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Conference abbott::cruise_travel

Created:Thu Aug 04 1988
Last Modified:Thu Dec 12 1996
Last Successful Update:Wed Jan 01 1997
Number of topics:562
Total number of notes:2834

493.0. "Cruise in May??" by KEPNUT::HOLLAND (Gamera is filled with meat!) Tue May 03 1994 20:48

     Hi Folks,
              Here's a good one for you.  I just discovered this conference and
     do not have time to sift thru the 490 or so entries so here goes:  Please

     My wife and I are interested in taking a cruise in the Carribean.  We'd 
     like to go on this cruise on the third or fourth week in May!!!  I know it 
     sounds crazy but I am trying to explore the possiblities.  I have heard 
     that it is possible to get some pretty good deals on last minute bookings 
     for cruises but have never been on one before so do not even know where 
     to start.
     We do not really know what we want as far as rooms etc but are looking to 
     go for a week in the Carribean.  We live in the Worcester, MA area - I 
     work in BXB2.  Any thoughts??  We were looking at Royal Carribean and
493.1A travel agent is usually the best place to start.ZENDIA::FLEMMINGTue May 03 1994 21:331
    See note 388.
493.2MAY30::CULLISONWed May 04 1994 13:3414
    Also remember that the best last minute deals on good cruise lines
    are typically due to late cancellations. This means these deals will
    not normally include any air. If your week is not a busy week for
    airlines then you may be able to work a good deal.
    Also some travel agents specialize in these late deals.
    Just remember a cheap late cruise with an expensive last minute
    air fare may be the same or more than a regular booking.
    You need a lot of flexibility for these.
493.3I won!KEPNUT::HOLLANDGamera is filled with meat!Thu May 05 1994 15:537
    Well - I convinced my wife that this is nothing to rush into and we
    should plan ahead quite a bit in advance.  We will look to 
    late 94 or early 95 for our cruise.  I will use this conf as a 
    resource and thank all that replied to me.
493.4Nothing wrong w/ a May cruise!PARVAX::SCHUSTAKJoin the AlphaGeneration!Thu May 05 1994 16:089
    Well, I've been on cruises to the Caribbean in that timeframe
    (actually, first week of June) on NCL. I believe that the ONLY drawback
    to that is that you don't get the dramatic change from Winter to
    "Summer" weather you get from a cruise in the DEC-MAR timeframe. BUT
    the weather was perfect, and probably much more comfortable given thos
    sea breezes than being on land. The only other "issue" was that the
    ship had many (probably around *100*) honeymoon couples ;-).
    Kind of nice, actually...
493.5LEEL::LINDQUISTThu May 05 1994 16:595