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Conference ljsrv1::tv_chatter

Title:The TV Chatter Notes Conference
Notice:Welcome to TV Chatter :-)
Created:Wed Dec 16 1992
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:498
Total number of notes:5416

364.0. "Elizabeth Montgomery" by SWAM1::MEUSE_DA () Thu May 18 1995 20:10

    Elizabeth Montgomery has died of cancer at the age of 57. 
    She was the star of the 60's tv comedy, "Bewitched".
    Saw just about every show back then when I was a kid.
    Sad news.
364.1HELIX::MAIEWSKIThu May 18 1995 21:124
  That is sad. What's weird is that both the guys who played her husband had
health problems as well. 

364.2STUFFPCBUOA::CHENARDFri May 19 1995 18:0911
    I heard that her family said she was 57 but in truth according to
    records she was 62.  Doesn't really matter, last time I saw her,
    she still looked great.  Didn't she have a TV movie not long
    ago about a female detective.  Missed it, wish now I had seen it.
    I too think I saw all of the Bewitched when I was a kid.  Every once
    in a while, I turn to Nick at Nite and I watch them for a bit and
    I do end up remembering them.  It was a fun show for its time.