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Conference ljsrv1::tv_chatter

Title:The TV Chatter Notes Conference
Notice:Welcome to TV Chatter :-)
Created:Wed Dec 16 1992
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:498
Total number of notes:5416

417.0. "Quincy" by BUSY::SLABOUNTY (Watch it,Joe-danger lurks ahead) Wed Jan 03 1996 20:56

    	And A&E has also added "Quincy" to their line-up ... at 6PM
    	in the Boston area, taking the place of "Police Story".
417.1BUSY::SLABOUNTYDancin' on CoalsWed May 29 1996 22:068
    	A&E showed a "Quincy" marathon on Memorial Day [Monday], so I
    	watched most of it.
    	Some good stuff, but the central idea seemed to be "illness
    	that turns into an epidemic" for most of the episodes, be it
    	a boat or a vacation resort that everybody was staying on/at.
417.2BULEAN::BANKSFri Jun 07 1996 21:039
Haven't seen this show in decades.  But, since my computer's TV seems
permanently tuned to A&E, I've had the opportunity to watch a few episodes.

I really had forgotten how much this show was a "Disease of the Week"
pulpit for Klugman's character.  Every week, we find out about some
uncaring jerk, politician, public policy, or lack of legislation that puts
someone on Quincy's table.  What follows is 1/2 hour of impassioned
monologues by Klugman, usually followed by his prescription for some Swell
New Law that'll just fix everything.
417.3SUBSYS::NEUMYERYour memory still hangin roundFri Jun 14 1996 13:466
    	Those shows were from the later part of the series. In the
    beginning, the show was more of a mystery series.