T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
340.1 | Opening next summer | SUBSJF::LANDRIGAN | | Wed May 12 1993 18:59 | 4 |
| If I remember the monorail tape correctly they said it was anticipated to open
in the Summer of 1994.
340.2 | More on WDW's Wilderness Lodge Resort | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Sun May 16 1993 13:24 | 31 |
| Here is some infor on Disney's Wilderness Lodge Resort:
- It will offer 725 rooms.
- It represents National Park Services lodges built between 1904-1924.
- The lodge will be located on the Southern shore of Bay Lake.
- The log-structured main lobby will be flanked by two authentic
Northwest Coast totem poles each 55 feet tall.
- The lobby is crowned with four massive chandeliers.
- A three-sided fireplace of majestic proportion will also house the
- There will be a swimming and recreational area that begins as a hot
spring in the main lobby which flows outside to become "Silver
- The creek then widens into an inviting swimming pool which appears
to be carved out of rockscape. Accenting the setting is an
"Old Faithful" - style geyser surrounded by colorful, bubbling "hot
- DIsney's Wilderness Lodge Resort is tentatively set to open in
340.3 | It's a large building! | CSTEAM::STEINHARDT | | Mon May 17 1993 13:48 | 9 |
| I had the opportunity to glance at the construction while cruising by
on the way back from Discovery Island two days ago. The main
structure is up, and it is located right on Bay Lake, between River
Country and the Contemporary. It looked like one single very large
building complex.
340.4 | Quite a site | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Mon May 17 1993 14:53 | 12 |
| Ken,
Did you notice if the Lodge was "supported" on several rock structures?
Like the Poly, GF, and CR, the WLR will have a huge pick-up/drop-off
area in front. The structure is very distinguishable from any other
resort in Orlando. As you look at the structure you will think to
yourself, "hmmm a log cabin with a gland problem" so prepare yourself
for an interesting site once it's finished...especially the huge
340.5 | Not yet | CSTEAM::STEINHARDT | | Mon May 17 1993 15:56 | 10 |
| Mike, from my view I wasn't able to see anything that yet looks like
much more than any normal building, just normal girders and
construction materials, so I'd guess that the appearance won't take
full form for some time to come. It reminded me of the Splash Mountain
construction two years ago, which also at the time would not have led
one to recognize the final product.
340.6 | Shared baths? | AKOCOA::HEACOCK | | Mon May 17 1993 17:42 | 8 |
| If this hotel is modeled after the National Park Service rooms at the
turn of this century, the baths will be down the hall. Now, that would
be very unique for a disney hotel.
From the earlier notes, it sounds like it is being modeled after the
Yellowstone Inn. Is this true?
340.7 | I think you mean | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Mon May 17 1993 19:03 | 3 |
| More like the Old Faithful Inn but more expansive and expensive.
340.8 | Can't wait ! | CUPMK::JETTE | | Wed May 19 1993 13:17 | 17 |
| This is wehre I'm hoping to stay during my trip in '97!
Can't wait for that one!
Of course - I am sad to hear the pricing will be on the higher side -
like the Contemporary/Poly.
Maybe I'll have to split my time between there and the CBR.
Of course - I'm still holding out hope for a quick trip in '95!
340.9 | | NOVA::FEENAN | Jay Feenan - DEC Rdb, Worlds Fastest DB Engine | Wed May 19 1993 20:51 | 41 |
| When I was there in Sept and Dec I saw a lot of construction. I stayed in
FW Wilderness Homes during both stays and during my daily run I usually take
the FW roads to the back entry road (the start of the exercise trail) go
the length of that and end up at the intersection of the main entry road
(where you either take a left to go to the front entrance of straight to
the Contemporary).
Anyways I was surprised to see the exercise trail closed about half way down
so I ran the back road instead (making sure I didn't get hit by a bus) and
went out to the entry road. Along the road it was a mess with water, sewer
and electric lines being surveyed, dug, etc. Also the back entrance to FW
has been changed. The 'left to go the the front entrance' is now really
a 4 way intersection with the back FW service/bus entrance...it use to be
further down the road towards the contemporary (before the underpass that
the 'canal' goes over).
to the
front -+-- back FW entrance
MK |
entry |
I suspect that from the looks of it the Lodge will share the FW service/bus
entrance and the the front entry for guest traffic will be about where the
old FW service entrance will be.
Like previous notes stated it just looked like a heap of steel in the middle
of a torn apart forest.
But when I was down there I either heard/read that the resort would be priced
in the same range as Dixie Landings.
340.10 | FWL not on Monorail? | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Thu May 20 1993 10:41 | 6 |
| Jay,
So from your description it sounds like the Lodge will NOT be on the
monorail system. Is this correct?
340.11 | | KENMOS::DAVE | Outlanders, Do it Again | Thu May 20 1993 11:29 | 8 |
| Unless they build a walkway, it can't be. Its sited too far from the lagoon
because of the soft ground. It would also really make the run on the all
hotels monorail really long. 1 minute after leaving the contemporary you'd
be at the lodge, and a minute after that you're at the ticket and
transportation center.
Who was there last september
340.12 | I didn't want it on the Monorail! | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Thu May 20 1993 15:11 | 1 |
| Good!
340.13 | | NOVA::FEENAN | Jay Feenan - DEC Rdb, Worlds Fastest DB Engine | Thu May 20 1993 17:53 | 10 |
| re:last few...
You know I've been wondering about this. A couple of times when I was there
I heard that it would be a monorail resort. When looking at the location
I figured that it could be a monorail resort if they made you walk to
a station away from the actual lodge (like the TTC stop). But I agree that
that would mean that you couldn't blink an eye before you would be at/had left
the contemporary.
340.14 | More info/rumors??? | KRSTEN::KCUNNINGHAM | | Thu May 20 1993 18:30 | 15 |
| When we were down at Disney last month we were talking to a Dixie
Landing employee who told us that Disney is building 2 new hotels. One
would be the "Wilderness" hotel that has already been started, and the
second hotel was going to have a Sports Theme.
She also mentioned that Disney is planning on building their own city.
The name of it is going to be "Celebration" and anyone can live
there. It does not matter if you are employed by Disney or not. Has
anyone heard anything about this??? Imagine living in a city that is
owned and operated by Disney?
I have no idea how true this information is, but she also stated that
the new hotels would be moderately priced like DL, PO, and CB.
Who knows????
340.15 | Choo choo | CFSCTC::SNOBRD::CONLIFFE | Better Than Life | Thu May 20 1993 19:14 | 13 |
| When we were there a year or so ago, we were told that Disney was going to
ressurect the old Fort Wilderness Railroad to run between the Lodge and
the hotel parking lot. That is, you would get out of your car at a railroad
station and your baggage would be loaded into a baggage car and taken to the
lobby of the hotel.
Further, this railroad would run through Fort Wilderness and to Pioneer Hall
turning Fort Wilderness/Wilderness Lodge into sort-of an extended resort. I
think this would be `wicked neat'. i wonder if they will do it!
340.16 | FWRR.... | PHDVAX::JMCGLINCHEY | | Thu May 20 1993 19:46 | 3 |
| I'm all for the FWRR resurection. I've followed the tracks a few times
and can only imagine it running the rails. ;^)
340.17 | | MSBCS::PAGLIARULO_G | Reality is a cosmic hunch | Fri May 21 1993 10:11 | 6 |
| When we go on one of our or too-few trips to Disney we always stay at
FW. One of the main attractions is the isolation and quiet after a day
of dealing with crowds. Is the new hotel far enough away so that this is
340.18 | Fort Wilderness Here I come! | CTOAVX::EAST | | Fri May 21 1993 12:11 | 7 |
| When I was there in March, the Construction looked to far away from
the Monorail to be included in the route. I was wondering if that is
going to make a differance in the pricing of the rooms. Either way I
can't wait to see it finished. I may plan my '98 trip there but I do
love the Poly!
Rose East
340.19 | | NOVA::FEENAN | Jay Feenan - DEC Rdb, Worlds Fastest DB Engine | Tue May 25 1993 01:12 | 10 |
| re: .17
Yes this hotel is very far from the regular FW area it is actually
close to the Contemporary in comparison. I don't see how they will get
the railroad going again...unless they are thinking of running new
tracks to parallel the access road somehow.
340.20 | any word yet? | CSC32::B_GRUBBS | | Tue Oct 05 1993 15:26 | 6 |
has anyone made any reservations for the wilderness lodge?
if so, what was the pricing...
--bert (hoping to stay there on a trip in fall '95)
340.21 | Somewhere between Poli and GF | WREATH::SCOPA | | Tue Oct 05 1993 17:07 | 8 |
| Hmmm, wonder if pricing info will be in the '94 Bible.
I'd guess we're talking somewhere between Poly and GF prices with a
"good deal" being anything under $200/night.
That's my guess.
340.22 | Fodor says $$$ | MAYES::GIBSON | | Tue Oct 05 1993 17:59 | 12 |
| The '94 Fodor's Guide for Orlando and surroundings is already out,
and has listings for both Wilderness Lodge and All-Star Sports Resort.
Wilderness Lodge is in the EXPENSIVE category along with the Yacht and
Beach Clubs.
All Star Sports Resort is in the same category as CBR, PO, and DL,
although it will be slightly lower in price.
Will try to remember to bring the book in tomorrow to give more
340.23 | Fodor on Wilderness Lodge | MAGEE::GIBSON | | Thu Oct 07 1993 14:38 | 43 |
| From Fodor's 94 Walt Disney World and the Orlando area guidebook (reprinted
without permission):
Guests at this rustic lodge modeled after the turn-of-the-century structures in
America's national parks won't exactly rough it. The pricey six-story
establishment is scheduled to open in late summer 1994 on the southwest shore
of Bay Lake. Its centerpiece is a massive lobby woth a huge, three-sided stone
fireplace, enormous chandeliers with iron bands incised with silhouettes of
Indians and buffalo, and two giant totem poles that soar 55 feet. All over the
property there are porches, reading areas, and other intimate spaces. The large
swimming pool area begins as a hot spring in the main lobby, flows under a
window wall to become "Silver Creek" in an upper courtyard, and widens into a
rushing waterfall. You can satisfy a hankerin' for buffalo, elk, or other
unusual western-style dished at Artist Point, a dining room inspired by the
Craftsman era featuring oversize landscapes of the Northwest. The pioneer-rustic
Territory Lounge feels like an old-time hangout for trappers, explorers, and
survey parties.
Scheduled opening: Late summer 1994
Facilities: 725 rooms
Three restaurants
Room Service
Large heated swimming pool
Children's pool
Games room
Guest laundry
Supervised children's program
Credit Cards: American Express, Mastercard, Visa
Price: Very Expensive (Fodor's defines Very Expensive as >$150 per night. Else-
where in the book it is said to be on the luxury end.)
For reservations: WDW Central Reservations
Box 10100
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Telephone: (407)W-DISNEY
340.24 | LAte Summer? | WREATH::SCOPA | | Thu Oct 07 1993 15:23 | 7 |
| I wonder what they mean when they say "late Summer." Spring in Florida
is Mid-February to late April. Summer temps begin in May and they
probably see August as late Summer.
It will probably open somewhere between 1-Aug-1994 and 30-Sep-1994.
340.25 | Rates and more details | MAYES::GIBSON | | Tue Oct 12 1993 15:11 | 10 |
| According to the 1994 Birnbaum's guide, this hotel is scheduled to open
in June 1994. Rates as quoted in the guide:
In season: $164 - 195
Off season: $149 - 180
The building is U-shaped. Most rooms have two queen-sized beds, but
some have one queen-sized and a bunk bed.
340.26 | Lower than I expected | WREATH::SCOPA | | Tue Oct 12 1993 16:48 | 9 |
| Hmmm....that would mean MKC rates would be...
In season: $148-176
Off season: $135-162
Linda, is there any indication as to whether you could drive up to the
Lodge or if the same FW rules apply pertaining to cars?
340.27 | | MAYES::GIBSON | | Tue Oct 12 1993 17:12 | 7 |
| The book talk about "guests arrive along a winding road shaded by pines",
so it sounds like there is parking adjacent to the resort.
By the way, there is boat transportation to the MK, but buses to the
other parks.
340.28 | WL Restaurant info/update | KELVIN::LARMOUTH | | Thu Oct 28 1993 15:45 | 20 |
| A recent issue of E&E has a project update on the Wilderness Lodge,
stating that work is progressing rapidly toward a May '94 opening.
The article gives some additional details on the 3 restaurants:
- Artist Point - a specialty restaurant featuring majestic murals
celebrating landscapes of the great Northwest. The menu will include
seafood with some wild-game delicacies such as buffalo and elk
prepared over a wood-burning grill.
- Whispering Canyon Cafe - a family-style restaurant that will feature
oven-roasted and wood-smoked meats served family-style in skillets
and platters.
- Roaring Forks - an express service restaurant that will serve
hamburgers, hot dogs, specialty sandwiches and assorted beverages.
There is a great centerfold map in this issue which shows the location
of the Lodge (as well as all other planned WDW additions) and it shows
a road to the Lodge which appears to run between World Drive and West
Wilderness Way.
340.29 | Buffalo$ | WREATH::SCOPA | | Thu Oct 28 1993 18:33 | 10 |
| I'm not sure I like the idea of Buffalo being on the menu. I thought
Buffalo was an endagnered species.
Boy that entree should have an eye-catching price.
"Yessir the buffalo flank steak, prepared butterfly style is $49.95....
....but you do get your choice of vegetable.
340.30 | buffalo? yes...technically. | CSC32::B_GRUBBS | | Thu Oct 28 1993 20:55 | 11 |
I doubt the meat will come from what you might call 'purebred' buffalo....
most of the commercial herds for slaughter are really 'beefalo' anyway...
crossbreeds of larger cattle stock and buffalo. It still is a different
type of steak from normal beef and definitely can be called buffalo on
the menu.
sounds pretty interesting. definitely on my list for the '95 trip.
340.31 | Worth a shot in '94 | WREATH::SCOPA | | Fri Oct 29 1993 13:12 | 3 |
| I may try it....
....if Kathy and Skip try it first ;^)
340.32 | | WONDER::REILLY | Sean Reilly CSG/AVS DTN:293-5983 | Fri Oct 29 1993 18:14 | 5 |
Me and my wife decided this is our next resort. Hopefull (?!?) next
- Sean
340.33 | Wilderness LOOKS NICe from what we saw | NOVA::NOVA::LUND | | Mon Jan 10 1994 12:45 | 22 |
This is coming along, it is quite large and can be seen from the
What we did see...
The dock is all in place, as you look down the causeway between 7-seas
lagoon and Bay Lake the dock is right off to the right just after
going thru the causeway...
Th entry road into WildernessLodge is along world drive on the way
to the Contemporary, past where Seven Seas's Drive goes off to
the POlynesian; It looks like it is at the (now 4-way stop) back
entrance to the bus parking for the TTC...(where Disney buses
are parked)....
I beleive the opening was said to be June, cast members were waiting
for the periods that they would be allowed to stay here and in
the all star resorts for when disney tests out the new hotels.
- Annie
340.34 | Opening Day May 28th | AKOCOA::HEACOCK | | Tue Feb 22 1994 15:47 | 20 |
| I gave the disney number a call and was told that the opening day of the
Wilderness Lodge was May 28th. Well, my wifes birthday is then so
..... 8-)
They had three room categories, lake view, forest view, and dumpster
view (they had a different name for the later category). Actually it
looks out on the parking lot. I reserved a Forest view at $327 for
two nights. This included a 10% discount for the disney card.
They also offered a Be Our Guest pass at $112 for three days and two
nights. (Is this a good price? We will arrive two days before so we
can use the entire pass)
Anyone wishing to purchase a bar of soap, pack of matches, or
possibly a cocktail napkin can send a donations in either cash or
disney dollars to ..... (maybe one of these for the Scopa wailling
wall would be appropriate)
340.35 | Good Price | WREATH::SCOPA | | Wed Feb 23 1994 13:01 | 8 |
| Al,
That BOG price seems to be okay. Last year at this time I believe a
3-day BOG pass would run about $106 so go for it.
A cocktail napkin or postcard will suit the wall fine thank you.
340.36 | big and ugly | MSE1::4400::BADGER | One Happy camper ;-) | Sun Mar 06 1994 16:54 | 10 |
| The lodge IMO, is large and ugly! Its too big and out of place.
It really doesn't look like the lodges its supposed to represent.
Its kind of like blowing up a picture until the details disappear.
UGG. Not on my list to stay at.
also other problems may appear. they plan to service it with busses
that run from FW. FW busses are already packed before they get to WL.
Busses are an old xportation meathod that isn't going to work.
340.37 | Big but shielded | MAGEE::GIBSON | | Tue Apr 19 1994 19:23 | 5 |
| We drove by WL in our buses to the MK. It is large, but it's shielded
from view by a row of trees between the road and the resort. We thought
it was interesting, and would like to go there for dinner another time.
340.38 | Gonna Try It | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Tue Apr 19 1994 19:44 | 5 |
| That's on my list of dinner spots this upcoming trip...
"Yes I'd like my buffalo well done please."
340.39 | I'll have the Buffalo and Chianti Please | WREATH::SCOPA | | Fri May 13 1994 15:47 | 40 |
Headline: Washington Wines Featured in New Disney Resort Hotel
SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 12, 1994--The Walt Disney World Co. has
captured the essence of Northwest environment and lifestyle, added to it
the best in foods and wines from Washington and Oregon, and recreated it
over 3,000 miles away as the Wilderness Lodge at Walt Disney World Resort
in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
"This is the first time the Northwest geographic region has been used as
the central theme through all aspects of a destination resort hotel,"
noted John Sarich, executive chef of Chateau Ste. Michelle, who served as
a consultant on the project. "From the exterior design of the 728-room,
six-story Wilderness Lodge, to the menus and wine lists of the four
restaurants on the property -- all are designed to echo the atmosphere and
identities of the Pacific Northwest."
The resort is set to open on May 28 with a wine list that features over
20 Washington state wines from producers including Arbor Crest, Chateau
Ste. Michelle, Columbia Crest, Columbia Winery, Covey Run Wines, The Hogue
Cellars, Preston Premium Wines, Quilceda Creek Vintners and Woodward
Canyon Winery. In addition, the list features a dozen Oregon wines, eau
de vie, and a custom Northwest micro-brew beer. The beverages are
carefully selected to complement the menu of specialities of Northwest
foods, including berries, smoked foods, cheeses, game and meats.
Executive Chef Jean-Claude Thepenier and his team scoured the region for
the finest ingredients and preparations. Wines and specialty foods of the
region are also available in the hotel gift shops.
"The whole project exudes that special Disney wizardry," said Jeff
Prather, wine manager of Ray's Boathouse, who was involved in staff
training. The lodge resembles the grand, turn-of-the-century National
Park Service lodges and was built from dead or wind-fallen timbers removed
from northwest forests. The decor and artifacts utilized throughout the
property are reproductions created by Native American artisans from the
"Having Walt Disney Resorts select the Pacific Northwest for an
integrated theme gives us increased recognition as one of the world's
foremost regions for food and wine," said Simon Siegl, executive director
of the Washington Wine Commission.
340.40 | Wilderness Lodge Grand Opening | SOLVIT::HEACOCK | | Thu May 19 1994 13:14 | 32 |
| This arrived in a light tan envelope with the Wilderness Lodge logo in
the center of the left side. The Wilderness lodge symbol is like a
national park patch with Disney at the top, a mountain scene with a
mother bear and her cub in the center, and Wilderness Lodge written as
two lines on the bottom.
May 12, 1994
Dear Grand Opening Guest,
Thank you for choosing to celebrate with us during the official Grand
Opening weekend at Disney's Wilderness Lodge! We are very excited to
be opening the doors to a new Disney Resort experience and are honored
to be hosting you as our special guest.
We wanted to let you know we have planned some festivities on Saturday,
May 28 and Sunday May 29 from 5:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., nightly.
If possible, please arrange your daily plans to coincide, so that you
and your family can be here to help us celebrate! We will be giving
you more information about the festivities we have planned when you
We are very proud of our resort and are especially excited that you
have chosen to stay with us to vacation and relax.
Yours Truly,
Kevin Myers
General Manager
Disney's Wilderness Lodge
340.41 | Special Appearance by... | WREATH::SCOPA | | Thu May 19 1994 18:17 | 6 |
| Hey Al,
Who knows. You may be there for the footage they will shoot to
eventually show for the July 4th television special.
340.42 | Easy to Pick Out | SOLVIT::HEACOCK | | Thu May 19 1994 20:11 | 7 |
| Mike,
Look for the couple acting like college kids and pinching something for
the wailing wall.
340.51 | Report on the Wilderness Lodge - Great! | BGSDEV::LANGONE | | Mon Aug 08 1994 16:26 | 30 |
I must tell you folks what a great time we had at the
Wilderness Lodge(not be be confused with Fort Wilderness).
In summary the atmosphere is the "best" in getting you
to feel like you're "not" part of an amusement park(yes
even better than the Floridian). The items in the grand
lobby include two giant totem poles and a fireplace
made out of the layers of the Grand Canyon. I also
found the help the friendliest(maybe because it's so
brand new...).
The rooms were on the smallish side but I loved the
lighting fixtures, many of which where metal silhouettes
of wild west scenary.
Of course, not being on the monorail like the "big 3"
was a drawback, but they had just added direct bus
service to MGM, which helped alot.
Great pool area with a "geyer" that went off every hour.
If anyone has any questions about the place - you're welcome
to send mail directly to me or post here.
340.44 | Whispering Canyon Cafe: I Stand Corrected on $$$ | WREATH::SCOPA | | Tue Aug 30 1994 20:54 | 156 |
| From: Rich_Carol_Koster@cup.portal.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.disney
Subject: Whispering Canyon Cafe
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 94 21:32:25 PDT
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
SPOILER NOTE: There are some surprises here. If you want to
discover this place for yourself skip this post NOW, or skip it
after you read the menu and don't read farther. You have been
warned! :-)
Cross-posted to Fidonet's Disney Echo, Usenet's rec.arts.disney
newsgroup and Portal's FAN-tas-EARS Disney SIG.
The Whispering Canyon Cafe is one of the eateries in the new
Disney's Wilderness Lodge Resort at WDW. You'll find it off to the
left as you enter the main lobby from the parking lot. In fact,
you have a nice view of the lobby from the restaurant. It's open
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I heard they have a
character breakfast -- perhaps someone can confirm this.
Here's the menu for dinner. This is all you can eat for $15.75
for adults for three meats or $17.75 if you want all six meats,
and $6.50 for children. Price includes non-alcoholic beverages
and dessert. The food is served family style. The server brings
the food on one platter or in a skillet as the case may be, sets it
in the middle of your table on a Lazy Susan, and you serve yourself
from it. Your table party needs to agree on the choice of meats.
You must get chicken, but you choose two other meats besides
chicken and you serve portions of all of the meats to each other.
You can order alcoholic beverages, BTW. A pretty good value, by
WDW standards and prices. Tax and tip are extra. [] Are my
comments. Quoting:
The Whispering Canyon Cafe Woodroast Dinner: After your long day
of trackin', trappin', loggin', and discovering the wilderness,
you and your family will find the Whispering Canyon Cafe the
ideal place to relax and share your exciting day. All of the
following menu items are served "family-style":
o Begin The Trail: Wagon Wheel Pull-apart Bread with Roasted
Garlic and Onion Spread, Garden Green Salad with Apple Vinaigrette
Dressing, Accompanied by our House Specialty Salads. [I can't
remember what all there was, because we were busy with our
conversation with our friend. But there is plenty of food, and
some very good dishes here.]
Campfire Cookout: Our Campfire cookout includes our Apple-Rosemary
Rotisserie Chicken and your choice of two of the following entrees
[Remember: Adults pay $15.75 for the chicken and choice of two
meats and $17.75 if you want a sampler of everything.]:
Maple-Garlic Pork Spareribs, Grilled "Trail" Sausage, Braised Lamb
Shank, Smoked BBQ Beef Brisket, Smoked BBQ Veal Ribs. [We got
the Maple-Garlic Pork Ribs and the Brisket, as well as the chicken.
Everything was really tender and juicy! The vegetables were roasted
too and served in the same central skillet with the meats. The
Veggies took on some of the "pan drippings" of the meat and tasted
just great!]
Campfire Accompaniments: Grilled Vegetables, Whispering Canyon
Potato Pie.
Dessert: Oven-fresh Fruit Cobbler topped with Whidbey's Loganberry
Ice Cream. [Yum! By that point in our meal another guest joined
our table while our meal was in progress, and the waitress was kind
enough to add a fourth dessert portion at no extra charge. Your
mileage may vary. ;-) ]
Beverages: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, Birch Beer, Iced Tea,
Minute Maid Lemonade, 100% Columbian Coffee, or Decaffeinated
Specialty drinks: Lodgehouse Brew--A micro-brewed beer with a
hint of honey, $3.25 draft. Bud Draft $2.75. Margarita of the
Day, ask your server, $5.75. Please ask your server for tonight's
wine selections. [Rich had the Lodgehouse Brew and found it
very delicious!]
End of quoted material.
I gather that Whidbey's might be a regional specialty ice cream in
the American northwest. Am I right? What is "birch beer"? And is
WDW joining the trend toward micro-breweries and making specialty
fresh beers? Interesting if they are, or even if they are bringing
it in from outside!
We arrived early and checked in with the hostess desk. The hostess
took our names and reserved a table for us. We told her we wanted
to wait for the other two members of our party to come, and she
said no problem, and handed us a beeper! So we wandered around the
beautiful lobby of Wilderness Lodge, and the gift shop, and when
8 o'clock rolled around the beeper went off. Our table was ready!
(From Rich: It isn't one of those new "vibrating" beepers, though.
Remember, this is Disney! ;-) )
We were handed a one-page flyer, looks like a quaint advertisement
from the 1880s. On the back is the menu and some cute articles,
some little-known facts about some pioneers, with illustrations.
Believe it or not. ;-) On the front is a surprise, quoting:
"Whispering Canyon Cafe presents Grizzly Bear Jackson's 1884 Wild
West Collection. The Greatest Events In The West! All The Action
And Adventure of The Frontier. BUFFALO STAMPEDE at WILDERNESS
LODGE. Koster Gang Stops Thundering Buffalo Charge and Much More
[Yes, they personalize the menu with a laser printer! And how
prophetic it turned out to be! ;-)] Trick shooting mishap knocks
out teeth of showman. Displays of Tomahawk Marksmanship Stuns
Audiences. Dangerous Feats of Bravery. Georgie MacGregor
Discovers Largest Gold Nugget While Hiking Over Mountain." End of
quoted material.
A large table of guests near us were celebrating a birthday. The
wait staff gathered around the table to sing the Wilderness Lodge
Birthday song, but an added touch is that they pull the honoree,
while the honoree is still seated, away from the table and out to
the aisle where the whole restaurant can get a better look at the
action. An excellent way to see that glowing expression on your
friend or family member's face on that special occasion, wink,
wink, wink!
The wait staff also pack loaded water pistols. I guess since they
are Western-themed they want to be able to stage "gun fights" but
cap pistols would probably be considered a bit too realistic and
scary for kids and others. So they will break out in water fights.
Now, I think this is a show among the cast member wait staff for
the enjoyment and not the dousing of guests. A few drops of water
on you will not hurt anything, and the atmosphere is mostly very
mellow anyway, so if you see a water gun fight try to take it in a
spirit of fun. Our server "Dottie Mae" explained they get guests
who are taken aback at first by the water fights, but show up the
next night with their own water pistols and Super Soakers and want
in on the fun.
The decor is of a National Park lodge out in Yellowstone. You see
wood paneling and exposed logs for walls, and there's a hardwood
floor, lots of wood everywhere. There are high ceilings. You get
a view out the windows of the exterior landscaping.
One question I cannot answer is: Will young children or children
who are picky eaters like the food here? I didn't get to make any
observations of other diners in the restaurant. Any smoked taste
to the meat was subtle. The meats are very tender. The potatoes
were quite good. We didn't think to ask to peek at a child's
I don't know what the breakfasts or lunches are like, but the
dinner was relaxed, at our pace, and the food was really excellent.
--Carol Koster ()~() carolkoster@cup.portal.com
FDC Walk-Around Minnie Mouse (_) (Fidonet: Address replies to
1994 FDC Rookie of the Year Rich Koster at 1:390/5.10)
Portal: CarolKoster
* "Ohhhhh, I wanna eat 'n eat 'n eat 'n eat 'n eat until I die!"
340.45 | Whispering Canyon Cafe - yum yum! | UNXA::PARKER | | Wed Aug 31 1994 12:42 | 36 |
| > for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I heard they have a
> character breakfast -- perhaps someone can confirm this.
The character breakfast is at "Artists Pointe", the more upscale restaurant in
the Wilderness Lodge. Goofy and Pluto are the featured characters.
> Here's the menu for dinner. This is all you can eat for $15.75
> for adults for three meats or $17.75 if you want all six meats,
While there, we had the "sampler". I say for the extra $2 per person, go for
it! Remember that everyone has to agree to this at your table.
> Dessert: Oven-fresh Fruit Cobbler topped with Whidbey's Loganberry
> Ice Cream. [Yum! By that point in our meal another guest joined
I don't know if the fruit in the cobbler changes daily, but we had a berry
cobbler - raspberries, I believe, and it was awesome!
> And is
> WDW joining the trend toward micro-breweries and making specialty
> fresh beers? Interesting if they are, or even if they are bringing
> it in from outside!
Brought in from an Orlando micro-brewery.
> Any smoked taste to the meat was subtle.
They have their own smokehouse just outside the lodge (the side facing TMK and
the Contemporary). The smell of the smokehouse permeates the lobby - it's
noticeable the first day you are there but you don't really notice it
afterwards. One hostess claims she doesn't notice it at all anymore! It is a
very pleasant smell, IMO.
It was one of our favorite eating spots during our last trip!
340.46 | Go for the Sampler | WREATH::SCOPA | | Wed Aug 31 1994 14:38 | 7 |
| Dave,
We also got the sampler and it is definitely worth it. Jeesh once word
gets around regarding the Whispering Canyon Cafe the wait to get in
will rival the wait for TZTOT...or even worse.....Peter Pan ;*)
340.47 | Fully booked the entire time last week | SLICK1::GIBSON | | Mon Nov 21 1994 22:23 | 17 |
| Following the advice in this file, we went to the Whispering Canyon
Cafe for an early dinner our second evening at WDW. The dinner was
delicious and plentiful. We had no problem with only choosing two
meats to go with the chicken -- I don't eat lamb or veal, so we chose
one form of pork and the beef brisket. Our waiter was friendly and
attentive. One recent change in the menu -- dessert is no longer
included in the price of the meal. Each (large) portion is $2.
After refusing to even consider staying here, my husband walked into
the lobby and asked if we could move here instead of the Beach Club!
There was a room available beginning the next day, so we moved to a
sixth-floor room (in a dormer) overlooking the pool for $48 per night
less! The room was regularly $190 per night, but MKC price was $126 per
night plus 10% tax, or $138.60. We thoroughly enjoyed Wilderness Lodge
and would definitely stay there again in the future.
340.48 | I Could Have Bet the Farm on That One Linda | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Tue Nov 22 1994 12:33 | 7 |
| >>>After refusing to even consider staying here, my husband walked into
>>>the lobby and asked if we could move here instead of the Beach Club!
"Told ya so"
- Terence Mann's "Beast" to Susan Egan's "Belle" in Disney's
"Beauty and the Beast on Broadway"
340.49 | | SLICK1::GIBSON | | Tue Nov 22 1994 13:00 | 11 |
| re:.48
I knew you'd say that, too. Peter had thought that Wilderness Lodge
would be decorated on the scale of the All Star Resorts (more about
them later). It was like pulling teeth to even get him to go there for
dinner. We watched the driving rains of tropical storm Gordon from
a cozy overstuffed leather chair in the lobby. The lifeguards did look
rather silly sitting around the pool in slickers just in case someone
wanted to swim in the downpour.
340.50 | It sure is Comfy | CUPMK::SCOPA | | Tue Nov 22 1994 16:38 | 7 |
| Linda,
I sat in that same chair...almost fell asleep.
You got a great price on that room.
340.52 | Wilderness Lodge | STOWOA::VANO | | Wed Jan 04 1995 11:30 | 13 |
| Goodmorning All,
I'm thinking about staying at the new Wilderness Lodge and would
appreciate your opinions, insights, info, etc.
I've been to WDW a few times and have stayed at the Contemporary,
Poly, and G.Floridian. GF is #1 for me, Poly is a very close 2nd,
and once was enough for the Contemporary, albeit nice.
Thanks and take care,
340.53 | Quick Report on Wildeness Lodge | FPTWS1::ABRAMS | Curl up with a good CD-ROM | Mon Jan 23 1995 17:02 | 24 |
Just got back from WDW, which included 5 nights at Wilderness Lodge.
Overall, very positive experience. WL has many features of the nicer
properties at a middle price.
The major advantages:
Near the Magic Kingdom
Excellent pool, heated very warm in winter!
Lake marina
Two restaurants and a 24hr snack center
Rooms comfortable
Fascinating lobby
Porches and sitting areas with fireplaces scattered about
Didn't feel crowded even though 100% occupied
Major disadvantage:
Bus transportation to MGM and EPCOT
Feel free to drop me a note at FPTWS1::ABRAMS if you have specific questions.
Bill A.
340.54 | parking? | NODEX::HOLMES | | Mon Feb 13 1995 17:25 | 5 |
| What's the parking situation like at this resort? Is there a parking lot right
there or do you get brought in from somewhere else? If there is a lot, how
convenient is it for someone planning to use a car as the main way to get
around? Thanks...
340.55 | Not like the CBR | WREATH::SCOPA | | Mon Feb 13 1995 18:04 | 9 |
| Tracy,
The parking lot is in front of the Lodge. The walk from the car to the
Lodge is probably similar to the walk at the GF or the Y&BC.
It may be a problem for people who hate to spend an extended time
going/coming from their car.
340.56 | Lot is right there | MAGEE::GIBSON | | Mon Feb 13 1995 18:07 | 6 |
| The parking lot is across from the main entrance of the hotel. Using
the car from the lot would require little more walking than using the
bus stop and the Disney bus system. We did not take our car frequently,
so we used the free (except for the tip) valet parking service.
340.57 | Anyone stayed in the suites here | OTOOA::LAVIGNE | | Mon Sep 25 1995 19:41 | 6 |
| Has anyone stayed in a suite at Fort Wilderness and if so could you
describe it. We had to settle for the suite here bcause the grand
Floridian was booked. :-(
340.58 | | MKOTS3::OBRIEN_J | Yabba Dabba DOO | Mon Sep 25 1995 19:54 | 4 |
| How far a walk is it to TTC from Wilderness Lodge?
340.59 | Wilderness lodge suite | 4513::CRAMER | Phil | Tue Sep 26 1995 11:49 | 10 |
| I stayed in a suite at the Wilderness lodge. It is basicaly two rooms; a living
room and a bed room. The sitting area has a TV, fridge and a bar sink, I don't
know if the other rooms have a fridge. The bedroom has a large armour 2 night
stands and a large tv. The rooms are done with Stickley furniture as found
throught the lodge. The suites are about $55 extra a night, but I think it is
worth it. The only thing I found lacking is that the suites do not have drawers
to put clothes in. I mentioned that fact to the staff, so knowing Disney, there
is probably a chest of drawers in the room.
340.60 | Longer Than You Think | WREATH::SCOPA | | Tue Sep 26 1995 13:40 | 13 |
| Hi Julie,
I don't think it would be practical to walk from the Wilderness Lodge
to the TTC. Last year I jogged one morning from the Wilderness Lodge to
the rear of The Magic Kingdom and the only semblance of sidewalks were
from the Contemporary to the front of the Park.
If you were to walk from the Wilderness Lodge to the TTC it would take
you somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes.
Remember, there are no sidewalks.
340.61 | | MKOTS3::OBRIEN_J | Yabba Dabba DOO | Tue Sep 26 1995 13:51 | 8 |
| Mike, thanks. My sister had spoken with someone in reservations and
they had told here there was some type of "foot path" and made it sound
like it was a quick walk. I know when we rode by the Wilderness it
really didn't look like there was any type of path or that it was that
close to the TTC.
Thanks again,
340.62 | Only 2 more months to go | TPRWRE::MYERS | | Tue Sep 26 1995 17:52 | 17 |
| We are going down to FLA in Nov and will spend 2 days in DW; we have
reservations for the night at the WL.
We have a pool/courtyard view, not that it really matters for 1 night,
but where does this rank as far as rooms/views go?
Also, while my husband and I head off for dinner my grandmother will be
watching our daughter, what kinds of things are there to do for an
inquisitive, high energy 3.5 yr old and a 77 yr old woman who has no
problem keeping up?
We're really excited about staying here. Ever since we saw an article
in Fine Woodworking (my husband's an avid woodworker) that desribed how
the artisan carved the totem poles and showed pictures of them we've
wanted to check it out.
340.63 | Some Thoughts | WREATH::SCOPA | | Wed Sep 27 1995 13:47 | 26 |
| Susan,
The pool/courtyard view offers you a balcony view of the landscaped
area, the pool, and the geyser..all in the horseshoe shaped courtyard.
This view is definitely the preferred view. Other rooms will give you
views of Fort Wilderness, The Magic Kingdom, and maybe the
I'm not sure if there are views of The Poly or the GF.
I think your mother and daughter could spend an hour or two exploring
the Lodge, both inside and outside. The lobby alone is a great place to
start....and there are characters such as Chip and Dale who show up and
visit with guests as they gather around the huge fireplace.
The gift shop is a nice place to visit too. The game room may not be
the place for a 3 year old but the courtyard is certainly worth
visiting. There are also some footpaths around the Lodge that can help
your mother in slowing down your daughter.
Of course you realize that you're giving me a bad case of Disneyitis...
...and it won't be cured for 645 days!
340.64 | Only 59 more days!!! | ASIC::MYERS | | Wed Sep 27 1995 15:40 | 12 |
| Excellent news about the room!
Sounds like there will be plenty for them to do at night, especially if
Chip and Dale show up.
Also, it's my GRAND mother (although everyone thinks she's my mom, I'm
really proud of her - she's the best) who'll be taking care of our
daughter at night, she's been saving her change since Sarah was born
just so she could take her Disney. My mom and dad will be taking care
of our infant back at their place in Boynton Beach.
340.65 | Wilderness Lodge -- TTC | FPTWS1::ABRAMS | Curl up with a good CD-ROM | Thu Sep 28 1995 20:32 | 5 |
| There is a shuttle bus that runs from Wilderness Lodge to the TTC quite
Bill A.
340.66 | Wilderness Lodge | YIELD::MHAYES | | Mon Nov 20 1995 18:59 | 16 |
| Has anyone stayed at the Wilderness Lodge Resort? I've searched
through the conference; but can't seem to find a TOPIC for it.
We were at WDW in October and stayed at CBR (had a TERRIFIC time). We
ate at a Character Breakfast in the Fort Wilderness Lodge and were
impressed with the Lodge itself. We're going back next November and
would like to consider staying there. Any feedback?
Room size?
Fitness Center?
On-site daycare?
340.67 | Wilderness Lodge info | FPTWS1::ABRAMS | Curl up with a good CD-ROM | Mon Nov 27 1995 12:36 | 32 |
> Has anyone stayed at the Wilderness Lodge Resort? I've searched
> through the conference; but can't seem to find a TOPIC for it.
I have...
> Room size?
A bit smaller than comtemporary, but a little bigger than CBR/DL/PO.
Rooms have balconies. LOTS of comfy common areas to go sit.
> Fitness Center?
I don't remember one...
> On-site daycare?
Yes, a good looking center near the bus shelter exit. Call the CRO for
prices and hours.
> Service?
Quite good. Lots of help when you pull up and check in. "Guides" always
standing around to help you.
> Overall?
Outstanding overall because of a strong combination of service, setting,
ambiance, restaurants, facilities and amenities. Disney seemed to
learn from all the other resorts and package this one very well. It's
especially good in winter months as the pool is heated so much it steams
at night.
Bill A.
340.68 | | THOMAS::THOMAS | Ben Thomas | Tue Nov 28 1995 18:04 | 14 |
| You can pick up quite a bit more info from
Specific information for the Wilderness Lodge is at
There is room information and a floorplan at
My personal opinion, which is quite subjective, is positive. I stayed there
last January and I just got done booking a week there for January 1996.
340.69 | A great place to stay | ASIC::MYERS | | Wed Nov 29 1995 14:42 | 24 |
| We just got back yesterday from Disney and stayed at Wilderness Lodge.
We'd definitely go back.
The staff was very nice. When I went to check in I mentioned that I
wasn't sure if I needed to use my length of stay pass that I had
reserved as my cousin's husband works for Disney and I needed to call
her to see if she had any extra passes (nope 8^( ). Even before I had
a chance to ask where the closest pay phone was the receptionist handed
me HER phone and asked me for the number I needed.
The main indoor area and grounds are gorgeous, they had such a warm, homey
feel. Very comfortable and relaxed. The room was a little on the
small side but we worked it out ok (3 adults, 1 child).
It was great taking the ferry from WL to the MK and busses are
available to take you to EPCOT and MGM, as well as the other hotels.
You get a transportation schedule when you check in.
We'd definitely go back to WL, although after seeing the Grand
Floridian I think I'd want to sneak in a night there.
I'd highly recommend it.
340.70 | | MKOTS3::OBRIEN_J | Yabba Dabba DOO | Fri Dec 08 1995 15:13 | 4 |
| .66 Michelle - On Site day care, Cub's Den for ages 4-12. 5:00pm til
Midnight. $6/hour (no minimum). Also provide a "chuck wagon buffet"
and complimentary beepers. For more info call 407-824-1083.
340.71 | Are there bunk beds? | WRKSYS::LHAGEN | Laissez les bons temps roulez! | Tue Jan 23 1996 10:14 | 10 |
| Does anyone know if the rooms at The Wilderness Lodge have bunk beds? I think
I remember reading this somewhere, and last night while viewing our
"Disney Vacation Planner", they briefly showed a room with a rustic motif
that had bunk beds.
My 2 boys would LOVE to stay in a room with bunk beds. I was wondering if
there were alot of rooms like that, or only a few. If I made a request, that
would probably not be a guarantee I would get one of those rooms.
- Lori
340.72 | yes, some do | HYLNDR::BADGER | Can DO! | Tue Jan 23 1996 12:55 | 3 |
| I saw bunks in some of the rooms. n nice lookers.
340.73 | | THOMAS::THOMAS | Ben Thomas | Wed Jan 24 1996 00:55 | 7 |
| re: .71 bunk beds
They do have bunk beds. Both times that I've stayed at the Lodge,
including just two weeks back, I was in a room with bunk beds. The
kids love them.
You need to request them, and it isn't guaranteed. The usual caveats.
340.74 | Wilderness Lodge room rates | WRKSYS::LHAGEN | Laissez les bons temps roulez! | Wed Feb 28 1996 12:03 | 32 |
| This is RE: 475.11 - 475.15 and price of the room at the Wilderness Lodge.
Last night I phoned the CRO. I was told that in order to get bunk beds,
I needed to have a Courtyard-view room. She quoted me a price of $215/night
which is the in-season price listed on the Web page. My AAA travel agent
said it was $199, which is the value-season price listed on the Web page (see
below). She also told me a Standard View room was $190, which conflicts with
the Web page:
Regular Season (12/17/95 - 12/31/95; 2/11/96 - 4/20/96; 6/9/96 - 8/17/96)
Standard View $174
Woods View $190
Courtyard View $215
Suites starting at $280
Value Season (1/1/96 - 2/10/96; 4/21/96 - 6/8/96; 8/18/96 - 12/18/96)
Standard View $159
Woods View $175
Courtyard View $200
Suites starting at $270
These rates were pulled off the Wilderness Lodge page using the Disney homepages
and http://www.disney.com/DisneyWorld/index.html?GL=H
When I told her the prices I saw in Disney's Web page, she said she didn't know
anything about that, and perhaps it included a MKC discount or something. When
I inquired what the room rates would be with a MKC discount, she said she
didn't have any knowledge of that and gave me another phone number to call for
information (407-827-7200) which I will tonight.
- Lori
340.75 | | HYLNDR::BADGER | Can DO! | Wed Feb 28 1996 14:48 | 8 |
| I know I saw bunks next to us. and we were not couryard view.
perhaps the bunks in back were already taken.
unless there's something special about a bunk for an extra 40-50/night,
go with the regular my son and daughter slept in the other queen
sized bed.
340.76 | | THOMAS::THOMAS | Ben Thomas | Sat Mar 02 1996 19:25 | 8 |
| I've always had the courtyard view, so I can't be sure whether other
views have bunk beds or not. As for the MKC rate, just call Disney
and ask. I was astonished to find the MKC rate to be the best of the
discounts I tried this year.
Generally, Disney will tell you anything you want to know. *IF* you
can ask the question specifically enough. They don't usually give out
too much free advice on lower rates.
340.77 | | WRKSYS::LHAGEN | Laissez les bons temps roulez! | Mon Mar 04 1996 13:49 | 9 |
| > I've always had the courtyard view, so I can't be sure whether other
> views have bunk beds or not. As for the MKC rate, just call Disney
> and ask.
By "call Disney", do you mean 407-W-DISNEY? Because that was the number I
called, and the cast member I spoke with claimed not to know that kind of
- Lori
340.78 | | 36722::ABRAMS | Curl up with a good CD-ROM | Fri Mar 08 1996 17:43 | 21 |
| You must call a special phone # for MKC rates -- get it off someone's card.
Note that MKC club rates are capacity controlled -- only a limited number
of rooms are available at this rate. I recently called for Wilderness
Lodge for December, and found that MKC rates are SOLD OUT for that hotel
all the way though December.
Your alternatives for lower rates are AAA packages, and other tour
packages. See a travel agent for an airline package, WDW Tours package,
or a Kingdom Tours Package. If charter tours are available in your area,
ask about those too. We will be using a USAir Vacations package instead.
It's at least as good a deal because the airfare is only $185 per person.
We're getting the woodsview rooms at about the going rate of $175 per room
per night.
Note: Your travel agent CAN BOOK MKC rates for you and they still get a
comission. Don't let them tell you otherwise. If they won't, go elsewhere.
(Assuming there is availability of rooms at that rate.)
Bill A.
340.79 | | THOMAS::THOMAS | Ben Thomas | Mon Mar 11 1996 12:38 | 8 |
| Gee, I guess I got lucky. I did mean 1-407-WDISNEY in the previous note.
I found out about, and booked, the MKC rate rooms via that number. As for
the bunk beds, I can't recall what information I was told by them. While
I don't call any other numbers, I do get reconnected to someone else from
time to time so I can't specifically answer that.
Call a few numbers and find out. Call 407-WDISNEY and ask; call the lodge.
There must be someone who can answer your questions.
340.80 | | CSC32::B_GRUBBS | | Thu Mar 28 1996 16:53 | 4 |
| anybody heard about something called "backyard BBQ" at WL?
someone in the newsgroups claimed it was a new dinner show they
had reservations for, and that it starts sometime in April.
340.81 | | MKOTS3::OBRIEN_J | Yabba Dabba DOO | Thu Mar 28 1996 18:32 | 16 |
| The Backyard BBQ @ WL - The River Country Pavillion
Starts Apr 2 thu Oct 31 only on Tue, Wed and Thur 6pm til 10pm.
Adults 35.00 Child (3-11) 25.00 Includes Tax & Gratuity
Banquet Style Buffet - Hamburgs, Hotdogs, Baby Back Pork Ribs, BBQ
Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Baked Potato, Watermelon, Unlimited beer
(keg) and wine. There some other stuff but I can't remember
what it is.
5 Characters (I don't know who), MC, Live C&W band, some kind of
broadville show and line dancing.
340.82 | Electric Water Pageant at the WL? | STAR::CHALMERS | | Thu Oct 24 1996 17:15 | 15 |
340.83 | Say you're having dinner there | WRKSYS::LHAGEN | Laissez les bons temps roulez! | Fri Oct 25 1996 13:48 | 7 |
340.84 | 9:30 in Summer | DONVAN::SCOPA | | Fri Oct 25 1996 15:29 | 9 |
340.85 | 9:30 | PETST3::STOLICNY | | Mon Oct 28 1996 11:54 | 6 |
340.86 | Water Pageant at the WL | STAR::CHALMERS | | Mon Nov 04 1996 15:22 | 20 |
340.87 | | KERNEL::LUCKMAN | | Wed Nov 13 1996 07:46 | 14 |
340.82 | two thumbs up | REGENT::GALLAGHER | | Tue Apr 22 1997 20:11 | 26 |
Just got back from a Florida vacation and wanted to post a "two
thumbs-up" vote for the Wilderness Lodge!
It's really beautiful. They did a great job of executing the "theme",
you'll especially appreciate it if you've ever been to any of the
lodges at the National Parks such as Yellowstone.
The food was *very* good though a bit expensive (no surprise there!).
We ate dinner at Artist's Point, and had several meals at the
Whispering Canyone Cafe. It was great to also have a 24-hour snack
bar. I got lots of use out of my souvenir Wilderness Lodge mug (you buy
it for 7 or 8 bucks, then use it to get free beverage refills for your
entire stay).
The pool was really warm and sufficiently large (it never seemed
crowded). The geyser erupts every hour on the hour through 10PM!
Nice beach on the lake, jogging/biking paths, boat rentals, arcade
etc.. Since we were tired from the trip down, we spent the first day
just hanging around the hotel and we had a great time just doing that.
It's not just a hotel, it's a resort!
Next time we go down, I'd like to stay there again.