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Conference hydra::dejavu

Title:Psychic Phenomena
Notice:Please read note 1.0-1.* before writing
Created:Wed Jan 22 1986
Last Modified:Tue May 27 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2143
Total number of notes:41773

1520.0. "Hypnotist" by CSCMA::SCHILLER (Back to life...back to reality.) Tue Aug 13 1991 13:38

    I'm not sure if this is the right file to ask this, but does anyone
    know of a good hypnotist in the Worcester area? I'm not looking
    for a stop smoking/lose weight type of hypnotist. I'm looking for
    someone who could hypnotize me so that I can remember an event that
    I've blocked from my conscious memory.
1520.1HECC(Holistic Education & Counseling Center)MR4DEC::MALLENTue Aug 13 1991 19:0422
    Although this is not in the Worcester area it's not that far away
    Try the Holistic Education & Counseling Center, 5 Blackburn Center,
    Gloucester, MA 01930, 508-281-4400....ask specifically for Martin Hart,N.D.
    (Holistic Counseling/Hypnotherapy), Martin, Director of the Hosistic
    Ed. & Counseling Center has been in private practice for 15 years as a
    holistic counselor and is currently president of the American Society
    of Alternative Therapists and the New England College of Holistic
    Studies.  Dr. Hart conducts the ASAT Hynotherapist Certification Course
    at the Center...also Past Life Future Life 1 day session and other
    hypnotherapy courses...
    I have their brochure if anyone is interested...it goes through 
    August `91...should be getting their fall schedule soon.
    I can vouch for Marty's credibility...took his Past Life Future Life
    course......excellent....of course he will counsel on a one-one basis.
    Give him a call and tell him I referred you!