| Although this is not in the Worcester area it's not that far away
Try the Holistic Education & Counseling Center, 5 Blackburn Center,
Gloucester, MA 01930, 508-281-4400....ask specifically for Martin Hart,N.D.
(Holistic Counseling/Hypnotherapy), Martin, Director of the Hosistic
Ed. & Counseling Center has been in private practice for 15 years as a
holistic counselor and is currently president of the American Society
of Alternative Therapists and the New England College of Holistic
Studies. Dr. Hart conducts the ASAT Hynotherapist Certification Course
at the Center...also Past Life Future Life 1 day session and other
hypnotherapy courses...
I have their brochure if anyone is interested...it goes through
August `91...should be getting their fall schedule soon.
I can vouch for Marty's credibility...took his Past Life Future Life
course......excellent....of course he will counsel on a one-one basis.
Give him a call and tell him I referred you!