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Conference orarep::nomahs::rdb_60

Title:Oracle Rdb - Still a strategic database for DEC on Alpha AXP!
Notice:RDB_60 is archived, please use RDB_70..
Created:Fri Mar 18 1994
Last Modified:Fri May 30 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5118
Total number of notes:28246

5041.0. "NODBK error with Rdb 7" by M5::GHODSON () Tue Feb 18 1997 15:41


I have a customer on Rdb 7 with a table containing one record.  Something 
happened so that now he can do:
SQL> attach 'filename scp_rdb7_db'; 
SQL> select * from HIGH_WATER_TABLE; 
%RDB-E-NO_RECORD, access by dbkey failed because dbkey is no longer associated 
with a record 
-RDMS-F-NODBK, 228:30:0 does not point to a data record 
SQL> select count(*) from HIGH_WATER_TABLE; 
1 row selected 

Since we don't know what happened to cause this and he has not tried to 
reproduce the problem, we don't have a lot to go on...

But based on the following info, does this look like some issue that has been 
seen with Rdb 7?

Thanks for any input.
Gary Hodson


SQL> show table HIGH_WATER_TABLE; 
Information for table HIGH_WATER_TABLE 
Comment on table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
This is the high water table for restartable transactions 
Columns for table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
Column Name                     Data Type        Domain 
-----------                     ---------        ------ 
HW_TRANS_NAME                   CHAR(32)         HW_TRANS_NAME 
HW_INIT_END_TIME                DATE VMS         HW_INIT_END_TIME 
 Check constraint HIGH_WATER_TABLE_CHECK1 
Table constraints for HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
 Check constraint 
Constraints referencing table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
No constraints found 
Indexes on table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
No indexes found 
Storage Map for table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
Triggers on table HIGH_WATER_TABLE: 
No triggers found 

SQL> show storage map HIGH_WATER_TABle_map 
 For Table:             HIGH_WATER_TABLE 
 Partitioning is:       UPDATABLE 
 Store clause:          STORE in RUNTIME_INFO_GRP_U 
 Compression is:        ENABLED 
From an rmu/analyze/options=debug scp_rdb7_db 
0 Storage-area-name              Area-ID Page-len Last-page File-name 
0   Logical-area-name              Larea-ID Rec-type    Rec-len Compressed 
1 RUNTIME_INFO_GRP_U                   54    6144        111 
2   HIGH_WATER_TABLE                    228      52      10333   T 
2   SCHEDULE_PARAMETERS                 267      47       2432   T 
2   DATABASE_NODE                       284     148         40   T 
Priv: prince ~db~Dev> rmu/dump/larea=228 
_Root: scp_rdb7_db 
* Oracle Rdb V7.0-0                                     17-FEB-1997 17:09:47.71 
* Dump of Logical area HIGH_WATER_TABLE 
*     Database: PRINCE$DKB500:[SCP_DB_70.RDB]SCP_DEV.RDB;1 
                   0036 00000002  0000  page 2, physical area 54 
                        785E870E  0006  checksum = 785E870E 
               009AFF15 863A3A00  000A  time stamp = 15-FEB-1997 22:10:32.48 
                       0000 0004  0012  4 free bytes, 0 locked 
                        FFFFFFFF  0016  next area bit map page -1 
                        00000000  001A  max set bit index 0 
                        00000000  001E  MBZ '....' 
                        0000BE60  0022  bitvector count 48736 
00000000000000000000000000000001  0026  bitvector '................' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0036  bitvector '................' 
                                  ::::  (378 duplicate lines) 
        000000000000000000000000  17E6  bitvector '............' 
                        00000000  17F2  MBZ '....' 
                            80E4  17F6  bitmap page for logical area 228 
                        00000000  17F8  page sequence number 0 
                            0000  17FC  page TSN base 0 
                            0000  17FE  MBZ '..' 

                   0036 0000001E  0000  page 30, physical area 54 
                        F0418B97  0006  checksum = F0418B97 
               009B007A 53E7FF4A  000A  time stamp = 17-FEB-1997 16:44:38.38 
                       0004 1708  0012  5896 free bytes, 4 locked 
                            0001  0016  1 line 
                       00C1 172C  0018  line 0: offset 172C, 193 bytes 
                        0002DFFD  001C  line 0: TSN 188413 
                        07B207B2  0020  locked space '2.2.' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0024  free space '................' 
                                  ::::  (367 duplicate lines) 
                0001003400000000  1724  free space '....4...' 
                            0E00  172C  line 0 (54:30:0) record type 3584 
                         46 0001  172E  Control information 
                         5F58 49  1731  73 bytes, storage set type 24408 
                       4C4C49 42  1734   next  58:-15134:-7 
                         4F52 5F  1738   owner 43:32:0 
                 FF0097209253 57  173B   prior 53:9904304:83 
20FF20FF20FF000003E503008720FE20  1742  ** junk ** '  ...e.... . . ' 
20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF  1752  ** junk ** '. . . . . . . . ' 
                                  ::::  (1 duplicate line) 
                20FF20FF20FF20FF  1772  ** junk ** '. . . . ' 
                FF20FF20 FF 20FF  177A  8447 bytes, data item type -224 
FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20FF20  1781    data ' . . . . . . . .' 
                                  ::::  (5 duplicate lines) 
00000200FC4E02208F20FF20FF20FF20  17E1    data ' . . . . .N|....' 
00000000000000000000E40002E00000  17F1    data '..`..d..........' 
00000000010000002000000000000000  1801    data '....... ........' 
70000000000000000000000000000000  1811    data '...............p' 
000000000002103A010000000000C0F5  1821    data 'u@......:.......' 
50000000010000010000000000000000  1831    data '...............P' 
43535B3A303035424B442445434E4952  1841    data 'RINCE$DKB500:[SC' 
5F5043535D4244522E30375F42445F50  1851    data 'P_DB_70.RDB]SCP_' 
5F4F464E495F454D49544E55525F4244  1861    data 'DB_RUNTIME_INFO_' 
00000000000000313B4144522E505247  1871    data 'GRP.RDA;1.......' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  1881    data '................' 
                                  ::::  (10 duplicate lines) 
78000000000000000000000000000000  1931    data '...............x' 
010000000100001800FF4F9778FF4F97  1941    data '.O.x.O..........' 
0000000002DFE8F93392D50036000000  1951    data '...6.U.3yh_.....' 
0000000333FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000280  1961    data '...........3....' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  1971    data '................' 
                                  ::::  (40 duplicate lines) 
E40A9F00000000000000000000000000  1C01    data '...............d' 
0B010B010B010B010B010B010B010B00  1C11    data '................' 
0B010B010B010B010B010B010B010B01  1C21    data '................' 
                                  ::::  (1 duplicate line) 
0000000000000000E4011C011C010B01  1C41    data '.......d........' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  1C51    data '................' 
                                  ::::  (334 duplicate lines) 
90000000000000000000000000000000  3141    data '................' 
000000000000001170FF4F88D0000631  3151    data '1...O.p........' 
00000000000000000000000000000000  3161    data '................' 
                                  ::::  (112 duplicate lines) 
                0000000000000000  3871    data '........' 
                                  ====  ** overlap ** (00C115A9:00C0F461) 
                              00  17ED  padding '.' 
                        00000002  17EE  snap page pointer 2 
                        0002E000  17F2  snap pointer TSN 188416 
                            00E4  17F6  logical area 228 
                        00000000  17F8  page sequence number 0 
                            0000  17FC  page TSN base 0 
                            0000  17FE  MBZ '..' 
Priv: prince ~db~Dev> 
Spam page: 
rmu/dump/area = 54 scp_rdb7_db/end=1 
* Oracle Rdb V7.0-0                                     17-FEB-1997 17:17:55.70 
* Dump of Live area RUNTIME_INFO_GRP_U 
*     Database: PRINCE$DKB500:[SCP_DB_70.RDB]SCP_DEV.RDB;1 
                   0036 00000001  0000  page 1, physical area 54 (space mgmt) 
                        F93392D5  0006  checksum = F93392D5 
               80000000 0002DFE8  000A  Fast incremental backup TSN = 0:188392 
                       0000 0002  0012  2 free bytes, 0 locked 
00000000000000000333FFFFFFFFFFFF  0016  pages 2-26: threshold 3 
                                        page 27: threshold 0 
                                        page 28: threshold 3 
                                        page 29: threshold 0 
                                        page 30: threshold 3 
                                        pages 31-65: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0026  pages 66-129: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0036  pages 130-193: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0046  pages 194-257: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0056  pages 258-321: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0066  pages 322-385: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0076  pages 386-449: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0086  pages 450-513: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0096  pages 514-577: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00A6  pages 578-641: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00B6  pages 642-705: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00C6  pages 706-769: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00D6  pages 770-833: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00E6  pages 834-897: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  00F6  pages 898-961: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0106  pages 962-1025: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0116  pages 1026-1089: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0126  pages 1090-1153: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0136  pages 1154-1217: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0146  pages 1218-1281: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0156  pages 1282-1345: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0166  pages 1346-1409: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0176  pages 1410-1473: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0186  pages 1474-1537: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0196  pages 1538-1601: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01A6  pages 1602-1665: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01B6  pages 1666-1729: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01C6  pages 1730-1793: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01D6  pages 1794-1857: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01E6  pages 1858-1921: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  01F6  pages 1922-1985: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0206  pages 1986-2049: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0216  pages 2050-2113: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0226  pages 2114-2177: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0236  pages 2178-2241: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0246  pages 2242-2305: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0256  pages 2306-2369: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0266  pages 2370-2433: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0276  pages 2434-2497: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0286  pages 2498-2561: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  0296  pages 2562-2625: threshold 0 
00000000000000000000000000000000  02A6  pages 2626-2689: threshold 0 
                0000000000000000  02B6  pages 2690-2720: threshold 0 
                            0A9F  02BE  2719 clumps 
                            00E4  02C0  pages 2-2, logical area 228 
                            010B  02C2  pages 3-3, logical area 267 
                            010B  02C4  pages 4-4, logical area 267 
                            010B  02C6  pages 5-5, logical area 267 
                            010B  02C8  pages 6-6, logical area 267 
                            010B  02CA  pages 7-7, logical area 267 
                            010B  02CC  pages 8-8, logical area 267 
                            010B  02CE  pages 9-9, logical area 267 
                            010B  02D0  pages 10-10, logical area 267 
                            010B  02D2  pages 11-11, logical area 267 
                            010B  02D4  pages 12-12, logical area 267 
                            010B  02D6  pages 13-13, logical area 267 
                            010B  02D8  pages 14-14, logical area 267 
                            010B  02DA  pages 15-15, logical area 267 
                            010B  02DC  pages 16-16, logical area 267 
                            010B  02DE  pages 17-17, logical area 267 
                            010B  02E0  pages 18-18, logical area 267 
                            010B  02E2  pages 19-19, logical area 267 
                            010B  02E4  pages 20-20, logical area 267 
                            010B  02E6  pages 21-21, logical area 267 
                            010B  02E8  pages 22-22, logical area 267 
                            010B  02EA  pages 23-23, logical area 267 
                            010B  02EC  pages 24-24, logical area 267 
                            010B  02EE  pages 25-25, logical area 267 
                            010B  02F0  pages 26-26, logical area 267 
                            010B  02F2  pages 27-27, logical area 267 
                            011C  02F4  pages 28-28, logical area 284 
                            011C  02F6  pages 29-29, logical area 284 
                            00E4  02F8  pages 30-30, logical area 228 
                            0000  02FA  pages 31-31, logical area 0 
                            0000  02FC  pages 32-32, logical area 0 
                            0000  02FE  pages 33-33, logical area 0 
                            0000  0300  pages 34-34, logical area 0 
                            0000  0302  pages 35-35, logical area 0 
                            0000  0304  pages 36-36, logical area 0 
                            0000  0306  pages 37-37, logical area 0 
                            0000  0308  pages 38-38, logical area 0 
                            0000  030A  pages 39-39, logical area 0 
                            0000  030C  pages 40-40, logical area 0 
                            0000  030E  pages 41-41, logical area 0 
                            0000  0310  pages 42-42, logical area 0 
                            0000  0312  pages 43-43, logical area 0 
                            0000  0314  pages 44-44, logical area 0 
                            0000  0316  pages 45-45, logical area 0 
                            0000  0318  pages 46-46, logical area 0 
                            0000  031A  pages 47-47, logical area 0 
                            0000  031C  pages 48-48, logical area 0 
                            0000  031E  pages 49-49, logical area 0 
                            0000  0320  pages 50-50, logical area 0 
                            0000  0322  pages 51-51, logical area 0 
                            0000  0324  pages 52-52, logical area 0 
                            0000  0326  pages 53-53, logical area 0 
                            0000  0328  pages 54-54, logical area 0 
                            0000  032A  pages 55-55, logical area 0 
                            0000  032C  pages 56-56, logical area 0 
                            0000  032E  pages 57-57, logical area 0 
                            0000  0330  pages 58-58, logical area 0 
                            0000  0332  pages 59-59, logical area 0 
                            0000  0334  pages 60-60, logical area 0 
                            0000  0336  pages 61-61, logical area 0 
                            0000  0338  pages 62-62, logical area 0 
                            0000  033A  pages 63-63, logical area 0 
                            0000  033C  pages 64-64, logical area 0 
                            0000  033E  pages 65-65, logical area 0 
                            0000  0340  pages 66-66, logical area 0 
                            0000  0342  pages 67-67, logical area 0 
                            0000  0344  pages 68-68, logical area 0 
                            0000  0346  pages 69-69, logical area 0 
                            0000  0348  pages 70-70, logical area 0 
                            0000  034A  pages 71-71, logical area 0 
                            0000  034C  pages 72-72, logical area 0 
                            0000  034E  pages 73-73, logical area 0 
                            0000  0350  pages 74-74, logical area 0 
                            0000  0352  pages 75-75, logical area 0 
                            0000  0354  pages 76-76, logical area 0 
                            0000  0356  pages 77-77, logical area 0 
                            0000  0358  pages 78-78, logical area 0 
                            0000  035A  pages 79-79, logical area 0 
                            0000  17EE  pages 2713-2713, logical area 0 
                            0000  17F0  pages 2714-2714, logical area 0 
                            0000  17F2  pages 2715-2715, logical area 0 
                            0000  17F4  pages 2716-2716, logical area 0 
                            0000  17F6  pages 2717-2717, logical area 0 
                            0000  17F8  pages 2718-2718, logical area 0 
                            0000  17FA  pages 2719-2719, logical area 0 
                            0000  17FC  pages 2720-2720, logical area 0 
                            0000  17FE  MBZ free '..' 
rmu/dump scp_rdb7_db 
* Oracle Rdb V7.0-0                                     17-FEB-1997 17:25:28.42 
* Dump of Database header  
*     Database: PRINCE$DKB500:[SCP_DB_70.RDB]SCP_DEV.RDB;1 
Database Parameters: 
    Root filename is "PRINCE$DKB500:[SCP_DB_70.RDB]SCP_DEV.RDB;1" 
    Created at  3-AUG-1996 11:20:26.58 
    Oracle Rdb structure level is 70.1 
    Maximum user count is 100 
    Maximum node count is 2 
    Database open mode is AUTOMATIC 
    Database close mode is AUTOMATIC 
    Database will be mapped in process space 
    All transaction modes are allowed 
    Snapshot mode is NON-DEFERRED 
    Statistics are enabled 
    Storage Areas... 
      - Active storage area count is 159 
      - Reserved storage area count is 65 
    Row Caches... 
      - Active row cache count is 0 
      - Reserved row cache count is 1 
      - Sweep interval is 1 second 
      - Default cache file directory is database directory 
      - WARNING: Maximum node count is 2 instead of 1 
      - WARNING: After-image journaling is disabled 
      - WARNING: Fast commit is disabled 
      - Default user buffer count is 600 
      - Default recovery buffer count is 600 
      - Global buffers are enabled 
          Global buffer count is 2000 
          Maximum global buffer count per user is 200 
      - Buffer size is 12 blocks 
      - Asynchronous pre-fetch is enabled 
          Maximum pre-fetch depth is 8 buffers 
      - Detected asynchronous pre-fetch is enabled 
          Maximum pre-fetch depth is 4 buffers 
          Pre-fetch threshold is 4 pages 
      - Asynchronous batch-write is enabled 
          Clean buffer count is 5 
          Maximum batch size is 10 buffers 
      - Optimized page transfer is disabled 
      - Adjustable record locking is enabled 
          Fanout factor 1 is 10 (10 pages) 
          Fanout factor 2 is 10 (100 pages) 
          Fanout factor 3 is 10 (1000 pages) 
      - Carry-over lock optimization is enabled 
      - Lock tree partitioning is disabled 
    RUJ Journaling... 
      - No default recovery-unit journal directory 
    AIJ Journaling... 
      - After-image journaling is disabled 
      - Database is configured for 1 journal 
      - Reserved journal count is 1 
      - Available journal count is 0 
      - 1 journal can be created while database is active 
      - Shutdown time is 60 minutes 
      - Backup operation is manual 
      - Default backup filename edits are not used 
      - Log server startup is MANUAL 
      - Operator notification is disabled 
      - Journal overwrite is disabled 
      - AIJ cache on "electronic disk" is disabled 
      - Default journal allocation is 512 blocks 
      - Default journal extension is 512 blocks 
      - Default journal initialization is 512 blocks 
      - Current roll-forward sequence number is 136 
      - Current backup sequence number is 136 
    Fast Commit... 
      - Fast commit is disabled 
      - No checkpointing AIJ interval is specified 
      - No checkpointing time interval is specified 
      - Commit to AIJ optimization is disabled 
      - Transaction interval is 256 
    Hot Standby... 
      - WARNING: After-image journaling is disabled 
      - WARNING: Fast commit is disabled 
      - WARNING: Log server startup is MANUAL 
      - WARNING: Non-journalled database modifications have been made 
      - WARNING: Database has been modified while replication inactive 
      - Informational: Operator notification is disabled 
      - Database is not currently being replicated 
    Security Auditing... 
      - Security auditing is disabled 
      - Security alarm is disabled 
      - No audit journal filename is specified 
      - No alarm name is specified 
      - Synchronous audit record flushing is disabled 
      - Audit every access 
    Database Backup... 
      - Fast incremental backup is enabled 
      - Last full database backup was on 14-FEB-1997 15:36:24.79 
      - Full database backup TSN is 0:185136 
      - Database backup AIJ sequence number is 49 
    Derived Data... 
      - Global section size 
          With global buffers disabled is 548032 bytes 
          With global buffers enabled is 14793334 bytes 
    Database Recovery... 
      - Database is consistent but has been modified 
      - Full AIJ roll-forward is no longer permitted to this database 
          By-Area and By-Page AIJ roll-forward is permitted 
      - Full AIJ roll-forward to a newly restored database is permitted 
      - Next AIJ sequence number expected is 136 
      - Last commit transaction TSN is 0:188413 
      - AIJ roll-forward is no-quiet-point enabled 
    Sequence Numbers... 
      - Transaction sequence number 
        Next number is 0:188448 
        Group size is 0:32 
        Last updated 17-FEB-1997 16:43:43.90 by PID 212005ED 
      - Commit sequence number 
        Next number is 0:33888 
        Group size is 0:32 
        Last updated 15-FEB-1997 23:19:37.49 by PID 21A00A5A 
      - Database bind sequence number 
        Next number is 0:0 
        Group size is 0:32 
        Last updated 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00 by PID 00000000 
Storage area "RUNTIME_INFO_GRP_U" 
    Area ID number is 54 
    Access mode is READ/WRITE 
      - Page format is uniform 
      - Page size is 12 blocks 
      - Initial data page count was 110 
      - Current physical page count is 111 
      - Page checksums are enabled 
      - Row level locking is enabled 
    Row Caching... 
      - Row caching is enabled 
      - No row cache is defined for this area 
      - Extends are enabled 
      - Extend area by 20%, minimum of 99 pages, maximum of 9999 pages 
      - Volume set spreading is enabled 
      - Area has never been extended 
      - Snapshots are enabled 
      - Snapshot area ID number is 278 
    Space Management... 
      - SPAMS are enabled 
      - Interval is 2719 data pages 
      - Current SPAM page count is 1 
      - Area last backed up at 14-FEB-1997 15:36:24.79 
      - Area full backup TSN is 0:185136 
      - Area has never been incrementally restored 
Dump of Corrupt Page Table: 
Corrupt page table is empty. 
Oracle Rdb specific root record 
    Dbkey for Oracle Rdb bootstrap page is 293:6545:0 
    Latest full backup file is dated 14-FEB-1997 15:36:24.79 
    Latest full backup transaction sequence number is 0:185136 
    Database has never been incrementally restored 
    Latest full restore occurred at 14-OCT-1996 14:21:29.65 
    Database has never been verified 
    Database has never been altered 
5041.1NOVA::SMITHIDon't understate or underestimate Rdb!Tue Feb 18 1997 16:076
It looks like the page is corrupted.  The record segment header is trash which
will make the data retrieval impossible.

Do you have the AIJ files from when the row was updated?

5041.2M5::LWILCOXChocolate in January!!Tue Feb 18 1997 17:4412
Gary, if the guy has a rubber chicken handy I'd suggest waving it over
the machine NOW!  Unfortunately it won't cure this sick page.  If he
happens to have a backup and aij he might be able to just restore/roll
the page.  The problem might be knowing how far back to go to get clean

If he doesn't have aij and it's critical (I know, the two words don't go
together) than with a po and the right amount of $$ you could probably
find someone on our team who could patch the page.  It would be useful
if he at least had a backup of this page that looked "reasonable".

5041.3ThanksM5::GHODSONTue Feb 18 1997 19:194
    Thanks Ian and Liz.  The customer ended up truncating the area which
    released the page with the bad pointers...  This was a test database
    so he did not have aij enabled.  He is going to try an come up with
    a script that reproduces this and let me know.