T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
317.1 | Squel Shmeequel | SWAM2::SMITH_MA | | Thu Nov 17 1994 07:46 | 9 |
| I wouldn't watch this program for all the money in the world. Why
can't Hollywood leave well enough alone?! There's absolutley nothing
they could do with a sequel to GWTW that would come even close to what
the epic classic is. Do yourself a favor....don't watch it!!!!!!!
Rent the original instead.
Of course, I don't really have an opinion 8*)
Mary Jo
317.2 | | USCTR1::WOOLNER | Your dinner is in the supermarket | Thu Nov 17 1994 10:37 | 8 |
| Or even *Read* the original instead!
I haven't read the "shmeequel" book, so that's my reason #1 not to
watch. My reason #2 is that I think Dalton and Whalley-Kilmer are very
unremarkable actors, and reason #3 is that TV guide's critic slammed
the shmeequel book AND miniseries (low on plot, credibility, etc.).
317.3 | | SUFRNG::WSA038::SATTERFIELD | Close enough for jazz. | Thu Nov 17 1994 14:32 | 17 |
I've watched a little of it out of curiosity (I'm from Atlanta (actually
Marietta, but close enough)) and was generally appalled by what I saw. The
production is nice but the script generally sucks and the acting leaves
much to be desired. I do think that Timothy Dalton makes a good Rhett and
I like Colm Meany and Jean Smart as well. But _Scarlett_ lives or dies on
the performance of it's title character and Whalley-Kilmer is just not the
actress for the part. Sure any actress would have a hard time living up to
Vivien Leigh's sterling performance in GWTW but there must be a hundred
actresses around that could have done a better job than W-K. She's wooden
to say the least and her interpretation of the character is way off base.
This might have been decent entertainment (certainly not in GWTW's league)
if it had been cast better and better written.
317.4 | It's not bad! | WMOIS::PAWELSKI_R | | Fri Nov 18 1994 02:55 | 12 |
| I've been watching Scarlett and find that they are not
entirely keeping with the book. I did read it awhile
ago ,but I'm sure that some of the parts were not in
the book. In particular the why Colum dies,does anyone
else agree with me. I think that Delta Burke would have
made a better Scarlett. I do like Timothy Dalton and
Colm Meany. I'm a bit disappointed in this mini series
I thought it would be alot better, it's okay. I hope
they keep the same ending that they had in the book and
not change it for this movie.
317.5 | | RDVAX::HABER | supercalifragilisticexpialidocious | Fri Nov 18 1994 06:51 | 9 |
| re:-.1 -- except that scarlett is supposed to be tiny, and at last
glance delta burke was quite the opposite... timothy dalton's doing a
fair job as rhett, it's just hard hearing scarlett talking about rhett
and not seeing gable.
i missed one night -- who's the English "monster" who shot the priest
and refuses to take responsibility? I am planning on reading the book;
i finally read the original years after seeing the movie -- what a
difference in stories.
317.6 | Frankly my dear... | SWAM2::SMITH_MA | | Fri Nov 18 1994 06:55 | 21 |
| Delta Burke would be a heck of a lot better then W-Kilmer but I still
think they should have just left well enough alone! I avoided the
book as well so I don't have a clue if it's short on story line or
plot points, but I'd bet my paycheck it is!
I must say though, it takes some major you-know-whats to take on the
rolls of Rhett Butler, Scarlett O'Hara and Mr. Ashley Wilkes (always
refer to Ashley as Mister). I mean, come on! These are some of the
most well-known and best-loved characters in both literary and
cinematic history. No matter how much of an open mind you as a viewer,
or a reviewer may have, you're still gonna compare the actors to Gable,
Leigh and Howard. And the reviews might as well have been pre-printed
with a fill-in-your-name-and-publication-here section because any critic
who doesn't slam this 6 hour, small-screen nightmare will be looked upon
as a fool! There's been so much hype surrounding the writing of the
book, the casting of Scarlett, the making of the movie, even the
bidding war that went on between the advertisers for the air-space,
that the mystery of what may have happened between Rhett and Scarlett
is long gone! Fiddle-dee-dee!
Mary Jo
317.7 | Forget the movie try the book | SUBPAC::ALLTEX | | Sat Dec 10 1994 09:54 | 10 |
| Sorry I'm so late but I just got back. The Movie was terrible and it
hardly followed the book at all. The guy Scarlett was seeing was never
that evil and wasn't killed in the book. As usual the book was 100%
better. The ending was totally different as in the book Scarlett was
running for her life with Kat as her people were rioting on her.
Gotta go. Give the book a chance forget about this garbage.
317.8 | COMMENTS | PCBUOA::CHENARD | | Tue Dec 13 1994 11:13 | 12 |
| My friend taped the 4-parter for me while I was at Comdex. I am not
even comparing to Gone with the Wind - why bother - it isn't going to
compare by a long shot but for a TV movie it isn't bad (I have only
seen the first 2 hours of it). The main reason I am seeing it is
because I am a fan of Timothy Dalton, and I know I will have rocks
thrown at me for this, but I think Timothy makes a more handsome
Rhett than Clark Gable, not a better actor, just more handsome.
Besides I always wondered how Vivien Leigh could kiss CG since he
was supposed to have the worst breath in Hollywood.
317.9 | *THUD* | USCTR1::WOOLNER | Your dinner is in the supermarket | Wed Dec 14 1994 08:04 | 9 |
| (incoming rock!) :-)
> Besides I always wondered how Vivien Leigh could kiss CG since he
> was supposed to have the worst breath in Hollywood.
Maybe Rhett gives us a clue? "Scarlett, you've been drinking. Brandy,
quite a *lot*." :-D