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Title: | Psychic Phenomena |
Notice: | Please read note 1.0-1.* before writing |
Moderator: | JARETH::PAINTER |
Created: | Wed Jan 22 1986 |
Last Modified: | Tue May 27 1997 |
Last Successful Update: | Fri Jun 06 1997 |
Number of topics: | 2143 |
Total number of notes: | 41773 |
351.0. "Possible UFO Scam" by INK::KALLIS (Hallowe'en should be legal holiday) Tue Apr 28 1987 18:05
Today I received something in the mail that's worth passing along,
with a few observations. [The names will be changed to prevent
liability of either myself or Digital.]
The envelope was a bulk mailing item, letter size, saying on its
exterior how I (or presumably any reader) could earn "up to" a sizable
amount of money within the next six months.
Inside was a cover letter, addressing me as a "future millionaire."
The gist of the letter was that I could become a distributor for
an audio tape [described below], that should net me lots of money.
There was a covering letter describing what the tape was about.
The organization sponsoring the distribution of the tape enclosed
a claim and official statement purporting to talk about recordings
of "beings from outer space." The second document, as a preamble
to the "official statement" about the alleged "incident" cautions
that people with psychological or cardiac problems not to read further.
[An old psychological trick, of course, like the theaters who used
to run horror films with nurses in attendance (or release forms)
for people with weak hearts.]
The story was that a person in the "Government" tipped the writers
off to go to a certain spot on a certain day and wait with recording
equipment. When they got there, some mysterious people appeared,
some of whom were reported to be wearing uniforms of high-ranking
Air Force officers, while others "appeared" to be either from the
F.B.I. or C.I.A. The civilians tried to scare off the writers,
but unsuccessfully. Others arrived, who were also supposedly tipped
off, and at a certain time, a UFO appeared. Although some frightened
witnesses tried to drive off, their cars wouldn't function. Per
the "tip," the writers had recording equipment (that somehow wasn't
affected by whatever kept the cars from running, though the writer
neither mentions nor explains how this was possible or done), and
they received a message that now is on cassette.
This recording (which oddly _wasn't_ immediately confiscated by
the Government-looking types) is what one can sell. The people
pushing the tape indicate that I, as an "independent distributor"
would accept orders, keep half the money, and let them process the
orders, sending the tapes out direct. Eventuall;y, the sponsoring
organization will send out a "massive press release" to major media
and that will increase the demand as "frightened people" throughout
the world want their very own copies.
They claim there's "one master copy" of the tape and offer a challenge
to prove that it's otherwise.
On the surface, it looks like _quite_ a scam. According to their
own literature, an "immediate news blackout was ordered by the
authorities," which is hard to believe any responsible news
organization (to say nothing of the likes of _The National Enquirer_)
would go along with, after such relative trivia as The Pentagon
Papers and the White House Tapes were published, despite official
pressure. Further, any good tape duplicating operation could make
hundreds of copies of the tape each day, and obviously, an "independent
distributor" would know where he or she received the tapes.
Another point here concerns "indepent distributor." That's what
people who sell the tape would become. That limits the liability
of the people supplying the tape.
Just something to share.....
Steve Kallis, Jr.
T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
351.1 | what a riot! | MASTER::EPETERSON | | Tue Apr 28 1987 18:26 | 7 |
| Steve,
I am sitting here just about rolling on the floor with laughter!
The funniest part of it all is that the scam will probably be a
rageing success! What did you say that company address? (>:-})
M. Daly
351.2 | sounds 'scammish' to me | USAT02::CARLSON | Fear is the mind killer | Tue Apr 28 1987 18:27 | 7 |
| Heard something vaguely similiar on the radio last week.
A very sceptical individual (forgot name) is offering some odd
$10,000. if you can prove you've been kidnapped by some Extra
Terrestrials. I don't think a letter postmarked in Jupiter will
do it. ;-)
351.3 | update | ERASER::KALLIS | Why is everyone getting uptight? | Mon Mar 21 1988 17:18 | 8 |
| Well, nigh onto a year has passed since I received that mailing.
Its credibility can be examined by the fact that about six months
ago, this supersecret tape (or copies thereof) would go public.
Along with a "massive press release."
I haven't heard of even a teensy-weensie press release.
Steve Kallis, Jr.
351.4 | further update | LESCOM::KALLIS | Pumpkins -- Nature's greatest gift. | Wed Feb 13 1991 11:13 | 7 |
| Re above:
Well, just for fun, another negative update. This is now three years
from the last update, and no "massive press release," or even ads for
the tape.
Steve Kallis, Jr.
351.5 | | RIPPLE::GRANT_JO | planet-ducted pelican | Wed Feb 13 1991 13:17 | 8 |
| re: .4
Time to delete the word "possible" from the note's title!
351.6 | "Possible, probable, my black hen ...." | LESCOM::KALLIS | Pumpkins -- Nature's greatest gift. | Wed Feb 13 1991 19:14 | 7 |
| Re .5 (Joel):
Unless "they" suppressed it all ...
Steve Kallis, Jr.
351.7 | | RIPPLE::GRANT_JO | planet-ducted pelican | Wed Feb 13 1991 22:22 | 8 |
| re: .6 (Steve)
I have stolen Joel and taken over his account.
Yes, we did.