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Conference turris::digital_unix

Notice:Welcome to the Digital UNIX Conference
Created:Thu Mar 16 1995
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:10068
Total number of notes:35879

3361.0. "Telnet CPU/memory requirements?" by GUIDUK::ONO (The Wrong Stuff) Wed Nov 15 1995 16:49

3361.1pseudo tty maxJULIET::SHOMO_ROWed Nov 15 1995 17:036
3361.28192 pty limitSMURF::DUSTINFri Nov 17 1995 18:2011
3361.3LABC::RUTue Nov 21 1995 17:128
3361.4RTE could help youNAMIX::jptFIS and ChipsFri Nov 24 1995 11:1831
3361.5telnetd consumes 33% CPU timeZPOVC::HENRYCHEUNGBack To The BasicsMon Feb 12 1996 01:1013
3361.6How about a SWAG for a specific system?VFOVAX::WILLIAMSWed Jun 05 1996 16:0618
3361.7Re: Telnet CPU/memory requirements?QUABBI::"mogul@pa.dec.com"Jeffrey MogulThu Jun 06 1996 01:0646
3361.88192 pty limit ????NNTPD::"seungjoolee@is.digital.co.kr"Seung-Joo LeeFri May 16 1997 10:5534
john wrote:
>   number of ptys in V3.2C is configurable up to an arbitrary maximum
>    of 8192.  No reason you can't have more, except that's the largest
>    value allowed by the sysconfigure routine.  We picked a limit just
>    to prevent over-configuration errors.
>    So you are limited by memory, one telnetd per incomming connection,
>    along with the user's shell, plus whatever they want to run.  That
>    could add up to a lot of memory...
>    John

I saw a document about it.
That is;  
 PRODUCT NAME:  DIGITAL UNIX[R] Operating System,      SPD 41.61.18
                Version 4.0C  
 Number of Logins
 The following maximum number of logins are supported:
 RLOGIN:       2,048*
 Telnet:       2,048*
 LAT:          4,000*
 Note: *These numbers can vary depending on hardware configurations and
 user workloads.
This document says max. # of logins by telnet is 2048.
I'm confused with your 8192 & SPD's 2048.
Is it really possible to login 8192 accounts in a Digital UNIX system
by telnet as you wrote?

Seung-Joo Lee
TS Digital Korea
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