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Conference metoo::toolshed

Notice:Catalog conference is on METOO::SW_TOOLS_CATALOG
Created:Fri Feb 07 1986
Last Modified:Sun May 11 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1227
Total number of notes:5197

1224.0. "WHO (Employee locator) utility" by CRLRFR::BLUNT () Mon Mar 03 1997 22:29

    I poked through this notesfile for quite a while, and didn't find
    anything about an "Employee listing" tool that is present on both
    the ODIXIE cluster and, apparently, systems in the CSC as well.  What
    tool is the basis for this tool, is it internal, what is it's location,
    and do we have the code anywhere?
1224.130411::INGRAHAMAndyTue Mar 04 1997 11:1716
ELF (Employee Locator Facility) has been available throughout the
company for a very long time.

ELF version 2.2 is VTX-based (you access it via VTX).  From VMS, use
"VTX ELF".  There's at least one front-end/back-end program that
massages the VTX stuff for you and makes it look like the old
(non-VTX) version.

ELF V3 is web-based (you use a web browser). 

There's also a "US Digital Employee Browser" at

I doubt these are publicly accessible tools.  Maybe you can get help
from the referenced web pages.
1224.2who .ne. elfCRLRFR::BLUNTTue Mar 04 1997 13:4914
    No, ELF I knew about (at whatever level one is allowed to know about
    these things).  This tool seems to have (I'm not allowed to play with the
    DCLTABLES on ODIXIE) a DCL verb "WHO" and an associated helpfile entry
    which gives the various qualifiers and parameters.  The returned data
    is also different from ELF, in that it also lists (for most entries
    that I've retrieved) manager's phone number and name.
    So it's the WHO employee locator tool (as opposed to other WHO tools
    that give extended user information) that I'm looking for.  Naturally,
    this may not be the _name_ of the tool or package, but just the DCL