T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1463.1 | Stow (Mass) Golf School | FSOA::OGREN | | Thu Feb 27 1992 13:02 | 6 |
| I got 6 lessons for $96 from the Stow Golf School last year. That
was clearly the best value for the money that I found. The lessons
and facilities were excellent.
1463.2 | | USCTR2::NAHEARN | | Thu Feb 27 1992 19:37 | 27 |
| re: -1,
When did you take these lessons? If it was near season's end, I'm sure
that you got a good deal. Otherwise, the lessons at Stow (the package)
run in the hundreds of dollars.
I just called the course and the packages are as follows:
Two day: $315.00
Four day: $549.00 (Four day classes are only available on certain
If you are part of a group of five or more signing up, deduct $20.00
from the prices listed above.
From the comments I've heard, the vast majority of the hundreds of
players who took lessons at the Golf School last year felt it was worth
the time and investment.
I think the teaching pros charge $25.00 per half-hour for private
lessons!! I recommend (sp?) Steve Zwick.
1463.3 | Call 'em back - $96 bucks it was | FSOA::OGREN | | Thu Feb 27 1992 20:33 | 10 |
| I took the lessons inMay and June with Gary Coots. Some kind person
from the Digital golf league was coordinating - check out this note
file for the reference. I also remember a golfing friend who got the
same deal.
I'd call back. It was a group lesson, but the groups were small (only
6 people) so you can get plenty of individual attention. With one
hour to hit as many balls as you can launch.
1463.4 | "The swing is the name of the GAME" | NEMAIL::GLASS | | Fri Feb 28 1992 12:55 | 8 |
| Hi,
Jack Gale, the head pro at Tatnuck, does a combination school in the
early Spring. With his program you get both conditioning and lessons
at the right pace/skill that your game warrants.
You could call the Tatnuck CC pro shop in Worcester to get specifics.
1463.5 | Righty teaching lefties?? | ELWOOD::DLANE | This IS the year of the Sox. 8-) | Tue Apr 07 1992 17:24 | 9 |
Anyone know a good place for a lefty to go? (Not me, my girlfriend)
Group or individual. ALso, do you think it makes much difference to the
teaching pro if the student is a lefty or righty, meaning can a
righhanded pro teach a lefthanded student? Thanks,
1463.6 | cost effective lesson pointers? | USCTR1::KDUNN | | Tue May 26 1992 14:20 | 11 |
| Hi,
What are people's opinions on the best golf class value for the money?
We're in the greater Maynard area. My husband is looking for basic
stance/swing/etc. lessons but we don't want to spend a lot on this.
Ideas? I'll check into Stow mentioned in .1.
1463.7 | Golf lessons thru Marlboro Recreation Department | AYRPLN::KISER | | Tue Jun 09 1992 16:58 | 7 |
If your looking for some beginner lessons at
a good price the Marlboro Recreation Department is
doing lessons this year at Marlboro Country Club. The
lessons cost $50 for 6 lessons and they supply the clubs
if you need them. I have called around the Marlboro-Hudson
area and this seems to be about the best deal.
1463.8 | Recommendation for private lessons? | TUXEDO::MAZZAFERRO | | Mon Nov 28 1994 13:18 | 13 |
| Hi,
Does anyone have any experience with or recommendations for private lessons?
I'd like to consider this as a Xmas gift for my husband but have no information
on which courses offer private lessons, how they run or how much they run. For
some general information, I know he's played and liked Stow Acres, Butternut
Passaconaway (sp?), so I'd prefer one of those courses, if possible. His
handicap ranges between 5 and 7 throughout the course of a season.
Any recommendations or information would be greatly appreciated!
1463.9 | | NITMOI::LEMAIRE | | Mon Nov 28 1994 15:56 | 24 |
| Stow Acres has a large golf school, with 7 or 8 teaching pros.
They have a number of different ways to take lessons -
- 2-day golf school - a pretty intense experience for a beginner,
but probably great for a low-handicapper like your husband.
I took this in April last year and really enjoyed it.
This runs about $315 I think.
- 4-day golf school - probably like the 2-day only longer!
- 6-lesson series - You can get either 1/2 hour lessons for $150
or hour lessons for $300. You schedule the lessons individually
with your pro, so you can take them when it is convenient. (These
are private lessons)
- You could also do something like an 18-hole playing lesson - For
someone with a low handicap - they may get more out of playing a
round, or 9 holes, with a pro. This is expensive though. I think
in the $150 range.
I just got a postcard this weekend from the golf school - they are
running specials on golf school gift certificates. I think it is
maybe $50 off the 2-day school (?) Don't quote me on that.
They are pretty flexible - give them a call and see what kind of
deal you can work.(508) 568-9090.