T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
934.1 | Mid-iron blues | BTOQA::SHANE | | Tue Jul 17 1990 16:38 | 28 |
This isn't a note about lessons at Stow Acres, I just didn't want
to start another topic so I'm placing this here!
I just got back from my second of three lessons I have scheduled.
I think I left my poor instructor confused and frustrated.
In our first lesson he moved the position of the ball a little in
my stance, and worked with me quite a bit on weight transfer. His
paticular theory is 90% of every show is in the feet. Weather or not
that's true may not be important, because I am hitting the ball great
with all my short irons 8-SW, and my 5&7 wood.
The only problem is that I can't hit a thing with the 7-5 iron. He
started me today with the 8 iron and everything was great. Then he
had me try the 5 iron, nothing works! My feet get all out of wack, I
grip the club too tight, I re-grip the club, and a swing way to hard.
Give me back the 8, and everything is fine again. When I left him he
shaking his head trying to figure out some way of breaking through this
mental barrier!!!!!!
Why does everything desert me when I grab that 5 iron????????????????
934.2 | Waggle those wrists | WALTA::LENEHAN | Just Maui'd | Tue Jul 17 1990 17:19 | 14 |
Hi Shane,
I don't know if this will work for you... but it did for me.
Try waggleing your wrists prior to swinging. Make sure you are
loose enough in the wrists to allow the clubhead to swing through
the shot, but not so loose as to lose control at the top. Don't
put a death grip on the club, which will once again promote stiff
wrists and poor clubhead speed.
Good luck
934.3 | classic problem | SIOUXI::BREEN | | Tue Jul 17 1990 18:03 | 13 |
| I think you have a classic, very normal problem. Classic in the sense
that it is what seperates single and double digit hcappers.
I am find down to 7, in and out with 6 and have to really watch 3,4,5.
Here is a suggestion. If you are hitting #8, how about choking up on
7 and hitting it really easy. Someone else recently mentioned the imp-
ortance of hitting the long irons EASY. Hope I remember that later
today out at Green Meadow #1 back nine.
By the way Mr. Burke. I am surprised you haven't responded to that note
on the short game. You have one of the best I have encountered. It
was red hot when you demolished me in that match we had in June.
934.4 | Use the built-in autopilot | CSOA1::KOBRIEN | Certifiable golfer | Wed Jul 18 1990 18:18 | 14 |
| Shane,
Just put that 5 iron on autopilot. That slub is so well made it
will swing itself. :-)
Seriously though, when you address the ball relax your shoulders,
then your arms. Your grip should then be normal. Then hit half shots
for awhile. Just take it back half way and pull the left hand
through. When you get the feeling of making solid contact with it the
mental block will start to disapate. Just remember it's more improtant
to hit it solid than it is to hit it hard.
934.5 | Thanks | BTOQA::SHANE | | Wed Jul 18 1990 18:58 | 7 |
Thanks for all the inputs. I'll put them to work on the range!
KO, I forgot those clubs came with a gauranteed good swing.
Now if I could only find that sales slip........ :-)
934.6 | moved here by moderator... | MSEE::KELLEY | Custom club fitting/club repairs | Tue Jul 31 1990 17:45 | 31 |
-< The Good Game >-
Note 1040.0 GREAT deal on golf lessons! No replies
ICS::GETTLER "Beginner golfer..heads up!" 25 lines 30-JUL-1990 17:22
I have plenty of room for people intersted in taking
lessons at Stow Acres...
Currently I have open classes for this and next week
available (the pros are getting through with alot of
tournaments they were participating in)
The lessons are 80.00 for 4 1 1/2 hour lessons..we cut
them down to 4 longer lessons so they wouldn't be dragged
out for 6 weeks.
People have loved the lessons and gotten alot out of them!
Its a great deal and if you'd like I'll give you names of
people that have gone and you can get some feedback.
I have been placing alot of husbands and wives in groups
so both of you don't have to work for DEC to get into
a group of lessons.
If your interested send mail to : ics::Gettler, or Teddi::GETTLER
Please no phone calls.
934.7 | Moved Here by Moderator | WALTA::LENEHAN | stick-em | Fri Aug 31 1990 18:54 | 14 |
-< The TRUE Head Game... ;-)...:-{ >-
Note 1071.0 Golf Lesson/Stow Country Club No replies
CSG001::BENNETT 8 lines 31-AUG-1990 14:28
I am interested in golf lessons at the Stow Country Club sponsored
by Digital Equip. Please respond ASAP to Marie Bennett @PDM or
934.8 | GOLF LESSONS AT STOW ACRES! | MRKTNG::GETTLER | | Fri Apr 12 1991 16:09 | 38 |
Spring is here...and time to get the clubs out of the closet...
dust them off..[achoooo!] and correct those bad habits that seem
to follow you from year to year.
Just as last year Stow Acres Golf School is offering an excellent group
rate for Digital Employees that wish to take lessons. These lessons
are set up in groups of five and given by certified pros at the
school. Small classes make for easier learning and more personal
The group lessons will be starting towards the end of April and now
is the time to get your name in.
Since the response was such a success last year and I heard nothing
but great things about the school and instructors I've decided to
get into the "swing" again and coordinate this year also.
Since I set up the groups in my spare time, at lunch, or after work
please be patient for my reply. You will recieve a follow up memo
that explains the details, directions, etc.
If you are interested in lessons I will need the following information:
1. Your name
2. Skill level - Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
3. Availability - Weeknites, vacation dates
4. Mail node and DTN
5. Date you can begin
These lessons are available for both men and women. The rate for
this year has gone up a bit but what hasn't? If you inquire the
going rates for lessons are $50.00/hour. All payments are made
directly to Stow Acres Golf School when you begin your lessons.
Happy Golfing!
934.9 | GOLF LESSONS AT STOW ACRES | MRKTNG::GETTLER | | Thu May 30 1991 13:51 | 22 |
Golf lessons at Stow Acres are going to be set up all season long.
Several Groups have already started..and will continue to be
set up in groups of 5 until fall.
The discount rate for Digital Employees is 96.00 this year
and includes 6/one hour lessons for Beginners or Intermediate levels.
The lessons are given by certified pros and everyone has had
nothing but exellent things to say!
I put this note in again because people seemed to think it was
to late to sign up...
Most of the time if you have a group that want to take lessons
together I can do that too! The lessons have been set up for
tues/thurs or wed/fri evenings, 5:30-6:30 or 6:30-7:30.
All you need is yourself...and a relaxed swing!
Send mail to NUTMEG:: GETTLER to sign up.
934.10 | | WRKSYS::MARKEY | Everyone's dead, it must be a draw | Thu May 30 1991 20:55 | 6 |
| Any thoughts on an intermmediate group? I took lessons at Stow last year,
and would like to continue, but would rather not take lessons with five
other people who need to be shown which end of the club to hit the
ball with... :-)
934.11 | So far intermediate is working well for me ... | PINGS::OGREN | | Fri May 31 1991 13:26 | 22 |
| I've just limited experience with the intermediate group (lesson #2 was
postponed due to last night's typhoon) but you'll have no problems with
skill variants. The beginner's group is for true beginners - like those who've
never played; intermediate is everybody with at least a year or two under
their belt. This is my first formal lesson ever and I also was concerned
about the rest of the group (I need some help to get below a 9 hdcp and also
did not want to spend time on why a 5 iron travels further than a 7 iron).
I'm thrilled to say that my worries were definitely misplaced!
I'm in an intermediate group of 5 with skills ranging from a 3rd year player
to me (about 8 years). The basics are good for everybody, and the instructor
has time for everybody. I did find that the burden is upon you to ask
questions and get the help you need. I personally tend to listen and absorb.
After 30 minutes I asked the pro about my posture and knee-flex whereupon I
now have my feet closer together and reach a couple of inches for the ball
(seems like a mile away now!). But the swing feels tons better!
If you're experienced, my advice is to know what you want checked or improved.
If you ask the pro will certainly take care of you, and will continue to check
throughout the lesson .
934.12 | Lessons at Stowe Acres | DZIGN::DAWKINS | | Fri Apr 03 1992 13:08 | 7 |
| Sorry to be late in responding but I will be coordinating golf
lessons this year for Digital employees at Stowe Acres. Classes
will begin May 5th...more info to come shortly.
Tanya L. Dawkins
DTN 223-2234
934.13 | LESSONS AT STOW ACRES | DZIGN::DAWKINS | | Mon Apr 06 1992 13:22 | 41 |
For all of you aspiring golfers out there, I will be
coordinating group lessons this year at Stow Acres. The
price is still $96.00 for 6 one hour lessons which are
set up in groups of five people (max) and given by certified
pros at the school. These groups are not limited to Digital
employees so feel free to invite friends, spouses, and/or
"significant others".
Lessons will begin May 5th and will run until the end of
the season so now is the time to get your name in. If you
have a group of five people already, I can set you up
together, otherwise, I'll assign you to a group based on
your availability and skill level.
Since I set up the groups in my spare time, at lunch, or
after work, please be patient for my reply. You will recieve
a follow-up memo that explains the details, directions, etc.
If you are interested in lessons, please send me e-mail at
DZIGN::DAWKINS and include the following information:
1) Your name
2) Skill level - Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
3) Availability
4) Mail node and DTN
5) Date you can begin
Lessons will be set up for Wed/Friday or Tuesday/Thurs evenings
beginning at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.. All payments are to be made
by cash or check to Sal Ruggiero (Head Pro) when you begin your
Happy golfing!
934.14 | GOLF LESSONS AT STOW ACRES | PSDVAX::DAWKINS | | Wed Apr 07 1993 20:46 | 45 |
Well, golf season is just around the corner and it's time
to start thinking about improving your game! I will be
coordinating group lessons again this year at Stow Acres.
The price is still $96.00 for 6 one hour lessons which are
set up in groups of five people (max) and given by certified
pros at the school. These groups are not limited to Digital
employees so feel free to invite friends, spouses, and/or
"significant others".
Lessons will begin May 4th and will run until the end of
the season so now is the time to get your name in. If you
have a group of five people already, I can set you up
together, otherwise, I'll assign you to a group based on
your availability and skill level.
Since I set up the groups in my spare time, at lunch, or
after work, please be patient for my reply. You will recieve
a follow-up memo that explains the details, directions, etc.
If you are interested in lessons, please send me e-mail at
PSDVAX::DAWKINS and include the following information:
1) Your name
2) Skill level - Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
3) Availability
4) Mail node and DTN
5) Date you can begin
Lessons can be set up for Wed/Friday or Tuesday/Thurs evenings
beginning at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.. Once a week sessions on Tuesday
thru Friday are also available. All payments are to be made
by cash or check to Sal Ruggiero (Head Pro) when you begin your
Happy golfing!
934.15 | LESSONS START MAY 2ND | IAMOK::DAWKINS | Tanya Dawkins | Mon Apr 11 1994 20:28 | 18 |
| Well golfers, it's time to start thinking about lessons! I'm
setting them up again this year at Stow Acres. The price is
still the same...$96 for six one-hour lessons with groups of 5
people (max). Please see note 934.14 for more details. If you
are interested, please send me a note at IAMOK::DAWKINS with the
following information:
Node and DTN
Skill Level
Feel free to pass this information on to anyone who might be
interested. These lessons are not limited to Digital employees.
Happy golfing,
934.16 | 1996 GOLF LESSONS AT STOW ACRES | PCBUOA::DAWKINST | | Tue Apr 23 1996 14:23 | 17 |
| Well, golfers, I'm setting up lessons at Stow Acres again this year.
The price is still unchanged at $96 for six one-hour lessons with
groups of 5 people (max). Please see note 934.14 for more details.
If interested, please contact me at PCBUOA::DAWKINS with the following
Skill level
Availability (T,W,TH,F, 5:30, 6:30 p.m.)
Mail node and DTN
Date you can begin
Happy Golfing!
934.17 | Correct Node Address | PCBUOA::DAWKINST | | Tue Apr 23 1996 14:24 | 6 |
| RE: 934.16
Oops, please contact me at PCBUOA::DAWKINST vs. PCBUOA::DAWKINS.
Sorry for the error.
934.18 | | TUXEDO::MAZZAFERRO | | Thu Apr 25 1996 17:35 | 3 |
| When do these lessons start?
934.19 | Lessons begin early May 1996 | PCBUOA::DAWKINST | | Wed May 01 1996 20:04 | 4 |
| They start the first week of May and will continue throughout the
season provided there is enough interest.