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Conference hydra::dejavu

Title:Psychic Phenomena
Notice:Please read note 1.0-1.* before writing
Created:Wed Jan 22 1986
Last Modified:Tue May 27 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2143
Total number of notes:41773

885.0. "Classes/Workshops" by WILLEE::FRETTS (Love our Mother Earth) Tue Oct 11 1988 19:22

    I briefly looked through the conference to see if there was a
    specific note for classes/workshops being offered and didn't
    see one.  I would therefore like to open this note for people
    post notices of classes/workshops of interest to the DEJAVU
    community.  I'll start with reply .1.
885.1WILLEE::FRETTSLove our Mother EarthTue Oct 11 1988 19:2337
                        ASTROLOGICAL ARCHETYPES

		  A Journey of Growth and Empowerment

   The Astrological Archetypes - the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - can be used
   as tools for personal growth and achievement.  In this class we will
   gain an understanding of the energies of each sign and how they manifest 
   in our lives.  

   Emphasis will be on the Nodes of the Moon and Saturn.  From these three
   places in the birthchart, we learn where we have a tendency to get stuck
   in habitual patterns, how fears and inner limitations can be transformed
   into positive energies and strengths, and where new areas of growth are
   waiting to be explored.

   The last class will be a half day workshop to learn to create our own
   empowerment story or myth.  In it we will each travel the journey from
   the South Node, through the Gates of Saturn, to the new territory of
   potentials symbolized by the North Node.

   Dates - 6 Tuesdays, November 8th through December 13th
           and Saturday, December 17th from 10 am to 4 pm

   Time - 7:00 to 9:30 pm

   Cost - $65.00

                                       Jill Laurie Crane, Joseph Crane
				       Astrological Counselors
 			               Arlington, Massachusetts

   To register, call 617-648-7257 before Nov. 1st

885.2WILLEE::FRETTSNoting with my Higher SelfMon Oct 17 1988 17:4416
    This Wednesday evening, 10-19-88, beginning a 7:30 pm sharp,
    there will be a demonstration of evidential mediumship.  The
    demonstration will be held at;
    		     First Spiritual Temple
    	             16 Monmouth Street
    		     Brookline, MA
    The donation is $5 at the door.
    Send me vaxmail at WILLEE::FRETTS if you would like more info.
885.3Classes in NashuaPLEXUS::V5REGISTRARTue Oct 25 1988 20:5723
    Psychic Awareness and Development classes are being offered by
                   Norman Stanol
                   Nashua, NH
                   Tel #:  (603) 891-0771
    These classes are ongoing and he covers various topics.  He, I
    believe, is a registered psychic.  He bills himself as a Mystic,
    Lecturer, Minister, Teacher.
    I am not familiar with his courses or with him, so I can not give
    you a first hand report.  I met him for a brief time.  He gave me 
    permission to enter his name and telephone number here and he'll
    welcome your calls.  
    If anyone out there is familiar with him, I'd like to hear your 
885.4Bernie Siegel-Nashua-Jan. 6-8FEISTY::RAMSAYThu Dec 01 1988 15:103
    Dr. Bernie Siegel will be in Nashua January 6, 7 and 8.
    See Note 924.2 for details.
885.5Astrology in GENEVADRCS::ABEYAI'll fix you a program in no time !Thu Jan 19 1989 07:5814
    Ecole Club Migros in Geneva has 2 astrology courses:
    1) a "general course" starting Feb.2, 10x 2-hour classes every 
       Tues. night at 18:20  for SFr. 210.-                              
    2) a beginner's course, starting Feb.21, 10x 2-hour classes,
       every Tues. night at 20:20

    I am invited to join the class ment. under 1) next Tuesday
    (kind of "free sample").  Contact me if interested.
    Ines ABEYA
    DTN 821-4526
885.6native american workshopsDEMING::ARSENAULTMon Feb 27 1989 23:5821
    There's a new shop in Sudbury Mass. thats called Native Spirits.
    They have weekly workshops.
    this is a quick list of them, I put a more detailed note in the
    native american conference.
    DISCOVERING YOUR ALLIES   MARCH 3  7-10   $25.00
    OPENING TO THE GODDESS    MARCH 10  7-10  $25.00
    SPRING EQUINOX   MARCH 15  7-10   $20.00
    THE TAROT   APRIL 7  7-10  $20.00
    There was a beginer crystal class but they already had it.
    If anyone has any questions just ask, I have the schedule. I just
    didn't have time to put the discreptions in. 
885.7where is it?VITAL::KEEFEBill Keefe - 223-1837 - MLO21-4Tue Feb 28 1989 11:075
    re: < Note 885.6 by DEMING::ARSENAULT >
    Do you have an address and/or phone # for the Native Spirits Shop?
    	- Bill
885.8 OPPS!DEMING::ARSENAULTWed Mar 01 1989 01:119
    They are on Boston Post Rd. About 1/4 of a mile west of Star Market.
    It's in a small grey plaza. I don't have the street number with
    me, but this is there number, 443-7994. I'm taking one of the 
    workshops soon, so I'll have an idea what their like.
    p.s. If your not from the area, Boston Post rd. is also route 20.
885.9Tarot Classes in Geneva!DRCS::ABEYAInes ABEYA @GEO - BACK FOR A WHILEWed Mar 01 1989 09:4419
    Anyone interested in Tarot courses in Geneva area please 
    contact me RIGHT NOW!
    Here are some details:  
    	- Deck studied: Tarot de Marseille
        - Language:     French only 
        - Teacher:      Mila Berthoud 
        - First session: March 22nd, 8pm
    I followed a 4-courses seminar with Mila in February, and was
    truly impressed by her knowledge, her way of teaching (you can see
    that she enjoys sharing her knowledge) and her experience (about
    10 years of practice - most exercices are based on real readings
    she did, and where she could know if the real outcome did or not
    correspond to her readings).  But Tarot reading is not her main
    "profession": she is a ballet teacher.
    Ines ABEYA @GEO DTN 821-4526
885.10STARDM::JOLLIMOREWe are what we thinkWed Mar 01 1989 11:1310
Native Spirit is at 615 Boston Post Road
                    Sudbury, MA  01776
                    (508) 443-7994
Open: Mon-Sat 10:00-5:30, Sun 12:00-5:00.

The Medicine Wheel-Earth Astrology class (Fri Mar 24) will be led by
Betsy Browne, an apprentice of Sun Bear, with the help of my wife Penny.
(I think they may be doing the Spring Equinox on Wed, Mar 15 too.)

885.11WILLEE::FRETTSkeep life's wonder aliveFri Mar 03 1989 21:4234
    The First Spiritual Temple of Brookline, MA is hosting Jean and
    Robert Bassett from Great Britain.  They are both mediums and
    will be presenting classes open to the public.  I apologize for
    the lateness of this notice....
        Sunday, March 5 - 7:30 pm         Donation: $6.00
        "The Changing Face of Mediumship" - Lecture and Demonstration
         of Spirit Communication - Jean Bassett
        Tuesday, March 7 - 7:30 pm        Donation: $15.00
        "The Fascinating Aura - Colors and Interpretations"
        A class with Jean Bassett
        Saturday, March 11 - 9:30 am to 5:00 pm     Donation: $55.00
        Preregistration required by Wednesday, March 8.
       	Seminar "The Use of Vibrations in Life and Development"
        Jean and Robert Bassett
        Donation also includes coffee and refreshment breaks, along
        with a lunch of tuna fish sandwich, chicken soup, salad and

    	All programs will be held at:
    	        The First Spiritual Temple
    	        16 Monmouth Street
                Brookline, Ma.
885.12moved by moderatorVITAL::KEEFEBill Keefe - 223-1837 - MLO21-4Tue Mar 21 1989 22:4019
Note xxxx.0                    Meditation Program                     No replies
CECV03::US_ES_ADMIN                                  16 lines  21-MAR-1989 19:04
    For those of you in the Andover, Massachusetts area, there is going
    to be a talk on Meditation sponsored by the Andover Sidha (sp) Center
    and the Boston Center.  The program is being billed as Swami and
    Company.  This program is open to the public.                  
    		PLACE:  Andover Library
    			Andover Center (Main Street also known as 
                                        Route 28)
    		TIME:  7:15 - 9:00 or so
    		ADMISSION:  Free
885.13Video shows/speakers' forum @Unicorn BooksMARKER::REEDA laugh a day keeps the blues awayFri Jun 16 1989 17:2947
    The Unicorn Books store features a video night every Monday, starting
    at 7:30 pm.  Admission is free of charge.
    	Jun -	19: Lazaris; Manifestation
    		26: Lazaris; The Future, How to Create It
    	Jul -	10: Mysterious Places series begins: Dragonquest; Scared
    		17: Archaeological Yucatan
    		24: Exploring Atlantis
    		31: Tantra of Gyuto; Tibet
    	Aug -	 7: Pilgrimage in India
    		14: Feature film series begins: Jonathan Livingston
    		21: Light Years (Utopian Animation Classic)
    		28: Health & Healing series begins: You Can Heal Your
    Unicorn Books also offers a Speakers' Forum on Thursday Nights,
    7:30 pm sharp, Admission $5 at the door or $25 for a series pass.
    	Jun -	22: The Path of the Moon-Intuitive Awareness, Avril
    		29: Summer Semester Opne House-Free Admission, a variety
    		     of talks throughout the evening
    	Jul -	 6: In Quest of Scared Britain-A slide show & sharing
    		     with Beth Bryant & Jan Brink
    		13: The Technology of Magic, Sheila Attig
    		20: Seeing the Truth-Healing vision, Christine O'Shea
    		27: Bringing Spirit into Daily Living, Jannika Hurwitt
    	Aug -	 3: CHI KUNG; Mastering Life Force, Kent Robertson
    		10: Relax & Energize: Craniosacral Unwinding, Doug Janssen
    		17: Feed the Body to Nourish the Spirit, Peter Janney
    		24: Cerridwen, The Goddess White, Vernon Boudillion
    Location: 	Unicorn Books                Mon-Thur  10am-9pm
    		1210 Massachusetts Avenue    Fri-Sat   10am-5:30pm
    		Arlington, MA  617-646-3680  Sun        1pm-5pm
    They also offer workshops and classes, have crystals and crystal
    jewelry, music, self-help/hypnosis tapes, etc.
885.14WILLEE::FRETTSflight of the dark...Thu Jun 22 1989 20:02114
	NOTE:  I am not connected with Women's Alliance, and will
	       not benefit in any way from anyone's attending this
	       event.  I am entering this notice so that women can
	       avail themselves of a unique experience.

	Carole Fretts

			Her Voice, Our Voices
	                A Women's Summer Camp

	Dates:  Saturday, August 5, 1 p.m. to Saturday, August 12, noon.
	Location:  The World Peace Camp site is in Poland Springs about
	           25 minutes from the Portland airport on 220 acres of
	           spruce forest  enclosing a mile-long clear lake.
	Accommodations:  Along the lake, there are 20 cabins with 
	           electricity, 10 cots each, a toilet and shower.
	           Campers are to provide their own sleeping bags.
	           Tent camping is optional.

	Meals:  Healthy vegetarian and non-vegetarian menus will be
	        served three times daily.

	Work exchange: Kitchen support/food prep; persons with small
                trucks for equipment transport; camp set-up, take-down
	        and general maintenance; airport pickups; lifeguard;
	Also needed:  Pilot with small jet for hire.

	Tuition:  $575, includes food, lodging, project materials and
	          the program.

	We are becoming whole:  owning the power of our womanhood,
	healing our personal herstories and stepping out to reshape
	the future.  In the last years of Camp we have discovered many
	things about ourselves.  Though every Camp is complete in itself,
	the focus of each is birthed by the experiences of the previous
	year.  We began with the question "What is the Feminine?", moved
	toward "Living From Feminine Vision", explored the shift "From 
	Power to Empowerment", and then delved into "Embodiment:  The
	Feminine Principle".  This year's theme "Enactment: Living from
	Our Deepest Selves" engages our ability to perceive the essence
	of our wisdom and to infuse it into every life-moment.

	The context of our week together will be the American Indian
	Medicine Wheel.  In the opening ceremony wewill build the
	symbolic form of the Wheel and each day will be related to one of 
	the eight places around the Wheel.  By moving through each of these
	viewpoints, we gain different gifts of knowledge about our central
	issue, enactment.  We will also enact the traditional Sundance,
	which is said to banish suffering by representing the movement of
	the Self around the Wheel of Life.

	During the week, we will construct and decorate medicine shields,
	which depict our life-visions and the strengths we need to carry
	them through.  More insight will be gained through an evening
	vision quest, where we will receive symbols and images of our 
	empowerment.  To further realize enactment, each woman will make
	an "action contract" with herself to create a future act of power
	and/or beauty.

	On each full day of Camp, there will be a morning presenter, your
	choice of two electives from the dozen offerings of the facilitators,
	including teaching, process or ceremonial groups and theater, dance,
	or music groups.  There is, also, free time to swim, boat, hike,
	journal, visit, browse through Gaia Bookstore, or receive a massage.

	Together and individually, we realize our remarkable capacity for
	creativity.  Camp's fertile environment encourages our dreams and
	gives impetus to our action in the world.  Many of us return each
	year and we hold the space for you to join us.


	Chellis Glendinning, Ph.D., Psychologist and Author
	Margot Adler, Author and Reporter
	Diane Mariechild, M.A., Healer, Teacher, and Author
	Shuli Goodman, M.A., Healer and Performer
	Elizabeth Dodson Gray, Environmentalist, Futurist and Author
	Norma Cordell, Therapist and Teacher
	Rhiannon, Performer
	Donna Wilshire, Author, Teacher, Singer, Actress and Storeteller
	Daena Giardella, Performer
	Bobbi Ausubel, Theater Director, Playwright and Teacher
	Rachel Bagby, Composer, Performer, Writer and Lawyer
	Colleen Kelley, Artist, Teacher, Counselor and Ceremonialist
	Kim Karkos, M.A., Ms.T., Human Resources Dev. Specialist and
                                 Bodywork Therapist
	Flor T. Fernandez, Ph.D., Pipe Carrier and Psychotherapist
	Anthea Francine, M.A. Theology and the Arts, Certified Watsu/
	                      Shiatsu practitioner, Workshop facilitator
	Kay Tift, Ed. D. Facilitator
	Dorothy May Emerson, M. Div. Minister, Consultant and Trainer
	Merlin Stone, Author
	Ruth Bly, Psychologist, City Planner and Author.

	Send tuition of $575 or $250 deposit, balance due July 15th,
	along with your name, address, and phone to:
		Women's Alliance
		P.O. Box 1882
	        Nevada City, CA   95959

885.15Fall WorkshopsCECV03::ESOMSThu Sep 07 1989 23:27221

                       With Malidomon P. Some
                 Friday, September 8, 7-10pm  $20.00

A diviner, healer schooled in the spiritual powers of the shamans of his
village, he has, in the course of his education in the West, refused to cut
himself away from the ancestral traditions currently in vigor in his native
village of Dano, Burkina Faso, West Africa.  Malidomon has been acting as the
voice his tribe in sharing with the Western World the theories and pratices 
of his tribal medicine ways.

Malidomon will speak about the medicine wheel, the manipulation of the five
elements. the location of individuals in the cosmic structure, and how
changes can be effected through an understanding of the wheel.

      				* * *

                              THE TAROT
      		        With Dianne Bourgeois
                 Friday, September 15, 7-10pm  $20.00      	

An evening talk on the art of Tarot Card Reading and a GROUP READING DEM-
ONSTRATION.  The Tarot which consists of 78 beautiful and symbolic cards, can
be consulted for personal growth.  Included will be the History of the Tarot,
why a Tarot reading works and how readers prepare for a reading.  Also the 
care of the cards and their contemporary application will be discussed.  Each
person will receive 3 cards, and receive a reading in a group setting.

      				* * *

                       HEALING WITH CRYSTALS
               With Deborah Cowens & Linda E. Atamamian
 Wednesday, September 20 7-10pm and Wednesday, September 27, 7-10pm  $40.00

Therapeutic Touch is a technique of using one's hands to help and to heal.  It
can relieve physical pain as well as help in working with mental and emotional
distress.  This technique can easily be used in one's personal or professional

This workshop will provide background information about Therapeutic Touch, as
well as teaching the participants how to give a Therapeutic Touch treatment 
using a clear quartz crystal.  Also discussed in this workshop will be a 
breakdown of the auric or energy field, and and explanation of the chakras 
with their corresponding color, organ, tone, disharmony and crystal tincture

Supervised practice time will be provided each evening.  Questions and feed-
back will be addressed as requested, with specific time set aside in the 
second class for sharing individual experiences using Therapeutic Touch.
Please bring a clear quartz crystal that fits comfortably in your hand.

      				* * *

                         With Ross Jennings
                  Friday, September 22, 7-10pm  $20.00

This introduction to the Art of Placemaking will provide an overview of 
ancient and modern spiritual technologies for bringing human activities 
into right relationship with the Earth's Energies.

Topics to be covered will include:

      * Practical Applications of Geomancy and Earth Accupuncture
      * The recognition and enhancement of natural holy sites
        through appropriate ceremonial activity
      * The remedial harmonization of Energy imbalances in home
        and work environments.
      * The seven stages of the Art of Placemaking

      				* * * 

                            With Whitewolf
                  Friday, September 29, 7-10pm  $20.00

Since before history, wise women from all cultures have celebrated our 
moon-blood cycles as sources of wisdom, creativity and intuitive power.

Join us as we reconnect with these sacred traditions through songs,
guided meditation and a womens council circle.

We'll also discuss traditional healing methods including herbal remedies
for modern moontime concerns such as "PMS", cramps, irregular cycles and
nutritional problems.  

This workshop is for women only.

      				* * *

      			   With Shanti North
      		   Friday, October 6, 7-10th  $20.00

Journey with the shaman to the place between the worlds.  Shanti North will
present an evening of shamanic adventure for those who wish to view their
lives from a non ordinary perspective.  We will journey to the place of the
power animals, and we will create ritual and ceremony that help bring new
realities ito our lives.  Participants should bring Drums or percussion
instruments for a drumming and healing ceremony at the end of the evening. 
Also be encourage to bring power objects, crystals, etc. to be blessed and 
come in ceremonial or expressive cloghing if you wish as we will be uniting
as a tribe for this evening.

      				* * * 

      		             DREAM PLAY
      		     With Sandy Corcoran_Grazda
                  Friday, October 13, 7-10pm  $20.00

Dreams are a rich and important source of guidance and creativity.  Through
discussion, meditations, ceremony and color charts, come see how yu can 
play with your dreams to begin actively becomming a conscious dreamer.

      * Bring notebook and a crystal if you have one. (Crystals are
        available for purchase at the store.)

      				* * *

      			    With Lisa Credin
      		  Friday, October 20, 7-10  $20.00

"Now we come to the Essence of the energy currents within us, by which our
body operates, moves and has its being as a living human entity, in health 
or in dis-ease.  When these four polarized energy currents flow freely, we
call it health."  Dr. Randolf Stone. 

Polarity Therapy is a science of balancing the energy of our being.  It is
effective for stress reduction, relaxation and supporting the healing process.
Polarity uses hands-on bodywork in combination with unconditional love and
attention ot our energetic relationships to food, movement and attitudes to
regain and maintain the state of health.

During this time together, we will experience contacting this source of
energy.  You will also learn techniques for balancing others and exercises
for re-energizing yourself.  Basic theory will be presented to support your
understanding of Polarity and its approach to working with the core energy.

      				* * *

      			   With Betsy Browne
      		  Friday, November 3, 7-10pm  $20.00

Do you have some old baggage or old roles that are no longer useful to you?
Would you like to share i a way to make room for new energy and new ways of 

Bring with you a symbol of what you want to let go. 

      				* * *

      			With Steven McFadden
      		Friday, November 10, 7-10pm  $20.00

As we pass through this time of profound earth changes, and especially since 
the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the element of fire is markedly active in 
the world.  It can be observed on all leves:  in the forest, in the Greenhouse
Effect, as ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and as personal and social
chaos.  But the fire is also burning on a spiritual level, for awakening and
pruification.  In this evening workshop we will explore the concept of fire
so that we may intelligently engage with it as an ally for healing, clarity,
and vitality.  We will also cooperate wit the flower kingdom, learning how to
prepare medicines for the soul.

Many Native elders teach that we have recently entered the Age of Flowers, a
time when the flowers will become humanity's greatest allies and teachers.  In
many respects, flowers are the perfect antidote for dealing with the excesses
of fire in the world.  Flowers embody the element of air.  When we influence
the quanity of air, we influence the way fire burns, and can thereby channel
the flaming element in the service of creation rather han destruction.  Flowers
are a graceful yet subtly powerful way to manifest this kind of influence.

      				* * * 

      			  With Betsy Browne
      		Wednesday, November 15, 7-10pm  $20.00

"There's a rive of birds in migration, a nation of women with wings."

It becomes more important all the time that women learn to share spiritwork
with each other, with our voices, with our experiences, in safety with each
other.  Much of what we will be working with this evening was inspired by 
Eagle Song women's encampment in Montana.

      				* * *

      		    With Sandy Corcoran-Grazda
       Friday, December 1, 7-10pm  $20.00 + $8.00 Material Fee

There are a wide variety of beading techniques available to the crafter.
This workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals needed to create flat
weave beaded earrings.

      * Please bring small, sharp scissors and patience - all other 
        materials will be provided.
      * This class is limited to 15 people.
      * Come create a holiday gift for yourself or a friend.

      				* * *

For further info on these classes, instructors, or to register or to be put
on their mailing list, call or visit:

      			    NATIVE SPIRIT
      			615 Boston Post Road
      			 Sudbury, MA  01776

      		       Telephone: 508-443-7994

Disclaimer:  I am not associated with Native Spirit.  I typed this info to
benefit those who might wish to participate in these classes.


885.16SOEN'YOGVAADG::DONALDSONthe green frog leaps...Tue Nov 07 1989 07:43230
885.17Winter WorkshopsCECV03::ESOMSPriscilla or Joanne, DTN 249-1410, BUO/E15Mon Jan 22 1990 22:44112
                                NATIVE SPIRIT
                          WINTER WORKSHOP SCHEDULE

Friday, Jan 26, 7-10pm $20

      			* * * * *

                      and Linda Atamian CMT
Wednesday, Jan 31, 7-10pm  and Wednesday, Feb 7, 7-10pm  $40

      			* * * * *

                      Nancy Brady Cunningham
Friday, Feb 2, 7-10 pm $20

      			* * * * *

                      Joseph Jochmans
Friday, Feb 9, 7-10 pm $20

      			* * * * *

YES! WE REMEMBER THE GREAT GODDESS! with Apara Borrowes-Toabe, M.S.
Friday, Feb 16, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

EMPOWERMENT IN OUR LIVES with Ariane M. St. Claire
Friday, Feb 23, 7-10 pm $20

      			* * * * *

Friday, Mar 2, 7-10 pm $20

      			* * * * *

                     and Linda Atamian CMT
Wednesday, Mar 7, 7-10 $20

      			* * * * *

Friday, Mar 16, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

DIALOGUES WITH THE DARK with Ariane M. St. Claire
Friday, Mar 23, 7-10pm $20

      			* * * * *

      		    Sandy Corcoran_Grazia, M.ED
Wednesday, Mar 28, 7-10 and Friday, Mar 30, 7-10  $40 plus $10 mat'ls

      			* * * * *

Friday, Apr 6, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

DREAM PLAY I with Sandy Corcoran-Grazda, M.ED
Friday, Apr 13, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

Wednesday, Apr 18, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

DREAM PLAY II with Sandy Corcoran-Grazda, M.ED
Friday, Apr 27, 7-10  $20

      			* * * * *

 		    Hutchins, Pamela Pierson, Barbara Warren
Wednesday, May 16, 7-10 pm  $20

      			* * * * *

WEAVING A RAINBOW SHIELD with Rainbow Weaver (Valerie Brant)
Sunday, May 6, 10am-5pm  $50 plus $10 materials fee - Bring a lunch

      		              OFFERINGS, CALL

                               Native Spirit
                           615 Boston Post Road
      		            Sudbury, MA  01776 

      			   Tel #:  508-443-7994

DISCLAIMER:  I an not associated with Native Spirit in any way.  This info
is provided for the convenience of those who are interested in attending 
the workshops only.
885.18WILLEE::FRETTSAll the Earth is alive...Tue Feb 06 1990 16:4048

	        	    THE MEDICINE WHEEL 
    	                  with Jill-Laurie Crane
                 Friday, March 16 - Saturday, March 17, 1990

  The Medicine Wheel is an ancient symbol used by Native American cultures to
  harmonize with the rhythms of the seasons and natural flow of changes within
  an individual's life.  To know where you stand on the Medicine Wheel is to 
  fully live that moment in time, drawing deeply from its lessons and joys.

  This workshop will teach the symbolism of the four directions of the
  Medicine Wheel: what they represent in the outer world and how they can be
  applied to your inner rhythms and life cycles.  Using collage, paint and
  drawing, the workshop culminates with the creation of your own personal
  Medicine Wheel.

  Jill-Laurie Crane is a psychotherapist and teacher with a deep dedication
  to the healing process for individuals and for the Earth.  Her workshops
  combine presentation, stories, music and group activities.  She has 
  received her training in Native American traditions from Brooke Medicine
  Eagle, both her in New England and in the mountains of Montana.

  To be held at:    Walnut Hill Seminar House
                    Raymond, New Hampshire (1 hour north of Boston)

  Dates:            Friday, March 16 from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
                    Saturday, March 17 from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm

  Cost:             $75.00 ($65.00 early registration by March 1st)
	            ($30.00 deposit requested)

      Room and board are available at Walnut Hill for an additional $20.00.

      Walnut Hill is a lovely conference center set amidst 35 acres of land
      with nature trails.

      For more information call:  Jill-Laurie at (617) 861-0349

      Disclaimer:  I will not personally benefit from anyone's attendance
      at this workshop.

885.19Avril Bell - Psychic DevelopmentNAC::P_RICKARDThu Feb 15 1990 17:0615
    Avril Bell has given me permission to include her name in this
    Avril Bell
    Avril teaches classes in psychic development at the Unicorn Bookstore
    and has an ongoing class which meets weekly in her home.  She also
    does Tarot readings.  I met her at a psychic fair where she did a Tarot
    reading for me.  I then attended her introductory psychic development
    class at the Unicorn and the entire group decided to continue on a
    weekly basis at her home.  We have been meeting regularly since the
    fall.  We do guided meditations, work with spirit guides, have done a
    past life regression, and have worked with psychometry and the Voyager
    Tarot.  Avril has a wonderful sense of humor and is a joy to work with.
885.20ASTROLOGY SEMINAR - MARCH 31CARTUN::SGADDISThu Mar 15 1990 15:4443
    Following is an article about an astrology workshop taking place in
    Nashua, NH on March 31.  This is for your info only--I have no
    financial interest involved.  I've been to one of Virginia's workshops,
    and she's dynamic, interesting, humorous, and very knowledgeable.  She
    did natal charts for my husband and me, as well as a city chart on
    Santa Fe in relation to us as we're moving there soon.  She's
                        KEY ELEMENTS OF THE ZODIAC
    You can improve your personal and professional relationships if you
    understand and use the 4 elemental astrological archetypes of fire,
    water, air and earth.  So says Nashua astrologist and author Virginia
    K. Miller, who will lead a seminar titled "Key Elements of the Zodiac"
    on Saturday, March 31, at the Marriott Hotel in Nashua, NH (exit 8 off
    of Rte. 3) from 10 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
    Participants will explore the four elements in depth and will learn
    their correspondences to different personality types and different
    Zodiac signs.  "Once you understand someone's elemental personality,
    you can objectively understand their expectations and reactions,"
    explains Miller.  "Obviously, this has very practical applications in
    your personal and business relationships."
    As an example, a boss with a fire personality tends to be impatient,
    spontaneous, hassled by details and gratified by quick results.  In
    contrast, an earth-oriented person would respect well thought out plans
    and be troubled by last-minute decisions.  "By knowing what element your
    boss is ruled by, you can increase your ability to meet his or her
    definition of job excellence," emphasizes Miller.  "Naturally, this
    gives you the advantage."
    No previous astrological study is necessary to attend this seminar;
    anyone who would like to learn more about the wisdom of astrology and
    how to use it in every day life is welcome.  For more info, call
    Stellar Communications at (603) 880-6078.  Pre-registration is strongly
    suggested.  The cost of the seminar, which includes lunch, is $75 if
    pre-registered and $90 at the door.
    To register, send a check along with your date of birth to Stellar
    Communications, P.O. Box 1403, Nashua, NH 03061.  Master Card or Visa
885.21A Healing CircleVITAL::KEEFEBill Keefe - 223-1837 - MLO1-2Mon Apr 30 1990 12:1729
    (disclaimer - I have no financial interest in this seminar, it is
     entered for the informational purposes only, with the consent of
     the person named below.)
       				A Healing Circle
    				The Healing Place
    				74 Morse Rd. 
    				Framingham, MA
    		Our focus in these sessions is to welcome the
    		emerging self within you. The being that will 
    		walk into tomorrow's world.
    		Join us in a circle of self-emergence - of 
    		nourishment, of discovery, of wonder.
    		DATES: Tuesdays, May 8 - June 12, 1990
    		Time: 7 - 9 PM
    		Cost: $30.00
    		Please bring a pillow to sit on, a notebook 
    		and pen/pencil for recording your insights
    		and revelations.
    		Call:  Aleia @ 508-620-1949
885.22This Friday, May 26thTNPUBS::PAINTERPlanet CrayonTue May 23 1995 18:2315
From Wayne Shumaker, former DEJAVUer, and student of the Barbara Brennan
    School of Healing:
Here is a workshop that may be of interest to DEJAVU:
Don Morris is a past life therapist that I have seen a few times. He has
been certified through Dr. Roger Woolger's training program, one of about
7 therapists in the country now. 

Don is giving a workshop at Seven Stars (near Harvard Square on JFK, just
off Memorial Drive) this Friday from 7:00-10:00, cost is $20. The focus 
of his work is for healing. The process is very good at clearing unresolved
issues from other lifetimes. Also, the work is a body-oriented approach.