de-ice Marla!!
Thanks, Phyllis.
104.785 | re:.784 | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Thu Jan 20 1994 20:01 | 3 |
:-) :-) :-) :-)
104.786 | Full list - Top 10 Signs it's too damn cold | SSGV01::TPNSTN::Strobel | Jetson, you're TFSO'd !!! | Fri Jan 21 1994 13:39 | 16 |
| Top 10 Signs It's Too Damn Cold
10. Youngsters trading in handguns for Isotoner gloves
9. Dan Rather doing the news from Connie's lap
8. Only 300 people left alive on the East Coast
7. It's actually nice when a guy rubs up against you on the subway
6. Time Square hookers charge $20 just to blow on your hands
5. Last night, for a full 20 seconds, Bea Arthur stopped sweating
4. Portions of Al Sharpton have been closed
3. President Clinton chipped a tooth on a french fry
2. Andrew Giuliani restricted to annoying people indoors
and the # 1 sign it's too damn cold
1. Trump's using a de-icer on Marla
104.787 | Top 10 from R&R Hall of Fame Induction dinner | SSGV01::TPNSTN::Strobel | Jetson, you're TFSO'd !!! | Fri Jan 21 1994 13:41 | 19 |
| Top 10 Things Overheard at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Dinner
10. "Bono, Yoko. Yoko, Bono."
9. "I'm sorry, but no one under 18 will be admitted unless they're Bill
Wyman's date."
8. "Jerry Garcia couldn't make it tonight -- here to accept on his behalf
is a bearded fat guy we pulled of the street."
7. "Is that feddback, or is Yoko Ono singing?"
6. "Here, take Cesar Romero's seat."
5. "How did Tanya Harding get voted in?"
4. "What a coincidence Mr. McCartney! I played you in the Chicago cast
of 'Beatlemania', and now I'm your waiter!"
3. "Oh no, they're letting Letterman perform!"
2. "Earthquake! Oh wait, Meat Loaf just fell of his chair."
and the #1 thing overheard.....
1. "Run for your life, it's Elton John's hair!"
104.788 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | in the shadow of the moon | Fri Jan 21 1994 13:40 | 4 |
thanks!! :-)
104.789 | | SSGV01::TPNSTN::Strobel | Jetson, you're TFSO'd !!! | Fri Jan 21 1994 13:47 | 1 |
| you're very welcome!! :-)
104.790 | :-) | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Fri Feb 18 1994 22:02 | 3 |
| I have an existential map. It has "You are here" written all over it.
- Steven Wright.
104.791 | The Winter of Discontent | NECSC::LEVY | A song that's born to soar the sky | Wed Mar 02 1994 10:50 | 73 |
| DSubj: the winter of discontent
<Zillions forwards removed>
Subj: Imagine a New comer in New England in Winter
}-- Excerpt from Gary Scott Malkin
}-- End of excerpt from Gary Scott Malkin
104.792 | ;-) | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Wed Mar 02 1994 15:42 | 9 |
| I got a copy of something similar to that when down in NY the weekend
before last. Connecticut is not mentioned, and at the end, the guy
is blissful, thinks the little white pills the doctors are giving
him are wonderful, and why is he tied down?? ;-)
ps (It was a 4 doz. bagel run weekend, but I didn't get a chance to
go to the better bagel stores. Next time)
104.793 | 4 dozen! | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | you are the eyes of the world | Wed Mar 02 1994 15:48 | 7 |
well at least you'll have something to eat if we get all that snow
they're talking about!
104.794 | the Olympic spirit | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Strange Brew | Wed Mar 02 1994 17:43 | 17 |
| Article 5047 of rec.humor.funny:
Message-ID: <S67a.48c9@clarinet.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 3:20:02 EST
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: the Olympic spirit
From: rwinters@hq.nasa.gov (Robert N. Winters)
Keywords: topical, smirk, olympics
Approved: funny@clarinet.com
Lines: 12
Seen on a poster in a bar shortly after Tonya Harding placed tenth
in the first half of the women's figure skating competition:
"Tonya Harding: Nine clubbings away from Gold!"
104.795 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Wed Mar 02 1994 18:15 | 6 |
| > well at least you'll have something to eat if we get all that snow
> they're talking about!
Jeez, that reminds me: I gotta go buy a bunch of beer....;-)
104.796 | beer ixes GREAT with snow storms... | STRATA::DWEST | choose wisdom over intelligence... | Wed Mar 02 1994 20:11 | 13 |
| re -.2 reminds me of something Leno said on the tonight show...
words to the effect of "now if something were to happen to those
other 9 skaters, well..." :^)
on a similar note, did anyone see the Herald articles about Nancy
Kerrigan's true colors coming out now??? two stories over a whole page
about how her professional handlers are always trying to cover up the
fact that in spite of everything she's really a B***H on wheels...
re -.1 Tim, i have 9 minikegs of homebrew at my house... come on by!
da ve
104.797 | geez, I sound like a Nancy fan ;-) | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Mar 03 1994 02:22 | 29 |
| Yeah, there was a similar article in the Globe today. C'mon da ve,
B***H is a bit of a nasty and sexist way of putting it. I don't
know what spin or what else might have been reported in the
Herald, but what the globe had was basically some overheard
comments that were not flattering to the princess image.
(Something about while waiting for the medal cermony she
said something like "Oh come on, all she's going to do is
get up there and cry again" and at a Disney parade, "this
is dumb") Somehow, this brings to mind a thread that ran
on alt.tv.babylon-, oddly enough. On the first show, the
female 2nd in command made a comment about finding the security
chief at her console. "is there a reason, or should I break your
hands off at the wrist now?"
A lot of people took this as a sign she was a bitch. However,
the producer of the show (who's also online!) gave this analogy:
Picture a man saying that line instead of a woman, doesn't it seem
more like the joke it was intended to be? Now picture a film of
the above Nancy Kerrigan scenes, with 3 figues silhouetted in the
foreground. Suddenly Tom Servo, or Crow spits out "C'mon THIS
is REALLY exciting. All she's going to do is cry again".
So maybe she's just a strong minded person who isn't above making
a few offhand comments at times when frustrated or bored. Or maybe
she's a bi. I don't know. I'll give her the benifit of the
doubt. What I really want to see is how she does on SNL next week ;-)
104.798 | | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Mar 03 1994 02:24 | 4 |
| and boy, does this dial in line do strange things to my editing.
104.799 | watching last nite though, make me miss Dennis Miller | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Mar 03 1994 03:19 | 14 |
| Letterman opened up with some stuff on N. Kerrigan in the Disney
Parade, complaining to Mickey Mouse! Put's Mickey into somewhat
of an awkward position. "Gee, Nancy, let's blow this joint and
grab a couple of brews" and "Why don't I ditch Minnie and you and
I get it on?"
Great top 10 too. Top Ten singable names, sung by backup singers,
with Tony Bennet coming out for the #1 singable name, which of course,
has to be: Butros(?)-Bhutrous(nah!)-Galli (sung to a sort of
PettiCoat Junction theme (I don't think it was exactly that, but I
recognized it and can't remember it now, sigh....)
104.800 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Short arms, and deep pockets... | Thu Mar 03 1994 04:03 | 10 |
| Yeah, I was watching that too - but I thought it was to the tune of
"Davey Crockett"....the guy who runs the U.N. Nice touch having Tony
Bennett come out to sing Boutros Boutros-Ghali's name...ha!
And...Bonnie Raitt! (and a semi-conscious Joe Perry in the band)...
Cute show.
104.801 | | DNEAST::CROCKETT_PAU | Let it Roll... | Mon Mar 07 1994 16:03 | 5 |
104.802 | applies to some of you in here :-) | DEMING::DCLARK | I do believe I've had enough | Wed Mar 09 1994 12:47 | 9 |
| Seen on usenet...
Q. What's the difference between a guitar player and a Savings Bond?
A. The Savings Bond will eventually mature and make money.
104.803 | | BUSY::IRZA | fame and fortune is a stupid game i play | Wed Mar 09 1994 13:00 | 9 |
hey, i resemble that remark!
what do you do with a dangerous elephant with three balls?
walk him and pitch to the hippo!
104.804 | this has got to be the stupidest thing i've ever heard of | 6214::FROMM | This space intentionally left blank. | Tue Mar 22 1994 20:22 | 33 |
| Date: 22-MAR-1994 17:10:16.13
From: ROCK::MUELLER "Rob - King of night vision, King of insight! 22-Mar-1994 1707"
Subj: Wow it's hot hotline!
To: @bad_jokes
I like #7!
Call and you'll know what I mean ...
This is stupid!!!!!
From: RICKS::DIGIROLAMO "Sharon *HLO2-3/D12* dtn 225-5688" 22-MAR-1994
Subj: call this number...
From: BUSY::JLOBE "SBO Customer Service **DTN297-8394**" 21-MAR-1994
Subj: you have got to be kidding me, is this a new approach to positive
thinking??? Call the attached number -
Subj: call this number - think spring!
Subj: MCI has completely lost it.
Call this number: 800-969-4874
Too weird.
104.805 | yeah, i called it | TECRUS::DEMARSE | Seek-a-double, use-a-cozza roll to find me | Tue Mar 22 1994 20:33 | 8 |
| Hot Dogs, hamburgers....hot dogs, hamburgers....hot dogs?
Actually it was so stupid it made me laugh....;') I did like the
tropical stream though....
:), danielle
104.806 | | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Integrate! | Tue Mar 22 1994 21:09 | 10 |
...sounds like the last Dead show I went to :-)
Stupid, yes. But there are people who will appreciate this, however. Namely
Dori -- she loves talking on the phone, and she hates the cold. :-)
She also admits to being a MCI customer in the past ;-)
- jeff
104.807 | | ROCK::FROMM | This space intentionally left blank. | Fri Apr 01 1994 15:51 | 331 |
| ===================================================================
Subject: Gunman Surrenders After Assault on IBM Plant
** World News Today, March 27, 1994 **
Gunman Surrenders After Assault on IBM Plant
Essex Junction, VT. (AP Wire Reports)
A lone gunman was arrested late yesterday afternoon after causing what
officials estimate to be over 28 million dollars worth of property and
equipment damage in an attack on an IBM facility outside Burlington, Vermont.
Miraculously, only three people suffered injuries in the assault, and all were
treated and released by early evening. However the attack, which was confined
to the 3-building Williston facility, left massive property destruction in its
wake and threatens to delay critical development projects underway at the
Arrested in incident was John W. Goetz of Jericho, VT, an 11-year IBM employee
who worked in one of the buildings involved in the attack. Due to the
weekend, Goetz has not been charged yet in the attack, but police expect him
to be charged with kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with
intent to kill, malicious destruction of property, and assaulting police
officers. Other charges may be filed after police investigators finish
interviewing victims and witnesses.
Details remain sketchy, but Goetz began his alleged rampage shortly after noon
as his co-workers ate lunch. An employee waiting in the 862 lobby reported
seeing Goetz enter the building heavily armed with assault rifles and a back
pack. From there he apparently proceeded to an empty conference room and set
it ablaze. Afterwards, witnesses say, he systematically moved from office to
office, randomly firing shots at anything that moved.
"I was terrified - I couldn't move," said Betty Bouldin, one of many engineers
working in the building during the attack. "We were having a brief meeting in
an empty conference room. He entered the room carrying all this equipment,
looked at me and said 'Hi Betty, how's it going'?" I didn't know what to say,
but before I could even scream he said " 'I've got a little work to do. I hope
you all understand' and he began firing into the room. There was glass and
sparks everywhere, I was so frightened. I don't know how he missed me."
Several other engineers at the scene had similar stories. "He entered the
conference room where we were meeting, said 'Hi, can I have a donut?' and then
pointed his gun straight at me and fired. I'm glad he missed, but I'm going
to need a new pair of pants" said Mike Kelly. Norm Rohrer's experience
differed slightly, however. "He told me that he liked me even though I went
to Ohio State, so would I please leave. After we got out he threw in what
looked to me to be an MA-54 concussion grenade with pressure-sensitive timer
fuse. A few seconds later the room blew."
Several people were held hostage for over an hour, but no confirmation from
police was available at press time.
Police from Williston were called on the scene immediately, but a request for
reinforcements was sent out soon after when they discovered he was vacationing
in Orlando. Local and State police forces were overwhelmed, though, and had
to call in a SWAT team for assistance. The nearest SWAT team was called up
from Springfield, MA, and arrived after the situation was defused. At this
time Goetz's surrender to officials is not credited to police, rather, it is
credited to his running out of ammunition.
Goetz is currently being held at the Chittenden County correctional facility
pending a bond hearing set for Monday morning.
Subject: Officials Assess Damage in Saturday's IBM Attack
** World News Today, March 28, 1994 **
Officials Assess Damage in Saturdays's IBM Attack.
Essex Junction, VT. (AP Wire Reports)
IBM officials are saying today that tangible property and equipment damage
resulting from Saturday's attack on a facility in Williston, VT may top 30
million dollars.
Implicated in the attack was John Goetz, 33, of Jericho, VT. Goetz is to be
arraigned today in Chittenden County Superior Court on over 100 separate
charges stemming from the attack.
Topping the list, a main-frame computer system valued at 15 million dollars
was completely destroyed by high explosives. Fire investigators suspect
homemade plastic explosives were used to destroy the equipment. The room
housing the computers also suffered heavy damage. Fire destroyed 11
conference rooms in which incendiary grenades were set off. Other explosives,
possibly hand grenades, were used to destroy all secretarial bays in the 862
"This guy was really focused," said one official speaking under the condition
he remain anonymous. "It really doesn't appear he wanted to hurt anyone - he
was after equipment. If he really wanted to get someone, he had ample
opportunity to do so."
Goetz also systematically destroyed the hallway televisions installed three
years ago throughout the complex. One witness to the attack claimed that
Goetz walked up to one monitor and calmly emptied a clip from his automatic
assault rifle into the screen. "He then reloaded, pointed to gun at the
ceiling, and took out the speakers," said Ken Zick, an IBM engineer. "I was
shocked. After all, the TVs were pretty nice Sonys."
One unusual thread of destruction was also revealed yesterday. Just before he
surrendered, Goetz used his remaining ammunition to destroy two transparency
makers. Investigators are puzzled as to why he would, as one said, "waste his
time on something so low-tech." Both machines were not initially recognizable
as transparency makers. It was not until one of the managers in the area
attempted to use it that the damage was discovered.
While the cost of the damage mounts, fears that the attack may seriously
cripple a top-secret project Goetz was involved in have subsided. None of the
offices or equipment directly used by employees working on the program
suffered damage, and a series of cables used to link the computers was quickly
repaired. "We got lucky, real lucky" said Steve Rich. "He basically left all
our stuff alone. Not one of my CDs is scratched."
Other managerial and administrative work may be crippled for some time since
so many conference rooms were destroyed. "We can't conduct business, hold
meetings, etc. I don't know what we'll do," said one distraught manager.
Subject: Goetz Charged In Shooting, Bombing Spree
** World News Today, March 29, 1994 **
Goetz Charged In Shooting, Bombing Spree
Gunman John W. Goetz was arraigned today on over 100 separate charges stemming
from Saturday's attack on the Williston IBM facility. More charges are
possible, but one prosecutor assigned to the case said "why bother? It would
just add a few hundred years to a sentence that will last thousands."
Formal charges include kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with
intent to kill, vandalism, and detonating explosives without a valid license.
Charges for assaulting a police officer were dropped after it was discovered
that stray bullets barely missed IBM security officers and not police.
Goetz entered a plea of 'innocent' on all charges.
Prosecutors have asked the court to try Goetz as soon as possible, citing
public safety concerns. One prosecutor said "we really want to get this
filth in jail where he belongs as quickly as possible. Everyone knows he did
it. Why even bother with a trial - its just a waste of time.
Cleanup was well underway at the IBM facility yesterday. Workers removed
large chunks of metal out of building 863, remnants of what was once a
collection of mainframe computers. Cleaning crews also swept up glass and
plastic littering the halls from the television monitors that had been shot
out. But by far the most damage was in the conference rooms.
"I was amazed at the damage created by the foil projectors," said one worker.
"Apparently he placed the grenades underneath them, creating a heck of a lot
of shrapnel. Its gonna take more than spackle and duct tape to fix this room.
And the foil projector - forget it."
Damage estimates were reduced to $15 million dollars yesterday after IBM
accountants discovered the mainframes destroyed in the blast had been fully
written off and were slated to be scrapped next month.
Also yesterday, IBM officials began looking into whether or not Goetz should
be fired for the attack. An IBM spokesperson said that "Goetz is actually
eligible for one of our buyout programs. However, we need to meet with him
here to present the package prior to starting the process of firing him for
violating company policy." Thus far, police have refused to release Goetz to
discuss the company buyout.
"We've also discovered that we can't place him on unpaid leave of absence
without him actually requesting it. Until he requests it, we are placing him
on paid leave." The spokesperson refused to speculate on whether he thought
Goetz would pursue an unpaid leave.
Subject: Goetz "Gets" Top Counsel
** World News Today, March 30, 1994 **
Goetz "Gets" Top Counsel
Nationally renowned defense attorney Leslie Abramson agreed Tuesday to handle
IBM gunman John Goetz's defense. Abramson landed in the spotlight last year
when she handled the defense of Erik Menendez during his trial for murdering
his parents, Kitty and Jose.
"This one's easy", said Abramson. "It took only a half an hour for John to
convince me of his innocence, that he had an absolutely valid reason for doing
what the police alleged that he did." Abramson added, "this is just another
case where injustice in our society can drive otherwise normal people to fight
back for their freedom and their lives." Asked if Goetz would plead guilty by
reason of insanity, Abramson said, "Not on your life. John is not guilty. He
is far from insane. He is a victim in this case, and I'm repulsed by anyone
making statements or accusations that even imply guilt."
Such statements by Goetz's new lawyer have left prosecutors scratching their
heads. "His life has been normal. He comes from a happy family. Nothing in
his background suggests a reason for doing something so destructive. I just
don't get it," said one prosecutor who requested anonymity for fear of
attracting Abramson's wrath.
Abramson was asked by one reporter attending the news conference whether she
planned to continue her tradition of giving back rubs to her defendant during
the trial. "Well, John certainly has a bad back, but he is in need of
chiropractic care right now, something I'm not yet licensed to provide,"
Abramson declared. "In fact, the force of the blasts at the IBM facility
really aggravated some old injuries. When this trial is over, don't be
surprised if you see a civil suit come out of this against IBM for designing
rooms that funnel blast-induced shock waves in a single direction. The
irresponsibility of the building's architect really sickens me."
Both defense and prosecution are so confident in their cases that they've
petitioned the court to begin the trial immediately. If the court agrees it
is likely the trial will begin Monday, with jury selection taking place this
Friday. No change of venue was requested, which means Judge Seymour Wood will
preside over the case. Wood, once a major in the marines, is known for his
strict and regimented style of running a trial. Such a style is not likely to
favor Abramson.
Work slowly returned to normal yesterday at the IBM buildings damaged in the
attack. According to one spokesman, all computer resources were fully on-line
MANAGERM, PNIC, NEDS, and a host of other software tools never used by
engineers - they were all on the mainframe."
IBM security is also investigating rumors of employees selling portions of the
mainframe computers destroyed in the blast to people looking for souvenirs
from the attack. Melted 1lb fragments are reportedly being sold for 1-2$ each
by black marketers known only as "The Subculture." Said one security officer,
"they are clearly violating company policy by not only selling IBM property,
but by soliciting at work. These people will spend a lot of time in prison
after we catch them." No leads into who is personally involved were
Subject: Witnesses Describe "Afternoon of Terror"
** World News Today, March 31, 1994 **
Witnesses Describe "Afternoon of Terror"
They go by names like SummerJ, Cool and Fuzz. Their ethnic backgrounds vary
from German (Weir) to Irish (Delaney) to Polish (Shamansky). They enjoy life
in a variety of ways, from drinking beer to playing volleyball to drinking yet
more beer. But don't be fooled by outward appearances: this group of people
is actually quite intelligent.
And last Saturday afternoon they survived the scare of their lives.
The author had a chance yesterday to speak to some of the survivors of the
harrowing attack on the IBM facility in Williston, VT. Some of their stories
are frightening, others poignant, all sobering, For to have survived the
attack of a madman is to have looked death in the face and laugh.
"Wilbur" related how the attack started.
"We were just starting our debug meeting, waiting for John (Goetz) to show up
and get things going. He came walking in the room with all this gear, and we
all froze. That's when he asked for a donut.
"After he got the last glazed, he pointed his gun at the monitor in the corner
of the room and let it have it. Glass and bits of plastic went everywhere. I
started to get the hell out of there and that's when I saw Mr. Shamansky go
down. I thought he'd been hit bad - his face had disappeared in a red spray.
It wasn't until I got to him that I realized it was a jelly donut."
Shamansky actually was hit by a piece of plastic from the TV just after Goetz
hit it with a burst of bullets. The shrapnel caught his glasses at the
bridge, cracking them, but otherwise saving his life. He was sporting a piece
of masking tape when he spoke to me.
"The jelly donut was a freak thing. I'd just taken a bite, so it was still in
my hand when John started firing. I'm not sure exctly, but I think the sound
of the shots startled me and I squeezed the donut and the stuff got all over
my face. It could have been worse."
It was worse for "Clifford". The veteran engineer of several designs was also
in the room when mayhem broke out. Fighting back tears, he related his story.
"I'd brought my lucky red dog to the meeting - I never do that but for some
reason I did today. When the shooting started I moved to the door and got
out, but left the little guy on the table. I tried to get back in to save
him, but couldn't. He was lost in the fire."
After clearing the room, Goetz set it ablaze with an incendiary device. It was
the first of 11 conference rooms he was to destroy.
Pam Wilcox picked up the story's trail. "I thought something was up after he
didn't join all of us at the Backstage Thursday. It just wasn't like John to
miss that. When he interrupted our meeting in the Cave, I could tell by the
way he was carrying the rifle that he wasn't there to help out. Gary asked
him if we should leave and he told us 'that would probably be best.'" Goetz
proceeded to blow the table apart with a small explosive.
"Nik", "Cool" and "Fuzz" were there when it happened.
"The three of us always wondered whether the table was real oak, or just
formica with a veneer," said Nik. "The grenade answered that one for us."
"Veneer," said Cool. Fuzz nodded in agreement.
From there he marched from room to room, virtually all empty, and laid waste
to them. The sounds of gunshot and explosions echoed throughout the building.
But no one left.
Two engineers, identified only as "Berg" and, appropriately, "Mayhem",
explained why. "We'd never been through anything like this in our lives,"
said Berg. "We were going to be famous, and imagine the stories we could tell
later on." Added Mayhem: "Besides, we had a ton of work to, and a crazy guy
with a rifle and a bunch of explosives isn't going to slow us down."
After torching the last conference room, Goetz found Steve Ciavaglia. "At
first I thought he was going to blow me away for all the bad jokes I tell, but
all he said was 'follow me, I want you to witness this.' Ordinarily I'd tell
him where to go, but this time he had a gun and I didn't. So I went, and now
I'm glad I did.
The two marched over to the data center in 863, where Goetz shot his way in
and planted, according to officials, 7 packets of homemade plastique with a
destructive force equal to 10 sticks of dynamite. "The explosions were
actually quite spectacular" said Ciavaglia. "I'd thought a lot about what a
mainframe looks like when its blown up, but this was far better than anything
I'd imagined. Afterward the broken plumbing lines they used for cooling
sprayed water everywhere like a little fountain. It was actually quite
Goetz then left the 863 building and rounded up several individuals. All were
marched over to an area near the cafeteria and held for an hour before being
released. Police and IBM officials have remained quiet about this particular
series of events, but one witness claims the individuals rounded up were all
managers. All were released unharmed. Goetz surrendered shortly after,
having exhausted his remaining supply of ammunition by shooting transparency
104.808 | | TERAPN::PHYLLIS | you are the eyes of the world | Fri Apr 08 1994 14:38 | 8 |
What do you get when you send Joey Buttafuoco to Harvard?
Ted Kennedy
104.809 | it's raining men, hallelujah | ECRU::CLARK | Chairman of the Bored | Fri Apr 22 1994 20:01 | 93 |
| {headers removed}
by Dave Barry
Copied without permission from The Boston Sunday Globe
Our topic today, in our continuing series on guys, is: Why Guys Act Macho. One
recent morning, I was driving in Miami on Interstate 95, which should have a
sign that says:
In the left lane, one behind the other, were two well-dressed middle-age men,
both driving luxury telephone-equipped German automobiles. They looked like
responsible business executives, probably named Roger, with good jobs and nice
families and male pattern baldness, the kind of guys whose most violent
physical activity, on an average day, is stapling. They were driving normally,
except that the guy in front, Roger One, was thoughtlessly going only about 65
m.p.h., which in Miami is the speed limit normallly observed inside car washes.
So Roger Two pulled up behind until the two cars were approximately one
electron apart, and honked his horn.
Of course, Roger One was not about to stand for that. You let a guy honk at
you, and you are basically admitting that he has a bigger stapler. So Roger
One stomped on his brakes, forcing Roger Two to swerve onto the shoulder,
where, showing amazing presence of mind in an emergency, he was able to make
obscene gestures WITH BOTH HANDS.
At this point, both Rogers accelerated to approximately 147 m.p.h. and began
weaving violently from lane to lane through dense rush-hour traffic, each
risking numerous lives in an effort to get in front of the other, screaming and
getting spit all over their walnut dashboards. I quickly lost sight of them,
but I bet neither one backed down. Their co-workers probably wondered what
happened to them. "Where the heck is Roger?" they probably said later that
morning, unaware that, even as they spoke, the dueling Rogers, still only
inches apart, were approaching the Canadian border.
This is not unusual guy behavior. One time in a Washington, D.C., traffic jam
I saw two guys, also driving nice cars, reach a point where their lanes were
supposed to merge. But neither one would yield, so they very slowly - we are
talking maybe one mile per hour - DROVE INTO EACH OTHER.
Other examples of pointlessly destructive or hurtful macho-guy behvior include:
o Guys at sporting events getting into shoving matches and
occasionally sustaining fatal heart attacks over such issues as who was
next in line for pretzels.
o Guys on the street making mouth noises at women.
o Boxing.
o Foreign policy.
Why do guys do these things? One possible explanation is that they believe
women are impressed. In fact, however, most women have the opposite reaction
to macho behavior. You rarely hear women say things like, "Norm, when that
vending machine failed to give you a Three Musketeers bar and you punched it so
hard that you broke your hand and we had to go to the hospital instead of to my
best friend's daughter's wedding, I became so filled with lust for you that I
nearly tore off all my clothes right there in the emergency room." No, women
are far more likely to say: "Norm, you have the brains of an Odor Eater."
But the real explanation for macho behavior is not that guys are stupid. The
real explanation is that because of complex and subtle hormone-based chemical
reactions occurring in their brains, guys frequently ACT stupid. This is true
throughout the animal kingdom, where you have examples such as male elks, who,
instead of simply flipping a coin, will bang their heads against each other for
hours to see who gets to mate with the female elk, who is on the sidelines,
filing her nails and wondering how she ever got hooked up with such a moron
species, until eventually she gets bored and wanders off to bed. Meanwhile,
the guy elks keep banging into each other until one of them finally "wins,"
although at this point his brain, which was not exactly a steel trap to begin
with, is so badly damaged that, in his confusion, he will mate with the first
object he encounters, including shrubbery, which is why you see so few baby
elks around.
Another example of macho animal behavior is guy dogs, who are so dumb they make
elks look like Rhodes scholars. Every male dog firmly believes that if he
makes weewee in enough places, he will be declared Dominant Male Dog Of The
Entire Earth and receive a plaque plus valuable dog prizes, such as a bag of
chicken heads. Of course, since there are several billion dogs in the
competition, everybody is extremely busy trying to stay ahead of everybody
else. One time I took a hike on a mountain with two male dogs named Rubio and
Moo Shu. Every three minutes Rubio would carefully select a spot and establish
his dominance over it; then Moo Shu would come sprinting from as far as a mile
away so that, despite having the entire mountain to choose from, he could
establish HIS dominance over the same 4 square inches previously dominated by
Rubio, who by now was several hundred yards away, dominating a new spot, which
Moo Shu would then frantically sprint toward, and so on all day long, with each
dog absolutely convinced that he was the Baddest Hombre on the planet. Ha ha!
At least we human males don't do THAT. We don't need to. We have tanks.
104.810 | new Barbie model | ECRU::CLARK | Chairman of the Bored | Wed May 04 1994 13:22 | 81 |
| {headers removed}
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 10:46:59 EDT
From: susan@odi.com
------- Start of forwarded message -------
From netcom.com!queens-list-owner Tue Apr 19 04:40:56 1994
>From the Boston Blob.
(LA, California) Mattel announces their new line of Barbie
products, the "Hacker Barbie." These new dolls will be released
next month. The aim of these dolls is to revert the stereotype
that women are numerophobic, computer-illiterate, and
academically challenged.
This new line of Barbie dolls comes equipped with Barbie's very
own xterminal and UNIX documentation as well as ORA's "In a
Nutshell" series. The Barbie is robed in a dirty button-up
shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans with Casio all-purpose
watches and thick glasses that can set ants on fire. Pocket
protectors and HP calculators optional. The new Barbie has the
incredible ability to stare at the screen without blinking her
eyes and to go without eating or drinking for 12 hours
straight. Her vocabulary mainly consists of technical terms
such as "IP address," "TCP/IP," "kernel," "NP-complete," and
"Alpha AXP's."
"We are very excited about this product," said John Olson,
Marketting Executive, "and we hope that the Hacker Barbie will
offset the damage incurred by the mathophobic Barbie." A year
ago, Mattel released Barbie dolls that say, "Math is hard,"
with condescending companions Ken. The Hacker Barbie's Ken is
an incompetent consultant who frequently asks Barbie for help.
The leading feminists are equally excited about this new line
of Barbie dolls. Naomi Wuuf says, "I believe that these new
dolls will finally terminate the notion that women are
inherently inferior when it comes to mathematics and the
sciences. However, I feel that Ken's hierarchical superiority
would simply reinforce the patriarchy and oppress the masses."
Mattel made no comment.
Parents, however, are worried that they would become
technologically behind by comparison to the children when the
Hacker Barbie comes out. "My daughter Jenny plays with the
prototype Hacker Barbie over yonder for two days," says Mrs.
Mary Carlson of Oxford, Mississippi, "and as y'all know, she
now pays my credit card bill. Ain't got no idea how she duz it,
but she surely duz it. I jus don't wanna be looked upon as a
dumb mama." Mattel will be offering free training courses for
those who purchase the Hacker Barbie.
The future Hacker Barbie will include several variations to
deal with the complex aspects of Barbie. "Hacker Barbie Goes to
Jail" will teach computer ethics to youngsters, while "BARB1E
R1TES L1KE BIFF!!!" will serve as an introduction to expository
------- End of forwarded message -------
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 10:47:50 EDT
From: susan@odi.com
------- Start of forwarded message -------
I got this a little while ago:
[Headers removed]
Speaking for myself, my niece can't get enough of Hacker Barbie's Dream
Basement Apartment! The pink Sun workstation in the corner, the little
containers of takeout Szechuan scattered across the floor, her "Don't
Blame Me, I Voted Libertarian" t-shirt -- it's on every little girl's
Xmas list!
To me, the most realistic thing is how if you put in her in the chair
in front of the monitor, she'll stare at it for hours without blinking
or taking her hands off the keyboard.
------- End of forwarded message -------
104.811 | I want one for my daughter!! | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Wed May 04 1994 16:06 | 5 |
| Thanks, I needed that one. Unfortunately, I've heard that the
"Hacker Barbie" is pretty much vaporware at the moment.
104.812 | | STAR::HUGHES | Samurai Couch Potato | Wed May 04 1994 17:42 | 13 |
| It out in beta, but due to serious design oversights, the torso cannot
support all four limbs at the the same time. Mattell claims that most
Hacker Barbie users do not require that many functional limbs, but
those that do will be able to upgrade to Hacker Barbie AT (Advanced
Torso) sometime soon.
To compensate for this increased cost, early orders of the AT upgrade
will include a free recording of Frank Sinatra singing "My kind of
share and enjoy
104.813 | | TOOK::PECKAR | sleep tight | Wed May 04 1994 18:33 | 11 |
In addition to the hardware problems, there have been numerous software
developement problems with the Barbie Voice Delivery System. Apparently,
the code won't compile in the new 64 bit environment. Also, the wireless
internet interface requires Motif version 2.1.3 in order to accept download
of the voice data from Barbie Headquarter's XMosaic loader. Finally,
beacuse of the Barbie Speaker Interface wiring problems, the speaker device
drivers had to be totally re-written. Internal field test has revealed that
when the Voice Activation Subsystem is enabled (i.e. the string is pulled),
the Barbie speaks out submissions to the usenet newsgroup alt.sex.stories.
104.814 | :) | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Thu Jun 16 1994 14:05 | 6 |
| What's Mike Tyson having for breakfast today ??
104.815 | | STRATA::DWEST | riding on Blaine the Mono... | Thu Jun 23 1994 19:53 | 132 |
From off the Internet:
"Star Trek Lost Episodes" transcript.
<Picard> "Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your
attempts at finding a weakness in the Borg? And Mr. Data, have
you been able to access their command pathways?"
<Geordi>"Yes, Captain. In fact, we found the answer by searching
through our archives on late Twentieth-century computing
<Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer
<Riker looks puzzled.> "What the hell is 'Microsoft'?"
<Data turns to answer.> "Allow me to explain. We will send this
program, for some reason called 'Windows', through the Borg
command pathways. Once inside their root command unit, it will
begin consuming system resources at an unstoppable rate."
<Picard> "But the Borg have the ability to adapt. Won't they
alter their processing systems to increase their storage
<Data> "Yes, Captain. But when 'Windows' detects this, it
creates a new version of itself known as an 'upgrade'. The use
of resources increases exponentially with each iteration. The
Borg will not be able to adapt quickly enough. Eventually all of
their processing ability will be taken over and none will be
available for their normal operational functions."
<Picard> "Excellent work. This is even better than that
'unsolvable geometric shape' idea."
.. . . 15 Minutes Later . . .
<Data> "Captain, We have successfully installed the 'Windows'
in the command unit and as expected it immediately consumed 85%
of all resources. We however have not received any confirmation
of the expected 'upgrade'."
<Geordi> "Our scanners have picked up an increase in Borg
storage and CPU capacity to compensate, but we still have no
indication of an 'upgrade' to compensate for their increase."
<Picard> "Data, scan the history banks again and determine if
their is something we have missed."
<Data> "Sir, I believe their is a reason for the failure in the
'upgrade'. Appearently the Borg have circumvented that part of
the plan by not sending in their registration cards.
<Riker> "Captain we have no choice. Requesting permission to
begin emergency escape sequence 3F . . ."
<Geordi, excited> "Wait, Captain I just detected their CPU
capacity has suddenly dropped to 0% !"
<Picard> "Data, what does your scanners show?"
<Data> "Appearently the Borg have found the internal 'Windows'
module named 'Solitaire' and it has used up all the CPU capacity."
<Picard> "Lets wait and see how long this 'solitaire' can
reduce their functionality."
.. . . Two Hours Pass . . .
<Riker> "Geordi whats the status on the Borg?"
<Geordi> "As expected the Borg are attempting to re-engineer to
compensate for increased CPU and storage demands, but each time
they successfully increase resources I have setup our closest
deep space monitor beacon to transmit more 'windows' modules
from something called the 'Microsoft fun-pack'.
<Picard> "How much time will that buy us ?"
<Data> "Current Borg solution rates allow me to predicate an
interest time span of 6 more hours."
<Geordi> "Captain, another vessel has entered our sector."
<Picard> "Identify."
<Data> "It appears to have markings very similar to the
'Microsoft' logo"
<Data> "The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and
released thousands of humanoid shaped objects."
<Picard> "Magnify forward viewer on the alien craft"
<Riker> "Good God captain! Those are humans floating straight
toward the Borg ship with no life support suits ! How can they
survive the tortures of deep space ?!"
<Data> "I don't believe that those are humans sir, if you will
look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying
something recognized by twenty-first century man as doe skin
leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits"
<Riker and Picard together horrified> "Lawyers !!"
<Geordi> "It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and
sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening."
<Data> "True, but appearently some must have survived."
<Riker> "They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it
with all types of papers."
<Data> "I believe that is known in ancient venacular as 'red
tape' it often proves fatal."
<Riker> "They're tearing the Borg to pieces !"
<Picard> "Turn off the monitors. I can't stand to watch, not
even the Borg deserve that."
104.816 | | MONTOR::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Fri Jun 24 1994 13:05 | 8 |
| da ve that was great! Thanks for posting it!
I especially liked the part about the Borgs not getting the
upgrades because they didn't send in their registration cards -
I still have MS Word 2.0 and not 6.0 because I didn't send in
my registration card! dammit! ;-)
104.817 | thanks Mr K! :^) | STRATA::DWEST | riding on Blaine the Mono... | Mon Jun 27 1994 13:41 | 4 |
| in that case, you should thank Geoff for sending it to me inthe first
place! :^)
da ve
104.818 | we like to share so much in GRATEFUL | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Strange Brew | Mon Jun 27 1994 14:12 | 6 |
| and since I sent it to Geoff, you're welcome..but I got it from the Star
Trek notes and it come from the Internet and it came from......ahhh you
get it by now don't you ! :')
yes it was very funny to say the least !
104.819 | a day in the life of a Twinkie | ROCK::FROMM | This space intentionally left blank. | Tue Jun 28 1994 17:19 | 78 |
| <forwards removed...>
"Twinkie, Twinkie,
Little suet-filled sponge cake crisco log,
Now I know just what you are."
"Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, or Food?"
In an effort to clarify questions about the purported durability and
unusual physical characteristics of Twinkies, we subjected the Hostess snack
logs to the following experiments:
Twinkie was left on a ... window ledge for four days, during which
time an inch and a half of rain fell. Many flies were observed crawling across
the Twinkie's surface, but contrary to hypothesis, birds -- even pigeons --
avoided this potential source of sustenance.
Despite the rain and prolonged exposure to the sun, the Twinkie
retained its original color and form. When removed ... the Twinkie was found
to be substantially dehydrated. Cracked open, it was observed to have taken on
the consistency of industrial foam insulation; the filling, however, retained
its adverstised "creaminess."
A Twinkie was placed in a conventional microwave oven, which was set
for precisely 4 minutes -- the approximate cooking time of bacon. After 20
seconds, the oven began to emit the Twinkie's rich, characteristic aroma of
artificial butter. After 1 minute, this aroma began to resemble the acrid
smell of burning rubber. The experiment was aborted after 2 minutes, 10
seconds, when thick, foul smoke began billowing from the top of the oven ... a
second Twinkie was subjected to the same experiment ... this Twinkie leaked
molten white filling ... when cooled, this now epoxylike filling bonded the
Twinkie to its plate, defying gravity; it was removed only upon application of
a butter knife.
A Twinkie was dropped from a ninth-floor window, a fall of
approximately 120 feet. It landed right side up ... then bounced onto its
back. The expected "splatter" effect was not observed. Indeed, the only
discernible damage to the Twinkie was a narrow fissure on its underside ...
otherwise, the Twinkie remained structurally intact.
A Twinkie was placed in a conventional freezer for 24 hours. Upon
removal, the Twinkie was not found to be frozen solid, but its physical
properties had noticeably "slowed" .. the filling was found to be the
approximate consistency of acrylic paint, while exhibiting the mercurylike
property of not adhering to practically any surface. It was noticed that the
Twinkie had generously absorbed freezer odors.
A Twinkie was exposed to a gas flame for 2 minutes. While the
Twinkie smoked and blackened and the filling in one of its "cream holes"
boiled, the Twinkie did not catch fire. It did, however, produce the same
"burning rubber" aroma noticed during the irradiation experiment.
A Twinkie was dropped into a large beaker filled with tap water. The
Twinkie floated momentarily, began to list and sink ... viscous yelow tendrils
ran off its lower half, possibly consisting of a water-soluable artifical
coloring. After 2 hours, the Twinkie had bloated substantially. Its
coloring was now a very pale tan -- in contrast to the yellow, urine-like water
that surrounded it. The Twinkie bobbed when touched, and had a gelatinous
texture. After 72 hours, the Twinkie was found to have bloated to roughly 200
percent of its original size ... the water had turned opaque, and a small,
fan-shaped spray of filling had leaked from one of the "cream holes."
Unfortunately, efforts to remove the Twinkie for further analysis were
abandoned when, under light pressure ... the Twinkie disintegrated into an
amorphous cloud of debris. A distinctly sour odor was noted.
... the Twinkie's survival of a 120-foot drop, along with some of the
unusual phenomena associated with the "creamy filling" and artificial coloring,
should give pause to those observers who would unequivocally categorize the
Twinkie as "food." Further clinical inquiry is required before any definite
conclusions can be drawn.
Reprinted from SPY magazine, July 1989.
104.820 | :) | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Tue Jun 28 1994 17:55 | 1 |
| Cool...gotta try this at home
104.821 | | ROADKL::INGALLS | may the four winds blow you home again | Tue Jun 28 1994 17:59 | 5 |
Yabut - how do they taste? ;^)
MMMmmmm good ;^)
104.822 | Luscious i suppose... | CARROL::YOUNG | where is this place in space??? | Tue Jun 28 1994 19:09 | 1 |
| ....especially after irradiation????
104.823 | David Letterman's Top Ten List for 08/03/94 | SLOHAN::FIELDS | Strange Brew | Thu Aug 04 1994 13:37 | 95 |
| From: US1RMC::"TOP-TEN@tamvm1.tamu.edu" "Late Show Top Ten List
mailing list"
4-AUG-1994 01:52:55.10
To: Multiple recipients of list TOP-TEN <TOP-TEN@tamvm1.tamu.edu>
Subj: David Letterman's Top Ten List for 08/03/94
-----> Wednesday, August 3, 1994 <-----
From New York, a city with a chewy nougat filling, it's the Late
Show with David Letterman. Tonight - Cybil Shepard, comedian Elayne
Boosler, and singer Dave Edmunds. Plus Paul Shaffer and the CBS
Orchestra. And now, America's favorite crime fighting hero, David
Top Ten Things Overheard At The Rolling Stones Concert
[The Stones kicked off their "Voodoo Lounge tour in D.C.]
10. "I love it when they smash their walkers at the end of a song"
9. "The Medic Alert beepers are drowning out the music"
8. "Look! The new guy on bass! It's Matlock!"
7. "He means, time was on their side"
6. "Start me up! I'm serious! This isn't part of the song!"
5. "It looks like a comet smashed into Keith Richards"
4. "Cool! Jagger's teeth just landed in my lap!"
3. "What's Letterman doing up there with a fiddle?" [followed by
famous clip of guy who looks like Dave playing a fiddle and
singing "Camptown Ladies."]
2. "Michael Jackson married? Please...!"
1. "I can't get no Met-a-muc-il"
| This Late Show with David Letterman Top Ten list copyright 1994 World
Wide |
| Pants. Lists are contributed by Bob Lennard and Rick Nebel.
| To subscribe or unsubscribe to the list send your request to
| listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu. In the BODY of your message put:
| subscribe top-ten first last
| Replace first and last with your name. To unsubscribe, put:
| signoff top-ten
| If you have any questions or comments send them to
top-ten@tamvm1.tamu.edu |
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% Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 21:39:20 -0700
% Reply-To: Late Show Top Ten List mailing list
% Sender: Late Show Top Ten List mailing list <TOP-TEN@tamvm1.tamu.edu>
% From: Bob Lennard <blennard@ix.netcom.com>
% Subject: David Letterman's Top Ten List for 08/03/94
% To: Multiple recipients of list TOP-TEN <TOP-TEN@tamvm1.tamu.edu>
104.824 | tasteless joke follows | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Aug 23 1994 20:48 | 42 |
Randy walks into a bar for a cold one. Sees a sign over the bar that
So Randy orders a beer and asks...The Bartender replies, "Ya gotta do
3 things, the fist being ya gotta knock out the guy at the end of the
bar with one punch". Well, randy is a little fart, so he declines and
drinks seven more beers, which gives him the courage to walk up behind
the huge guy at the end of the bar and sucker punch him, knocking him
out cold. "hey, that was easy"! he exclaims and orders a couple more
beers. "What's the other two things I gotta do"? He asks the Bartender,
after downing still a coupll of more beers. To which the bartender
replies,"You saw the pond out front when you walked in, there's a old
alligator that lives there that has had a toothache for years, you need
to wrestle that gator down and pull the tooth. Then there's this 60
year old hooker we have upstairs that has NEVER had an orgasm, you need
to take care of that as the last thing to win the $1000". Well, as
mentioned Randy is no Hulk Hogan, so he starts to order shots of
whiskey, which those of you that know him, know he never drinks.
Finally there's enough firewater and beer in randy so that he walks
outside and starts to wrestle the gator. From inside the bar you can
hear wild screams and fighting, after an hour of these horrendous
noises, Randy walks back in the bar, clothes all torn, body bruised and
battered and says........
"Where's that old woman with a toothache?"
104.825 | | BIODTL::JC | don't criticize it | Thu Aug 25 1994 19:22 | 18 |
NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
104.826 | Partial headlines | MILKWY::HEADSL::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Wed Sep 28 1994 17:05 | 11 |
| I just walked in through the MRO Lobby past the newspaper machines.
I looked over and saw a picture of Jerry on the front page of the Herald
and there was a very large headline next to the picture. The headline was
slightly obscurred by glare and I read "?erry sinks, 850 feared dead" Because
it was next ro a picture of Jerry I assumed the obscured letter was a "J"and
thought "What!". I looked back to see it was "Ferry" and thought this to be
a very amusing mistake.
Okay, not much of a joke, but it gave me a laugh
SOmeday I'll learn to read
104.827 | I don't get it | SALEM::BENJAMIN | | Mon Oct 03 1994 18:17 | 8 |
| Deadhead bashing joke of the day going around here:
Q: what did one deadhead say to the other deadhead when the oatbran
ran out?
A: boy, this music really s*cks....
Jeez, these people have warped senses of humor...
104.828 | | ASLAN::GKELLER | Access for all | Mon Oct 03 1994 19:32 | 7 |
| did you hear that O.J. is getting married again...
He figured he'd take another stab at it
Yeah I know it's sick
104.829 | :-) | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Integrate! | Wed Oct 05 1994 12:56 | 7 |
re: last 2
104.830 | :-) | ASLAN::GKELLER | Access for all | Fri Oct 07 1994 18:28 | 62 |
| Headers adn footers removed to conserve space...
General Motors doesn't have a help line for people who don't know how
to drive. Imagine if they did ...
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "I got in my car and closed the door and nothing happened!"
HelpLine: "Did you put the key in the ignition slot and turn it?"
Customer: "What's an ignition?"
HelpLine: "It's a starter motor that draws current from your battery
and turns over the engine."
Customer: "Ignition? Motor? Battery? Engine? How come I have to
know all these technical terms just to use my car?"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "My car ran fine for a week and now it won't go anywhere!"
HelpLine: "Is the gas tank empty?"
Customer: "Huh? How do I know?"
HelpLine: "There's a little gauge on the front panel with a needle and
markings from 'E' to 'F'. Where is the needle pointing?"
Customer: "It's pointing to 'E'. What does that mean?"
HelpLine: "It means you have to visit a gasoline vendor and purchase
some more gasoline. You can install it yourself or pay the
vendor to install it for you."
Customer: "What? I paid $12,000 for this car! Now you tell me that I
have to keep buying more components? I want a car that comes
with everything built in!"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "Your cars suck!"
HelpLine: "What's wrong?"
Customer: "It crashed, that's what wrong!"
HelpLine: "What were you doing?"
Customer: "I wanted to run faster, so I pushed the accelerator pedal all the
way to the floor. It worked for a while and then it crashed and
it won't start now!
HelpLine: "It's your responsibility if you misuse the product. What do you
expect us to do about it?"
Customer: "I want you to send me one of the latest version that doesn't
crash any more!"
HelpLine: "General Motors HelpLine, how can I help you?"
Customer: "Hi, I just bought my first car, and I chose your car because it
has automatic transmission, cruise control, power steering,
power brakes, and power door locks."
HelpLine: "Thanks for buying our car. How can I help you?"
Customer: "How do I work it?"
HelpLine: "Do you know how to drive?"
Customer: "Do I know how to what?"
HelpLine: "Do you know how to drive?"
Customer: "I'm not a technical person. I just want to go places in my car!"
104.831 | And now some words of wisdom from our own Pastor, Rod Flash | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Fri Oct 07 1994 20:13 | 14 |
| He's been up for a week now, but he's coming down...
> HelpLine: "Is the gas tank empty?"
> Customer: "Huh? How do I know?"
> HelpLine: "There's a little gauge on the front panel with a needle and
> markings from 'E' to 'F'. Where is the needle pointing?"
> Customer: "It's pointing to 'E'. What does that mean?"
Ah yes. The little red needle is pointing to E. And while that's always
stood for excellent in my book, I guess it means I'm out of gas.
"Get thee behind me Satan"
104.832 | Rollerblading Barbie | ROCK::FROMM | This space intentionally left blank. | Tue Oct 25 1994 19:06 | 107 |
| Blading Barbie Sparks Up Hell On Wheels
by Dave Barry
As executive director of the Bureau of Consumer Alarm, I am always
on the alert for news stories that involve two key elements:
1. Fire 2. Barbie
So I was very interested when alert reader Michael Robinson sent me
a column titled "Ask Jack Sunn" from the Dec. 13, 1993, issue of the
Jackson, Miss., Clarion-Ledger. Here's an excerpt from a consumer's
letter to this column, which I am not making up:
"Last year, my two daughters received presents of two Rollerblade
Barbie dolls by Mattel. On March 8, my 8-year-old daughter was
playing beauty shop with her 4-year-old brother. After spraying him
with hair spray, the children began to play with the boot to
Rollerblade Barbie. My little girl innocently ran the skate across
her brother's bottom, which immediately ignited his clothes."
The letter adds that "There are no warnings concerning fire on these
toys. I feel the need to warn potential buyers of their danger." In
his response, Jack Sunn says, cryptically, that "Mattel does not
manufacture Rollerblade Barbie any more." He does not address the
critical question that the consumer's letter raised in my mind, as
I'm sure it did yours, namely: Huh?
I realized that the only way to answer this question was to conduct
a scientific experiment. As you may recall, last year, in response
to a news item concerning a kitchen fire in Ohio, I did an
experiment proving that if you put a Kellogg's strawberry Pop-Tart
in a toaster and hold the toaster lever down for five minutes and 50
seconds, the Pop-Tart will turn into a snack-pastry blowtorch,
shooting flames up to 30 inches high. Also your toaster will be
The problem was that I did not have a Rollerblade Barbie. My son
happens to be a boy, and we never went through the Barbie phase. We
went through the Masters of the Universe phase. For two years our
household was the scene of a fierce, unceasing battle between armies
of good and evil action figures. They were everywhere. You'd open
up the salad crisper, and there would be He-Man and Skeletor,
striking each other with carrots. So at the end of a recent column,
I printed a note appealing for a Rollerblade Barbie. I got two
immediately; one from Renee Simmons of Clinton, Iowa, and one from
Randy Langhenry of Gainesville, Ga., who said it belonged to his
6-year-old daughter, Greta. ("It would help me if you could get
Barbie back to north Georgia before Greta notices she's gone," Randy
Rollerblade Barbie is basically a standard Barbie, which is to say,
she represents the feminine beauty ideal, if your concept of a
beautiful female is one who is six feet, nine inches tall and weighs
52 pounds (37 of which are in the bust area) and has a rigidly perky
smile and eyeballs the size of beer coasters and a one-molecule nose
and enough hair to clog the Lincoln Tunnel.
But what makes this Barbie special is that she's wearing two little
yellow Rollerblade booties, each of which has a wheel similar to the
kind found in cigarette lighters, so that when you roll Barbie
along, her booties shoot out sparks. This seems like an alarming
thing for Rollerblades to do, but Barbie, staring perkily ahead,
does not seem to notice.
To ensure high standards of scientific accuracy, I conducted the
experiment in my driveway. Aside from Rollerblade Barbie, my
materials consisted of several brands of hair spray and -- this was
a painful sacrifice -- a set of my veteran underwear (estimated year
of purchase: 1968). I spread the underwear on the driveway, then
sprayed it with hair spray, then made Rollerblade Barbie skate
across it, sparking her booties. I found that if you use the right
brand of hair spray -- I got excellent results with Rave --
Rollerblade Barbie does indeed cause the underwear to burst
dramatically into flame.
(While I was doing this, a neighbor walked up, and I just want to
say that if you think it's easy to explain why you're squatting in
your driveway, in front of a set of burning underwear, surrounded by
hair spray bottles, holding a Barbie doll in your hand, then you are
At this point, the only remaining scientific question -- I'm sure
this has occurred to you -- was: Could Rollerblade Barbie set fire
to a Kellog's strawberry Pop-Tart? The answer turns out to be yes,
but you have to be in the act of hair-spraying the Pop-Tart when
Barbie Rollerblades over it, so you get a blowtorch effect that
could very easily set fire to Barbie's hair, not to mention your own
personal self. Plus you get tart filling in the booties. So we can
see why Mattel ceased manufacturing Rollerblade Barbie. I imagine
that whichever toy designer dreamed up this exciting concept has
been transferred to Mattel's coveted Bosnia plant.
But what should be done about all the Rollerblade Barbies that are
already in circulation? I believe that the only solution is for all
concerned consumers to demand that our congress- humans pass a
federal law requiring that all underwear, snack pastries and other
household objects carry a prominent label stating:
But that is not enough. We also need to appropriate millions of
dollars for a massive federal effort to undo the damage that has
been done so far. I'm talking about scraping this crud off my
Also, the taxpayers owe Greta a new Barbie.
104.833 | Viva la difference | ENQUE::SLOAN | | Mon Oct 31 1994 17:00 | 22 |
So God brings Clinton, Yeltsin and Bill Gates to his office and
says "Men, I've decided to bring an end to the world this
Thursday -- I want you to go back and tell your people."
Upon his return, Clinton holds a press conference and says
"People of America, I have good news and bad news. The good news
is that all these years we've been saying 'one nation under God'
we've been right -- there is a God. The bad news is he is
destroying the world on Thursday."
Yeltsin makes an announcement to the Russian people and say
"Brave comrades, I have bad news and bad news. The first bad news
is that we've been wrong all these years -- there really is a
God. The other bad news is he is going to destroy the world on
Bill Gates calls a board meeting of Microsoft. "I have good news
and good news!" he tells them. "The first good news is that God
called a meeting of the three people he thinks are the most
important in the world and I was one of them. The other good news
is that OS/2 stops shipping on Thursday."
104.834 | Evolution of a programmer | NECSC::LEVY | Pentium envy | Wed Nov 02 1994 15:52 | 415 |
WARNING! Computer geek humor.
(headers removed)
The Evolution of a Programmer
High School/Jr.High
# 20 END
First year in College
# program Hello(input, output)
# begin
# writeln('Hello World')
# end.
Senior year in College
# (defun hello
# (print
# (cons 'Hello (list 'World))))
New professional
# #include <stdio.h
# void main(void)
# {
# char *message[] = {"Hello ", "World"};
# int i;
# for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
# printf("%s", message[i]);
# printf("\n");
# }
Seasoned professional
# #include <iostream.h
# #include <string.h
# class string
# {
# private:
# int size;
# char *ptr;
# public:
# string() : size(0), ptr(new char('\0')) {}
# string(const string &s) : size(s.size)
# {
# ptr = new char[size + 1];
# strcpy(ptr, s.ptr);
# }
# ~string()
# {
# delete [] ptr;
# }
# friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const string &);
# string &operator=(const char *);
# };
# ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, const string &s)
# {
# return(stream << s.ptr);
# }
# string &string::operator=(const char *chrs)
# {
# if (this != &chrs)
# {
# delete [] ptr;
# size = strlen(chrs);
# ptr = new char[size + 1];
# strcpy(ptr, chrs);
# }
# return(*this);
# }
# int main()
# {
# string str;
# str = "Hello World";
# cout << str << endl;
# return(0);
# }
Master Programmer
# [
# uuid(2573F8F4-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820)
# ]
# library LHello
# {
# // bring in the master library
# importlib("actimp.tlb");
# importlib("actexp.tlb");
# // bring in my interfaces
# #include "pshlo.idl"
# [
# uuid(2573F8F5-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820)
# ]
# cotype THello
# {
# interface IHello;
# interface IPersistFile;
# };
# };
# [
# exe,
# uuid(2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820)
# ]
# module CHelloLib
# {
# // some code related header files
# importheader(<windows.h);
# importheader(<ole2.h);
# importheader(<except.hxx);
# importheader("pshlo.h");
# importheader("shlo.hxx");
# importheader("mycls.hxx");
# // needed typelibs
# importlib("actimp.tlb");
# importlib("actexp.tlb");
# importlib("thlo.tlb");
# [
# uuid(2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820),
# aggregatable
# ]
# coclass CHello
# {
# cotype THello;
# };
# };
# #include "ipfix.hxx"
# extern HANDLE hEvent;
# class CHello : public CHelloBase
# {
# public:
# CHello(IUnknown *pUnk);
# ~CHello();
# HRESULT __stdcall PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString);
# private:
# static int cObjRef;
# };
# #include <windows.h
# #include <ole2.h
# #include <stdio.h
# #include <stdlib.h
# #include "thlo.h"
# #include "pshlo.h"
# #include "shlo.hxx"
# #include "mycls.hxx"
# int CHello::cObjRef = 0;
# CHello::CHello(IUnknown *pUnk) : CHelloBase(pUnk)
# {
# cObjRef++;
# return;
# }
# HRESULT __stdcall CHello::PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString)
# {
# printf("%ws\n", pwszString);
# return(ResultFromScode(S_OK));
# }
# CHello::~CHello(void)
# {
# // when the object count goes to zero, stop the server
# cObjRef--;
# if( cObjRef == 0 )
# PulseEvent(hEvent);
# return;
# }
# #include <windows.h
# #include <ole2.h
# #include "pshlo.h"
# #include "shlo.hxx"
# #include "mycls.hxx"
# HANDLE hEvent;
# int _cdecl main(
# int argc,
# char * argv[]
# ) {
# ULONG ulRef;
# DWORD dwRegistration;
# CHelloCF *pCF = new CHelloCF();
# hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
# // Initialize the OLE libraries
# CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_CHello, pCF, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
# REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &dwRegistration);
# // wait on an event to stop
# WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
# // revoke and release the class object
# CoRevokeClassObject(dwRegistration);
# ulRef = pCF-Release();
# // Tell OLE we are going away.
# CoUninitialize();
# return(0);
# }
# extern CLSID CLSID_CHello;
# extern UUID LIBID_CHelloLib;
# CLSID CLSID_CHello = { /* 2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */
# 0x2573F891,
# 0xCFEE,
# 0x101A,
# { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 }
# };
# UUID LIBID_CHelloLib = { /* 2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */
# 0x2573F890,
# 0xCFEE,
# 0x101A,
# { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 }
# };
# #include <windows.h
# #include <ole2.h
# #include <stdlib.h
# #include <string.h
# #include <stdio.h
# #include "pshlo.h"
# #include "shlo.hxx"
# #include "clsid.h"
# int _cdecl main(
# int argc,
# char * argv[]
# ) {
# HRESULT hRslt;
# IHello *pHello;
# ULONG ulCnt;
# IMoniker * pmk;
# WCHAR wcsPath[2 * _MAX_PATH];
# // get object path
# wcsPath[0] = '\0';
# wcsT[0] = '\0';
# if( argc 1) {
# mbstowcs(wcsPath, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
# wcsupr(wcsPath);
# }
# else {
# fprintf(stderr, "Object path must be specified\n");
# return(1);
# }
# // get print string
# if(argc 2)
# mbstowcs(wcsT, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1);
# else
# wcscpy(wcsT, L"Hello World");
# printf("Linking to object %ws\n", wcsPath);
# printf("Text String %ws\n", wcsT);
# // Initialize the OLE libraries
# if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) {
# hRslt = CreateFileMoniker(wcsPath, &pmk);
# if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt))
# hRslt = BindMoniker(pmk, 0, IID_IHello, (void **)&pHello);
# if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) {
# // print a string out
# pHello-PrintSz(wcsT);
# Sleep(2000);
# ulCnt = pHello-Release();
# }
# else
# printf("Failure to connect, status: %lx", hRslt);
# // Tell OLE we are going away.
# CoUninitialize();
# }
# return(0);
# }
Apprentice Hacker
# #!/usr/local/bin/perl
# $msg="Hello, world.\n";
# if ($#ARGV = 0) {
# while(defined($arg=shift(@ARGV))) {
# $outfilename = $arg;
# open(FILE, "" . $outfilename) || die "Can't write $arg: $!\n";
# print (FILE $msg);
# close(FILE) || die "Can't close $arg: $!\n";
# }
# } else {
# print ($msg);
# }
# 1;
Experienced Hacker
# #include <stdio.h
# #define S "Hello, World\n"
# main(){exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);}
Seasoned Hacker
# % cc -o a.out ~/src/misc/hw/hw.c
# % a.out
Guru Hacker
# % cat
# Hello, world.
# ^D
New Manager
# 20 END
Middle Manager
# mail -s "Hello, world." bob@b12
# Bob, could you please write me a program that prints "Hello, world."?
# I need it by tomorrow.
# ^D
Senior Manager
# % zmail jim
# I need a "Hello, world." program by this afternoon.
Chief Executive
# % letter
# letter: Command not found.
# % mail
# To: ^X ^F ^C
# % help mail
# help: Command not found.
# % damn!
# !: Event unrecognized
# % logout
104.835 | ;-) | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Wed Nov 02 1994 17:21 | 11 |
| Gee, where does that place me?
more hello.c
printf("Screw off, bugger!!\");
104.836 | the following may offend some ... | WESERV::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Fri Dec 02 1994 18:13 | 76 |
(posted without permission/stuff stripped, and all that stuff)
MICROSOFT Bids to Acquire Catholic Church
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- In a joint press conference in St. Peter's Square this
morning, MICROSOFT Corp. and the Vatican announced that the Redmond software
giant will acquire the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for an unspecified
number of shares of MICROSOFT common stock. If the deal goes through, it will be
the first time a computer software company has acquired a major world religion.
With the acquisition, Pope John Paul II will become the senior vice-president of
the combined company's new Religious Software Division, while MICROSOFT senior
vice-presidents Michael Maples and Steven Ballmer will be invested in the
College of Cardinals, said MICROSOFT Chairman Bill Gates.
"We expect a lot of growth in the religious market in the next five to ten
years," said Gates. "The combined resources of MICROSOFT and the Catholic Church
will allow us to make religion easier and more fun for a broader range of
Through the MICROSOFT Network, the company's new on-line service, "we will make
the sacraments available on-line for the first time" and revive the popular
pre-Counter-Reformation practice of selling indulgences, said Gates. "You can
get Communion, confess your sins, receive absolution -- even reduce your time in
Purgatory -- all without leaving your home."
A new software application, MICROSOFT Church, will include a macro language
which you can program to download heavenly graces automatically while you are
away from your computer.
An estimated 17,000 people attended the announcement in St Peter's Square,
watching on a 60-foot screen as comedian Don Novello -- in character as Father
Guido Sarducci -- hosted the event, which was broadcast by satellite to 700
sites worldwide.
Pope John Paul II said little during the announcement. When Novello chided
Gates, "Now I guess you get to wear one of these pointy hats," the crowd roared,
but the pontiff's smile seemed strained.
The deal grants MICROSOFT exclusive electronic rights to the Bible and the
Vatican's prized art collection, which includes works by such masters as
Michelangelo and Da Vinci. But critics say MICROSOFT will face stiff challenges
if it attempts to limit competitors' access to these key intellectual
"The Jewish people invented the look and feel of the holy scriptures," said
Rabbi David Gottschalk of Philadelphia. "You take the parting of the Red Sea --
we had that thousands of years before the Catholics came on the scene."
But others argue that the Catholic and Jewish faiths both draw on a common
Abrahamic heritage. "The Catholic Church has just been more successful in
marketing it to a larger audience," notes Notre Dame theologian Father Kenneth
Madigan. Over the last 2,000 years, the Catholic Church's market share has
increased dramatically, while Judaism, which was the first to offer many of the
concepts now touted by Christianity, lags behind.
Historically, the Church has a reputation as an aggressive competitor, leading
crusades to pressure people to upgrade to Catholicism, and entering into
exclusive licensing arrangements in various kingdoms whereby all subjects were
instilled with Catholicism, whether or not they planned to use it. Today
Christianity is available from several denominations, but the Catholic version
is still the most widely used. The Church's mission is to reach "the four
corners of the earth," echoing MICROSOFT's vision of "a computer on every
desktop and in every home".
Gates described MICROSOFT's long-term strategy to develop a scalable religious
architecture that will support all religions through emulation. A single core
religion will be offered with a choice of interfaces according to the religion
desired -- "One religion, a couple of different implementations," said Gates.
The MICROSOFT move could spark a wave of mergers and acquisitions, according to
Herb Peters, a spokesman for the U.S. Southern Baptist Conference, as other
churches scramble to strengthen their position in the increasingly competitive
religious market.
104.837 | | LASSIE::TRAMP::GRADY | Stop The Violins. | Fri Dec 02 1994 18:26 | 3 |
| That's hilarious. Thanks Carol...;-)
104.838 | I figured Gates would become Pope :) | MAYES::OSTIGUY | | Fri Dec 02 1994 18:36 | 4 |
| Hahahaha too much...especially Guido Sarducci hosting the announcement
that's grate :)
104.839 | :-) | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Integrate! | Fri Dec 02 1994 19:05 | 3 |
104.840 | | BIODTL::JC | don't criticize it | Sat Dec 03 1994 13:53 | 4 |
| that is a good one!!
slash sent it to me to post, but ya'll beat me to it.
104.841 | How the Gingrinch Stole Congress! | ROCK::FROMM | This space intentionally left blank. | Wed Dec 14 1994 15:32 | 172 |
| How the Gingrinch Stole Congress!
by Kris Rabberman & Scott Prevost
Every Who
Down in Whoville
Liked Elections a lot . . .
But Newt Gingrinch,
Who lived on Mount Gridlock,
Did NOT!
The Gingrinch loathed voting, the whole campaign season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all,
May have been that his brain was two sizes too small.
But whatever the reason,
His brain or his shoes,
He stood there Election Eve , hating the Whos,
Staring down from Mount Gridlock with a Gingrinchy frown,
At the candidates stumping below in their town.
For he knew every Who who was thinking that night,
Would cast their votes wisely--against the far right.
"And they're worried about issues!" he snarled with a sneer,
"Tomorrow's the election! It's practically here!"
And the gears in his head began frantically spinning,
"I MUST find a way to keep liberals from winning!"
For tomorrow, he knew all the Whos in the know,
Would vote for the DemoWhos all in a row,
For Wofford and Foley, Feinstein and Cuomo.
Then the DemoWho Congress would do what he'd hate,
Come up with new programs, and then legislate!
Healthcare and gun bans they'd gladly create,
But such progress the Gingrinch would only berate.
And THEN they'd do something
He liked least of all!
Every DemoWho in Congress, the tall and the small,
Would stand close together, and say with one voice,
"We're for women's rights and we're also pro-choice!"
They'd work! And they'd work!
And the more that the Gingrinch thought, with a smirk,
The more that he thought, "I must STOP their hard work!
Why since Who-sevelt's years I've put up with it now!
I MUST stop the liberals from winning!
. . But HOW?"
Then he got an idea!
An AWFUL idea!
The Newt
got a HORRIBLE, AWFUL idea!
"I know just what to do!" Gingrinch laughed in his throat.
"I'll make empty vows in return for their vote."
And he chuckled, and clucked, "I've got a great con.
With these lies we'll pay homage to President Ron!"
"All I need is a gimmick . . ."
The Newt looked around.
But since ideas are scarce, there were none to be found.
Did that stop the old Gingrinch
>From finding a scheme . . . ?
Of course not, he had the Whopublican team.
So he called Mr. Dole, and he eagerly said,
"I need to make use of your sly, sneaky head."
Then they made up a plan,
That was terribly Dole-y,
To unseat the speaker,
Congressman Foley.
And they wrote up a contract.
They did it that day,
And they chortled and laughed,
"All the liberals must pay."
As the Gingrinch and Dole formulated their schemes,
Based on trickle down theories and far right extremes,
The DemoWhos, calmly, were dreaming their dreams.
First Gingrinch and Dole, with a gleam in their eyes,
About Clinton's record, told many lies.
Then they told of the programs they'd gleefully pinch,
Who better to do this than Mr. Gingrinch?
They got stuck only once, on the issue of ketchup,
So they got on the phone and they called Orrin Hatch up.
Then both of them sunk to a terrible low.
"Entitlements," they grinned, "are the first things to go!"
Then they slithered and slunk, with smiles most unpleasant,
Obnoxiously trashing the left, past and present!
"With Huffington, Romney, North and Santorum,
We're sure that the left cannot help but deplore 'em!
With ads so misleading they're practically criminal,
We'll use our PAC money for commercials subliminal!"
"We'll bombard them with TV, and a racist disc-jockey!
Who supports Chuck Haytaian and dark-horse Pataki.
We'll support Ollie North, and Dewine over Hyatt,
And with all of his cash, we'll have Huffington buy it!"
"When we win, we'll control each and every committee,
"To be sure funds are sent to nary a city!
"And Alfonse D'amato," (the dork from New York),
"can continue to rant about Bill Clinton's pork!"
"Against Feinstein and Boxer's ardent protesting,
"Senator Packwood can keep on molesting!"
By the twisted up logic of Jesse and Strom,
"With gays in the army, we lost Vietnam!"
"A lineup like this is Clinton's worst fear,"
said Gingrinch to Dole, with a dastardly sneer.
"Taxes, the wealthy should not have to pay,"
the maniacal duo was eager to say.
"And when Congress is ours, we'll have prayer in the schools,"
Muttered Dole to the Newt, "Disregard liberal fools!"
The plan was enacted,
The ballots were cast,
The sham made the voters return to the past.
The Gingrinch was gleeful, and Dole started gloating,
before all the Whos had completed their voting.
"We now have a mandate!" they said with a laugh,
Even though, of the votes, they received only half.
With snickering Newt in the role of the Speaker,
The prospects for changes have never been bleaker.
"The plans that we've outlined, we won't be revising,"
said Gingrinch, "We simply ABHOR compromising!"
The day of this scary Whopublican showing,
We started to notice Newt's head slowly growing,
Though now we can say, as you may have inferred,
His brain starting SHRINKING that day, so we've heard.
Though the Whos may be worried and shaking in fear,
>From the dastardly changes that soon may be here,
The way Whos can solve this is really a cinch,
In '96 vote against cynic Gingrinch!
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here are not necessarily the
opinions of Dr. Seuss, or those with an interest in his estate, or
anyone related to him, or anyone he met only once on a crowded train
traveling from New York to Chicago, or his former next-door-neighbor's
dog Max. Some stanzas of the preceding work were directly stolen from
Dr. Seuss' classic work, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," without the
permission, expressed or implied, of Theodor or Audrey Geisel, or
Random House, Inc. This work was created solely for the amusement of
the authors and should not be copied, distributed or otherwise
duplicated by any means (electronic or telepathic included) without the
expressed written consent of whoever owns the copyright to the book the
authors plagiarized to create this masterpiece. Any evidence to the
contrary should be construed as purely accidental and not the intent of
the authors (who, by the way, receive no monetary benefit for having
written the poem, but had to pay an overpriced lawyer for this
disclaimer) . The authors accept no responsibility for any nightmares
or other psychological problems caused by reading this work to
liberals already suffering from Post Election Stress Disorder.
104.842 | | MAGEE::OSTIGUY | | Mon Dec 19 1994 17:32 | 34 |
| > From New York: "No Radio" ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Thursday,
December 15, 1994. And now, a man who who knows if you've been bad or
good, so you'd better be good for goodness sakes ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Already gave his concession speech for '96 election
9. Arizona now called "Bubbatown"
8. Drunken Yeltsin calling every 30 seconds on the red phone to say
"Merry Christmas"
7. Each time President said "Here, kitty, kitty," George Stephanopoulos
would rub against the podium
6. When he screamed at Jesse Helms, "You wanna piece of me, punk?!"
5. Stopped speech four times to eat popcorn balls off Christmas tree
4. Fist-banging tirade about how those pictures in Penthouse didn't do
Paula Jones justice
3. The President's unsolicited testimonial for Big Ass pork products
2. Secret Service guys held Newt Gingrich while Clinton slugged him in
the stomach
1. He was sweatin' gravy!
104.843 | | MAGEE::OSTIGUY | | Mon Dec 19 1994 17:32 | 32 |
| > From New York: The terrifying new best seller from the master of modern
horror ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Friday, December 16, 1994. And
now, a man who, despite his awesome size, eats only plankton ... David
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Kid's letter to North Pole comes back stamped, "Dream on, Chester!"
9. Kid asks for new bike, gets pack of smokes
8. Along with presents, Santa leaves hefty bill for shipping and handling
7. By the time he gets to your house, all he has left are styrofoam
6. Christmas day, your kid wakes up with a reindeer head in his bed
5. Instead of "naughty" or "nice," Santa has him on the "dork" list
4. Sends him off one one of them Carnival cruises with Kathie Lee
3. First words when kid gets on his lap are, "Touch my beard and I'll
put the hurt on you!"
2. Labels on all your kid's toys read "Straight from Craptown"
1. Four words: "Off my lap, Tubby!"
104.844 | :) | MAYES::OSTIGUY | | Wed Dec 21 1994 18:41 | 30 |
| > From New York: A city that needs a vacation ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST
for Monday, December 19, 1994. And now, a man who kidnaps earthlings
for exotic medical testing ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. "The Gingrich That Stole Christmas"
9. "Rush Limbaugh Eats a Reindeer"
8. "Bob Hope's Dizzy Dizzy Christmas"
7. "Frothy the Runny-Nosed Snow Monkey"
6. "Richard Simmons' Sweatin' With Elves"
5. "Harvey Fierstein's Hanukkah on Fire Island"
4. "Van Damme Kick-Boxes Santa To Death"
3. "The Dave Letterman Christmas Spectacular" (video clip of Dave
sloppily drinking a bowlful of eggnog)
2. "Joycelyn Elders' Mistletoe-For-One Special"
1. "Teddy the Red-Nosed Kennedy"
104.845 | | MAGEE::OSTIGUY | | Tue Dec 27 1994 18:20 | 51 |
| >> From New York: Hey, get your hand out of my pocket ... it's THE TOP TEN
> LIST for Tuesday, December 20, 1994. And now, a man who makes your old
> vinyl interior shine like new ... David Letterman!
>> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
> [Presented by various New York City cabdrivers]
>10. Air freshener in the shape of a guy giving the finger
> 9. Vibrating beaded seat cover
> 8. Zima, the clear malt beverage
> 7. I just want Michael & Lisa Marie to work things out
> 6. A full body squeegee
> 5. A Barbie doll
> 4. Prozac
> 3. Something to mop up the vomit
> 2. A trunk full of underpants
> 1. Brakes
> [Music: "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell]
>Compiled by Sue Trowbridge
> ----------------------------------------
> 11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
> on the CBS Television Network
> ----------------------------------------
> On Wednesday's show, Dave welcomes
> ... singer MARY J. BLIGE
> ... humorist DAVE BARRY
>The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1994 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated.
>Used with permission.
104.846 | | MAGEE::OSTIGUY | | Tue Dec 27 1994 18:20 | 49 |
| >> From New York: That ain't eggnog ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Wednesday,
> December 21, 1994. And now, the star of the hit sitcom "Ellen" ... David
> Letterman!
>> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
>10. "It's so nice to have a president who can play Santa without padding"
> 9. "I'm sorry, Miss. There's no 'Paula Jones' on the guest list"
> 8. "You make an adorable elf, Mr. Stephanopolous"
> 7. "Hey, who invited Nipsey Russell?"
> 6. "So what are you doing to pass the time these days, Ms. Elders?"
> 5. "Stand back -- Gore's gonna do a cannonball into the eggnog"
> 4. "I've never seen a wreath made of French fries before"
> 3. "Check it out! A bullet just shattered my punch glass!"
> 2. "See if Jimmy Carter can go 'negotiate' us another keg of brew!"
> 1. "This party sucks -- let's go to Newt's"
> [Music: "White Christmas"]
>Compiled by Sue Trowbridge
> ----------------------------------------
> 11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
> on the CBS Television Network
> ----------------------------------------
> On Thursday's show, Dave welcomes
> ... actor GABRIEL BYRNE
> ... comedian HARLAND WILLIAMS
>The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1994 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated.
>Used with permission.
104.847 | AH huhu | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Fri Dec 30 1994 14:14 | 158 |
| > From New York: Try our Hudson River eggnog ... it's THE
TOP TEN LIST for Wednesday, December 28, 1994. And now,
a four-letter word for fun, D-A-V-E ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. You've got red and green bags under your eyes
9. You're serving reindeer pot pie
8. When you hear "Sleighbells ring, are you listenin'?" you
scream "No! I'm not listening!"
7. You climb on your roof and start shooting carolers in the
ass with your BB gun
6. You think you hear your Christmas tree taunting you (At this
point the Christmas tree on the set says "Hey Letterman, you
and Shaffer -- Dumb and Dumber. Ha ha ha ha!")
5. Instead of spending time with family, you're watching some
guy make photocopies (Dave sent an audience member down the
street to make photocopies of a joke that bombed for all the
audience members.)
4. You're busted for running through town wearing nothing but
3. You've got eggnog coming out of your ears (Biff shown drinking
eggnog, which then shoots out of his ears.)
2. Your standard response: "And happy holidays to you too, you
1. Two words: Tinsel Rash
> From New York: Wipes clean with a damp sponge ... it's
THE TOP TEN LIST for Tuesday, December 27, 1994. And now,
a source of clean renewable energy ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Every night there's a mint on your pillow
9. Bars of your cell are rusty from jacuzzi-steam
8. Guards meet with you to help plan your escape
7. They replaced your regular coffee with Folgers Crystals;
in the resulting riot 10 died
6. You share a cell with one of the Heidi Fleiss girls
5. You get frequent flier miles for good behavior
4. You have a summer cell in the Hamptons
3. Every day around 4 -- pony rides
2. Other inmates refer to your cell as "Margaritaville"
1. You call the warden "Daddy"
> From New York: built a thousand years ago by the Pueblo indians ...
it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Monday, December 26, 1994. And now, the
power behind Newt Gingrich ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. You spend all your free time baking brownies for John Madden
9. Every time you get up from the couch, you pull a groin muscle
8. You actually watched the Jets-Oilers game on Saturday
7. You are hurled from your car after a high-speed collision and
your first thought is: "Oh boy, I'm in a nice tight spiral!"
6. You sweat Gatorade
5. Someone says, "Pass the turkey" and you hurl that mother 60 yards
4. All your clothes are made of pigskin
3. After sex, you spike the pillow
2. Your grandmother falls down the stairs and you yell, "Touchdown!"
1. Hash marks on your ass
> From New York: it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Friday, December 23, 1994.
And now, a man who carpools with Scrooge ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. "I Saw Mommy Nailing Santa Claus"
9. "Three Elves And a Little Lady"
8. "North Poled"
7. "Nude and Nuder"
6. "Won't You Guide My Pants Tonight"
5. "The Little Drummer Boy Becomes a Man"
4. "Mrs. Claus And the U.P.S. Guy"
3. "Not-So-Tiny Tim"
2. "Joycelyn Elders Home Alone"
1. "Jingle This!"
> From New York: "Free HBO" ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Thursday,
December 22, 1994. And now, a man who stalks the woods of the
northwest, frightening campers ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. More shots fired at Santa's house
9. Elf removed from workshop with vibrating electric football
set in his pants
8. Unlicensed street vendor caught selling reindeer kabobs
7. Rudolph busted for showing what else he can make glow
6. Noise ordinances violated by Kathie Lee's singing
5. Rowdy teens chasing Frosty the Snowman with a hair dryer
4. Deranged gingerbread man arrested after several hours on
street corner shouting "Eat me!"
3. Mrs. Claus nabbed for hooking on 9th Avenue
2. "Send the jaws of life: the old man's got his fat ass stuck
in a chimney again"
1. Elfjacking
104.848 | | WESERV::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Tue Jan 03 1995 18:18 | 11 |
Those of you with access to Technoloy Review Jan.'95 will enjoy
(perhaps) the cover story on Scott Adams and Dilbert. Unless of
course you get insulted by it :-) :-)
i mean what can you say about someone who says and I paraphrase :
programming is as exciting as sex.
i didn't make that up you know
104.849 | ? | CSLALL::LEBLANC_C | Please don't dominate the rapJACK | Tue Jan 03 1995 18:29 | 1 |
| programming as exciting as sex?
104.850 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Jan 03 1995 18:58 | 4 |
| I liked Larson's farewell Far Sides this Sunday past...he's Dorthy in
the Land of Far and being told to click his heels...the next frame he's
awake in bed telling all his relatives and pets how he'd been lost in
another zone where everyone looked like Aunt Martha, etc.....
104.851 | "and the cows all looked like you, Uncle Bob..." | TRLIAN::DUGGAN | | Tue Jan 03 1995 19:42 | 4 |
| That was a CLASSIC! It's already up on my refrigerator!
...michael T. DeadHead
104.852 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Jan 03 1995 19:55 | 4 |
| too bad Larson has hung up his pens....Calvin and the Far Side made the
local conservative, nazi rag readable.....
104.853 | | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Wed Jan 04 1995 17:19 | 2 |
| now that lunch is settling in, is NE1 up for a completely tasteless
and sick Jeffrey Dahmer joke ???
104.854 | | AWATS::WESTERVELT | | Wed Jan 04 1995 19:19 | 1 |
| I'll bite ;-)
104.855 | | XLIB::REHILL | Call Me Mystery Hill | Thu Jan 05 1995 15:20 | 8 |
What has four legs and one arm?
A very happy Rotweiller....
104.856 | or was it a post Dahmer-death one? | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Jan 05 1995 15:33 | 5 |
| So what happened to the Dahmer joke. It wasn't the one about another
news figure that Letterman played on a lot last year was it? (To tell
who it was would sort of give it away)
104.857 | I didn't write it, just regurgitate it :) | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Thu Jan 05 1995 16:16 | 11 |
| well, I didn't want to offend NE1, but since Tom W will bite, and
PeterT has asked...
did you hear about when Jeffrey Dahmer had his Dad over for dinner ???
they're about to sit down for dinner, and Dad says "I hate to tell you
this Jeff, but I really don't like your friends" and Jeff says...
"that's ok Dad, just eat the vegetables"
104.858 | | MAYES::OSTIGUY | | Fri Jan 06 1995 11:37 | 33 |
| > From New York: Free apple pie if we don't say "Have a nice day" ...
it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Tuesday, January 3, 1995. And now, a man
who inflates on impact ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Instead of holding up his hand when being sworn in, he holds up
his middle finger
9. Exchanges all dollars in state treasury for pesos
8. Shows up at first press conference dressed as Batman
7. When reminded of campaign promises, he says "Hey, I was a
different person back then"
6. Orders state police to start rounding up babes "Arkansas-style"
5. No one knows why, but every carnival operating in the state has
to show him their fat lady
4. He shows up to work with lunch box full of crack
3. Legally changes state's name to "Patakiland"
2. He's caught firing shots at his own home
1. Opens inaugural speech with "Hello, suckers!"
104.859 | | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Tue Jan 10 1995 16:11 | 35 |
> From New York: 15 grams of fat per serving ... it's THE TOP
TEN LIST for Wednesday, January 4, 1995. And now, a man who
is watching that Newt Gingrich like a hawk ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Watch orientation film: "The Wonderful World of Graft and
9. Bring bags of ice cubes up to Ted Kennedy's office
8. Sweep up the shell casings outside White House gate
7. Make sure Cher gets alimony check on time (Sonny Bono only)
6. Run the projector at Clarence Thomas' parties
5. Empty Jesse Helms' spittoon
4. Collect hair clippings from Capitol barber shop floor; start
makin' wigs for Bob Dole
3. Start kissing Newt's ass
2. When finished kissing Newt's ass, consider kissing it a
little more
1. Get fresh drinks for the hookers
[Music: "Politician" by Cream]
104.860 | | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Tue Jan 10 1995 16:11 | 35 |
| > From New York: Use of certain types of portable electronic devices
prohibited ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Thursday, January 5, 1995.
And now, your voucher for fun ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Lower corner of screen has the words "Etch-a-Sketch" on it
9. Its celebrity spokesman is that "Hey Vern!" guy
8. In order to start it you need some jumper cables and a friend's
7. You know them floppy disks? Well this baby's got a floppy
6. You type in: "Need comedy bit for talk show"; it prints out:
"stunt doubles"
5. Whenever you turn it on, all the dogs in your neighborhood start
4. Screen frequently freezes and message comes up "Ain't it break-
time, Chester?"
3. The manual contains one sentence: "Good luck!"
2. The only chip inside is a Dorito
1. It cyber-sucks!
[Music: "Bad" by Michael Jackson]
104.861 | | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Tue Jan 10 1995 16:12 | 32 |
| LIST for Friday, January 6, 1995. And now, former North
American welterweight boxing champion ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Signed off evening news by French kissing Dan Rather
9. Shows up for interviews in Catwoman costume
8. Has accepted marriage proposal from Michael Jackson
7. "Born to co-anchor" tattoo
6. It was funny at first, but now I'm tired of her busting into
my house
5. Closes every broadcast with a Helen Reddy song
4. Thinks CBS eye is watching her in dressing room
3. Yesterday at CBS commissary, knocked Mike Wallace senseless over
the last burrito
2. Now trying to have a baby with Richard Simmons
1. While in bed with Maury, keeps yelling, "This just in!"
[Music: "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" by Wang Chung]
104.862 | | SLICK1::OSTIGUY | | Tue Jan 10 1995 16:12 | 35 |
| > From New York: If New York is not in your travel plans this
evening, we suggest you deplane at this time ... it's THE
TOP TEN LIST for Monday, January 9, 1995. And now, that
yodeling fool ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. "It's incredible -- he's actually gained weight since he died!"
9. "Did that recipe call for eight or nine cups of lard?"
8. "I'm sorry, Mr. Jackson. The monkey will have to wait outside
the gate"
7. "I hear Elvis' ghost just signed an endorsement deal with Zima"
6. "Put that gun away -- this ain't the White House!"
5. "Amazing! His bedroom still smells like peanut butter!"
4. "My name is Mario Cuomo & I'll be your Graceland tour guide"
3. "It could've been worse. She could have married Tito"
2. "If Elvis were alive, he'd be perfect for playing 'Would you
like to eat that in here?'" [Earlier in the show, Dave had
invited three college students from Nebraska to finish their
restaurant meals in the theater.]
1. "I'm not an Elvis impersonator, dammit -- I'm Roseanne!"
[Music: "Memphis, Tennessee" by Chuck Berry]
104.863 | posted without permission | WECARE::ROBERTS | the evening sky grew dark | Fri Jan 13 1995 18:14 | 44 |
>News Flash:
>In a surprise move, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced
>yesterday that he has purchased the entire calendar year of 1995.
>1995 will be replaced instead by "Year-M" to be followed by actual
>"Windows 95 was not going to ship on schedule," Gates said. "But
>we couldn't change the name again... people were starting to get
>confused. So instead of spending a lot of time and money on a new
>marketing campaign we decided just to buy 1995. That way we get an
>extra year to debug Windows and get it shipped for what will be the
>new 1995."
>Microsoft arranged this coup by leveraging its financial assets to
>bail out the Federal Government and pay off the national debt. The
>IRS is being disbanded for next year, but taxes will be collected as
>usual with one change: all checks must be made payable to "Bill Gates."
>A side benefit of this purchase is that Gates now owns the judicial
>branch for the duration of "Year-M." Speculators stated that Gates
>would likely use this opportunity to dismiss the numerous lawsuits
>pending against Microsoft. Gates apparently feels this would be
>cheaper than actually hiring lawyers to represent his rickety cases.
>In a related story, God has filed suit against Gates because of
>his purchase, claiming time to be the sole property of God. In a
>countersuit, Gates claims God is a monopoly and demands that he be
>broken up into "deity conglomerates."
>"Gosh," said Gates. "They broke up AT&T... why can't we break up
>Inside sources at Microsoft said that Gates was looking for an early
>resolution to the suit by hiring God as a programmer. Evidently,
>God has the exact profile that Gates is looking for in a programmer:
>he doesn't mind rainy climates, doesn't need any money, isn't married,
>and can work for at least 6 days without sleeping.
>"If we could just get some employees like that," Gates lamented, "we
>would be able to ship Windows 95 on time."
104.864 | might have had to been there... | MPGS::FIELDS | | Wed Feb 01 1995 11:04 | 20 |
| got this one from the SLOWHAND digest.....
Subject: clapton/garcia joke (fwd)
This was forwarded to me by me boss, who is a Deadhead. I'm sure it
never seen the light of day on this list before, but I'm equally sure
some of you have heard it before.
anyway, enjoy,
Here's one: Jerry Garcia and Eric Clapton were walking through the
jungle and were caught by a bunch of cannibals, who graciously offered
each a last request before being boiled alive and eaten. Jerry says
"Can I have a guitar so that I can play Truckin' one more time?" to
which Clapton answers "Why don't you boil me now?"
104.865 | Ahhh... Mardi Gras! :-) | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Mail Order Wives | Wed Mar 01 1995 12:52 | 59 |
| From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
[Presented by Richard Simmons, live from New Orleans]
10. Don't wait for the oldies -- just start sweatin'
9. Try a steaming bowl of Boutros Boutros-gumbo
8. If you wake up in a jail cell, call Letterman collect
7. No one wants to hear about Deal a Meal when they're gooned on rum
6. Load up your shorts with hundreds of live crawfish!
5. Hang with Hugh Downs -- the man is an atomic party machine!
4. Look both ways before throwing up in the street
3. If at some point you find yourself standing in a wedding chapel
next to Larry King, don't say 'I do'
2. Don't just drink, drink-ercise!
1. Show some ass, honey
You may also use the FINGER command to grab today's list from
<barnhart@well.sf.ca.us>. If you prefer to use e-mail, send a
message to infobot@infomania.com with TOPTEN in the SUBJECT line.
TOPTEN is also reflected to the newsgroups alt.fan.letterman.top-ten
and alt.fan.letterman.
To leave the list, mail LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET with the message
To join the list, mail same with the message SUBSCRIBE TOPTEN Your Name
104.866 | Special High Intensity Training... | SALES::GKELLER | Spprt smlr gvt. http://www.lp.org/lp/lp.html | Fri Mar 03 1995 15:05 | 29 |
> > In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity
> > from employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well trained
> > through our program of SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (S.H.I.T.).
> > We are trying to give employees more S.H.I.T. than anyone else.
> > If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. on the job,
> > please see your manager. You will be immediately placed at the top of the
> > S.H.I.T. list, and our managers are especially skilled at seeing that you
> > get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle.
> > Employees who don't take their S.H.I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL
> > EMPLOYEE EVALUATION PROGRAMS (D.E.E.P S.H.I.T.). Those who fail to
> > take D.E.E.P S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to EMPLOYEE ATTITUDE
> > TRAINING (E.A.T S.H.I.T.). Since our managers took S.H.I.T. before they
> > were promoted, they don't have to do S.H.I.T. anymore, and are all full
> > of S.H.I.T. already.
> > If you are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interested in a job training
> > others. We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LECTURE LIST
> > (B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T.).
> > Those who are full of B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T. will get the S.H.I.T. jobs, and can
> > apply for promotion to DIRECTOR OF INTENSITY PROGRAMMING (D.I.P. S.H.I.T.).
> > If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TRAINING,
> >
> > Thank you,
104.867 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Mar 21 1995 16:35 | 12 |
| my 17 year old daughter told me this one with a real serious face
her:Hey dad, did ya hear that a baby was born at X hospitol here in town
that has the Drs baffled as to what sex the baby is?
me: No, really?
her: Ya, it was born with both a penis and a brain.
me: commehere damnit so I can knock ya in the head
104.868 | | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Tue Mar 21 1995 18:17 | 7 |
| and then there's the one that asks the question :
why is a guy's brain bigger than a dog's brain?
so he can learn not to hump legs at cocktail parties
104.869 | Next:-) | MUGGER::LIVINGSTONE | Survive! get a little crazy... | Mon Mar 27 1995 15:33 | 5 |
| Two piles of sick walking down the road.
One says to the other....
I was brought up round here.
104.870 | More? :-) | MUGGER::LIVINGSTONE | Survive! get a little crazy... | Mon Mar 27 1995 15:35 | 5 |
| And *the* Howard Page Joke...
Have you heard about the two spanish firemen?
Hose A and Hose B
104.871 | Can you stand it? :-) | MUGGER::LIVINGSTONE | Survive! get a little crazy... | Mon Mar 27 1995 15:37 | 3 |
| Heard about the dyslexic prostitute?
Opened up a wharehouse.
104.872 | :-) | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Mon Apr 10 1995 12:39 | 5 |
| Hear the winning number for yesterday (Palm Sunday) ?
104.873 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Subvert the dominant pair of dimes | Mon Apr 10 1995 12:55 | 5 |
| Are you serious?
I can't wait to hear the looney's coming out of the woodwork on that
104.874 | | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Mon Apr 10 1995 14:48 | 7 |
| I think it was a joke for two reasons .. Charles Liquidcenter said it
on 'BCN this a.m. and the second reason is that I *thought* they don't
really do numbers on sudayz.
I just love the irreverence it inplies
104.875 | | STOWOA::JOLLIMORE | In a word: overrun | Mon Apr 10 1995 14:54 | 2 |
| the mass daily number yesterday was indeed 0666.
saw frank averuch(sp) host the drawing on teevee.
104.876 | | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Mon Apr 10 1995 15:13 | 4 |
!!!!!!! WAYYY COOL !!!!!!!!
there i was underestimating or overestimating Chucccccck
104.877 | And ten for the gubmit... | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Mail Order Wives | Tue Apr 18 1995 13:56 | 65 |
> From New York: Step aside, sister, it's my turn ... it's THE
TOP TEN LIST for Monday, April 17, 1995. And now, a man
who's wacky on the jelly beans ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. People that claim charitable donation for watching CBS
primetime shows
9. Everybody thinks rock stars get all the chicks -- but the
truth is, chicks dig IRS agents
8. People who fill out their tax forms with mustard
7. H. Block always showing up at audits claiming he "forgot"
his pants
6. When Janet Reno offers to settle up with sexual favors
5. Guys who keep sayin', Yeah, I got your long form right here!
4. People who pronounce IRS "erzz"
3. H&R Block accountants who are too busy eating steak to file
on time
2. Letterman reporting his total year's income as $15,000
1. Three syllables: Leona
[Music: "Tax Man" by the Beatles]
Compiled by Sue Trowbridge
11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
on the CBS Television Network
On Tuesday's show, Dave welcomes
...comedian DON RICKLES
Yoyodyne Entertainment announces the beta test of its first
Internet-wide Game of Skill, featuring David Letterman as the subject
and $500 as the prize. To get registration information for this FREE
game send mail to letterman@parker.horoscope.com
The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1995 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated.
Used with permission.
The latest Top Ten can be retrieved at any time by sending e-mail
To leave the list, mail LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET with the message
To join the list, mail same with the message SUBSCRIBE TOPTEN Your Name
To retrieve old Top Tens, mail same with the message GET TOPTEN ARCHIVE
104.878 | bad_joke_alert(tm)! | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Mail Order Wives | Tue Apr 18 1995 15:51 | 12 |
If one useless man is a shame,
and two useless men is a disgrace,
what do you call three useless men?
A law firm.
104.879 | late breaking technology | AWATS::WESTERVELT | | Mon May 01 1995 18:05 | 32 |
A story about Bill, Andy and Jerry (not Garcia):
Bill Gates, Andy Grove and Jerry Sanders (CEOs of MicroSoft,
Intel and AMD, in case you didn't recognize one (or more! of the
names) were in a high-powered business meeting. During the
serious tense discussions, a beeping noise suddenly is emitted
from where Bill is sitting. Bill says, " Oh, that's my emergency
beeper. Gentlemen, excuse me, I really need to take this call.
"So Bill lifts his wristwatch to his ear and begins talking into
the end of his tie. After completing this call, he notices the
others are staring at him. Bill explains, "Oh, this is my new
emergency communication system. I have an earpiece built into my
watch and a microphone sewn into the end of my tie. That way, I
can take a call anywhere." The others nod, and the meeting
Five minutes later, the discussion is again interrupted when Andy
starts beeping. He also states, "Oh, that is my emergency beeper.
Excuse me, gentlemen, this must be an important call." So Andy
taps his earlobe and begins talking into thin air. When he
completes his call, he notices the others staring at him and
explains, "I also have an emergency communication system. But my
earpiece is actually implanted in my earlobe, and the microphone
is actually embedded in his fake tooth. Isn't that neat?" The
others nod, the meeting continues.
Five minutes later, the discussion is again interrupted, when
Jerry emits a thunderous fart. He looks up at the others staring
at him and says, "Uhh, somebody get me a piece of paper...I'm
receiving a fax."
104.880 | Good one! | FABSIX::T_BEAULIEU | Join The Human Race | Mon May 01 1995 18:48 | 8 |
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
104.881 | Go Griamce Go!!!!! :-) | SUBPAC::MAGGARD | Mail Order Wives | Thu May 04 1995 13:18 | 63 |
| > From New York: Tell 'em Dave sent you ... it's THE TOP TEN
LIST for Tuesday, May 2, 1995. And now, a man who just
doesn't care for cilantro ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. One in every 50 McNuggets has a pink, cord-like tail
9. Filet-O-Fish actually just deep fried plywood
8. You know those fancy French fries? Them boys ain't exactly
coming from France
7. A woman from Delaware ate three Big Macs at one sitting, &
her ass inflated so rapidly that her car turned over
6. Mayor McCheese vidoetaped in hotel room smoking ketchup-
flavored crack
5. Red clown hairs in the fries
4. Grimace keeps breaking into furniture stores and trying to
mate with the bean-bag chairs
3. Found a McNail in the McNuggets
2. When asking "Would you like fries with that?", counterperson
forgot to add, "Mr. President"
1. That ain't special sauce
[Music: "Java" by Al Hirt]
Compiled by Sue Trowbridge
11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
on the CBS Television Network
On Wednesday's show, Dave welcomes
...actor SINBAD
...musician HARRY CONNICK JR.
This list is sponsored by Yoyodyne Entertainment, Inc. We are also
responsible for games of skill via email. For more information on our games
write to yoyo@sgp.com.
The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1995 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated.
Used with permission.
The latest Top Ten can be retrieved at any time by sending e-mail
To leave the list, mail LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET with the message
To join the list, mail same with the message SUBSCRIBE TOPTEN Your Name
To retrieve old Top Tens, mail same with the message GET TOPTEN ARCHIVE
104.882 | smiling! | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu May 04 1995 13:21 | 5 |
| I laughed hard at this one....
104.883 | a grad-student checklist | AWATS::WESTERVELT | | Wed May 17 1995 18:58 | 144 |
As a former CS grad student this hit pretty humorously close to
home. Good preview Rich! :-)
Subj: FWD: Grad student life ...
A grad-student check-list
6:30am Wakeup and lie awake in Bed
6:31 Realize you spent $18 on last night's dinner, means no eating out
for the next 6 weeks
6:32 Hit snooze button. Go back to sleep.
7:00 Wake up suddenly with heart in mouth when you realize you didn't hit
the snooze button--you turned it off.
7:01 fall asleep again.
7:44 Wake up with heart in mouth again.
7:45 Ready to go to school, will shave tommorrow, will eat early brunch at
(Denny's/Penny's/Lenny's/Dinko's whatever cafeteria).
8:03 Arrive at school
Realize your foreign officemate arrived earlier today
must have got more work done
8:04 Pass by Advisor's office, chat with Secretary to find out if he is
coming in today. He is, darn.
Need to start work on the draft due this afternoon.
8:15 Read electronic mail
8:20 Delete mail from students taking CMPSC201 regarding questions
about the class.
Hate your TA job.
Depression: too much work to do today
9:00 For jumpstart: go to Pepsi machine.
9:05 Kick Pepsi machine; promise yourself to call up the company
and ask for your money back.
Wonder why they would beleive you.
9:33 Start printing out loads of stuff that may be vaguely related to
your work.
9:41 Early morning stupefaction.
Mutter racist comments to yourself about your officemate.
9:43 Curse your officemate in a low tone he would not comprehend.
Feel good about him not grasping English well.
9:58 Finger everyone in the department and most people half way
around the world (using the "finger" command, of course)
10:19 Feel sleepy, should not have stayed late playing tetris last night.
10:31 momentary panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:43 edit .plan file. write a shell program to edit .plan more easily
10:59 Drop in at advisor's office and borrow something you dont need
& and kinda make him aware you are working hard on your project.
11:05 perverted daydreams
11:11 read electronic news
mid-morning yawn time
11:34 Start typing junk at a very high key-in rate to pretend
you are working hard as your advisor passes by from outside.
11:35 Press the BackSpace key for one and a half minute until all
the garbage you typed in is erased.
Realize that you can type more than 256 characters per half minute
11:41 Flirt with the new girl in the department
11:45 Print out some slides for afternoon's draft + presentation
11:47 Print them again, you forgot to change the date from last
11:49 Print another copy in case this one gets lost
11:51 Completely forget about sueing the coffee-machine company
12:15 Hunger pangs:
12:20 BigMac/Fries time
Drink a not-so-cold generic can of cola from your desk.
Ch-Ching, you just saved 35 cents by buying bulk cola.
1:00 Group Meeting with advisor
1:14 sudden awareness of one's shallowness
resentment towards foriegn officemate for sucking up to your advisor
Get reminded by your advisor that you need to do some more work
for your literature survey.
1:51 Advisor hands you the reddened copy of your draft for corrections
1:51:02 The 49 second urge to murder advisor begins!!
1:51:52 Realize that he controls your assistantship/grade/
graduation possiblity/graduation date/all job opportunities/
and the rest of your life.
1:52:53 Thank him
1:52:54 Thank yourself for not saying something stupid to your advisor.
1:53:00 splitting headache #1
1:59 Check electronic mail, don't reply though, you are too busy to do that
2:06 More generic cola
2:17 Oh No, it is my turn to cook tonite :-(
2:30 Sit through the class you were told to sit through
2:39 Look outside the window make unrealistic plans to quit
this degree program and take up a job.
Wonder why blonde girls are so pretty.
2:48 More perverted day-dreams.
Close the office door and open a few .gif files.
sharpen pencil
3:06 worry about never graduating
time to write a letter--NOT! no time for that.
rearrange desk
call up bank; see if you have any money
fear of losing aid next Fall
Read latex manuals to figure out how to put &$%&% in %$^% format
3:43 watch the clock
make plans to do a all-nighter tonite
Vow to watch only 2 TV programs
4:58 Notice Advisor leave
4:58:01 Sudden sense of freedom
Go home for quick, short dinner break.
9:00pm Come into the office
9:01pm The hard working grad student you are, you have to come to the
office late at night to "get the work done"
9:03 Check electronic mail
Decide it would be a good time to attack those ftp sites
since network wont be loaded
Run into "since network wont be loaded" traffic and get the
pictures into your machine.
Compress all unwanted research/class directories to make space.
Back up all your pictures
10:11 Admire pictures
Begin work; Realize you need references
Realize its too late today to go to the library
Sudden feeling of having wasted the day
10:49 Sudden feeling of possibly having to waste the night
Decide to turn in early and come back very early tommorrow morning
Decide to play a Tetris on the system to put yourself in a good mood.
11:15 Play game after game after game to improve your score and
get on the scoreboard.
Realize that your officemate is still at number 6, two notches
above you on the scoreboard.
12:20 Play until you beat your officemate into the 7th place.
A sense of achievment!! Yes, today was not wasted!!
Return home to find your roommate watching David Letterman reruns
on NBC. Tell him about the "hard working grad student day you had"
Discuss philosophy with roommate
1:09 Think about becoming a philosopher and dining with 4 others
(The Dining Philosophers problem, hee hee :-) (Comp Sci joke)
Argue with him about politics, why people prefer Japanese
cars and whether it is better to set the heat to "hot" or "cold"
to defrost the windshields faster.
1:49 Realize neither of you have bought milk today
Get reminded of the "too much milk problem"
2:04 Forget about getting up early. Turn the phone ringer off
and go to sleep.
104.884 | | TRLIAN::DUGGAN | BornInTheDesert,RaisedInTheLionsDen | Thu Jun 15 1995 12:15 | 4 |
| Why don't lawyers lie on the beach?
cats would cover them.
104.885 | | MILKWY::HEADSL::SAMPSON | Driven by the wind | Thu Jun 15 1995 12:19 | 2 |
| I thought it was because they did it everywhere else and on the beach they were
taking time off.
104.886 | mods delete if necessary | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu Jun 15 1995 14:30 | 25 |
what does the month of May in Colo and Cher have in common?
niether one is F*^%in sunny! (Sonny)
why isn't anyone in Calif havein sex?
they're all f*^%in in COlorado!!!
104.887 | | WILLEE::OSTIGUY | | Thu Jun 15 1995 15:01 | 2 |
| :))) love that Sonny joke, rfb....thanx for keepin some action in here
for the next cupla daze...
104.888 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Thu Jun 15 1995 15:19 | 5 |
| BTW, I mean NO OFFENSE to any heads in Calif or to any heads that are
secretly in love with Cher......
rfb "gypsys, tramps and thieves" if Cher was singin this song how could
she not like Greg???
104.889 | | WILLEE::OSTIGUY | | Thu Jun 15 1995 15:25 | 3 |
| she even likes Butthead...
"are you still seein' that guy from U2?" :)))
104.890 | bad jokes which may already be in here ;') | BINKLY::DEMARSE | Enjoy being | Tue Jun 20 1995 17:18 | 5 |
| How many Deadheads does it take to change a light bulb?
None, they just wait for it to burn out and then follow it around for
20 years. ;')
104.891 | | BINKLY::DEMARSE | Enjoy being | Tue Jun 20 1995 17:18 | 4 |
| How do you know a Deadhead has stayed at your house?
He's still there.
104.892 | :-) | BINKLY::DEMARSE | Enjoy being | Tue Jun 20 1995 17:18 | 4 |
| What do you call a Deadhead who broke up with his girlfriend?
104.893 | | DELNI::DSMITH | We've got mountains to climb | Tue Jun 20 1995 17:33 | 2 |
AWESOME!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
104.894 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Jun 20 1995 19:25 | 5 |
| re: .890
....that should be "30 years"....%^)
104.895 | it's a joke son | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Mon Aug 21 1995 17:25 | 5 |
seen on a t-shirt yesterday :
Does anal rententive
have a hyphen ?
104.896 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Mon Aug 21 1995 17:43 | 28 |
| as in Wavy Gravy's "Good Grief"...here's a couple of "good" Jerry jokes
seen a paper somewhere and told to me:
Picture of Pearly Gates with St Peter and angels all dressed in white,
a back shot of Jerry in a black t-shirt and black sweats
with Guitar hangin on his back, all are looking
upwards to the point of origin of the words:
"He doesn't have to wear white to get in".
This one a fellow head and i made up..we were talking about going to
the big gig in the sky ourselves and arriving with a box of tapes. But
ya wouldn't need yer tapes, cause the major players would already be
there, jammin away, just waitin for us to show up, so maybe there
wouldn't even be any tape decks in Heaven...but if one were to arrive
at a gate in the afterlife with a box of tapes and someone said "COme
on in and bring all your tapes, but there aren't any tape decks here,"
the reason would be
104.897 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Dry your eyes on the wind | Mon Sep 11 1995 17:23 | 9 |
| From the WSJ:
Who has more military experience than Bill Clinton
and Newt Gingrich compbined?
Shannon Faulkner
104.898 | | FABSIX::T_BEAULIEU | Like A steam Locomotive | Wed Sep 13 1995 17:23 | 11 |
From last weeks Murphy Brown:
What's the difference between "The contract with America" and a
Deal with the Devil?
The Devil thinks poor kids should get free lunch 8-)
104.899 | it had to happen - a jerry joke | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Mon Oct 02 1995 17:53 | 19 |
| received from a friend who wishes to say he doesn't write them he just
mails them:
Jerry Garcia dies. He wakes up in a white room surrounded by every
conceivable musical instrument. Guitars, drums, pianos, trumpets.
Everything. Just then a door opens. Jimi Hendrix walks in and picks up a
guitar. Charlie Parker comes in and grabs a sax. Jaco Pastorius grabs a
bass, etc., etc.
Jerry says, "Wow, there really is a rock and roll Heaven, and I'm going to
jam with the band!"
Jimi Hendrix leans over and says, "Heaven?"
Just then another door opens. Karen Carpenter walks in, sits behind a
drum kit, and says, "OK everybody, 'Close to you'. One...two..."
104.900 | conservative PBS TV schedule | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Tue Oct 24 1995 13:14 | 70 |
8:00 am Morning Stretch: Arnold Schwarzenegger does squats while
reciting passages of "Atlas Shrugged."
9:00 am Mr. Rogers' Segregated Neighborhood: King Friday sings
"Elitism is neat." The House Un-American Activities investigation of
Mr. McFeely continues. Mr. Rogers explains why certain kids can't be
his neighbor.
10:00 am Sesame Street: Jerry Falwell teaches Big Bird to be more
judgemental. Oscar the Grouch plays substitute for Rush Limbaugh.
Bert and Ernie are kicked out of the military. Jesse Helms bleaches all
he Muppets white.
11:00 am Square One: A MathNet episode "Ernest Does Trickle-Down."
Jim Varney explains how cutting taxes for the rich and spending more on
defense will balance the budget.
Noon Washington Week in Review: Special guest Senator Bob Dole,
explaining why the current pension crisis, budget deficit, bank
closings, farm foreclosures, S & L bailouts, inflation, recession, job
loss, and trade deficit can all be blamed on someone else.
1:00 pm Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? Guest detective Pat
Buchanan helps kids build a wall around the U.S.
2:00 pm William F. Buckley's Firing Line: Guests George Will, Rush
Limbaugh, John Sununu, Pat Buchanan, James Kilpatrick, Mona Charen, G.
Gordon Liddy, Robert Novak, Bay Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Joseph Sobran,
Paul Harvey, Phyllis Schafly, Maureen Reagan, and John McLaughlin
bemoan the need for more conservative media voices.
3:00 pm Nature: Join James Watt and Charlton Heston as they use
machine guns to bag endangered species.
4:00 pm NOVA: "Creationism: Discredited, but what the hell?"
5:00 pm Newt Gingrich News Hour: Clarence Thomas and Bob Packwood
present in-depth personal reports on sexual harassment. Pat Buchanan
says he is being shut out from national exposure.
6:00 pm Mystery Theater: Hercule Poirot, Jane Marple, and Sherlock
Holmes team up to investigate Whitewater.
7:00 pm Great Performances: Pat Buchanan is a guest conductor of
Wagner's "Prelude to a Cultural War."
8:00 pm Masterpiece Theater: Ibsen's "A Doll's House." Phyllis
Schafly adds to this classic with an added scene where Nora gladly
gives up her independence while her husband chains her to the stove.
9:30 pm Washington Week in Review: Guests George Will, Rush Limbaugh,
John Sununu, Pat Buchanan, James Kilpatrick, Mona Charen, G. Gordon
Liddy, Robert Novak, Bay Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Joseph Sobran, Paul
Harvey, Phyllis Schafly, Maureen Reagan, and John McLaughlin discuss
liberal media bias.
10:00 pm Adam Smith's Money World: How to Profit from Ozone Depletion
10:30 pm Nightly Business Report: Wall Street celebrates the end of
all laws regarding antitrust, consumer protection, work-place safety,
environmental protection, minimum wage and child labor.
11:00 pm Insights of Dan Quayle
11:01 pm Sign-Off
104.901 | | CXDOCS::BARNES | | Tue Oct 24 1995 13:33 | 2 |
| I thought that last one very funny!...until I thought about it some more....
104.902 | | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Wed Oct 25 1995 16:43 | 5 |
that's great mike - i love the 'bemoaning of lack of conservative
voice...' bit
104.903 | Republican Joke du jour | WRACK::TRAMP::GRADY | Subvert the dominant pair of dimes | Tue Nov 14 1995 19:54 | 30 |
| <Lots of headers deleted arbitrarily>
This lady always wanted an expensive car -- a status symbol to drive around
and be seen in. She scrimps and saves, goes to the dealer, and plops down
several years income for a brand new state-of-the-art, computer enhanced,
kick-ass, dream mobile. She's driving off. Decides she wants some music and
searches for the radio. The dashboard looks like a control panel at NASA.
She fiddles with this button, that gizmo ... jiggles these and those, but
finally gives up. Can't find the damned thing.
Furious, she races back to the dealership and screams at the salesman. Tells
him they forgot to install the radio.
He assures her it's right there in front of her. It's hooked into the onboard
computer. All she has to do is tell it what she wants. He demonstrates:
"Classical", he says, and *click* the car fills with the sounds of Paganini.
"Blues", he says, and *click* a B.B. King classic plays.
She drives off amazed. "Country", she says, and *click* a Tex Ritter tune
comes on. "Folk" *click* Joan Baez sings about the night they drove ol'
Dixie down. "New Age" *click* Yanni at the Acropolis snaps on. She's so
captivated by this new toy that she isn't paying much attention to the road.
Suddenly another driver runs a light and cuts her off.
"ASSHOLE!!!" she screams.
"Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh Show."
104.904 | | SERENE::TDAVIS | | Tue Nov 14 1995 20:58 | 1 |
| ROTF..... good one Tim
104.905 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Run, run, run for the roses | Thu Nov 16 1995 13:20 | 38 |
| [headers removed]
Subj: FYE: Special High Intensity Training
In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from
our employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well trained
through our
program of SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (S.H.I.T.) We are trying to give
employees more S.H.I.T. than anyone else.
If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. on the job,
please see your manager. You will be immediately placed at the top of the
S.H.I.T. list, and our managers are especially skilled at seeing that you
get all the S.H.I.T you can handle.
Employees who don't take their S.H.I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION PROGRAMS (D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T.). Those who fail to take
D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to EMPLOYEE ATTITUDE TRAINING
(E.A.T. S.H.I.T). Since our managers took S.H.I.T. before they were
promoted, they don't have to do S.H.I.T. anymore, and are all full of
S.H.I.T. already.
If you are full of S.H.I.T. you may be interested in a job training others.
We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LECTURE LIST (B.U.L.L.
S.H.I.T.) Those who are full of B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T. will get the S.H.I.T.
jobs, and can apply for promotion to DIRECTOR OF INTENSITY PROGRAMMING
(D.I.P. S.H.I.T.).
If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TRAINING,
Thank You,
(B.I.G. S.H.I.T.)
104.906 | | ZENDIA::FERGUSON | Run, run, run for the roses | Thu Nov 16 1995 13:21 | 2 |
| Btw, tim, your joke was excellent!!!!!
104.907 | | WECARE::ROBERTS | climb a ladder to the stars | Fri Nov 17 1995 13:34 | 3 |
| TIM! That was grate!
104.908 | DOS numerics;-) | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Mon Nov 20 1995 16:33 | 47 |
The real name of "the" Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III. Nowadays he
is known as Bill Gates (III), where "III" means the order of third (3rd.)
By converting the letters of his current name to the ASCII-values and
adding his (III), you get the following:
B 66
I 73
L 76
L 76
G 71
A 65
T 84
E 69
S 83
+ 3
666 !!
Some might ask, "Just how did Bill Gates get to be so powerful?"
Coincidence? Or the beginning of mankind's ultimate and total
YOU decide!
But, before you decide, there's more! Consider the following:
M S - D O S 6 . 2 1
77+83+45+68+79+83+32+54+46+50+49 = 666
W I N D O W S 9 5
87+73+78+68+79+87+83+57+53+1 = 666
"If sex is so personal, why do we have to share it with someone?"-variously
Putt's Law:
Technology is dominated by two types of people....
Those who understand what they do not manage, and
Those that manage what they do not understand.
Internet headers removed
104.909 | | STAR::ECOMAN::DEBESS | ohmama,CanThisREALLYBeTheEnd | Wed Dec 13 1995 12:58 | 6 |
last night during David Letterman's monolog, he said:
they announced that the Grateful Dead will no longer be touring
[lots of groans from the audience here]...but that doesn't
mean they still won't be tripping[audience -loved- it]
104.910 | forwarded around here yesterday... | LASSIE::TRAMP::GRADY | Subvert the dominant pair of dimes | Fri Dec 15 1995 17:00 | 21 |
The FAA has a device for testing the strength of windshields on
airplanes. They point this thing at the windshield of the aircraft and
shoot a dead chicken at about the speed of the aircraft. If the
windshield doesn't break, it's likely to survive a real collision with
a bird during flight.
The British had recently built a new locomotive that could pull a
train faster than any before it. They were not sure that its
windshield was strong enough so they borrowed the testing device from
the FAA, reset it to approximate the maximum speed of the locomotive,
loaded in the dead chicken, and fired. The bird went through the
windshield, broke the engineer's chair, and made a major dent in the
back wall of the engine cab.
They were quite surprised with this result, so they asked the FAA to
check the test to see if everything was done correctly. After
checking, the FAA suggested that they might want to repeat the test
using a thawed chicken.
104.911 | | ALFA2::DWEST | the storyteller makes no choice... | Mon Jan 15 1996 19:54 | 28 |
| a friend of mine told me one today... i congratulated him on finally
telling me one i could repeat! :^)
this guy wlaks into a bar, and orders three shots... bartender thinks
it odd that one guy should have three shots, but he pours them out
anyway... they guy sucks them all down one after another, wipes his
mouth, thanks the bartender and leaves...
this happens again the next day, and the next, and finally the
bartender has to ask him about it... "hey mister... how vome every
day, you come in and order three shots? can't you drink them one at a
time like everyone else?" to which the guy replies, "it's a pact i
have with my two brothers... we're very close, so we promised each
other that whenever we go into a bar, we'd each have a drink for the
other two!" the bartender thinks, odd, but hey, kinda cool too! so he
pours the guy his three shots...
this continues for several more days, when one day, the guy walks in
and only orders two shots! the bartender pours them, but is curious
as to why the change... "what's the matter pal?" he asks... "is
everything ok? i hope one of your brothers hasn't passed away or
"thanks, but it's nothing like that at all" the guy says...
"i just quit drinking..."
104.912 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Mon Jan 15 1996 20:38 | 4 |
| HA! gotta use that oner tonite whilst brewing beer!!!
104.913 | how cold is it? | ALFA2::DWEST | the storyteller makes no choice... | Thu Jan 18 1996 12:45 | 76 |
| this one came to me today from someone here at work... for winter
lovers and winter haters alike!
da ve
(many forwards deleted...)
(An annotated thermometer, in degrees Farenheit.)
50 - Miami residents turn on the heat
40 - Californians shiver uncontrollably
Wisconsinites go swimming
35 - Italian cars don't start
32 - Water freezes
30 - You can see your breath
You plan your vacation to Australia
Wisconsinites put on T-shirts
Politicians begin to worry about the homeless
25 - Boston water freezes
Californians weep pitiably
Wisconsinites eat ice cream
Canadians go swimming
Cat insists on sleeping on your bed with you
20 - You can hear your breath
Politicians begin to talk about the homeless
New York City water freezes
Miami residents plan vacation further South
15 - You plan a vacation in Mexico
Cat insists on sleeping in your bed with you
10 - Too cold to snow
You need jumper cables to get the car going
5 - You plan your vacation in Houston
0 - American cars don't start
Alaskans put on T-shirts
Too cold to skate
-15 - You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo
Wisconsinites stick tongues on metal objects
Miami residents cease to exist
-20 - Cat insists on sleeping in your pajamas with you
Politicians actually do something about the homeless
Wisconsinites shovel snow off roof
-25 - Too cold to think
You need jumper cables to get the driver going
-30 - You plan a two week hot bath
The Mighty Monongahela freezes
Japanese cars don't start
-40 - Californians disappear
Wisconsinites button top button
Canadians put on sweaters
Your car helps you plan your trip South
-50 - Congressional hot air freezes
Alaskans close the bathroom window
-80 - Hell freezes over
Polar bears move south
104.914 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jan 25 1996 16:32 | 46 |
Although I don't fly (on airplanes) much, I've seen this guy at the
An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in Denver for being
smart and funny, and making her point, when confronted with a passenger who
probably deserved to fly as cargo.
During the final days at Denver's old Stapleton airport, a crowded United
flight was canceled.
A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.
Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his
ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has
The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but
I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work
something out."
The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers
behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am?"
Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address
"May I have your attention please?" she began, her voice bellowing
throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT
KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to
the gate."
With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at
the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "(Expletive) you."
Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to
stand in line for that, too."
The man retreated as the people in the terminal applauded loudly. Although
the flight was canceled and people were late, they were no longer angry at
104.915 | | ALFA2::DWEST | the storyteller makes no choice... | Thu Jan 25 1996 16:38 | 2 |
applause, applause!
104.916 | HaH! | STAR::ECOMAN::DEBESS | Wake Now, Discover... | Thu Jan 25 1996 16:41 | 6 |
is this a true story, rfb? I wish I could come up with such quick
comebacks at times like these...I'm always coming up with something
witty hours later ;-)
104.917 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jan 25 1996 16:42 | 4 |
| I was told it was true.....I'm pretty good at come backs as long as I'm
inebria, errr, drunk.
104.918 | | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Jan 25 1996 18:52 | 9 |
| re: snappy comebacks
Could be that she was waiting a long time to use that one. No way to
tell whether or not it was embellished, but the little smile before
grabbing the microphone could be used as evidence that she finally had
a chance to try this one out...
Good though, either way.
104.920 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jan 25 1996 19:00 | 6 |
| hey what kinda name is PeterT anyway??? %^)
sorry, couldn't resist...
104.921 | wize guy | SEND::SLOAN | music is my aeroplane | Thu Jan 25 1996 19:02 | 12 |
Reminds me of one I heard in an airport. A male and female
airline employee (looked like a steward and stewardess) were
walking along towards the gates in a terminal. She said to
him, 'you must have been reading my mind' and he replied,
'yes, and it's pretty light reading material'.
I've been waiting to use that line myself but have not
had a chance yet.
104.922 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jan 25 1996 19:07 | 27 |
| 24 hours in a day,
24 beers in a case...coincidence????
another one...I don't get it, but everyone else laughed....
Don't sweat the petty things...
Pet the sweaty things!!!!
104.923 | :-) | DELNI::DSMITH | Answers aplenty in the by & by | Fri Jan 26 1996 13:40 | 2 |
WOW! Now that's funny!
104.924 | fwiw | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Feb 01 1996 12:03 | 71 |
>Someone found these in the Sunday, April 14, 1994, edition of the
>Washington Post. It was a contest in which readers were asked to come
>up with excuses to miss a day of work:
> -- < ----- > --
>If it is all the same to you I won't be coming in to work. The voices
>told me to clean all the guns today.
>When I got up this morning I took two Ex-Lax in addition to my Prozac.
>I can't get off the john, but I feel good about it.
>I set half the clocks in my house ahead an hour and the other half back
>an hour Saturday and spent 18 hours in some kind of space-time
>continuum loop, reliving Sunday (right up until the explosion). I was
>able to exit the loop only by reversing the polarity of the power
>source exactly e*log(pi) clocks in the house while simultaneously
>rapping my dog on the snout with a rolled up Times. Accordingly, I
>will be in late, or early.
>My stigmata's acting up.
>I can't come in to work today because I'll be stalking my previous
>boss, who fired me for not showing up for work. OK?
>I have a rare case of 48-hour projectile leprosy, but I know we have
>that deadline to meet. . .
>I am stuck in the blood pressure machine down at the Giant.
>Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and,
>hey, how about them Skins, huh? So, I won't be able to, yes, could I
>help you? No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thank you for =
>Constipation has made me a walking time bomb.
>I just found out that I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't
>come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false =
>The psychiatrist said it was an excellent session. He even gave me
>this jaw restraint so I won't bite things when I am startled.
>The dog ate my car keys. We're going to hitchhike to the vet.
>I prefer to remain an enigma.
>My mother-in-law has come back as one of the Undead and we must track
>her to her coffin to drive a stake through her heart and give her
>eternal peace. One day should do it.
>I can't come to work today because the EPA has determined that my house
>is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange for
>helicopter transportation.
>I am converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.
>I am extremely sensitive to a rise in the interest rates.
>My wife makes more money than I do, so I have to stay at home with our
>sick son.
>I refuse to travel to my job in the District until there is a commuter
>tax. I insist on paying my fair share.
>I'm feeling a little disgruntled this morning. You want I should come =
104.925 | | MKOTS3::JOLLIMORE | On the threshold of a dream | Mon Feb 19 1996 18:27 | 36 |
| Newt Gingrich is on an airplane, flying back to D.C. The guy sitting
next to him is immersed in a book and pays no attention to Newt.
Toward the end of the flight Newt asks
Newt: "What book is that you're reading?"
Man: "It's called 'Deductive reasoning'"
Newt: "Sounds interesting, what's it about?"
Man: "Let me give you an example"
Newt: "Okay"
Man: "Do you have a dog?"
Newt: "Yes, I do as a matter of fact"
Man: "I would deduce from this then, that you have a yard as well,
Newt: "Yes! I do have a yard"
Man: "Then I would further deduce that you have a house next to this
Newt: "I do!"
Man: "Then I'll bet you have a family don't you?"
Newt: "Yes, a very nice family!"
Man: "And you're a heterosexual, aren't you?"
Newt: "You betcha! I'm beginning to see how this works!"
Later that week Newt goes out and buys the book on deductive reasoning
and is determined to read it cover to cover on his return flight. His
plane takes off and he begins reading. Two hours later the man sitting
next to him notices how Newt is so engrossed in this book and just can't
keep himself from being impolite and interrupting:
Man: "Excuse me sir, what's that you're reading?"
Newt: "It's called 'Deductive Reasoning'"
Man: "I see you've almost finished. Have you learned how to use
deductive reasoning yet?"
Newt: "Well yes, as a matter of fact I have. Let me show you you it
works. Do you have a dog?"
Man: "No"
Newt: "Well then, you must be a homosexual!"
104.926 | use these to add spice to your writing :-) | ASABET::DCLARK | voodoo mathematician | Fri Mar 01 1996 12:13 | 86 |
| He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like
a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without
one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the
country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at
a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.
(Joseph Romm, Washington)
She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that
used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you
banged the door open again. (Rich Murphy, Fairfax Station)
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a
bowling ball wouldn't. (Russell Beland, Springfield)
McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag
filled with vegetable soup. (Paul Sabourin, Silver Spring)
From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an
eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another
city and "Jeopardy" comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30. (Roy
Ashley, Washington)
Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.
(Chuck Smith, Woodbridge)
Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the
center. (Russell Beland, Springfield)
Bob was as perplexed as a hacker who means to access
T:flw.quid55328.com\aaakk/ch@ung but gets T:\flw.quidaaakk/ch@ung
by mistake (Ken Krattenmaker, Landover Hills)
Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree. (Jack Bross, Chevy
The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when
you fry them in hot grease. (Gary F. Hevel, Silver Spring)
Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a
movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like
"Second Tall Man." (Russell Beland, Springfield)
Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced
across the grassy field toward each other like two freight
trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55
mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
(Jennifer Hart, Arlington)
The politician was gone but unnoticed, like the period after the
Dr. on a Dr Pepper can. (Wayne Goode, Madison, Ala.)
They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences
that resembled Nancy Kerrigan's teeth (Paul Kocak, Syracuse, N.Y.)
John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who
had also never met. (Russell Beland, Springfield)
The thunder was ominous-sounding, much like the sound of a thin
sheet of metal being shaken backstage during the storm scene in a
play. (Barbara Fetherolf, Alexandria)
His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances
like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free (Chuck Smith,
The red brick wall was the color of a brick-red Crayola crayon.
(Jennifer Frank and Jimmy Pontzer, Washington and Sterling)
104.927 | har | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | what's up widdat? | Wed Mar 27 1996 16:56 | 17 |
Last election, Bill Clinton stopped by MTV to get the youth vote.
Among other probing questions, he was asked "boxers or briefs?"
Last week, Bob Dole did the same thing - courting the youth vote, he
stopped by MTV.
"Mr. Dole"
"What underwear? Boxers or briefs?"
"Um. Depends!"
104.928 | | NECSC::CRONIC::semi3.hlo.dec.com::notes | the storyteller makes no choice... | Thu Mar 28 1996 12:25 | 4 |
| :^) i liked it...
but now i'm curious... does Bill wear boxers or briefs? :^)
104.929 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Mar 28 1996 12:55 | 1 |
| thong...
104.930 | indoor plumbing is just now coming of age | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu Mar 28 1996 13:13 | 6 |
| Bill doesn't wear any under garments...
Their just not that advanced in Arkansas :)
haha! from an NC hick!
104.931 | | STAR::OCTOBR::DEBESS | such a long long time 2B gone | Thu Mar 28 1996 13:18 | 7 |
> thong...
this reply make me think of LeBlanc - where the hell IS he,
104.932 | boxers roool... :^) | NECSC::CRONIC::semi3.hlo.dec.com::notes | the storyteller makes no choice... | Thu Mar 28 1996 17:28 | 7 |
| i heard from a reliable source (one in my building that
likes to follow this sort of useless gossip) that the
answer is BOXERS! :^)
well, i know I'LL sleep better now... :^)
da ve
104.933 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Apr 18 1996 20:03 | 20 |
| one from my oldest daughter....
A guy wakes up and looks out his window and sees a gorilla up in his
tree. He calls the gorilla exterminator, who shows up with:
a long pole,
a net,
a gun,
and a mad, rabid wiener dog (little anklebiting dog but this one is *MEAN!*)
The gorilla exterminator says "My helper is sick today so your gonna
haveta help me here. When I climb up in the tree, I'm gonna push that
gorilla out with this long pole. When he hits the ground, let the
weiner dog loose. The dog will grab the gorilla by the testicles. As
the gorilla will be distracted, howling in pain, you then throw the net
over him, and I'll climb down and take over."
"Ok" the guy says., " but what's the gun for??"
The gorilla exterminator says, "If I fall out of that tree, you be sure
and shoot that damn dog...I've done this before."
104.934 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Fri Apr 19 1996 21:04 | 169 |
<Headers deleted>
Disorder in the Court:
a Collection of 'Transquips'
by Richard Lederer
Most language is spoken language, and most words, once they are uttered, vanish
forever into the air. But such is not the case with language spoken during
courtroom trials, for there exists an army of courtroom reporters whose job it
is to take down and preserve every statement made during the proceedings.
Mary Louise Gilman, the venerable editor of the National Shorthand Reporter has
collected many of the more hilarious courtroom bloopers in two books - Humor in
the Court (1977) and More Humor in the Court, published a few months ago. From
Mrs. Gilman's two volumes, here are some of my favorite transquips, all
recorded by America's keepers of the word:
Q. What is your brother-in-law's name?
A. Borofkin.
Q. What's his first name?
A. I can't remember.
Q. He's been your brother-in-law for years, and you can't remember his first
A. No. I tell you I'm too excited. (Rising from the witness chair and pointing
to Mr. Borofkin.) Nathan, for God's sake, tell them your first name!
Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in New York?
A. I refuse to answer that question.
Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in Chicago?
A. I refuse to answer that question.
Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in Miami?
A. No.
Q. Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?
A. By death.
Q. And by whose death was it terminated?
Q. Doctor, did you say he was shot in the woods?
A. No, I said he was shot in the lumbar region.
Q. What is your name?
A. Ernestine McDowell.
Q. And what is your marital status?
A. Fair.
Q. Are you married?
A. No, I'm divorced.
Q. And what did your husband do before you divorced him?
A. A lot of things I didn't know about.
Q. And who is this person you are speaking of?
A. My ex-widow said it.
Q. How did you happen to go to Dr. Cherney?
A. Well, a gal down the road had had several of her children by Dr. Cherney,
and said he was really good.
Q. Do you know how far pregnant you are right now?
A. I will be three months November 8th.
Q. Apparently then, the date of conception was August 8th?
A. Yes.
Q. What were you and your husband doing at that time?
Q. Mrs. Smith, do you believe that you are emotionally unstable?
A. I should be.
Q. How many times have you comitted suicide?
A. Four times.
Q. Doctor, how many autopsies have you peformed on dead people?
A. All my autopsies have been performed on dead people.
Q. Were you aquainted with the deceased?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Before or after he died?
Q. Officer, what led you to believe the defendant was under the influence?
A. Because he was argumentary and he couldn't pronunciate his words.
Q. What happened then?
A. He told me, he says, "I have to kill you because you can identify me."
Q. Did he kill you?
A. No.
Q. Mrs. Jones, is your appearance this morning pursuant to a deposition
notice which I sent to your attorney?
A. No. This is how I dress when I go to work.
THE COURT: Now, as we begin, I must ask you to banish all present information
and prejudice from your minds, if you have any.
Q. Did he pick the dog up by the ears?
A. No.
Q. What was he doing with the dog's ears?
A. Picking them up in the air.
Q. Where was the dog at this time?
A. Attached to the ears.
Q. When he went, had you gone and had she, if she wanted to and were able,
for the time being excluding all the restraints on her not to go, gone also,
would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with him to the station?
MR. BROOKS: Objection. That question should be taken out and shot.
Q. And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral. O.K.? What school do
you go to?
A. Oral.
Q. How old are you?
A. Oral.
Q. What is your relationship with the plaintiff?
A. She is my daughter.
Q. Was she your daughter on February 13, 1979?
Q. Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there was a
Q. ...and what did he do then?
A. He came home, and next morning he was dead.
Q. So when he woke up the next morning he was dead?
Q. Did you tell your lawyer that your husband had offered you indignities?
A. He didn't offer me nothing; he just said I could have the furniture.
Q. So, after the anesthesia, when you came out of it, what did you observe
with respect to your scalp?
A. I didn't see my scalp the whole time I was in the hospital.
Q. It was covered?
A. Yes, bandaged.
Q. Then, later on.. what did you see?
A. I had a skin graft. My whole buttocks and leg were removed and put on top
of my head.
Q. Could you see him from where you were standing?
A. I could see his head.
Q. And where was his head?
A. Just above his shoulders.
Q. What can you tell us about he truthfulness and veracity of this defendant?
A. Oh, she will tell the truth. She said she'd kill that sonofabitch - and
she did!
Q. Do you drink when you're on duty?
A. I don't drink when I'm on duty, unless I come on duty drunk.
Q. ...any suggestions as to what prevented this from being a murder trial
instead of an attempted murder trial?
A. The victim lived.
Q. Are you sexually active?
A. No, I just lie there.
Q. Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
A. Yes, I have been since early childhood.
Q. The truth of the matter is that you were not an unbiased, objective
witness, isn't it. You too were shot in the fracas?
A. No, sir. I was shot midway between the fracas and the naval.
Q. What is the meaning of sperm being present?
A. It indicates intercourse.
Q. Male sperm?
A. That is the only kind I know.
Q. (Showing man picture.) That's you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And you were present when the picture was taken, right?
Q. Was that the same nose you broke as a child?
104.935 | | STAR::HUGHES | Captain Slog | Mon Apr 22 1996 14:36 | 4 |
| Richard Lederer is a very entertaining speaker. He has a (another?)
book out called "The Write Stuff" that I have been meaning to buy.
104.936 | long but worth it | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Apr 25 1996 15:00 | 73 |
There was this male engineer on a cruise ship in the Caribbean for the
first time. It was wonderful; the experience of his life. He was being
waited on hand an foot. But, it did not last. A Hurricane came up
unexpectedly. The ship went down almost instantly. The man found himself
swept up on the shore of an island. There was nothing else anywhere to be
seen. No person, no supplies, nothing. The man looked around. There were
some bananas and coconuts, but that was it. He was desperate, and forlorn,
but decided to make the best of it. He decided that he had to make the best
of it.
So for the next four months he ate bananas, drank coconut juice and mostly
looked to the sea mightily for a ship to come to his rescue. One day, as
he was lying on the beach stroking his beard and looking for a ship, he
spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. From around the corner of
the island came a rowboat. In it was the most gorgeous woman he had ever
seen, or at least seen in four months. She was tall, tanned, and her blond
hair flowing in the seabreeze gave her an almost ethereal sense. She
spotted him also as he was waving and yelling and screaming to get her
attention. She rowed her boat towards him.
In disbelief, he asked, "where did you come from, how did you get here"?
She said, "I rowed from the other side of the island. I landed on this
island when my cruise ship sank." "Amazing," he said, "I didn't know
anyone else had survived. How many of you are there? Where did you get the
rowboat? You must have been really lucky to have a rowboat wash-up with
you?" "It is only me", she said, "and the rowboat didn't wash up, nothing
else did." "Well then," said the man, "how did you get the rowboat?"
"I made the rowboat out of raw material that I found on the island" replied
the woman. "The oars were whitted from Gum tree branches, I wove the bottom
from Palm branches, and the sides and stern came from a Eucalyptus tree."
"But, but," asked the man, "what about tools and hardware, how did you do
that?" "Oh, no problem," replied the woman, "on the south side of the
island there is a very unusual strata of alluvial rock exposed. I found
that if I fired it to a certain temperature in my kiln, it melted into
forgeable ductile iron. I used that for tools, and used the tools to make
the hardware. But, enough of that," she said. "Where do you live?" At
this, the man was forced to confess that he had been sleeping on the beach.
"Well, let's row over to my place," she said. So they both got into the
rowboat and left for her side of island.
The woman easily rowed them around to a wharf that led to the approach to
her place. She tied up the rowboat with a beautifully woven hemp rope. They
walked up a stone walk and around a palm tree. There stood an exquisite
bungalow painted in blue and white. "It's not much," she said, "but I call
it home. Sit down please, would you like to have a drink?" "No," said the
man, "one more coconut juice and I will barf." "It won't be coconut juice,"
the woman replied, "I have a still, how about a Pina Colada?" Trying to
hide his continued amazement, the man accepted, and they sat down on her
couch to talk.
After a while, and they had exchanged their stories, the woman asked, "Tell
me, have you always had a beard?" "No," the man replied, "I was clean
shaven all of my life, and even on the cruise ship". "Well if you would
like to shave, there is a man's razor upstairs in the cabinet in the
bathroom." So, the man, no longer questioning anything, went upstairs to
the bath room. There in the cabinet was a razor made from a bone handle,
two shells honed to a hollow ground edge were fastened on to its end inside
of a swivel mechanism. The man shaved, showered and went back downstairs.
"You look great," said the woman, "I think I will go up and slip into
something more comfortable." So she did. The man continued to sip his Pina
Colada. After a short time, the woman returned wearing fig leafs
strategically positioned and smelling faintly of gardenias. "Tell me," she
asked, "we have both been out here for a very long time with no
companionship. You know what I mean? Have you been lonely? Is there
anything that you really miss? Something that all men and woman need?
Something that would be really nice to have right now?"
"Yes, there surely is," the man replied, as he moved closer to the woman
while fixing a winsome gaze upon her. "Do you happen to have an Internet
104.937 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Apr 25 1996 15:16 | 1 |
| groan.....
104.938 | | GRANPA::TDAVIS | | Thu Apr 25 1996 15:27 | 1 |
| I liked it.... thanks
104.939 | | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Apr 25 1996 16:51 | 24 |
| Yeah, cute ;-)
There was an SNL skit like this a few years ago with Paul Simon and
Victoria Jackson. Shipwrecked together on a deserted island
they were giving each other gifts for their anniversary. She started
off with something small, wrapped in this very fancy paper.
"Wow, where did you find the paper?" "Oh, I made it." She had chopped
down the trees, mashed the pulp, made the paper from it, found the
right dyes from various plants, etc. "What did you get me?"
"Oh I found this nice shell on the beach"
One of her presents was a watch "Where on earth did you find this?"
"Oh, I made it." Found the right ores up in the mountains, smelted
them down. Took a few days to get the right alloy mixtures.
"Oh, so that's where you were" Fashioned all the parts, found
a cyrstal and ground and polished it for the face, Killed a wild
boar and used its bristles dipped in shellac for the hands. "Shellac,
where did you find, shellac" "Oh I made it. What else did you
get me" "Oh, I don't know, I don't think it's any good" "No, no,
show me, really, it's ok" "Another shell.";-)
One of the better skits in years.
104.940 | are you a republican? | NECSC::CRONIC::semi3.hlo.dec.com::notes | i believe in Chemo-Girl!!! | Fri Apr 26 1996 19:12 | 12 |
| i got a neat little funny in the mail this week...
it starts off with "you might be a republican if..." and it
proceeds to list out some of the tell tale signs...
but i haven't been able to extract it and report it properly...
man, some days i miss vms... :^)
if you want to know if you might be republican, send me mail... :^)
da ve
104.941 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed May 01 1996 14:34 | 22 |
| A man, driving with his wife and kid, gets pulled over for several
traffic violations. The cops says "Sir, I'm gonna haveta give ya a
ticket for doin 45 in a 25". The guy answers "Oh, come on officer, you
know i was only doin about 30." and the guys wife says
"Honey, You know you were goin faster than that, I've been on your case
for over an hour about your speeding". And the guy yells "Shut the hell
up!" at his wife.
The cop continues, "ANd sir, I'm gonna haveta cite you for running
that red lite a block ago too". to which the guy answers "Oh COME ON!
Officer, you know that lite was yellow". ANd the guys wife says "Oh
Honey, You know that lite was red for 30 seconds before you ran it".
And the guy turns to her and yells "SHUT THE HELL UP, DAMN IT!!"
The cop turns to the wife and asks "Does he always yell at you like
this??" To which she answers...
"Only when he's been drinking heavily".
104.942 | | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Wed May 01 1996 14:58 | 2 |
not pc but funny
104.943 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed May 01 1996 15:01 | 1 |
| not pc??? why, pray tell??
104.944 | | EVMS::OCTOBR::DEBESS | sugar magnolia blosoms bloomn | Wed May 01 1996 15:49 | 33 |
hey - that happened to me once - only I was the driver...
we had a babysitter for the evening, who had to be home by 1,
so her parent informed us ("you won't be drinking and driving
my daughter home, will you" "no, I'll be a designated driver")...
well, we went to see Slipknot, and they were playing an
incredibly hot 2nd set and we just -couldn't- make ourselves
leave by the time we should have in order to get her home by 1.
Then when we get out to the car, Guntis says "oh yeah, we're
almost out of gas". so we had to find a gas station open that
late...and we're -real- late now...
as soon as I hit the hills going up to my town, I stepped on it.
Also, on these back country roads, I tend to drive towards the
middle at night. Guntis doesn't like this - so he, in his
non-designated-driver state, grabs the wheel and tries to make
us drive more on the right. "What'd you do -that- for?!?"
there's a car in back of us, and wouldn't you know it, it's a cop.
and now the blue lights are flashing (and now we're gonna be real,
-real- late)...
I'm pissed - I figure the cop saw us swerve when Guntis grabbed the
when he comes to the window, Guntis says "did you pull us over
because we swerved, well, that was me fooling around". "No" the
cop says "I pulled you over because she was speeding." To which,
Guntis replies "Oh, I tell her that all the time"
thanks alot!
104.945 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed May 01 1996 15:50 | 1 |
| real life stories like that are always better than jokes
104.946 | | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Wed May 01 1996 17:27 | 3 |
| > not pc??? why, pray tell??
making light of drunk driving.
104.947 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed May 01 1996 19:08 | 4 |
| re: not pc??? why, pray tell??
making light of drunk driving.
true.....something i don't condone, fer sure
104.948 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed May 01 1996 20:48 | 6 |
| guy standing on the corner with a sign, says...
Why Lie?
I need beer
thank you and God Bless
104.949 | | UCXAXP::64034::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Wed May 01 1996 21:09 | 4 |
| I saw that same guy in San Francisco last December. He gets
around for a bum...;-)
104.950 | his or her story | SMURF::connor.zk3.dec.com::strobel | | Fri May 10 1996 14:09 | 196 |
| <forwards removed>
One of the fringe benefits of being an English or History teacher is
receiving the occasional jewel of a student blooper on an essay. I
have pasted together the following "history" of the world from
certifiably genuine student bloopers collected by teachers throughout
the United States from eighth grade through college level. Read
carefully, and you will learn a lot.
The inhabitants of ancient Egypt were called mummies. They lived in
the Sarah dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah
is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere, so certain areas
of the dessert are cultivated by irritation. The Egyptians built the
pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pyramids are a
range of mountains between France and Spain.
The Bible is full of interesting caricatures. In the first book of
the Bible Guinesses, Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree.
One of their children, Cain, once asked, "Am I my brother's son?"
God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Montezuma. Jacob, son
of Isaac, stole his brother's birth mark. Jacob was a patriarch who
brought up his twelve sons to be patriarchs, but they did not take to
it. One of Jacob's son's, Joseph, gave refuse to the Israelites.
Pharaoh forced the Hebrew slaves to make bread without straw. Moses
led them to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread, which is
bread made without any ingredients. Afterwards, Moses sent up on
Mount Cyanide to get the Ten Commandments. David was a Hebrew King
skilled at playing the liar. He fought with the Philatelists, a race
of people who lived in Biblical times. Solomon, one of David's sons,
had 500 wives and 100 porcupines.
Without the Greeks we wouldn't have history. The Greeks invented
three kinds of columns--Corinthian, Doric and Ironic. They also had
myths. A myth is a female Moth. One myth says that the mother of
Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he become intollerable.
Achilles appears in the Iliad, by Homer. Homer also wrote the
Oddity, in which Penelope was the last hardship that Ulysses endured
on his journey. Actually, Homer was not written by Homer but by
another man of that name.
Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people
advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.
In the Olympic Games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled the biscuits,
threw the java. The reward to the victor was a coral wreath. The
government of Athens was democratic because people took the law into
their own hands. There were no wars in Greece, as the mountains were
so high that they couldn't climb over to see what their neighbors
were doing. When they fought with the Persians, the Greeks were
outnumbered because the Persians had more men.
Eventually, the Ramons conquered the Geeks. History calls people
Romans because they never stayed in one place for very long. At
Roman banquets, the guests wore garlics in their hair. Julius Caesar
extinguished himself because they thought he was going to be made
King. Nero was a cruel tyranny who would torture his poor subjects
by playing the fiddle to them.
Then came the Middle Ages. King Alfred conquered the Dames. King
Arthur lived in the Age of Shivery. King Harold mustared his troops
before the Battle of Hastings; Joan of Arc was cannonized by Bernard
Shaw, and victims of the Black Death grew boobs on their necks.
Finally, Magna Carta provided that no free man should be hanged twice
for the same offense.
In midevil times most of the people were alliterate. The greatest
writer of the time was Chaucer, who wrote many poems and verses and
wrote literature. Another tale tells of William Tell, who shot an
arrow through an apple while standing on his son's head.
The Renaissance was an age in which more individuals felt the value
of their human being. Martin Luther was nailed to the church door at
Wittenberg for selling papal indulgences. He died a horrible death,
being excommunicated by a bull. It was the painter Donnatello's
interest in the female nude that made him the father of the
Renaissance. It was an age of great inventions and discoveries.
Gutenberg invented the Bible. Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical
figure because he invented cigarettes. Another important invention
was the circulation of blood. Sir Francis Drake circumcised the
world with a 100 foot clipper.
The government of England was a limited mockery. Henry VIII found
walking difficult because he had an abbess on his knee. Queen
Eizabeth was the "Virgin Queen." As a queen she was a success. When
Elizabeth exposed herself before her troops, they all shouted
"hurrah." Then her navy went out and defeated the Spanish Armadillo.
The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespear.
Shakespear never made much money and is famous only because of his
plays. He lived at Windsor with his merry wives, writing tragedies,
comedies and errors. In one of Shakespear's famous plays, Hamolet
rations out his situation by relieving himself in a long soliloque.
In another, Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeath to kill the King
by attacking his manhood. Romeo and Juliet are an example of a
heroic couplet. Writing at the same time as Shakespear was Miguel
Cervantes. He wrote Donkey Hote. The next great author was John
Milton. Milton wrote Paradise Lost. Then his wife died and he wrote
Paradise Regained.
During the Renaissance American began. Christopher Columbus was a
great navigator who discovered America while cursing about the
Atlantic. His ships were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa
Fe. Later, the Pilgrims crossed the Ocean, and this was known as
Pilgrims Progress. When they landed at Plymouth Rock, they were
greeted by the Indians, who came down the hill rolling their war
hoops before them. The Indian squabs carried porpoises on their
backs. Many of the Indian heroes were killed, along with their
cabooses, which proved fatal to them. The winter of 1620 was a hard
one for the settlers. Many people died and many babies were born.
Captain John Smith was responsible for all this.
One of the causes of the Revolutionary Wars was the English put tacks
in their tea. Also, the colonists would send their parcels through
the post without stamps. During the War, the Red coats and Paul
Revere was throwing balls over stone walls. The dogs were barking
and the peacocks crowing. Finally, the colonists won the War and no
longer had to pay for taxis.
Delegates from the original thirteen states formed the Contented
Congress. Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two
singers of the declaration of Independence. Franklin had gone to
Boston carrying all his clothes in his pocket and a loaf of bread
under each arm. He invented electricity by rubbing cats backwards
and declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand."
Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.
George Washington married Martha Curtis and in due time became the
Father of Our Country. Then the constitution of the united States
was adopted to secure domestic hostility. Under the constitution the
people enjoyed the right to keep bare arms.
Abraham Lincoln became American's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's
mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built
with his own hands. When Lincoln was President, he wore only a tall
silk hat. He said, "In onion there is strenth." Abraham Lincoln
wrote the Gettysberg Address while traveling from Washington to
Gettysburg on the back of an envelope. He also freed the slaves by
signing the Emasculation Proclamation, and the Fourteenth Amendment
gave the ex-Negroes citizenship. But the Cluc Clux Clan would
torcher and lynch the ex-Negroes and other innocent victims. It
claimed it represented law and odor. On the night of April 14, 1865,
Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the
actors in a moving picture show. The believed assinator was John
Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined Booth's
Meanwhile in Europe, the enlightenment was a reasonable time.
Voltare invented electricity and also wrote a book called Candy.
Gravity was invented by Isaac Walton. It is chiefly noticeable in
the Autumn when the apples are falling off the trees.
Bach was the most famous composer in the world, and so was Handel.
Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English. He was very
large. Back died from 1750 to present. Beethoven wrote music even
though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music. He took
long walks in the forest even when everybody was calling for him.
Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.
France was in a very serious state. The French Revolution was
accomplished before it happened. The Marseillaise was the theme song
of the French Revolution, and it catapulted into Napoleon. During
the Napoleoic Wars, the crowned heads of Europe was trembling in
their shoes. Then the Spanish gorillas came down from the hills and
nipped at Napoleon's flanks. Napoleon became ill with bladder
problems and was very tense and unrestrained. He wanted an heir to
inherit his power, but since Josephine was a baroness she couldn't
bear children.
The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is
in the East and the sun sets in the West. Queen Victoria was the
longest Queen. She sat on a thorn for 63 years. Her reclining years
and finally the end of her life were exemplatory of a great
personality. Her death was the final event which ended her reign.
The ninettenth century was a time of many great inventions and
thoughts. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers
to spring up. Cyrus McCormich invented the McCormick raper, which
did the work of a hundred men. Samuel Morse invented a code of
telepathy. Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbis. Charles
Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the Organ of the Species. Madman
Curie discovered radium. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx
The first world war, caused by the assignation of the Arch-Duck by a
surg, ushered in a new error in the anals of Human History.
The End
Author Unknown
Submitted by Dick Griffiths
Cabrillo College
104.951 | | BSS::DSMITH | RATDOGS DON'T BITE | Fri May 10 1996 14:48 | 38 |
Subj: "What if Dr. Seuss did Technical Training Manuals ?"
Here's an easy game to play.
Here's an easy thing to say
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,
And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,
Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!
You can't say this?
What a shame sir!
We'll find you
Another game, sir.
If the label on the cable on the table at your house,
Says the network is connected to the botton on your mouse,
But your packets want to tunnel to another protocal,
That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall.
And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,
So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!
When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,
And the microcode instructions cause unneccessary risk,
Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM,
Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom!
104.952 | | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Wed Jun 05 1996 20:51 | 41 |
SYMPTOM: Beer unusually pale and tasteless.
FAULT: Glass empty.
ACTION: Get someone to buy you another beer.
SYMPTOM: Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet.
FAULT: Mouth not open, or glass applied to wrong part of face.
ACTION: Retire to gent's room, practice in mirror.
SYMPTOM: Feet cold and wet.
FAULT: Glass being held at incorrect angle.
ACTION: Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling.
SYMPTOM: Feet warm and wet.
FAULT: Improper bladder control.
ACTION: Stand next to nearest dog, complain about its house
training. Demand beer.
SYMPTOM: Floor blurred.
FAULT: You are looking through bottom of empty glass.
ACTION: Get someone to buy you another beer.
SYMPTOM: Floor moving.
FAULT: You are being carried out.
ACTION: Find out if you are being taken to another bar, if not
scream that you are being kidnapped
SYMPTOM: Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights.
FAULT: You have fallen over backward.
ACTION: Have yourself leashed to bar.
SYMPTOM: Mouth contains cigarette butts.
FAULT: You have fallen forward.
ACTION: See above.
SYMPTOM: Room seems unusually dark.
FAULT: Bar has closed.
ACTION: Confirm home address with bartender.
104.953 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Wed Jun 05 1996 21:15 | 27 |
The Software Engineering Approach
A Software Engineer, a Hardware Engineer and a Department Manager were
on their way to a meeting in Switzerland. They were driving down a steep
mountain road when suddenly the brakes on their car failed. The car
careened almost out of control down the road, bouncing off the crash
barriers, until it miraculously ground to a halt scraping along the
mountainside. The car's occupants, shaken but unhurt, now had a problem:
they were stuck halfway down a mountain in a car with no brakes. What to
"I know", said the Department Manager, "Let's have a meeting, propose a
Vision, formulate a Mission Statement, define some Goals, and by a
process of Continuous Improvement find a solution to the Critical
Problems, and we can be on our way".
"No, no", said the Hardware Engineer, "That will take far too long, and
beside, that method has never worked before. I've got my Swiss Army
knife with me, and in no time at all I can strip down the car's braking
system, isolate the fault, fix it, and we can be on our way".
"Well", said the Software Engineer, "Before we do anything, I think we
should push the car back up the road and see if it happens again."
104.954 | | ASDG::IDE | My mind's lost in a household fog. | Thu Jun 06 1996 11:34 | 93 |
| re .952
A slightly different version . . .
-< Hic! the Sequel. >-
Note 39.0 Just for (hic) fun. 5 replies
HLIS07::MOOSDIJK "I hate both empty and full glasse" 83 lines 15-OCT-1987 13:07
ALthough already old i think for those who did not read it before
it still is funny. I received my original once i was in Reading.
Drinking fails to | Mouth not open while | Buy another pint and
give satisfaction | drinking OR glass | practise in front of
and taste. Shirt | being applied to | mirror. Continue with
front wet. | wrong part of face. | as many pints as
| | necessary until drinking
| | technique is perfect.
Drinking fails to | Glass empty. | Find someone who will
give satisfaction | | buy you another pint.
and taste. Beer | |
unusually pale and| |
clear. | |
Feet cold and wet | Glass being held at | Turn glass the other
| incorrect angle. | way up, so that open
| | end is pointing towards
| | the ceiling.
Feet warm and wet | Incorrect bladder | Go and stand next to
| control. | nearest dog. After a
| | while complain to its
| | owner about its lack
| | of house training and
| | demand a pint in
| | compensation.
Bar blurred. | You are looking | Find someone who will
| through the bottom | buy you another pint.
| of an empty glass. |
Bar swaying. | Air turbulence un- | Insert broom handle
| usually high, maybe | down back of jacket.
| due to darts game in |
| progress. |
Bar moving. | You are being | Find out if you are being
| carried out. | taken to another pub.
| | If not, complain loudly
| | that you are being hi-
| | jacked by the Salvation
| | Army.
You notice that | You have fallen over | If glass is still full
the wall opposite | backwards. | and no-one is standing
is covered with | | on your drinking arm,
ceiling tiles and | | stay put. If not, get
has a fluorescent | | someone to help you up
light strip across| | and lash yourself to
it. | | the bar.
Everything has | You have fallen over | As for falling over
gone dim and you | forwards. | backwards.
have a mouthful of| |
dog ends and | |
broken teeth. | |
Everything has | The pub is closing. | PANIC.
gone dark. | |
You have woken up | You have spent the | Check your watch to see
to find your bed | night in the gutter. | if it is opening time.
hard, cold and wet| | If not, treat yourself
You cannot see | | to a lie-in.
your bedroom walls| |
or ceiling. | |
If anyone has any other (beer)drinking jokes or funny stories dealing
with beer, please add.
104.955 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jun 06 1996 12:52 | 12 |
| zis might be in here already..
Guy walks into a bar and orders 3 beers, slams them down and walks out.
After 3 days of this, bartender asks whats up? Guy replies he's
recently just moved here and used to drink with his brothers in his old
home town. They made a pact that when absent from each other they'd have
a beer for the absent brothers, hence his three beers. One day the guy
walks in and orders only two beers and slams them down. Bartender says
"I hope one of your brothers didn't pass away?"
"Nope" says the guy, "I just recently quit drinking."
104.956 | | STAR::64881::DEBESS | Lilac rain unbroken chain | Thu Jun 06 1996 16:38 | 41 |
here's the only joke I know...I'm not kidding, I just cannot
retain jokes even though I hear alot of them...(I had this
one repeated to me many times until I remembered it ;-)
a guy walks into a bar, and says to the bartender: "I'm
outta cash, but if I showed you something that would amaze you,
would you give me a free drink?"
well, the bartender responds that he's seen a lot of amazing
things over the years, tending bar and all, so it would have to
be pretty durn amazing to get him a drink - but go ahead, give
it a try.
so, the guy reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a
teeny tiny piano. And he reaches into his other coat pocket
and pulls out a cigar box and lays it on the bar. Opens it,
and inside is a teeny tiny man. The little man steps out of
the cigar box and walks over to the little piano and begins
to play a song.
now, the bartender has to admit, this is truly the most
amazing thing he has ever seen, and pours the guy a double.
They get to talking, and he asks him "tell me, how did you
come across this little guy". And he is told this amazing
tale of a bottle on the beach, rubbing the bottle, a genie
appearing from inside the bottle, a wish granted. "As a matter
of fact, I still have that bottle, but I could only make one wish.
If you would like to give it a try, be my guest." and he pulls
out the bottle, hands it to the bartender who commences to rub
it and whisper his wish into the genie's ear.
Next thing you know, the bar is full of ducks - there's ducks
on the bar, under the bar, around the tables and chairs, even
sitting on the light fixtures...everywhere you look - ducks!
The bartender exclaims "DUCKS?! I said I wanted a million
BUCKS, not DUCKS!"...to which the guy replies "yeah,well, I
guess the genie's kinda hard of hearing. Like, do you really
think I wanted a 10 inch -pianist-?"
104.957 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jun 06 1996 16:42 | 7 |
I'm suspect of why you had to have that one told to you several times!
many ---> %^)
rfb_heard that one before
104.958 | Why not 12 inches? | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Thu Jun 06 1996 16:44 | 2 |
| HA!
that is funny debess
104.959 | | GRANPA::TDAVIS | | Thu Jun 06 1996 20:57 | 1 |
| Thansk so much, ROTF
104.960 | | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:00 | 22 |
| Top ten New McDonald's Menu Items for Adults, as presented on the 05/15/96
broadcast of LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN:
10. Happy Meal with Prozac
9. Anatomically Correct McNuggets
8. Arch Support Deluxe
7. McMetamucil Shake
6. Big Mac served in one of Pamela Anderson's old bras
5. Egg McMuffin with hair plugs
4. Large fries previously owned by Jackie O -- only $145,000
3. Supersize 32-ounce Martinis
2. Victoria's Secret Sauce
1. Quarter Pounder with crack
Hey I'm a fool for these Letterman top 10 lists that pick on McD's.
My favorite being "hey there's a McNail in my McNugget"....complaints
lodged to McD staff.
104.961 | :^) | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:04 | 4 |
| Quarter pounder with crack
tooo funny
104.962 | | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:13 | 11 |
I'm partial to this one :)
5. Egg McMuffin with hair plugs
> 1. Quarter Pounder with crack
This one reminds of the ole' joke about oprah, busted for 40lbs of crack
hey this is the joke note...
104.963 | | HELIX::CLARK | | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:25 | 8 |
| I liked the recent Letterman list about top 10 advantages to being adopted
by the Clintons... (They're considering another child, supposedly.)
#3. If the President catches you smoking dope, tell him you didn't
inhale. What's he gonna say?
104.964 | | TOLKIN::OSTIGUY | Ripples never come back | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:33 | 11 |
| Yeah, some of the top 10 lists have been better than usual lately...
Things Bob Dole is gonna do before he leaves the Senate
Have one last round of Metamucil margaritas with Strom Thurmond
and another funny thing about being adopted by the Clintons
Getting to hang out with all the pretty "Aunts" that Dad brings to the White
and did you see the one about how to pronounce Bibi Netanyahu ?
THAT was a riot
104.965 | songs to sing this afternoon;-) | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:47 | 111 |
By Davids Browne & Hinckley
New York Daily News
1 - (You're) Having My Baby Paul Anka/Odia Coates 1974
2 - You Light Up My Life Debby Boone 1977
3 - Tie A Yellow Ribbon Dawn featuring Tony Orlando 1973
4 - To All The Girls I've Loved Before
Julio Iglesias/Willie Nelson 1984
5 - I Write The Songs Barry Manilow 1975
6 - Honey Bobby Goldsboro 1968
7 - Muskrat Love The Captain & Tenille 1976
8 - Feelings Morris Albert 1975
9 - Yummy Yummy Yummy Ohio Express 1968
10- The Men In My Little Girl's Life
Mike Douglas 1966
11- Afternoon Delight Starland Vocal Band 1976
12- Billy, Don't Be A Hero Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods 1974
13- Ballad of the Green Berets Sgt. Barry Sadler 1966
14- Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Wayne Newton 1972
15- Candy Man Sammy Davis Jr 1972
16- In The Year 2525 Zager & Evans 1969
17- I've Never Been To Me Charlene 1982
18- Seasons in the Sun Terry Jacks 1973
19- Alone Again (Naturally) Gilbert O'Sullivan 1972
20- Paper Roses Marie Osmond 1973
21- Me and You and a Dog Named Boo-Lobo 1971
22- Torn Between Two Lovers Mary MacGregor 1976
23- Sunshine On My Shoulders John Denver 1974
24- I'm Henry VIII, I Am Herman's Hermits 1965
25- A Fifth of Beethoven Walter Murphy/Big Apple Band 1976
26- Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Wham! 1984
27- After The Lovin' Englebert Humperdinck 1976
28- Sometimes When We Touch Dan Hill 1978
29- Ebony and Ivory Paul McCartney/Stevie Wonder 1982
30- Escape (The Pina Colada Song) Rupert Holmes 1979
31- Put Your Hand In The Hand Ocean 1971
32- Have You Never Been Mellow Olivia Newton-John 1975
33- Kung Fu Fighting Carl Douglas 1975
34- Da Doo Ron Ron Shaun Cassidy 1977
35- The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia
Vicki Lawrence 1973
36- I Am Woman Helen Reddy 1971
37- We Love You, Call Collect Art Linkletter 1969
38- Party All The Time Eddie Murphy 1985
39- Fernando ABBA 1976
40- Those Were The Days Mary Hopkin 1968
41- Love Will Keep Us Together The Captain & Tenille 1975
42- Jean Oliver 1969
43- The Night Chicago Died Paper Lace 1974
44- Venus Bananarama 1987
45- Watching Scotty Grow Bobby Goldsboro 1971
46- A Horse With No Name America 1972
47- Copacabana (At The Copa) Barry Manilow 1978
48- Indian Reservation Raiders 1971
49- Under The Boardwalk Bruce Willis 1987
50- Precious and Few Climax 1972
51- Half-Breed Cher 1973
52- Do That To Me One More Time the Captain & Tenille 1979
53- The Dream Weaver Gary Wright 1975
54- Cherish the Association 1966
55- Is That All There Is Peggy Lee 1969
56- I Think We're Alone Now Tiffany 1987
57- Think of Laura Christopher Cross 1984
58- MacArthur Park Donna Summer 1978
59- In The Navy Village People 1979
60- Incense and Peppermints Strawberry Alarm Clock 1967
61- At Seventeen Janis Ian 1975
62- Touch Me In The Morning Diana Ross 1973
63- Rock Me Amadeus Falco 1985
64- Girl Watcher O'Kaysions 1968
65- Dust In The Wind Kansas 1978
66- Disco Duck Rick Dees/Cast of Idiots 1976
67- Wildfire Michael Murphey 1975
68- Sussudio Phil Collins 1985
69- The Logical Song Supertramp 1979
70- One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack)
Coven 1971
71- Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me Mac Davis 1972
72- Brand New Key Melanie 1971
73- Silly Love Songs Wings 1976
74- I Honestly Love You Olivia Newton-John 1974
75- Simon Says 1910 Fruitgum Company 1968
76- Sing Carpenters 1973
77- Annie's Song John Denver 1974
78- Babe Styx 1979
79- State of Shock Mick Jagger/MIchael Jackson 1984
80- I Just Called To Say I Love You
Stevie Wonder 1984
81- My Sharona the Knack 1979
82- My Melody of Love Bobby Vinton 1974
83- Longer Dan Fogelberg 1979
84- The Morning After Maureen MacGovern 1973
85- I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony)
The Hillside Singers 1971
86- Times of Your Life Paul Anka 1975
87- Stuck With You Huey Lewis & the News 1986
88- It's Still Rock & Roll To Me Billy Joel 1980
89- America Neil Diamond 1980
90- Colour My World Chicago 1971
91- We'll Sing In The Sunshine Gail Garnett 1964
92- I'm Easy Keith Carradine 1976
93- Saturday NIght Bay City Rollers 1975
94- Do the Clam Elvis Presley 1965
95- Lady Kenny Rogers 1980
96- Good Morning Starshine Oliver 1969
97- Pac-Man Fever Buckner & Garcia 1982
98- Don't Give Up On Us David Soul 1976
99- Tip-Toe Through The Tulips Tiny Tim 1968
100-Everybody Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung 1986
104.966 | *HE* is everywhere! | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:53 | 6 |
| Pac Man Fever
-Buckner and Garcia
the fat man sat in on *this* session too?
104.967 | "Rubber Ducky" | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Thu Jun 13 1996 17:59 | 2 |
| I was real surprised to not find "Rubber Ducky" on that list. It
rated at least top 10...
104.968 | | TOLKIN::OSTIGUY | Ripples never come back | Thu Jun 13 1996 18:00 | 4 |
| I would disagree with some of those...maybe that 45 of Candyman by Sammy Davis
is worth some $$$ ahhh, no, I would agree with that one :)
The Night Chicago Died ROOOLZ :)
104.969 | | ASDG::IDE | My mind's lost in a household fog. | Thu Jun 13 1996 18:03 | 9 |
| re .966
Haven't you read Scully's book?? Here's Garcia's quote about that song:
"Hey, man, they told me it was a song about eating micro-dots, what'd I
know? It didn't come off that bad, considering." :-)
How did Kiss's "Beth" miss the list??
104.970 | | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu Jun 13 1996 18:10 | 33 |
| <<< Note 104.965 by TNPUBS::ROGERS >>>
-< songs to sing this afternoon;-) >-
24- I'm Henry VIII, I Am Herman's Hermits 1965
I'm Henery the 8th I am
Henery the 8th I am I am
I got married to the widow next door
she's been married 7 times before
and everyone was a Henery (HENERY!)
wouldn't touch a Willy or a Sam (OR A SAM!)
I'm her 8th old man I'm Henery
Henery the 8th I am....
second verse same as the first...
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'll get you for this....
Who was it that sang that? Peter Noone? Sort of cockney like Henery not
How's about Mrs. Brown you've got a lovely daughter?
I'll spare you all...I could go on!
did I see Michael Jackson's Ben in there?
104.971 | feh... | NECSC::CRONIC::semi3.hlo.dec.com::notes | i believe in Chemo-Girl!!! | Thu Jun 13 1996 18:38 | 7 |
| i think that was Peter Noone w/Herman's Hermits or something like that...
i was surprised to find MacArthur Park so far down the list... imho that
should be #1... and the original version too, not just Donna Summers disco
da ve
104.972 | ne one remember this ? | AWECIM::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:14 | 5 |
| What, no "Hooked On A Feeling" ???
Huga Shucka!
104.973 | | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:20 | 3 |
| >>What, no "Hooked On A Feeling" ???
*That* should have topped the list!
104.974 | do the clam? | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:28 | 1 |
104.975 | | MKOTS3::JOLLIMORE | quick beat of an icy heart | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:35 | 8 |
| c'mon!! have a heart, people.
i didn't read that list cuz i didn't want those songs runnin
'round my brain.
just tell me that the song about flying low and hitting something
in the air made the list, please! (Blood Rock, was it?)
104.976 | | TNPUBS::ROGERS | | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:39 | 6 |
| >>just tell me that the song about flying low and hitting something
>>in the air made the list, please! (Blood Rock, was it?)
Are you thinking of DOA? If so, it does belong on the list.
Hey, we could make our own!
104.977 | Beneath his snowy mantle, cold and grey... | NETRIX::dan | Dan Harrington | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:40 | 3 |
| What?!? No "Snow Bird"??? Anne Murray got off too easy...
104.978 | | MKOTS3::JOLLIMORE | quick beat of an icy heart | Thu Jun 13 1996 19:42 | 6 |
| > Are you thinking of DOA? If so, it does belong on the list.
yes! that's the one.
or the one where they eat timothy? (that's not the same song is
104.979 | | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Jun 13 1996 20:19 | 7 |
doa, cool song
eating timothy, isn't that title something about a dog?
It's a different song anyway.
104.980 | | SMURF::HAPGOOD | Java Java HEY! | Thu Jun 13 1996 20:28 | 20 |
| DOA - Bloodrock
Their second album was real trippy music.
> eating timothy, isn't that title something about a dog?
> It's a different song anyway.
Timothy, Timothy Where on earth did you GOooo!
Timothy, Timothy God why should I know....
yup, trapped in a mine and ate poor ole' timothy.
Mike, is that Rubber Duck song goe like this?
"I love little baby ducks and toy pickup truks aND YOU!!!!"
104.981 | | NECSC::CRONIC::semi3.hlo.dec.com::notes | i believe in Chemo-Girl!!! | Thu Jun 13 1996 20:38 | 3 |
| i thought that song was called "i love"...
wasn't that Ray Stevens??
104.982 | | FABSIX::T_BEAULIEU | Like A steam Locomotive | Thu Jun 13 1996 20:40 | 8 |
the song yer quoting is a country-tune by bobby-somebody I think
rubber duckie yer the one.... (in my best Ernie voice)
104.983 | | NETCAD::SIEGEL | The revolution wil not be televised | Fri Jun 14 1996 18:01 | 4 |
| Most of that list is right on. I do like a few of those songs (My Sharona
comes to mind!)
104.984 | kids on the weather | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Jul 11 1996 18:27 | 127 |
Some of these seem too sophisticated for 6th graders, but what do I know..
pretty darn funny, tho, I think. Enjoy.
To: humor@txt.com, offsite_humor@igor.rational.com
The beguiling ideas about science quoted here were gleaned from essays,
exams, and classroom discussions. Most were from 5th and 6th graders. They
illustrate Mark Twain's contention that the 'most interesting information
comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop.'
*Question:What is one horsepower?
*Answer:One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse
500 feet in one second.
*You can listen to thunder after lightening and tell how close you came to
getting hit. If you don't hear it, you got hit, so never mind.
*Talc is found on rocks and on babies.
*The law of gravity says no fair jumping up without coming back down.
*When they broke open molecules, they found they were only stuffed with
atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with
*When people run around and around in circles we say they are crazy. When
planets do it we say they are orbiting.
*Rainbows are just to look at, not to really understand.
*While the earth seems to be knowingly keeping its distance from the sun,
it is really only centrificating.
*Someday we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any
*South America has cold summers and hot winters, but somehow they still
*Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change
back into a sun in the daytime.
*Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. There are 180
degrees between freezing and boiling because there are 180 degrees
between northand south.
*A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to
*There are 26 vitamins in all, but some of the letters are yet to be
discovered. Finding them all means living forever.
*There is a tremendous weight pushing down on the center of the Earth
because of so much population stomping around up there these days.
*Lime is a green-tasting rock.
Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to
be oil.
*Genetics explain why you look like your father and if you don't why you
*Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know
they're there.
*Some oxygen molecules help fires burn while others help make water, so
sometimes it's brother against brother.
*Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the sun. But I have
never been able to make out the numbers.
*We say the cause of perfume disappearing is evaporation. Evaporation gets
blamed for a lot of things people forget to put the top on.
*To most people solutions mean finding the answers. But to chemists
solutions are things that are still all mixed up.
*In looking at a drop of water under a microscope, we find there are twice
as many H's as O's.
*Clouds are high flying fogs.
*I am not sure how clouds get formed. But the clouds know how to do it, and
that is the important thing.
*Clouds just keep circling the earth around and around. And around. There
is not much else to do.
*Water vapor gets together in a cloud. When it is big enough to be called a
drop, it does.
*Humidity is the experience of looking for air and finding water.
*We keep track of the humidity in the air so we won't drown when we
*Rain is often known as soft water, oppositely known as hail.
*Rain is saved up in cloud banks.
*In some rocks you can find the fossil footprints of fishes.
*Cyanide is so poisonous that one drop of it on a dogs tongue will kill the
strongest man.
*A blizzard is when it snows sideways.
*A hurricane is a breeze of a bigly size.
*A monsoon is a French gentleman.
*Thunder is a rich source of loudness.
*Isotherms and isobars are even more important than their names sound.
*It is so hot in some places that the people there have to live in other
*The wind is like the air, only pushier.
104.985 | wasn't he a wrestler? | TOLKIN::OSTIGUY | Ripples never come back | Thu Jul 11 1996 19:09 | 3 |
| Classic stuff Tom...Thanx
Monsoon Ostigeeeeeeee
104.986 | IBM in Africa...;-) | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Wed Jul 31 1996 18:13 | 58 |
The top news report of the morning:
KABINDA, ZAIRE--In a move IBM offices are hailing as a major step in
the company's ongoing worldwide telecommunications revolution, M'wana
Ndeti, a member of Zaire's Bantu tribe, used an IBM global uplink
network modem yesterday to crush a nut.
Ndeti, who spent 20 minutes trying to open the nut by hand, easily
cracked it open by smashing it repeatedly with the powerful modem.
"I could not crush the nut by myself," said the 47-year-old Ndeti,
who added the savory nut to a thick, peanut-based soup minutes later.
"With IBM's help, I was able to break it." Ndeti discovered the
nut-breaking, 28.8 V.34 modem yesterday, when IBM was shooting a
commercial in his southwestern Zaire village. During a break in
shooting, which shows African villagers eagerly teleconferencing via
computer with Japanese schoolchildren, Ndeti snuck onto the set and
took the modem, which he believed would serve well as a "smashing"
IBM officials were not surprised the longtime computer giant was able
to provide Ndeti with practical solutions to his everyday problems.
"Our telecommunications systems offer people all over the world
global networking solutions that fit their specific needs," said
Herbert Ross, IBM's director of marketing. "Whether you're a nun
cloistered in an Italian abbey or an Aborigine in Australia's Great
Sandy Desert, IBM has the ideas to get you where you want to go
According to Ndeti, of the modem's many powerful features, most
impressive was its hard plastic casing, which easily sustained
several minutes of vigorous pounding against a large stone. "I put
the nut on a rock, and I hit it with the modem," Ndeti said. "The
modem did not break. It is a good modem."
Ndeti was so impressed with the modem that he purchased a new,
state-of-the-art IBM workstation, complete with a PowerPC 601
microprocessor, a quad-speed internal CD-ROM drive and three 16-bit
ethernet networking connectors. The tribesman has already made good
use of the computer system, fashioning a gazelle trap out of its
wires, a boat anchor out of the monitor and a crude but effective
weapon from its mouse.
"This is a good computer," said Ndeti, carving up a just-captured
gazelle with the computer's flat, sharp internal processing device.
"I am using every part of it. I will cook this gazelle on the
keyboard." Hours later, Ndeti capped off his delicious gazelle dinner
by smoking the computer's 200-page owner's manual.
IBM spokespeople praised Ndeti's choice of computers. "We are pleased
that the Bantu people are turning to IBM for their business needs,"
said company CEO William Allaire. "From Kansas City to Kinshasa, IBM
is bringing the world closer together. Our cutting-edge technology is
truly creating a global village."
104.987 | From the Littleton "City" desk...;-) | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Wed Jul 31 1996 18:15 | 19 |
You know you're in a small town.....
- when you don't use turn signals because everybody knows where you're going.
- if you're born on June 13 and your family receives gifts from the local
merchants because you're the first baby of the year.
- if you speak to each dog you pass, by name ..... and he wags his tail
at you.
- if you dial the wrong number, and talk for 15 minutes anyway.
- when the biggest business in town sells farm machinery.
- if you write a check on the wrong bank and it covers you anyway.
- if you missed church on Sunday and the preacher sends you a get-well card!
104.988 | | NAC::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Thu Aug 01 1996 19:23 | 66 |
The name Coca-Cola in China was first rendered as Ke-kou-ke-la.
Unfortunately, the Coke company did not discover until after thousands of
signs had been printed that the phrase means "bite the wax tadpole" or
"female horse stuffed with wax" depending on the dialect. Coke then
researched 40,000 Chinese characters and found a close phonetic
equivalent, "ko-kou-ko-le," which can be loosely translated as "happiness
in the mouth."
In Taiwan, the translation of the Pepsi slogan "Come alive with the Pepsi
Generation" came out as "Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the
Also in Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan "finger-lickin' good"
came out as "eat your fingers off."
The American slogan for Salem cigarettes, "Salem - Feeling Free," got
translated in the Japanese market into "When smoking Salem, you feel so
refreshed that your mind seems to be free and empty."
When General Motors introduced the Chevy Nova in South America, it was
apparently unaware that "no va" means "it won't go." After the company
figured out why it wasn't selling any cars, it renamed the car in its
Spanish markets to the Caribe.
Ford had a similar problem in Brazil when the Pinto flopped. The company
found out that Pinto was Brazilian slang for "tiny male genitals". Ford
pried all the nameplates off and substituted Corcel, which means horse.
When Parker Pen marketed a ballpoint pen in Mexico, its ads were supposed
to say "It won't leak in your pocket and embarrass you." However, the
company mistakenly thought the spanish word "embarazar" meant embarrass.
Instead the ads said that "It wont leak in your pocket and make you
An American t-shirt maker in Miami printed shirts for the spanish market
which promoted the Pope's visit. Instead of the desired "I Saw the Pope"
in Spanish, the shirts proclaimed "I Saw the Potato."
Chicken-man Frank Perdue's slogan, "It takes a tough man to make a tender
chicken," got terribly mangled in another Spanish translation. A photo of
Perdue with one of his birds appeared on billboards all over Mexico with a
caption that explained "It takes a hard man to make a chicken aroused."
Hunt-Wesson introduced its Big John products in French Canada as Gros Jos
before finding out that the phrase, in slang, means "big breasts." In
this case, however, the name problem did not have a noticeable effect on
Colgate introduced a toothpaste in France called Cue, the name of a
notorious porno mag.
In Italy, a campaign for Schweppes Tonic Water translated the name into
Schweppes Toilet Water.
Japan's second-largest tourist agency was mystified when it entered
English-speaking markets and began receiving requests for unusual sex
tours. Upon finding out why, the owners of Kinki Nippon Tourist Company
changed its name.
In an effort to boost orange juice sales in predominantly continental
breakfast eating England, a campaign was devised to extoll the drink's
eye-opening, pick-me-up qualities. Hence the slogan, "Orange juice. It
gets your pecker up."
104.989 | | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Fri Aug 02 1996 21:51 | 18 |
| :-)
I'd seen most, but not all of those.
Just a nit over the last one.
In an effort to boost orange juice sales in predominantly continental
breakfast eating England, a campaign was devised to extoll the drink's
eye-opening, pick-me-up qualities. Hence the slogan, "Orange juice. It
gets your pecker up."
In England, this is a perfectly legitimate phrase, as I found out in
one job working with a lot of Brits. They were quite amused at
the American reaction to "Keep your pecker up!"
104.990 | This list is a little unnerving...;-) | UCXAXP::64034::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Mon Aug 05 1996 15:43 | 176 |
You might be an engineer if ...
If you introduce your wife as "mylady@home.wife"
If your spouse sends you an e-mail instead of calling you to dinner
If you can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie
If you want an 8X CDROM for Christmas
If Dilbert is your hero
If you stare at an orange juice container because it says CONCENTRATE
If you can name 6 Star Trek episodes
If the only jokes you receive are through e-mail
If your wrist watch has more computing power than a 486DX-50
If your idea of good interpersonal communication means getting the
decimal point in the right place
If you look forward to Christmas only to put together the kids' toys
If you use a CAD package to design your son's Pine Wood Derby car
If you have used coat hangers and duct tape for something other than
hanging coats and taping ducts
If, at Christmas, it goes without saying that you will be the one to
find the burnt-out bulb in the string
If you window shop at Radio Shack
If your ideal evening consists of fast-forwarding through the latest
sci-fi movie looking for technical inaccuracies
If you have "Dilbert" comics displayed anywhere in your work area
If you carry on a one-hour debate over the expected results of a test
that actually takes five minutes to run
If you are convinced you can build a phazer out of your garage door
opener and your camera's flash attachment
If you don't even know where the cover to your personal computer is
If you have modified your can-opener to be microprocessor driven
If you know the direction the water swirls when you flush
If you own "Official Star Trek" anything
If you have ever taken the back off your TV just to see what's inside
If a team of you and your co-workers have set out to modify the
antenna on the radio in your work area for better reception
If you thought the concoction ET used to phone home was stupid
If you ever burned down the gymnasium with your Science Fair project
If you are currently gathering the components to build your own
nuclear reactor
If you own one or more white short-sleeve dress shirts
If you have never backed-up your hard drive
If you are aware that computers are actually only good for playing
games, but are afraid to say it out loud
If you truly believe aliens are living among us
If you have ever saved the power cord from a broken appliance
If you have ever purchased an electronic appliance "as-is"
If you see a good design and still have to change it
If the salespeople at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions
If you still own a slide rule and you know how to work it
If the thought that a CD could refer to finance or music never enters
your mind
If you own a set of itty-bitty screw drivers, but you don't remember
where they are
If you rotate your screen savers more frequently than your automobile
If you have a functioning home copier machine, but every toaster you
own turns bread into charcoal
If you have more toys than your kids
If you need a checklist to turn on the TV
If you have introduced your kids by the wrong name
If your wife thinks your taste in ties is bizarre
If you have a habit of destroying things in order to see how they work
If your I.Q. number is bigger than your weight
If the microphone or visual aids at a meeting don't work and you rush
up to the front to fix it
If you can remember 7 computer passwords but not your anniversary
If you have memorized the program schedule for the Discovery channel
and have seen most of the shows already
If you have ever owned a calculator with no equal key and know what
RPN stands for
If your father sat 2 inches in front of your family's first color TV
with a magnifying lens to see how they made the colors, and you grew
up thinking that was normal
If you know how to take the cover off of your computer, and what size
screw driver to use
If you can type 70 words a minute but can't read your own handwriting
If people groan at the party when you pick out the music
If you can't remember where you parked your car for the 3rd time this
If people hound you for pocket protectors at Halloween time
If you did the sound system for your senior prom
If your checkbook always balances
If your girlfriend says the way you dress is no reflection on her
If your wristwatch has more buttons than a telephone
If you have more friends on the Internet than in real life
If you thought the real heroes of "Apollo 13" were the mission
If you think that when people around you yawn, its because they didn't
get enough sleep
If your wife hasn't the foggiest idea what you do at work
If you spend more on your home computer than your car
If you know what http:/ stands for
If you've ever tried to repair a $5.00 radio
If you have a neatly sorted collection of old bolts and nuts in your
If your favorite part of the 6 o'clock news is comparing their latest
satellite weather picture with yours
If your three year old son asks why the sky is blue and you try to
explain atmospheric absorption theory
If your lap-top computer costs more than your car
If your 4 basic food groups are: 1. Caffeine 2. Fat 3. Sugar
4. Chocolate
104.991 | | UCXAXP::64034::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Mon Aug 05 1996 15:45 | 148 |
A quote from Newt Gingrich:
"If combat means living in a ditch, females have biological problems
staying in a ditch for thirty days because they get infections and they
don't have upper body strength. I mean, some do, but they're relatively
rare. On the other hand, men are basically little piglets, you drop them
in the ditch, they roll around in it, doesn't matter, you know. These
things are very real.
On the other hand, if combat means being on an Aegis-class cruiser
managing the computer controls for twelve ships and their rockets, a
female may be again dramatically better than a male who gets very, very
frustrated sitting in a chair all the time because males are biologically
driven to go out and hunt giraffes."
- Adjunct Professor Newt Gingrich, Reinhardt College, January 7, 1995,
the class was "Renewing American Civilization."
The following is a letter making Internet email rounds to Rep. Newt
Gingrich from Fresno Bee reporter John Scalzi. It includes an informal
poll Scalzi conducted on Newt's remarks about an astonishing
misunderstanding of typical male behavior.
Dear Mr. Gingrich:
My name is John Scalzi, and I am a columnist for the Fresno Bee in Fresno,
California. In the days since the unearthing of your comments about men,
women, combat, and the biological drive for men to hunt giraffes, I have
taken it upon myself to conduct a poll to see whether that innate
giraffe-hunting urge (and the little piglet wallowing urge) is in fact
alive and well in the average American male.
While the sample polled is statistically small (50 men, basically whomever
was handy at the time) and largely comprised of white, college-educated,
gainfully employed males, I nevertheless feel that the information gleaned
from this poll will be of some value to someone, somewhere, some time.
Perhaps you yourself, should the subject of instinctual giraffe
slaughtering come up again. Certainly for me, as it takes up the bulk of
my column, to be published soon.
Thank you for your time, and happy hunting and/or wallowing, whichever the
case may be.
1. Have you ever hunted a giraffe?
Yes: 0%
No: 100%
2. Have you ever had the urge to hunt a giraffe?
No: 96%
3. Provided the right tools and the time, would you hunt a giraffe?
Yes: 8%
No: 92%
4. If not a giraffe, would you hunt another African savannah animal?
Yes: 20%
No: 80%
5. If you had to hunt another African savannah animal, which of the
following would you choose?
a) Zebra: 2%
b) Rhino: 6%
c) Meerkat: 12%
d) Boar: 42%
e) Any creature that appeared in "The Lion King": 36%
6. Do you think giraffe would taste like chicken?
Yes: 38%
No: 62%
7. Might it not make more sense not to hunt giraffe, but rather to set
up giraffe ranches?
Yes: 92%
No: 8%
8. When you see Geoffrey, the Toys 'R' Us giraffe, do you ever get the
urge to stick him with a spear?
Yes: 40%
No: 60%
9. Do you expect that Newt Gingrich has ever had the urge to hunt a
Yes: 74%
No: 26%
10. If Newt Gingrich were to hunt a giraffe, would he use tools, or
simply his own mouth?
Tools: 48%
Mouth: 52%
11. Would you rather hunt a giraffe, or wallow in a ditch like a little
Hunt: 30%
Wallow: 70%
12. Would you generally describe yourself as a little piglet?
Yes: 22%
No: 78%
13. Would you describe Newt Gingrich as a little piglet?
Yes: 54%
No: 46%
14. If you could, would you hunt Newt Gingrich?
Yes: 58%
No: 42%
15. Would Newt Gingrich taste like chicken?
Yes: 18%
No: 82%
104.992 | well, it's the truth, you have to tell the truth... | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Mon Aug 05 1996 15:58 | 10 |
| > If your three year old son asks why the sky is blue and you try to
> explain atmospheric absorption theory
The kids always catch me on this one!
104.993 | I resemble that remark | STAR::HUGHES | Captain Slog | Mon Aug 05 1996 16:15 | 5 |
| PCs have covers????
What next? An off switch?
gary (who replaces the duct tape in his kit-built TV every year)
104.994 | :) | TOLKIN::OSTIGUY | Ripples never come back | Wed Aug 07 1996 11:59 | 17 |
| There are still good deeds done in the world...this letter came from one of
Karen's clients...
Dear Mr. Morais January, 1996
God bless you for the beautiful radio your office donated as a prize at our
recent Senior Citizens Luncheon. I was the one lucky enough to win it.
I am 84 years old and live at the Bolton Manor Nursing Home. All my people
are gone and it's nice to know someone thinks of the old folks. God bless you
for your kindness to an old, forgotten lady.
My roommate is 95 and always had her own radio but would never let me listen
to it. The other day her radio fell and broke into a lot of pieces. It was just
awful. She asked if she could listen to my radio and I said Fuck You.
Edna Johnson
104.995 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Wed Aug 07 1996 16:30 | 1 |
| I'm laughin my ass off !!!!!!!!1
104.996 | | RAGE::JC | Never trust a Prankster | Mon Aug 12 1996 16:11 | 5 |
| Excellent!
a '90s old lady indeed!!
JC_400+ behind!
104.997 | iko iko all day | STAR::64881::DEBESS | ThingsWe'veNevrSeenSeemFamiliar | Fri Aug 30 1996 19:49 | 5 |
what did the hungry horse say?
hay NOW! hay NOW!
104.998 | | QUOIN::BELKIN | but from that cup no more | Fri Aug 30 1996 20:11 | 9 |
| Al Gore is in a roomfull of Secret Service agents. How can you tell which
one is Al Gore?
answer: He's the stiff one.
My brother told me that Al himself told this joke - when he was making a speech
to a roomfull of Secret Service agents. :-)
- Josh
104.999 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Tue Sep 03 1996 15:40 | 5 |
| I don't get it?? unless the only reason Al Gore would be surrounded by
agents is because he's dead??? Is there supposed to be a DEAD
reference here??? WHY AM I COONFUSED!!!!
104.1000 | | NECSC::CRONIC:: | i believe in Chemo-Girl!!! | Tue Sep 03 1996 16:02 | 6 |
Al needs to RELAX!!!!!
da ve
104.1001 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Tue Sep 03 1996 16:11 | 1 |
| send him a bone....
104.1002 | 8-) | FABSIX::T_BEAULIEU | Like A steam Locomotive | Wed Sep 04 1996 13:37 | 5 |
does he inhale???
104.1003 | "So Al, just between you and me..." | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Sep 05 1996 18:50 | 18 |
| > does he inhale???
He did. Was it Dennis Miller who had Al on, and then asked who
rolled the tighter joint, him or Tipper?
Also the Secret Service joke, re who's stiffer, has been told by
Al for many years now. Relates to his general deadpan look. But
from seeing him on Letterman and assorted reports, he's a very
intelligent and reasonably humorous guy. He brought his own
top 10 list to Letterman, and it was pretty funny, though about
all I can remember is something relating to "as vice-president"
he's allowed to keep his own material. This was shortly after
Letterman moved to CBS and NBC had kept certain 'intellectual
104.1004 | for anyone who's seen the ads... | HELIX::CLARK | | Tue Sep 10 1996 22:19 | 10 |
| Glimpsed in the gdead newsgroup, posted with permission...
What is the difference between a Lexus and a porcupine?
The porcupine has pricks on the outside.
[Apologies if ya heard it already, when it was a Porsche... - JayC.]
104.1005 | offensive and good! | DELNI::DSMITH | Can you see the real me | Wed Sep 11 1996 14:18 | 3 |
104.1006 | Received in the mail... | NETRIX::dan | Dan Harrington | Fri Sep 27 1996 18:26 | 37 |
104.1007 | The Difference Between Men and Women | NECSC::LEVY | Half-Step Mississippi Uptown Toodleoo | Tue Oct 08 1996 15:00 | 130 |
104.1008 | | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Tue Oct 08 1996 20:11 | 1 |
104.1009 | | HELIX::CLARK | | Fri Oct 11 1996 16:32 | 61 |
104.1009 | | LASSIE::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Thu Dec 12 1996 04:11 | 24 |
104.1010 | | JARETH::LARU | au contraire... | Tue Jan 14 1997 12:42 | 6 |
104.1011 | politically incorrect ;-) | JARETH::LARU | au contraire... | Wed Jan 15 1997 13:00 | 13 |
104.1012 | the consequences of prop 215! | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Wed Jan 15 1997 17:15 | 13 |
104.1013 | | AWECIM::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Wed Jan 15 1997 18:44 | 7 |
104.1014 | or so rolling stone says :^) (he IS good) | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Wed Jan 15 1997 18:53 | 4 |
104.1015 | There's one Beck, and he doesn't sing... | SALEM::MARTIN_S | Perpetual Smile... | Wed Jan 15 1997 19:40 | 10 |
104.1016 | | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Thu Jan 16 1997 13:15 | 10 |
104.1017 | :-) | SALEM::MARTIN_S | Perpetual Smile... | Thu Jan 16 1997 13:56 | 8 |
104.1018 | | SPECXN::BARNES | | Thu Jan 16 1997 16:06 | 17 |
104.1019 | | LASSIE::TRAMP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Mon Jan 20 1997 21:35 | 6 |
104.1020 | where it's at | AWECIM::HANNAN | Beyond description... | Tue Jan 21 1997 11:56 | 8 |
104.1021 | guinness is good for you ! | SUBSYS::TURCOTTE | Armand Turcotte | Tue Jan 21 1997 13:32 | 13 |
104.1022 | not a proud man | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Tue Jan 21 1997 13:43 | 4 |
104.1023 | I'd drink Miller beer for 1 buck, too | AWECIM::RUSSO | claimin! | Tue Jan 21 1997 15:09 | 11 |
104.1024 | goshdarnit! | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Thu Feb 27 1997 17:42 | 31 |
Refer to their clients as "users". Refer to their clients as "users".
"The first one's free!" "Download a free trial version..."
Have important South-East Asian Have important South-East Asian
connections. connections.
Strange jargon: Strange jargon:
"Stick," "Rock," "Dime bag," "E". "SCSI," "ISDN," "Java," "GUI".
Realize that there's tons of cash in Realize that there's tons of cash
the 14- to 25-year-old market. in the 14- to 25-year-old market.
Job is assisted by the industry producing Job is assisted by the industry
newer, more potent mixes. producing newer, faster machines.
Often seen in the company of pimps Often seen in the company of
and hustlers. marketing people and venture
Their product causes unhealthy addictions. DOOM. Quake. SimCity. Duke
Nukem. Enough said.
Do your job well, and you can sleep with Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!
sexy movie stars who depend on you.
104.1025 | :^) | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Fri Feb 28 1997 13:14 | 2 |
| HA!
104.1026 | maybe you've seen this before... | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Fri Feb 28 1997 20:01 | 24 |
| From: pepsee@idt.net (Anne Penfield)
OJ's Dilema
A man is driving home from work one afternoon in LA and he's stopped in
traffic. He thinks, "Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. We're
not even moving."
He notices a police officer walking down the highway in between the
so he rolls down his window and says, "Excuse me officer, what's the
"O.J. just found out the verdict in his civil trial and he's all
depressed," says the officer. "He's lying down in the middle of the
highway, threatening to douse himself in gasoline, and light himself on
fire. He says he just doesn't have $8.5 million dollars for the
Goldmans. I'm walking around taking up a collection for him."
The man says, "Oh, really? How much have you got?"
"So far, about ten gallons."
104.1027 | chuckle chuckle | SUBPAC::BEAULIEU | Like A steam Locomotive | Fri Feb 28 1997 20:58 | 4 |
good one!
104.1028 | | ALFA2::DWEST | i believe in chemo girl! | Thu Mar 06 1997 20:03 | 5 |
| what's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg???
one is a flaming nazi gasbag... the other is a dirigible...
104.1029 | | ALFA2::DWEST | i believe in chemo girl! | Thu Mar 06 1997 20:03 | 8 |
what's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and God?
God doesn't think she's Rush Limbaugh...... :^)
104.1030 | How to tell if you're a techno-geek... | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu Mar 13 1997 17:53 | 19 |
| This license plate was seen on the back of a VW beetle.
| |
| |
If you get it, you are a technical geek.
104.1031 | ;-) | JARETH::LARU | au contraire... | Thu Mar 13 1997 18:17 | 1 |
| no, it's an ASPECT!
104.1032 | | HELIX::CLARK | | Mon Mar 17 1997 16:37 | 14 |
| I was forwarded an "absolutely true" brush-with-fame story about bluesman
Clarence Gatemouth Brown. Probably originated at a celebrities/fame web site.
According to the eyewitness, it happened between sets at a blues dive in
Gate made his way to the men's room and began taking a leak at a
trough-style urinal. A young fan came in and was stunned to find himself
shoulder to shoulder with Gatemouth Brown. The fan hesitated a few
moments, then blurted out, "Oh Mr. Brown, I just want to say how great you
are. I can't believe it. You make it look so easy."
Gatemouth replied: "Shit man, I just point the thing, the piss comes out
all by itself..."
104.1033 | in honour of the day | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | PLAY AT MAX VOLUME | Mon Mar 17 1997 17:24 | 5 |
What's Irish and stays out all night?
Paddy O'Furniture!
104.1034 | | UCXAXP::GRADY | Squash that bug! (tm) | Mon Mar 17 1997 23:11 | 9 |
| What's five miles long and has an I.Q. of 400?
The St. Patrick's Day Parade.
104.1035 | Hit next unseen if you want | SUBPAC::BEAULIEU | Like A steam Locomotive | Wed Apr 02 1997 15:04 | 15 |
tasteless humor to follow:
Why did the Heaven Gate males castrate themselves before
leaving for the mother-ship?
They didn't want any nuts on board!
badaboom 8-)
104.1036 | :^) | WMOIS::LEBLANCC | All good things in all good time | Wed Apr 02 1997 16:42 | 2 |
| <------
tasteless or not i gotta pick myself up of the floor after that one
104.1037 | I think this was supposed to be filed yesterday... | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Wed Apr 02 1997 18:28 | 85 |
| NASHUA, N.H. (AP) -- Acting on an anonymous tip, authorities today
responded immediately and converged on Digital Equipment Corporation's
"Spitbrook Road" site, only to make the gruesome discovery of yet another
mass suicide of computer programmers, this time on an even grander scale.
"This is horrible - absolutely mind-boggling," said one official at the scene.
Initial estimates are that several hundred computer programmers are feared
With two mass suicides of computer programmers just days apart,
officials searched for a pattern. Connections to the mass suicide in San
Diego county have not been ruled out. The FBI has already begun background
investigations of the individuals to determine any religious cult affiliations
and is looking for evidence of celibacy as well as other signs. Initial
autopsies revealed that none of these individuals had had sex for many
When asked to describe the scene they uncovered when first entering
the Spitbrook Road facility, a spokesman described it as surreal. Like the
situation in San Diego, there were bodies strewn everywhere. The individuals
were all quite odd-looking. Many had ponytails and earrings, and the genders
weren't immediately obvious. Most were dressed very casually, wearing T-shirts,
ripped bluejeans, and even sandals with socks underneath. Some were displaying
pink and purple triangles on their clothing, but it's not yet known if this
is related to the black, triangular masks worn by the victims in San Diego.
Two individuals weighing at least 400-500 pounds each were even found in the
freight elevator. Very odd.
There were noticable differences to the San Diego scene. Although the
cause of death here in Nashua is still unknown, the victims apparently had
enough time to scribble some last words down on paper before they died, sort
of makeshift suicide notes. These notes were found alongside a number of the
bodies. These notes should provide strong clues as to what caused such a large
group of people to take their own lives. Officials have granted permission to
print the contents of a few such notes:
o "Year 2000 - Should have known"
o "Tired of being celibate - Need a woman bad"
o "My code's so full of bugs - Should have done this long ago"
o "Whatever it takes!"
o "Always remember - OpenVMS for ultra-high availability"
Officials believe these computer programmers may have had MANY reasons
to take their own lives. It only took a small catalyst to push them all over
the edge. Whereas postal workers react to stress by lashing out and gunning
down innocent bystanders, computer programmers tend to be more introverted,
blaming themselves for all the world's woes. It's a struggle for many of them,
each day, to wake up, look in the mirror, and not kill themselves.
When reached for comment, Bob Palmer, CEO and President of Digital
Equipment Corporation, was initially puzzled, not realizing there was a
facility in Nashua. He quickly regained his composure, stating, "This is
consistent with our corporate 1-3-9 strategy and shows our commitment to the
customer and steadfast determination to achieve excellence in all that we do.
These software people gave their lives for the company and our customers. I'm
not sure what they were doing here in, er, Nashua, but I'm sure it was
important work." When asked how the loss of so many bright software people
would affect the company, he replied, "Although the company has shown year to
year growth in margins and revenue, our expense in doing business has remained
too high and uncompetitive, requiring continued belt-tightening and the
occasional elimination of jobs. I certainly wouldn't want to encourage other
software people at Digital to take their own lives (wink!), but I do appreciate
the dedication of those who did to improve our bottom line this quarter. It
shows our employees are best-in-class and why they're our most valuable
resource." Reflecting further, Bob added, "This should have no effect on our
strategic alliance with Microsoft Corporation. Although some of our people are
in direct contact with individuals at Microsoft, I don't see any cause for
concern. I'll be in touch with Mr. Gates immediately to ensure that his people
are safe."
Local software business in New Hampshire and Massachusetts do not seem
to share Bob's optimism and positive outlook on the situation. One analyst
said, "The local software companies, and there are a lot of them, depend on
the steady stream of solid engineering talent leaving Digital. I don't know
what they're going to do without this supply."
At noontime on a weekday, the local pizza, Chinese, Thai, Indian,
and Japanese restaurants are all practically empty. "I just don't know what
we're going to do now," said one local merchant. "No one else would ever eat
this stuff."
But apparently it's not all gloom and doom in the New England area.
A local 13-year-old boy seemed quite happy about the situation. "My response
time over the internet is really fast now! I usually can't even get into
the Pamela Anderson picture sites, but now I can download all the pictures
I want!"
Apparently, some good can be found from all this afterall. However,
the affects on Digital, the local economy, and the local exotic food business
is just starting to be felt. And until we better understand what's causing
this bizarre phenomenon, could it spread to other software companies? What if
all computer programmers suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth?
What then?
104.1038 | just the beer light to guide us | TEPTAE::WESTERVELT | | Fri Apr 04 1997 16:01 | 116 |
sent to me by a disolute friend..
>Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohol.
>I never drink anything stronger than gin before breakfast.
>A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank
>What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?
> --W.C. Fields
>Beauty lies in the hands of the beerholder.
>Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink.
> --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
>Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.
> --His reply
>If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomaches.
> --David Daye
>Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
> --Oscar Wilde
>When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
> --Henny Youngman
>Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life,
>so get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life.
>I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
> --Tom Waits
>24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
>Beer is good food.
>you don't like jail?
>naw, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.
> --Charles Bukowski
>If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it
>makes beer shoot out your nose.
> --Deep Thought, Jack Handy
>It's better to have beer in hand than gas in tank.
>Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
>Beer - it's not just for breakfast anymore
>Beer: Nature's laxative.
>Beer. If you can't taste it, why bother!
>One more drink and I'd be under the host.
> --Dorothy Parker
>All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are drinking
>Barry Manilow.
> --Dave Barry
>When I heated my home with oil, I used an average of 800 gallons a year.
>I have found that I can keep comfortably warm for an entire winter with
>slightly over half that quantity of beer.
> --Postpetroleum Guzzler, Dave Barry
>Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is
>beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the
>wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.
> --Dave Barry's Bad Habits, Dave Barry
>Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and
>oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital
>ingredient in beer.
> --Dave Barry
>My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I'm lazy and find
>that workouts cut into my drinking time.
> --A Wolverine is Eating My Leg
>The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
> --Humphrey Bogart
>Friends don't let friends drink Light Beer.
>If nothing beats a Bud, given the choice, I'd take the nothing...
>Draft beer, not people!
>Adhere to Schweinheitsgebot. Don't put anything in your beer that a pig
>wouldn't eat.
> --David Geary
>Why is American beer served cold? So you can tell it from urine.
> --David Moulton
>A drink a day keeps the shrink away.
> --Edward Abbey
>People who drink light "beer" don't like the taste of beer; they just
>like to pee a lot.
> --Capital Brewery, Middleton, WI
>Put it back in the horse!
> --H. Allen Smith, an American humorist in the '30s-'50s, after he
> drank his first American beer at a bar.
>Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time.
> --Catherine Zandonella
>Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself
>a pleasure.
> --Ambrose Bierce
104.1039 | VIRUS ALERT | USOPS::KIBLING | You know all the rules by now | Fri Apr 04 1997 16:03 | 5 |
Heard about the "BOBBIT" virus?
It turns your hard drive into a 3.4" floppy.
104.1040 | wow | ICS::SMITHDE | So many roads | Fri Apr 25 1997 18:57 | 29 |
| The Top 10 Signs Your Webmaster is a Cult Leader
10> Every link seems to take you to www.amway.com.
9> He brings twenty-three wives to the office holiday party.
8> Instead of counting up visitors, your site counts down
days to the apocalypse.
7> His home page says "Best viewed from the Mothership."
6> Your website is honored as the David Koresh Fan Club's
"Cool Site of the Day."
5> He has 38 roommates, yet is oddly stress-free.
4> Insists that Sabbath actually begins when "X-files" ends.
3> Frequently mutters about the "Prophet Steve Jobs"
returning to rescue the true believers.
2> Not only does he understand UNIX, he *IS* one.
and the Number 1 Sign Your Webmaster is a Cult Leader...
1> Ugly clothes; insufficient diet; lack of sleep; goofy haircut;
lives in a mansion; has many followe... Hey, wait a minute!
That's Bill Gates!!
104.1041 | Oh my... | ICS::SMITHDE | So many roads | Fri Apr 25 1997 18:58 | 19 |
This misdirected message was inadvertently delivered to my office.
Sorry for the delay. I hope this does not cause any complications.
STARDATE 10357.22 (March 28, 1997)
To: Heaven's Gate Personnel:
*** REPEAT ***
104.1042 | YOWZA!!! :-)) | ICS::SMITHDE | So many roads | Fri Apr 25 1997 19:24 | 10 |
Apparently one of the less astute members of the cult
was found under the kitchen sink
...behind the Comet.
104.1043 | | dialin_706_102.lkg.dec.com::grady | Tim Grady, OpenVMS Network Engineering | Wed May 21 1997 02:54 | 72 |
*The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must
be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war
or other emergencies.
* The Boston University Bridge (on Commonwealth Avenue, Boston,
Massachusetts) is the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a
train driving under a car driving under an airplane.
* Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never
stop growing.
* David Prowse, was the guy in the Darth Vader suit in Star Wars. He spoke
all of Vader's lines, and didn't know that he was going to be dubbed over by
James Earl Jones until he saw the screening of the movie.
* In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
* Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds.
* The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is
necessary. When it was built in the 1940s, the state of Virginia still had
segregation laws requiring separate toilet facilities for blacks and whites.
* No word in the English language rhymes with month.
* The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon
of diesel that it burns.
* Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal
* Cat's urine glows under a black light.
* Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered
a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft's Flight
* The first Ford cars had Dodge engines.
* Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
* It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a
gallon to clean the pot.
* In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
* Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child
reaches 2-6 years of age.
* Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously
* If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19.
You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to
make change for a dollar. (This would make a GREAT math brain teaser!)
* Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike
factory workers in Malaysia combined. (How much did you pay for those new
* No NFL team which plays it's home games in a domed stadium has ever won a
* The only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports
games (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are the day before and the day after the Major
League All-Star Game.
And, last but certainly not least...
* The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver".
104.1044 | | AWECIM::HANNAN | | Wed May 21 1997 13:05 | 1 |
| the Nike/Michael Jordan item belongs is a serious joke :-/
104.1045 | | SSDEVO::R_BARNES | | Wed May 21 1997 14:33 | 2 |
| ya, and we always tried one out of five miles straight when we drove to
shows too....
104.1046 | Bill Gate's Humor... | SMURF::PETERT | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu May 29 1997 15:18 | 40 |
| Subject: Michael Jordan, Bill Gates & the Dalai Lama
Michael Jordan, Bill Gates and the Dalai Lama
One night, a Delta twin-engine puddle jumper was flying
somewhere above New Jersey. There were five people on board:
the pilot, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, the Dalai Lama, and a
Suddenly, an illegal oxygen generator exploded loudly in the
luggage compartment, and the passenger cabin began to fill
with smoke. The cockpit door opened, and the pilot burst
into the compartment. "Gentlemen," he began, "I have good
news and bad news. The bad news is that we're about to crash
in New Jersey. The good news is that there are four
parachutes, and I have one of them!" With that, the pilot
threw open the door and jumped from the plane.
Michael Jordan was on his feet in a flash. "Gentlemen," he
said, "I am the world's greatest athlete. The world needs
great athletes. I think the world's greatest athlete should
have a parachute!" With these words, he grabbed one of the
remaining parachutes, and hurtled through the door and into
the night.
Bill Gates rose and said, "Gentlemen, I am the world's
smartest man. The world needs smart men. I think the
world's smartest man should have a parachute, too." He
grabbed one, and out he jumped.
The Dalai Lama and the hippie looked at one another.
Finally, the Dali Lama spoke. "My son," he said, "I have
lived a satisfying life and have known the bliss of True
Enlightenment. You have your life ahead of you, you take a
parachute, and I will go down with the plane."
The hippie smiled slowly and said, "Hey, don't worry, pop!
The world's smartest man just jumped out wearing my
104.1047 | | ASDG::IDE | My mind's lost in a household fog. | Thu May 29 1997 17:16 | 3 |
| re .-1
The first time I heard that, it featured Henry Kissinger. :-)
104.1048 | | QUARRY::petert | rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty | Thu May 29 1997 19:25 | 4 |
| Yeah, it sounded like it might have been recycled, but it was
good for a grin...
104.1049 | my buddy heard this from a priest | HELIX::CLARK | | Sat May 31 1997 21:54 | 6 |
| How does Michael Kennedy know when it's bedtime?
When the big hand's on the little hand...