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Conference 7.286::atarist

Title:Atari ST, TT, & Falcon
Notice:Please read note 1.0 and its replies before posting!
Created:Mon Apr 04 1988
Last Modified:Tue May 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1433
Total number of notes:10312

107.0. "Color on Monochrome, M on Color???" by HLDG02::VELZEN () Tue May 31 1988 11:28

    At a computershow here in Holland I saw two interesting utilities
    One runs color software on a monochrome monitor,
    the other runs monochrome software on a color monitor.
    Has anyone used these utilities??? 
107.1There's a PD program for color monitorsMILRAT::WALLACETue May 31 1988 16:495
    I haven't used them but I know of a PD program for running monochrome
    programs on a color monitor. I believe its called MONO or MONOWARE,
    something like that.
107.2OMNIRESGEMVAX::KEENETue May 31 1988 19:2713
    I understand there's a new product called "Omnires" that lets you
    run color programs on a monchrome screen and mono programs on a
    color screen, all from the same program.  It's supposed to run all
    programs including copy-protected titles.  It's written in machine
    language, can be used on a hard disk, and it's compatible with North
    American and German ST's.  The company is:
    Hypertek/Silicon Springs Development Corp.
    205-2571 Shughnessy Street
    Port Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
    Phone: 604-942-4577
    Fax:   604-941-9358
107.3STOPIT::BADMANLaugh ? I almost did.Wed Jun 01 1988 10:005
    does anyone have the PD version for displaying mono stuff on a colour
    monior ?
107.4MONOWARE is hereMILRAT::WALLACEThu Jun 02 1988 17:448
    I uploaded MONOWARE.ARC last night (well early this AM. :-) and
    can be copied from:
    It includes assembler source and allows running monochrome programs
    on a color monitor.
107.5Questions, questions, questionsHLDG02::VELZENFri Jun 03 1988 07:2115
    What are the experiences with MONOWARE
    -How is the quality of the images
    -Does the program affect speed
    -Do all monochrome programs run
    Anyone experiences with the program I need:
    Running color programs on a monochrome monitor?
107.6The same question againHLDG02::VELZENTue Jun 14 1988 14:5317
    My question is still unanswered .
    So I give it another try.
    Has anyone ever used or seen one of the screen conversion programs
    (mono on color, color on mono).
    Someone uploaded monoware, nobody using it ???????
    (By the way just found a scheme of a scanner, using a photo transistor
     on top of the printer head, the whole hardware shoudn't cost more
    than 8 $ {phototransistor, NE555, resistors, capacitor, connector},
    I'll try to get it to work with the STAD drawing program)
107.7I Use ItDORIS::JAMESHoward James/PSG Tech Support/Queens HouseWed Jun 15 1988 07:539
    Yes I use monoware as obtained from the net and it's OK but you
    do need a REALLY GOOD monitor. I have a GOOD colour monitor but
    I still get fringing (colour/shade) changing towards the edges of
    the tube on the edges of characters. Also the cursor movement is
    slowed down but this is explained in the note. It solved a problem
    for me in that I can now design printed circuit boards with 0.1
    inch DIPS.
    Scanner sounds good. Any more details?
107.8Duf MonoRDGE44::ADAMSThu Jul 28 1988 10:0310
    I have got two mono simulator programs on my ST and neither of them
    work.  One is MONO.PRG, the other is the MONOWARE.PRG, both crash
    in the same way, the screen just corrupts, and changes frequency
    (50 to 60Hz I think) I have tried sorting through the mnemonics
    of MONOWARE.ASM (I goth MONOWARE.ASM with it, much better than trying
    to disassemble MONOWARE.PRG) but got nowhere, can anyone help?
107.9TOS ProblemDORIS::JAMESLeft Handed People are Super NaturalThu Jul 28 1988 11:535
    'tis your version of TOS. I'll bet you have the latest. There's
    a new magazine out (UK) that gives away a free disk (I can't think of
    the name just now) but in the August issue (No.2) there is a updated
    monoware.prg program on the disk. The original worked for me so
    I've not taken too much notice of the new one.
107.10ST/AMIGAFOOT::WRIGHTI AM a member of this companyThu Jul 28 1988 12:564
    The magazine is ST/AMIGA and provides  dual format disc for these
107.11Things are getting worse...RDGE44::ADAMSThu Jul 28 1988 13:2411
    The MONOWARE.PRG is the one on the dual format disk.
    One of my friends has got an ST (520STFM) which is identical except
    that his ST's drive and power LED's are yellow and green while mine
    are both red, this is the only cosmetic difference between the two.
    There must be a Hardware difference somwhere as well, can anyone
    tell me where?
    even more desperate
107.12Old or NewSEDOAS::WATTIt's Life Jim but not as we know itThu Jul 28 1988 16:5110
    The new Atari's are physically identical, the only differance is
    the ne ROM set. The quickest way to check if you have the new ROM
    set is to save the desktop setup, if it comes up with a box asking
    if you really want to do this, then it is the new ROM set. If it's
    the old ROM set it will just do it. I think that the default date
    is also differant, on mine I think it's November 1985.
    ragards Peter.
107.13?? new Ataris ??FREKE::LEIGHThu Jul 28 1988 18:537
>    The new Atari's are physically identical, the only differance is
>    the ne ROM set. The quickest way to check if you have the new ROM

 How new is 'new'?

107.14SEDOAS::WATTIt's Life Jim but not as we know itFri Jul 29 1988 15:405
    There are only two versions of ROM available the new or the old.
    I used to have a list of games etc that won't run on the new ROM
    set, but I can't find it. Perhaps someone else has one ?
    Regards Peter
107.15...FREKE::LEIGHFri Jul 29 1988 17:226
>    There are only two versions of ROM available the new or the old.

And when did the 'new' come out?


107.16Possible Reason ?DOOZER::MAUDEJohn S. Maude EDU Services Reading UKTue Aug 02 1988 11:3610
    Hi All,
    	I was told about a week ago that before the new ROM's came out
    a batch of 520 STFM came out with TOS in EPROM's. This batch is
    apparently causing problems with disk protection scheme's for a
    variety of games etc. The way to spot this batch was to look at
    the lights, but I can't remember which was which.
107.17DUFF EPROMS????KERNEL::FLOWERSHero of the Green Screen...Tue Aug 02 1988 14:0917
    	Does anyone out there have any more info on this alleged problem.
    If so  please share it here as it could be the answer to all my
    problems.. ( or rather a friend of mine's problems ).
    Jason  Flowers.
107.18What new ROMS????PANGLS::BAILEYTue Aug 02 1988 19:4025
    I'm losing track.
    To which EPROMs are you refering?
    I think are currently three versions of released TOS:
        1) The RAM version, shipped with early 520 STs
        2) The first ROM version.  Shipped with subsequent 520 STs,
           all 1040STs.  Still shipping, correct?
        3) The MEGA ROM version.  A small number of changes to support
           the MEGAs.  Only shipped with the MEGAs, or a blitter upgrade,
    There is a totally new verion of TOS in beta test, but I don't think
    those have been released.
    Totally independently, there is a problem with some copy protected
    software on some of the newer ST systems because the floppy drives
    have difficulty seeking tracks beyond those which the standard ST
    format uses.  Copy protected disks often have data written on these
    So can somebody straighten me out here?
107.19To ROM or not to ROMSEDOAS::WATTIt's Life Jim but not as we know itWed Aug 03 1988 14:0734
    Ok here we go.
    1. When the Atari was first announced the operating system was in
    RAM and not on ROM. Atari then offered an upgrade service to these
    poor owners, so they could have ROM's and not use large lumps of
    RAM up with the O.S.
    2. As of 1986 all Atari's had there operating system in ROM, this
    ROM O.S. had a few bugs in it. ie The directory problem and a few
    others which I forget now. This is the O.S. that I have in my 520
    3. Atari then announced the 520 STFM, basically a 1040 with only
    0.5 meg of memory and a single sided floppy. This is when people
    started having problems with the copy protection routines that upto
    then had been used. The drive in the system could not read tracks
    81 or 82, this was very marginal, as some could. (sometimes)
    4. In Jan 88 Atari started shipping the Mega machines, with the
    new ROM's. These had the old bugs fixed and a few goodies put in,
    like blitter support etc. Any machine 520 1040 etc after this date
    could have the mega ROM's installed. The only way to tell is either
    to open your machine and you will see three ROM sockets with nothing
    there or as I said in an earlier note you try to save the desktop
    and if you get a Y/N prompt up then you have the NEW version of
    the O.S. If you don't then you will get no warning and it will save
    it to disk.
    Unfortunately some software packages would not work with the new
    ROM's as they were doing, in Atari's words, Naughties, I.E. jumping
    direct into routines in the ROM's which have now changed location.
    I hope this has cleared up any probs.