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Conference turris::digital_unix

Notice:Welcome to the Digital UNIX Conference
Created:Thu Mar 16 1995
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:10068
Total number of notes:35879

8783.0. "Digital UNIX Patch Project Status Update?" by NETRIX::"jarkko.hietaniemi@fno.mts.dec.com" (Jarkko Hietaniemi) Tue Feb 11 1997 08:25


what is the current status on the (In)Famous Digital UNIX
Patch Project? The new style patch kits are available for
3.2C and 4.0B and there has been some internal field testing
going on since December.

Where do we stand now?

Jarkko "Lots of amused/aghast customers concerning the
        Digital UNIX patches" Hietaniemi

[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
8783.1ping USEG ; .... ping: no answerVIRGIN::SUTTERWho are you ??? - I'm BATMAN !!!Thu Feb 13 1997 08:0213
The concept of Digital UNIX Patch kits seen so far for V3.2C and V4.0B is 

Now we need them for other releases (V3.2G, V4.0, V4.0A) as soon as possible. 

And then we have to find a way to distribute them to the Digital UNIX world
in an easy and (cost-!)efficient way.

Hello USEG, can you please speak up? 

Thank's & Regards, 

8783.2XIRTLU::schottEric R. Schott USG Product ManagementThu Feb 13 1997 10:545

 I suggest you contact Sharon Reynolds...I know they are working

8783.3Update on Patch Delivery ProjectSMURF::REYNOLDSThu Feb 13 1997 12:3140

Here's the latest on the Digital UNIX Patch Project

We have transitioned V3.2C and V4.0B to setld patch kits. 

We have been testing  V4.0, V4.0A, and V3.2DE-2 patch kits. They will be 
released as the FEB patch kits for those releases. We delayed the shipment due 
problems found with a combination of patches, setld/kit manufacturing issues 
delivering a patch kit that installs on 2 versions (v3.2D/E) and due to our 

Through much of December and January we had only one release engineer and  
only 3 members of a required 8 person test team. This was due to the
hiring constraints put in place by the corporation.  A limited set of hiring 
issues were worked and we were able to hire a second release engineer and a 
test team leader (starts Mar 3). We still need another release engineer and 
testers.  This does not solve the whole staffing problem but it means we'll be 
able to deliver patch kits that are tested.

I'm rebuilding the patch delivery schedule based on our current staffing. It
will be available to MCS through your UNIX Core Team representative.

Patch Distribution:

At the December MCS UNIX Core Team meeting I informed the geography 
representatives that we were moving the work to deliver patch kits through SSB 
up from Q4FY97/Q1FY98. Our product manager has started to work those issues. 
In association with the SSB delivery of patch kits we are also working the FIS 
(factory install of patches). 

When you have questions about the project, please send me mail at
reynolds@zk3.dec.com. I do not peruse the notes files, I just do not have time 
to do that right now.  


8783.4good jobKYOSS1::GREENThu Apr 17 1997 14:296
    	I just wanted to say that I have used 3.2c and 4.0b dupatch kits
    and have to commend the people responsible.
    	The functionality is more than I hoped for, and makes my life
    a lot easier.
    		dick green
8783.5minor problemLEXS01::GINGERRon GingerFri Apr 18 1997 13:0729
    I agree that this is a big step over the old ways, but there is one
    I have 40 systems to manage, so I like to put patch files on an NFS
    filesystem. The install patch script insists on being in single user
    mode, so NFS is not available. I can live with this, I understand the
    reasons for single user, even though many patches can be applied OK
    while the system is up.
    However, the instruction for making a backout copy suggest making an
    NFS filesystem to contain the saved copies. Obviously that wont work.
    So, We shuld at least correct the instructions to not suggest something
    that wont work.
    here is the instruction as given by the script:
    Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]:
       - By default, the backup copies of the installed patches will be saved
         in "/var/adm/patch/backup".
       - If you have limited space in /var, you may want to make the backup
         directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS
         mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system.
       - You must ensure the backup directory is configured the same way during
         any patch removal operations.
8783.6The instructions discuss thisSMURF::FENSTERYaacov Fenster - System Engineering, Troubleshooting and other mFri Apr 18 1997 15:358
                                         <<< Note 8783.5 by LEXS01::GINGER "Ron Ginger" >>>
                                                         -< minor problem >-
    Ron -
    I think that part of the instructions discuss how to get NFS running
    from single user mode. Given that various customers have no spare space
    the network is the only answer.