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Conference ljsrv1::tv_chatter

Title:The TV Chatter Notes Conference
Notice:Welcome to TV Chatter :-)
Created:Wed Dec 16 1992
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:498
Total number of notes:5416

33.0. "question about perfect strangers" by DNEAST::ALBERT_JEFF () Wed Mar 17 1993 06:08

    i know it's late into the 93 tv season and all,but i just wanted to ask
    if anyone saw perfect strangers on abc's cancellation list this past
    tv season.i used to enjoy the friday line up on abc,and it seemed
    after belky(spelling)got married i didn't hear about the show being
    officially cancelled if any one knows please reply. and also life goes
    on is another show people are wondering about.