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Conference abbott::cruise_travel

Created:Thu Aug 04 1988
Last Modified:Thu Dec 12 1996
Last Successful Update:Wed Jan 01 1997
Number of topics:562
Total number of notes:2834

507.0. "Come join us on the Golden Princess" by NUTT::DANIEL (the answer is 42) Tue Aug 16 1994 13:25

	Hi all,	

	My cruise agent here in Houston is setting up a 10 day cruise on
the Golden Princess from Honolulu to Vancouver. The first five days are spent
cruising the islands, then five days at sea to Vancouver.

	Cruise only prices start at $1690 for an inside or $1890 for outside.
Air add-ons range from $100 (western states) to $300 (eastern states).

	Anyone booked by Aug 31st will receive a $50 per person shipboard credit
for inside cabins or $100 for outside cabins.

	If you are interested you can call me at DTN 441-2767 or call
Cindy Coultier at Cruise Holidays 1(800) 955-1665

	Dan Soderquist
507.1when?PAWN6::PITTSTue Aug 16 1994 17:431
What are the dates for the cruise?
507.2Cruise datesNUTT::DANIELthe answer is 42Tue Aug 16 1994 21:2511
	The cruise departs Honolulu on Tue. Apr 25, 1995 and arrives Vancouver
on Fri. May 5th.

	Also a one night stay in Honolulu is available for $89 per person.

	We are planning on arriving in Honolulu on the 24th of April and then
staying in Vancouver for the weekend and returning home on Sunday May 7th.

	Hope this helps.

	Dan S.