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Conference misery::feline_v1

Title:Meower Power is Valuing Differences
Notice:FELINE_V1 is moving 1/11/94 5pm PST to MISERY
Created:Sun Feb 09 1986
Last Modified:Tue Jan 11 1994
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5089
Total number of notes:60366

3987.0. "HELP, CAT LOVERS..need a new home..." by BIGMAC::DEMILLE () Tue Sep 11 1990 14:33

    HELP...Cat lovers...
    I couldn't think of a better place to put this...
    I am desperate to find a new loving home for my cats...8(
    I would NEVER do this, but I've tried everything!  I have three
    cats (that I got as kittens) and later discovered I was deathly
    allergic.  Knowing that I would never give them up, I went to
    the doctor and opted for allergy medication.  I'm now taking
    meds. twice a day and my allergies are getting worse.  I'm 
    now having trouble breathing...and I have been instructed to
    find a new home for my cats asap. (I can't believe I'm writing this!
    It breaks my heart to think of giving them up!)
    A description of each:
    1.  "TAZ"  Female, (my first!) She is @ 2yrs old, grey, white, and
    	       tan, with dark emerald eyes.  She's affectionate and loving.
               She loves to be held.
    2.  "Medusa"  Female, @ 1.5 yrs old, a grey tiger who is  the
                  "mysterious" one...she's always up to something.
    	          Very independent!
    3.  "Casper"  Male, @ 1yr old, pure white...(hence the name) nothing
    		  move him!  He is lazy, loving, and affectionate.
    		  (I think he's become the "alpha cat" , Taz used to
    All three are spayed/neut'd and DE-clawed.  The are great in-door
    pets!  They love to be around people and window sills...
    They've always been together and I would love to keep them that
    way, but I know that not everyone would want 3 cats...but if 
    there is a possibility...I would opt for not splitting them up.
     ****Please let me know if there is a loving home out there were
    my cats would be welcomed and cared for...
    Rhonda               DTN: 223-3258     or  Home:  343-7576
                    (outside) 493-3258
    			or Node:  BIGMAC::DEMILLE
3987.1Have you tried giving your cats baths?WECARE::BARTLETTTue Sep 11 1990 15:5613
    Have you tried bathing your cats? There are some new studies out now
    that indicate a simple bath once a month rids the cats' fur of the
    protein FELd1 produced by the glands in the skin. This protein is
    actually what most people are allergic to. Studies have been written in
    both "CATS" magazine as well as in "In Health" magazine.  Before
    finding new homes for your babies, why not try this first. The studies
    indicate that it takes a few months of bathing first before changes are
    noticed. Just regular soap and water ought to do it... (along with a
    little scrubbing.)  It's worth a try!
3987.2thanks, but...BIGMAC::DEMILLETue Sep 11 1990 17:3539
    Thanks for the advice Liz!
    ...only I've done the "bath"route... It always "feels" good knowing
    that they're nice and clean...but I'm a "MESS" when I'm done!  
    (runny eyes, nose, wheezing...etc...etc...) and even after the bath
    it doesn't seem to make any difference?????
    The allergies have gotten so bad that I can't even be in the same
    room anymore.  I block off the bedroom all the time now (when actually
    they "used" to sleep with me...that was the first thing that had
    to change...I think they're quite confused!)
    I really don't know what else I can do.  I've been on allergy
    medication now for about 8 months (I just assumed that would take
    care of it...) I didn't realize they could get worse?
    Unfortuneately (?)...I waited until it became "unliveable conditions"
    and now I have no choice.  But...I will only give them up to a good
    home (that's the only way I could sleep at night) If I can't find
    one I don't know what I'm going to do...I don't know what me
    alternative are...
    one idea I had was to build a "kennel" type area in the back yard.
    only because they're de-clawed, I'd be affraid of leaving them out
    all the time...(in fear of another animal getting in or there getting
    out...)  also..."I" wouldn't really be able to enjoy them and they
    won't have the human interaction that they're used to.  I'd rather
    have someone who could hold and cuddle them...etc  I think it would
    be a better life for them....
    any other ideas??
    (sorry, to be rambling...I'm just not happy about having to do this...)
3987.3JJLIET::JUDYthe boomerang zoneTue Sep 11 1990 20:1016
    	Are you by any chance allergic to other things besides cats?
    	The reason I ask is, if this has become worse just recently,
    	you could be having an allergic reaction to pollen.  It's
    	been shown that this year has been absolutely horrible for
    	hayfever sufferers.  Believe me, I'm one of them and this
    	year has been unbelievable.  People I know that don't normally
    	have allergies are having a reaction to the pollen this season.
    	Could this possibly be attributing to the allergy to the cats
    	and also making you more susceptible.??
    	Just a thought.....
3987.4How about.......BOOVX1::MANDILETue Sep 11 1990 20:1918
    Just a thought....could you be allergic to something
    ELSE besides your cats?  I have allergies & asthma,
    and have four cats.  Unless I have a cold or am in
    a cold temp or smokey situation, the asthma is no 
    problem.  However, the allergies come & go in a strange
    manner, sometimes intense, sometimes not at all.
    The cats rarely start me going, but different rooms
    of the house, times of the year, or something new
    introduced might bring it on.  I am allergic to my
    horse & bunnies, too, BTW.  
    Maybe you could board the cats for a week, to see if
    they are the MAIN cause of your allergies.....You
    might be allergic to the new laundry detergent, or
    soap or cat spray you use on the cats (I am allergic to
    flea powder, spray  etc. )
    Might be worth a try....
3987.5some questions, some suggestionsTYGON::WILDEillegal possession of a GNUTue Sep 11 1990 21:0931
As a fellow sufferer, I ask:

1) are you going to a REAL allergy specialist?  There are new methods
of desensitizing the allergic person to the allergens, particularly the
cat allergens which are sourced in saliva and skin of the animal.  I am
going back into the de-sensitizing shot series myself because my allergies to
other things have gotten so much worse and the cats are, indeed, causing
additional stress on the body.  I also had more tests, using my blood,
to determine if I am allergic to anything "new" OR if my response to anything
is "greater" than it used to be.  I am no MORE allergic to the cats than
I used to be...I AM more affected by the plant life and wood smoke out there.
In my case, had I gotten rid of my cats, I would NOT have solved my problem,
and I would have lost my beloved pets.  

2) can you get a friend to bathe the cats once a month...and have your
carpets and furniture cleaned once, either through the kindness of friends or
through hiring someone to do it?  Even while waiting to place your
cats, you can relieve your symptoms A GREAT DEAL if you will clean your 
environment AND clean the cats at the same time.  Cleaning the cats while
leaving the furniture covered with the allergen isn't going to solve or
lessen your problem.  Most of us are also very sensitive to dust mites
and you should make sure to keep the house AND furniture well vacuumed, like
TWICE A WEEK....I know, it's not my favorite way to spend my time, either.
AND USE A DUST BARRIER MASK when cleaning house.  I also minimize the use
of spray chemicals in cleaning house, fixing my hair, etc.  I don't use
any kind of hair spray, for instance.  If you need to use furniture polish,
use other than spray polish, like the pre-treated cloths.

Good luck placing your cats.  It really will be a problem to find them any
homes and you will need all the luck you can get. I have my fingers crossed
for you.
3987.6CRUISE::NDCPutiput Scottish Folds - DTN: 297-2313Wed Sep 12 1990 16:549
    You might also look into an air-filter.  That helps my husband
    who is now on Histamal, the latest and greatest allergy medication.
    Trying to place 3 adult cats is going to be an very very very
    difficult task.  Its easier for us to come up with suggestions
    for dealing with the allergy than finding homes for  your cats.
    BTW - my husband and I are both allergic to cats and the current
    count is 8 adults and 7 kittens.  :-)
3987.7FRAGLE::PELUSOPAINTS; color your corralWed Sep 12 1990 16:5622
    I have been going to an allergy specialist for just over a year.  It is
    his opinion that it is not just one thing but a combination of several
    things which cause allergy reactions.  I have been suffering more this
    summer than last.....and I have no real idea why (nor does he).
    However, my idea of suffering may not be yours.....I usually get severe
    headaches, red itchy eyes and sniffles (as opposed to just occasional 
    sniffles and itching).  On top of the maintainance allergy pills, I also 
    have eye drops, eye cream, and a nasal spray.  I don't use them unless
    I am suffering more that usual....and they usually bring on relief.
    If you are like my neighbor who has severe wheezing attacks.....then
    maybe removing them is your best bet.
    I feel for you because my life centers around animals, and I would be
    totally devestated if I had to remove them from my life.  I liked the
    idea of boarding them out for a week to see if they are the reason....
    let us know what happens.
    Michele & Nippa 
3987.8Thanks for the support!!BIGMAC::DEMILLEWed Sep 12 1990 17:4420
    I can't believe all this great support!!!   THANK YOU!!!
    I like the idea of "boarding" them for awhile...I would be
    mortified if they really weren't the "whole" cause and I 
    gave them up.  
    I am seeing an allergist in MA. GENERAL Hospital in Boston.  
    (I've been seeing him for quite some time and consider him to
    be one of the best...so I do trust him, but I will consider as
    many "other" alternatives as I can.)
    Any ideas/comments about building a "Kitty Kennel" outside for
    my cats...(keep in mind they are declawed)...this may have to
    be my alternative...
    ...again, thanks for so much support!!!  (only cat/animal lovers
    really understand!)
    Rhonda...(Taz, Medusa, & Casper)
3987.9AZMACORTHOTAIR::SIMONHugs Welcome Anytime!Wed Sep 12 1990 20:1610
    When you see your allergist, ask about inhaled steroids.  I am a
    terrible asthma sufferer (thank God it's not the cats).  I occasionally
    get bad enough to spend a few days in the hospital.  I am currently
    on Azmacort, an inhaled steroid, and it is wonderful.  It allegedly
    gives you the same benefits as about 2 milligrams of prednisone without
    side effects.  I am doing really well on it as a preventive.  I can
    even run at the moment.
3987.10maybe it's the cat litter?SUSANJ::FUSCIDEC has it (on backorder) NOW!Wed Sep 12 1990 22:027
re: find that allergy!

Also, what cat litter do you use?  My wife has asthma, and a host of other
allergies, and it turns out she's deathly allergic to most brands of cat
litter.  The one that's okay is your basic red bag Klean Kitty.

3987.11TPMARY::TAMIRACMS design while-u-waitThu Sep 13 1990 13:1116
My older brother suffers terribly from allegies and asthma.  He could not
tolerate being in the same house as my cats (back when I only had 2!!).   One
day, a package arrived via UPS with a super-duper air purifier/ionizer.  He
told me to turn it on the day before he arrives so he could breathe without
a ventilator.  Ya, sure, I thought...but it actually worked.  I don't know
how or why, but it helped him alot.  His daughter had to be hospitalized
due to asthma and allergies, and they had one in her hospital room, so he
gave it a try at home, and both he and my niece are having an easier time
this summer.  It's not a cure, but it might help rid the air of some of the
airborne gunk that's causing you so much grief.

Since your in the greater Boston area, you might try Lechmere; they've got
a good selection.

Good luck!
3987.12VAXWRK::SKALTSISDebThu Sep 13 1990 15:578
    I bought one of those Alpine Air things at the Salem cat show. My main
    purpose was to try to get rid of some of the cat oder in the house, but
    a side effect was that my allergies (pollen, dust, trees, everything
    but furry creatures) didn't act up while I was in the house. It set
    me back $400 but boy was it worth it. I'm thinking of getting a second
    one for the upstairs.
3987.13questions on the air purifierFRAGLE::PELUSOPAINTS; color your corralThu Sep 13 1990 16:135
    I'm thinking of buying one for the winter for my room.  Do they work
    on a per room basis or would they help the entire floor.  Also do you
    think it would help cigg. smoke?
3987.14Most likelyVAXWRK::SKALTSISDebThu Sep 13 1990 18:0113
    They say that one is good for a whole house (you shoud put it as high
    up as you can can on the top floor). That works fine if your house is
    of a "popular floorplan". Mine isn't. It takes case of the entire down
    stairs (5 good sized rooms plus a bathroom with 3 litterboxes).
    I suspect it would take care of cigars, but since I don't allow smoking
    in my house, I can't verify that. I can verify that it takes care of
    cooking odor (fried food, even fish), even when I burn something.
    You don't have anything to lose by buying one as they will give you a
    full refund if you aren't satisfied within 30 days.
3987.15ICS::GERRYHome is where the Cat isThu Sep 13 1990 19:236
    Please provide more info....what is this Alpine air thing???  I'm
    always looking for ways to improve the environment in my house!
3987.16WR2FOR::CORDESBRO_JOset home/cat_max=infinityThu Sep 13 1990 21:108
    Me too!
    If it will help with household odors, ala having lots of cats and
    cat boxes in the house, I am interested.  It that one of those Puridyne
    Air cleaners?  There is a guy that goes to all the shows out here
    selling puridyne systems.  I think they are upwards of $400.  
3987.17Alpine Air ProductsICS::GERRYHome is where the Cat isFri Sep 14 1990 18:3812
    I got the info from Deb, and it's not the Puridyne system.  In talking
    with the guy that travels for Puridyne out here, it doesn't do anything
    for order, just airborn bacteria and virus.  
    The info from Deb actually says this system replaces ozone.  Sounds
    pretty interesting.  I think I'll call the company and see if they have
    a distributor in my area that might consider a home demo!
3987.18See note 654.12VAXWRK::SKALTSISDebFri Sep 14 1990 18:578
    actually, they have combined the ozone generator with an ionizer.
    I've entered something in the CONSUMER_REPORT note, 654.12
    Cin, what really sold me on it was he had one runing at the Salem show
    and I can tell you that his booth area smelled like you were outdoors,
    not like you were in the same room with 150 litterboxes.
3987.19I'm really interested...ICS::GERRYHome is where the Cat isFri Sep 14 1990 20:2510
    After reading the literature you brought over, I've called the company
    to try to set up a demonstration.  I am waiting to hear back from
    I'm always looking for ways to improve the athmosphere in my cattery.