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Conference koolit::disney

Title:The Disneyphile's Disney File
Notice:This Conference can show you The World
Created:Thu Feb 23 1989
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:536
Total number of notes:19961

466.0. "DISNEY SURVEY IN THE MAIL" by FOUNDR::STANLEY () Fri Jun 23 1995 19:21

    Anyone else get the DISNEY survey in the mail.  It was a nice surprise
    as the gift for returning it is a $25 Disney certificate.
    It was the usual, last visit, how many kids, would you go without the
    kids, last time stayed on prop, what hotels, how many visits.
    As a devoted DISNEYHOLIC, I wrote another letter under seperate
    cover stating my enjoyment of our visits there and also some
    displeasures (few) with them.
    They also encluded some cute stickers, Mickey mouse ears that are
    a replica of the ones they sell and red ones that say "I am going to
    Disneyworld"  and "I have been to Disneyworld".
    Just wondering if anyone else received one.
    Just returned in June, can't wait for Christmas visit.
466.1NODEX::HOLMESFri Jun 23 1995 19:505
Hmmm...  I got one in the mail from my May trip and just returned it a week
or so ago.  I didn't know there was any reward involved. :-)  A gift 
certificate would be nice!

466.2The gift certificate is in the mail.....APACHE::TANCRETIMon Jun 26 1995 17:567
Yes I got one too. I wish they had sent more stickers, I really liked those. I wish
they would sell them. Hope there is no expiration date on the gift certificate, as 
we're not going back till Apr 97 :^(  for the 25th, although we will be in Florida
(Marco Island) Apr 96. I don't know if I'll be able to control myself being in the
state of Florida with Disney so close....we'll see.

466.3Got my gift certificate.APACHE::TANCRETIWed Aug 30 1995 18:505
    Got my gift certificate and it's good thru Apr 97. They must base the
    expiration on the question they ask.... When do you plan to go back to
    WDW? Can't wait to spend it. 
466.4We got ours too.YIELD::HOUGHTONSat Sep 09 1995 12:2012
     I called the (407) w-disney  tele. number to get some info on Halloween
    at WDW . I received the info made reservations and about 2 weeks later the
    questionaire in the mail came. My wife filled it out and sent it back.
    Next to our surprise $25 gift certificate. Thats marketing.. 
      In 43 days we will be in WDW for two weeks. Yes I am counting down
    the days.
466.5GAVEL::JANDROWGreen-Eyed Lady...Tue Sep 19 1995 16:407
    maybe we will see you there...we'll be there in 45 days... :>
    i received some info from the 407-w-disney number a few weeks back, but
    haven't made any reservations yet (and might not even make them thru
    them)...maybe that is why we haven't received a survey...
466.6Never received mineFOUNDR::STANLEYWed Oct 11 1995 19:386
    First chance I've had to get back in and check, I never got my
    certificate and now have misplaced the original letter, does anyone
    still have the name and address of the marketing firm?
    Thanks in advance