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Conference marvin::uk_music

Title:The UK Music Conference
Notice:Welcome (back) to UK_MUSIC on node MARVIN.
Created:Mon Mar 28 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1381
Total number of notes:39269

634.0. "me so horny" by VOGON::ATWAL (Dreams, they complicate my life) Wed Mar 21 1990 15:43

anyone heard 'Me So Horny (love you long time)' yet ???

does anyone know who its by?


634.1JUMBLY::OCONNORCa pique!Wed Mar 21 1990 21:091
    No Art. But your title DOES have a way of catching the eye...
634.22 Live CrewGOLONG::JUITTThu Mar 22 1990 00:311
634.3UTROP1::BORRIAS_IThu Mar 22 1990 14:155
    That song has been a No 1 hit here in Holland a few weeks ago!
    (maybe that shows what some Dutch people are like  ;-) ) ahem!
634.4CHEFS::DALLISONThe return of the bald avengerThu Apr 05 1990 16:224
    I saw it on MTV the other day and it was.... *interesting*.
634.5WELMT2::GREENBThee knight of trasheThu Apr 05 1990 16:493
    Good grief, someone who actually watches MTV!!
634.6eMpTyVCHEFS::DALLISONThe return of the bald avengerThu Apr 05 1990 17:018
    No, I um... er....um.....sod it - yes!! It has some not bad stuff on 
    there, believe it or not.
    The Headbangers Ball is good, if you like that kind of thing (I do). 
    Other than that its like 24 hours of indie ToTP.
634.7WELMTS::GREENBThee knight of trasheThu Apr 05 1990 17:194
    Indie TotP?? What sort of stuff do they play, then? I always thought
    it was predominantly American AOR and clean metal...
634.8CHEFS::DALLISONThe return of the bald avengerThu Apr 05 1990 17:4710
    metal ?
    Not much at all - if you like the odd Bon Jovi (stewardess where
    my bag - barf!) video then maybe...
    They seem to be flogging Stones Roses to death at the moment, as
    well as They Might be Giants ( a fave of yours I believe).
634.10CHEFS::DALLISONThe return of the bald avengerThu Apr 05 1990 20:1210
    I do like some Indie stuff, as well as metal, as well as blues,
    as well as jazz, as well as classical, as well as funk, as well 
    as country, as well as non-drum-machine popular stuff ...
    If its different or takes talented musicians to perform it, I'll 
    listen to it.
634.11Right on!!WELMTS::GREENBThee knight of trasheThu Apr 05 1990 20:203
    Y'just hafta keep thum ol' ears open, Tony!
634.12SUBURB::COLEJThis is how it Feels.....MOO !Thu Apr 05 1990 20:416
    .9 deleted because of the narrow minded comment by the writer, and
    the extreem dic'kededness of the opinion.
634.13Blab !! MTV is the best, matey !!VULCAN::SMITHP1All my accounts have been hackedFri Apr 06 1990 18:490
634.14CHEFS::DALLISONThe return of the bald avengerMon Apr 09 1990 01:075
    I admire your selection of words. Chosen no doubt from your extensive
