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Conference netcad::hub_mgnt

Notice:Firmware -2, Doc -3, Power -4, HW kits -5, firm load -6&7
Created:Wed Nov 13 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4455
Total number of notes:16761

1021.0. "Use Netview to turn off 900TP ports" by HGODCS::RICHARDLAM () Tue May 24 1994 10:24

**This is posted in the Netview notes conference as well**

My customer plans to use Netview to manage two DB900s and modules in these hubs.

Each DB900 has a DECbridge 900MX that connects to an FDDI backbone, and a few 
900TP modules.

All desktop workstations connect to the FDDI backbone via fault-tolerant 
10BaseT transceivers (FTT). The primary link of the FTT connects to a 900TP 
module in the first hub, while the standby link connects to the second hub.

The purpose of doing this obviously is to avoid SPOF (single point of failure),
and not using spanning tree, which is a requirement.

Now the question is: Is it possible to use Netview to monitor the DB900 hubs 
and the DECbridge900 MXes, so that when any one of these breaks, the network 
management station (Netview) can shut down or disable all 900TP ports? (Of
course the Netview station is connected to the FDDI backbone directly.)

We are selling that we can achieve resilence without using spanning tree,
whose failover time has been a concern to the customer.

1021.1How can i update new MIBs to Polycenter Netview?TLAV01::WITTAYAJThu Sep 29 1994 05:107
    Hi Richardlam,
      I use polycenter on Netview for OSF/1 but it is wrong to display
    Hub900 module. I think because it do not have Hub900's MIBs for 
    Version 3.0 ,so I can not manage Hub900 and it's module. How can
    i update new MIBs to Polycenter Netview ?
    Thank you