T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
614.1 | | WORDS::BADGER | One Happy camper ;-) | Fri Jan 11 1991 11:16 | 18 |
| Paula, my wife has been getting $3/hour for part time care, but the
children are brought to her house. Your asking someone to bring
to come to your house.
other ideas, you know your children best, but at that age, we felt
comfortable to leave them alone. An idea is to PAY them. you either
pay the sitter $15 or upward a night to watch them or you turn that
money back into them...get a favorite CD, Nintendo game..... and if
things go good, they get the moeny vs haveing a stranger come to the
house to get the money. btw for three nights a week, a ten year old
can make a meal [send out for pizza].
another idea is to check with the local high school, the guidence
counselers or home ec teachers for a high school student to do this
good luck.
614.2 | PAY FOR SITTER | CRUISE::PLINCOURT | | Fri Jan 11 1991 11:41 | 19 |
An ad was put in the local newspaper. Tons of replies! Interviews
with the selected few will take place over the weekend. Note: The
children are very capable of being left home alone; however their
father (I am his girlfriend) works out of town and feels it would be
best that someone be home with them during that time.
Some people have told me that there are certain laws in Mass. that
states children at the ages of ??? cannot be left unsupervised. (At
what age that is, I do not know).
In any case, the father does want a sitter but has no idea what a
sufficient pay is for that service these days.
614.3 | see also | MOIRA::FAIMAN | light upon the figured leaf | Fri Jan 11 1991 11:56 | 1 |
| PARENTING_V2, topic 986
614.4 | Tell us where you are | 57784::SATOW | | Fri Jan 11 1991 12:08 | 11 |
| Babysitter and daycare rates differ by geography. When you reply, please
specify where you live. And for non-US folks, include the current exchange
rate :^) Respond even if you're not in the base noters geography, since
others might be interested.
Also, I assume that the babysitting is scheduled and repetitive, for which
rates may or may not be the same as for unscheduled, occasional babysitting.
.1, Ed, you're in southern New Hampshire, correct?
614.5 | PARENTING_V2 - OUTDATED FOR RATES | CRUISE::PLINCOURT | | Fri Jan 11 1991 13:03 | 11 |
RE: -3
The PARENTING_V2 Notesfile has been referenced; however, I really
don't think it provides me with the info I am requesting since the
replies are dated from March of 1989.
(I tend to doubt that $2.00-$2.50/hour today would be sufficient
for even a 14 year old).
614.6 | Here's a recent situation | SSGV02::VERGE | | Fri Jan 11 1991 13:36 | 14 |
| RE: Rates. My daughter (18.5 yrs) charges $2.00 and up per hour,
depending on the number of children and ages of th e children.
She finishes high school in a week and a half, and has been asked
to babysit for three days a week for 2-3 weeks from 6:30 (AM)-2:30
(PM). She was offerred $50 a week for the three days - if this
helps. She ususally brings home $3.00-$4.00 per hour, as a
number of the families she sits for have 3 children, and/or
very young children.. She also provides her own transportation,
so no one has to bring her home later on at night.
Hope this helps.
614.7 | 3.00/hour for 2 yr old | USCTR1::MPELHAM | Life NEVER ends, it just CHANGES! | Fri Jan 11 1991 14:06 | 6 |
| My friend pays her sitter to come to her home, $3.00 an hour to watch
her 2 yr old. The sitter is 15 yrs old.
Hope this helps,
614.8 | rates haven't gone up in southern NH in last year | TLE::RANDALL | Where's the snow? | Fri Jan 11 1991 14:52 | 5 |
| Kat's still charging $2 an hour before midnight, $3 after. We pay
$2 when we hire a sitter for David. This is in Nashua, in our
home, and both girls are 17-year-old high school juniors.
614.9 | 6 hours - $20.00/Nashua | BCSE::WEIER | Patty, DTN 381-0877 | Fri Jan 11 1991 15:14 | 8 |
| We pay our sitter $20.00 for ~6 hours (Sat nights, 6-midnite). 4 of
those hours the kids are in bed (usually). She is 14 years old, and we
provide transportation. She is ecstatic about the $20.00. We never
really talked about money, she just sat for us (it's our daycare's
daughter), and we gave her the money, and she was happy, and we felt
good, the end. The kids are almost 3 and 5 1/2. She also gets full
reign of the Nintendo after they're in bed, so I'm inclined to think
she might do it just for that (-;
614.10 | $2.50 - $3.00 is fair. | ISE004::MATTIA | | Fri Jan 11 1991 15:16 | 8 |
| I have a 13yr old girl that babysits for my kids occasionally. My
children are 16mo and almost 4. How much I pay her depends on what she
needs to do. ie. feed them, put them in pj's.
If the kids have been fed and are ready for bed, then I pay her
$2.50/hr. If she needs to feed & change them etc., I pay $3.00/hr.
Here in So NH this seems to be the going rate from people I've spoken
614.11 | $3/hr just felt right | DEMON::DEMON::CHALMERS | Ski or die... | Fri Jan 11 1991 16:20 | 15 |
| We occasionally have a 13-yr-old neighbor sit for us on a Saturday
night. We live in No Reading, MA (approx 15 miles north of Boston).
She lives one block away: her mother drives her over; we bring
her home. Nick, who's 15 mos old, is already fed and dressed/diapered
for bed before we leave. Since he hasn't needed a bottle in ages, all
she needs to do is give him some juice at approx 8:00, and put him to
bed at approx 8:30. We ask her to arrive at 7:00, and pay her $12 if
we're back by 11, and $15 if we're back by 12:00. Works out to approx
$3 or more per hr. BTW, when we asked her what she charged, she
shrugged and suggested $2 or $2.50/hr. The extra amount was our idea
because it felt right...
614.12 | | STAR::MACKAY | C'est la vie! | Fri Jan 11 1991 16:57 | 9 |
I wish I have such luck with $3/hr sitters!!! I have 2 sitters from
Andover and N.Andover area in Mass. and I have been paying $4-$5/hr.
These 2 are college girls who work part time at the nursery school.
They have their own car. Maybe I am paying for "experience" and
convenience. :-(
614.13 | If we pay 2 low, so do most around here! | CRONIC::ORTH | | Fri Jan 11 1991 17:21 | 11 |
| We live west of Worcester, Mass. We have three kids (5, 3.5, 21 mos.)
and pay $3 an hour. That's the going rate around here, in fact some pay
less! We've never had a complaint, and people seem eager to come sit
for us.....our kids are usually real good, though, and never argue or
complain about bed. They usually go to bed within about 45 minutes of
the sitter's arrival, so most of that time is for them listening for
trouble, and watching TV. We did have a 14 yr. old come watch them once
for 4 hrs. one evening, and all day the next day (8-5). We gave her $45
for this, and she was *very* happy with that.
614.14 | | FDCV06::HSCOTT | Lynn Hanley-Scott | Mon Jan 14 1991 11:46 | 5 |
| I live in Holden, just outside Worcester. My babysitter is a freshman
in high school and has been babysitting since she was 11. When I asked
her what she charges, she said "whatever" so I pay her $2/hour - and
more if we're out past 11 (rarely).
614.15 | 8 mos. & 4yr old | SALEM::SILVERIA | | Mon Jan 14 1991 11:48 | 2 |
| $3 an hour, Souhthern, NH. I always round it up to the nearest $15,
$20, etc., especially if we are home after mid-night.
614.16 | | FSOA::JBRINDISI | | Mon Jan 14 1991 14:49 | 4 |
| We live in Worcester, MA. We pay our babysitter $2.25 an hour. If we
are out less than 2 hours, we pay her a $5.00 minimum. Our children
are 9 months and 3. They are always fed and ready for bed
by the time the sitter arrives. We also provide the transportation.
614.17 | No less than minimum wage -- no matter how old | CLUSTA::BINNS | | Tue Jan 15 1991 14:10 | 5 |
| We live in Boston. Oddly, our babysitters have never set a rate. We
would never pay less than minimum wage -- that has fallen so far in
value in the last 10 years, and they're only in for a few hours.
614.18 | Southwestern N.H. | STAR::GRIFFIN | | Mon Jan 28 1991 18:27 | 10 |
I have 2 boys and one girl. Ages are 7 & 5 for the boys and the
girl is 2. I pick up the babysitter and drop her off. We pay $3/hour
before 9PM and $2.50/hour after 9PM (the kids are in bed by 8PM).
At first I thought this was high, but after reading these reply's I
guess not.
614.19 | $4 per hour | SCAACT::COX | Kristen Cox - Dallas ACT Data Center Mgr | Mon Jan 28 1991 20:01 | 10 |
I use three of the teachers from the daycare center,
and pay $4 per hour. Most teenagers in the neighborhood
charge around $2.50 per hour. I pay more because:
- The teachers drive
- They know CPR
- They know my girls and Kati knows them
- I have an infant, which can be more demanding
614.20 | $10 minimum for our sitter | NRADM::TRIPPL | | Mon Feb 11 1991 21:49 | 13 |
| We pay the sitters, usually it's the same college age neighbor, a
minimum of $10. for the occational night out.Last week we didn't leave
til after 7:30 and we were back about 10:30,it was still worth $10.
We don't go out all that often. For what it's worth we
will keep the rule of thumb to be $3. per hourbeyond the $10 minimum.
We can't have real late night, since AJ (Just turned 4) still gets up at
the same time,
whether or not we've been home since 10, 11 or 2am!! I do have a rule
that if he's up I'm up with him, for safety sake I never let him roam
the house alone. (See my basenote 199, for what makes me think this
614.21 | babysitting rates | GRANPA::JHAGERTY | | Mon Nov 11 1991 14:58 | 6 |
| What are the standard babysitting rates? Does the rate go up as the
number of kids go up?
614.22 | | AIMHI::SJOHNSON | | Mon Nov 11 1991 15:00 | 7 |
| geez, I think it's about $3.00 an hour in NH - possibly $4.00 in MA.
I've also heard of home daycare discounting for more than 1 child or
full time hrs.
P.S. It might be more for licensed or daycares.
614.23 | 2.50/hour - Boylston, MA | TARKIN::TRIOLO | Victoria Triolo | Mon Nov 11 1991 15:17 | 2 |
I'm paying $2.50 /hour for one baby who's asleep the whole time.
614.24 | 4/hr Southern NH | NEST::JRYAN | | Mon Nov 11 1991 16:08 | 7 |
| I'm paying a high school senior $4.00/hour to play/sit with my 3.5 year
old. This is in S. N.H. She has been with us for over two years every
other Saturday night. While $4 may seem high, I figure that I need to
compete with burger-flippin jobs and need to keep it attractive for her to
come ($20-25 for a typical Saturday). My son loves her and I figure the
continuity is important - course all this will change when she goes off
to collage!
614.25 | $4/hour ... central Massachusetts | CALS::JENSEN | | Mon Nov 11 1991 16:10 | 9 |
Ditto, ditto ...
We, too, found an excellent 17-year old, two doors down, very mature,
very dependable, very good with (and for) Juli.
Well worth paying her $4/hour (and $4 for the last fraction of an hour, too).
614.26 | Too much/too little? | MCIS5::TRIPP | | Mon Nov 11 1991 16:17 | 16 |
| Funny this surfaced today, I was about to ask the same question!
We've had a H.S. Freshman about once a week the last few weeks.
Usually it's a case of hubby has a 6 o 6:30 class, gets home between
8:30 or 9. I have to be somewhere for 8:00, I try to have her there
about 7, so I can finish getting dressed without hassles. So it usually
works out to be somewhere between 1-1/2 and 2 hours total she's there,
generally he's been bathed, and is has had or just finishing supper, so
she only has to keep him quiet for a while and get him in bed. We
usually give her $8. for the 1-1/2 to 2 hour period. I was curious if
we were under or overpaying her.
This by the way is the same wonderful sitter who eats little or nothing
while at our house. I can't even pawn off his Halloween candy on her!
614.27 | Babysitting cost/Babysitter Ages | MIVC::MTAG | | Wed Feb 12 1992 19:30 | 16 |
| How much do people pay for babysitting these days? I know it depends
on where you live, but it seems awfully high to me. I pay my (college
age) neighbor $4.00/hour, and someone from the daycare (who is trained
and my daughter loves her) $5.00/hour. I live in Westford, MA.
Also, what is the general age of babysitters? My neighbor approached
me the other day to let me know her daughters have taken a babysitting
course and are now available. They are 10 and 12 and charge
$2.50/hour. Personally, I don't think most 12 year olds are mature
enough to babysit. I was not allowed to sit until I was at least 13
and I remember I did not have the patience to deal with older children
(early school age) and ended up quitting at 16. (Also, at the time I
was earning a *whopping* $.75/hour so who wouldn't quit???!)
614.28 | pointer | TNPUBS::STEINHART | | Wed Feb 12 1992 19:55 | 5 |
| Please also see note 746 which discusses other babysitter issues
including food and transportation.
614.29 | central mass | FDCV07::HSCOTT | Lynn Hanley-Scott | Thu Feb 13 1992 11:37 | 8 |
| I've replied to this discussion before. We use a now-14-yr-old who has
been sitting for 1-4 kids since she was 11. Very mature for her age and
I trust her implicitly. It also helps that her mom is 3 houses away. We
paid 2-2.50 for one child; $3 for 2 kids. This is in central Mass.
I would not go by age as much by maturity. BTW, the Red Cross
babysitting course is reportedly excellent.
614.30 | Maturity | EMDS::CUNNINGHAM | | Thu Feb 13 1992 13:19 | 11 |
My younger sister has been babysitting for over a year now, and she
will be 13 in April. She took the Red Cross first aid course, and is
mature for her age. Granted, the children are usually over 6 mos old
though. I too, started babysitting around 11-12, and was mature for my
age at the time also.
I agree with not going by age, but more by maturity.
614.31 | Consider the situation | POWDML::SATOW | | Thu Feb 13 1992 16:04 | 12 |
| In addition to maturity (which may be hard to judge anyway), consider the
situation. My daughter started babysitting just after her 11th birthday.
The babysitting was always during the day, for a neighbor. One of us was
always home. In fact many times our neighbor was home (he is self-employed,
working from his home, and doesn't want to be chasing a very active
one-year-old around the house when his wife is gone).
I say this because situations like this are a good way for older kids to break
in to babysitting, and it's also a good opportunity to "try out" someone who
you may have some doubt about.
614.32 | Rate for Babysitters these days? | TRACTR::MAZUR | | Mon Mar 02 1992 16:22 | 11 |
| I'm beginning to interview babysitters for my 18 month
old daughter. I take evening classes and will be needing
someone 1 -2 nights every week for about 3 hours.
I'm wondering what is the "going rate" for babysitters these
days? I'd like a ballpark estimate so I'm not shocked when
I ask "what do you charge"???!!!
614.33 | | OLIVIA::DEHAHN | ninety eight don't be late | Tue Mar 03 1992 12:54 | 5 |
We pay $2/hr.
614.34 | $~3.00/hr | TARKIN::TRIOLO | Victoria Triolo | Wed Mar 04 1992 13:29 | 3 |
We pay $2.50 to $3.00/hour in Boylston, MA for a 14 year old who
babysits our 1 year old.